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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Feb 1894, p. 1

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SUCCESSOR TO DR. g D,, Muster of Surgery . versity; Licentiate ol of Pl Loudon, Eng. Bourne ot Col of Physicians & Surgeons, Outario,-- = at of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital {6r Diseases of Children, London, Eug. Physician, Surgeon, &'c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m., hd evenings. a residence, Dr. Humill's old BAMILL, , Victoria Uni- Royal College Office and stand, Queen St, - - Port Perry. Sa i OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &o. Solicitor bt the Ontario Bunk, #a Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887, E. FAREWELL, L. L. B.,, Coun #) ; Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &d., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Ftfice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, te oe YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Bacrister, . Attorney-at-Law Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &e _ Office--MeMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, iow putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from 84 T0 $75 EACH SET, Having just purchased the largest stock of teoth ever brought into North Ontario Tam satisfied I cau suit you both as to quality ind, price. Come and see. Rooms in the long Block, over Messis, Forman & Son's Store, J Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891. p completed his full Course at the Pro cterinary Ugllegs sug obtained a Diploma as Veterin- afy Surgeon, would announce that he has dpened an office for the practice of his pro- essionat Port Perry, whereall callspersonal y letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All diseases of animals' treated in the latest and best known system sa Telephone comnection-free.of charge. ORR GRAHAM, : © ORRG Port Perry; April 8, 1884. (I 52DUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Parouto, Office and. residence Evvenses Corrack, two miles south ot junobester, 14 years practice. Tele phone in the house--free communication pith Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Feleprapt culls to Manchester will be for- Fund by telephone. All Veterinary edicines in stock. Tvergreen Oouinger) Jan, 2, 1838. + North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, djricultural and Family Newspaper, © 18 PUBLISHED AT | romT PEERY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, H. PARSONS, Tannnpl por acnum, if paid in advance; f not $1.50 will be charged. No subsurip- tiontaken for Jess than six months ; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. Rates of Advertising: For each line. first insertion ....,.,. $0 08 equent insertions, per line .. 002 § Er Tan. per annum ,,.. 5 00 ters containing money, when addresse: tothe 0 "pre-paid i registered ei ' FOR THE UNTY ONTARIO : ry &e., ts received at the hij rates. Interest caloulated and cr each depositor semi-annually. = © © W.McGILL, MANAGER, Port Perry, April 4, 1888. ; 2 X DAVID J. ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. 'Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money. to Loan At BY per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1880. MONEY TO LOAN HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT Fo Security AT 6 PER CENT. #ar Also on Village Property, 4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WX _ HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk Port Perry, May 10, 1885, W. M. WILLCOX, 1 A i Licensed Auctioneer 0 ND. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. I TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberul patronage which I have received in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned to the ad vantage of patrons, and purties favoring nn with their sales may rely on their inter being fully protected. ~ No effort wilh he spared to make it to the advavtage of jar ties to place their Sulys in fay hands. y "Sale Bills made gut, #ud Blank Notes furnished free of charges Satisfaction guar- antee or n6 pay. Terms liberal. Pot Perry, Ju y 13, 1893. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to inform the public that heis pre pared to attend with the utnrost care ali sales entrusted to his charge in the Town: ships of Reach, Scugog and Mariposa. A register of dates of sales will Le kept at the office of Mr. Ory Grahum. V.8., with whom AITUDE way be made for sales. Al correspondence addressed to me at Seugoy P.0.. will receive prompt attention. #ar Sule Bills wade out and Blank Notes furnished five of charge. I would also inforst those interested in Poultry that I have on haud and for sal upwards of 100 fine, pure-hred Plymouth Rock Chicks. If you want anything iu that line please write me for prices or come. and see stock. GEORGE JACKSON. Scugog, July 18, 1803. T. SWAT, Licensed Auctioneer OR. THE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- Satisfaction guaranteed aud _ term: liberal, X : Office aud residence nt Ceesavea. Orders left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock. will receive prompt attention. P,8. No charge made y other County. The Best Medicine. J. 0. Wirgox, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas; thus speaks of Ayer's Pills: " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I haye used them in my family and rébommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day _tHills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys- pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold."--J. Ji Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER"S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mass, Every Dose Effective Cov PS 4 . we A Litt ghter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash; by | Ayer's Sargaparilla. Mr. RICHARD Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: 4 1 have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one in particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis- ter. The child was literally covered. from head to foot with a red and ex. ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer's-Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the meriis of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, willcureyou for selling far WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL sneveaty new. DICTIONARY Abreasi, ee oma 4 Bdututor The successor of the "Unabridged." . frozen vivers with the dunzziing SKIMMING THE ICE. Awkward Giris and Those With © for Tumbling Muke Timprers do sicrifices in the matte high beroies in the way of heell und bifurested garments, health'was s, er any of the other + ortitications the flesh, is skating, Woman af shine thefe in Ler ushal b lone added her skirts be wade a convenient Jenzthe Sue may glide in si gle solitariness or enter into dual or triple allimees, All that is demanded is thuf she'be at home on Ler skates aud Lave a gryceful fizure. THE WALTZ. Or, if the gids have Leen unkind and she luck that grace of mot on that is of greater charm thai fairness of face, thd best way ju the world to acquire itis in fearless skating, and the keeping of a rie balance in executine intricate and daring movements. The physical cul: tarists talk a great deal about poize, and thie pupils wo der vaguely what it all means ay way. Tha girls who skates knows all about it, 8. Hinds out in the first place what it means to have poise by taking nhexpected und not altoget er graceful Attitudes on her skites and off them for the want of it. The shining steel blades that the man sie likes tightens on her snug little boots, sudden iy seems inspi witn diabolical pur- pose directly gle attempts standi iz on ti gos nbonf liga s wy wR gil " a po with everything on the ice exc good skaters who are quick «nou keep out of her way--ooliisions in w bioh | she gets the worst of it every tim? She thiaks if she could only kilow whether: those skates are going to slille out from beneath her-buckward or forward she { IN HER ELEMENT, could manage Letter. That is the first definite idea of poise she has. a Ihe same nice boy with a big heart | and a brave soul conies up with a curve as graceful ns tie dip of a swalle tukes Goth her hands iu Lis, and glides bickward as she follows, talking 'of something all the time, und ull at ones, if she is the right kind of a girl, she skating and kuows more about poi than all the big waisted physical cultur iets in the country, thoush she couldw's tell it to save her life, Tue only scientis fic way to skate is out doors om ti wi suns ine above your lead or the bri winter sturs lookiug down, and there is just enough of un eleiner danger to keep some ohé who is aux guite near your side, Aud in th fn in. 8, when tie big bonfires ure kindled Con tie shore, the little coves and inl where of course the glare ice 15 sinooul ot und leust cut up lie in Rembra © ghudow, ana are the finest places in world out of sight of ch J | trou ® (CY URSDAY, FEB. 15, 1804. ice replaces the mawdds tie wall is padded wit painted with sccnes fron ranean. Electric lixht pouts je at a comfortable tempera- the chemical fluids which run " ¢ Jo ry P WOULD UNFA TEN. @ not vork of pipes blow thd he surfyce § noota and hard Youth app rs at the Pal is ed in velvet, and full anhood cin erowd in jewels, Jdudies of the, sixteenth cen. eri they appeared at noontidé The favorite skirt worn by al skaters is of corduroy or fwenvy cloth trimmed with fur, her dark and indefi in tint; dice is the gaves little bit of ally made in silk, with a jaunty t ahout the neck, and, if the waist bwanall, a belt of some sparkling, beje weled stufl to einphusize its slend ore ness, S8 Certainly, #8 an exercise, skating is more graceful in its way than dancag, It gives @o rtain, seif-pois+ and coaf- dence after the science of it is well mustered, that the terpsichorean art can- Youu, old ot middle aged, selves, neruous, weak and ex Aroralken down fod ox specks not boast. tBu, best of all, itis not so dependent upon the captibus favor of the men as the art of danci No girl, pretty or plain, need waiv re edge of te pod coosuiel with env: us her more fortunate sistirs gliie past her; Lut. standing li chtls posed for a second to se thint Ehe scates ave well and fiom 15 secuped, shig glides down the liter ing sutfues with all tie grace of Lobe 's BWal without fedr or favor of any 2} WAYS a Db nt tl with pretty his a great deal of 'le in yeiting her skates adjusted to 8 metimn +s she has to nsk 'e diff rent men Le'ore she ix te satistivd that they are rizat. But doesn't seem to mind ii, and she ix roo natur. d @nd sweet ghoul it that g young men don't seem to mind it er. They will ta e off their gloves kneel down on tie froz:n surface not know tat they ars coll at all, Mere is another Lind of a girl that trouble with her skates. too, and t is tie awkward girl. Waen she figes off sideways and trips up two or e ther people, all going down in an Wie tangle of skates and bats J blasphemy fro nthe men, of it is always that her skate slip- L That sort of a girl is inclized to ne Lo the pond in a pir of boots run fou n A: the heel, and perhips it is the i that slip. ten there 1s the roly poly stout little i that tumbles aronnd like a porpoise fore a storm, and laughs abot it. dees't mind il every one els» laughs, ly the is more eon fort to her d the rare and veauuful women I tacir swan-like glide, their bird-like and speed. All the awkward wo- or tl HE SKATED YEARS AGO. n congratulate them-elves that any Bly they are not so ba as that, Alive out ones that floun ier about are com- ted ub the thougut that they do not Sk is large ns she dows in that fur coat, lie pretty women lice her imm. nse e sh is such an escellout foil Sand the mer think she is the ittle woman in the worlds e the wien cm ull skate, and nes with boys. tis an sequir- aplishiment with all girls, though them learn more ensily than ing 10 their having superior intel gonco, Menaul intelii« nouse whatever when it comes nee of skating. A girl may be whins, but it will not hel 0 keep up on skates. Tne gid- feathierbrains with clever an astute epial column rate all around the first honor girl After all it tukes just f confidence, a bit of ners Leunsciousness, and a gv termination toskate well, and' ty goo qualities for the 0 means to be thé wife of n man and bring up the 1d, with all that that in- 3 , if one is going to do 'ght and easy, like teach apaghiemat es or pos ical > muchy self poise and hare is not requisite--N.Y. r---- vers fine voice ; has she ou?" "No." use you 'Have kpressed her you are a little too in- ork Press. Eat remotes all bard wnd Blemishes from arbs, ts, Ring, | ALL M who find them- itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, before the eyos, twitching of the | muscles, eyelids and elsewh ulness, deposits in. th loss are all symptoms 0 ous debili lead to insanity unless cured. © ring or vital force having lost its tension ery function wanes in consequence. Those who through almse committed in ignorance, may be permantly cured, Send your ad. dress for book on diseases peenliar to man, send 100 in stamps, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Cduadi! An III Wind. Jack--"It's all over. I'ma cosked goose," Tom--*Wou'dn't she have you?' Jack--*"Confound it, no! Cool as a cucumber about it, and nothing green either." Tom --*Any chance of --er--her ex ercising woman's peculiar prerogative Jack--*Obanging her mind? Not a bit." Tom--*I suppose, too, you had plan- ned to Luy her a ring if she'd have had you §" Jack -- "Yes, I suppose so" Tom--*"Had your money all saved up for it, didn't yout' : Jack--*I should say so. Had §50 all ready." Toth--* Al, yes! Isny, Jack--" Juck--"Well 1" : Toth --*¥od--er--couldn't lend me --er--that 850 till ybu find some girl who will have you, could yout'. Rev. T. W. Laggott, Brooklin, Ont,., writes : After giving K.D.C. a fair trial, I am satisfied it is the best remedy for dyspepsia ever ULrought within ny reach. 1 have found it all that it is claimed {n its behalf, and have mich pleasure in recommending 3 81 ce remedy. ¢ mple of K.D.C. mailed to any address. K.D.O. Co. Ltd, New N. 8, or 127 State St., Boston, Mass. Glasgow, ----- Puns and Picayunes. Anybody can see through people who make spectitles of themselves. A deaf mute can scarcely be said to have pronounced ideas, An editor thinks that people of the fight stamp are those who inclose re- turn postage. The dentist who devotws himself to pulling aching molars is necessarily a painstaking fellow. Tteh ctred in 80 minutes by Woolfords, Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. J. Davi's Druggist The cook-hook recipe is too often like the disappointing novel. It does not come out right. «Money talks," remarked the busi fiess man who was ruefully contemplat- ing a lot of idle capital: "but it dovsn't talk in its sleep." ------ Much id Common. Lawyer--But you don't regard money as in anyway taking the place of a wife, Complainant (breach of promise)-- I don't know. Métey talk Brings comfort and improvement and tends to enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet~ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more adapting the world's best the needs of Poysicil tho value to health of the laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its Lion ia due to its presenting in the form most acceptab'e and pleas. ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a Rerieet lax- VoxprrruL Expir- om Four MoNros Parents Dip Nor even in hope bidd: to life and all its sweetnvss,and then to Le gnatch- ed from the brink of the grave and te restored to health strength and happiy- ess, is an experience that few enjoy, -- We hear and read of such cases, so well (attested, that doubt finds small space for its exercise, Lut heretofore no case has, until now, come under our notice in Peterborough with such directness as to * make assarance doubly sure' Such a case however exists, : Many persons have heard of the ill- ness of Miss Amelia Ranger, who lives at 19 Parnell street, She was brought down to the very gates of death and was restored to perfect health when Al human aid seemed to be unavailing. Her miraculous cure excitediso much comment that a representative of the Examiner was detailed to obtain par. tisulars, and the result of the investi- gation was to verify the reports that have been current. On calling at Mr. Ranger's house the reporter was met at the door Ly a bright-eyed healthy- looking young girl, who readily con sented to give the _particu'ars of her iilness and cure, She remarked that her mother was ahsent in Montreal on a visit, and added with no little pride that she was keeping house and doing all the work, a thing that would have been impossible a year ago, as she was then so ill that instead of taking care of the house she needed constant at- tention herself. « [ have been sickly from the time [ was fonr months old ag : _-- al and. il health became more pronounced. My blood was said to huve turned watery. T was weak, pale and dull and could do nothing bit suffer. Nothing the doctors did was of any useand I grew worse and worse. Father spent a farm on me, but it was of no aviul, and father and mother gave me up and felt that I was going to die myself. 1 expected to die 1 had no blood, and was a= pale ds 6 corpse and so wenk I could hardly walk. My hesrt also gave me much trouble and if I lifted my hands, my heart would jump until I thought I would die. Alout twec years ago we heard of Dr. Wiilinms' Pink Pills and got a box, but as they did not seem to do me much good I didn't take any more at (lie time, but as got worse and the doctors ¢od1d do no- thing for me, 1 determined to try the Pink Pills once more, this tire I made up my mind that I would give them a fair trinl. 1 got eight loxes and be fore the third Lox was done 1 felt better and my appetite was better. 1 kept on taking the Pills until I had taken the 'eight Loxes, and all the time kept growing stronger and stronger, My color returned, my heart trotble left mo and my appeti- tite was better than it had ever been before. Now I can do any work about the house, and feel strong and wel all the time. It is a great change since last July when I could scarcely walk across the floor without falling. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved me from going to the grave, and Iam thankfal I took them.' There was no 'doubting the honesty of her conviction that Pink Pills saved life a younger sister corroborated what was said, remarking, 'when Amelia was so bad last spring she was so pale she was almost green, and mother did not think she would live a month.' In evidencé of the dangétbiisly ill condition of Miss Ranger, a couple of aightors were seen. Mr. Tromblay said the girl was very ill, and her friends did not expect her to recover, and she had been cured by the use of Pink Pills. Another lady present also bore testimony to the hopelessly condition of Miss Ranger a few months Ago. : The remarkable and gratifying re-| wits following the dse of Dr. Will- iums' Pink Pills, in the case of Miss Ranger, show (hat arddun Tn case of yon and sallow, hstl <uppressions, irregularities old forms of wenkness. In the case of men they effet a radienl cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or exEAsEh oF Whatever nature, . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fire mar. ufactgred by Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont. Echectudtny; N.Y, are sold in loxes (neéht in loose Ly dozen or. bundrd' at 50c a lox or sis hoxes 'or §2.50, and tay le lind of all ¢ rigs) gist or dircet by mail hot Dr. Wil- linms' Medicine Company from eithet, dress, The price at which these pills resold make a course &F brbat! went inexpensive as compared v ith other remedies or medical treatment! form lh eee Wit and Philosophy. . A Until a man is finally dead he shonld try to look alive,--Pieayune, The ULankropt is always willing to let buygones be bygones.-- Galveston News. If experience teaches, why ix it that the fellow who gets whipped alway knows he tan whip the other fellow ! -- Plain Dealer, Don't waste time, money, and health; trying every new medicifie fod may see advertised in the papers, 1t ike couse of your trouble is ir the blood, liver, stomach, or kidneys, take Ayer's Sarsapnrilla at once, and be sure of x cure, Take no other, * A man never realizes litw much of A conjunction hat' ii bail he comes. in contact with fh ehterprising goat.-- Glens Falls Repu ican, 1 quite a bore to have :ome "urly high- wayman hold a pistol at your head with one hand . while he rifles your pockets with the other: -- Buffilo' Courter, Asa cure for cold in the head and catarrh Nasal Balm is endorsed Ly pro- minent men everywhere, DD. Derby' shire, President of the Ontario Cream- ery Association, says: "Nasal m beats the world for eatarrh and cold inf, the head. In my own case it effected; relief from the first application." Sold, by dealers or sent hy mail on receipt of price--50c. and 8&1 a bottle, Ful- ford & Co, Brockville, Ont, The Servant was Willing: A lady, whose Christian name was Jane, and who had a little daughter named for her, was engaging a house- maid, whose name also proved to be Jane, Knowing that the preponderance of the one name in the household would oceasion she said to the angular spinster, with high cheek bones and angular features: '1 believe that it would fi Better for usall if I eall you by yotf Inf name, if you do not ohject.' * Shure and I have no ohjections, mum. You can eall me by my last' confusion, maid --n tall, name,' * But you liave not told me your last name yet," 'Shure and my last name is Darl- ing. The pine fores virtues EB the cure o bronchitis and sore n the preparation known as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrap. 25 and 50c. at druggists. A True Friend. 1 There is one thifig én to &fd for Blabson's wife ; she feteR lets : sny unpleasant things to people." + ¢ She's true to her friends I' i No but sho does all the talking herself.' : Obstinate Cough Cured: GrNTLEMEN,--1 had a bad which I could not get ot) | in

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