RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." [Trims :-- 8] PEr ANNUM IN ALVArCE] id ' ), THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1901. (WHOLE NO. H ' LE I. ---- SE ---------------------- A -- | Distribution ot Samples of JINGLES AND AND JESTS. CL marked Dire ste Ban Seed Grain and Potatoes "where or how he From Fingers to Forks, His Fellow » Man Willle--Pa hots oat Betlie "prime ' gi he bad in life, and ' In olden times fingers served well 27:40 love my. fellow wan, of lite?" F 0. N Editor of the Observer, d a hint. I had enough to convey food to the mouth, { do the best I cap, Pa--Well, when a man reaches 40 oe 9 A ADA During the past twelve years he was a gambler and a divided gourd was an acceptable Fa be whistles bight And Be | 0, hie is said to be in the prime of life, © | samples of those varieties of grain, "to me he was as drinking vessel, but when fashionable | A wl JU | Wille--And Is it Cie sae with 4 wusts Bm &c , which have su ded best on could be hoped for. aspirations seized our amcestors they { Whe grins whene'sr he balks my plan i an? BE t ag! the. several Experimental F. il : 8 Biter the event at scorned these lmplements of nature, | To board bis swiftly speeding car | Pa--Why, son, you would insult & woms = Port Per A pei al arms / 4 > \fic island ulled Which I bad heralded afar; # | an by telling her she was in tie price ob as jiave been distributed tica i ) friend jchene told me his and even the Pacific ers p! i = yoo % Thani mn ¥ geno) ona tion 3 F Though he be one of those who say 4 life. She's always younger Ib. bags, free through #6 Re He Was a pro- thelr hair, of which they had a gener | ~~ Thon€R'l be es 4 Bhi ably oy po] had been up td ous abundance, In their anxiety to de- And taps his toot agal ------ parts oft i be met me. Then vise more seemly roethods. They final Until 3a dees me to despair; 1dle Speculation A GENERAL Baskin trans nion, The object in view in this s| bck on him and ly manufactured forks that looked like Reg e bs up at weriy down : "Think of it!" said the i id to I has been to add to the to abandon the skewers, and out of the bamboo they | 1 love him still. 1 do my an interest 'in selence. millions. and billions of people on thae distant poiuts of light up there tuat wa LS a, Ei ap u manufactured Enives. The y. jo Were then oc. passed numerous stages, knives, forks receivad at the highest eurrent| This much ap. come inh) am of flamed, be- pyibg Rooms In a certain house be In- and spoons have reached the present Deposits rates. Interest caloulated and credited to rn jor" a og measure of > She wouldn't marry one who smoke: al Slie wouldn't wed with one who s red him * "I don't know about taking 5 cach depositor semi-annually. Saceass 10 re the nd, fearing trouble from the elaborately ornamented kinds now in gravely Sblerved i "We ute wid { Ble wouldn't have & on Whose i H.G. HUTCHESON, ] nder instruction of the Hon. doctor s Consump- Who bad declared himself de- general use. are - Barks nar ng Lila. los { Lad ever leaped for love before { 5 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT, Mrvaces. Minister of Agriculture another tion." 8, the danger the money had been hidden | The cup Is probably the most anclent Water tig hd -- tI Bho woult Salts SAE : cot, sn Port Perry, June 26, 1897. distribution will be made this season signal first appears, help floor, Trouble came. Both of all domestic utensils. Its earliest gp gop of Athens who presided over tie Was less (han ve feet | (Paid Up) - - - $8,000,000 Owing to the very large number of nature with fr arrested, and, while Duchene | form was simply the half closed band gryjt stand. Tho twas wh 0: 15 { i Sapital . Z o applications annually received, it i in prison, the c¢ther man died ; or the folded leaf, Then followed cups vy o Rest - 2,000,000 y ved, S19 : i | not practicable to send tl onla while waiting his trial | made of sea shells or rinds of fruit cut The man that she was loo ESTABLISHED 1867. P! mare: than x pg prison Duchene at once | In halves. Later appeared cups of Dr. Agnew's Cure forthe Heart Came by one uy and ci ] one sample to each applicant,-- fo to secure Lis money, but | metal, lacquer and china. For centu on directly and quickly, stimulates the | Btg spent he : Ry : , { , « 's acti cute pain, dispels | Bie tellow suored J hence if an individual receives a| floor in possession of an ar- | ries the cup has been made the expres- iy ire | Tellin C BUSINESS YITH FARMERS sample of oats, he cannot also re-| @wer maker who held a lecse. | sion of 'art and luxury, and the most smothering, or palpitation. This wonderiu ------ STERLING ceive one of wheat, barley or pota-| # could not be entered and | preclous metals, combined with the ar cure is the sturdy ship which cacries the | Side Tricking the Sieuths, pl Bididion 2 handling Jemmerelal toes, and applications for more than 8 and the $00,000 still rested | tisap's most consummate skill, are now heart-sick patient into the haven of radiant First Burglar (in kitchen)-- Wouldn't 4 f Lo Formers; s apse bo (British Capital) one sample for one household can- fhe floor of the front room. It | commonly employed In their manufac 30d perfect health. Gives relicfin most acute | I sail into that grub if I wasu't under of Loans to Farmers, and the discouut- : 1.500 to buy the lease and eg forms of heart disease in 30 n.ioutes.--11 trentment fer mie dyspepsy! ing of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasonable not be entertained. These samples 81, 0 buy the lease and | ture.--Baltimore Sun. : . Be Ty 1 Whe i rates of interest. To lend at 4 45 and § per cent|will be sent only to those who "Don't delay until your Bo Ber maker ca} anopves $500 we ------ Sold by A. J. Davis. orter do it, Bl. All the detaciives bined Careful and prompt attention in also apply personally, lists of names lungs are sore and your o SOLE olism 2 DE to Turow The Sumber 4, about yer dgepepsy. and if we clon « t given te the collecting of of Notes, ete. on good Mortgage security. from societies or individuals cannot cold settled down Rm Sceut. Due bene could | There are four cardinal polnts, four | Parndoxical, | the provisivus theyll uever suspect yod Asklv th be. considered. The. . disttibution in your chest Kill the the mouey, nor bad he yet [ winds, four quarters of the moon, four { Oh, the "beautiful®' suow is deceitful; { of bein in (Lis ju. SAVINGS 3 BANK Pply will consist as heretol fs 1 . be dared trust. His propo- | seasons, four figures in the quadrille, | The poet but moves us Lo scoff | | S reretolore of samples enemy before the deadly p was that I furnish the $2,- | four rules of arithmetic, four suits of { *Tia light when it alls, but so heavy | When you tind you wust shovel it ofl | blow kills you. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief. eive $10,000 of the hidden | oqpdy, four quarters to the hour, four DEPARTMENT. DAVI D J ADAMS of oats, spring wheat, field peas, Wriclak Attention a. Dirsied to . Indian corn and potatoes. tie Following Advantages Applications should be addressed ny reward. Had be offered | legs for furniture, most animals go on --p-------- I think 1 sbould bave look | tour legs, the dead are placed between { Kot Hnrd te Belleve. | to the Director of Experimental a "plant" and thrown It | Bibbs--Mrs. Homeleigh suys her hus- | ered by of Savings nk * plant" a rowan p oY ! 8 y Ee of y our Bank 1 Banker and Broker F Ott 1 per A few doses make the Re re ane, orown 4 | 'four planks, the prisoners between four | band br a treat trimmer | f On d a 1 arms, awa, and may be sent 1 in offering we a sixth por |.walls, We have four incisor and four : ) { : Deposits of. One Dollar and upwards ; cure complete. OW mood business 160 | Gibba--I'm not surprised. How long received and interest allowed at current p it P any time before the 1st of March, 'Tiree sires: 25. for an ovdinary cold ® to show good business tact. ¥ canine teeth, and our forks have four | po voy ied to ber? | rates, 0 CITY, (Ont 1901, after which date the lists will $0c. for the harder colds; $1.00 tbe most Ig return on the investment-- |inrongg: all animals, when butchered, ef | Interest is added to the deposit Twick | April 22, 1897. ve closed, so that the samples ask Suuomisal for vider cag. igh to Satisfy any one and I {3p cut Into four quanters; the violin, As to Some Handwriting. Vb are to in each year, at the end ef May and ed for may all be sent out in good Th eT i ora) 8 favorable answer at once. | jgreatest of all string Instruments, bas | Fred--Do you think a man's character | |, uuches « November. time for sowing. Parties writing coughs and all throat affections. ready sounded the flower |i four strings; four of & kind Is a | is shown iu his handwriting? | Bricklin s; Plain aid The Depositor is subject to no delay ill 1 y 1 i I have used it for 30 Jens and it 0 the lease, and if my mon- retty good hand at poker even if they Kate--If it is, some of them must be |.) Artiticial will please mention the sort o certainly beats them all, g . . 1 whatever in the withdrawal of the whole 4 3 d'the papers could be sign- |i, rg. ~ perfectly dreadful. ws InaAEl 1 1 hy wanent i . sample they would prefer na x Be Ty Linney, it | {are only fours.--Exchange. . --- : wa portion of the deposit. 5 I qd y hr 2 : ning Dec. 20, 198, Union, N, ¥. ays later. 1 bad a good bit | int Brick is made on withdrawing or wo or three different varieties o Write tho Decfor. jt my baokers. and on the sec- A At a Late Hour. ir con: No Char ug money. TEE Subscriber is prepared to LEND their choice. Should the available add TRIE, gomplatnt whatever @fter bearing Duchene's story | 3 Pisasant os 1 "1 guess ics time to * he said, If you_are iat and desire the bist medical . nd started. to me ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security stock of all the varieties named be exibly TochIVe, write the detiot £982,000 in gold and placed | pi it my duty to tell it," says Rev, "You've guessed it." she replied, and so » he ad or erry obranc 1 Treoty,. You will Tecel y quired in my t AT 6 PER CENT. exhansied, some other good sort Diy, without cont" Addons' re- wy trunk, Next day the pa | Jas. Murdock, of Hamburg, Pa. * Dr. Tuey purted Sdn ny 4 Also on Vill; P wi e sent instead. . C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, 3 Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured me of --- a =Detroit Free Presa 3 ye G. M. GIBBS, Manager. FRc age Property. The s les cE rain will bo to be signed, and a week lat: | Catarrh of five years standing. It is cer- BODERT bey, je.8amples of grain. wi sent would be In our possession. | tainly magical in its effect. The first | NER, R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria EELELS early but potatoes cannot be distri ght the two of us attended | application benefited me in five minutes. Kidney Duty.--It is the particular University ; M.B. Torvsio University, | Office noxt #0 Ontario Bank riister. | buted until danger in transit by | = -------------------- p-- er and afterward had supper, | 50 cts." --9 function of tha kidneys to filter out poison frost is over, No provision has]. ven't the slightest doubt that 5 5 which pass through them into the blooc Memb-r or the College of Physicians and | * port P, , av a 4 Surgeons, Dats ig 0 Se oyal ort Party, May 10,1385. been made for any general distribu: ROEING VERSUS MEN. was drugged. While I was $oldby 4,.]. Davis. Ee ee drsesed 1} Yann | ; } ege of Sucgeons, ontigee Et f her seed I How do (h bing" } helpless, my head seemed as -------- ii 'rary Advices ) {of the Royal College of. Diy idlans, Bain: J. A. MURRAY fon of any other seeds than those) ; Hw.do ihe shistuaon ng are Eu hava ---- help and strength that South America ; hai Msmber "of . . ' named, How 'can they. tell When Yhg day l6.ab Band Ire could hardly keep Oard of Tl k | Kidney Cure will afford in any and al 5 er Oe aon) Fijsicians DENTIST, Letters may be sent to the Ex To leave, thele Nests nab # 4 pen, and if Duchene had not ard o anks. forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in ( ; Away to the southern, g in a cab and (nstructed the ' y ---- hours.--14 [Rooms over Allison's Drug Stere) perinental Farm free of Postage, Were the blue is in the sky It is with pleasure I beg to re Suld by A. J. Davis. } 7 RT.PER sian A. SAUN i Ble x Ea J 'helped | turn thanks to my numerous patrons ) a of Dentistry, incl ing Director Boren Farms Bringing i os ai ews } by room, and tell upon the bed, |and the public in general for the = Crown and Bridge Work successfully | Why do they never foolishly wait, essed as 1 was, and was Instantly | .xtensive practice bestowed upor = oy 1 $ our interesting books ** invents eH " Mine Zoology. a taken as partner, my brother, Dr practiced. Flirting with chance and tempting fate? p. I had been asleep two bours | me during thie past sixteen years, "Tt {st the yd 3 y Ry En M.D, C. M, ay of Col- | Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum ° Ah, the robins are wiser far en 1 awoke as keen as a fox. The | The cordial relations that have ex | the bitter comment of the peace $ lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. A or Rubher Plates, Ran A A © Bot fool aria] i8 of the Sug bad Yauished; ing isted between my patrons and my | culturist whose farm had been stripped | ntreal) Port Perry, June 9, 1897. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement. Thinking, because today'ls fairy. 2 1 got out of bed to undress I found | during my extended practice as | of everything eatuble and portable by a | { stor . obi] Painless extraction when required: That tomorrow good cheer will still abound," legs all right again. 1 was fully | "i; 0 cn 07S on will ever re. | #Couting party from the iuvadiug arwy. | Frcfurences) £2 Prices to suit the times sa With REVEr & WOE DOF CAea~ dressed and ready to get between the | ° Z y '8 o and.itis "It's the hogs of warl" { } DR. E. L. PROCTER ork Perro. Tob, ae Thinking because things come thelr way its when my ear caught a sound | Main green in my memory and itis erry, Feb, 1507, In clusters today I ve 8 .d | with pride and th. n fulness I refer ------ (SUCCESSOR TO DR, CLEMENS ) 5 Cond Tack but wyttled with thems to star] under the bed. at once stooped 1 From Bad to Worse. M.D CM. of Trinity College University, The robin proceeds to get 6ut of the wes yn for a look, and my eyes rested | to the knowledge thit I have re- Man used to stand in awe § Toronto, with Honor Certificate, Ww A SANGSTER While the sun is faithfully shining yet! pon a man lying on the broad of his [tained their confidence'and support OF his awful mother in-t Stur Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, . . y ~Chicago Times-Herald, I had him out in a second. It | during my professional career, a And drink away ene ath her » seurching look, { "MARION & & Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeens, Ont., y it 1 had five times | career whic ove As 8 , ut another lady now Litentiote of Unlverelty of State of Now Tork. DENTAL SURGEON. : iia Radi to wae ag if J Be] Ve umes |caresr which 1 lave just elosed by Maken nim revesently bow-- Patent Export Office and residence on Dr. Clemens' od site. | yg on over the Post Office. ¢ *o0e Painary strengi 1 AC. Thong disposing of my Veterinary practice He's beneath the dowiuation uf the cook. Opposite Town all. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 0 ABO | PORT PERRY. Also open Saturday ray eveninge, 0 Bam ur THE MAN UNDER low struggled furiously and cut my | Mr. John T. Elliott, of Detroit, with a knife, I grasped bis throat | \fichioan, and being cognizant o ehoked him till he lay like one X BC It was only when | bad struck Her Valuation. -Ida--My! 1 don't see how you can mar the fact that he is one of the most 50 YEARS' rae ' < INOTICH. 4 Gold Fillings, Bri Bridge and Crown Dr. Ward's 4 accomplished Veterinary practi- | ry such a poor man r EXPERIENCE 0 Work a Specialty, Vitalised Ai . 4 ht that I found the Intruder to |. ""° . i : 3 ' nw - RJ. H SANGSTER, Physician, Sur pee pl Blood and Nerve Pills M. yAD: $ Duchene. He had come. in through toners of the continent. o have 1ST oor? Why, he's worth a mil a geon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. No remedy ever introduced in Copyright, 1001, by C. B. Lewis. p window which opened on a ve | "© esansy n HPL hm 1da-- What! ngster, Dentist, may on and after to. Foy x a a a b a. He had been working at the |l0 my former patrons and the gen Clare -- Ordi . 1 be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Dr F. D. McGrattan Canada has gained so many words of Pose of my trunk when I made some eral public. As a dental and sur . ACinary men. CH Dien exer the Poe Office, Where tiey will (DENTIST) Praise from sugars all over thecoun- | | aq been in Paris for a couple of |: on awakening, and he had rolled | gical operator he has few equals and NS TT es | eretofore, prepar a i as 1 1 ¢ dod > 'Dra i : in a y He Returned, to their respective prof Tropa in all their | L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, try ase oroughly effective pills, months, hving oo : family hotel and elr Snde ? tie Ln He ng Sone NS. Success m Inisicate 12 y I "Back again!" exclaimed the honre- Granchos. aloo D.D.S. of Toronto University, WHY ? knocking about at my leisure, when fthat bag of gold, and he had meant | large cities both in Canada and the | Coo an ry Cor ome soup yes- Port Perry, Dec, 8, 1897. Office over McCaw's Jewelry Store , . 1 made the acquaintance of Felix do for me if nec&sary. United States has been almost terday J. | gave PY Any Office hours--8 a.m. to 8,30 p.m. " Because they positively cureall dis- | Duchene, as he called himself. He | Jarmed the house, the police were phenomenal, "Dats all right, lady." sald the hobo. vention ts r sb DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Vort Perry, June 29, 1598. eases brought on by impoverished | was a man of about 30, and, though for, and the fellow was taken ORR GRAHAM. | "One good tureen deserves anvder.' » : ; ro securing : ents n through Murs o- receive blood, such as heart trouble, nerv- | ® Frenchman from head to heel, he but it was a good hour before any re oer Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1901. cial notice, without charge, in the Prvsician, Sumeiox, &c. . : spoke English fairly well. He was pcovered his senses. His story was } y of 4 Resid St. Port P JOS. BATRD ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc. not a man whom I should bave select- ly false, and he had put up a Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indi- Scientific Fite feat. e848 ence, Queen St., Port Perry i eh ALSO ed as a friend, and yet there was a b rob 'me. It was my testimony -------- stion, and kindred ailments, take wi ings A handsomely {lustrated Iy st. oirs Qifee hoursa--8 to 10 aim.; 1to3 p.m, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Be they nd 4. health something about him which interested i gave him five years In prison, but Doforo the baling quaities of Sous Ar Cultlon of why soleriide agent Forme. 83 > and Evenings. unty of Ontario. Sale Register at cause they induce sound, Y | ma. He had traveled extensively, met it was all over and he had been | yr URCH OF THE ASCENSION Nervine, Thomas Hoskins, of Durham, Ont MUNN 2 ¢ ) 3018s Ne York Telephone in office and house, open night She Omeruien 0, Pattonnge solicited. | gleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR, | with many adventures and was a good "away I was a bit sorry for him. , 3 Sook his Breachers udvice, iolawed Si pion: bob & L0,°% Washi EW I Or ected anc T, Jan ----. and was cur pnapently of the worst form of ranch an Ps ash os, Dy sad. dy aver. the Sine Jogth, Sones 8 hh ~~ |and VITALITY to the body. talker. I came to know him as a man ould tell a good story, had a laugh REV. JOR HER, M. A., Incumbent. Nervous Prostration and' Dyspepsia. He hae 2 Ei ? of nerve and courage, and, though I hi made you laugh with him, and |Sundsy--Matins, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunda | recommended it to others with gratifying results, | id Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894, ALSO & School, 2.3 pum : AUCTIONEER. feared he would turn out to be a para- ¥ men of his class In Paris or else Wolds -- 0 ps It's a great nerve builder. --13 <r 3 an 2 BE dnderslgned tak. Because their use enables the | site, nothing of the sort happened. He could order a better dinner. He | ' agnst RR Sold by A. J. Davis. P AT RW Pe 13 \ DR. JONES T of os ris mRarhaity to successfully resist attacks seemed to have plenty of money of his | pot a grasping man withal.. He METHODIST CHURCH. WMH A AAR Hq wordy, -Suxgrn, aa, Coroner Patecage Be haa recived as Auctioneer in {of colds and the inseparable re- Sve and never asked for the loan of & planned to fabs me of $2000 Jere a pee" & ED ai rT or nty of ta 8 gery the t. ased ' i . W. COLL, . : ic > a hn Me Carmmgiets C arrive Prastiie whieh I hare hed will he | 8H sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, I bad known Duchene for three or |! 000 Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Evening Mrs. Jason-- What is that you are try- 5 OI minin 1, &e Port Perry. tarved to advantage of patrons, and parties | @ fact of especial importance at this | four weeks when we visited a dance ; ye SR or wear ad condeted to ete. in to sing, fer the land's sake? favorive me with their sales may rely on | geason of the year, ball on one of the outer boulevards @ Gentle Art af Letter Writing. | "0 4 conducted Se Mr, Jason--"The Lighthouse by the | {\HE ude od would take tis oppar their iatorate bei Tully protected. - No : one night. The place was a resort for classic age of letter writing. like § CHURCH Sea. . tunity of thanking his numerous pats d to make it profitable £0 centa per box. five boxes $2.00. All druggists, | {6,0]) men and bad tromen and prom- chivalry, Is gone, although no ST. JOHN'S OHU . hai Jaaci=}y ell, i you Expect me jo ons for their liheral and still increasing cing th 1 hi or Bam Williams & Oo, Toronto, Ont. he &! e washin ever done, you'd better be | patronage during the time he has cariied oa Romtat wil 'be found" hands. tsed a phase of Parisian life 1 had pot | 8 been found yet to utter its (PRESBYTERIAN.) Rnb ended Degli La da bsole Bai Ld ariie ral oration, Correspond- REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. ; burried notes contain: | Sabbath Sr 0 aL Kvsniy rn P Al NTIN L$ 'dinner or acceptances The Very Latest. Sold by A. J. Davis. '|Sittings of the Division Courts ese are the missives which | == =~ | Customer--Here's a. piece of goods that | in Port Perry, aud would state that Tie is OOUNTY OF of the letter carrier. The BAPTIST CHURCH. should make nice trousers, but the stripes | beticr prepured than ever to txccute wll ; ' ; Oo OF ONTARIO. lb we presume, still holds its REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PASTOR. don't appear to be straight. They're curv: aa Siders lor : Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. 1901. Lf. we are to judge from the Gahbath Services, 100 40d 7.00 ed slightly, aren't they? | Painting, Kulsominizg and Paper Hanging of breach of promise cases, Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7.30. Tailor--Yes, they curve outward, you | oT of Bock, xr bridge, : ? sentidientalisay as ee | notice. That cloth is desigued especialy | Parties eutrnsting their work to we may Fc: Toorsh: rit erica [© Your get Dos A TE gage E. 0. CHURCH. tor bowlcsged gents. rely on having it neatly wad promptly. eae and Eldon Jus Seplember 4, October 3, November 4, Doo: Mt has passed Into litera We ada ented, My churges are modetute Temple Building, Cor. Bay Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may 5: yu ptter whose highest claim to REV. A. OMALLEY. & ers. 1 am also pre pared to supply Paiuts, &e,, ad Streets, Toronto. * rely on the utmsot attention being given to $8 Porous Mah 8 ARE May June 4, eo 8 art is that It 1s art, Third Sd ™ -- ay o_ ned e When soutractiog thy Ji : ® § c of #0 confounde hard 1" cont Ww ) Cpa SIT their . wir ao 4 hi Feruarys 2 weil} {pt a i prt mid hing 104 | As ntinusnce of public putionuge. soli RDON, striking proof my regard. s PRE RR junderland. i Goldsmith, or Horace x WM, TREMEER. BE Chfarch 6 May 10, Joly 8 Sopuamer & ov. Miss Burney--that charm- Lidl IAN "Then do not ake: to refrain, "| port Perry, Mar, 23, 1593, tended only for the affec- AC 1] F | @f VY. But stand it, since you may not sit. . Co : / 1nd you bave been ruising Cain; non piczo" RTE rn Phe ston of ie and | 3 PERE DESIRABLE PROPERTY MARRIAGE Port Perry Ont. + UXBRIDGE. we say that it has dis Settlers' i IN PORT PERRY Pert Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, Jaen ie an Sar, Selvin, Beptamsbe the busy modern world, Oboe. Wa _ Belt DStenac. TO ey TT 50 >" i ° llway and the steam- ne - a 'owne--I"m surp at youn trying to 1 | A [2 5 CANNINGTON Qigrk. (Jeo, Smith, Cunningion-- | THR YELLOW STRUGGLED FURIOUSLY AND a hte that shake man- gue vay, borrow a dollar from that felloy Hurd: --i fia LM Maret Y Ra ww ' 3 it Is now but a rare | BXcursions upp. You're surely not in such awful |, we tndersigied offers for sale RC a Ce. ¥ met. 'e found a rough cro 1 lle flow carcely able | ==rmmme=mm------------== : rat sargain his fine property on Lore ERs $5 5, Bepems Emi Nor-| indeed, and the evening it half | li Sip altered shcial Zo: Manitoba aid Gauadian North: West ee . ! ao hau | strast, Port Perty, consisting of & Gimmes wnbior 3 over when a burly big fellow deliber will leave Torontoevery TUESDAY duting | Wa# and I merely anticipated him. | aious Dwelling Hol se, containing six rooms, 1. UPTERGROYVE--Clerk, , March and April, 1901. "I'he old: ha all and three closets ; there is a good stous March 85, May 0, TF, Opegore ately picked a quarrel with me. Iwas | from belng a cherish- dn Stok he Sldext fort In Amerien is at St. Au: | lor vader: the atk park am Toa a ih giving him the worst of it when he 5 bas In our day tend- AD eners tavelling Without Tire Stock gust ne, a. It was built by the Spanish | to r the kitchen, aikin' nv' god state of ; f 0 : a cur she o od 5 EpaREwe, [drew a knife and rushed mpon me. | edt at fa.called. in SBOE & 3 sai, Akt STORE Jenting TUrontn At | oes teas wher oe orn dt wis for a reir There wre. three lots which thay | been converted into a splendid Garden, in which 1 a lige number of choice, thrive ing fruit trevs --Apple, Cherey and Piame---- Que, says: " Rheumatism in my joints «i pe Vives, terry I en and other smadl Duchene, Bs was standing quietly b 'g "snippety," like the Passen; - cngers travelling with Live Stock i, ang a sort of "DIE" OF | 51d tuks the train leaving Torouto at SS On Cay ints which require to be | 9.00 p.m. to my surprise, we were not mole th who bad Ses fends of tne that the recelver bas | Colunist Sleeper will be attached to each | caused me that words' cannot {uit fu aint. There, ate alse the w, urging bim to that mental process. | (ruin. describe how terrible. I took four bottles penises © wood bricked Well aud Ci me. 1 ke great deal of our letter | 2qp full particulars and a copy of *Set-| of South American Rheumatic Cure and am aud couvenivnt Stables ] p, the source of Irrita- | tiers' Guide" apply to avy Canadian Pacifie | 8 well woman. I bave recommended it to Lots 108, 109, 110 on Eila Strevt--all to those who are | Ageat, or to others with as good 7 results. Think the yeady for crop. inde e it.--London A. H. NUTMAN, treatment nothing short rt of a wonder,"--10 Fur particulars apply to Assistant General Passenger Agent I GEO. G x 1 King &t, East, Tomowzo Sold by A. J. Davis. { Port Poti, Jun 22, 1896,