o'clock on Wednes'a of last week Miss Emma ong, eldest daughter of Mr.| Mrs. john Armstrong, Reach maried to Frederick G. Love the Star Printing Office, Toronto' | \e ceremony was performed by, Rev, Mr. DePencier of St. ¢ Cathedrat, Toronto. The, looked charming in her going y gown of brown venetian with | dice of silk elaborately trimmed | 4 silk chiffon and applique and : ttes of baby ribbon. Her © bridesmaid, Miss Beile Lougheed 'of Toronto, wore a costume of the same materitl with a bodice of tue silk and Battenburg. The owers worn by the bride and! bridesmaid were roses and carna | ~ tion. The bride was the recipient | 'of many beautiful presents showing | the high esteem in which she eas] held, SOME OF THE PRESENTS. Berry set. Mr. and Mrs. M, Wi Plank : toilet set, Mr. and Mr Robt. Prentice ; soafa pillows, Mrs. . Ward ; lamp, Miss E. Pre ice ; table set, Dr. and Mrs. H. Bascom; silver salt and pepper cr.et, S.S. Nar ORE Ore During Exposition of 1901 at Buffalo the greatest athletic sporting carnival that ever took place in Amer fea will be held. For the purpose of this grand carnival the largest sporting arena ever erected In America ia to be built. It is to be known as the Sta- dium and will cover nearly ten acres, having a seating capacity of 12,000. It will be supplied with numerous en. A Weekly Poli Fe TERMS. $1 per annum wil be ch than six mon! no until hrrears are paid up. Agricultural and Family Newspaper + 18 rUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. | EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS if paid in advance ; If not $1.50 No subscription taken for less discon nrged. 1 : ntinned LETTERS containing money, when addressed to thix Ottice, | ADVERTISEMENTS measured prepaid and registered will be at our risk. by. Nonpariel, and charged according to the space they occupy. ADVE! out. §} forbi RTISEMENTS received for blication, with inne) rted fic instructions, will and charged accordingly. ment will be taken out until paid for, A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or half year. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly, adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets. Programs, Letter | Blank Forms, Books, Sharpe ; silver cake plate, Mr and | (2 Mis. H J. Gould ; silver fruit dish Chas. Calder ;+§ dozen silver tea po Chas. Armstrong; towels, lsh ; Bronze clock, Mr. | «and. ly ; bedroom set, Mr. and A John Asmstrong; cup and "saucer, Miss A. Armstrong; silver | butter dish, Mr. Mrs. Steven ; silver pic , Mr. and | Mrs. Sam, Croxa er butter dish, Mr. and Mrs Munro; raw fruit dish, Mr. Mss. E. R Anderson ; fruit sc George and Miss Richards; r salt anc pepper castor, Mr. E. Hill- son ; money, Mr. N. Stuart ; water set, 5 Lawton ; gold lined and Mrs. C. Gnfiith ; plate. John Galiowa Mrs. Jas. Richards H. 'Ackney ; fruit Mrs. R. Doble ; forks, Mr. and Mrs. W. silver pickle cruet, Mr t spoon, Mr. ilver cake t dish, : € > dish, J. Mr. and knives and] H. | | | si r and V and c Ke lley ; ea and Mrs. Weir and Mis Jas, | CORNKB OF THE STADIUM. trances and broad aisles, so that the comfort of the spectators will be as- | ...Parties sured. The. the. | Prinwed an meats. will be used for 'the equivalent of a very uild- - ing. The arena will contain a quarter AGEN mile track and ample room for the va. | & Fils rious page ci, automobiles, farm and road ma- | vehicles, ete, At the western | S.uth Af nd the Stadium Is a large ornamen- | il buollding, which forms the main ntrance to this grand arena. C. M. an chix rival prospe. EXPOSITION NOTES. Brief Items Relating to Progress of the Pan-American, The Chittenango Pottery Company hag been granted the exclusive privi- lege of selling pottery at the Exposi- tion. derick Law Olmstead, who advo- | ; the abolishment of billboards be | o of thelr inartistic and unsightly | racter, is the landscape architect | ho lald out Delaware Park, Buffalo, | part of which is to be used for the | san-Ameriean Exposition in 180% We have only admiration for the ge, enterprise, liberality and en- y displayed by the city at the foot of lake In preparing for the great Ex. on which is to be held next year. | 0 A | Cw St ants and exhibitions of live | London, Ont, who | years' traveling in South Africa for us. Canadian Publ a for rival work. § | for comparison our prospectus to anyone possesting & 5. Ci World Publishing Oompa Hand Bills, Dodgers, © Bill Heads, Heads, Posters, Cheok Wedding Invitations, Receipt Books, ~~ Business Card Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, ko. Cire dams, of every style and solor executed pr mptly and at as low rates as any other establishment in the County... from - r, Managing of th ne," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of has returned this week from w ARE a nm years, giving us an immense . Our superior, and 0 n ip any © of this that will mail free ta Circulars and terms free. Apply ny, Guelph, Ontario, entral Livery PORT PERRY. 12 TICKETS TO ALL PARTS Ol WorrLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Perry, is now in a i tickets to all parts ot to supply all necessary to parties as to the ch best routes, &c. In addition to numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket nt for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting" Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. | EZ It's no news to our custom- ers that we are selling the best 'boots and shoes in town. We want everybody to know it.--A. F, Car NEGIE, : It Is Ope Thing th to cover upa wall quite another to decorate it. A crossroads wall 'papér dealer c do the one, but it takes an artist. accomplish the other. 1f you | desire to hide the discolored plaster go to any old place and get the paper. Decorations, Silings of the Diy we presume, are ; ; METHODIST CHURCH. v.G. W. MoOOLL, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Services, 10.30 and 6,30. Week Bvenin | Service, Thursday 7.30. _Spihapen agers weloome snd conducted to seats. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH. * i (PRESBYTERIAN.) 4 REV. W. COUPER, B.A., Pastor. fablath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week Evenin : Service, Thursday 7.80. BAPTIST OHURCH, REV. MR. MCFARLANE, P. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00, 'Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7.30. ~~ R.C. CHURCH. REV. A. OMALLEY. Third Sunday st 10.30 8. m, ision Courts ~ JOUNTY OF ONTARIO. > 1901. Gierk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby ~Jsnu- 4, March 4, April 3, Mry6, J : CAPERS ES your desire--artisticand harmos ious designs that will delight your ae making home more che lis in strict harmony with the ca ons iedge that the lowest prices are your | privilege here.--JonN A. RODMAN. --- gr Most of the Clothing of the day ought to be called *'veneered® because its sightliness is merely a little work on the outside. We don't have that kind--ours has the good, old honest tailoring through and through.--A. F. CARNEGIE. £2 Ready made clothing is no more alike than are people, Men differ in character, style and'disposi= tion, and so do clothes, Qur cloths |ing is cut and made by skilled tails ors and from the very best cloth.-- A. F. CARNEGIE. EZ Five O'clock Tea Sets ardinaries, Cream and Wate { | of good taste ; and the know. : ¥. Gould, Usbridge-- Marl 20> Say 7, Joly 11, Boptenie. @TON--Ulerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington-- {, March 21, May 28, July 10, September fo 0. ERTON --Clerk, Geo. F. Brnce, Beaverton Rh Mack 2, Say 9, Bepteiaber 20, Nov- UPTERGROVE Clerk; Thos. P, Hart, Uptergrove |= March 23, May %, Bowamber 21, Novem eh 3 Ry order, J, BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. 22nd, 1900. -- © GEO. JACKSON . ' Ldcensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII iy OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement o 3 another Auction Rale Season to re- thanks to his numerous patrons for we favors. In requesting their esteemed continued patronage he desires to state that ne effort or pains will be spared on 'his part to make a sales entrusted to bist successes. His very extensive practice fn he 'past should be a sufficient recom tion as to his ability. All Sale 'omen men by happincss and comfort te thousands of these diseases they can ervous Debility, 8y impotence: RE rd ney, MEN'S LIFE BLOOD. You may have a secret drain teason Suave no wabition. re TT Joab BLOOD POISON Sy phitls ln tue scourgeof maskiad. Je may uct bes IE Io L0TO filer SR Sadana treatment. Drs, K. & K. positively cure § VARICOCELE & STRICTURE Method Tre: ent cures diseages safely and surely. No The Now Me; these pain--no suffering--no Don't risk operation and rein your 8. ata detention from business. sexual organs. stricture tissue is Absorbed and tan never return' guaranteo Cures. Kidneys & Bladder Don't let Don't neglect you \dueys, Yonr aching back tells the tale. Doctors aD egluct your Lh .& a pal you are not beyond human aid. They gnarantes to Cure or No Pay. CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Fo LT od Write for Question < a Adeniial. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 14° SHELBY, STREET ion Consultation Blaak for Home N returning thanks td the public for the' patronage extended to me for over 30 1 would respectin J indy wa: ead To been, aod 3 ave & Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which T am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to Casi purchasers: A Dg dl 10 ur ol will be allowed on all Sales from now untl WADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in 'stock, the super arity of my goods will at once become bent. 2 A adie purchasers will find that by il 1 before lookin, a a be suited in ally rs SE SE oF EE EE = Los ER SE The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- morons custemers for the liberil patronage received sinc opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from (he Market building to the Store First doorEast of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers, Having new and increased fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give bim a call in his new premises, va. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. long experience in be OB Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Houseand Tot for Sale orto nt. A Port Perry, for Sale or to Rent. The house contains five rooms, The lot contains one acre on which there are a barn, a good Orchard and a well, Immediate possession. Also for Sale n General-Purposs Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be sold cheap or will exchange for other live stock. Apply at the Office of this paper. Port Perry, April 5, 1899, HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Agricultural Machmes -- AND IMPLEMENTS "EARTILY thanking the public for the | given into his charge will be attended to mptness and dispatch. Sale list Ir. and Mrs. pot, Miss Lot ih Af ion er success was earned, Buffalo | liberalpatronage received io for the 1 tchers in Genuine Wedgewood at h and Mrs. Geo other pre ts from Journal. with visitors during the life of | » Pan-American Hxposition and to | I nto friends. reap a rich harvest of honor, glory and substantial gains,--Cleveland Leader. "We have never advertised the re- sources of our state half enough," says The Times-Democrat of New Orleans fn an article upon the Pan-American | Exposition, in w hich it urges an ade- 4| quate representation of the resources After the | of Louisiana. The same may be sald spent in| of other states, and the opportunity | Mr, Mears | now offered by Buffalo 1s of exception- { the fol-| al value. Jowing address was read by | The enthusiasm and interest display- Nathao Grose while Earnest Mar- | ed by the people of southern California tin presente 1 the purse | in the preparation of thelr great dis- To Mrs Newton Wilson, play of products for the Pan-American Dear Frie Exposition present a lesson and an ex« Brg gg amps ample for all citizens to contemplate. We the members ar American enterprise seems to have a of the Metl tcl y high development in "the glorious and your friends, s Jimate of California." The Califor | toni ht, he jans purpose to make & very large a cial evening 1 effective display, express to One of the most conspicuous features | is ¢ the Niagara Falls landscape now is mmoth sign handsomely lettered | : "Pan-American Exposition, Buf- N. Y., 1901." There are several 11lar signboards placed where thou- ; of people passing and repassing the great railroads may in this ; have their attention called to the t event of next year which so vi- ; interests all the states and coun- ant surprise occurred and Mrs. on Newton Wilson, evening Thursday where a large io ek number had gathered sociable together time was pretty games, the called order spend Lime well Re I when ete, v lor purpo to, you in apprec lation of service you h church while presiding We have not failed tc devotions to position by your regular and al attendance. Notwithstar disagreeableness which th and condition of the have necessitated at times i We desire, we say, to expr to] er { ENTINE REPUBLIC. you in some way our ap iation | of your service and wi it o Represented by a Fine Build- | kindly accept this purse ,a Exhibit at Buffalo, | slight token of our estec .ntine Republic will have a | gard for your service 1 1d exhibit at the Pan-Ameri- | We wish you and yo can Expositl Buffalo' next summer | a long and happy life toget which will represent fittingly the pro- | that the church in which you gressive institutions and eommercial | been reared and labored may and Industrial prosperity-of that South come more and more dear to American republic, The sum of $30, and that you each may feel 000 has been appropriated by the Ar your time and best spent gentine government for this purpose, in His cause is not spent in vain. Argentine merchants, and especially We beleive in the power of music those of Buenos Ayres, appreciate the ' p importance of representation at the both vocal and instrumental. No Pan-American. Many cultural and service is complete without it | jpdustrial organizations are notifying Many of us can with pleasure testify | the minister of agriculture that they to its hallowed influence upon our | intend to send exhibits. It is probable hearts and lives. the government will'have ts exhibit at Signed on behalf of the members | the Paris exposition. brought. to Buf- adherents an friends of the Metho-| falo at the close of the French falr, dist Church. spending and to s0Ci 2 the ave Ir ) 0 y | | | roads must | ing ¥ ng you | tha | The Voleane.e "A volcano," sald the teacher in a Long Island school, "is a mountain and has a crater or deep hole in the center, from | which it throws up or emits smoke, fine stones and lava. Now, children, can you tell me what is a volcano?" "Yes, teacher," said one of the boys. "A volcano is a sick moufitain" Fossil Pills. --The demand is proof of | their worth. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are! beating out many fossil formulas at a quar- ter a box. They're bettér medicine, easier doses, and 10 cents a vial. A thousand ailments may arise f-om a disordered liver. and you'il not ha; iousness, Nausea, Con- Court all these wounds.--Chicago News. No may leave an Irish house on iy ear's day without"eating or drink- the case Palmer vs. ymbes exciting a deal of interest. e plaintiff sued for $60 for adog,| Bed-ridden 15 years.--* If any- "by the defen lant while the! body wants a written guarantes from me mal was tre:passing on his farm. personally as to my wonderful cure from jury deliberaied on che case and Thoumatins by Sout American Rhicumatia warded the plaintiff $5 forthe loss world to give it," ih Mrs, J oa Beau- 'of the canine. mont, of Hs. of ku dos of re : to the of taking ogder. ly. It a. A, Sold by A. J. Davis. , . Warm FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN. -- of dey diviusn, Lay hold Ladies are appreciating meré and ry Ba 1 more every year the value of ft, South Kidney pare warm foot covering for home wear minent in the world of medicine | We have got the article you so much truest friend --62 | require.--A. F. CARNEGIE. J. Davis. §==" They fit. They wear. They Cs hold their shape. They fairly bristle covery : ful os Kidney Experiment.--There's no for experimenting when 've dis- | 1 are a victim of some one 3 P ys ate poisonous herbs| ith style. Our Collars possess all ed dead near Cornwall, {ihe foregoing "repuisites. A. F. ah # RNEGIR. Ee, Jamp caused, = Ax'Ovencoar on » Coro Which 4 man | is safer to carry? You should buy 7 an Overcoat now, because this g iron were | weather demands an Overcoat, and you get a better assortment han later on.--A. F. CARNEGIE yrned it. The city deserves to be | many years wave kept a Livery Establish | McCaw's. mage out ad blank notes supplied free, » Whithy Jet.ar,1 85 145 _ TRUSTWORTHY AND erated hoe tario | for et ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in | announcing that I have removed MY ~EFVERY to my former place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend crease in- ilities so that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir. able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21; 1900, on application. Pacties withing to engage his services nay copsult his SaLe RecisTER either at @ Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE, usual, a choice lot of Plymouth Roel th sexes for sale. Prices reasonable GEO. JACKSON, gog P.G oN PAINTING Kalsomining, &c E undersigned would take this oppor _'tonity of thavking his numerous pat for their liberal and still increafing patronage during the time he has carried ou the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared thah ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may rely ou having it neatly and promptly exe: cuted, My charges are moderate, £3. People who buy from us can do so with their..eyes shut, for. we will not sell a poor article at any price.--A: F. CARNEGIE, CroTHING AT Cosr,-- Mr. Purdy J in order to make a complete clears ance ot his stock of Ready Made Clothing is selling at prices that cannot: fail to:accomphish the object he has in view. Don't fail to take advantage of the great reduction sale of clothing. (See his advertises ment,) 3 6, 1899. -------------------- The Portraits of our President With Biographical Sketch General Chatler H. Grosvenor, MEMBER oF CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS we Contains twenty faur large fhtospravure Blehings from the paintings indorsed bY the families ar relatives of the Presidents. Printed on paper embossed. A very large book ; title Signed by Tiffany. Biographical sketches printed in Jarge, open type in two colors The grea work of the 20th Century. So beautifuljthat when President McKinley saw it be subscribed inmmediately. One nt soiling 600 copies in a small territory in Pen- » . > -- -- | rHILE returning. sivoere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to announce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'SB LOCK where they will be in a better position than heretofore to. meet the requirements of their numerous patrons and they respect fully solicit the patronage of a'l Mr. Hay craft's former customers. Fresh and Cured Meats of the best guality will always be found at their Store, Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season. Second door East of Mr. Purdy's Grocery 8. I. CAWKER & SUN Port Perry, May 21,1900. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, is business in som the largest cities the United Shates xo better prepared than ever toé&xecutc any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bridkiarbg in all its branches; Plain and Ornamen! Plastering, Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure lany weather. Concrete Cisterns without any weod in their con struction to decay or glee out." If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All materisi required in my line will be Kept constantly on hand, 'sad for salealter fret of mext April, - GEO. GARDNER Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1804, Grand Trunk Railway. . TIME TABLE, A g wii Beagrave Bonya......... 911 810 Maoilis Jot. ar.9 20 8 20 Yo YANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies to travel established house La eylvania. A million copies will be sold quick. For- tunes will be made this Inaugural year. 1 lass shan or woman of good social standing can make a littl fortune in this territory. Territory is going rapidly. Presses running day and night to fill orders. Wanted. --State Manager to look after correspond: ence and agen Address to-d 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli cited, WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1893. ts. ay THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, CORCORAN BUILDING sag a Washington, DP. Cs 50 YEARS® EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Aagieessning sakeich nd SSS TRCLAL qu our 0 bl: tab Communica fivention 1s proba Dia om a Chun receive arge, in LIVERY INDING my Livery accomm dation on Perry St. curtailed, it being far toosmall to meet the re quirements of my rapidly increasing business I have leased for a term of iyears and' taken possession Fb Offices" 'and A handsomely illustrated weekly. 1 sclentift , mOBthS, $l Sdasy all newadealers. commodious Livery Stables DAN n= New Jor On Queen Street entrance adjoining the Canadian V.Y EN Bank of Commerce property--where | AA ged 1 will. constantly keep for hire a PITY) complete variety of reliable at | 4-2 moderate Charges. = Const. tendance night obi hg may rely on having their a a y & J fia, J Port Perry Sept. 26, 1900. YEARLY to Christian man or woman to lookafter our grow- | ing business in this and Cauntles to act as Manager and lent ; work san be done yo self- Ss IRABLE PROPERTY PORT PERRY I S ATH] med offers for sale at a "his fine property on Lorne of a commo- treat SAR ORT Saviour In Art our d into a splend arden, in number of choice, thriv: le, Cherry and Plum-- 'bushes and other small 'Stable: 110 on Ella Strest--all rs apply to GEO. GARDNER. No. liow low we quot depen Rr ou will get tl intrjusic value that is you to receive.--Diesfel THE SEBERT HOUSE In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since I embarked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far 'superior facilities for enter- taining the public than'l ever possessed in the past; having lately. taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SEBERT House, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to none in the province: Having introduced the most modern watér works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the "Sebert House" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and shed accommodation for all, especially on market days 1 have purchased the lot to the north of my already 'spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. I have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accomniodations I have provided. L. SEBERT PATENTS GUARANTEED Our foe returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. 'How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tax PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. 'Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. ©. 'Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons: Ten Tabules for Five Cents. tigate _Ripans Tabules | At the Druggist's SUNDERLAND 3 | sales the following Agricultural Mach- nes and Implements manufactured by the MUR EAMLTOR WTR QD. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 8. 71. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction nites and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. 1 &m prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, Repairs, &e. £2 A call solicited, McDonald's Hotel, One door West of R. K. BRYANT, Sunderland, April 8, 1893. F000000000000000000000000% ; Webster's International | Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, 56 writes Hon. D. J. Tirewer, Justice U. 8. Supreme Court. Send a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Buecessor of the "Unabridged." Standard of the Euglich Gov't In 'ostal I I Teg 1 he US. ov br ---- THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE It is easy to find the word wanted. it is easy to ascertali the prom: It is easy to learn is to trace ti of a word, cas; 3 4 ala means. EBSTER THE STANDARD. The to Glo .-- The International ls ug re ised Inadiiionto je ry Tclon of ui: Asati. of reat yale.--J ah. Hh, 1638 6. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., GTYLISH, RELIABLE ARTISTIC ft's a strong Statement tren i greatest belp to the lire grocar "The Canadian Grocer."