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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Dec 1893, p. 4

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re Changes in the Tariff Injured, Rather Than Aided. Washington, Dec, 12.--There have teen further changes in the revised) arf bill which will be of interest to Canada, The formidable opposition of the lumbernien of Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin to the placing of manu- factured lumber on the free list had © the effect to induce the committee to put backwpon the dutiable list several ~ grades of purtinlly manufactured luml.er which the original bill placed on the free list. In addition to that, there has been a change in the agricultural The cause of prohibition is not ad- vanced, nok is the prospect of a favor able vote on' the plebiscite improved, by the efforts of the professional pro- hibitionists imported from the Western 1% States, These men 'are ignorant of the con- ditions under which we live, They are unacquainted with the sentiment of the people, and they are notin sympathy with oar form of government or mode of thought. THE ROYAL ELECTRIC CO. Aro and Incandescent Electric Lighting, |and has largely increased is 0 ELBOTRIO LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS Electric Motors aud Generators. 3 AND BUILDERS OF THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 80 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST. It is folly to suppose that such spenk- schedule. Barley-malt is separately classified at 25 per cent., which is an increase of 5 per cent. over the rate in the bill published two weeks ago. This has been due to the remonstrances of the New York State farmers along the ers would have any persuading effect upon the minds of Oanadians, The prohibitionists have a good | cruse: The arguments to be used in favor of it are many and strong. The L [eo] Cc A L P |= 4 E S Ss THE BEST J ovErTiSiNG « MEDIU IN THE WORLD IS THE movement ig not helped by vulgar] Canadian border, There has been no other change in theagricultural schedale in which Canada has special interest. the ieti ters.-- News, A new paragraph has been ndded to the ese _perpriglig spouters.-- News | revised bill which will be of importance Bp - i e mmportanc . " ' " : : Relief in Six Hours.-- Distressing Kid- to those contemplating sending shell-| yey and Blad diseases relieved in six fish packed in tin cans into the United States, This paragraph reads: --*"Oans or packages made of tin or other metal, containing shellfish admitted free of duty, not exceeding one quart in con- tents, shall be subject to a duty of eight cents per dozen cans or packnges, hen exceeding onc quart, shall ot to an additional duty of four 0 per dozen for each ndditional half quart or fractional part thereof." ALL MEN hours by the "NEw Great SovTH AMER- 1cA¥ Kipxey Onre." This new remedy is on account of its exaeeding promptuess in relieving pain isthe bladder, kidneys, back and ever 2 male or femaled It water and pai mediately. - Sol 0! relieves - retention of passin eds avis, Druggist. For Boils and Skin Diseases. boils and skin diseases, and I find it very good as a cure As u dyspepsia cure I have also found it unequalled, pi s of tern flav hich he ineipes wack i trae ot!l A PERFECT ARTICLE. a great surprise and delight to physicians | go & re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Sods of the urinary passages in | past 80 years, and is now (1fpossible)betier i) ever, it almost im-| ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. CIGARS. DAR Sirs. -~[havebeen wing B.B.B. for FAVORITE IND RENOWNED BRANDS MONTERO, GbR The purest quality of Cream Tartar, nly are used in this preparation. Hones stood Al with hourckeepers for the freight saved. ester, free of charge, HE Undersigned g store in the LAM Hotelkeepers sup y In stock, fine brands, Wing Prices to suit the times, #2 Parcels delivered to any g Port Perry, April 8, 1890, ee that he has removed his business to that fine K"--one door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- nd a fine assortment, in all lines, and Retail ! t Toronto and Montreal Prices-- Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, cited. » ? {tho Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manchk M. WILLIAMS. Young, old or middle aged, who find them- selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork. resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss Ms. Saran HAMILTON, -- ---- Horroway's Pints AND OINTMENT. Montreal, Que UNION JACK, TOM SAWYER. For Bale Everywhere. of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimnees of sight, palpitation of the heart --The most effectual Cure for Gout PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. and Rheumatism.--A frequent cause emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculinr sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness. deposits in the urive, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, copstipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround ed with LEADKN CIRCLES, oily looking skin ete., are all symptoms of nervous debilit; of these complaints is the inflammatory state of the blood, showing the want of a proper circula tion of the fluid, and that impurity of ihe blood greatly aggravates these dis orders, Holloway's Pills are of so taken in time are an effectual preven- tive against gout and rheumatism, but wnyone that has an attack of either attended with bad M A digestion, lassitude, and great debility, Coffee Inthe World. Sold in Tins only. purifying a nature that a few doses | direct to Acme Mills, Montreal, who will mail immediately free trial sample to the address given. The Finest Pure Cround If you cannot get it at sour nearest grocer, send postal card that lead to insanity unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance, may be permantly cured. Send your ad dress for book on diseases peculiar to man sond 100 in stamps, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdounell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. should use Holloway's Ointment also, the powerful properties of which, com- hined with the effects of the Pills, en- sure a certain cure, The Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed into the parts affected at least twice a day, after they have been sufficiéntly fomented il im-- with warm water to open the pores tc What They owe to Drawin. | 'acilitate the introduction of the Oint- --- pent to the glands. A few workingmen were discussing names of great scientists in Manchester The name of Darwin cropped up. Onc of the company, less learned than the rest, said, 'Darwin, I kna that place A've heen ther' monny a toime." 'Ge out, you fool I' said another. 'We're nut talkin' about the place called Dar wen, but the mon. Hevn't ye nivver heerd o' Darwen? Why, if it hadn" been for Darwen we s'ould all hev been chatterin' monkeys, and nut gentlemen, hke we are. EE 2 In the list of the Treasurers Sale f Lands in the County for arrears of taxes o take place at the Court House, Whithy, n 20th Decomber, 1893, the following lo uted in the townships of Reach and Brock wre liable to be sold :-- TOWNSHIP OF REACH. Block D, pt. lot 3, in Prince Albert--Ilot 17, con. b. Block D, pt. lot 1, Prince Albert--lot 17, con, b. South part lot 3, con. 4. South part lov 17, con. 9. TOWNSIIIP OF BROCK. Part lot 12, con. Part lot 12, con. Part lot 12, con. 6---shop in Sunderland. South-half lot 11, con. 14. embassy wee tpi A Disagreeable Habit. Why go shout hawking and spitting when Nasal Balm will remove every vestige of your catarrh, and thus relieve you of this disagreeable habit ? Tn cases of cold mn the head, Nasal Bum gives instant relief and effects a permanent cure. From dealers or by mail, post prid, 50c. small or §1 large size bottle. Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont, erp ena Rheumatism Cured in a Day.--Sonth American Rhenmatie Cure, for Rheumatism nd Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable ind mysterious, It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits --75 cents. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist --- For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winstow's Soornixa SYRUP hae been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at wight and broken of your rest bya sick child suffering abd crying with pain of Cut ting Tcoth send at once and get a bottle of * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor .ittle sufferer immediately. Depend upon (after a few moments' reflection) | it, mothers, there is no mistake about it It cares Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach wd Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. *' Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for " Mrs. WinsLow's SoorriNg Syrup." After instructing his men in the points of the compass, Lieutenant X says to one of them :-- You have in front of you the north; on your right, the east ; on your left, the west. What have you behind you! Private B -- 'My knapsack, lieutenant.' Hefelstein (eying a sandwich just purchased at a Pallman car buffet)-- Vell, I dinks Mr. Bullman must haf cudt dot sandvitch oudt mid a gon ducter's bunch. An eel can live out of water for at least eighteen days. A Kentucky colonel is supposed to he able to live without water for a whole life-time. Aunt Maria--'And how were the JF ; . a Sunday School, 2.80 p.m. ladies all dressed, Carrie ¥ [Oarrie-- Thursday--Eveneong, 7.80 p.m. Why, aunt, I'm astonished ! Ladies | ---- are gowned, not dressed The word 'dressed' ie only used in good societ) in reference to food. Church of the Ascension. REV. JOS. FLEPCHER, M.A., INCUMBENT. Aunday--Mating, 10.30 a m.' Bvensong, 7 p,m. Methodist Church. REV. L. W. HILL, B A,, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Feeble and capricious appetites are Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. best regulated by the use of Ayer' Cathartic Pills. They do not debilitate, by excessive stimulation; but caus Bt. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITFEMAN, B.A., PAsTO Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. the stomach, liver, and bowels to per Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:50, form their functions properly. Asm after dinner pill, they are unequaled. Baptist Church. Her Mother--'I am surprised a Charles squandering so much money ot Rp graph.' The Wife--1 am not. : whimseld talki REV. MR. CAMERON, Pastox. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, :80. give great SHILON'S VITALIZE " Ehiloh's Vitatizer* 8d ER. jis ir) Rr ER are sold on a gua; For Bale a a Barg:in TU ls Si stock and of most select ; children | N The great success and reputation that LUBY'S PARISIAN HAIR REXEWER has obtained proves it has no equal for restoring hair to its néitural color, and from its balsamie properties strengthens fhe growth of the hair, removing all dandruff, and leaves the scalp clean and healthy, Bold by a!l Druggists. 50c. a Bottle ---- Success the Test of Worth I11 PILLS Ano OINTMENT THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart tone to th vous [EM, and ast most power fully yet soothingly on the "LIVER AND BOWELS, promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, an¢ endowing the whole bodily frame witl| STRENGTH and vigour. Nervous Head aches, Tremblings with Lassitude anc GENERAL DEBILITY quickly yield to the potent force of these well-known Pills, anc they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, skin blemishes pimples and boils, better than any other family med cine known. [THE OINTMENT) HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, Tt heals every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- lucing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle viating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of kin disease. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at A NNODNCENENT | {his undersigned takes much pleasure in NewBrickEstablishment : SER dB ; # w] \ facilities for business will prove advantago- ous to all doing business with him, etill increasing patrona, Kpproved Oven has all the latest improvements and does its work to perfection. CHOICE BREAD. CONFECTIONERY, &G Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891. informin the public that he has now moved into is extensive, well arranged here his superior and greatly increas 'With many thanks for very extensive ard Tae scarcely remind the public that my The public may rely on an unlimited supply of Every variet' of FANCY BREAD, CHOICE BRIDAL CAKES Stomach# Liver THE KEY 10 HEALTH, His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers at Prices that. cannot be Shaded | Call and examine my Stoek and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Ohairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and Plush. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Whitby, Jan. 15,1889. E. J JOHNSON. Fine Jowelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 cts to $6. REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Ady Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner DIESFELDS' 78, Nog Oxford Bt. (late 533, Oxford St.) London} And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines o ji the Pots Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Emerson Bros. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers beg to announce the they arc now prepared to manufactora DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY, patch. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANOY FENCE PICKETS men ean find bind : nenLavith us] 'Flooring and 8iding constantly on hand. ell of over * Planing done to Order. The of the public is a0 oan give you fa sone S i 4 : vepent . ningsajesmen Factory on Lilla street, just south of the & The trial will | Town Hall. Fos * 11NGTON. EMERSON BROS. ronto, Unt. | Port Perry, May 6, 1886. ¥ Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- iw |S og OC a EDGER On Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. | ) the K LIVER »» BOWELS, THE BLOOD. New York City. We want a boy in every. BLADE and CRICAGO on the street, to farmer<, al can start out and sell these bri testify. k runs nor risk of hoys make good agents, on who wishes to apply for an agency. Sa UR an Sent to larly, we wili give: t REBUY in. the town for which s a boy in would glad of the money in. this way, a he s falls ation of the BA DAY. newspaper world, a ~ Our Boys ted Bt, 10 sell single copies of the SATURDAY TS are readliy sold toevery shop, store, factory, strangers who are in town. ny hustling boy papers. They are the easies| ing papers pub- 'boy sends us 8 cents for each copy he sells, and nothing for the boy to start In business. and he nds, as we take back all unsold copies. Not enly jda. or those who cannot do hard work. Every 8 make mouey should To any ons who will handlethe papers re- il wells the paper in e evel opportunity to make BLADE Is dated and sold on SATURDAY, D a newspaper, yn artists. The great pop! reulation. The avernge week Sonics, and that of the CHICAGO LEDGER 140, selling qualities could he d by boys. fier 'Are Making Money. a copy free ax long as was appointed. town who and we ask those In- wend in the name of Ind who will agree to nd the fully illustrated. The asked; and nearly all The BLADE is the wonder of the D. BOYCE, 115 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, al! the impurities and foul humors, of the secretions; at the same time Cop= recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dzopsy, Pimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- 'ula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- sousness, and General Debility jal these and many other similar Complaints jeld to the happy influence of BURDOCK LOOD BITTERS. For 8clo by al' Mealers. T WTBURK & C0. Prouriators. Torontn, Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rain will leave Myrtle as follows GOING WEST.-- = + 5:58 8. m1, " SH 826 a.m, 7:06 p. m, GOING EAST-- - 10:86 3. m " 4 7:0! A. J. DAVIS, Agent, P Perry PATENT j§ 0080 UE) ' TES AND RE-158UEs secured, TRADE-MARKS d and all other patent causes in the Patent and before the Courts promptly and carefully prosecuted. Upon receipt of madel or sketeh of invention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patenta~ bility free of eharge. i s directly is inlly called to my perfect aid i facilities for making prompt prelin. st vigorous and successfu for patent, and for attend- ing to to tiny care, in. the | shortest possible time, Rejected canes aspecilalty. | FrES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given fo patent biusingss. Book of information and advice, and special references sent without charge upon re- quest. ross from the Patent Office, prose J.B, LITT . Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, Washington. D.C... Opposite U.S. Patent Off} Mention this pape .) 6 Clipping and Trimming The undersigned begs to inform the public that he is prepared to Clip and Trin (in Qld Country and other styles, all horses en- trusted to him. Orders left at M Graham's Blacksmith Shop will rece immediate attention. Charges moderate. ed, Satisfaction Guarant- B. F. CRANDELL. Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892. ~ DRESSMAKI NG. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity /that she is prepared to do Dressmaking in the latest and best style. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most cxpert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to hér cannot fail to please her patrons. A staff of competent assis- tants steadily engaged. Rooms at the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1802, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, ie Ho, ei and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. The Most Asto Medical Discovery of . the Last One Jundred Years. It Is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as & curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bow No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a buil ener ¢ life forces of the human body, and as a g intrnd d eT ousness of female ae [a period known as change in life, should not f "Tome, almost constantly, for the space of t carry them safely over the danger. This great tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new lLold on life. Tt will gdd ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a half" dozen bottles of the remedy each year. 'IT IS A GiitAl REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female Weakness, 'Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Tmpoverished Blood, Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbuncles, Sleeplessness, Scrofula, St Vitus' Dance, Scrofalous Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhea, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants, All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic, NERVOUS DISEASES, As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseages, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of thé"brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become btrong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover, As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the Wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves, For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for ite universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND, Aug. 20, "80. To the Great South American Mdicine Co.! DEAR GENTS: --1 desire to say to you that T have suffered for many years with a very serious disease of the stomach and nerves. I tried overy medicine I could hear of, but nothing doge me any appreciable good until 1 was adyieed to try your Great South American Nervine Tonle and Stomach and Liver Care, and since using geveral bottles of it/1 must say that lam sur- prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stom- ach and geoeral ne stom. If everyone knew the value of 1} as { do you would ResrcoA WiLkmsoN, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says: *"1had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my health was gone. I had been doctoring con stantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did ia my lie, I would advise every weakly per- son to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; & BE se aap UF few bottles of it has cured me completely. I J. A. Hiup - mnie 00, | cOnBider it the rrandest meting 5 the world."/ A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND., June 22, 1887. My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner- vine and she is completely restored. 1 believe it will cure every case of St. Vitug' Dance. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for alk forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause. ; . Joan T. MiseE- State of Indiana, Jos Montgomery County, : Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22, 1887. CHAS. W. WrigHT, Notary Publics INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ox and ONLY oNE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonie, Mags. ELLA A. BrATTOX, of New Ross, Indiana, says: "I cannot express how much I owe to the Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from TWO DESRAGLE RESIDENCES FOR SALE. The undersi ed offers for Bale two Comfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particularsapply to J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1586. TTA 1); ul UR oF [Vik East, Quckly, Pormaneatly Restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debliity, and all the train of evils from early errors 2,000 3 W proois mailed (sealed) free. 1 Jater excesses, the results of overwork, sick- | ness, worry, etc. Tull strength, development and tone given to every and portion of the body. Simple, , natu methods. Imme- ERIE MEDICAL C0., Bf 1.Y. | Nervine Tonic. My system was completely shat- tered, appetite gone, waa coughing and spitting blood; am sure I was in the first stages consumption, an inher! handed down in taking nse for 1 and the effects of an exhausted stomach, Indigestion, Nervous Prostration, and a general hhattered condition of my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doc- tors, with no relief. The first bottle of the Nerv- ine Tonic improved me so much that 1 was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. 1 ean not recommend it too highly." Druggist,

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