Kxows GopericE Lapx Re p to Hears ater Pay- taxs' Hap Farrp--Gives Her BxperikNcE FoR THE PUBLIC Goo. The marvellous change whih has taken place 'in the physical condition of Mrs. Oulloden Fruser, Britannia street, during the past twelve months has been the chief topic of conversation ~~ among her many friends and acquaint * wnces of late, aud to all who know of © the terrible manner in which sie has Leen afflicted, her lifting up appears to have Leendittle short of miraculous. Mrs. Fraser has a wide circle of acquatntanges in Goderich and vicinity, having resided in this town for over thirty years--ever since her husband, . +. who was a merchant in Bayfield, re- tired from Business and located here Having heard of the wonderful change that had been ULrought about in her yhysieal condition, n representative of The Sigoal called upon Mrs. Fraser at her pleasant honie to congratulate her on the improved state of her health, nd out in what y rien "voluntarily Mis. Fraser: : "Jt is now over eight yedrssinve one morning as 1 was performing ablutions, ee PORT PERRY, MAY 17, 1894. selected for holding the Ontario Pro- great and glorious victory of Waterloo. ONTARIO OBSERVER luck. The Day of Battle. The 26th day of June has heen about, vincinl elections. So that within six that time weeks from now the great provincial pitched battle of the province will have been fought. The twentieth of June 1s a date which will be regarded with much foterest by all who reflect on the If the modern Waterloo of the pro- vice of Ontario should result in the routing of the old government combine and: their innumerable host of camp followers the province will have great cause for rejoicing. Numerous bands of fostered lambs 'would be dispersed and Be great Army who for the past twenty sears Lave stood around with pail hand, wheu the Provincial Cow pies. "Bivst: the old Faction | BY and the, bangers-on will be disbanded and the province at large will get the bug, The. Liberals at Ottawa are in hard The Uovernment. have correct: ed anomaliés and any excessive rates '|in the tariff. They are daily getting Larder up for something to ery out It is too bad therefore, just at that Sir Oliver Mowat should give them a slap that will make their cars ring for many a day. It is partcularly unkind for Sir Oliver, because he. presided over their meeting at Ottawa last summer when they decided that "overy vestige of protection should go." But what has he done reader, he has done this. = But first perhaps you know that our good Lib- eral" friends have told you the iron duties put on to develop the iron in- dustries were a fraud, and perhaps you have heard time and time again, that it was rankest nonsense for Canada to attempt to develop an iron industry. -- If you ever heard or read the speeches of of Bir Richard Cartwright, you have certainly heard these thin "one of his statu Richard Cartwright that he is a hum- What Mr. Mowat has done is Well, dear tell Bir slow that a There where all is Port Perry. place in such sufferers never the loss like with increased soon repair the Hotel here three aged by fire to the four thousand d: had scarcely cooled Host brought on workmen and se pnir the damage. riven with Charles will ha to its former at tion, the ashe No! arkably concern- set the towns and g is slow is never any 8 of time to } be done.-- je world nor itis diff- ness centre nd fly as in liberality The St. WAS dan- 'of three or BR the activ y of skilled ork to re- Some five months ago Mr, Robert - + Reach Gounoil | Oouncil was held at the town hal; Manchester, on Monday last. All members present except Mr. Stephens Minutes of former weeting read and adopted. ny E. Newton, and W. Raines came before the Council, they asked for a grant of $10 to repair the side- walks in Saintfield. Mr. Levi Parish came before the Council with a petition asking a grant on the 4th con. Also asking pay for for building a culvert on Simcoe street, 4th con. $2.50. Alsoa change in his road division so that that portion of Simcoe street as far as the front of the 4th con. be added to Priuce Albert division. - Mr. 8. Netherton complained of the condition of the town line, opposite lot 15, Mr. Willcox came before the Council with a petition of Mr, W. H. Hayes and 47 others asking a grant of $75 on the 8th con., opposite lots 15 and 16. Mr. Thos. Lakey came before the Council, be asked fora refund of dog tax on land returned as non-resident On motion of Mr. Weir, $2.50 was ordered. to be paid to Mrs. Fitchett 8 e in also wash : monding clothing for'one Jos. Edwards, an indigent; and said amount was ordered to bu charged to the poor fund. BRRBY on Monda, of ins towne On motion of Mr. Lamb, §5 permonth H 9a W. Kight tad [3 J. Taylor The regular meeting of the above 2 & MN. mowd 24 J. W. Tawn {= Levi Parish P. H I E. Kendell C. Edgar Wm. Kitchen Geo, Howsam W. Orchard E. Hilson £2 CC £2 23 £F LF 39 N. Claughton 40 D. 41 J. Tummounds 42 John Watson 43 W. P. Watson 44 -- 4 46 WV. Bolter 46a J. Armstrong On mction of Mr Weir, the Council fixed next to commence on the tour roekion of roads and bridges of the hip. Town 5 The Clerk placed o ment Roll for 1804, The totals of the roll show : No. of school children bet. 5 and 16 f children bet. 7 und 13 f childrer Yet. 1 No. of acres land tH! 90 Jas. McConnell n the table the Assess: 0 and 2 : i Was ngtoh, May, 10. 'port of De Sotietiian of the States, the result of the cold |time. Advices from Kansas and Ne- | arrest her, but she ran away. He i mont of Agriculture, after consolidat- ing the returas, places the condition of winter wheat'at 81.4, as against 86.7 the previous month,/a falling of 5.3 points. In 1893, at the same. date, the condition was 75,3, 7w little over 3 points lower than the previous month. While the improvement during most of April has been considerable in most weather in March has been shown to have been more than reported at that bruska indicate that the damage from the: cold weather has heen augmented by drought and high winds and much of the area has been almndoned, and ploughed and put in other grain, In California, the long continued drought, accompanied a preat portion of the time by high 'winds, has proven very disastrous. In other states the plant is doing very well considering the set- back caused by the cold weather. Brutal. 1 London, May 10 --The Berlin f the 'Central New COorres- ! says i died ho clty of Posen yesterduy. sentry tried to shouted to hep three times to stop, bu' ~The May res| The Of slack trade is about as much as we can stand. "Our big stock makes it imperative that we should keep the ball rolling. We have given you tv solid weeks to attend to your seeding. and you thing in your (favor. In ten years" wi have not had such a magnificent ng as this.-- Let us hope and belinfe that it is the the precursor of an abundant crop. A hopefut and buoyant feeling iu already tuking the place of discouragement.-- During the two weeks you have been busy on the farm you have not been idle in the store, Every department has been putin thorough order and Many special bagains have Leen secur- THIS IS the first duy" of May and we are all ready fora big trade this month ang?' next. We must have it if the im he : stock ve Fy " MILLINERY Is in full blast and Hats and Bonnets to sny that an Iron industry can be established ; that the protection given sh continued ruuming. He then shot was ordered to bo paid to Mr. Isanc her dead, and when 'passing my hand over my O'Neil for the maintenance of one benefit of that which now finds its way face, 1 oxperienced u pain on the cheek Spence had his comfortable residence on Queen street destroyed by fire at Acres Acres Swamp or V --te il wns into the bottomless pockets of party similar to that which is felt when a it is all right but not high enough, and David Downey; said grant to com- are moving out al Our MIS : + xt : : d and ¢ out grandly. ar S thorn which has penetrated the flesh | heelers. so he has decided to grant a bonus to | the midnight Hour and 'the family had | mwnce April 1st, as per request of peti- Acres rela and ee ou A Dreadful Calamity. CONROY liad a narrow escape in the © is touched. The puin continued after every ton of iron mined in the pro-| barely time to escape the flames leay-| 100 g On motion of Mr, Real, $100 was ordered | New York, May 10.--The Herald's she. recent fire Lut has fully recovered her- that and appeared to move all over my No Improvement. vince of Ontario, until a sum equal to ing every thing behind to the relent- On motion of Mr. Real, $2.50 was {to be paid to Mr. N. Stuart for services 88 | ju] from Caracus says, in confirmation of self and is agnin nt her post. She Las faco and head. From the cheek it ---- £125,000 ix d by th loss devourer. Already. Mr./Spence ordered to be paid to Mr. Levi Parish Ar £ Mv. Lamb. 'the. Clerk yesterduy's despatches :--** A terrific earth. [A grand staff this season and our went Lo the upper lip, then to the lower Toronto's mode of conducting elect y consume y ene A 5 ? a 7 . i Pe i for building wu culvert on Simcoe street, Hoy otion otis all Ovorseers of High. Juuké tack place is Venesueln om September friends from the country will have no lip, then to the forehead and head and 0 Lo continues in the old rut. bounties. 4 as a fine new residence in an ad-| jetween lots 16 and 17, coun, 4 ways to enforce the By-law. regardingant: | oom Repotta wie Baye gel reosived Hers difficulty in getting their orders Billed . then to the eyes. So intense waz the The should. Ue fres and independent After this surely we sha!l hear no|vanced state of construction on the| Petition wns presented from Mr. | mals running ut large contrary to said By- | {,g of life and destruction of villages and | Same day they are in. : : > i Pl . r 3 % 3 v ars ngony which I suffered that I "ae un- lectors. of North Toronto at pe alar | ™OT® of the iniquitous "iron duties," |site of the old building. The old | Lewis Tomlinson aud 19 others asking aw. motion of Me. Real. the frst sitting Jaws, The Dt ol Merida, Lagunillas, aa B v : clec ) . is \ aK oi - , A "hi . 3 % RE MB nr a, le b alls of meeting held for the purpose of Pe Last your it wy be anid a numberof building was fratae 3d thotgew on ' 3 he 13 er Spposite lowe § sud y of 'the Court of Revision was fxed for the Northwest of ho. repubis tein ME R A » " i a § De P - " CH « . i \ o] . . L . Toy a meeting . parpos : gentlemen, "Grit and Tory" --waited | will be a handsome | white-bricked | ©" ©" sccond Monday in June at 2 o'clock pm. | 4, 10s, are reported as having heen totally | Lace Curtains, Window Shades and fire. My gums wire so affected that | j,ating a Candidate to represent that ' ory i Also from Mr. John Johnston and | On motion of Mr. Weir, the Clerk was | joitroyed by fierce shock at 11 o'clock ou | Wind Pole £ 1 was unable to masticate my food, | ii. i tle next Provincial Paria. |"Po" Mr. Mowat, asking for these |structure. We say well done Bpence [| and 29 others asking a grant on the | instructed to notify Poundkeepers who have | je yjyht of the 28th. Many villages are indow Poles are now one of our and as a result I suffered greatly from |" 2 . rovineinl Farit-l, unties. Among the speakers was| Such fires are doubtless a misfortune | Nonquon road, south of railway, for not made their returns to do so at once, guid to be wrecked but the details ure not most popular departments. Our lack of nourishment. My face became so contracted from the effects of the pain that my best friends could hardly recognize me, and the only relief I could get was from chloral and the use of opiates. Finally my local physician, who had been tireless in his efforts to help me, said he could do nothing further for me, and my case seemed utterly hopeless. I then went to Olin- ton and consult~d one of the most kill- ed practitioners in that town, who diagnosed my case and said he could recommend no treatment that would benefit me, I came home utterly broken down and not/knowing what to do. 1 had read in the newspapers of the mar- vellous resolts accomplished hy the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but as I Lad never placed mach confidence in proprietary riedicines so widely adver tised, and had relied more on the methods of skilled practitioners, I had not given the matter of using. them wuch thought. As a last resort, how- ever, 1 determined to give Pink Pills a trial, and had two boxes purchased at the drug store of James Wilson, From the | their dity Wi Section 18 sure' Tf Chey rapidly, as the terrible pains has ceased, to a great extent, and I had begun to feel more like my former self. That was lust fall, and when my friends heard that I was recovering they began to drop in rapidly and congratulate me. As a result of the excitement con- sequent upon the fact that sometimes as many as ten or a dozen would come in to see me during the course of a day, I had a relapse--na return of the old prins--but I continued to take Pink Pills, and am pleased to say that I gradually got back to my normal con- dition, in which T am to-day. This summer, since August, I have been en- tirely free fron the malady, which has never been the case daring the previous seven summers, but 1 occasionally take the Pink Pills, as my doctor advises me that it is well, so ax to ward off the disease. I attribute the marked improvement in my health solely to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and have not failed to recommend their use to many of my friends who have made enquiry as to the benefit derived by me from them." In conversation with Jas. Wilson, druggist, it was learned that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have a very large sale in Goderich, and that many can testify to their great value as a blood builder and nerve tonic. Mr. Geo. A. "Fear, druggist, also speaks highly of the results attained by the use of Pink Pills among his customers, and says he finds them the best selling remedy in 'This store. Such remarkable cures ns that of Mrs. Fraser bave been but too few in the past. Thanks to the better know- ledge that the are obtaining of ment, gave Mr. Marter the nomination. The Was Everything passed off pleasantly. Mr. Blake. nominee had much in his favor, regarded as a highly suitable candidate with every likelihood of his Leing|™"* slected. This was all plainsailing un- til about a couple of weeks after Mr. By Marter's nomination when at a meet- wright's howl. ing of the Royal Templars of Temper- ance a resolution was adopted asking ful of favored o Mr. Marter. rot to run for North Toronto because a Mr, Tait wanted to represent the riding. Such an exhibition of "Cheek" impossible anywhere out of Toronto, were a similar cause to be attempted is anywhere beyond the city limits the resolutors would have been sat upon so heavily that not a whole political bone would be left in their The electorate of North Toronto have given the momination to a representative bodies, who is a credit to them and in every way worthy the honorable position of representative aud if the 'electors do putati whi ye do not elect him after the glaring in: [AL sult d them their independence of 45 IN don't count: fof much. The Canadian Englishman says: Bro. Marter would not be the man he is, and would have merited the scorn of his brethren of Dover lodge and cvery member of the Order had he not unhesitatingly declived to listen to the impertinene of a few religio- political heelers. Withont considering the merits or demerits of the cause of the Pro. hibitlon party, the difference between these men and Bro, Marter in the work they have respectively done for Temperance is as great as that which separates thesky terrier from the bulldog. They worry a good cause to death in trying to make it mect the political exigencies of their friends--and great is their lack of conscience--proclaim it as the work honest men who form the rank and file of the Temprance corps, ing and attract desirable -- Humbug Upon Humbug. 1f the voters of the country could Le at Ottawa and have an opportunity of observing the hypocrisy of the Grit leaders there would be lesa Grit votes cast. Take for instance John Charl. ton, M.P. He goes from end to end | Dominion. of the country denouncing the Govern- ment for what he calls the "villainous and outrageous protection system.'-- Mr. Charlton is a promoter of all such legislation as "Sabbath Observance" bills, and one would naturally expect him to Le' speaking somewhere near his convictions, But what isan 'outrageous system' when it is spoken of by him geverally becomes a good system when the abandonment of it would hit Mr. Charlton's own interest inst. J. K. Kerr, QO, a brother-in-law of Mr. Kerr in his speech specially set out that the protection not high enough, Mowat Govermert have increased it. the way where now is Cart- 'The 'The few special friends,' nes,' np The History of the Year 1803. After a careful and most satisfactory perusal of a copy of that structive and interesting hand book-- "The History of the year 1893" now being published by the Mail Printing Company, Toronto, we take much plea. sure in recommending its careful per ugal by all, but especially by the young of our country. The book is got up |elections says-- 'We are at least sure in w style worthy the well earned re-| of 25 seats, with prospects looking good Our members are very on of the Mail Printing ork fo axe / SIS TS up in a style which makes it both pleas ive. information particularly well written sketch of the World's Fair proves highly attractive as on and so the favored classes. 'The hand- valuable in- the destroyed property. top to bottom." -- eee Patrons. Board of the Patrons of Industry for more. ig The notes of the Political history of Oanada for 1893 form valuable and instructive reading and cannot fail to please the reader and furnish him much A racey and reading and forms another pleasing feature of the book, particularize, the book is full of such information as the people want and such as they should have. trations are all that could be desired and the excellent brographical sketches But we need not The illus: of many of the most prominent men of the time would of themselves make the book a most desiruble wade especially for the younger portain of the sons and daughters of this fair mecum The price is such (50 cents a copy) as should place at least one copy in every dwelling in the land. The Opening of Navigation. Capt. Crandell, the popular owner of the well known and highly popular steamer Crandella will give a pleasure trip on the Scugog on the evening of Saturday, 19th The steamer will leave the Port wharf at 7.30 p.m. Should the weather prove favorable a grand time may be expected. The owner hs, promising politiciacs B lists agninst Mr. position of represent h for hoped that the party w will get it. In the elections in that city gained the election wa his seat and it was givi have had a big score & their opponents and if § range of possibility they& cut of Meredith. ~ Whate may be the contest » whichever 'wins will get seat These are Texas, Illi Towa, Missouri and And, with the e and Towa, mainly g 0,000. wherever they strike, but the misfor- tune is much diminished when. the owner of the property has the energy and daring to go righl on and replace "The Mowat Government," says the Hamilton Spectator, * is the most ex- travagant, dishonest, corrupt and ty- rannical Government that haa ever af- flicted this country. Tt is offensive with rottenness and moral filth from A prominent member of the Grand speaking of the prospects of the Pat rons in the appronchiig provincial ntered the the if the above city in the next Prof Assembly. sooth of Baintfield, on the Centre : 7 0% road A big fight 1s looked it is to Le From Mr. Reakien Blight, Epsom, ins the seat Dominion declining to serve longer as paths who lost the electi that | master, and recommending Mr: D. Me- election fraud the Ui of London | Donnld as a suitable purty for the the result | he hot and this time. icinaliti municipalities. _-- a , : From Mr. 'Frank Harrison, agent Ontario Well Fore. |opR,M yrtle, asking for a statement n ) me a in. th of the Company's assessment of their ere are only si '¢| property in Reach. Union in which there a re horned From the Clerk of Brock, stating he enttle than are to be Ontario, statement of the of them are very much alipad of us.--| pon, Wellington Somerville, stat- Kansas leads us by 8 5 Misours ing that nt a meeting of road div, 13, cludes cago, by ith treble hich has this which repairs, On motion of Mr. Weir, $10 was ordered to be paid to Mr Veitch, being part payment of account for cedar sup- plied and arranging the same opposite lot 4, con. 9. The agreement between E. Whithy and Reach ns to the amount of work to be done respectively by each mun. icipality on the townline was submit- ted to the Council mn blank. Mr. Heard came before to Council, he said his wife refused to take further charge of Peter Brown at the present remuneration, §4 a month, he is per fectly incompetent to help himself, his legs were very bad and he requires al- most continous attention ; $6 a month would not be any too much, he being 82 years of age. Mr. Holman corrob rated Mr. Heard's statements, COMMUNICATIONS, From the chairman of the Saintfield road division, stating that at a public meeting of the division held on the 4th inst., a motion was passed recommend ing Mr. E. Newtop pathmnster of the d p in graveling opposit 215 for graveling opposite | 10. From Mr. G. L. Asling complaining of the state of the culvert a few rods ot 5, con, stating that he had called a pulilic meeting of Nis road division but there was no attendance ; he did not desire the position any longer, From Mr. Jas, Burns, Greenbank, position. From A, Millard, Esq., reeve of the township of Uxbridge, stating as chairman of the House of Refuge and Industry, he had been instructed to ascertain from the various munivipal- it'es of the Coufity the cost of the care of the indigents in' the respective bad prepared a amount expended by Brock on the townline of Brock and Reach which would be presented at next meeting of Brock Council, a resolution had been passed recom- mending Mr. Hayes for pathmiaster. From Jolin Lee and 33 others asking a grantof$100 for dirting and graveling sideroad hetweon lots 18 and 19 in the 9th and 10th cons., north of the Non- I and | 1 towards the funds of ways to remove all On mggion the Con Results of Exam} and Temperance in t School, Maximum v Edith Rae....... Samuel Graham. Herbert Nott .. Lda Walker Albert Quackenbush Louis Bowman Maude Kyle... . Emma Goudy... Birdie Bedfeid . Bessie McClintock Nellie McGill Walter Ross Gertrude Kennedy Herbert Gardner. . ny mma Hambly Seymour Whituey -. Edward Broad John Willson Charlie Bowerman .. Douglas Adams Crowding Legislature Ly a well, the present B.P.A. A in men, were own Candidate it Oanada had sev schooners engage tection service las over $76,000. This dustry more than diture. That ind 68,000 men, 1,104 --inctuding the oter eight and t dollars, The output is one million dolla! taken from Guna The Secretary of the Reach Agricultural Society made application for a grant of $25 On motion of Mr, Real, the Clerk was in- structed to notify the Overseers of High- roads in their respective divieions. ------ a Camphell .:. Frank Moles, si es sv Kathleen MeMechan. . Charles Tipp «vo... : Clarence Jamieson. . IRDA Mr. Weir of Totte attendance altogether, that the P.P.A's crowded out the Con- | rupidly over the fiuit growing districts "of servative Candidates and placed their | California, of mimmtaining the sume seems a good but the importance of our fishing in- said Society. rolling stones off the neil adjourned. nations in Physiology he Foarth Class Public value 100, =o | the big Republic, 31 far from being over, yet tobe had. The con |ilxion extended to parts of the udjacent republic of Colombia, The full details of the catasthrope will be learned slowly, but it is probable 10.000 pecple have perished and it is certaiu the greatest sug prevails in the places vis- ited by the earthquake." --ie The Olaveland Herald says the linrgest steernge Lusiness which 'Atlun- tic steamers will secure tins year will be in carrying foreigners to Europe { who are being driven out of the United States by the hard times prevailing in It is evident that our neighbors' industrial troubles are World's Columbian Exposition Will be of value to the world by illust- rating the improvement's in the me- chanical arts and eminent physicians Clee 80: 24 20 . 20 18 Them Out. Beeton, May 10 --At the Cardwell {dn Conservative convention here te duy | yuckson, Mr. Lytle, the P. P. A. candidate, | received the nomination for the Local bout 45 majority -- pham and Mr Hum member, also ran, but their supporters were cutvoted by the bout 170 delegates So i the field. et tien Smee Twenty-one Millions in Fish. en steamers and two d in the fishery pro- t year, and the cost was au little deal of money, warrants the expen- ustry employs nearly vessels, 31,508 hoats and the total vaive of the plant engaged craft mentioned --is hree-quarter williou commensurate with rs worth of fish was dian waters by Can- 1s | will tell you that 'the progress in medi cinal agents, hus been of equal miport- inde, and as n strengthening laxative thnt Syrup of Figs is fur in advance of all others, > I 4 ND ass, -- Marshall Howard Coates, Howard Franklin, Allie Coates, Lottie Coates, Muud Moore, Charles rowu., THIRD Crass.--Juo. Weir, Lusie Weir, | Charles Coolie, Mary Coates, FourtH Crass --Geo. Contes, Frank Brown, Wm. Moore, Ethel Graham, Minnie Coates, Part II. Sexior.--Edith Espin, Edith | Franklin, Edith Coates, H. Humpage. Part 11. Junior. --Laura Coates, Austin Graham. { First Sextor.--Juvo. Spencer, Archie cksou, Vi m. Coates, Stanley Spencer. First Junton.-- Wallace Hocken, Willie H. F. BRETHOUR, TracHEr ern as More Tail Twisting. | Washington, May 11.--A war of exter mination against the English sparrow is being advocated by Dr. C. Hart Merriam | who says that the sparrow is now spreading eee erm Leaving America. striking potters with their families have ar- mouth to work in the Inglish potterics. of the English stiikers may follow them. in Bank of Montreal stock, while Hon 000. the largest holder of bank Cunnda, Montreal. -- here's Franklin, Fast Liverpool, Ohio, May 10.--Fifty ranged to leave for England carly next The men are all skilled workmen, and more Sir Donald A. Smith holds $201,800 Geo. Av Drummond is down for §150,- Wm, 0. McDonald, of Montreal, is shares in He is down for $413,000 in Looking to the Future.--He'Hallo the announcement of our the capital employed. Nearly twenty. Riarriage in the paper I ShetAud in a few houra everyhody in the village friends have been quick to nppreciata our enterprise in adding Shades and Poles to our stock, and we have had to repeat our order over and over. This week we shall open up n lot of new designs, and if yon are not already supplied with those very necessary articles don't fail to consult our stock. This department has come to stay. NEW PRINTS. We are dally expecting a fresh in- stallment of Prints. They are on the way across the ocean, and we shall, no doubt, have them about the last of this week. If you want something for a change, something bright, pretty and durable you must see our new Prints. There are some charming variations in pattern from those that were shown early in the season. We guarantee thirty-six inches to the yard, and we see that each purchase is exnctly as represented, and we fit the prices to the times, Frito or lio LOOK AT THE RED FLAG! 200 PAIRSS> Women's Kid Shoes! Sl PER PAIR. (Old Price $1.26) 100 PAIRS-- = MEN'S PLOW BOOTS | S50 PER PATR. (Old Price $.125) A. SOPER. May 15, 15047 Port Perry, Bridles Lost. Last between Port Perry and Purple Hill, about three weeks since two open Bridles belonging light Set of Double Furness. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving Dr, Williams' Pink Pills they aro now | or interest of his constituents. Mr. of the steamer, all former occa- quon bridge. will know wearea newly-weddod couple. adian fishermen in 1893. This was them at my Livery Baer ST more numerous, ; _ | sions, will do'all in his power to add to the Mr. Real introduced and carried 5 ; ; x . ¥ % En ruin someaint 10 i donde Charlton xe ents North Dettolk re h doaliln oh pl es through & By-law fixing the number the biggest catch ever made and just| Another time I won't have it put in Port Perrys Mas Joke form all the elements necessary to Mr. Charlton Fepresents Soul orth- Tibaral supply of choles music willbe tl of days' statute labor to le done on about double that of twenty years ago. the papers | f dirighuess to the bl folk in the Local Legislature, and any- . 2. d Usbridge-- 'Nova Scotia, of course, teads all the |: pit eas ks ; ' 2 J i provided. The boat will be lighted np by = he : surroundings will doubtless avail | selves of the opportanity. ------ New Barn.--Mr. Robert Munro, lot 22, oon. 11, Reach, has let the contracts for the erection of a fine new barn, the dimensions of which are to be 70x45 fect, on his pro- perty ; when completed this will be one of the best appointed barns in the township. ey $1,694,000, n decrease of ult., the wife of Jobn R. Vicars, Esq., as compared with '92, but British Col-| DLS, of s daughter. umbia more than evened this up hy an | increase from $2,849,000 to $4,443,000. These are plain, easily understood figures, and they show what an immense heritage we have in our sea and Inke fisheries and how carefd? wé shoutd be in conserving it. Sis, atin, EE oor ah hu me. Sanit Wood's Not way Pine Syrup, On motion of Mr. Weir, $1.50 was ordered to be paid to Messrs. *Laing | and Meharry, being refund of Statute Lalior charged agninst pt lot 12, con. 7 1 Mr. Lamb introduced and carried | through a By-law appointing the fol- lowing Poundkeepers: 10 John Ward 11 Johu Akney Port. Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son. Thursday, May 17, 1 Fall Wheat 55c to 580. Spring: Wheat 55¢ to 58c. Goose Wheat 50 to 52c. Barley (6 rowed) 0c to 38c, 506, "To the Dairymen and Farmers One PPE, palpita- heart, pale and sallow vom- that tired feeling resulting prostration, all diseases upon vitiated humors in the South Northfolk has a large canning factory, the Simcoe Canning Company. It is very easy to see why John Carlton therefore begged the other day OHAPPED HANDE and LIPS crack- - | ed skin, sores, cuts, wounds and Ld are promptly ctired by Victoria bolic Salve. - A. P. Noakes, Mattawa, Ont., writes :-- 11 have been troubled for years with rheu- matism and nervous debility, and after ~ Will Mr. Chariton w through its first and second : point the following Over- passing your three them For pai cat soually to. A fren frou this The Guthrie Patent Texas Horn Fly Trap. It is ensily m tle tl H. OANN, Bowmanville, O nuaged, and by the trap week, it will keep rile scourge. -- | Hof 38 rticuiirs ses Farmers' Advocate | Tarkeys of Decrmber, 1893, by letter, or per: Du for higher duties upon canned fruit. for the mason work, and Mr. Miller, of 12 Jas. McKitrick Oats 33 em ix hoxes of your Dr. Williams' Pink He said that under the pr duty | Greenbank, is for the carp : 1 He Roy ncide * of Ontario and Durham Pile am esti eon oh deaih, and can ei Yoo fe wi lers, cheap and unwhlesome canned goods work. ; 3 Noman unties. ok : Ey all at 8c a hor or six boxes from the United States would flood Tas. 17 L Otis GENTLEMEN, --Remenber when the for 82.50. Dr. Williams' Med Co , Brock. | the Canadian markets, doing great 3 19 John Howsam . | Horn Hy comes, that 1 have the ex< y 5 | damage to the Ou indust fr, Weir introduced and carried | clgsive right to mauufactare and sell Huntavi le, Ont. r,--1 hate been nsing a s-