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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jan 1901, p. 3

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by an member of Partiamom, Mr. Ricnardsoo, of Winnipeg: terer," said hey 1s just as wis for a man in di degree, the best policy for mew:.- papere. In a lrar sense 2a newspaper belonged to the public being in really a creation of the public. In the lecturer's mind the! = best 'example of the value of pre-| serving character in a newspaper is the history of the Moutreal Vi.tness which the speaker regarded as per- baps as the most influen ail journal in Canada. This, he considered, was due to the sound, comsistent, moral policy that had been followed and the high ideas always held wp " ~ bythe Witness. It has invariably been found advocating sound prin- ciples, and it has adhered with such = No better way to prove it Having had the commodious Store in § Port Perry, Sept. 12, 1900. Block fitted up espec- e of the best appointed Drug dally, I am satisfied I have n Stores in the Province, and taken possession of my new e 1 have Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy OOKS AND SUPPLIES. erous patrons I would extend and extensive premises, opened out, in addition to my extensive sto Goods, a full line of SCHOO; While returning thanks to my an invitation to all to call and $8¢ me in my new premises. A.J. DAVIS. {han to get face fo face Store is 10 urs 10 look at or to.buy in at any time, YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME, never more sO than DURING the HOLIDAYS W. H. McCAW. pertinacity to its policy that it has forced the respect of the public and although an ultra Prostenant paper PORT - PERRY MARKETS. Qustasions by £. Bow & Fm Seed Cleaned.... for which the Highest Price the Market will allow will be paid. to perfection, for which a Moderate Charge will be made. Removal ¥ Time of Peace. A wise saying that, "In time of peace prepare for war." Don't wait until the blizzard strikes you and you are rightin zero weath- er before you get ponagond warm overcoat. Prepare for cold weather now, or it will catch you There are A pe pretty and fashionable piece goods we'd like you to com- si the CL WHITBY. so ey Foi ie : The undersigned would take this opportunity of thasking his nu- merous custemers for the liberd pa e rrecived sinee opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his busivess froes the Market building to the ny . Stare H. PARSONS, First doorEast of TE if paid in advance ; it woe $1.08° the Post Office Be el deed where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in & manner that cannot fail to please castomers. Having pew and increased fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that be can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in bis new premises. wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. 1. J. WHEELER. | | EH. PURD Port Perry, Aug 16, 1900. published in the Catholic Province rE = = of Quebec, Mr. Richardson ventur- jr ou we ed the asertion that it was respected | oC eH fo ® by its religious opponents. Toas-| Rue. 5a % = ++ much as the newspaper Is the his g er nw. = torian of the day, it is desirable that | ee nhs oom is should be varacious and al Pens Marnay = ww @ i ; Pres Son ®% ws = faithful recorder of events." I on es eet | Bom 0% w0 IW We are informed that Mr. A. G. § one cones 3 on me 2 Gilbert, the manager of the great | oo® Sel 16 te ID poultry department of the Govern | soptes--ger buss 0 te W ment Agricultural Farm at Ottawa | Dried Sgoles 2 =. » LIVE I B Y REMOVAL | has been engaged for the commng |g » te year to continue his department | gee $i to g : "Practical Poultry," in that hand (= om gw = INDING my Livery accommo- A , . : : some magazine the Canadian Poul. | Shes ii bd - dation on Perry St. curtailed, it try Review. Other departments in | Fug #3 % 2 heing far too small to meet the re the i a "Turkeys. Ducks and | Jiws Pa -- am 'o = yuirements of my rapidly creasing Geese," "Bantams," "Poultry Ail-| a or 9% 4s 4 business | have leased for a term of ments," "Incubators and Brooders.™ | oe €% # ® years and taken possession of the and -"With Uncle Sam" The | wos . sa ow #leommodious Livery Offices and Editor says it will be bigger an | ae sh » = Stables better than ever, and as it is now in| its 22nd year, we beleive him. This . journal is well ilustraied. fall of practical knowlelze written by ex | perts and at the yearly subscription of soc. is rediculously cheap. Low as it is however, readers of this | paper can get it at a special rate of | three yearsfor $r.oo. A RL ne will be sent free by addressing Sau | adian Poultry Review, Toronto, Ont ; but the shortest and best way is to send $1.00 for three years. n, Dec.| 28 Detailed + London, acht show that the Army Service| Corps vigorously helped to defend the transport wagons, many of the men thus coming into action for the | first time in the war. The retreat of only 600 men a distance of 20 miles to Reitfontein in the face an exultant thousands of the enemy was a fine performance. A small party on the edge of an enormous precipice in the "middle of the nek had a most exciting fine. Above them were Boers, who how ever, could not see them, Below was a precipice zoo feet deep. They watched the fight from start to finish and took an effective part in it, their bullets causing many Boer casual ties. One of the little band, Private was killed. GOODS... accounts of the action at Nooitged | 'Graham, fell over the precipice and | FORMIANS FOR CHRISTMAS On Queen Street 3' {entrance adjoining the Canadian | Bank of Commerce property--where | 1 will constantly keep for hire 2 j oom plete variety of reliable rigs at | moderate Charges. Constant at- lance night and dav, so parties { rely on having their require aE met at all times. { Patornage respectfully solicited. Conveyance to all trains. Was Jamison. Port Perry Sept 26, AgoD. Ready-made GLOTHING beg to adwise this whole Half a Ton (Choice Candies. | Pare Sugar Candies, 4 Ibs. for I would 25¢. community that I have just closed Choice Mixed Creams, 2 Ibs. | negotiations for the purchase of an | for 25 immense Stock of Ready made RZ. Clothing which is now being Beautiful Mixtures, 10c perlb; | Caramels, Maple Creams, Cho-| Opened Out colate Walnuts, Chocolate AT MY STORE Drops, Chocolate Caramels! 13 go is thoroughly upto and a Jarge selection of fine|dae in every vespect and an Candies in 1 Jb. and 1b. inspection of it and the prices at which we will guote cannot fail to boxes. . ha 1 | convince all that first-class Clothing The finest Grenoble Walsunts, |, be obtained at reasonable 3c per Ib. figures, and purchasers will be in- New Almonds and Peanuts. |duced to exclaim : Choice Table Raisins, per 1b. and in Ib. boxes. "THEY CAME, New Dates, 153 Prunes, THEY BOUGHT, who fad a Ree ey | THEY WORDERED." Port Perry, Oct. 23 Tgoo-- = WONT CALAN SNR, Fancy Lamps. T.C. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Post. Perry, Der. 20, 1900. Strayed ( Calves. TRAYED frum the premises of the oo- LET Calves--one 3 Heifer, dark red with white | yg mh Sai = { smc information as will | ér recovery will be roy WM. DARCY, Pople Hil Orme, TL OO SST ED 'Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1900. RL Ee EUsStiLTTERS ni seri ary 5. Masch & Moy 10, July 6, Boptember 7, Nov a pi ay ay 12, July Port Beptembe Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business E. H. PURDY. | STRENGTH "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of AND READY-MADE CLOTHING Turaishings for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in thas district. I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS axp SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every particulr, A. F. CARNEGIE A Timely Hint.... Port Perry, Sept 6, 1890. HAVING REPLENISHED MYCLARCE STOCK OF FURNITURE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON... [m=] = At Reasonable Prices :- I am 'prepared to supply my Customers . . g=. Just received from the English Market a beautiful lot of Pictures, also a large stock of Gilt and other Mouldings suitable for Picture Frames. 3 5 E="1 am AGENT FOR MONUMENT EL IN OTT; West of the St. Charles Hotel. £9 A. Warerooms--of Port Perry, Dec: 12, 1900. REMOVAI We have Moved our husiness to the coon id of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Me. F. ACKERMAN, where we will be bettég prepared a ever to supply our cnstoma the public s Line CHEAPNESS. STYL Durability and Cannot be surpassed in the County. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Prices to suit you all right. in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocs in Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te EZ" Also Fancy Goods. i Diesfeld's » |.=7.n.m DIAMOND HALLS =o 'We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in | Le ye WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS GREAT VarigTy Very Cheap. Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EvervrHiNG coes Caesar. "€3 %Z" Repairing as usual, ort Parry, Nov. 30, 1898. Carnegie' S ROLLER MILLS IN FULL BLAST! STLTMTMT BLT Ls The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed om him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, al a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entive Mill and introduced the best, mos approved and most modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS @ for the manufacture of Flour, and is prepared to do Gristing and Choppingi#- Ezpeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give sutisfaction to my customers TRApm J THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation avd an supply kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING snd SCROLL SAWING done on short notice. JAMES CARNEGIE Central Livery PORT PERRY. Supplied with Flour of the FINEST BRANDES Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. % That Improved Yorkshire White Boar i Th BOG, ht ¢ ome ime | [GARE gn the gable for the Yorkshire White Boar, Summer Hill Rover 3rd. bred by ' yp " meat in Port Taio retain my ee Aged Boas of the seen SFr Xia is Sova, Bent. 13,1500. WM. MEDD. MY (Y LIVERY | to my formes place of busivkbs Washing and House Clegning I wish to state that I am prepar- o to do Washing or House Clean- | *% ng on shortest notice. Charges which {am abost te ja has 5 with safe and desir- moderate : Residence north * sis AT MRS. E. WHITE R. VANSICELER. - Poit Perry, April 26, 1900; Port Perry, June 21, 1909. Parcels-- Farm Pe to Mr. John to be sofd by Airis the 4 November, and withdtawn at thé sale. or JOHN ADAMS, A Weekly Politicnd, Agrienttural and EVERY THURSDAY MORNING LETTFERR containing A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants Lod oe THESE terms will in all cases be strictly] i sci to | A GEX®S WANTED. FOR "STORY OF sous Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. | 5's Mo, 5, A. Cogper, ie. Editar of | "Oapadisn Magazine inca, and 1%. H. Aik Change of Bast |W tended to them, the undersigned would beg MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK where they will be in & better position thag their numerous patrons und they fully solicit the patronage of a'l Mr. craft's former customers. Water Street), extend in public may be Sealed Tend EALED TEN TENDERS will be received the undersigned. oe all or Any of 5 A. McGILLIV, AY, .. Toit RAY Port Perry. Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT. | PORT FERRY, OFT. i atti pul money, when addressed to this Ouwee, prepaid and regirtered wil. be st our risk. VERTISEMENTS mensured ty Nonpsriel, snd churged according Lo the space they oocupy. VERTISEME: NTS received for 'phblicat] nr rai. it Be a 2a Tork No dvi hs for. will be id ad charged accordingly ment wi be takes out until pai who advertise by the year or half JOE DEPARTMENT. Visiting Cards, ke. ot every style and color executed promptly and Bi 88 low rates ax any other establishment. it the County. Partish from » distance getting hand bil privted can have them printed to take howe with H, PARSONS. sy ondon, Ont, who turned this reek from 13 ary travel bis ont Ate Yor is, We are the. uly branch Se bm UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. THILE returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore ex- to aupounce that they have af ; Fresh end Cured Meats of the best quality will always be found a their Store. Orders will receive pron ps attentlbo. Game and Fish 1 Season. heretofore to meet the ol ii ay res GEO. J ACESON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI¥

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