ROA MDM Firs : r 4 nv 3 ori Gal of P aid *Ont.; Lice SES. and Poll Olerk a Bt For the Year ending 31st December, 1893. : J. Wright, refs south of station rod, cons and 9... one, con 7, lots 15 and 16 ravel for corpordtion :... ve ridge over Nouquon, con 7, Centre roa y§ Statute labor on property in Manchester Deposits receivad at the highest current rates. Interest calculated and credited to each depositor semi-annually, W. McGILL, MANAGER. i La BE. 0. McDOWELL, : SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, XD. Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- versity; Licentiate of Royal Coll Physians, London, Eng. Member of Col A. Bleep, Juhn Bradley, « D. Gregg, h RECHIPTS. "of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. » attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases 'women, and of Great Ormond Hospital Diseases of Childven, London, Eng. Physician; Surgeon, &c., hours--8 to 10 a. m:, 1 to 4 p. m,, d evenings. Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old Queen St., + - : bai Bud Gand AT 0RY JOHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary e) Public, Conveyancer, &ec. Solicitor ] Bank. #ar Office over the Port Perry. J E. FAREWELL, L. TL. B., Count 8) , Crown Attorne; , Barrister, County Sol- or, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer, e--South wing Court House, hitby, YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, A Atforney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery d Insolvency, Notary Public, &c¢ Difice-«Molinu's lock, Brock Street; thy: . A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Ee Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. faving just purchased the largest stock of teeth ever brought into North Ontario Lam satisfied I can suit you both as to quality price. Come and see. Rooms in the ong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's ott Perry, Oct, 28, 1891. E undereioned having. sowmpleter his "full Course at the Provincial V€Rrinary and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- Surgeon, would announce *that he has an office for the practice of his pro- H onat Port Perry, whereall calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All LH of diimals treated in the atest and best known system * gar Telephone connection --free of shatgt, 2 ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8; 1884. € L ROBSON V.S. RADUATE Outario Veterinary Col lege, Torouto. Office and residence Everoreex CorTad, two miles south of Manchester, 14 years practice. Tele hone in the bouse--free ecmmunication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warged by Lolephons. All Veterinary Medicines in stock. Fvergreen Oatinge, | Jan. 2, 1888. North Ontario Observe. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and amily Newspaper, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, A BY H. PARSONS, Terms, --$1 per annum, jf paid in advance; 1 not $1.50 will be charged. "No subscrip- ortbaken for Jess than six months ; and no sper discontinued until arrears are paid up. Rates of Advertising: For each line. first Sgrtioh . bsequent insertions, per line ..... under 8 lines, per annum Lo. 500 containing: 'when addressed repistered: will inseam. wilh 8 wel ee pd i Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVID J. ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. a. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At BS per cent. on good Mortgages. TIT SURANCE effected at the Lowest Rales in Good English Companies. 7 Agent Allan Line of Steam: ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17; 1889. MONEY TO LOAN HE Subscriber is pared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. #ar Also on Village Property. 43 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, SX HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885: W. M. WILLCOX, Licensed Auctioneer FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AN TOWNSHIF OF OA ar, VALUATOR, &c., REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. I TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrona which I have received in the past. the increfised experience and extensive practice whieh I have had ill be turned to the ud- vantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sules may rely on théir interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it to the advantage of par- ties to place their Sales iv my hands. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Terms liberal. Port Perry, July 13, 1893. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to inform the public that he is pre- pared to attend with the utmost care all sales cutiusted to his charge in the Town. ships of Reach, Scugog and Mariposa. A register of dates of sales will be kept at the office of Mr. Orr Graham. V.S., with whom arrang t& may be made for sales. All correspondence addressed to me at Sengog P.0.. will receive prompt attention, £@ Sale Bills made outaud Blank Notes furnished free of charge. fe I would also inform those interested "in Poultry that I have on handand for sale upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that line please write me for prices ot come and GEORGE JACKSON. Seugog, July 18, 1893, TT. SWAIN, Licensed Auctioneer Poh COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- Satisfaction guaranteed aud terms liberal, Office and residence at Cesarea. Orders left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock, will receive prompt attention. 1 PS charge made for selling for unty. 2 | see stock. . WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. § ree . . OR the To of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon ' G2 * Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may on the utmsot attention being given to heir intreatay: wt ri ST z WM. GORDON, Sunderland, To balauce from 1802, lust audit Rent of town hall to Huithy and Thompson, one night .. Note discounted for oue wonth at Western Bank Cuslrfrom P, Edwards, per W. Spence, on account of board for . JOS. BAWRPHE: «vin vas ss o0 piss sv mbnd ss gnnnne sans IS . Rent of town hall to Prof, Kent... Hr . Cheque License Fund, final distrivution for 1892.93....... : Cheque License Fuud, first distribution for 1893 94. Note discounted for eight mouths at Western Bank, . Note discounted for five wonths at Western Hank .. Note discounted for four months at Western Bank Cash from Jas: Holman, Collector, bulance of 1891 roll .. Qasli from County Treasurer, non-resident land tax Fines per J. Nott, J. P., from J. M. Wakeford... « Note discounted for two months at Western Bank ... Osh per W. Spence, rent from Scugog Game Preserve Co'y Cash from Treas, Mariposa; re expenses on town line... Oush from Treas., Mariposa, Union School No. 17 ... Cash from Jas. Holman, Collector 1892 roll Qush from Tress., East Whitby, re appropriation on town line .. Rent of town hall one night, to Thompson and Dickson ........ Oush from Jas. Holman, Collector, 1892 roll. ........ . Cash from County Treasurer, Municipal grant, 1893... Oush from Legislative grant, 1893 Cush from Western Bank, 1892 roll .. Cush from Western Bank, 1893 roll Cash froin Western Bank, overdrawn account. .v...... $18860 01 Geo. Solley, one Deben 0 Henry Hawkins, ref nd 0 Jas. McOulloch, 1 John Bradley, Ce la E. J. Wheeler, ive d con 4, and rep 8 tf plow Peter Young, rej i A i W. Birkett, repairing jure redeemed Geo. Solley; four col £13 ik Miss E. Christie; Miss E. Christie, dog tax R: Robertson, error tax P. Martyh, sheep Thos. Lakey; # 24 01 97 HX PEN DITURE. ROADS AND BRIDGES. By Par. * L. Burnett, work performed con. 11, lots 4 and 5 John Heron, work on town line, Brock John Bradley, eedar furnished corporation for culvert, centre road, con. 9 iii 'i John Tumamonds, repairing hill, con. 7, lot 10 Robert Welcli, for brush and gravel furnished corporation. L. Burnett, work, con, 11, lots 3, and 4 . D. Deason, on account of contract for cedar D. Deacon, balance contract for cedar... SRE } Bd. Barrett, building culvert, con. 9, eentre road, and repairing culvert con. 10, lot 9 Richard Real, cedar for culvert, centre road, con 9 Fy Thomas Martin, repairing bridge, centre road, south of Man- chester ir wg ae Naat Regie ee ha a LET ee BE: J. Wheeler, repairing culvert bet cons 4 and 5, Nonquon road. Jos. Baird, six road scrapers for corporation v5 : % Elins Williams, repairing bridge near Port Perry G. Wood, work on con 2, lot 18 . 1)! Jas, Love, buildiug culvert, eon 11, lot 15 iy oe i D. Till, building two culverts, lot 12, con 11 and lot 12, con 12 .. N. Witkinson, building culvert, Brock town line .y R. Oofner, building ctilvert, cou 3, lov 19 I. Fobte, repairs on town hall, per account o. ve Robert Compton, building culvert, Uxbridge town line L. Burnett, graveling centre rond, north of Bowles hill W *Bornberger, work on sideline; con 14; lots 18 and 19 1. Clements, work, sidelinne, con 14, lots 18 aud 19 J. M. Real, work on sideline, lots 18 and 19 J. ML Real, work, con 10; lots 14 and 15 J. Henry, work, con 3, lot 22 vs J. W. Meharry, tarnpiking con 12, lot 21 Silas Page, repairing culvert, Brock road, con 8 as i iring Brock road, con 11 $100 Geo, Allan, work, con 12, lot 7, nud repairing L. Burhiett, gravel furnished division No. 51 IL. Burnett, graveling con, 10, lots 1 and 2 Peter Day, gravel furni-hed from pit, e012 .. &. Wood, bui.ding culvert, con 2, lot 17 John Gregg Jr., graveling con 13; lots 4 and 5 Win. Robertson, graveling con 7, lots 13 and 14 Ww. MeDonnld, work on con 11, big marsh .. Thos. Forwan, work on centre road, cons 5, 6 and 7 J. M. Burns, use of Port Perry road machine Ye Juson Stone, work on sideline; con 14, lots 18 and 19 .r Thomas Conlin, grading and repniring culvert, gon 1, lots 6 and 7 Thomas Boynton, turnpiking con 3, Nouquon 1 md 0 oe Jawes Monro, work on Simcoe street, lieu of town line, Reach and Mariposa x "i ve "ir ve Charles McLean, graveling on Simcoe street, con 11, lot 2 Juwes Moon, dirting on con 10, fot 20 .. Va Chats, McLean, dirting on con 11, lots 19 and 20 s Henty & Hunter, work on Oartwright town line, con 3 10 7 i r 33, Botte Sem Wenr, Parrish, repairing bridge, con 2, lot 16 Fy Jason Stone, graveling on side line, con 12 Jolin Howsaw, work on side line, lots 6 and 7 . James Kirin Ra landslide, 308 14, lot 11 a olm Milner, right of way to gravel pit ove year i + Som Heron, are ori to wn line Hrodk SEY 1. Town, unperformed statute labor, charged to lot 10, con 6 .. Hallowell, graveling and repairing hill, con 5 lee NN Wm. Manning, graveling Nonquon road 2 FP) 5 Jas. Johnston, turnpiking and graveling Mast road, lots 2 and 3 Geo. Howsam, turnpiking and graveling Mast road, lots 2 and 3 Wn. Manning, graveling Nonquon road, con 3 .. ks : J. Hallowell, repuiring culvert, Nonquon road, con 3 .. iy Thos. Beare, work on con 5, McOlintock's hill J , Thos, Conlin, graveling Nonquon road, con 4 and 5 |.. Allan Moore. turnpiking Cartwright town line . .. ua S. Netherton, gravel furnished town line from O. Boyle's pit Philip Martin, plank furnished and work on Nonquon road, . Thos. Gully, repairing chain broken on road .. i Wm. Cornish, graseling Nonquon road, con 4 ., Thos. Horn, cedar for culvert, lot 3. con Bb ) Wm. Cornish, graveiing Nonquon road .. yl N. Wilkinson, repairing culvert and plank on Brook town line, A t 2. 5 BE » ve » . os .s - -- 00 50 00 00 29 ggg: i 85888 or 00 AL | ANNA OD CooL OO 53 §3888558 8 0 Western Bank, John Heard, lamb T. 0. Forman, sheep} J. Tummonds, T. C. Forwan, « = Jobin Lee, refund of W. Bowles, wn W. Swannick R. Gregg, i W. Birkett, Peter Page, H. Ballard, © Mrs: Geo. Gib Mrs. Murphy, Pat'k Brennan, Peter Biown = ¥ D. Reese, for Johnst Mrs. Mills, Thos. Hoggarth, Peter Fleury, M. A. Wagoner, R. Ellis, Thos, McCoy, John Montroy, A Thos, Tucker £ PE Alex, Wallace, payfient of ticket to Co! y Mrs, M. Watson, " Western Bank, note redeemed Western Bunk 07 Western Bank Wf Western Bank #1 "wy Western Bank ft Western Bank, di Western Bank; dil Western Bauk, di Western Bank, i Hart & Riddel i Rowsell & Hul Rowsell & H Newton Bros. @ nd Cour of ¥ Revision ' H. Parsons, aceodn ur§ished corporation ' Statute labor, repairs de road, lots 18 and 19 Thos. Ganton, Udar furfished and building culvert, con 11, lot 2 hole, lot 14, con 2 ' wr 5; interest on Deb., § DOG FUND rowall, BILLS PAYABLE. 23 26 23 14 06 . 24 04 32 19 40 51 59 93 22 46 95 92 38 99 62 64 19 68 1 60 NONQUON DRAIN. printing contract for 1893 ¢ ications of trustees for school money SOHOOL SECTIONS. Municipal Grant. 822 on*Nongoaon road; , con 14 i8.72 each BRAIN CONS. 5; 6 vp 1: Jubenture redeemed upons, interest ou Debs , $9 84 each expense sending Mrs. Shell's child to Michigan ve I" INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. Western Bank, ates on overdrawn account for January Western Bank, interest on overdrawn account of February .. ount on $1,000 note for one month count on §1,500 note for eight months ount on $500 note for five wotiths terest on $500 note for four months jerest on $300 note for two months RINTING, POSTAGE AND STATIONERY. pplies furnished re municipal elections binson, stationery, etc., for corporation son, supplies furnished corporati ertising tenders for ceda on for '92.93. . r, application for woney I ¢ Legislative Gran $21 47.. 23 97.. 15 87.. 22 36. 48 06. 44 84.. b8 b7.. 21 47... 25 38.. 26 52.. 53 41.. 16 82.. 58.. 43 31.. 22 12.. 20 72.. 16 56.. -» R. W. Walker, i MISCELLANEOUS: D. Reese, cleaning town hall 1 wa, WW. Spence, registration fees marriages, births and deaths Thos. Walsh, half cord wood for town hall W. E. Yarnold, plan of school sections for township Western Bank, exchange on license cheque Jos. Baird, services re Court of Revision 'is Ys W. Spence, serving and preparing notices, re Oourt of Revision .: W. Spence, witness fees, suit Browne v. Corporation Messrs. Burnett, Spence dnd Stewart, selecting jurors .: 0. J. Pearse, insurance on town hall... "i W. Spence, account, re revision of voters' lists 1893, Judge's order W. Calverly, attendance as constable at Court of Revision D. Reese, constable, and serving subpdnas for Court of Revision N. Stuart, two days' attendunce at Court of Revision © D. F. Hagerman, sundries for town hall R. Corner, refund taxes on account of fire .. ve 'i 0 Western Bank, exchange on cheque fiom Treasurer of Mariposd. : Dn 10 09 0 bu 03 BB 4 2288 8Z2Z8= $1660 24 $312 00 74 88 8 $886 88 ON rm SIDE OO OR BOO RRB DD As QC QO SH $164 00 49 20 $213 20 $153 0% We hereby certify that the foregoit.g 18 4 full and correct detailed state' ment of the receipts and expenditures of the Cotporation of Reach for the year ending December 31st, 1893. W. F. WEIR, JOHN LAMBE, } Auidtors. ABSTRACT. RECEIPTS. To balance per last audit uw Rent of Town Hall ...... . u Western Bank, bills payable. uP. Edwards, for Jos. Edwards. wu Collected from License Fund... Jas. Hclman, 1891 roll D; McKay, non-resident land tax # Fines collected u Scugog Game Preserve C # Treasurer of Mariposa "Jus. Holman, 1892 ol Legislative grant u Western Bank, from rol n Western Bank, overdraft By Roads and Bridges « Nonquon Drait L Drain, 5th, 6th and 7th cons. . Dog Fund .. Poor Fund .. Bills Payable + Interest and Discount Printing, Postage and Stationery. . School Sections. A County of Ontario Election Expenses. Miscellaneous Balance in hands of Treasurer, Dee: Blst, 1893... 00 92, 255 50 $18,860 97 66 153 $1000 00 500 00 300 00 500 00 1500 00 $3800 00 ASSETS. Balance in hands of Treasurer, 31st Dec., 1893 ........... . Balance on roll for 1893 . Balance uncollected of 1892 roll... Interest on taxes paid between Dec. Interest on unpai xes on Dec. 15th, 1893 Treasurer of West Whitby ve reserian ls Town Hall and Coutents $ 250 50 60 65 i Jas. Holman, salary as Cullecttt +7 | School Sections (Mul pal Grant). ...... .. cried vo gave 16 | House of Providence (one year's maintenance of P. Brennan, poor Western Bank, overdraft 35 LIABILITIES. Excess of Assets 3b 18 61 FUTURE LIABILITIES. Nonquon Drain, three Debentures at $312 each, with Interest annum. Drain, 5th, 6th and 7th Interest at 6 per cent. per aunum. annually. at fi per cent. T concessions, four Debentures of $164 each, with Que Debenture, with accrued interest, to be "paid 32 00 © 4 00 27 50 18 25 40 00 $107 21 To the Municipal Council 'of the. Township of Reach: GENTLEMEN :-- » , » We, your Auditors, have fully examined the books and accounts of your Treasurer for the year ending Deceinber 31st, 1893, and have much pleasurae- for all the different items of expenditure. E - We also carefully examined your Treasurer's Bank Book, and comparing it with the statement given us by the oushier, find an exact correspondence i showing the amount placed to the credit of the Corporation was §16,798.4 and the amount chequed out during the year was $17,294.43 ; making an overdraft of $496.01. CH Te She "hie total recaipts during the snid year were $18,860.97, and expenditure : $18,605.47, leaving A balauce in the hands of your Tréasarer of 8255.50. 330 40 We have further examined the bond of your Treasurer; and are of the 374 60 opinion that the security therein is quite sufficient. rah gi 415 71 In conclusion, your Auditors beg leave to congtatulate the Oorporation' 719 55 on the efficient and satisfactory manner in which-your officers perform their' 361 61 | oficial duties. a 158 2 All of which is respectfully submitted. : <i W. F. WEIR, | 'Auditors TORN LAMBE, | Auditors: t. $407 65 352 23 331 71 336 40 461 69 638 36 745 17 429 67 418 73 383 81| Manchester, Feb. 12, 1894. Rheumatism Cured in a Day.--South | American Rheumatic Cure, for AY oan radically cures in 1't 8. nthe, system is: ' ous. It removes at once the! cal the disease iin pa ED tt I. © There are about 6,000,000 fartis 100 the United States, Shon Which ! in stating that we find everything in good condition, togetlicr with vouchers' = 3