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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Apr 1901, p. 3

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SALE w LAN EI Wheeler Estate "at Two.o'clock PARCEL 1 --25 acres more or less of good 3 1' . on BY PUBLIC AUCTION; SEBERT HOUSE PORT PERRY pill 1a Saturday, May 4, 1901, m., the following parcels of Jand will be offered for : nship of Reach, : ire Igoe fp the Tv or thowont ti 5 of Lot number Ninoteen in the Fourth 0. : ARCE acres more or less of z rable ad praarege and woods, be- ing composed of the South-west part of Lot namber Nineteen in the Third acres more or less with house---4 rooms, 08 80 L east 14 chaina links, thence north 16 degrees west 17 chains and 84 links, thence wouth 74 d 50 links to the place of beginning.-- This property lies on the Nonquoo Road immediately south of Port Perry, a PARCEL IV.--Mrs. B. J. Wheeler also offers for sale the Wheeler Homestead, composed of mine mores more or loss, about one-half mile south of the Village of Port Perry limits, with biick dwelling house--eight rooms, two closets, pantry, cellar a woodshed, There is also a new barn, driving shed and stable room for five beasts. ~ Therc are two hard water wells and a soft water cistern on the place. There is a splendid Garden snd Orchard pu the place. Terms or SALx.--Ten per cent. cash, The balance within thirty days thereafter, unless a mortgage for the balance is arrang- ed with the vendors. There will be a reserve bidding. For conditions of sale, descriptions of property or further particulars apply to WM. H, HARRIS, Port Perry, Solicitor for Executors. Or to MRS. E. J. WHEELER. Port Perry. GREAT Auction Hale IN PORT PERRY To Close our Business Sale we shall offer by Public Auction on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May 3rd and 4th, 1901, OUR FINE STOCK OF NEW Furniture amounting 'to $2,875.00, consisting of High Grade, Medium and Cheap Furniture in Drawing Room an Parlor Suits; Bedroom Suits in Mahogany, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash and Elm; Drawing Room Suits in Oak; Sideboards in Oak, Walnut, Birch, Ash and Cherry; Extension Tables in Oak, Walnut, Birch, Ash and Elm; Desks and Secretaries ; China and Bric-a-brac Cabinets ; Fancy Chairs of all kinds of woods and upholster-- ing ; Music Cabinets ; Ladies' Dress: ing Tables; Hall Racks; Hall Mirrors ; Hall Settees ; Oil Paint- ings and Engravings ; Fancy Tables in Solid Mahogany, Quartered Oak, Walnut, Birch, As apd Elm; Couches; Lounges; Morris and Columbia = Chairs; = Mattresses ; Springs ; Brass and Iron Beds; 2000 feet of fine American Mould- ings; 300 Frames. 1 Black Mare ; 1 Harness ; 1 Furniture Wagon and Sleigh ; 2 Buggy ; 1 Cutter. Every Article will be sold to the Highest Bidder. ¥==" This is a Grand Opportunity to those desiring to furnish homes with NEW, Stylish Furniture ; such .a privilege in a country town seldom occurs to buy New Furniture at Auction Prices. We are well known Furniture we keep. . Parties from afk tal for the fine Stock of Fashionable JESSOP F TURE 00. W. J. NOTT, MANAGER Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer. Port Perry April 22, 1gor, Pasturage. Port Perry, April 23, 1gor. west 14 chains | Besos nring $he p ~~ JONATHAN BLONG. Huot Your Wheel Up, It undoubtedly needs a thorough cleaning and a some repairin, before you can rude it. If so May Goodwin would like to give you an estimate of what is i oh You will find them very reasonable in their charges. With their very complete repair shop and being expert workmen they turn out only first class work withguaranty'back of it. Let them call for your mount or take it to their place of business, Blong Block. Beatty & BoNGARD's hand-made harness is made to wear. There is no value to equal it. Discounts any factory made harness and the price is not noticeably higher. PORT PERRY MARKETS. i is the Quality and Width Lie En DS SR An A 1 paper which we can sell you in a dozen or more designs and colorings at 23 cents per double bolt. We've never made a better offer. We've never sold a better pape for the money. These are bound to give satisfaction in style, wear and design. The are absolutely free from harmful coloring & _matter and their texture is like cloth and 3 W. H. McCAW. No pples--per barrel rs 00s Pork Turke; 10 Geese 00s Ducks 008 Potatoes--per bushel . BLEEEEESRUSRRUSENERVE 020 Corn--selling 04s Sheepskins 0% Wool .. oon " Hides ° 5555555555055 555855F585588 8 g You Had Better of yours and have it cleaned and repaired for the Summer's run. BRING IN THAT WHEEL We are ready now at A. J. Davis' old stand--Blong Block. MAY & GOODWIN. Millinery THE DISPLAY of our Millinery show room is at the height of its perfection"and comprises an assortment that would do credit to larger places than Port Perry. Side by side with a select lot of imported hats and bonnets there's an array of handiwork of our own expert trimmers that has been pro- nounced to be most creditable. A goodly assortment of fashion: able shapes in untrimmed Mil linery and an immense selection of the newest things in flowers, foilage and fashionable trim- mings of all kinds awaits your choosing, and our experienced milliners are prepared to have your order executed in a way that is sure to please. IF YOU haven't seen the vast improvements in the construc tion of ladies' tailor made suits you can have but a faint con- ception of the strides that have been made in these garments. Misses L. & J. Stouffer, Cheapside IS NOW:AT THE TOP ROUND OF THE LADDER. Have you seen our "Top Round" Boots for Ladies, in Finest Brack kips, John A. Rodman Seo Grain! Y Seed 6 {SPRING STOCK OF rain! I have on hand a full supply of Seed Grain of all kinds. Also Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy and Mixed Seed. Field and Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package--Fresh and Reliable. I have just Opened out my It will pay you to call and inspect it for yourselves before (buying. 'roceries and Provisions "vesh Stock) always on hand, . REMOVAL Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened out, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. A. ]. DAVIS. Port Perry, Sept.z, 1900. Clothing and 00f & Shoe Business HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTEHIR Kalsomining and Sign Weritl x a Executed in first class style and at Moderate Prices. ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention. I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF 5 CANADIAN AND AMERICAN Wall Paper and colorings, such as the New Tapestrys, Colonials, Moorish, Te Silk Damask, Pressed Damark, Brocades, Fabric Effects, Varnished Tiles, Stained Grounds, Plain Flock, Lincrusta Waltons, and Ingrains. A variety of over 1600 Patterns from the Cheapest 2¢ Papers up. All of which are 1901 Patterns, and no back numbers, Wall Paper this season could not spend a few leisure moment better advantage than to logk through my Sample Books at your homes, and match the papers with particular room and its surro| In future I shall be located one door north of Mr. Widden's Groce; Good 01d Catch Questions. It a goose weighs ten pounds and 8 half its YEARLY to Christi own weight, what is the weight . of the goos 8 $90 .or woman to look af growing business in this and ad (Jounties; to act as Manager and G dove goose? hen you are asked this estion the first time, you will probably 15 and will These Boot part of Canada. EF Just See Them, . EZ" Examine Them, EZ Try Them and EZ Buy Them Er They Are No. 1. Also our Immense Stock of ALL av be :- | KINDS of Boots and Shoes for 3 (3205 Fiunge may be nig Spring and Summer Wear. ~ THEN FOR CROGERIES ~~ Norway Spruce "YOR WEDGING AND RINGLK PLANTING] Plum, Pear, Cherry. ke. 43 inh, twios transplanted: $6 par 100 18 fnch, twiea transplanted, $7 por 400 giovsiege 5 Jay from England aad hs, C. KELLETT, Port Perry, Ont. | Try our new, uncolored Ceylon Tea at 25¢, cheap at 30c. Our Japans and Ceylon Blacks at same prices. And now for Granulated : SUGARS uantity, 20 lbs. for $1, and bright on re Ibs. for $1. 8 See our... Batra Gilt Din ¥ hot cakes. C. by the barrel, 100 Ibs, or in any ner Sets at $10.00] & cheap at $12, and work cen b tan be wrol tantly eh Re El na RY ay rg A be following Will nearly always suc: ceed: . g How many days would it take to cut up. piece ot cloth 80 yaxis lon, one rd being cut off every day ne snail climbing up a pole 20 feet high ascends five feet every day and slips down four feet every night. How long will the snail take to reach the top of the high 20d one Th window twice its former one yard Hotel Property atEps FOR SALE OR TO RE Rent the Whitney Hotel repair and thero are two acres yet the window was still only | Orchard. Tmmediate on. ia French Bakers. arithmetic. The window was diamond shaped ut Stay, asd wag mate | tions sn regulations und " of in England. In the fortified Xept His Promise. tah Some years ago Mark Twain was el ed a member of a prominent Gra! law to have a certain stock ways on hand in case of eme! The bakery not only has b clean, but the baker has to with the local authorities a of flo to and measures, which places him in the same posi British baker, but in addition tl jifideg i shi F i i i i @raining, Glazing. Paper Hanging. # A READY-MADE CLOTHING rec Parties Build- Paper Hanging and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and shades, == ever shown in Port Perry, comprising all the leading New York styles Parties requiring lo * (cHEAPNESS, STYLE HE undersigned offers for sale of to Esfate at Epsom. The buildings are in first-class i For farther particulars apply to x high, and one yard wide. How pal eulars, TR This is a catch question in geometry, | Jan. 14, 1901. ST ¥i as the preceding were catch questions in - along the frontier they are bound | ~--IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of AND for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in this district. I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS axp SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every particulr. | AF. CARNEGIE REMOVALssseeo ro have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the We have extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. ACKERMAN, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customcrs and the public with everything in the Harness | cme W HICH Line FOR ees Durability and Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &e., In sbandance. 'Oomparison Jf Prices Courted 4 BEATTY & BONGARD. Post Perry daroh, 1889 FARM FIR SALE, is offered for sale by private tender. Terms secured by mortgage bearing 5 per cent. per annum. about a mile and a half north-east of Sonya, ou the fourth concession of Mariposa, the south-balf of lot No. 2, containing Eighty Acres--seventy-two tillable and eight hardwood bush (Beech and Maple), buildings and well fenced. West End © Flour--No. 1 (warranted) Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rolled Oats, ---- ee -- xian The undersigned offers for his Splendid Farm -- more 1 arly known as the Medd F being composed of the south lot 10, con. 6, Cartwright, co ing 100 ACRES more or less, a 98 acres are cleared and in a g state of cultivation, Well fencéi good buildings and a never: well of fine water. Two Or HAT Valuable Farm compris- ing 75 acres, being known as arm. the South half of lot Township of Mariposa, $500 cash--balance to be For further particulars apply to F. M. YarwoLp, Solicitor Port |of good, bearing fruit trees. Perry, or to will be a Joed opporturity to sec JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY, |a grand Homestead, the proprieso The Temple Building, {owing to failing health, is Pr t Toronto | of retiring from fdrming. This val: uable property is situated on thé leading traveled road of the town: ship--being about 6 miles from Port Perry; 16 miles from Bow-- manville; 4 miles from Burketod station on the C.P.R.. and one mile from Blackstock. For particulars apply to the proprictor on the pro® perty. Immediate possession given, NELSON MARLOW. Blackstock, Jan, 22, 1go1. DOG LOST TRAYED from the premi the.undersigned, lot 18, Reach, on March 14, 1 and-Tan Collie Dog jold ; leather strap answers readily to "Collie." * A liberal reward given for information that will lead to Ing recovery, Any one retaining him after this notice will be prosecuted. WEeL. SOMERVILLE, March 27%; 1901. Manchester: Robe. Lost. At noon on Saturday, March 23} on the 2nd cou, Reach--Nonquord FARM FOR SALE. HE BEST FARM IN THE PROVINCE for Bale at ovce. It is situated ood ALEX. McDONALD, Sonya, Ont, rd $1.90 per bag. Graham Flour, Rolled Wheat, Rolled Peas, Swiss Food, Flaked Rice, Flaked Barley Quaker Oats, AT LOWEST PRICES. Road--A GREY WOLF SKIN STOCK OF GROGERIES| X05: tev mili Sep. i Choice, Fresh, and Cheap. recovery. Any party retaining it in their possession after this nct cd will be prosecuted. THOS. LAMBE. SUGARS--21 Ibs. Redpath's Gran- ulated for $1. Canned Peas THREE Reach, March 27, 1901. Canned Tomatoes CANS meres ROE Canned Corn 25 CTS Dried Peaches, Prunes, Figs, Dates, &c., &c. Sealed Tenders. C a wii FF CRocesss. 47 Cost 6) EALED TENDERS will bd received by the undersigned for FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS 152 purchase of all or any of the IN ENDLESS VARIETY-- | Parcels--Farm Properties: -- belong: FRESH AND PURE. |ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rc PATENT MEDICINES November, and withdrawn at the sale. The BEST and CHEAPEST Stock in the County. KX" Wanted--Butter and Eggs for which the highest Cash price will be paid. ~ W. TUMMONDS. | J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toroutd: or JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. Nov. 30, 1899. MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from private parties for investment off mortgage at 4) PER CENT, and those who wish vo rene may ° EZ Klondyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- itoba, Parties going to any of the above paris call on A, k Davis, C.P.R. ticket agent, for information rates, &c. or build Ay. d roved farms: also who would exchange busi: nesses for the same. If you have farms or other pros perties for sale, commercial, mechanical, or business of gay kind, plein send us price description of Fire and Life Insurance effect and brukerage business transac UND & A QO... 28 Victoria Street, TORONTO! Diest eld's a MOND #ALL We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINSgin GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RIGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP Crocks 1 Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EF Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. "&3F #& Repairing as usual, DIESFELD'S Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1898, ALE LVLY DWNT ALIN The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincer' thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to stale that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mos approved and most modern machinery including the A MID-WINTER But Not(t) Giving Up Business. ; Sponsizie persons. askets, Coffins, Robes, &c. 1 furnish one of the best My motto is--Iair dealing to all. 'god taken in exchange. B22" [ AM AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. Warerooms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. Furniture Sale Having a surplus Stock left over the Holidays, I will give Great Bargains for the Next Two Months, for Cash or Credit untii next fall to re- my Undertaking Department every branch is complete--such as Having purchased my Funeral Goods e the advance in price I am prepared to give my customers the earses in the County. Prices low as ROLLER PROCESS & for the manufacture of Flour, and is prepared to do Gristing and Choppingi#- Ezpeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give autsgfaction to my customers FREE } Supplied with Flour of the * ADE FINEST BRANDS in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, , els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, -Bannisters and Neuel Posts g £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short ¥ t Perry, Jan. 15, 1901. Port Perry, Ost. 1, 1891. JAMES CARI

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