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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 May 1894, p. 3

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SPECIAL SALE OF 'Latest Styles Men's Hard and Soft Felt Hats just arrived. New Prints ! New Dress Goods ! Fine Tweed's for children's wear from 35c. up. Black and Navy Satteens at special prices. M. BROCK. Port Perry, March 28, 1304, Prohibition The Other Way n. Rome, May 10.--Baron Somin- finance min'ster, has signed a conven: tion with an English syndicate to pay the government 50,000,000 lire an- nual'y in exchange for the alcohol mon- opoly. Tha government has been able t'ius to dispense with the project to re- duce the interest oh the rentes. moi Bad Blocd causes blotches, boils, Pian 1:9 abscesses, ulcers, scrofula, ate. Burdock Blood Bitters cures bid blood in Ally Torti from a common pimple to the worst scrofu- bus sore. Husband--'Didn't I tell you that was a secret, and you were not to tell it to any one? Wife--'You told we it was a secret, but you did not say I was not to tell it to any one. + Bar lock Blood Bitters cure Dyspepsia. k Blood Bitters cure Constipation Blood Bitters cure Bilionsness, B: Blood Bitters cure Headuclie. Yen fifty dollars. I'm after rarities. Ripaas Tahules : for liver troubles. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure hives. The Ogdensburg Journal farm of 126 acres, within six miles o that city, for which seveiityfive dol- lars an acre was offered seven year 'STOVEAND TIN SHOP BUCKS CELEBRATED, HAPPY THOUCHT RANGE Nii cck Blood Bitters anfock all i cl secretions of the Bowels thus curing 4 Hashes and: similiar complaints. I've left an order with a hock auctioneer to buy every look that comes into his place that sells for over says a fill IN ---- PORT PERRY! The undersigned hegs to aknounce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and vicinity, that he has opened out in the Stoye and Tinware business in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Wright . IN THE BLONG BLOCK! Where he will keep in stock everything pertaining to the business and will sell at Prices that cannot fail to please purchasers. There will now be no necessity for parties in this vicinity going to Uxbridge to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &c.; in fact, it will be to the advantage of the Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure from me anything they may require in my line, whether Ranges, Stoves, Tinwarezse OR EAVETROUGHING Having had Twenty years' experience at Tinsmithing, all orders entrusted to me may be relied on to give satisfaction, Havetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. EZ A call solicited. Don't forget the place in the Blong Block. W. H CLARK. Port Perry, April 3, 1894. Now Is the Time to Get An Booted! People Say it is Hard Times! Well, if that is the case I will make it Easy Time "BOOTS of Superior Quality at a Great Reduction in Price that will surprise you. ALL SIZES-MY OWN MAKE, Keep no other--No infetior Stock. - Differ. ent sizes made up, all of which 1 will dis- LIVERY STABLE. EARTILY thanking the public for the F liberal patronuge received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! Opposite the Railway Staticn where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be sccommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Yort Perry, July 21, 1886, Entrance and Public Sotool Leaving Examination. ITIHE Annual High School Entrance Ex- _ amination will be held at Port Perry amd Cannington, Poors that when you see them and hear the priees you will be sure to pur- chase; Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch, Groceries Such as all want. the present s Large, Good, Sty Every variety of the | Papers. of rare beauty iti cheap. A magnificent stock t and Cheap. ) Booet.. ---- IS THE PLAGEROR:~ Fresh and Reliable Seeds. 3s A full and' complete stock of Fresh: and Reliable FieLp and GARDEN SEEDS just to hand, and we are selling them at HARD TIME PRICES. and Provisions! CHEAP FOR CASH OR'PRODUDE: n FTO TIR and FHT) of all kinds always on hand Also Sack Barrel and Dairy Salt, Land Plaster. &o. E# Higliest Price paid for Oats and Coarse Grain of all kinds. Any quantity of FRESH EGGS WANTED fot which Highest CASH Price will ba paid, Port Perry, March 28, 1894 E H. PUR py. B® RovLer IN FULL BLAST } HE undersigned takus this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the litge measure of patronage be-| gros stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best; mast approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the Janiifasture of Flour, is prepaid to dv . Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fal to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and ean supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Jotsts, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. GED. BARD Perry and surrou Wiha to fuform 55 publie after four ycars ex his business in some of the United States, he ia better than are to execute ere 1 byantlhibs of Beloklayti dl Cisterps without uly struction to decay or 3 in need of any of the al eigina obtain Hives 5 gf ingen aperiat, rege wired fn} Line Wilk fie ke cif or sale after A Brat of Ro Port Perry, Jan. 8, i 1; 74% 5 . AND SIX ACRES OF FOR SAT.H. g hotit UNDERSIGNED offers for ble ee choice and well-appoitited restdelice and six acres of lund on which there is a tine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orohard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving Hoe and Stable oa, the premises. Hard and Soft Water und'all other evnveniences. The Carriage Drive and Greifnds ars finn: ed with varfons kihds of Ornainentél 'I'roes, Shrubs, Viues, &e. This property is beautifully located on Union Avenue just on the southern hordes. ou the Town of Port Perry and is a very des sirable property sud will be sold at a Baroaln. For further particulars apply to the pre: prietress on the premises. EUPHEMIA baw is. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1803, * JOHN NOTT. UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PHARMACY DAVIS The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of + GDRIDS Laces, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots re- paired. sar Next doot to the Market: : M. BOND. Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1603. IN © T Ell Prices for CASH Only Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30, Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ $35. f| Parlor Snite-- . 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ $35 Aight tripe, Parlor Suite-- ments can be On June 28th, 29th and 30th, Beginning each day, at 8.45a, m. Writing and Drawing Books must be handed to the presiding exaininer on the morning of the 28th. Candidates who intend tb write at Can- singin, will pleitse notify J. McBrirN, Esq, Prince Albert; others grill Principal of the Port Pe) 3 Have you arranged for § Excursicns If not, write at once-to the management of the Popular Excursion Steamer CRANDELLA OF LINDSAY. This Popular Pleasure Steamer has heen thoroughly refitted, is lighted by electricity. and has a powerful search liglit'for safety on The most favourable arrange made for excursions from CONSISTING OF : ty We ago, was sold Inst week for a fraction more than twenty-nine dollars an acre. There has been a reduction of farm vitlues in Outario in the last decade, but a case cannot be cited anywhere in this Province that will even approxi: iiite that above refarted to. GOURT OF REVISION. revise the Assessment Roll for the Township of Reach, MANCHESTER, On Mondsy June 11, 1894, at Two oelock p.in., of which all persons interested are required to take notice and govern Hhemar] ves according, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk. Manchester, May 16, 1894. HOME-SEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS Wilt be sold by the Chicago, Mil- waukee & 8t, Paul Railway on May to 8t. Paul, Minnenpolis, Ouinhn, Sioux City, Kunsas City, and points beyond at practically oue fare for the round trip. Excursion tickets will for retorn passage thirt dn os of sale, hy { an: on Ticket Agent in the Unived Rtates or Canada, or address A, J. TavLor, Canadian Pass. Agent, 87 York 8t., Toronto, Ont. OTICE is herchy given that the first meeting of the Conrt of Revision to {ot the year 1894, will sit at the Town Hall, 8th and May 29th, 1894, from Chinago | 8 Pieces best Americin Hair Cloth; gilded @ $37. Parlor Suite-- 6 Viedes best Queen Plush, and back, very large set @ $55, well finished. Also Bedroom Sets ds low as $11.75 £7 A Cary SOLICITED, J. W, DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen St. Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1802, fras spring - edge 2a Above are Solid Walout Frames and Lindsay or Chemong to Sturgeon Point, Bobeaygeon or Scugog (to Port Perry) lakes, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway. Splendid accommodation. For rates and other partienlars apply to CAPT, GEO: CRANDE LL, April 30, 1804. Lindsay. HiFland's 01d Dontinion Crescent Brand CINNAMON PILLS, The Only Genuine RELIEF FOR LADIES. STEAMBOAT C0, LTD. STR. NORTH KING Lioxrep sy Evsormioiry. Heaven sy Sreau, SATLING SOUTH. COMMENCING SUTH APRIL. Leaves Cobourg 8 a.m,, Port Hope 0.45 a.m, week days, arriving Charlotte (Port of Roch- ester) 2.30 p. m. s8xcep. Monday, when Stenmer leaves Cobourg | prm., Port Hope 2.80 arriving Charlotte (1 "op of Rochester). 30, m RAILING NORTF. Leaves Charlotte, N.Y.*(Port of Rochester) eek 15 p arrives Port Hope 6. HE ey ©XI fir Ry th > n arg | is miade Monday from [Chars | cheat at RI a m,, arriving at Fides || fils ).45 p.m. An extra t Iotte (1*0tt oi 8 on ourg rt HH, [OILDERALERY B, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte HOW If Asx Yorr Druaaier for Burland's Old Dom. ifrjonUrescent Brand CINNAMON ILLS. Shallow veot-nugular metallic hoxes sealed with ores- cent. Absolntely safe and reliable. Refuse alls urious and harmful imitations. Upon ceipt of Six cents in Alamps we will reply 4 return of mall, giving full particulars in plain envelope. Address, BU BLAND CHEMICAL CO. orse Bldg., N.Y, City. Please Mohn tlits Paper. hid Tan Wal 8 ER TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver; Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best takers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian A Large and Magnificent = tein OF ni # gf fq ' ba Le tai ol Yas tele have much oh in stating that ofir i for business have been largely increased and we sre now prepared to furnish perfect fitting Suits from some of the hand- sothest English, Scotch, Irish, American and Canadian Cloths ever shown in Port Perry, Gentle wen wishing a Gent's Furnishings.-- Everything in Gent's Furnishing line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lowest Possible Prices, FASHIONABLE, STYLISH SUIT! GT TL will do well to call early and select their goods. first-class workmen employed. Full satisfaction guaranteed, English, Co Raid Tae" (Wm wry eet i None but American and Port Perry, Nov. £7" A large line of the Newest Styles in Hats, Canadian, 30, 1893. WHITBY & BLONG. Blong Block: Ware, &c., al dll Prices. R54 UCERS, VASES, §e ines Wor wipes i pe pst Ae raml e Finest Quality, L ret Sh dred pl x ett pour puckiges 15, D Connie Juan Woe TA Le ee" A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Drugpist BLONG BLOCKER, PORT. PERRY LAING & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGAIN--0o OPENED OUT WITH A Magnificent THIS ? Romething unique even in there divs of Sumiaoth premiuin offers, Ix the lutest effort fords Magazine, n New York monthly of hone and general Tending. The proposition 1s to send tha Magazine tne year for one dollar, the regular subscription peice, and In addition to send to ench sub. rHifty two complete novels during the bik months; one each weck, Think of jit. Yon Feoeive a new and som Bean Jove), by Juall; peg t puid, every wes fiy-t ka, and in addition you get once a month fon twelve 11 for one dollar. It Is an offer which afford to make in the ; at, ry J you wisi fo take advantage of this unusual | Shiai "ong send one doilar Jor rans 'NOTIGE TO CREDITORS. OTICE is hereby given that above nimed Insolve sn nts, D. Foi Co., Re eof Ceca rr in' the solvents. "fv "of On their real and Ry aonding hi in trust for the benefit of their cred: Sie sradines willbe hold 22 Ebbels, Barrister, : offives oie state: | 0nd U ve | Wi Ie latter of D. Perkins § Co. (D. ' and Annie F. Perkine), of |S the _Villaga: of YAVED SALESME de os 1 d Seed Pofatoes. bh SALARY or COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY. PERMANENT and PAYING POSITIONS to ump MEN, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to BEGINNE 4 Lid # ¥ laiven. tt White at once for terms to The Hawks Nursery Go., culation rp yg Examinations in Oral Reading, Drawi and a Sowimerein) course in high, public and ass Ludo fy the Whithy collegiate institute and Port Perry high schools on y, June 27th, 1894. The gtmual Primary, Matriculation and examinations in conuection wi ain hi titute, -- bigh oc schools bo AE 1894. Rochester, EL} = ne year: Your first copy of tl and your first Aid of the arty two pois 0116 enth Week) which you are to receive during the year will be kent you hy return mail. Remit by P. U. Urdet, register- ed letter or express, Add) ress STAFFORD PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of BTAFFORD'S MAGAZINE. P. O. Box 2264, New York. N.Y. Please mention this paper. ror. | which he will sell for the next month GPECIAL NOTIoE == The undersigned has a full and choice. Stock of consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Dini description of Farniture suitable placed in iny Store a large Gilt Frames, all sizes, ings suitable for the Trade--C 1 E| BE. Lumber and Wood taken in exchal 2 fine keeping. Deo. 6, 1893 | Capt. Watters' 6652 . Recorr 2.254. Fall Brother of Galen Prince, record 2.19. By Jud Folger. Dam ot Will be st the Oriental (JHotal, Port Perry, every Monday during the Season 0: ' |COUNTY OF ONTARIO. County Counoil, TE, next t masking of the Counc of the | Corporation 'of Ontario for the year 1894 will Sv pursuant to adjournment at the Court House in the Town of % WHITBY, 01 Monday, the Fourth day of June, next, |. at the hour of Two o'clock in the aftérnoon. All accounts to be laid before She Conag must be forwarded to the or ingot hed least three days before fs hitby, this 11thday of May, 1884 JNO. E. FAREWELL, k See Bills for Terms. Uxbridge, April 26, Hp Wash or. Prices. My Stock and every other Ihave EZ Give med call NOTT. west of St. Charles Hotel. YT Bg Fo Stoclk of everything in their line LAING & MEHARRY. PORT PERRY. _ STILL LEADING} rPVHE UNDERSIGNED begs to rbturnt thanks for the liberal aud «till jlicrens: ing patronage bestowed on hitn sihte com- mencing the Butchering Business and woulil state that be is better picpared than ever to supply the public with JUST SUCH MEATS a& cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only CuoioR Mxars at moderate prices, and promptness in business to receive a liberal share public patronage. ear All orders left at fy Stall in tha. Market Building, or with me an my rounds with conveyance, will reccive immediata und careful dttention. Pork Pores do Lasac waitif ir HARNESS N returning thanks to the public for tha 1 patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stoek OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS | | which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, Ay an inducement to CAsu purchasers b Diseouah of 1 per odes | | | will be allowed on all Sales Li now until | Jan. Ist next. All work.-being | MADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in stock, the | superiority of my goods will at once become Apparent; utending purchasers will find that by. giviog we a call before Inoking algewhert they can he suited in quality and price, my. long experience ti the trade heing an, indiss., putable guarantee that perfect sutisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kept; constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPHB. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892; Te - occupy the extensive premises just viicated hy Mr. B. F. Ackgrmax, where we will he Detfer prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the WHICH FOR Durability and REMOVAL 52 We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now Harness Liine CHEAPNESS, STYLE. STRENGTH, Cannot be sarpassed in the County. I THE nodersigned would fake ke thig por: i tunity of thanking bis Fo rons for their IfMheral and still pe : patronage during the tinm be bas fureutods the business of : PAINTING in Por Perry, and would state hit he fa better prepared Shah ever to execute all re for Painting, fatsoniut td Pi Partiéa entraating pi work tp me may rely ou having it neatly and Tremptly oxo. cited, My charges are 2.

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