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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Oct 1894, p. 3

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Senate slone ; sm Tshunedite, with bis hand ramed agninst exery swe and every band agninst him He did matt go into it | which is credited with being the best coal in the market and worth 50 cents - | im stock Blosshung Swithing and Briar Hill Soft Coal. | whrond, mod the President who 18 ex- JL 6 BLONG'S Gent's Parnshing Establishment il "NEW + GOODS + ARRIVING» To my Customers and the €eneral Public: HAVE much pleasure in stating that my facilities for business have been largely increased and Iam now prepared to supply everything in the Gent's Furnishing Line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lowest Possible Prices. 1 A call respectfully solicited. X- GCG. BIL.ONG- 1 wish to inform the public that I have a full stock of the Celebrated@®Scranton@Coal Per ton mone than amy other Brand. Be sure and get the best. I have also 1 also keep a Full Line of Dressed and Undressed Lomber, Lath, Shingles, Hard and Soft Wood, Water Lim#, White and Grey Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris, Plasterers Hawi, Jo, do. EF Prices quoted on appli-ation. Thasking wy numerous customers for pust patronage. C. I. VICKERY, Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1894 plete, exorpt Beoretury Morton who is Church of the Ascension. stwdying the mericoltural question ree REV. JOS. FLEICHER, M_A_, INoUMBENT. Sunday --Matios, 30 a.m, Evensong, 7 pum. Sunday School, 2.30 p.m. Wednesday --Evensong, 7.30 p.m. preted about the middle of the month. Bat there willl then le a wenitwble wegnre im the departure of Officials to tule port in the November elections, Recipes. Sponge Cuke -- Five eggs, whites and yells beutem sepanately, two cups sugar, | M etho dist Church. REV. R. CADE, 1 D. D., Pasron. Salibath Services, 10:30 and 6.30 Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. seem premature sary to those in New York who do mot | think Hilll enm be eluted gamer, but ahout. To use Hill's fuvovite expmes- sion, they might wait to cms that bridge when they get to if, bot it is) the pons asinormm, aod they Buu tn for © on the way. Preliminary to the meeting of Con-| gress, mn few weeks lemee, there hos cropped out consderable gowdp iw | Washington concerning tht muh diis- | cussed, oft attempted, Bt weve swo- | aver the tariff emch hewugh to the: fram a namber of propositions intruded to limit debnte, hat beyond u simple me ference to the Commiliter om Balls, | nothing farther was howd of it. It is | of silver legislation snd off further me _ vision of the twriff wowld Resitute to give up the only mens by whi they might combat such leonation. For this reason it is regrrded ne wot likely there will be any change mw the mules, much as such » result iv hoped for. It nppenrs from the reports mde to the Comminsioner of Tndium A fairs this year that *he Indiv question is wm = condition. Not ms it weed to be in army prrlamee, wre the good Indios, On the of Tndian affsirs, thowsh still admitting of improvement in virions ways, wes mover perhaps im better shape then it is now. With the retwm of Post || peur of hooks ou Park Row, ms a | cwstoaner handed over five cents for a woe and one-half cup flour, favor with | -- || even rr waniilla, mid whites of eggs | lust. 15 bulked im a wide and long iu BE TPS Mage Wnt it I wane afver | 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, BA, Pastor Salibath Services, 10:30 and 6.30 | Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30 Baptist 'Church. thine welll ovale wggs stimned into the | | fom, thine tuililespoons of white sugnr | thee of loutiber two teaspoonfuls cream | of turer, ©ne of sofla, wix one cup lwweet mill to make stiff batter bake quircklly im hot oven. Spice Cuke. --Onelbnlf cup of butter, | @me andl woe half cups sugar, one cup | anther wail, tt wo mod one-half cups four, | wwe tem spoonful ead of soda, cinnamon, | chowes, half notimeg, one cup raisins, Toul emp cunmamits. A lndly Fiving on Oass avenve heard m kmodk at the side door, amd opened it, A tramp stood there, who doffed Tikes weg. "Bweet Indy," The began, when she sthermlly dntemnopited him. "How dare you sddress we in that msmmnvenr 1 "I hamly beg pardon," he said ; "it was all owing to = hatit I have noguir- | ell of speaking my thoughts aloud." | He got twe kinds of pie and some REV. J. GOODWIN, B.A., Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. PROF. 8S. J. CHON, RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto, will visit Port Perry once in six month. -- All orders entrusted to him warranted to ive satisfaction. Rererexces--Mr. W. 33 Adams and My. John Me. D. Nott, Port Perry, Notice tq Farmers. The undersigned begs to intimate to the farmers of this district that he has just purchased a new Threshing Machine from the Works of the Me- Donald M'fg Co, Stratford, which has all the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. It is so constructed that in threshing peas it does not split them, Orders for threshing solicived. F. A. BAILEY. Blackstock, July 11, 1894. HARNESS That's tem cents," said a curbstone ~oovened movel. "Why," protested the costomer, "tlle Bellow might here is selling the sume hook For five cents." "That Dago I' the vendor exclaimed contemptuously. "Why, I spend more for wy beer every day than be does for has living and lodging." " Batt the books are the same." "J miw'}t tallliing about that, I spend and he don't." "1M hy the book from you at the sme price he's selling it for." "I win't mumming mo opposition to a J the wemdor suid with dignity. "I'm Amwrican, Tam. My price is tem cents." ti Heart Disease Relieved in » Thirty Minutes. Dr. Aguvew's Clare for the Heart gives mellief in alll cases of Organic or Dati Home Hewit Disease in 30 minutes, sul wpefily wile u care, It iis a peerless emily ne Palpatation, Shortoess of Spills, Pain in Left ond Heart Owe dose convinoss. Sdld by A. J. Davis Three Home Seekers' Excur- sions To alll parts of the West and North- ey ooo BE returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I am, as usual, now Fndy for business, and have " OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS| Witich I am determined to sell very CHEAP Asan ibducenent to Cass purchasers will be allo Jan. Ist next. AH work being MADE BY HAND, und no factory work kept in stock, the sujpesosity of my guads wall at anes hecme Jatonding purchasers will find that by | giving me a call before looking elsewhere they can be suited in quality and price, my mall 25 amd October 9, 1894. For further information apply to the meurest coupon ticket agent or address A. J. Taylor, Cunadiae Passenger Agent, Torovte, Ont. putable guarantee that perfect will be given by any article purchased. | isin wiliTmve Aoliows = Everthing in line of business B gin" 2 SE8a mm, coals poke A repairs neatly and go © ELI prompy attended to. ooaWG mar - 20:04 a. JOHN ROLPH. - - 6:85 Bm. | port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 'Fashionabl ~~ |Suitings, Over Coatings, Worsted Coatings, Large & Assorted Stock |. 'on all eR auies hom rey long experience in the trade being an indis- | - satisfaction = IN THE BLONG Sittings of the Divisicn Courts ie to me may be relied I OPEN FOR ON FRIDAY, 0C with a big stock of General Clothing, Overcoats and Ulsters Ladies" Mantles, Boots and | EZ We come here to sell g money, as we are going out of b chance to buy New, Fresa Prices. Goods, Readymade Boys and Children; Hats, Caps, &e. stock, not to make p This will give all a AT BaxkruPT STOCK € ® ¥ % G0 # = = CLOTHING =>, A > FULL STOCK of Fall Goods to hand, including oe tridérsigned takes this opportunity of returning his stowed on him &liice commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to stdle that having, at a large expenditure, faction to my patrons, IN FULL BLAST ] = sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- thoroughly overhauled {lie entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved did thodern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Fibtit, is prepared to do GRISTING & CHOPPING The Trade supplied with Flour of the flést brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sask, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice. JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. English, Scotch and Canadian, Tweeds, &c. Anticipating a busy season, we secured -our Fall Stock early, and bought largely and with discrimination. IN SUITINGS ...... our Stock is noticeably fine, OUR FITS . are becoming celebrated for their Neatness they always retain their shape and wear well, while our prices are the talk of all. Superior workmanship, the Newest Styles and Perfect Fits warranted. C. I. WHITBY. Blong Block. Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1894. = E. H. Pukoy's IS THE PLACE FOR res |GrOCEries Reliable and Provisions. He keeps constantly on hand a full stock of Elour, Deal & Feed of all kinds, Cheap for Cash. £5 Barrel, Sack, Dairy and Table Salt. Butter, Oats, Beans, Flax, &c. Port Perry, Ang. 23, 1584 | price in Cash paid at all times for Fresh Eggs, begs to announce to the i The undersigned of Port Perry and vicinity, that he bas opened out in the Stove ware business OCK! business aad will ty going to Uxbridge e advantage of the they way require in etroughing Where he will keep in stock everything sell at Prices that cannot fail to § There will now be no necessity for parties in Stoves, Timware, &c ; in fact, it wall : Ranges, including Having bad Twraty years' experience at DAVIS PHARMAGY The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, $e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, &ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, &ec. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. A. J. DAVIS, | Chemist and Druggint| PORT PERRY ANG & MEHARRY ----HAVE AGAIN------ BLONG BLOCK, (OPENED OUT | WITH Ap Magnificent | Stoclx| of everything in their line LAING & Meta 2S REMOVAL 8s We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mx. B. F. where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the IXarness l.ine FOR rere CHEAPNESS, STYLE. Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. Robes Bake, Bel, Tras, &c.,; inabandance. Comparison of Prices Gourtec Port Perey, March 9, 1592 | Mess at moderate BSATIY & B0NgA%n =; People Shy it is Hard Times! Well, the case I will make it to get se - BOOTS ALL SIZES-HY OWN He Keep no other-- Nb Inferior Stock. - ot shee Sade wp, wll uf which 1 ill PROOTS that: when en SRT E te Jaces | ; Br -- Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1883. PAINTING KALSOMINING &C: = wndersigned arould fake this oppor: tanity of thanking bis wumerous pat. roms for their liberal and. still inisrcariug) Ieiunage during tii tue be las catia the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, md would state tht be § better Sham res to exccute wil pm pe -- Parties en their work to me may rely ox having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are dy y 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,; \ when costracting. A continuance of pullic patronage soli cited. WAM. TREMEER: Pott Perry, Mar. 23, 15930 STILL LEADING! TT UNDERSIGNED begs to returtd thanks for the liberal and still ivcreas- ing patronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the Butchering Business and would state that be is better prepared than ever to supply the pablic wita JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by cri. 4 only Cuows prices, and in to veceive a liberal share Ap public patronage, £2 All orders left at my Stall' in thd Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention. T3240, " Ww HEELER Port Perry, Aug, 16, 1 Fo GARDNER |W ISHES to inform the public of Be rd Perry and surrounding country, after four years expericuce in a 3 his business in some of the largest cities ol [the United States, be Is better prepared | than ever to execute any of th the hein | branches of his trade Masonry, Bricklsying in all its rp Pisin asd | Orsames Plastering. Also Aqtifinin] Stome Walks, that will remaln permaness | and will epdure amy weather. Brick | Cisterns without any wood in their cous | struction to decay or give out. If you aré | in need of any of the above, come to me and | obtain . All material required in ny line will be kept constantly on hand, a jor sale after the first of next Ail, GEO. GARUNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1504. BEN O T EifiEd Prices for CASH Only 6 Pleces Moguette Plush @ $30. 6 Re bea G3 pe Moquette Plush @ $35. Parlor Suite-- 3 6 Picces best American Hair Cloth @ $35 Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best American Haft Cloth, fis gilded @ $37. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best Pi ol and Buck, * Guies Pik, apeing é & Above are Solid Walaut Frames ani well finished. Also Bodioow Sets as low as $11.75 && A Cars Souferrin. J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Qucén St. Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1892. i

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