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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Oct 1894, p. 4

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B. B. B. CURED ME. 1 have also used it for my wife and family, and have found it the best thing they can take, and from past experience Tlie «vary fleastre in y recom: mending B. B. B. to all my friends. 1 write you because I think that ft should be generally known what B.B.B. can accomplish in cases of indigestion. GEORGE READ, Sherbrooke, Que. ) 'Who finds his mental fao- RY MAN ti i ie = i ers 1] sl e ose Th em ore his lost energibs, both men es, wi inevitably eglected. should take these Prrrs. YOUNG WOREN fi' fas em regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (30c. per box), by ad WILLIAMS MED. CO. THE DB. AM at Outhioltc Statistics ** Sadlier's Catholic Directory" for 1804, 4 ptiblication which purports to be official, gives the following statistics in regard to the Roman Catholic Church in the United States: Archbishops, 16; bishops, 70; priests, 9,686 ; churches, fp CoE schools 498; charitable ins itutions, o 650; atholic population, 8,806,648, While these figures show the Catholic Chitteeh to be one of the greatest. reli- gious bodies in this country, it must be remembered that the remarkable growth of the American Catholic Church has | been largely at the expense of the { Tov RY | church in Kurope. While the church appears to be fairly successful in retain- | ing the allegiance its members, it has | made comparatively few converts from | Protestantism, It was expected that the ysician. | propaganda of the Paulist Fathers, monthly by thousands of | Which was undertaken some time ago, Ladies. Is the only perfectly | might result in a Protestant landslide, safe and reliablemedicine dis- | but thus far the expeetation has not covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who | been realized. The chief factor in its offer inferior medicines in place of this. Askfor | oowth has been Catholic immigration Cook's Cotton Root Compound, fake wo substi | fy; Europe, and this is likely to be so tute, ob Irclone Sl £50 4 Savin postage In estes | ¢ some time to come.--New York particulars in plan snvelops, to ladies only, 8 | 17iDUNG, stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Port Perry by A. J. Druggist. PT TEARTILY thanking th I theral pairanage rece many years I have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and | increased facilities for business the public | can be accommodated with safe and desirable | RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Tort Perry, July 21, 1886. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte STEAMBOAT CO., LTD. STR. NORTH KING Ligurup sy Eumcrmiciry. Huavep BY STRANM. Bhousatism Cured in a Day. South hy 2 Cu A » rei cause und the Msease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits 2575 cents. Sold by A. J. Davis, Diuggist. ooks Coton Root COMPOUND. Where Babies Sinap in Brooks, The native women on the slopes ot the Himalayas select the most extraordinary | sleeping places for their children. Being obliged to labor in the fields for tho greater part of the day, thoy have hit upon a curious and astonishing expedi- ent for keeping their babies quiet dur ing their absence from home. Bafore going to work in the mornin, they wrap their infants tightly wi bandages, leaving only the face ex- posed. They then Jlace the children under the ledge of a rock from which water is falling, By means of a bamboo the water is made to drop gently on the baby's forehead. In a few minutes, lulled by the dripping of the water, the infant fajis asleep and remains motion: less until the mother returns from the fields. The babies are then unwrapped, dried and fed. The natives consider this system to be extremely beneficial to the health of the infant, and it is a curi- ous fact that very fow of them succuinb to this extraordinary custom. They grow up strong and healthy men and women. Davis, NEW PREMISES Fire From the Skies Big ships nowadays are usually equip- ped with a system of conductors run ning down the masts and so arranged as w carry off lightning into the sea In old times fie from the skies was one of the most serious perils that threatened muriners, During fifty years, from 1790 to 1840, no fewer tun 280 vessels of the British navy were Bruck, causing a loss of $250,000, killing 100 men and badly injuring 250 wore. Wien the protected ship is hit the electricity passes down the mast into the ocean, as water runs down a pipe. She may reel under the blow, but no damage results, Oue of the most severe encounters was that of H. M.S. Fisgsrd, wi ch received such a tremendous discharge that the vessel BAKLING SOUTH. COMMENCING 80TH APRIL, Leaves Cobourg 8 a.m,, Port Hope 9.45 a.m. week days, arriving Charlotte (Port of Roch- ester) 30 p.m., except Monday, when Steamer leaves Cobourg | p'm., Port Hope 2.30 p.m.. arriving Charlotte (Port of Rochester)7.80p.m SAILING NORTH. Leaves Charlotte, N.Y, (Port of Rochester) week days 11.15 p.m, arrives Port Hope 6.80 a.m, and Cobourg 7.15 a.m., except Saturday, y when Steamer leaves Charlotte, N.Y.. 4.25| appeared to be covered with fire. At ardving Port Hope 10 p.m., Cobourg the same moment there was an explo= ¥ 0.45 p.m. Ny } 'An extra trip is made Monday from Char. | Sion as if a broadside had been fired lotte (ort of Rochester) at 8.30 a.m., arriving | from euch side of the ship. Bue suffer- Cobourg | p.m., Port Hope 180 p.m." has been --Calls every Wednesday at Brighton .m., and Colborne Wednesday and Friday 4.500. m, Weekly Bay of Quinte Route. os Port Hope every Saturday, 10.00 p.m. 3.20 a.m ed no injury. Lightning | known to produce secret burning in the heart of masses of timver, In 1894 the Dictator, 64 guns, was struck at Martin- ique. Two days later smoke was seen issuing from her fizurehead, which, Leav: Arrives Belleville every Bunday, Picton * 6.25 a.m | when cut down, was found to contain & " Kingston pe "0 am. | post of fire, W., H. MCCAW, Agt. ---- Port Perry H. H. GILDERSLEEVE, THE BALLOON CAGLE. Gen. Manager, Kingston. ---- A French Army Means of Carrying War Dispntoles There floated over the hamlet of Ville. neuve-la-Garenne the other afternoon, in mid-air, a balloon, Suddenly it ap peared to burst and fell rapi ly toward the earth. Fearing that a disaster had occurred the terrified folk ran to the spot at which they expected the aerostat would reach the ground, when. to their HOW 1S THIS? Something unique even in these days of mammoth premium offers, is the latest effort of Stafford's Magazine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition Is to send the Magazine one year for one dollar, the regular subscription Pd Price, and in addition to send to each amazement they saw a parachute detach seriber fifty two complete novels during the | itself from the car and descend gently. twelve montis; one each week. Immediately the earth was touch- Think ofit. You receive a new'snd com-| ed one of the passengers jumped ete novel, by mail, post paid, every week upon a small cycle. which he or 1y-Llwo weeks, an n ition you get i i the magazine once a month foa twelve had brought with him from the aerial regions. and he disappeared in the direction of Levallois, in the neigh- borhood of Paris, as rapidly as the ma- chine could carry him. The explana- tion of this singular occurrence is simple. The balloon was the Caliban, and 'he ascent was made from Levallois by Cap- tain Capazza and M. Hervien, the latter being the cyclist. Their object was to test the possibility of a balloon Yeing used. for carrying war despatches, an they assumed that an enemy succeeded in destroying it. Yet they proved that hy means of the parachute they would be able to make to outdistance gaz Months, ali for ope dollar. It is an offer which the publishers can only afford to make in ihe confident expectations of getting a hundred thonxand new subscribers. mong tue suthors In the coming series are. Wilkie Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary ay, Florence Marryat, Anthony Troi- lop, A. Conan Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain Marryat, Miss Thackery and Jules Verve. If You wish to take pdvantage of this unusual opportunity send one dollar for Stafford' agnzine, one year. Your first copy of the magazine, and your first number of the fifty- two noveis (one each week) which you are to receive during the year will besent you by rettirn mall. Remit by P. O. Order, register- letter or express. Adi dress STAFFORD PUBLISHING CO., Publishers of BTAFFORD'S MAGAZINE. New Y. P. 0. Box 2264. Telegraph. a F er to prevent@ny: dent, the 0 preveniiny ven orde The Bonnet of Leaves. et CAR A VICTIM OF FAME. solf I should have pursued the same + "It's very ill natured of you," said "Bou, their escape and eir pursuers with the aid of the portable bicycle.--London rs for the removal of all decay: portions of the capitals. : "But, if you wont talk tomé, I slian't be &ble to make anything out of it, anc I shan't get any money," said she, with: a Ru . believe she knew that she wis H looking. Put had she been Venus her course. "I am_ overwhelmed with regret," 1 observed, stiffly. e. *It's the merest 8 If defense," said I. Now, that tiger skin?" she sug: sted, insinuatingly, 'I'm sure 4 tile Rugs to that!" "Of course a tail hangs to it," I re- Lie, irritably. "Most tigers have tails. 'hat are you writing there, madame ?" "Only. that your conversation ahounds in flashes of bright wit, Mr. Pottinger-- really, that's all." "Ail! Oh, Lord!" I groaned. "I should have thought you'd have liked it, you know. Most people do-- especially when I do it ww those Oriental vases? 1 subposa one of your ancestors brought then home from ght 'em of a Jew in White chapel. "Ah, you poke about in old shops? How interesting! You may often be seen, 1 expect, peering ih af the--" "Never, madame." "'Oh, what a love of a cat! He's your eat companion and friend, isn't he? 'm sure he is!" "It's the latidiady "Ah, perhaps from nerves? | Most poets do, of courses. You must have perfect rest and quiet to----" "I'm as strong as a horse, thank you." "Aud you live quite at home in these lovely rooms?" "When I can command solitude; madame, I enjoy it. "Oh, thank you so much! I'l just put that down. It's so characteristic of genius, isn't it? You love to be alone with your thouglits, don't you? Iknow the feeling so well." "You do not appear, however, to ap- preciate it in others." "Not quite so fact, please ; I can't get it all down." Controlling my: said in firm tone "I distinctly word about me," "Oh, therell be nothing you can pos- sibly object to, Mr. Pottinger--there won't, ndecd. Do any of your family write poctry besides you?" "Do any of your family besides you do interviewing 2" 1 retorted. "If so, should think you're an orphan." She laughed gleefully, and wrote hard for a minute or two. "There, I've got that," she observed, cheerfully. "Now, is there anything else that you'd like to tell the publie through me?" I opened the door and stood with my hand on the knob. "About your books, for instance. How much you get fo "No, thank you," said I, with em- phasis. "Or your favorite pursuits ?" "Good morning," said I, opening the door wider. "Oh, good morning, Mr. Pottinger. Oh, who's that over the mantlepiece? | What a sweet face ! I'm sure it must be - oh a secret, is it? Then I musa't ask, must I? How charmingly inter- | esting, though ; I must just refer to it?" | "1f you do--" "Wall, good morning, Thark you so | very much, I'll be sure and send you 4 | pa | { ex- | self with an effect, I forbid you to put in a ot yer. Phe above is a full and true record of what passed. The following is an tract from what was published: | "Mr, Pottinger, when he is chez lui, { dwells in the daintests of apartments, | At a glance you can tell that you are in the sanctum of a a skilled collector of ohjets d'art, and your host's deep blue | eyes light up with a radiant gleam as | he lovingly fondles his priceless Orien- tal pottery. The wall is decked with | the skin of a magnificient tiger (the | Pottingers have always been mighty hunters, and Mr. Pottinger himself can handle a rifle as deftly as he can tttrn a sonnet). On the cushions of a luxuri- ous sofa there Tope ses a splended Per- sian cat, evidently the companion, friend and pampered pet of its gifted master. Over the mantelpiece hangs the portrait of a beautiful girl, and it is easy to see that this exquisite gem is not the least For Sale by Druggist, Nonderful ont! hy Minister or Citizen of ndlana. tnvestigate It Postmaste ANNOUNCE '| where his su; facilities for Detar etill Aad aval d takes much pl H inforniing the public that moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment|. and gr increased cn P in he has now bus to all doing business with Hin. With many thanks for very extensive ard i i i eed 1 The FANCY BREAD, CO CONFECTIONERY, &. BRI p n remind the 'pablic that my Approved Oven has all the latest improvements ana does its work to perfection. rely on an unlimited supply of CHOICE BREAD. Every variet of y public may | HOICE freight saved. estr, free of charge. B Und by YORHIRY increased h stora in has largely EB branded) : ; snd has now on hand a fine assortment, in oll ison, 5 a x Wholesale and Retail | : supplied at Toronto hE Wontreal Prides Prices to suit the times. A call sol #7 Partels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Maneh. M. WILLIAMS, In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Port Perry; April 3, 1690. ot walk a step, and had to be lifted like a child. Part of the time I could read a little, and one day saw an advertisement of your medicine and conelyied to try one bottle. By the time I had taken one and one- half bottles I could rise up and take a step or two by being helped, and after I had taken five bettles in all I felt real well. The shaking went away gradually, and I could eat and sleep good, and 'my friends could scarcely believe it was [. I am sure this medicine is the best in the world. I belive it saved my lifes, I give my name and address, so that if anyone doubts my statement, they can write me, or our postmaster or any citizen, ag all are acquainted with my case, I am now forfy-one years of age; and expect to live as long as the Lord bas nse for me and do all the good I can in helping the suffering. , g Miss Erven Sronrz. ~ Will a remedy which can effect such a marvellous cure as the above, cure you ? Ranrrosn Orr, Blackford County, Indiana, June 8th, 1898. South American Medicine Co. f Gentlemen: I received a latter from you May 27th, stating that you had heard of my wonderful recov- ery from a spell of sickness of six years duration, through the use of Sours Auerioax Nervixe, and asking for my testimonial. I was mear thirty-five years old when I fook down with nervous prostration. Our family physician treated me, but with- out benefitting me in the least. My nervous system seemed to be entirely shattered, and I constantly had very severs shaking spells. In addition to this I would have vomiting spells. During the years I lay sick, my folks had an eminent physician from Day- ton, Ohio, and¥two from Columbus, Ohio, to come and examine me. They all said I could not li got to having spells like would lie cold and stiff efter each. At last I my body--could not rise from A. J. DAVIS, Port Perry of Mr. Pottinger's treasures. Space for binds us to catalogue the thous: and and one delightful objects which adorn this choice retreat. Tho tout en- semble is fragrant of lettered ease and wide culture. Nor is the genius loci one whit out of harmony with the surroundings which his matca- less taste and untiring diligence in the search for curios have gathered to- gether from the four corners of the earth. Mr, Pottinger's slight figure tells, indeed, of a delicate physique ard of the sengitive, ever néryvous tempera. ment always associated with supreme tic gifts. But thebrain. of the man imparts houndless energy to its frail tenement; the soul looks out, alert, pas- sionate, indomitable, through the large eyes, now so strangely keen, now so in- effablp sympathetic. Sayings full of penetration, hints of overflowing sympa- iy with all the sorrows and ea which afflict the world, minglé and alter- nate with the most brilliant flashes of wit or'the rapier thrusts of the most re- fined and courteous badinage. Mr. Put- tinger's, indeed, is a personality which must be eneountered to be appreciated, for, although he may be studied to some degree in his own priceless poems. yet the man himself seems something above and beyond even the finest of his works --a presence. an influence, in a word. a soul, such as it is refreshing and inspir- ing to meet amid the grays and drabs of this prosaic age. Never shall we forgot the precious hours which Mr. Pottinger 80 kindly spared to us, and we trust that we have not altogether failed to com- municate to our readers something of what we were privileged to enjoy when Mr. Pottinger made us welcome to his home." morning. In the according to mj club. A circle of 8. 'This appeared one ftermoon I strolled, Was this way : x "Exeuse my courteous badinage, Pot- tinger, but how's the frail tenement? ' 1 ue eyes off color a bit, ¢h, old ere, come and be ineffably sym- pathetic. I've come an awful iar vet the Jubilee it bn "1 say old man, you m ve made vourself Tr Dos to the girl. What did Ei, say, now ?" i with it, Pot] None of your in- fernal rapier you know. "Take care, Tom, he's passionate and "Who's the pasty over the mantel- piece? Oh, thief I*' "Waiter, a cat for Mr. Pot- tinger.. He wants a companion snd friend." And then, from all of them, a Jow a chant : . , an Influence, in a word, LH Ld » Success the Test of Wo hl] THE ROYAL ELECTRIC CO. PURIFY THE BLOOD, imy NERVOUS SYSTEM, and ast most power ally yet soothingly on the 3 LIVER AND BOWELS, promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, anc ever. "ndowing the whole "bodily frame willl ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. STRENGTH and vigost. is Head | em «hes, Trembl' with cL ry CIGARS. otent force of these well-k : y OR THE 7; END / RA ] Eons 7 Sayre wpuivalled their om SAWYE . i Sale Everywhere. | PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. CAFFAROMA s foam, pus Sn only. If you cannot get it at Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting, Electric Motors aud Generators. OONTRAOTORS AND BUILDERS OF £LBEOTRIO LIGHT AND POWER BTATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 60 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST, THE BEST poverTisine + MEDIU IN THE WORLD IS THE ry LOCAL PRESS rs ovens mie. | A PERFECT ARTICLE. IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE | 2) EVERYWHERE. = QOKSFRIEN] Se BAKING POWDER . The purest quality of Cream Tartar, finest De etalized Bi Carbonate of Soda only asus i= iy Seg for the 23 "5 eo An is now 1 possible) better [THE OINTMENT {AS A WORLD-WIDE R It heals every kind of SOR nd WOUND more eertainly th nown salve. Its marvellons »awers render it invaluable in atf THROAT AND CHEST Di uring Bronchitis, Quinseys, and 'uring Glandular Lumps, closin, ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, lating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GO \d NEURALGIA it is unsurp \ils to remove S and every <in disease The Pills and Ofntment are Manuf 78, Neg, Oxford t. (late 532, Oxf And are rald by ull Vendors of Metici Civiize Word; wich di ious or For Bale at B. Hod RA | stock aud of most lect hr Manchester, , March 208h, 18 Ain to | Turning done ANDALL SUMM CHILDREN rice BEWARE °F MITA or Burland's Old Dem CINNAMON jon © The Only Genuine RELIEF FOR LADIES. | Ask your DruGGIsT for Burls infonCrescent Bra A CINNAMON gular metallic boxes sea Absolntely safe nnd rel purious and harmful imi YeeL-ax vecelpt of Six cents in stamps We will reply | by return of mall, giving full particulars in plain envelope Address, BURLAND CHEMI Morse Bldg. N, ¥Y, Clty Please Mention this k TH DESRALE ORDEE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers Comfortable Residences Albert. For particularsapply to Prince Albert, April 14, 1586. PILLS, ind's Old Dom- Prius. Shallow led with ores fable. Refuse ations. Upon CAL CO, 'aper. for Sale two in Prince J. BAIRD HE undersigned keeps o sales the following Agri T Binders, Reapers, Crown Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Plow, Three Furrow Gan tion Plows, Champion Pl Cultivator, High class Threshing Huller, Portable Trinm farmer requires in way of M ments, Repairs, &ec. vo. A call solicited. McDonald's Hotel. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. ines und Implements manufactured by the PETER BAMILTON WP'G (0, OF PETER RO: 8. 1. Barrow, Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. Also the following, the munufacture o JOHN ABEL, Toronto. outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover 1 am prepared to supply everything the Que door west of 8 R: Ki BRYANT Sunderland, April, 1893. n hand and for cultural Mach Mower, Daisy Two Furrow 1g, Combina- ows, S. T. Land ph Engine. achines, Imple Emerson ar DOORS, CASINGS, F STAIRS, SASH, STAIR RAILS, BANNISTERS, NE MOULDINGS, patch. FANCY FENCE Factory on Lilla Town Hall, EME Port Perry, May 6, 1686. RRY HE Subscribers beg to amnounce the they are now prepared to manufactara BLINDS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Bros. 'RAMES, STAIR BRACKETS, UEL POSTS, &C., PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. | Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. |" Planing dne to Order. The eiionage of ihe publls iy respeet-| street, just south of the RSON. BROS. | JANTED ¢ [11S 4FURNITURE% IT WILL PAY YOU TO --=B U Y= EJ. JOHNSON, WHITBY His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers at Prices that cannot be Shaded | Call and 'examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A Inrge stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet ang Plush. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Whitby, Jan. 15,1889 E. J JOHNSON "iy jesleld's Diamond Hall. JUST OPENED OUT A Kine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASEES, from 25 cts to $6. REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at DIESFELDS QFE CIA L Tlie undersigned has a full and choice Stock of ¢ HRHTROLRR ro] Fronicure he RICCI which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices, My Stock sts of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and ev consi ery other itable for housekeeping. I ings suitable for the Holiday. u Trade-- CHEAP! Ex. Lumber and Wood taken in exchange. JOHN INOTT. Next door west of St. Charles Hotel EF Gireme acal Deo. 6; 1898

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