1 NERV 0 KENNEDY & * At 1 years of age T learned a bed habit which almost rained me. 1 became nervous and FREY SALTED 8 MAST VLD "Bome 8 yearn ago 1 contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for ayphilis. Mercury almost the symptoms agein appeared. Throat be, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, Joss of hair, glands enlarged, eto. A medical friend advised Drs. _ Kennedy & Kergan's New Method for tive i, HE iy ots syphitls. t eradicate the 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150.000 CURED. killed me. After a while became sore, pains in lim! + "1 am8S of BS] and act like a man in every tI No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. Chi 10 Lass Our New Method Treatment drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the systems and restores lost vitality to Cure Nervous ocele, we G nyphilis, Var Weak Dre, Kennedy & America. They guar tation and fifteen "Write them for an honest opini save vou yoars of regret.and suffering. Charges Question List and Book Free. Cons DRS. KENNEDY & KERGA SHOE TEETER 's unhappy. hi tool ig 5 ne Karena. Their Now Method built me up mentally, physically nad sexually. I feel brain, builds stricture, Glect Parts and All Kidaey and sladder viscases. ion, no matter who treated mama For Over Fifty Years. Mne. WinsLow's Sovorixe hat been used by millions of mothers thei: children while teething. Lf disturbed at pight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paic of Cut- ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of « Mrs, "Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will reliéve the poor little sufferer inmediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. [t_cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach und Bowels, oures Wind Colic, softens the | Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone "fund energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childien terthing ia Prensa ns to fasts sud is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. | Sold by all druggists throughoat the world. | Be sure and ask fof *' Mma. WinsLow's |e syrup." | Horvoway's Pitts. --The Hour of | Danger, -- Disease commonly comes on, | with slight symptoms, which, when | neglected, increase in extent, and gradually grow dangerous--a condition which betrays the grossest remissness --«when these Pilis, taken in accordance with their accompanying directions, would not only have checked, but con- quered the incipient disorder. Patients daily forward details of the most re markable and instructive cases in whisk timely attention to Holloway's adviee has undoubtedly saved them from nen weak, My back 1 could Treatment. It and [have | a A married od a PL As & 38 poison from the it and. Priel lod & 3 stimulate imperfect and, secondly, upon the blood, which is thoroughly purified by them, whence is derived the general tone they impart, 'and thir power of suljugating hypochon dino, dyspepsia, and nervous com- | plaints. | | respect. Try never fails in curing Diseases of men, It strengthens the body, stops dil ilds up the nervous and sexual WEAKNESS, DEBILITY, PALE- NESS, ANAEMIA, etc., are cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Ripans Tabules prolong life. Ripaas Tabules : for liver troubles. Ne bilit U y, Falling Wanhood, naatural Olscharges, Kergan mre the leading specialists of antes to oure or no pay. Their repa-~ at stake, You i you. It may Write for a ultation Free 148 Shelby St. Hl | « Detroit, Mich. |§ | years of business are Getting at the Facts. ble. Attorney-- You are the president of the Dazzling Sun Gas Company, arc you not 1 Witness--T am. "LIVERY STABLE. EARTILY thanking the public for the | H liberal patronage received during the many years Fave kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, 1 have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! Opposite the Railway Station | 2 largely extended premises and | where frow increased facilities for business the public | . can be accommodated with safe and desirable | RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Yort Perry, July 21, 1886. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte STEAMBOAT €0., LTD. | STR. NORTH KING Heated BY STEAM. LioHTED BY ELBOTRIONTY, { SAFLING SOUTH. COMMENOTNG 8TH APRIL ! Leaves Cobonrg 8 a.m, Port Hope 8.45 a.m. | week days, arriving Charlotte (Porl of Roch ester) £80 p.ni., except Monday, when Steamer leaves Cobourg | p'm., Port Hope 2.80 p.m. arriving Charlotte (Port of Rochester)7.30p.m | SAILING NORTH. Leaves Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochexter) week days 11.16 p.m, arrives Port Hope 8.80 a.m, and Cobourg 7.15 a.u., except Haturd when Steamer jenves Charlovte, N.Y.. 4.2 m., ariving Port Hope 10 p.m., Uohourg 0.45 p.m. An extra trip is made Monday from Char. | Jotte ("ort of Rocliester) at 8.80 n.m., arriving Cobourg 1 p.m., Port Hope 1 3) p.m. N.B.--Calls every Wednesday at Brighton 8.85 a.m.. and Colborne Wednesday and Friday 4.50u.m. Weekly Bay of Quinte Route. Leaves Port Bope every Saturday, 10.00 p.m, | Arrives Belleville every Sunday, 8.20 a.m. | " Picton " wg 2% am | " Kingston . * "10.00 am. W. H.MOUAW, Agt. Port Perry. H. H. GILDFRSLEEVF, Gen. Manager, Kingston. HOW 1S THIS? Something Unique even in these days of | mammoth premium offers, 18 tle latest effort of Statford's azine, a New York monthly | of home and general reading. The proposition is to send the Magazine one your for one dollar, the regular subscription price, and in addition to send to each sub- seriber fifty two complete novels during Lhe twelve months; one each week, Think ofit. You receive a new'and com- | piele novel, by mall, post paid, every week for Blly-lwo weeks, aod in addition you get | the a mouth fon twelve | mont Lhe publishers can only #fford to make in the enn nt expectations of gelling a hundred thousand new subscribers. Among tie authors In the coming series are, Wilkie Collins, Walter Besani, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Ceeil fay, Florence Marryat, Anthony Trol- | lop, A. Conan Doyle, Miss Hradion, Captain | Marryat, Miss Thuckery and Jules Verue. If you wish take advantage of this unusual uppasanity send one doilur for Staflord's agnzine, one year. ine, and your first number of the Afty- 1wo nove:s (one each week) which vou are to 4 ng the year will be sent you hy return mail. Remit by P.O. Urder, reg'star- ed letter ur express. Addréss STAFFORD PUBLISHING CO., | Publishers of % BTAFFORD'S MAGAZINE. RB, O. Box 2281, New York. N.Y. Please mention this paper. ve once ny - late Jams Brems, West-half of the the 3rd concession magaz! be, ali for one dollar, IL is an offer which | tionist, or Your first copy of the | Customer--1I got a §1 umbrella here 3 "Whet We are Ooming To "Now, sir, for the porpose of getting -- at the exact facts of the case I am { | { The elderly man was walking slowly | com belled to ask you what it costs the ) g slowly | comp y down the street when he picked up a | company per thousand feet to manu slip of paper and looked at it curiously. | facture gas ¥ Two men at hand, who abserved the! *That, sir, is a matter of no concern action, stopped alsoand gazed in wonder | to you and has nothing to do with this at the paper which the finder held out. | case. Presently a crowd collegted, and| 'I insist upon knowing.' those who could see the paper looked + T prefer not to answer, sir.' on in silent astonishmenty while the (To the Court)-- Your Honor, it is men on the outskirts demanted, 'What | absolutely necessary for me to get the is it | figures.' No one could eny until a fecble, aged | The Court--The witness will answer | man drew near and cast his eye upon | the question | { How much does the manufactur the marvelous find and swiled. | +Now, then, I will ack you again I remember such things when T was | jr, a boy,' he remarked," 'My father had { of gas cost the company ULy the thou- | { several of them, but they do not belong sand feet I' | to this age. You have a valuable re-| ¢T haven't any idea. Ihave nothing lic,' he continued, turning to the finder | to do with. the business affairs of the | | and speaking slowly and impressively. | company, sir, except to draw my reg i "That is a receipted bill.' ular quarterly * dividend of five pr} cent. einen Wrong House. ALL -MEN Young, old or middle aged, who find them- selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss | of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, | dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid nes, headaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the It was a sunshiny morning and all The birds singing in the budding trees, and the nature was n-smile. were flowors were filling the air with their | There was a joyousness in : fragrance. all the world, and the tramp ambled up = Thiese Pills act primars | | |For Sale by || Druggist, Myste i pe A KNOUNCEMENT | Thre she moved into ive, well arranged = th NewBrickEstablishment increasing CHOICE BREAD. Every euriet of FANCY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &C. The latest discovery bu the sche [Md mo the nerve centres, which £53 fic world is that nerve centres located the eanse of the trouble. in or near the base of the brain eon- The wonderfsl cures wrought by trol all the organs of the body, sad {the Gest South Americas Nervine when theses nerve centres are] Tonic are due alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon the fore going principle. It cares by rebuild- ing snd strengthening the nerve centres will cause the deranssmgnt of the various organs which they supply with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in suy way disensed it is impossible for it] to sapply the same quantity of nerve force as when in 8 healthfal condi- tion; hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are unable to properly perform their work, and ss a result disease makes its appearance. At least two-thirds of our chromie| diseases and ailments are due to the merves. It gives refief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent eure in every instance. Do nok BRIDAL CAKES need searcely| nt bm om bad or srt, in allies, 2 ~ gr xu tail | . Hotelkeepers supplied at. Toronto and, Montreal Prices-- Wholesale and freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Prices to suit the times. A call solivited. . SF Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manch M. WILLL LIAMS. = ester, free of charge. Port Perry, April 3, 1890. Cia Eurland's Old Dominion Crescent Brand CINNAMON PILLS, i The Only Genuine ! RELIEF FOR LADIES. | sex yore Derecisy for Burland's (id Dom.- | miootCreseent Brand CIN ANON TTLLS. Shallow rect angv iar metaiiie boxes sealed with eres ent. Absointels safe and reliable Refuse off sparioes and harm fol imitations. Upon veeipt of Six cents tn stamps we w ill reply vy reform of mall, ziving full particulars In plain envelope. Address, ! BERLAND CHENICAL Worse Please Mention this Paper. TW) DATASLE REDIDGNCLE FOR SALE. = The undersigned offers for Sale two 3 | i i Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889 oe, N.Y. City. Albert. Por particulars apply to J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1586. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, to the kitchen door with a heart full of sorctum, wasting of the organs, dizzivess, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and | flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be vested by sleep, constipation, dullness of | hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex citalility of temper, sunken eyes, surround ed with LEADEN circLEs, oily looking skin, hope and a stomach full of room for breakfast. per made her appearance. He banged away at the up- panel in the door and the cook 'Well, what do you want? the en. | quired in a tone slightly off the general pitch. | etc., are all symptoms of nervous debilit. > . | that lcad to insanity unless cured. The 'Guess,' he responded coquettishly spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permantly cured. Send your ad dress for book on diseases peenliar to man | send 10¢ in stamps, sealed. ~Addecss M. V LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canade. she retorted, slamming st "Guess not," the door in his face; and be went out of there as if he had been back with a bag of railroad spikes. . hit on the tp ee Emerson Bros. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers beg to ammounce the they arc now prepared to manufactur: SASH, BLINDS FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with wneatness and dis patch. A Temperance Tailor. Customer--1 thought you pretended to be a temperance man ora proliibi omething of that sort. Olothier--1 am, sir. Oustomer-- Why don't you sell pro- liibitionist goods then 1 Olothier--How do you mean? T DOORS, CASINGS, 1.5t week, and it-came home sonked the | first time 1 took it out. That's { thing: Three days ago 1 bought = | puir of §3 trousers. 1 noticed they were a little full when I got them, Last night after the shower they got tighter'n any pants I ever had on, and te day they're off again. | Then there's one ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Success the Test of Worth IN THE WORLD IS THE THIS UNIVERSAL Mi IS A HOUSEHOLD REQ EVERYWHERE [AE BAKING POWDER . THE PILLS >URIFY THE BLOOD, i JERVOUS SYSTEM, and ast lly yet soothingly one % LIVER AND BOWE sromoting DIGESTION snd ass ndowing the = TRENGTH and vigoms. ches, Tremtd :EXERAL DEB that thin «oat I bought here ; FANCY NCE PICK] slugitenr t been |p er "made fit for business since. You're wn fne|" company here if you're a temperance man, Lemme see a stand-op woller if you've got one that can stand-up. te Planing d ne 'to Order. - The of the en pegs Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall. BROS. To Cleanse the System Effectaally yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual coustipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity. without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers use-Eyrup of Port Perry, May 8, 1886. YYANTED SALES Stock and Beed Potatoes. SALARY or COMMISSION 2ATD WEEKLY. PERMANENT and PAYING POSITIONS to Goof MES. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTX $0 BEGINNERS. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY GIVEN IF DESIRED. | Write at once for terms to Ta - |The Hawks Barry Go, Roffuster, 1. to well Timm of BE ® $s rapt]l 14S A WORLD-WIDE RE It hesks every kind of S f sats vor Diogais. AT Perry ra 3. LE eA sverTisinG « Meoioff| T LOCAL PRESS ------ ee A PERFECT ARTICLE. General and Nervous Debility, 'Weakness of Body snd Mind, Effects of Exors or Excessesin Old or Young. Rebust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How tor Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Tarts of Body. Absolutely wa- failing Tome Treatment --Bencfits in a day. Men testify from LO States and Foreign Coun- tries. Write them. Descriptive Bock, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL €0., Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE. FINE, YOUNG, NEW, MILCH COWS, for Sale. Apply to a gin INS, Sz A-ricultural Machices IMPLEMENTS gomd SUNDERLAND. | Plush. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety. S SFURNITUREX- IT WILL PAY YOU TO --B U XY--/ E J. JOHNSON, WHITBY His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers at Prices that cannot be Shaded | Oallind examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality tyle and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet ang A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment E. J JOHNSON. mening Sc jesfeld's Diamond Hall. JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Stock Fine Jewelry Latest Styles and Palterns. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTICN® Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, from 25 ctato $6. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at DIESFELDS OTICE! PECIAL = The undersigned has a full and choice Stock of A A I which he will sell for the next mionth at greatly Reduced Prices. My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and every other description of Furniture suitable for housekeeping. I have £ 0 ity « fine py: - ES. Lomber and Wood taken in exchange. JOHN INOTT. Dee. 6, 1893 Next door west of St. Charles Hotel