~ (and they @ may at lead! for which hi called upon to successor it m Grand Trustee Lockie Wilson says there will Le at least twenty-five if not more Patrons in the local legislature after the coming elections, 1f so they | BR f A will be 1n a position to control thel ) ! / Tita legislation. The same authority pre- X dicts that there will be thirty-five or forty Patrons in the next Dominion Parliament. If they keep out of party traps they will be in & position to en- oy force desirable legislation in that Ee FAN 5 £8 House also. A Racking Cough To Woo the Sleepy Goddess.| Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. - Mrs. P. D. Harn, 217 Genessee St. Lockport, N. Y., says: 'Blsewhere in this issue will be found a copy of the twenty-first Annual Re: of the Ontario Loan and Savings 'Qo. 1t will be seen from the report that notwithstanding the almost uni- versal squeese in the financin] orld this well conducted jnstitutibn can afford a seven per cent dividend to its stock holders. This result is proof of first-class manageient and dlso of the implicit confidence which tlie public have in the honor, integrity and finan- cial ability of the maliagenient: Oustoners are honorably dealt with and the longer the institution ekists and the better it becothes known the Bl Be ed setretions of the Bowels; thus curing - re Ae 2 '| aches and similiar co! he ia causes Dizzinéss, Fleadache, Con- : 'Rising andSour- | A : , Shar yu Tr | 8. donk 100d used according to directions: interested in tiers are | offce, --Inilay putation from ow ited on the Ontario Govern- other d nd submitted a from pdy, asking the t for legislation on the fol- atters ;--(1) a reduction in qmber of counties councilors, SERVER believes that the proper thing to do is to abolish couuties coun- cils, and divide the several counties of Lo DIRD, BaTES,--In Fries Albert, on the 8rd fnat., Mr. Geo, Bates, aged 83 years and 21 days. WALKER.--AL tion, on uesday, Oth inst., Katie L. Siiver, beloved wife of George Walker, bged 27 +| years, b months and 12 days. ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Cartwrigh The regular me Council was held Blackstock, on Mol All members presgh of the previous meet approved. The clerk read & GEO. GARDNER. VW Hes to inform the public of Pert Perry and surrounding country, that after four ycars experience in prosecutin, his business in some of the largest cities o the United States, he is better prepared _ For jackets, fur capes and fur cps Should be carcfully packed away for another scason. Plenty of camphor 'will preserve the all ¥ight till cold Dr. Huxley; of Maidstone, England, eather cones again, In twenty years "we have not lost five dollars' worth of fur goods from moths. We are pack- ing away what little we have left over, "and have opened up a beautiful assort: ent of JAGKBTS AND CAPES ron : $B IT Ppring Wear We have always been a little timid "about putting in a stock of these goods for spring and 'summer trade, but: we 3 the chance of securing magnifi- f German mantles and ca and ®e are disposed to: with' our 'custo * itters; There are some very handsome girthents among them, and. by coming early you can have first choice, Capes will be very popular again this season. . There ig no more convenient, comfort: the province into five sections as nearly equal as possible, and let a commis: sioner be eleated for each section, and let the five commissioners for each county meet at the county town once a year to transact such business as county codncils iow traugact. (2) the abolition of the Grand Jury; and (3) the 'preventioh of tlie destruction of quail, pia Mt. Wilkie, on behalf of the memor- idlists; it referring to the reduction in the mumber of members of county countfilors, said the members of the Grange had hoped something along the line oud have been done two yehrs dgo, but, as it had not bee they naw again called the attention t to the matter. Wha t Ot -pitosated was that when r ad srs petitioned - for the re- duction of the number of Councilors in a county the guestion of the reduction should be 'submitted at the elections next ensbing, and if carried, the reduc- tion should be made on this basis, viz, higher it rises in the estimation of the . the Qounty Treasugel public. v following lands in linble to be sold fol the present year, Vis con. 1, 100 acres; 100 acres ; N.} lot 653 A deputation Messrs, Phalen and before the council. by permission of the heading of a petiti ap ren ut our counnunity, At pres icenses ted within the w See Jones & Co's New Ad- vertisement.--Messrs. Jones & Co, ever watchful of the «interests. of customers never fail to take them into. their contidénce in advising them as to the arrival and opening out of new lots of seasonable goods, just such goods in style, quality and appearance as all should purchase, while the low prices at which they sell adds to the wide spread popularity of the firm. Thorough experience 1n buying first-class business ability give th reat advantage in U mal by one of lack the prayer of the h aa inning 3 onsible people pognted by the sub- rs ever pray guided by the We believe that in gi Lelitisn you will be meeti he approval, of a large p of the municipality joined names ; And go wi that in meeting their highest wisdom and strictes An At Home will be given by the oung people of the Baptist Church on Wednesday, March 14, 1894. An ex- cellent * program will be rendered. Misses Howson, McHoull, Dennison, : | « Tngomnia seems to be now a univer: * | sal affliction, | and the fatal cons#guence not seldow believes that he hus found a remedy for sleeplessness, and gives it in the Medical Press and Cowrder, He ad- vises the sleep seeker to curl under the clothes like a kitten, or put the head under the wing like a hen. He says: We live wrongly, sit up late and overwork the Lrain and then go to bed in un excited condition. No one seems to have hit upon the nataral remedy. I think I have. People take chloral and they take it at their peril, An- the gon to "produ Titel phyxia, J lungs, and the heart and circulation becoming quicker, the brain. Joses its stimulant and sleep follows. When you find yourself in for a sleepless night, cover your head with the bed clothes, and breathe and re-breathe limit the quantity of air to the | such nights, I was Arad d 'Ayer's C coughing. Nearly in Despair, d about decided to sit up all night hat spoonful of this preparation in & water, and was able to lie down without' In a few moments, I fell; asleep, and awoke dn the morning greatly refreshed and feeling mich | better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec "Over thirty years ago, I remember , hearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral? During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a | catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom« panied by an aggravating .cough,®I used various remedies and prescriptions. 'While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted | to lle down at night. Alter ten or twelve "| In 'the matter of John Santy Wake- ford, of ths Village of Seagrave, in the County of Ontario, Cooper, an Insolvent. 3 "NJ OTIOE J» hereby given nat ile above Lr natned, John anly Wakeford, has of made anh assignment to the undersigned 'Prustee; under the provisions of Chap. 14 of i the Revised. Statutes of Ontario, 1837, and amending Acts, of all his real and personal extate and efiects In trust for the benefit of | Creditors. A ineeling of the Creditors of the sald In. solvent will be held at the office of Hubert Li: Ebbgls, Barrister, in the Village of Pol on Mon in rch 1804, Md One os a MMhy elven statement of affairs, for the Ri UM ent of Tnkpeotors, and for the giving of directions with reference to the dis: of the estate Spd ordering the affulfs of the osinte generally, "v0 . ' The Creditors are requested to -file their Jain with 4he underkigred Trustee on or the lst das 6f May nex! er which to Sacribote the K rd nly to 4 a be responglble for th 'of the said estale, or any part thereof, Lo any person of whose alm 1 shall not then have received notice. Port Perry, Ont, Feb. 28, 1804, io Ww. 8. SHORT, Trustee. HuperT L. EnneLs, Solieittr for Trustee. than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering, Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will enditre dny weather. Brick Cisterns without ably wood in their con- struction to decay or give out. HM you are in need of any of the Lk come to me and obtain prices, All material required in my line will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next April, } GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan 8, 1604, SPILENDID Brick Dwelling House mes UNDERSIGNED offers for sale hep A choice and well-appointed residence an six acres of land on. which there is a fing Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving House and Stable os NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4 And others of the Estate of Margaret afer toral every night for a week, then grads. ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Sag Ayer's Cherry Pectora Srepared by Dr. J, O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass; Prompttoact,suretocure the pramises; Hard and Soft Water and al other conveuieiices, The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant: ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees; Shrubs, Vines, &e. This property is beaatifully located on Union Aventie just on the southern border on the Town of Port Perry and is a very de¢ sirable property and will be sold at a BARdAIN, only the respired sir. Thus you may reduce #he stimulating oxygen and fall asleep. There is no danger. When asleep you are sure to disturb the cov- erings and get as much fresh air as you may require, or, when once drowsiness has been produced it is easy to go on sle~ping, 'though the air Le fresh. The petition contai: 120 signatures. The rev. gentlemanin a few and ap- propriate remarks the Council to grant the prayer al petition. The reeve said it wauld not be possi- ble for the council t8 t the request without setting thes a at defiance. It provides that a caingil in limiting that the' Council should be. composed only of Reeves, but that each Reeve should hive as many votes as there are uow:Deputy Reeves from the district represénted hy him. In this way the Oouticil could be reduced in size, and yet the wealth and population of the different sections be represented. able and" stylish garment for a lady. We show & large range of Women's and Misses' 10 black and fancy shades. GENTLEMEN In our anxiety to provide for the Ladies we are not unmindful of your and Messrs. Maitland, Ferguson, Mac- Queen aud others taking part. Re- freshments served trom 7.30 to.8 30. Silver collection at the door, All are welcome, Shedden late of the Township of. Brock, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased. Benevolent Concert.--A grand NOTICE is hereby given for crediters ahd IN oghers of the Estate of Margaret Shedden wants, Your comfort and your| The Attorney-General and Mr. concert under the auspices of Old | po'hymier of hotels municipality What do the eat and dog do when they 160 World's Fair Photos }j.1¢%f he township of Brock the County | For further particulars apply to the pro a . complexion ~~ demand that you Hardy both admitted that the reduc England Lodge, Bons of England, will | yg pass & by-law get ing forth the | Prepare to sleep? They turn round, for $1. [of Ontario dee a al Tro: Prisiress on the PUPHEMIA DAWES, should -doff the for cap and don |tion of County Councils was eminently be givendn the town hall, on the even: | Lumber before the 1s§of March. For generally three times, and hastily bury | * These beautiful pictures are mow oes oF the tat will nd testhment, of tabi Port Perry, Atig. 50, fs, iS. one of our stylish new felt hats. This | desirable, but the difficulty was to find ing of Wednesday, March 21. The their noses in some hollow in their hair cll me against said Estate duly verified en or the information of there: erued gertle- men, the réeve asked {he clerk to read that portion of the Licgnsg Act bearing on the matter, which/heidid. Rev. Mr. Phalen said there was no question about the matter, evidently the petitioners, m this instance, were out of court, owing to their being to slow in motion. HR The deputation tharked the council for the inforwation and the kind re. ception accorded them apd withdrew, Mr. Fallis' By-law to open the road allowance between lots 18 And 19 in the 10th con.--Ilaying south of Lake Scugog, was advanced a stage--it be- ing read a first time, : On motion the indigents were grant- ed their usual allowance for the current month, } & On motion of Mr. Devitt, seconded by Mr. Taylor, $45 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Wns, Barton for services as collector. § jd Mr. A.' Spinks came before the council, he advocated an extension of |: the boundaries of School Bection 7. He said the assessed valu®of scc. 2 was $117,630, while sec. T wns only ASYEER- ed at $82,616. He was not prepared with a petition asl ange at futura meeti be armed with on On motion of Mr. by Mr. Taylor, $7.50 paid to Mr. Wm. Ba ready for delivery in ten complet: parts--16 pictures comprising each part--and the whole set can be sacured ly the payment of One Dollar, sent to Geo. H. Hearrorp, General Pussénger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago, Ill, and the port- folios of piccures will be sent, "free of: expense, by mail to subscribers. Remittances should be made by draft, money orcer or registered letter, i. total proceeds are to be devoted to the needy ones of the tdwn. The object is a laudable one and doubtless a crowded house will await the opening piece of the evening. before the Fifteenth day of April; 188). Notlee is further given thal at the eXpifas tion of the time above named for sending In such claims, the sald Exebutofs shall be at Iberty to distribute the assets of the sald Estate or any part thereof amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the elalmg of which the Executors then have notite, and they shall not be lable for tiie asgets or any part Lhereot so distributed {ob any person of whose claim the said Execulors had not notice at the-time of the distribution thereof or a part thereof, Dated March Ist; 1894. : JOHN KIRTON, ROBERT. BRABAZON, Executo,s and Trustees, F. M. YArxo1D; Solicitor for Executors. Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. aud 'oft' they go. They are in no danger, although it might Jook as if they were from the closeness with which they imbed their noses." week we have opened up a magnificent stock of Hats in Men's, Youths' and Children's.« Soft hats will again take 'the lead, and Fedoras will undoubtedly be the most popular shape. We have & variety of prices in black, brown, navy and fawn. We sell hats the same as all the rest of our stock, at a very miolerate price, 25 reesooLionade opened up this week. Tariff redo tions anticipated. The most marvelogs values ever placed on our counters. March is the Uottonade month, and we have prepared for it in royal style. Buch piles were never seen on our - counter before, and such values were «never approached by us. IXDICO SHIRTINGS Half a cord, and every piece guaranteed fast as a rock. Prices away down. No tariff tinkering can affect our prices. They are absolutely hopelessly out of reach. This is the time to make goods. A little later on you too busy. Take time by t 5 and secure what you are likely to need now. ONES & (0. Port Perry, March 6, 1804. a scheme of reduction that was accept- able. The Attorney-General said that Mr. Drury, when a member of the House, had been strongly in favor of the idea, but had never been able to see his "way to devising an acceptable method and carrying through the re- form, FARM FOR SALE. i $230 LL PURCHASE Hz uerty Township of Reach, recently owned by Mr. Armenia Shier.-- On the preinises ave a good dwelling house, Lafn with stone walls aud stabling below § a good orchard and well, The soil is a good clay loam. The farm is convenient td church and school and only five miles from Port Perry; on a leadiing road. 11 not sold it will be rented for a term of years. For further partieulars apply to Mrs. Sophis Mark and Edwin Mark, Little Britain, or to The Modern Way Oommends itself to the well-formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, head- ache and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Newton, Kas., March 3.--An entire family named Snyder, of Sedgwick, a few miles from here, were accidentally poisoned ly some unknown sulstance in their coffee yesterday. Mrs. Snyder died within a few hours in terrible agony, and Mr. Snyder lingered until evening. It is not expected the chil- dren will survive. Prince Albert. A gloom of sorrow passed over our . usually happy village on Sunday morn- ing last when it became known that ofe of our most estimable inhabitants, Mr, George Bates; had passed away. MARRIAGE, BELLS. An event of a mibst interesting and pleasing character took place here on the. afternoon of Monday last. This was the marriage of Miss Beatrice 8. Kenner, second daughter of Rev. W. Kenner of this place to Mr. George Forder, of Oartwright. The event was ene of considerable eclat, it took place at the residence of the parents of the bride. Rev. W Kenner, father of the bride, assisted by Rev. Mr. Wilmott pastor of the Methodist Church here, performed the pleasing ceremony.-- The bridal party was of the right stamp, intelligent, pleasing and happy. All Gnite in wishing a long, progper- ous and bappy life to the estimable groom and his fair dnd estimable bride. RETURNING ' BPRING. Several of our worthy and estimalle widows who have sought the shelter of Mr. Robinson said that sixteen or seventeen years ago,' when Mr. Drury and Mr. Waters had been active mem bers of the Grange, they had both ad- vooated a reduction, but had advocated different schemes. of reduction. The reduction and the scheme of reduction now suggested had, however, been unanimously approved by the Grange. It is sincerely to be hoped that Mowat won't allow another seventeen years to pass without going farther than simply admitting that * the re- Skin demanded is eminently desir able." Horrowa v's Pruis AND OINTMENT --The wmost effectual Cure for Gout and Rheamatisin.--A frequent cause of these complaints is the inflammalory. state of the blood, 'ntténded 'with Lad digestion, lassitude, and great debility, showing the want of a proper circula: tion of the fluid, and that itipurity of the blood greatly aggravatés these dis- orders.. Holloway's Pills are of '86 purifying"a nature that a few doses taken in time are an effectual preven, tive agninst gout and rheamatism, but anyone that has an attack of either should use Holloway's Ointment alse] the powerful properties of which; coi= easy bined with the effects of the Pills, elf sure a certnin gure. The Ointment should be thocoughly rubbed into, the parts affeoted ut least twice a dy, wfter they have heen sufficiently fomented with warm water to open the pores tp facilitate the introduction of the Oint, ment to the glands. F. M. YARNOLD, Soligitor, Port Perry. Dec; 20, 1893. STILL LEADING! FHE UNDERSIGNED begs to -retnri thanks for the. liberal and till increas: ing patronage bestowed ou him "sipoe com: mencing the Butchering Business and woulil Beaverton. | yfate that he is better prepared than ever to sipply the public with HEN O T Ellie. Just SUCH MEATS o i OUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 16, coh: cession A, Mara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, one mile from Gamebiridge, five milés from: Beaverton. Possession 1st March, priviege of fall ploughing. Good frame buildings: Terms "Apply to JAMES -B. WARREN, "An important amendment of the Municipal Act is a seotion which authorizes municipal councils to decide dy by-law. * That taxes shall be paid to the treasurer of the municipality, aud the collector's duty will only consist in serving notices, as Treasurer's Bailiff, The, Combat's O'er--The Prize is Won. The death of Mr, George Bates at fhe family residence, Prince Albert, on Sunday morying Inst, kas called forth a universal expression of favorable comment on the upright character and manly bearing of the deceased. His Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures conghs, Wood's Norwily I'ine 8yrup cures colds, » | Wood's Norway I'ine Syrup heals the lungs bl | all, aud trustd"hy offering only CHoies iT H EE FOLLOWING! i | MgaTs at moderate prices, and promptoess [in business to receive a liberal share of honorable, exemplary and consistent FRC Eid i i 2 ci e severi erl eople. remember their : . oo blis.pat z€. Christian life have secured for him the he sity of Toronto from the Soraly cokns vendered---§ 4 oon: spring tters rh a shudder. The The Governor - of Colorado has Prices for CASH Only Grn al left at my Stall in the esteein and respect of all acquainted | Inter are no y R stahle and fixing crossi present generation have much to be : . é FS iy: hia, In v3 Market Building, or with me on my rounds# with conveyance, will receive immediats and carefal attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER Port Percy, Aug, 16; 1503, 2 threatened to wade in blood "to his v's bridle becaose peal J : horse's bridle because of the repeal of Palor Suite-- nie : ¢ . the silver bill, and the mayor of 81 ™ hi or Mogustte Plush @ $50, Carolina town is urging the silver | pleasant homes, and adding to the pleasure and attractions of the village. Our people have to regret the re moval from our nfidst of another much The Auditors, Me: and W. Swain now bron; port--a neat and well g After the audit had with him. His long residence in this community--45 years--has been spent | in doing good. His well-directed in- dustry secured for himself and family a thankful for, not the least of their blessings being such a pleasant and | -| thoroughly effective spring medicine as ' | Ayer's Sarsagariila, Tt is a heaith- { Parlor Suite-- + $n se od | I : tates to join Mexico ana form a new mma amararees ram-- 5 " === | competent "portion of life's comforts, esteemed and deservedly : POP" wd examined by the Coune restorer and health-maintainer, u bli J Tlie United States Govern-| 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30. nr \ 1 in his. active, vigorous days he made family, Mr. Soper and family, who |p Devitt, seconded republic. . 1 ; Parle Ratio Revolution if the Dok ad Shoe ample provision for the time when the have moved from here and taken up | (he Treasurer's account -- ment will find, ere this century ends, . \ ; weight of years would relax his efforts their residence in Port. All would nicipality, as sobmitte Never Venture, Never Win. encugh to do in holding its reset 6 Picoes good Moquette Plush @ $85. . g pi Bi : . i 3 ) + srr ; . y t ite -- BUSINESS While active and vigilant in the ordin- have been pleased to have the family ditors, was received 8 i ik : territory wodet ue Jag Hi out Parlor Suite 3 ; : A AT THE ary pursuits of life he never neglected remain with us. [the Auditors' Accoun New York, Feb, 21.--A special from | 3ttempting to add to that territory. 6 Picces best American Hair Cloth @ $35 © | the great end and all of tar a8 an The cheerful clatter of the spring | 1893 and that th ak in- Chizugo says : Salvage of the World's : SE REHE Nak Jrish send Parlor -Suite-- ig 0 e e ag | | immortal being, destined for a higher repaifing hammer is now being heard | gtrocted to cause 20 of the | Fair is bringing wore money than any | The will of the late Mark Trish Wasi § pieces best American Hair Cloth, fras | . cRiatenee. and while he trod the up all ove the village, Mr. James Lang| 0 printed for the ic | of the financiers expected to get for 1t. fied for prolate this morning by his gilded @ $37. © ° : . : 1 % i i ble example, he has The report .just issued by Acting widow, who is sole execatrix, It di- : : ward path he showed mucl t is setting a no A ple, '8 | the ratepayers, and to ep J 1ssue y cling 3a Parlor, Suite-- ; I am now Making to Order the point Put way to others, BC Society x entered upon extensive repairs on his the yaiem of receipts ,| Auditor Barrington says there was an | fects that the estate shall be divided: 6 Picoes best. Queen Plush, spring edge ¥ following goods, ViZ © ple and precept. He opel on nd late purchase-- formerly the Boper | cgets and liabilities increase of $45,000 in the sales of last equally between Mo ish N rs. Oxir and back, very large set @ $55, o ' a = Tl : property. month over the antount that had heen | V1¢; (0U& iter of the deceased, and his] gar Alove are Solid Walnut Frames and ii Men's Fine Boots $4.50, former | vanced position amongst that noble P Nor: ONTARIO UBS counted on. After striking out al: the|son, Howard Irish. The residence, | well finished. kA band who do- good for its own sake, and who seek the everlasting well being of others. As a local preacher he was earnest, persevering and effect. ive. On. Sundays he would walk long distances to preach wherever help was wanted, - We have frequently heard hin say "I like to tell the Story of the Cross," and he told it with increas- HASTENING TO THE WEST, The family of our respected towns- man Rev. W. Kenner are nobly doing their part in advancing the interest of the prairie province, Mr. Kenner's e'dest son settled their a number of years ago, the eldest daughter has been a resident of that province for several years, has married there and is raising On mation of Mr seconded by Mr. Fa ordered to be paid to services rendered. price $6. Men's Kip Boots $3.75, former price from $4.50 to $5.50. Men's Coarse Boots $3, former 880 Jarvis street, has already been! . Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75. ceeded tec Mrs, Irish. * The estate is| valued at £81,400 ; §24,000 of this is mn babk and other stocks, $33,208 in real estate, $8,900 in mortgnges, and $7,249 in Look-debts and notes, -- Tar- onto News. «+ For all derangements. of the throat liabilities against the Exposition; Mr. Barrington says there will be left for the stockholders €1,424,841.84. That would mean a dividend on all stock of about 13 1-2 per cent, The total ex- penditures of the Fair to Febroary 11 have been $26,925 689,50, When the stockholders were invest: | ing their cash in stocks in the Great | and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is #7 A Carr SOLICITED. J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen St. Port Perry, Scpt. 29, 1802, Now is the Time to Get On motion the coun N retnrning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for aver 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now ready for businces, and price $4. @ Men's Laged Boots $2.50, former price £3. Port Perry Public Men's Boots balfsoled 50c, former Roll. rice 650. ing pathos as he advanced in years. |® family of Manitobans. Another son -- . 1 R : a 4 : have a Woe Lace Boots §2. former price Deceased was & loving husband, a |has been there for quite a time, and | Division No. 1 Davir, Fair the wise oes stood ly grinning, the speedivst aud ost seliniie Pedy: . £2.50 i devoted father and estimable towns | Mrs. Kenner herself paid the province { Gertrude Rodman; H Chas. il he ish pele father ut oo Ben in the ee sation Large & Assoi ted Stock Sid . a a ay Fa | wi houglit--too easurs In predic sump 1 p r Women's Boot half-soled 40c, former | 72% The nminble partner of his life |n long and acceptable visit. On Tues- | Willson. ; that they were bein; Teond The | affords great relief, checks coughing > OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS price 500, : : died several years ago. He leaves two | day last Mr. Howard Kenner one of| Division -No. 1I.--G | Bonci . 8 Ye other 'w di ih 1 } id { which I am determined to sell very CHEAP. Girls Boys' and Ohildren's Wear at sons and two daughters, in every way | the sous, who had been home on a visit | Emma MeCaw, Nora : sepue as proved to be the other iri and induces seep. : - : "As an inducement to CASH purchasers or actions worthy of their respected sire. All [to be present at the marriage of his | Unmpbell, Edva Davi [om thirteen and a half per cent profit| English Spavin Lisjwers seffiores all bard : ; > x \ sympathise with the family in thei sister, set out on his return to his | Maggie Frice, Olarene makes a zood investment. sofk or enlloused Lumps a jeris uy from Ui iat of 0 i oink : rn ) " y in their oT BR yo 1 horses Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splivts;" Ring, ® - Men's Rubbers 48c. = loss, bgt theif loved one has gained the | prairie home. Broad, Pearl White, El Boue, Sweeney, Stifles," Sprains, Fore aud : Wom 'Rubbers 30c. prize, a the sweet language of the On Wednesday last Mr, Cooke with | Clark, Mabel Hall, = Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto. Save $30 by ten . | will be allowed on all Sales froin now until 3 have an immense stock of Bale| poet it may bo said : his wife and family set out for his | Annie Dodds, Floren hse of ote bottle. Sold by - A- J. Davis, People Say Jan. lat next. work being Work on hand which I am determined somfortable home in Manitoba, Mrs. |ley Sangster, -Arthu ruggist. MADE BY HAND, The seeds that in his long and valued life Iteh cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords, Cooke is a daughter of Rev. W, Kenner, to disposed off at prices that astonish Stout, Joseph Desha it- is Hard Times! Well, if that Bt paparing and Hed, i i rd Pg fast n A B nd no factory work kept in stock, the customers. Now deck his ave With morning's eweeicst She has been on a viait to her parents | holm, 'Orr Rodman, ie Lotion, 'Sold by A: J. Lavi the case I will make it Easy Times A fo of my goods will at once become ive me a call and, seq for yourself. | And yiaidSim ift divine in heaven's immor- | here while ber husband was in Europe | Willie WiiineX: aii Tiron. of isramont, nth to get aay {ap ent soshansen il nda B Lo A. SOPER. on business, CL [George i Ni a i tion. sate for Wedelin. rec: BOOTS given Dui before looking clase Port Perry, March 1, 1894 The funeral took place on Tuesday, Re po Lobe Re on they will] oo ed) Nf NF we IV | they can be suited in quality an . and "ugh respect was paid to the] The lmlay* City postofiice changed esday,. lle Edin of 8 perior Quality at a Great Reduction in | long experience in the trade being an indis- " a ---- 2 'hands yesterd De J. P. Egglestone, dispose of their entire stock of Clydes: | price that will surprise you. "| putable guarantee that perfect sa memory of the deceased. anes yestercay, iy, J's I " dales, Hackneys and Welsh ponies, Tt will be given by apy article purchased. the new appointee, taking possession, and Dr. G. W. Jones retiring. In the evening the retiring postmaster gave a supper at the Bancroft Houso to his successor, his {Dr. Jones) bondsmen and the office 'clerks. - In a short address Dr. Jones congratulated his successor upon his appointment, and ALL SIZES--MY OWN MAKE, Eve hing in my live of business kept ad pric ® i : ly on hand and repairs neatly and Keep no other--No inferior Stock. - Differ- constant ior ent Sizes made up, all of which 1 will dis. | Promptly atten . y _ = : JOHN ROLPH. 1892. will be perhaps the largest stock sale ever held in the Province. I have been greatly troubled with hendache and bad blood for tenor twelve years, I start _pose of. z 3 od to take Burdock Blood Bitters in July, 1892, | © BOOTS that when you see them and | Port Perry, Dec. 1, And now (Junuiiy, 1698), fam cured: hear the priecs you will be sure to pur- INTING Divison No. [Hl.-- Willie Leask, Pearl Ora » Christian, Ethel Turner, Hi 1 4 / man, Fred McKenzie, % > a> Katie Widden. KNOWLEDGE Division No. IV. 'Brings cétafort and improvement and tends to nal 'enjoyment wher Wait a Little Longer. OR 3 ut, Feb, 28,--On motion of the Solioitor General this morning 'the case submitted . to the Supreme Oourt as to the power of the Provinces to deal with prohibition was laid over Port Perry Market. | | an UGH DRAIN, etiocuy Unt. hi ] iring of all kinds dove with nestness Mina Nott, AliceStout! CH Joi patch. 5 : p wished hin the same fortune that . 2 B + es, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. antil next term. of tho court in May, | had followed EE opbie md Lod Wi 110 : ben Jans hd Brabot | IQutaont by oe ils aber Gverooats and Rubber Boots re- ; % 4 3 ba: ® A P e a8 : Y 2 : Cys 4 A ted. .; > Gore that ull the Provinces might be repre-| poriod of his incumbency. During his McKnight, Carrie expenditure, by moro promptly | Fall Wheat 550 to 6c. ' Ly doo tothe MaHket oo vot KALSOMINING &C. .|mented. te: in the office had beon free from any | Olensens, Ben Powell the world's best products to -| Spring Wheat 55c to Bde. Yak WM. BOND. i Ls burglaries: and robberies, - which had | Nelson Corn, } of physical being, will attest Goose Wheat 52¢ to 52e. ~* | Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1893. pos) been visited upon so many offices| Division No. V of the pure liquid | Burley (rowed) 40s to 40s, ix - = i nder dl would take ths oppor, throughout the country; no serious | fyda Ferguson, H ciples embraced fn the Ota 856 to 35¢, 3 ; B J. niyo thay a EO Teeroartng complaints had been made againat the | Motheral, Evva Pound, 3 of Figs. © | Peas--Blackeye 65c to 60c, patronage Baring e tite he Has carried on '| manner in which the affairs of the|jithel Rundle, Carrie ce is due to its presenting | Peas--Mummy 57c to 87c, + RE ; "tho busiuess of office had been conducted, and he |Sirait, Bella Morrish,: form most acceptabs and pleas- me ed FFEARTILY thanking the public forthe | N ING Eo th ff av muh ene f Ni roi EE ae nano sal| PAINTING i | gratification that though the business : 3 ) on f Alsike Clover $5.00 to $6.00, Fi wld Pers BT. 1 Past Pe and Id state that he is intrese of the country bad cured | Bowerman, Fed Murat, Bek og aoa hesduces and. favors % EE as eer | ber repose han ever 0 execute wl gene ing off during the past year, | Marshall, J ny dhtit eonat Z : Ts 3 a wpderaar EF nines of th Tony Oy pot i | MY LIVERY ! |puntiog Kalsomioing tnd Paper Hasging Sie 4 y inoredsed i x0 WY EW TRON Parise curing thir ork lo 1 12 pe i ds 3 : I Kg ye i rely : having it neatly an ated the postoffios from any Opposite the Railway Station sewed. My chores in nt, | enterprise, thus giving the entire atten- | k a 3m also prepar supply Paints, &6,, Sob . i rs : - EY iid hit Fry Jaren to tl trans. 7-24 | ulate trom Jarge 1y extended premier ro wl eentracting pati peconsge wil 0 HAUT Tenn pode with safe andd rable So y i © WM. TREMEER. Port Parry, Mar. 23,1608. ~~ Ripans Tabules cure jaundice. |. Ripans Tabules prolong "8chirles | hus or. the whole been ha factory the people of this commun- ' iy. |RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. J x > R. VANSICKLER, Perry, July 21,1888, which will cover New Orleans to the ocean water, he friends of Dr. Egglestone