from Poor, Watery Blood. nes: Sine wed Until the Enfferer Felt that His Cage was Almost Hopeless. te Mirror, Seaford, Ont No man in Meaford is better wa or more highly respected than . Patrick Delaney, who has been resident of the town for nearly forty years. Mr. Delaney isa stone 'mason by trade, and has helped construct many of the buildings which go to make up Meaford's chief business structures. Hearing "that he had received great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a reporter of the Mirror called "to obtain particulars of the cure, and Mr. Delaney cheerfully gave him the following statement : * Last "March," he said "my health became so poor that I was compelled tc quit work. The chief symptoms of my illpess were extreme weakness it the legs, loss of appetite, palpila tion of the heart. The least exer tion would cause ,my heart to Falptate violently, and if 1 stooped to pick up anything 1 would. be overcome with dizziness, My legs were so weak that 1 was compelled Disziness and Legs Folic ase of anal He prescrib and I three bottles 0 1 e, bul all the while] "actually got worse until I became so weak and emaciated that it seem ed impossible that I could recover. Having read of the cures affected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I de terminedto give them a trial. From the first box I noted an improve ment in my condition. My leg became stronger, my appetite 1m proved, and by the time 1 bad used four boxes I felt better than I had done for months. That the pills are a wonderful remedy there is not the least doubt. I can do light work about home without experiencing any of the unpleasant sensations that I once underwent. 1} fcel an altogether different mar despite the fact that I am sixty-seven years of age. All I can say is that I attribute my present good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I would advise any other | similar sufferer (o try them." To those who are weak, easily tired, nervous or whose blood is out of condition. Dr. Williams' Pills come as a blessing, curing when all other medicines fail and restoring those who give them a fair trial to a full measure of health and strength. The pills are sold only in boxes bearing on the wrapper the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. If your dealer does not keep them they will or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Drockville, Ont, i S. Brownscombe Company, imited, general merchants, Ux- bridge, held in the office of Henry Barber on Friday afternoon, an er for settlement at 50 centson dollar was made, and the meet- ing was adjourned for one week to consider it. The liabilities are placed at $33,958, and the assets at $27,265, leaving a deficit of £6,093. The creditors are largely Toronto firms, the chief being the Wild- Darling Company, Limited, with a elaim of about $16,000.--Ex. --_---- At a meeting of the creditors of EZ Five O'clock Tea Jardinaries, Cream and Wate Pitchers in Genuine Wedgewood at McCaw"s, EZ" Most of the Clothing of ¢ day ought to be called "veneered" because its sightliness is merely a little work on the outside. We ; don't have that kind--ours has the io good, old honest tailoring through > and through.--A. F. CArNEGIE. Beatty & Boxcarp's hand-made harness is made to wear. There is no value to equal it. Discounts any factory made harness and the price is not noticeably higher. EZ Klondyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- itoba. Parties going to any of the above paris call on A. Davis, C.P.R. ticket agent, for information rates, &c. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your ccugh or cold. We also guarantee ~ a 25-cent Lottle to prove satisfactory ~ or money refunded.--C. H. Allison. Warum Footwear FOR WOMEN.-- are appreciating more and ry ye e- value of a ¢ to sit down to put my clothes on, | now | Pink | invest. be sent post paid at 50 cents a box | soft, {at his residoavusSupey Stretun Tuesday next & num vehicles NGRTH ONTARIO OBSERVER FORT PERRY, MAR. 14, 190%: --_----e--------r £5 It will be seen by the adver- tisement elsewhere in this issue that Port Perry is shortly to add another and important branch to its already numerous industries. Messrs. May & Goodwin, experienced and prac- tised builders of Marine Engines, &c., are about to apply their skillin this locality and for that purpose they have secured suitable premises in'the Blong Block. . They will also make a specialty of attending to de- fects of Bicycles. This firm has already secured an important con- tract having negotiated with Mr Jonathan Blong to supply his lake craft with a new Engine and Boiler of the most modern design, which when completed, for safety and speed will far eclipse-any craft that ever floated on the Scugog. Mr. Joba Bright, Myrtle, last week realized over $2000 on 14 head of cattle he disposed of at the Auction Sale, of Liye k held at y r Well "done best priees reali South Ontario. PREPARED. FOR, TRE SEXSON'S Operations -- It will be seen by Mr John A. Rodman's advertisement in another column that he is fully prepared for repovating operations | so esentially necessary in beautiful |'spring. He has been appointed sole Agent for this entire district for the sale American Wall Papers which for beauty of design and coloring have no equal in the world, and he is prepared to mount of {them in a manner unsurpassed by | | any other artist. The papersare of | all grades from 2 cents per roll up-| include 1500 patterns and what is still more important they are all the product of 1gor1. { An inspection of his rare selections | wards and |is time well spent and cannot fail in | | inducing prospective purchasers to | (Don't fail to read Mr. | | Rodman's advertisement.) Mr. Jas. MacBrien, of the North- | West Mounted Police, eldest son of | James MacBrien, Esq., made his| | relatives and friends here a flying| visit last week ; duing his short con-| | nection with that force he has dis | tinguished himself for bravery and one occasion he| | daring feats. On captured single-handed one of the | | notorious - desperados and | | most { horse-thieves of the plains--a char- | acter that the whole force dreaded, | but stalwart young MacBrien litter- ally carried his prisoner over five miles in ~order to make -sure- of the captivity of his victim and place his escape beyond doubt. His daring | deed was duly reported and recorded by his superior officers. He has severed his connection with the] force in order to remder active] service with Baden-Powell in South Africa, being promoted. to rank of | Sergeant. | Sets | | A Preasant Time.--On the even- ing of Thursday last a happy sleigh- ing party cemposed of the members | of Port Perry Club "Silent Seven" together with their 'lady friends wended their way to Sonya arriving there all made their way to the fine new residence of Mr. Wm. Medd, | | where an interesting and enjoyable | | time was had, Mrs. Medd had made | every preparation and welcomed | the large and intelligent company toher beautiful home. The com- pany were delignted at the right | royal manner in which they were | entertained during their sojourn. Avcrion SALE. --Mr. Alex. Reid, {lot 2, con. 5. Reach being about to | give up farming, has instructed Mr. | Baird to sell by Auction on the | pre mises, on Tuesday, Mauch 26, all | his live stock, farm implements, &c |r. Reid having no further use for {le property advertised all. will be sold without reserve, (See Posters.) Auction Sare.--Jt will be seen hy the posters that Mr. Brooks (who is about to leave town) has instruct- ed Mr. Jackson to sell by Auction and a quantity of household furni- ture, stove, carpets, &c. All must be sold. Don't fail to attend this sale, all will go at Auction prices. Sons oF TEMPERENCE ENTERTAIN- sENT.,-- The enfertainment held in Prince Albert on Tuesday evening of Temperence Lodge there, proved of the liberal collection. wil |and evening, in Presbyterian chi g Tuesday, this 'place, on and under the auspices of the Sons a grand success in every particular. The audience was large and highly _ | gratified with the performance and the exchequer of the lodge was considerably augmented as a result =" Miss Lottie Wicains Pro | vincial Organizer of the W.C.T.U., deliver an address, afternoon ch e: one million dollars to the trade ol The Lindsay, Watchman Warder saysi--The Summer Resort and Advertising committee of the Orillia Board of Trade reported at last meeting that they have issued ten thousand pamphlet folders at a cost of §300, and they will also advertise liberally in the Southern States papers this spring. This committee has done splendid work in advertis- ing Orillia, and, asa result the town is well patronized by summer visit ors. The Beeton World says :-- That cruel reaper--death--has been un- usually active during the past week and within six days has claimed three inmates of the house of Re- fuge. The last victim was John Parker, who was committed from Orillia on February 6th. He was eighty-nine years of age, 'and has been tinder the doctor's care ever since his committal. He passed away at an early hour "on Monday morving. His friends were com- municated with as to the disposal of the remains. afnes met his and two brothers, who bad lately returned from the Northwest, were practising on a trapeze in the barn. William was swinging by his hands and lost hishold. He fell to the floor on his feet, but stumbled for ward against two small doors injthe end of the barn. Their fastening gave way and the young man went through the doorway to the frozen ground, eight f-et below. He alighted on his head and shoulders- Iis skull collar-bone were fractured, and he died about twelve and hours later without regaining con ciousness. He leaves a widow and three children. coin vm From the following 'it is evident that the esteemed member for South Ontario is alive to the interests of his constituents. The manifestation of such interest for our popular Library is commendable. House or CoMmMoNs, Ottawa, 6 / 3/1901. My pEArR MR. McBRriDE, I had occasion to visit the Patent Office a few days since, and my [JOINING Counties of York, Simcoey attention was called to the fact that | some of the Public Libraries| throughout the country were re- ceiving the Patent Office Record which is issued by this Govern-| ment. I thought it a very valuable publication, and hence wrote the| Minister of Agriculture asking that| our Library might be favored. A letter just received to day from the Minister says: "I have given in- structions to the. Chief Clerk of the | | Patent Branch to send a complete | eries Act of agoo on Friday gop collection of our patent publications laid by inspector Bowerman: 9 to the Port Perry Public Library."| Bowerman went on the 6th Tnsts I am sure that mechanics and all interested in patents will find this a | very valuable publication. ted admission, found E fendant, a lad named Schell fi President of the Library but I do| with a hook and line: 'S I know not whether you are the | know that you have always taken a| deep interest in its wellfare hence I | address you. Will you be good| enough to convey this information | to the authorities of the Library and greatly oblige, | Sincerely yours, ! Wirrian Ross. cinema It Is One Thing to cover upa wall. It is| quite another to decorate it. Any] cross-roads wall paper dealer can | do the one, but it takes an artist to | accomplish the other. 1f you only desire to hide the discolored plaster go to any old place and get the paper. Decorations, we = presume, are | your desire--artisticand harmonious | designs that will delight your family | making home more cheerful than ever. In selecting papers from our per- fect stock you have the comforting assurance that whatever is chosen | | is in strict harmony with -the can- | ons of good taste ; and the know- iedge that the lowest prices are your privilege here.--JonN A. RopMan. Toronto Sentinel :--To show the good effect of the law preventing the export of logs to the United States we may state upon the authority of the Globe that a reasonable esti mate of the amount of money ex- ended i tario during the, past Be Re Toner Tovey Tok cess of the amount paid out before the enibargo on logs is a round illion dollars. Taking everything into gonsideration, a million dollars a year is said to be a low estimate of 'the increase of trade in this pro- vince due to the prohibition of the export of logs. Riis Act was oput upon the statute book by the Hardy Gover t, but it was agitated for eight years before it became law, by the Oppositi During all that time the orm Government pre- dicted a falling-off in revenues so serious that they would have to re sort to direct taxation if the Michi- gan men were deprived of their logs. 0 spite of that, however, the agita tion was maintained, and finally the Government was compelled, by force of public sentiment, to enact legislation to retain for Canadians the work of manufacturing the logs into lumber It is only fair, there: fore, to credit the Ontario Opposi- tion with having contributed directly the province, and that in an indus- a ee affecting the agricultul of a large section of cel resulted from "a publi the Music Hall here ye! noon under sided. - The attendan the leading farmers . sugar creamery here, Prof. Ontario Agricultural Cg cussed dairying, with pat ference conducting for 'He | | a fishing house on the lake, dem try which is likely to still farther ch greatly imetease, | Clothing is sel Beet Sugar March ~ im & March meet'ng of the above 1 was held on Monday last, nst. All members present. 'minutes of the February eting were read and confirmed. The Clerk read a number of com: ications--none, however, were y public interest, n motion of Mr. Doble, $45 was | ¢ d to be paid to Mr. Jas. Mc being amount due him for Whitby, the ausp Mayor Board of Trade. men of South Ont question as per contract. to butter m % " motion of Mr. Munro, the raising and grain growin ing are leading branche! ture hereabouts, dairy not having been cultival ably, so that the subject a treated by Prof. Dean, lead to a creamery being here. Dr. Shuttlewotth @ ario Agricultural College, # an hour, told how sugar bi going to be the big thing in' agriculture, His experieng studying beet sugar cullur many, and also the valua Lation to the story of thed in this country, gained la cate with the Minister of Agricul al for Ontario requesting the overnment to furnish Sugar Beet Seed to the farmes of this and adjoining municipalities in order to encourage the establishment of a Beet Sugar Factory 'in Port Perry which is in every respect a suitable location for so important an indus i- [try owing to the fact that few if any other place in the Dominion is so advantageously located regarding xcellent water communication, | right, Mariposa and Ops, making Port Perry a point at él which the assembling of the im of [iin ense sugar beet.crop of an exten ive area could be conveyed to ithe factory at a triffling cost. oR os Tec of Agriculture, discussed bot jects in a way that brought. ti strikingly the great benefits to | country ffom the development agricultural industries. 2 Hon. John Dryden discussed the beet sugar question practically by making a proposition, which was}® On motion of Mr. Jefirey $28.83 at once accepted by the meelingfvas ordered to be paid to Mr. John to have a series of tests th by him paid to the fol- in this section during the counting : : ; season to definitely determine] wing "parties entitled thereto for whether Ontario Counly is suitable Snow shoveling :--P. Christie $2.84 ; for the cultivation of the sugar]C. Lamb $533 ; Jos. Mitchell $1.68; J. Fursie $2.29 ; A. Masters $1.17; beet. From the discussion of the beet sugar question, it is apporently Masters $1.35; Fred Masters 85 cts; P. Stone 81 cts; Wm. Stone Durham and Victoria, to take sug steps as are necessary to organ the farmers and interest capital establishing a beet sugar factory the best poin to serve them market for the sale of beets. --_---- Fishery Prosecution: His Worship Mr. Nott had a case before him under the Ontario" Fish bag on the ice in the house, the spector requested him to brings the bag; this the Inspectors to contain a "snare"'--a Wil that to become successfully estab: lished the industry requires the pros duct of upwards of ten thousand Bt 30; Silas Fitchett $1 30; Robt. acres of beets, and advantages for | Ewers 94 cts; Geo. Ewers $121; L Ihe assemblage o the beets, cody Vernon $1 60; John Park $5 8o. e d chemicals 'vsed 'in " manufacturing, as well as for ships On motion of Mr. Munro, Dr. ment of the finished product, gran Mellow was appointed Medical dulated sugar Heallh Officer, and Mr. Geo Brown | y The eg adopted reid Inspector of Local Board of Health, | ion,, movod by Mr. F. Howar c Annes, seconded by Mr. J. H. Long at assalary of $10 cach. appointing a large representatives The Clerk verbally reported that committee, including members joffthe committee appointedto meet Ux- the Legislature and the Commons, {bridge township Council had con- of the constituencies affected "ilfelyded their duties and had effected Ontario County, together with ad- : : : s 8 '|a settlement re townline expendi- h [tare--amount due Uxbridge to date izelis $32.40. It had also been agreed fal jat the statute labor in future on 2 t the townline should be dispensed as &h ith and that all amounts expended Ashiould be $ for $ by the respective municipalities. Thereport of the Special Auditors appointed to investigate the Col- ectors' Rolls for the years 18go to g--both inclusive, was now bmitted to the Council. Wequote he following from the Report : -- We your committee appointed to there Sa | cxamine the Collector's Rolls for the : SMSS years 1890 to 1899 inclusive beg to report that we have very care- fully examined all the Collectors' o| Roils, Bank Dooks, Treasurer's | Books and Auditors' Reports for the above years showing that there is a balance due from Mr. Holman of $490.35. knot device for catching maski Shortage, oa The Act provides that "the find $149 37 any nets or other fishing devi 130.04 dived ipa 82 22 or maintained in violation oft . $100 00 shall be prima face evidence 18 11 guilt of the person owning of ating the same". At the 'tri 120.50 defendant swore that the bag 106,21 taining the snare was in the 39 hii 19 19 when he went there and wal his. For the defendant it wa $609 54 $119 19 tended that the prima face cased fas From this amount we would re- met by the defendant's evidenceiand commend that you relieve Mr that in this case {he device of SHEte Holman from payment of $185 Se | which we are satisfied he has not {been able to collect, leaving a bal- tance due Reach of $305.35. All of which is respectfully sub- mitted. in question was not 'set Of tained," as required by the being in the bag. Judgmen reserved until the 12th inst his Worship after referring te Peter CHRISTIE, Turomas LaMBE, CHESTER ASLING. defective wording of the Act quiring the snare to be actuall or maintained in order to ju conviction, and stating also tl prima facie case was met b) defendant's evidence, dismis complaint. Mr. Ebbels app for the defendant. : '| On motion of Mr. Munro, the report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Holtby, $25 was ordered to be paid to Mr. {| Chester Asling, being payment for services of C. Asling, Peter Christie and John Lambe as special audit: ors for auditing the Collector's rolls to 1899 inclusive. Who Wants To Renta F that Mr. Heal offers to his fine farms, The pro situated in the township of Whitby and will be le reasonable rent. a plan ofthe , dividing it into n sub-divisions for the purpose 'governing boundaries provided atute labor should be commuted. ® rr ion of Mr. Doble, 87 was dered to be paid Mr. John Ackney, er, for shoveling snow in road division: ion of Mr. Jeffrey, $20 'to be paid to Mr. A. , being two thirds loss by having one sheep and destroyed by dogs. jo EZ Ready made clothing more alike than are people; differ in character, style an tion, and so do clothes. O ing is cut and made by ski ors and from the very best A. F, CARNEGIE, E3. No matter how low depend upon it that you greatest intrinsic value th sible for ou to receive.-- : £3. People who buy f do so with their eyes sh will not sell a poor a price.--A. F. CARNEGIE. CrotHinG AT Co in order to make a. © ance ot his stock of to be'paid to Mr. A. n of M cipal World for dog tags. was ordered to be paid to Mr. Wm. S one, being refund of taxes charg- ed in error. Munro and Doble were appointed a committee to submit a proposition penditure on townline ; and that Clerk notify the Clerk of Brock that imber supplied the corpora-|ihe meeting will take place on the 16th inst., at Saintfield. Clerk was instructed to communi | [owing indigent aid for March was ordered to be Ipaid :--Mrs. Gibson $5; H. Ballard, $4; P. Thompson $s; Wallace $5; E. Saunders $5; Mrs Arnolds $5; Thos. Tucker $2.50. presentative of The Frost Wire Fence Company came before the Council and offered to supply a superior wire fence for erection along portions of highways liable to be blocked with snow drifts. It is In 3 > a really handsome fence. tight and pig tight ; and it costs less per rod than any other wire fence yet on the market. Clerk was instructed to commumi- cate B municipalities of Cartwright, and homes, and match the pepers with patios seem and the advisibility of negotiating terms as to the best mode of making necessary repairs on the townlines between Reach and said municipal ities. 5 jon of Mr. Holtby, $7.92 : liams for shoveling snow' be paid to Alex. Wallace | n of Mr. Jefirey, $1 ordered to be paid the Muni On motion of Mr. Doble, 46 cts| On motion of Mr. Holtby, Messrs. o the authorities of Brock re ex- On motion of Mr. Doble, the fol- Mrs. Sornberger 85; Alex. An affable and indefatigalbe re- best galvanized steel made from the On motion of Mr. Holtby, the with the authorities of the East and West Whitby regarding On motion the Council adjourned Prince Albert. Pruning Trees. Mgr. Epitor,--As the time has come for pruning trees, &c., I will give your readers the benefit of my experience; observation and experi ments during the last nine years. When I came here the trees were almost covered with bark lice and how to get rid of them was a ques- tion, for lice on trees is just as bad as lice on cattle. In the first place I pruned the trees and thus lessened ths work of cleaning them. In the next place 1 scraped and white washed them. In following up this for a year or two I got the trees pretty clean and healthy. In the next place I had two Wagner trees, the one had pretty good "fruit 'the other small and unsalable, I resolved to give the tree with the small fruit a good pruning, knowing if it died ae thé result the loss would not be felt, the result was the fruit on that tree was far superior to the other, so I found pruning was a good thing. Ifany one is doubtful in reference to the above statement Jet him take two trees bearing the same kind of fruit and prune the one and leave the other and he will see for himself. Then I had six Snow Apple trees | the fruit spotted badly, not ome- quarter of the apples were saleable. I put in some grafts with the idea of growing fruit that would be of better quality, and after doing this I gave the ireesa good pruning, and now, instead of having one-third saleable, I have not one-third defec- tive. 1 am satisfied that trees should be pruned every year to keep them in proper shape apd to have good fruit. All the suckers should be NewBicysleRopair Builders of Marine rr PAINTER Kalsomining and Sign Writing Exceated in first class style and 2 Moderste Prices. Pasties Build ing or Repaising wll secerve Posmegs attention. Paper tanging ani Decorative Tuting i all the modes forms aod shades. I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF CANADIAN AND AMERICAN - All of which are 1goy Pattems znd mo back sunibers, Pasties requiring conld mot spend a few leisure moments to Samgile Bodks at your own surroundings. ts In fotare 1 shall be located one dose north of Mr. Widdes's Grocery. 2 7 7 hop. BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY. \\\ HEELS Cleaned&cRapairod upon shart natice Engines and the Metherel Safety Water Tube Boilers Machine Work a speciaity. MAY & GOODWIN. EF Will Commence Basiness 5st Spall. docs 16t apply to serfons mishaps, ot to those numerous tile bumps wiih youngsters are continually geting sad Tn Cuba the best tobacrs comes fos | ove strip of lend ouly, the slopes of 3 certain river, sod eves there = Swot | wind may ruin the cop Teloem is the most sensitive plant we kuow of The smallest thing affects fs Somme. Plant tobacry fn Cermeny to the Philippives;, snd you memly go- duce = superior Manis. Lovely Philanthropy. cut out and some will impoverish | the tree if not cut out. Having a man to do the pruning once in five or six years does not answer the purpose for then he must cut out large branches which should be avoided as much as possible. Any man with common sense can do his own pruning, but if he has not the time it will pay him well to employ some one to do it. Young trees should be looked after specially, if properly trained there will pever be any need of severe pruning. ~ ¢ W. KENNER. While Weeping Is Quite Natural, It ) May Be "Cured" In Children. It comes natural to every woman pity a child when it harts the misadventure big or mother immediately takes in her arms and in her thetic, pitying tones And of course the | cannot fail to he has in view. advaiitage of Mre. Brown--We are gofug to gine 2 to do something for the pos. Mrs. Jones--So do L 1 love to play progressive euchve for Life, sed By millions of mutiiens for distr Hillier wide teething. IF disturbed s€ aight sed Grol of sow rest by & sil child miffering swell ogtmg wile guts of Cutting Teeth, send st ouos ond got = Settle of "Wis. ee eter Soper meer: We are Still at it