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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Oct 1894, p. 4

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Pat asked how much the seats friend said the front seats were one shilling each, and the back seats sixpence each and the prograws Dean Sms, --I am thankful to B.B.B. because I am to-day strong * All right,' said Pat, 'I will sit in the programmes.' The meteorologists tell us that the high cirrus clouds, even on the hottest summer days, are wholly cowposed of Bitters. I took one bottle, with great benefit, and can positively say that taken half of fine crystals of snow. Files can walk on a ceiling because {heir feet are nataral air pumps and form a vacum so that their body is sup ported by atmospheric pressure. PERFECTLY CURED. pleased healthy again by the use of B.B.B. and strongly recommend it to every: Lorex A plumb line by the side of a very Jurge building inzlines a little from the | ssm------------------------------ perpendicular because the weight is at- tincted by the muss of the edifice. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Rheumatic Cure, for Rivomatism radically cures in 1 to 3 days. the system is remarkable It removes at once the 'the disease immediately dis- 2 bencfits. HON TO SUPPLY A GRAND FLOAT- Mountaing of Food und Rivers of Drink Required --Yor the Biz Atlantic $ exm- pai ni phing Nreskage and Waste--0id Oc ax 0ok's Cotton Root COMPOUND. A recent discovery by smold | departure Successfully weed | Tuihor On the upper deck of one of the larg- est Cunarders, aloof from the Labbie p ovean steainer, U Ladies, Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine wnprincipled offer inferior medicines 1a place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take wo substi- | tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter | "y and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed | in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 || The Cook Company, s young man as he dou," replied the M. D., Sold in Port Pary by A. 1.25 he would find here He would want to study house and learning | EARTILY thanking the public for the | ow it's run? | tronage received during the) than our news have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure iv announcing that I have removed this ship ostensibly tosce | as off, could leave it without going | article. | fron deck to keel asking a thousan MY LIVERY! | TO MY NEW PREMISES Wail, what sort of staff have you?" | asked another member of the party, an | | he journalist in-the | | vornacular of the profession. A STEAMSUIP FOUR BLOCKS LONG. "I've been figuring," Opposite the Railway Station | where from largely extended premises and | artly inereased facilities for business the public | : can be accommodated with safe and desirable | oo RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Yort Perry, July 21, 1886. Lake Ontario end Bay of Quinte |: STEAMBOAT CO., LTD. STR. NORTH KING Laented 31 ELECTRICITY. "Figuring what?" blarted out_ th rth member of the quartet, a Wall | "Figuring the ground ould be covered by this steamer if she were set down in Broadwa | 1 Broadway at the junction of | Wall street, she would extend past Pine, p of her bowsprit aiffing the air above the COMMENCING STH APRIL. Leaves Cobourg 8 a.m., Port Hope 9.45 a.m... week days, arriving Charlotte (Port of Roch- | .m., except Monday, when Bs | ward she would tuwer no P 2 arriving Charlotte (Port of Rocheste: 3 miviog (Par sie | twice the height of Trinity church _Y. (Port of Rochester) - Bn ' | a Port Hope rv "In other words, put in the editor, 3 : "this ship oecupies the space of a row of when Steamer leaves Charlotie, 1B fe 5 3 2 RINE: itv Wb | .m1., ardving Port Hope 10 p.m., U four story and basement city dwell "And if those houses," the newspaper a.m., arriving | man said, "were on Fifth avenue and | each cost $5,000 the Luciania would still | have cost twice as much as the entire p.m. An extra trip is made Mond lotie (Port of Rochester) at 8.3 1 p.m., Port Hope 1 3) p.m 235 a.m. and Colboi ne Wednesday and Friday | "That's $2,500,000," exclaimed the "Why, that's exactly Patrick's cathedral, teeples, altars and all. Tremosndous, Weekly Bay of Quinte Route. Leaves Port Hope every Saturday Arrives Belleville every Sunda erry. "Yes," agreed the man of medicine, | iL H. GILDERSLEFVE, Gen. Manager, Kingston. paid for his Waldorf hotel com- "Speaking of hotels," said the news- | paper man as he leaned back against | ? | therail and lighted a cigar, "this ship. ding meals. goes. is the in these days of | biggest hostelry on earth. is the latest effort | consume in this voyage more food Waldorf constimes in | months. Ths Lucania on this voyage | ry 1500 passengersand crew who | authorities having had impos be served with four meals each day, ; 24 in all, making a grand total of individual meals served during this voy- IS THIS Sowelhing unique even mammoth premium offers, he 's Magazine, a New York monthly | of howe and general reading. { than The proposition Is to send the Magazine one i wil ion Ti 1 six | year for one dollar, the regular subscript Price, and in addition 10 send to each sub- | W scriber fifty two complete novels during Lhe twelve months; one each kK. Think of it. You receive a new'and com- Le novel, by mail, post paid, every week or Ofty-lwo weeks, and In addition you get magaz! ce a month foa twelve months, ali for one dollar. It is an offer which the publisherscan only afford to make in the confident expectations of geltiug a hundred thousand new subscribers. authors In Lhe coming series Collins, Walter Besaul, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Creil Hay, Florence Marryat, Anthony Trol- Jop, A. Conan Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain MOUNTAINS OF FOOD, PIVERS OF DRINK. "You've been interviewing the head | but which they steward," said the editor knowingly. "Yes, acknowledged the interviewer, | Lancet. "apd mext to the captain, he's the biggest man on board this ship. Some ple who do nothing but eat the entire v Anyway he's an expert in his business, and he's a mathematician. i mate how many egys 1,500 people will eat in six days almost to an egg. Lon experience has taught him that he will | gergeant at arms £1 use atthe rate of almost two eggs for | mug * salaries, varying from £: every minute of the voyage, which £(0)0, goto gonilemen called 8 means that about 16,000 eggs are aboard of the parliaments'. Black Rod's de- this ship. And with everything else, | pargment costs the relativ lobsters, chickens and so on, he esti- | of £2,3)), but of this sum Blak Rod | a | takes £2,000. Their Lordships' libra time for the | js sche t sh 10 tuke advantage of this unusual unity send one doilar for Si d's Your first copy of the zine, and your firse number of the fifty- 18 (one each week) which you are to during the year will be sent you by selnrn . Remit by P.O. Urder, register- od letter ur express. He can esti- Address _ BTAFFORD PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of BTAFFORD'S MAGANINE, mates with equal nicety. He has to." "But there is hard] all gross man - Ca y v " this steamer carry?" . ou must know first," the newspa n answered, "that perishable food = yeceive 14s. to America, together with | housekeeper has a snug office of £200; rs, peaches. | but to keep their Tordships' doors a sum t | of £2,900 is charged upon the estunit s peers' age rons away with The salary paid the Lord Chan- er of the chamber is, of tive of hie official legat Brick Dwelln SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. TAME UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her better here than abroad, and of course the necessary supp coal. All of the groceries and wines hased on the other side. the supply course, irre i in for the} round trip. But of galary of £6,000, which brings Lond hells emoluments to £19, al i ne J make a are eellor as Speak j and turned over a < NN tha notebook, 'when we learn thar the Cunard ling alon: uses 26,000 bottles of champagne a year. Everything for ih bar is put on at Liverpool, th consting tion for one voyage including iC bottles of champagne, 950 bottles © claret, 7,000 of ale, 8,000 of porter, 5,00 of mineral, water and 700 bottles 0 various spirits." "What about the weed 2" the M. D. in quired as he blew tho «louds of smoke away on the wind. £The consumption of tobacco Tor las year on board tho Cunard fle tsi the journalist, "was 84,35) pounds « tobacco, 68,340 cigars and 96,870 cigarettes." "And coal 2" persisted the M. D. "The heaviest item; natavally " the newspaper man replied. fleet burns every year ,0.0 tong of coal, or almost 1,000 tous for every day in the year. This is easily understood, for shige like the Lucania and: Etrucia ul alone rn more than 800 tons a d.y. This 857,000 tons of coal, if built as a wall 4 feet high and a foot thick, would reach from New York to Albany. Ropes too, are a big item, and if these of thi fiset were jomed together they wo reach from New York to Portlind, N ATLANTIC FERRY PROF' "IT wonder about the profits ness," Wall street. "No? Well th: gros reccipts from a single voya i the spring and summer months tre of thy steamship bust leave New York with the mails, the st bar, amount to almest as muck The clear profit of the bar alone, way, on the voyag 000. SMASIING CROCKERY. "That's very iuteresting," the jour | nalist put in, "but do you happen to ow the enormous expeuse invo.ved in rage? In rough the crockery y an ordinary vil- | lage for a year »chief stewird just breakage on a sing weather parbica.a broken would supp! told me that tunbigy § ard 63 water bott ! Wi pany who go ) | man, tor instance, for a single s room 2" | RARE AND: CURIOUS. Gems That Are Spe Keen Collec ors, | | The rarest and cosbiiest t rs esteemed th distinet glow of bl perfect pearl of ge trous. skin, tinted golden green, was valued, uns $1,800. A faultless green pearl is ve rare. A curious stone is the Ale is a dark green stone tha cut and set ve methyst in rounded by di day the. Ale beauty save its fine a shaft of arti I light Wy rin: By the but direct H stone deep gleams of red flash out of | the green, and under tha gas or in t firelight one ignorant of this va {"would instantly pronounce it a ruby. N. Y, Ledger Eugland's Danger From Cholera. from anything like an outbreak | cholera in Euglaud. But this end is | hardly likely to be attained unless vigi- lange is steadily maintained in the ports along our sheres and throughout the country. Absolute confidence of escape rious that im some of our port districts | and in some of our inland towns! sxists of the | ly to incilitate is impossible so long as it is nc and villages neglect still very kind which is likely the admission and extension of choler Some localities, mcluding both cl distri ence and unbeliefas to danger. Distric thus governed are more likely than ar others to be rudely awakened, { | them the statutory duty of cari | public health are not lik The House of Lords' Salary List, F ed and ly of £383. Gazette, Ripans Tabules cure hives. Ripans Tabules cure the blues. Ripans Tabules cure colie. bs of the | A wouxceunir | r HE undersigned takes mtich pleasure in i informing the public that he has now | T 3 9 moved into his extensive, well arranged . . . and has largely increased his stockof NewBrickEstablishment : Soe 3 where his superior and greatly increased : : 3 facilities for business will prove advantage- ous tv all doing business with him. 3 x 4 Tg 'With many thanks for very extensive ard 3 ee "The Cunard f vou léarned auything ked the practical man fiom uently rise above $100,000. When the Jucania. the City of New York, tho Umbria and other ships of that class DX) to 60 passen- as they do twic oLW Spr and Sepremier, on the cabin alone average more than $100 for each person and represeut in the az gregate $60,000. The other sources wl meome from tho ship, such as freight, wge and the 2; vis said'to be" $5,- and not the nerve centres, 'which are the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by the Great South American Nervine Tonio are due alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon tho fore- going principle. It cures by rebuild- ing and strengthening the nerve centres, and thereby increasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. i co This remedy has been found of of infinite value for the cure of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetfal- ness, Mental Despondency, Nervouss ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick | Headache, Heart Disease. The first --_-------- { The latest discovery in the sclenti- flo world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain con- trol all the qrgans of the body, and deranged the organs which they gupply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged: When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the merve centres will eause the derangement of the various organs which they supply with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tion; hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are unable to properly perform their work, and as a result disease makes alone cost more than $500. "hat's that toa com t And with this parting shot the nows- paper man wished his friends bon voyage, thea went home and wrote this ally Attractive to bottle will convince anyone that a cure is certain. 4°) South American Nervine is with- | | BN A M ON p | LLS | Plush. out doubt the greatest remedy ever The Ouly Genuine ) discovered for the care of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one day," | and absolutely effects a permanent || cure in every instance. Do not | allow your prejudices, or the preja- | Peso tant dg pigeoun's blood rubies, fire opals and diamonds that are pure, but shed a ink. A very and lus- beautiful at adrite. It lished, e topaz or | sur- it of | has mo special | pg enst two-thirds of our chronic diseases and ailments are due to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, and not from a derangement primarily in the organ itself. The gt take of physicians in treati diseases is that they tr dices of others, to keep you from using this health giving remedy. It Simantn nw un DiCS[IdS Diamond Hall, scientific research and study. say, without any exaggera- sanitary organization of was never so well prepared to ¥ it any imported cholera from gaining a foothold in the country, and apart from any remaining chance of recrudescence, especially about the mouth of the Humber, we may with | confidenes look forward this year to a comparative, if not an entire, immunity f For Saie by A.J. DAVIS, - - Port Perry i single bottle will convince the most FOR SALE. incredulous. : | The undersigned offers for gale two Jomfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particularsapply to of Sa . n PUBLIC | till increasing patronage. I need scarcely remind the publie that my Approved Oven has all the latest improvements and does its work fo perfection. The public may rely on an unlinnted supply of Every variet of BRIDAL CAKES HE Undersigned begs to announce that he h : as 3k: 5 store in the "DIAMOND BLOCK"--one door s Ioan] is bust fo thai fa and bas now on hand a fine assortment, in all lines, Wholesale and Retail 1 2 Hlekeepers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Prices=-- freight saved. G H 0 | 0 E B R EA 0 w | Instock, fine brands, Wires and Liquors for Medicinal Par Prices to suit the times, 2a Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Maneb® M. WILLIAMS. FANCY BREAD, CHOICE ester, free of charge. CONFECTIONERY, &C. Port Perry, April 3, 1890. supplied on short notice: Everything m the line Cheap and Good. y ¥ WM. HISCOX, Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891. a eg | RELIEF FOR LADIES. sv for Burland's Old Dom. | NAMON PILLS. Shallow hoxes seale with cres- p and reliable. Refuse ymful imitations, Upon | in stamps we will reply ASK YoUr DruGe E IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF =FURNITUREX- IT WILL PAY YOU TO --B U Y= J. JOHNSON, WHITBY His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers #% Prices that cannot be Shaded | : Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Burland's 01d Dominion Crescent Brand | Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk; Velvet &np A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889 E. J JOHNSON. g full particulars in BURLAND CHEMICAL €O., Morse Bidg., N. ¥. City J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. HE Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting, | TJYHE undersigned asses of | s suffered and received a distinct | warning last year, but notwithstanding | this, there are authorities who st llmain- She will | tain an attitude of considerable indifer- and the | d upon g torthe | aly to escape | from public obloquy if,after two coin- | | Dlete years of warning, they fail in the | duty which not only devolves on thm, by acceptance of office, have deliberately wudertaken.-- London E------------e og To Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy er NTE Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow foverTisinc ,. Eoiufy| Plow, Three Furrow (ang, Combina- IN THE WORLD IS THE LOCAL PRESS 'fui Siciram: ert me en "mo OINTHENT THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Atl A P E R F E C T A i 1 | £ L E. Also the following, tho munufactare o | | J SUNDERLAND. Electric Motors a=d Generators. sales the following Agricultural Mach- COZTRACTORS AND DER3 OF ines and Implements manufactured by the OH TRACTOR: BUIL 3 oF 16 C0 mz ksee a rors ene OR SAMILOR WTC C0, 0 TO 70 LLINGTON ST. oi > ye OF PETER RO: JUST OPENED OUT A Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. Agricultural Machines FINE GOLD WATCHES-- Latest Styles in Cases. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS ---- AND---- | M PLE M E NTS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EY E-GLASRES, from 25 cts to $6. REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike wanner DIESFELDS tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. . Harrow, Land ing Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE / A An interesting "estimate" issued by yage rate him even above the captain. | Sir John Hibbert shows that the salar- ies of officials and messengers employed High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor ( r at the House of Lords amount annually to £11,595. Of this sum the Lord Chan eellor takes £4,000 as Speaker, and his A number of finest re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Soda | ments, Repairs, &e. | only are used in this preparation. a A call solicited. One door west of 1 ever. 8 BR. K. BRYANT ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT.| Su underland, April , 1893. A eects tm eee) CIGARS small sum L dulcd for £17410. Shorthand ief steward- | writers to their Lordships are entered for £800, boing at the ingividual rate of is Lordshi A per Lord G 3 Chimubrsiziics Dypartont, AVA BS A L Ea ES RS, ug oie of E20: UNICHN JACK, TOM SAWYER. HAS A WORLD-WIDE RE It Tests every kind of SOI and WOUND mors conta TION. PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. Ne rr nan ] CASINGS, FRAMES, C STAIRS, Cround powers render it invaluable THROAT AKD CHE curing Bronchitis, Quins Lealing Coffee in tho World, Sold in MOULDINGS, &C., Tins only. If you cannot get it ab IN GREAT VARIETY. rest . . I re Ant 1s, Montreal, who will Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and mail immediately free trial sample to | Turning done with neatness and dis- of the address given. patch. ---------------------------------- nd NEURALGIA it And are sold by all Vendors Civile wid; with di 72 [7 H a JOHN ABEL, Toronto. POWDER Fadl Haller, Portable Triumph Engine. % I am prepared to supply everything the The purest quality of Cream Tartar, | farmer requires in way of Machines, linple 1 with housekeepers for tha h } > Se A is now (it possible) better McDonald's Hotel. Emerson Bros. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. For Bale Everywhere. pe Subscribers beg to announce the they arc mow prepared to manufactura ASK FOR THE 2 RENOWRED BRANDS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, | STATR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, The Finest Puro BANNISTERS, ~~ NEUEL POSTS, , send postal card ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN 3€1 | FANCY FENCE PICKETS Oy Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. FOR THE Planing dne to Order. ronage of the public is respect: 'The pat fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, > : : EMERSON BROS. "1 a no = and rol (hat LUB Port Perry, May 8, 1886. 5 ParisiA¥ HAIR DExcwsh has obtained proves it Las no equal for restoring hair to its natural to sell a anor, and fre 1i¥ plasty yropertissstramgiieny WANTED SALESMEN choice and thogrowth of £10 hair, removing all daudrud, complete line of NURSERY STOCK ; leaves the sca' clean and health. or Seed Potasoes. pi PERMAN®| | i ENT and PAYING PCSITIONS to GUOD | £old by a'l Drueg'sts. 50c. a Dotti MEN. We can give yon exclusive terii | {tory if you wish. It will PAY YOU to | write us for terms. Ad : Sivan Tbutos core dimincss. | The Hawks Nursery Co, Rochester, KY. | PECIA L { The undersigned has a full and choice Stock of FEAR 5s urniture, Ha RAR HER which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices. My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and every other of Furniture suitable for housekeeping. amity of very fin GN owiat ings suitable for the Holiday Trade--C HE AP! ES. Lumber and Wood taken in exchange. JOE N INOTT. Next door west of St. Charles Hotel EZ Give me acal THE STERLIN CYCL

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