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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Jan 1901, p. 1

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ie 45M YEAR, NO. 1} OF CANADA A GENERAL Banking Buse acted. Special i 101 0 rates, cach depositor semi-armually, H G HUTCHESON, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT, Capital (Paid Up) - - = Kegt - A EA - ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSIRESS WITH FARMERS In addition to handling Commercial Paper, this Bank makes a special business of Toang to Farmers, und the discount. ing of Farmars' Sales Notes at reasonable rates of iuterest. Port Perry, June 26, 1807. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To land at 4 4% and B per cen on good Mortgage security. Apply to $2,000,000 | 2,000,000 Careful and prompt attention is also given to the eollecting of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARAMENT, Special Attention Is Directed to the Followlug Advantages offered by our Savings Baukt Deposits of One Dollar aud upwards received and interest allowed ut current rates, Interest Js added to the deposit Twick in each year, at the end of Ma nd November. y, an The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing money. Port Perry Branch G. M. GIBBS, Manager. Banker and Broker, April 22, 1897. MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. #ar Also on Village Property. 4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, W& HUBERT L. EBBELS, Banister, R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University : M.B. Toronto University. Memb r or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ouot.; Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, fdinbur Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- burg ; Member off te Faculty of Physicians Resident Office noxt 40 Ontario Bank. Port Perry, May 10, 188% Veterinary Surgeon. en og at the Provincial V(t LT Cour College and ob Women. + wost of Davi' Furniture Emporium, Queen Stroet. Oifice hours--9 to 11a. ., and 2 to 5 p.m, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col: lege of Physicians and Sorgeons, Ont, Port Perry, June 9, 1897, DR. E. L. PROCTER (SUCCESSOR 70 DR. COLEME M.D GM. of Trinity College University, foronto, with Honor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Mem. of Col. of Phy clans and Sur s, Ont., Licentiate of University of State of New York. Office and 'residence on Dr. Clemens' old site Opposite Town all. PORT PERRY. opened an office for the practice of Lis pro by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will ba promptly attended to. ye All discases of animals trested in th latest and best known system Port Perry, April 8, 1884. I ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for J County of Ontario. ~ Sule Register a the Opserver Office Patronage solicited Manchester, Jun. 19, 1809. AUCTIONEER. Tm | of returning thanks for thewvery liber patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer the past. The inireased experience ax xtensive practic -- R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician , Sut W. A geon and Accoucheunr, and Dr. ! g : . tne N i out, and In three minits Lish Billin Siugster, Devtist, may on and after 10-day, | Jurned to advantage of patrons, and parties . d think it's better fur X gs be found is their new Surgical and Dental | favoring me with their sales may rely on Ed 33 h pe live ail { had all the cracker and sugar bar'ls Offices over the Post Office, whero they will their interests being fully protected. No | a h ay ble. bad + | to hisself and was wonderin what had be found as heretofore, prepared to attend | effort will be spared to make it profitable | EO town than in a big, bad OWI | pugteq up the meetin. M. QUAD. to their respective professions in all their Sor prijes placing their sales in mi hands | 1M wulia to 20 in aod help push Jort branches. My Sale Register will be found at the cho along, as 1 said, but et's do it on | Leland House, Creaarea. right lines. Let's start ber off on a |The PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, Port Perry Dec, 8, 1897. THOS. SWAIL Cesarean, Aug. 20,°1896 DR. 8: J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. WM. GORDON, 1 i J Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Liconsed Auctioneer, Valuator &c Office hours--S8 to 10 a.m; 1to 8 p.m. and Evenings, 5 Telephone in office and house, open wight and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of G. TL. Robson, V.8. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894. ind Eldon Partieseutrusting their Sales to me n 'ely on the utmsot attention being given their intrests. WM, GORDON, Sunderland DR. JONES nysician, Suraroy, &o., CoroxEk for the County of Ontario. Surgery and Office over Mr. Carncgie's Store, Queen ~ Street, Port Perry. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Western Bank Deposits received at the highest current Interest ealealated and credited to MANAGER. DAVID J. ADAMS Port Perry, Ont. | FPYHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND : ned a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has feseion at Port Perry, whereall calls personal #ar Telephone connection--free of charge ORR GRAHAM 0) JOS. BAIRD the HE undersigned takes this opportunity which I have had will he JOR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, 1 Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Maripuea N. F. PATERSON, 0Q..C., blessin. He hadn't seen a great deal of wickedness around Jericho, and | didn't believe there was much, but what was lurkin around in the corners might as well be driv out make a clean state of it. He didn't ! lieve In mixin booms with religion, yet if a boom did foller the revival Lad six acres of land which he [LIFE The father? Gone for the doctor. The mother? Alone with her suffer- ing child. Willthe doc- : ~ you can't : get the doc- tor quick enough. It's too dangerous to wait. Don't make such a mis- take again; it may cost a life. Always keep on hand a dollar bottle of ARs Peters It cures the croup at once. Then when any one in the family comes down. with a hard cold or cough a few doses of the Pectoral will cut short the attack at once. A 25 cent bottle will cure a miserable cold; the 50c. size is better for a cold at the lowest reasonable figger. Solomon Davis follered with a his + particulars. If they'd bad a revival ul and everybody turned to goodness, | t was a hundredth part as wicked as Bodo, but she'd got a start and unless checked up It was only a question of time when an airthquake would leave year some Goworrohite bad cut off the | talls of three of his hogs and pulled | all the tall feathers out of one of his | ee ha auc.s There were half a dozen others who rely. Address S Dr.J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Mass, | made speeches and pledged them | bliin when Lish Billings strolled In | and looked around in an inquirin way. | The deacon explained what was up | and asked Lim if Le hadn't sunthin to say. nf TevivalyT "we'll send for some great preach: er," answers Abijah Holden. "Who's to pay him? Preachers ain't revivalin around for nuthin, though they like to do good." Everybody looked at everybody, but po one had any more to say. "And when we got the regival starts ed," coutinued Lish, "there'd have to be a lot of ownin up to things and ask in forgiveness. Who's goin to own up . to gittin drunk on hard cider, to jawin ii] like a man who's left bis jack: | ig" cire, to lickin his children, to pis knife stickin in the barn door and is | Joni dogs, to eripplin hogs, to stealin tryin to remember the fact, and this } ¢.nee rails, to a hundred other mean made the surprise all the greater. The | things? Take yer time about it and crowd was most ready to go home | don't all speak at once, but lemme | A SPASM OF REFORM. THE REVIVAL THAT WAS SUGGESTED. ee -------------- Pap Perkins, the Postmaster, Tells About the Enthusiasm With Which | v1 Abijah Holden's Idea Was Greeted and How Lish Billings Doused It t| With n Wet Blanket. e [Copyright, 1900, by CO. B. Lewis.] It was Abijah Holden who first got | {Le idea, and he sprung it on the post- os crowd one Saturday night in the most unexpected manner. He'd bin | keepin powerful quiet fur a week or at i when he got up and sald: have the information." to Belles Citizens of Jetiato=] ant | Deacon Spooner opened his mouth aged people tO settle thre 304 pol | former days, bis own range of hospital | me. Well, for awhile it was wildly ex- : 1 " lany of you. I want to see Yer 'git up | ns if to say that Lish had made a | the first schoolhouse entirely S| ity: can devote blmself, If a man of | cline, ring N Wich demande Gnd or jegree, the best policy for Fews= T elt till Boston or Chica- | strong pint, but closed It again and fown expense. ? | cultivation, to reading during a good | F 2 os were 3 Duck god 33h pipere. In a pe cular sense a nl | on but when it comes to | heaved a sigh and went out Other | Avhile oF ning Bve ot St com oa | many hours at his own cholce or. if a | motl Ene It eared ups n wspaper belonged to the publics {E ? | sighs was heaved and other folks went | ble houses, which were empty, old | =o "oe cport, can find during a great | TY ems 0 8 os Wer bad mis. | Ding in a Ee reation LS | choosin between size and goodness I'm N. | Ligh moral plane and keep her 80. "There's a p'int, and mebbe a mighty strong one, In what Dijah says," re- marked Deacon Spooner as the speak: 5 AA ) = { Political Sanction of What All Agreed to He a Good Thing. One of the latest writings of the late Charles Dudley Warner was an essay for The Century, entitled "The Pursuit of Happiness." pene | fred Perhaps the most curious and Inter: - esting phrase ever Rit into a publie document Is "the pursuit of happiness," | It is declared to be an inalienable | right. It cannot be sold, It cannot be | given away. It ls doubtful it it could | be left by will. 9 The right of every man to be 6 feet high and of every woman to be 5 feet 4 was regarded as self evident until wo- nay to tory of Sodom and Gomorrah, He had FV read up ob them towns and got all the | EUost ever legally known to a commu the mill, dows, and the saws never Ile bought two stores and five or six | houses and shut bought every improvement for the ben: efit 'of the town. be lent men woney at a low rate of in terest to wake RIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1901 cut up Into town lots and sell for ls way that the truth is shown | SDOW had a frosty crust 10 it, but there pilol of elati ! prices. X Air end -- he was, and it was not long before I | BO ys aa dent that you Meannot possitiy. P Salathial TE follered : gah theo wv said to him: | sal which be commauded, a fine clipper happy or successful unless: a ringin speech. He had bin Whit It does break loosel | "Did you comie out here to see' my ship, was wrecked io a typhoon in the sleep soundly, eaf'h ily 8 rs 4 b nd wakes things father? | bay of Bengal, and all hands, save him- > ickedness ob about, though sclt aud two companions who succeeded ness and fanity and bettin. He had sowetimet ' tell, he had not yet seen me, und, feel bean Indian idol. Niglitwes upon them, ing you will § gone to bed o' nights expectin the fate 3 y < ing a bit embarassed over the situa. and the tired mien bivouacked near by, able yourself and make 1 of Sodom to overtake the place before | § ar er S. host. 4 7 tion. rose up and moved over to wake ug Se avtoptlion' Whe soon aiirseted you come in confact w the sun riz. 1f-a revival would sweep ur my presence known. 1 had started to ~ nt bes a, Cr of bow erablé away all this wickedness, aud he be- | By M. Quad 4 repeat my question, and my eyes were Li %u00' Lavery dich which sarried 0 } iia lieved It 1 , --_ > & full on him, when he dissolved. He s hands u cavory dish whieh be placed would, then let 'er come. ; 2 h dissolved. @ pefore the lwinimiite god. After each More goodness meant more churches, | SOFTRIGAT, 1500, BY 0. B. LEVEL 4) Toded out of my eyes 28 & Wet finger native had deposited Lis offering with fF amem er and If another meetin house was built | 0-4-4 \ pid fades froin a school slate, and I profuse signs and words they departed, | Fd ' he wanted tl pill) ound myself looking at a snow cover and when th gry sai core 3 ed the job and woald take It | y Oe hungcy suilors were sat. | that in Dr. Ward's Blood and T! itn. 3% : I was & boy of 11 when the family they'd not only have bin staudiv yit, | x a but property along the main On a Coxe cf 1.500 Wiebiges a ould bese a wuth $1.000 a foot | oq just died a Ee Te n obody could say that Jericho | Parker, Who was alw: old Parker. neers of the town, and his eccentrick ties had greatly retarded Its growth. ber a heap of rulns. He wouldn't take No one ever learned w { { ke \ earned where he came retreat, les g the latter complete mas- | up the valuable t - . see that he took the matter seriously. to : i T to and | iL a ol eh, od I Or anything about his private | When we were ready to go, he a ho OE Staion The in ind | Liver Disorders, and -Catarrh. ! < PRS AYO! i % a SA A \ 8 s companions, fearing that the natives | 'e, He came alone, lived alone and | me to point out the exact spot where nin and massacre on | ate per box, five boxes for 82. Al drnpgiste | makin It Known that durin the past | ated alone. He was a queer lookin s C g little 'old man, shambling gait, and there were days that has been | peucocks. Let the revival and the | VCH he refused to speak to any one. : in C | thas been hangingon. bd | 1 ootness come on Hed riog | He REIL 200 too lots and theo re but father soon cleared it off with the [M, TEU 1h SHON, GU 7 | Character Count apiont as yours I camo near | the bell for services and sweep out | fused to sell or lease, He built a saw ra 3 hen be pounded ou the log. foubd cq rgq, ono of bis ald co paniona in the | Braster Comss YI anlth Consumption, hut was tbe church and not charge & cent for | Rt hg ow and cut into it. He had bard ' oxciting encounter in Bo Anis Pane | " =a o shee Sige Cre enh | his services, 40d when the business | ky struck 0 blows when there came 8 | recognition was mutual, and the two |, -et a man tell you a story every medicioes ja tho Jouse nd reso - boom follered It would find him ready | 30 Show shat the =¥ had struck wen were delighted to repew their ac Soni g and evening," sad a fam. Jan, 16, 1899. ATO | to put down four rods of new sidewalk | o! ng pies bg nq fre min- | quaintance after balf a geueration. fue Foglishian In characterizing 16, ibton Vt. | and take In ten boarders at $6 week | utes later we had old Parker's missing the newspaper, "and at the end ob tn he ocr jute 2piede. joa oi x the hollow log. It was In = -- | vemonth he will have become have ant wo tin boxes, and there were many THE MAN AND THE TANK. | ur master," What if the man is | ely 220 Denon Spooner tappeq ou ting up the estate. They were gener "1 haven't the slightest objecti in | kles ) | thanked hb INS une and sald he ous to me In settlement, and It Was | ¢he world to any one look : like or dos | ess in principle, who js thus ked beaven be had lived to ses part of the legal records of the county | clared the drummer. "Forthermo de | .clconicd daily to the Lome. cifcle ? that night, The enthusiasm was still that I saw a ghost at 2 o'clock In the | believe in on bo | ;ht not a newspaper that is in. IT WAS THR LITTLE OLD MAN, | mill and the first lumber turned out | was wanted for the erection of a choreh. Because the old man was ask: | od to make a discount ln price in favor of the Lord, as It were, he shut down | Parker lived alone ty and cooked and washed and mend ed for himself. mitted to enter his house, home There were a few men with whom be would converse, them bis coufidence. mourning io R Kuown one morning that old Parker had been found dead in his shanty The feeling was rather oue of relief and congratulation | tained that his affairs were in a mud dle. He bad left no will, and the pa pers ln the pands of bis lawyers did not represent It was hardly a fortnight be fore a brother and sister turned up, claiming the estate, entered the slons. each A $80,000 men asserted thelr undoubted right tod | sum only avout f The town Was 'really and truly saw a ghost on a certain occasion is a matter of lo pecord, and I believe it is the ouly He w boarded up doors and win net have been possessed of | tane, Bem it was learned that the a aan | tive quietly in bis own country. here ed by a fellow ussénger. . d the asertion that it was respected St | is something In the very atmosphere o "I'm sure of iL man who was on a | |, its religious opponents Inas- 1d when be died. OF this | ty E on She Wa a yits religious opponents. In go | tue United States that makes people | steamer then she was wrecked claims | © 4 oo the newspaper is the his: SUMMER. living. Xie looked so real before me | that I never thought of spooks or | ghosts, 1 simply belleved that his | dying had been a mistake--~that be had | | gone away instead of dying. 1 was no | more In fear of him than of the trees a about we. 1 wondered a bit how he Jyed and: viSited nearly very section op ~aald have Approdched lose the habitable globe, is full of interesting PRY wd we so closely reminiscences of happenings in distant without my having heard him, for the lands in which he participated. The old BOARDING WITH AN IDOL. . How Three Famished Satlors, Ships wrecked In Indla, Were Sustained. Captain Murray, a Port Royal bar pilot who has followed t' + sea since boy- | Remember ow look dot a S ii reaching ghore in the ship's gig, were mE i men it A res nothing was in sight. So far as 1 could imax which they correctly surmised to roeds ir strange visitors had re- | treated for the might they dily de- | youred the bomiteous repast intended for | the idol. Murray and his companions | remained in the peighborhvod for several | dass subsisting nightly od the offerings | ught by the Hindoos as a tribute to | their god and remaining concealed in the daytime, | ne night about ten days after their shipwreck two natives suddenly sur ris- | 2 i ¢ 4 ed the three men while they were a { aed Stomach Disorde:s, Head: very act of making their usual meal, and | ache, Depression of Spirits, a fight ensacd, The vatives proved no | Lack of Energy, Puffiness end match for the resolute and well armed | - tre : Dark Circles under the Eyes, Americans and soon beat an ignominious Ts Pain in the Back, FRidney and ed log. 1 looked for his tracks, but there was none. 1 looked for the spot where he had sat, but the snow bad not been disturbed in the slightest. 1 did not have a fit of the shivers and run away. It was a sunshiny day, and 1 thought the glare on the snow had in some way played me a trick. 1 had the tree down and the road cleared when father returned, and when 1 told him of my strange visitor 1 expected to be lavghed at. Indeed, 1 laughed as 1 told It, but father didn't. He began to question me very closely, and by the time he had loaded the sled 1 could Nerve Pills you havea remedy, that has never yet tailed to turer any disease caused by im- poverished blood, such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion; Nervous Prostration, Weakness; # | Loss of Appetite; Dyspepsia $ ys referred to as one of the plo: would ret : , or Bald Williams & Cog Torus, Usk old John had sat. This was easy enough to know, as my own tracks were there in the snow. The snow on the log was piled up and frozen hard, to Calcutta, where they ge in a homeward bound | stoop shouldered, of vessel. Some 13 years subs Sold by A. ]. Davis. 1uently Pilot Mur- papers with It te cle pte! Dank ™ o pay it te clear up the mystery ank Cashier's Device F © |b azen-faced cl 3 z of his life and assist the heirs In set | Leyiee Kor the Cape i + 2 Chronic, hat jong ture of Men With Guns. | wiio rejoices iniquity, and is utterly But there Is a lit, aug. thongh so far 1 | 4 'ferent to truth, is sclf seeking and have rtviaed from mundane dup on, [0 + 00 regard for iidividual gights will not be responsible for what may | or for public als : a 1501 out be totus y public morals, to be treated you would deal with a scoundrel ho secks admission to your roeom conics. iB bkeRBtTst, and oer meteor hk AHRRERS Rk: [pocket fO*Papers that would j -- if identi SORROTY oat MEH ODE Mn re~+ me. 1 noticed that he looked wre wren tlY | oll] ; yo 8 | Wl in dia 4: eked Siitornian jn the country has | er hard, and the next instant 1 felt the 7 Laon mn gd gs an | during the drought move leisure unless, | floor give way beneath my feet, and 1 | indeed. his ambition for wealth too | shot out of sight with a rapidity that much engrosses him. His horses are | . RaRADE. Wo Mg rnpeession a p o ie it ¢ hat i didn't get out of the k © plenty and cheap His frult eropa thrive | water that 1 had fallen into 1 would be easily. He Is able to supply bis table | 3. 0ned. The idea was a good one, and with fewer purchases with less com- | | geted on it. Then 1 yelled for help like | mercial independence. | a good fellow. His position Is therefore less that of |. "1 was in complete the knight in his castle and more that | though 1 could hear some of the free dweller in the summer cot. | ment going on over my head, my cries tage. who ls, Indeed, not at leisure, but | met with no response. Finally part of \ . o | the floor above my head was raised, and can easily determine how lhe shall be y ys | 2 ittle | ance to hi an arm holding a gun was thrust through. | busy. Tt is of htt e importance to bm | my ep a voice commanded me to get out of who his next neighbor is At pleasure | (hat, and I got. 1 came up fighting mad, he can ride or drive to find his friends, | only to find myself under arrest and a | can choose, like the southern planter of afternoon of a bright day and recover ed the treasure because of It. * | Nature Is Kind In California. | The New England farmer must fortl- ty himself in bis stronsbeid, ed In this same connection We eminded of an interesting lectufé: by an ol journalist and acmber of Parliament. Mr. R. Ly Richardson, ot Winnipeg. "Charag} rer," said he, "is just as essentail for a newspaper asit 1s for a nian lent upon the public fr support. It is therefore of as prime importan that an editor s ould guard the reputation and haracter of his néwspaper as it is \at an individual should guard his ywn reputation and character. If onesty is the best policy fort atl dividual, it is, in an accentuated darkness, and, al- | wlio is dc pent sort of excite turned again. them up. and he | On the other band, Improvements, encour | howling mob outside clamoring to get at in a miserable shan | part of the year easy opportunities for | bunting or for camping both by him- | self and for the young people of his | family. | io the dry season he knows before- hand what engagements can be made without regard to the state of the weather, since the state of the weather is predetermined eee Americans In Bugland, Whatever may be the points of con- | | can testify, | trast between Us, there is no doubt that | ting the right te Americans In ever increasing numbers | the east.' | are settling ln England It Is remark: ------ able how many bave made permanent | homes In London. They like to live | there. When an American he finds it almost impossible to In the lecturer's wind the best example of the value of pre- serving character in a newspaper is.. the history of the Montreal Witnes& which the speaker regarded as per- raps as the most influen.ail journal , Canada. This, he considered, was due to the sound, consistent, noral policy that had been followed «nd the high ideas always held up yy the Witness. It has invaridbly seen found advocating sounds. prin= iples, and it has adhered with such )ertinacity to ils policy that it has orced the respect of the public and Jthough an ultra Prostenant papér sublished in the Catholic Province sf Quebec, Mr. Richardson ventifr- taken me for a note raiser who had been | public. | in the neighborhood, and it further seems | that he was of an inventive turn of mind | | and had arranged a trapdoor before his | 1 window that could be sprung by pressing | a spring behind bis desk and thus take | eare of any man thst might attempt to | bold him up. Mistaking me for the note | | raiser, who was badly wanted, he thought | it would be a good chance to try his idea and take care of we at the same time un- | til he conld call an officer. It worked, as | and 1 am thinking of get- sell *he natent here in No one Was ever per and he pever one else of any put he did not give There was no ed Oak when It became IL was soon ascer The Extreme Limit. «1 think there should be a law against publishing lies." suid the innocent faced man as be laid down his paper and heav- ed a sigh. "Have you discovered a lle?" was ask- the half of his posses has made a for and through | to have swum a distance of 40 miles to Ve ¢ 5 eal impos. ve » they may subdue the incan- land. We know that is a physical Over here they sibility. 1 myself was once on & steamer | 's $200 could be found. ¢ish to burn the candle at both ends. turned upside down rs orian of the day, it is.desirable that should be varacious aud a flice in Psot | y W.BURNHAM, Clerk of the Thi J n Court, Office i Off : 3 Ee coms over Allison's Drug Store] PORT PERRY. practiced. or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: 27 Prices to suit the times® ort Perry, Feb. 1807. t DENTAL SURGEON. Office over the Post Office. Office H Also open Saturday evenings, a Npecialty, Vitalised Air, % 4 All branches of Dentistry, inclvding Crown and Bridge Work sucoessfully Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum W. A. SANGSTER, ours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. W Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Public, &c., and Richmond Streets, Toronto. rd ce Toronto, March 31, 1808, torney, Bas (Public wv { ont. (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surge: also D.D.8. of Toronto University. (Office over McCaw's Jewelry Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Port Perry, June 29, 1898. H. McCAW, Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, Ve will v rt Perry once in All orders entrusted to him warrante ve satisfaction, cGill, Mr, D. J Adams and Mr. OTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EV) here for al Bot fl of origiual pictures hers on ie] EVER "The Story of the philippiens mmission RY: Nott, Port Perry WM. SPENCE, ownshigyClerk, Commissioner, ) m ty at 6 and cing executed | ere door west wt Foie Manchester April1l, 1868. ih be 6 feet high also, when some confu- a descence to the veriest glimmer. ut | | st off the coast, and at that time 1 was aitliful recorder of events." Nos. 310.811, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and ( Grveyancer Court House, Whitby, Dr FD. McGrattan Y.. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Forbery Doo sion, PROF. 8. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and ~ Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto, ix month. -- REFERENOES--Mr. John o Loan ay uantity of Money sion was Introduced Into this Interpre-: tation of this rhetorical fragment of the eighteenth century. But the inalienable right to the sult of | ine a - tioned since it was proclaimed as a American people accepted it with en- thuslasm, as if it had been the discov ery of a gold prespector, and started out In the pursuit as if the devil were after them. if the proclamation had been that happiness 1s a gommon right of the race, alienable or otherwise; that all men are or may be happy. history and tradition might have interfered to raise a doubt whether even the new form of government could so change the ethical condition. Rut the right to make a pursult of happiness given in a funda: mental bill of rights had quite a differ ent aspect. Men had been engaged In many pursuits, most of them disas- trous, some of them highly commenda: ble. A sect In Galilee had set up the pursuit of righteousness as she only or the highest object of man's immortal powers. The rewards of it, however, were not always immediate. Here was a political sanction of a pursuit that everybody acknowledged to be of a CUT OFF THE TAILS OF THREE OF HIS EOGA er paused to collect his thoughts, "but up to this period his language is sorter ambiguous. He's drivin at sunthin, but what that sunthin is bell have to ex lain." 3 "It's jest this," resumed Abljah. "I'm in favor of holdin ome of the biggest religious revivals in this town this fall that was ever held on the top of this airth. 1 want it to be kept up till ev- ery human bein In the place is good muff to die at a minit's notice. we'll git our moral standard first, and then we'll purceed to boom. When you kin advertise the fact that a town of nigh 2,000 Inhabitants basn't one single sin- per In it, what's goln to be the result? Why, gentlemen, the influx, the rush, of preachers alone to such a place will bring about the sale of 2,000 city lots d to| Within a year. Widders will come W. | here, orphans will come here, convert: ed sinners and reformed drunkards will come here, and the newspapers will spread it broadcast that Jericho has no peed of courts, constables or jails." ~1 do decide that Bijah bas made a the deacon. "In a gineral ' 1s a purty good town, but its moral standard kin be boosted up | a peg or two, I reckon. I'm in fur the with revival" 35 2 Holl " Admiron Taylor got up and sald he | : | ons, &e. | 7 per also favored it. A town was like a oebia=--I0L right way with Sold by A child--start out in the a foy Hud Lt. and it would prove J: Davis. 'has never been ques. | SHH new gospel for the new world. The | * over the affair, and it had got Into art when we moved into the village. was in midwinter, As & boy, 1 pot understand or luterest my 'the legal complications of the pot the fact that old Parker had big tot of gold somewhere to me very strongly. The Ml and all bis houses were search cllef among the attractions that this called a champion swimmer. 1 swam country has for Americans Is that they | 4nd swam and swam, but 1 didn't swim n escape the uewspapers, Here | yo 40 miles. I could not have done it." wealthy persons can spend thelr money "How far did you swim?" as freely as they wish, and they still "Thirty-nine miles to a foot, sir, and remain private persons. any man in this world who says he has These are some of the reasons why | swum 40 is a liar, si #rd the truth the American colony In the British me- | isu't in him, sir! Gilbert, the manager of the great poultry department of the Govern- nent Agricultural Farm at Ottawa Jas been engaged for the coming sear to continue' his departinent pe found gy an . had | tropolls grows every year. Jul tiers Rifle Fire. 'Practical Poultry," in that hand- Dut antl) the snow melted no | 12 & TOT subtle reason. Americdts | wien we hed entered that aplitin, | some magazine the Canadian Poul love to come here. The writer BAZ | humming, sone of rifle fire. the like of |, ry Review. Other departments in d be made to find the cache 'j4th day of March, with six spow &till on the ground, 1 my father into the woods 3 of wood. We had a yoke nd a sled, and wheo the fiest heaped up my father drove which no living soldier had ever before witnessed, a bullet skimmed along the top of a man's head. just grazing the skin and flicking off the hair in its course Surely the time for a prayer or even a shriek, if ever there were one. "I've just had a free 'air cut, mates!" was the only observation heard by the officer who wit: talked to very many Americans, and almost all of them admit that in com ng to England they are coming to a lace for which they have a great re- spect and love, where they expect to find everything finished and orderly and qulet.--Loundon Telegraph. the paper are, "Turkeys Ducks and Geese,' "Bartans," "Poultry Ail- ments," "Incubators and Brooders." and "With Uncle Sam' The Editor saysit will be bigger an better than ever, and as it is now in its 22nd year, we beleive him. This and left me behind to cut ration beard Bh the SAS Qead nd clear a road pessed this ghastly jest of the pale one.-- |1 y raf » AvAND. Sa er Meddergrass. Black wood. : journal is well illustrated, full of 0 *No® ta riper Flattery. practical kn swledge written by ex- 'was out of sight 1 sat d0WR | u¢ Boston feller that comes bere to to watch a rabbit hoppIOg | ,,, the paper doesn't seem to get along may bave speat Ste win: | very well. - Our tolks ain't much for lng the anual = 8 | style, an when he referred to & skin ie ce at my right startled me, | ooo oy 'an epidermal pastime' they of honest ambition by raising an opinio d around to find old Joba | becom little too that honor way be gained without the feet of me thought be was min a merit of toil. Danial often that highfalutin.*--Baltimore American. be no mistake. It was the Verbum Sap. n with the stoop shouk Ths only ok pA og EN long bair, the seedy gar That no man can expect to wise 3 A Util ba settles down, 3 perts and at the yearly subsct p on of soc. is rediculously cheap. Low as it is however, readers of this paper can get it at a special rate of three years for The mischief of Battery is not that it persuades any man that be is what he is pot, but that it suppresses the influence eee A St. Louis woman was asked how she managed her budbiad. "Feed him wel and trust to luck," was the auswer. «dian Poaltry Review, To:onto, Out ; but the shortest and best way s to send $1.00 for three years. rere warrior Woes.-- Through Jamun. § and exposure nixny a brave soldier w {gry Awful Experience with Heart Disease.--Mr L. J. Law, Toronto, Can, 'bad bushy ray evebrowsy «} believe It to ba the most | J. re ] i teeth. He sat there | effective romady for the Stom. | pL troubled with | bis native hearth as "fit as man cou Ris skinny hands ach and Nerves n the market, | months to lie down in bed lest 1 sthother: to fight for country's bono, has A at his feet, | is what Annie Pattersou, of Sackville, N.B.. | fier taking one cose of Dr. Agnew's Heart invalided home" becanse of thew in every detail as clearly | BY of South American Nervine, for, s | Care, 1 retired and steptsonndly. 1 wsed the battle ground-- Rheumatism. says, LaG and the complications which | ©" i's and the trouble has mot re- American Rhea sire every case of Rneumitisn Relief in six hours, --g8 Suid by A.J Davis. followed it | See FR Cared her. --100 Sold by A J. Davis. her next to dead th Indi- | ined." --99 Sold by A. J. Davis. We are informed that Mri. A. Fe 81.00... A sample will be sent free by addressing Can.

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