CA « Council , for a grant to one Col. Sgr. «on the Soi 1th African Police Force | 2-and has lei t with the Baden Powell i force for Sc uth Africa. - we do not thin k it necessary to 3 payment of $5, not being respon- Majesty King Edward VII, amount- ; Mownoay June 17th, T0OT. The Council met at 2 p.m. oe in the chair. Members all| t. The minutes of Saturday| une 8th, were read and confirmed. Communications were read from D. Ormiston offering to sell 70 acres of lots 27 and 28 in the 2nd "Concession of Whitby, now part of the Town of Whitby, asa site for the House of Refuge. From James Campbell Esq, offering to sell 65} acres of land north North ot George Anderson's brick cottage and his orchard asa site for a House of Refuge. From Francis Linton, Caretaker of the Courthouse as to the condi tion of the boiler in the Court House and the necessity for repair ing the same. 3 Referred to the Committee on County Property and Gaol Manage- ment. : From Mrs. C. S. Goderich stating the membership of the North Ontario Women's Institute to be fifty three The Warden called the attention n il to the fact that whea inte committee aod precautions 2s 10 Warning peo- Ee a es gee : - | Your committee a whet aft ar 20 the go of i the mescution frat trees would materially increase ha th wr mstant which the profits derived from this great | preserides he Emits within ar meer imdnstry. : a 2 thg Town of Whitby witli tie site| Your committee also : of the farmy and House of Refuge the loss of money and time occa be selected be pe considenedl™ || siomed to the people of the County The report was regeived. I woads and are of Mr. Christie, secomdied by Wir. | the opinion that the quesion of pur- Carnegie, moved that the mepont off | dhesmg suitable machinery for - | the committee of tie winle Cownoil| in moadmaling and the use of broa | just received be adopted. times @m wagons should receive the a Long. seconded by Mx |eatly attention of this Council and | Sich, moved im zoendmest that [the Councils of miner municipal- he report of the committer of the ites : whole matpeczbued Benet nowadept-| Your committee adlmoulolge $e ed but that the motion swammendied ibe | great assistance rendered to t het referred Back to the committee of | by Prof. Gamble, Dr. Waugh, fa | the whole with instructions to strike | Favewell, Co Clerk, Mr. Huggard, out all the words im tie sed motion | Manager Experimental Fruit Sta- after the word "that" amd te mse (Gon, Whitby, and Mr. Barclay in the following mstead "thevesf, "This | the dxoussion of the above subjects. Council winle adierermg to adi The committee are of the pau re affirming the selection of five mons opmion that much benefit County Toww as the location of = well mesult from ; adjourned om the th |p ~ a Housé of Refuge with instructions to amend such report, had not been ig ghoposed of by this Council and f there was any objection to Mr. Christie's motion now being put. There being no objec- tion, Mr. Christie's resolution sec onded by Mr. Edwards that the re port of the committee of the whole be not now adopted but the motion be referred back to the the com: mittee of the whole with instructions to amend it by striking out all the words after the word "that" and in- serting the following: "This com: mittee recommends that, that por tion of the resolution passed yester- day which prescribes the limits withir: or near the Town of Whitby within which the site of the farm! and House of Refuge be selected be re-considered," was then put and carried. f Mr. Carnegie brought up the first | report of the committee on printing The report was received and read. Mr. Carnegie, seconded by Mr Broomfield, moved that the report of the Standing Committee on Printing just read be adopted -- Carried. | Mr. Carnegie brought up the second report of the Finance Com mittee. The report was received | and on motion of Mr. Carnegie, | seconded by Mr. Christie, the Coun | cil went into committee of the whole thereon with Mr. Harman in the Chair. | | SECOND REPORT OF THE STANDING | COMMITTEE OX FINANCE AND AS- | ESSMEXT. | To the Warden and Council of] the Corporation of the County of] Ontaria : GENTLEMEN : % Your Standing Committee on Finance and Assessment beg leave to report as follows: -- 1. We have befgre usa cd iy . ce to po Lad having arranged the same Tanuary Session 2. We have had a communication | "fre m S. R. Armstrong, Secretary &! Tre asurer of the Trent Valley Wa, 'erway Association. Would re comi "end that no action be taken in the matter. . Ve have had a commnnica-|? tion frc mM S. S. Sharpe, Capt. No. 5/ Coy 3+ tth Regiment, asking ihe ¢ Graham Who has secured a place We woulc ! recommend that under nearly over :'nd the Country safe give | more grants at this time. 4 A commun.ication was received | Sion ou these subjects appezos in| Band will take from His Honor Judge McCrimmon (2 note to the mmutes of Tiors- (ensote for Pat Penny's in reference to allowance for post- day's proceedings of this Commi ceiehration on that day. age. The amount aflowed in Jan | Which the Clesk prepmeed at the |As Ir Smouip : . wary Session covered graot for the | suggestion of members of this cow Our business thoroughfare will be year, therefore your committee do Mitlee not reccommend payment of the same. { 5. A communication from Wm. | Nelson enclosing a bill which should be &5, pay for acting . as Deputy Returming Officer. .the exra $2.50 matter was mailed from here at the] . same time, and there being no other | complaints we would recommend We find that the! for the extra $2.50. 6. Your committee have received .an account from Jno. S. Barnard, for engravingan "Address to His gto $10, and would recommend nt of at the Som decline to alter it. | Yam County beg to vepeut: times as to the above matters your | for Communities met Chamber June Gul, adaptibility of country for that purpose planting with relation te | cultweal mterests of the comtry amd | | 2s 2 source of wet + the circumstz '0ces of the war being| property from railway actidets. learn frome Pref Ontario Agricultural College, whois | llowing reference to Toronto's of $7.50 inspecting the experiments zs ty te | crack and popular team which is to | growing of the sugar beet wihich tie | moet our boys at Part Perry's grand Mr. Ontario Government Nelson claims the papers were too|in different parts of the Frowince, | late in coming, causing him to|that he f& well pleased with the | Penry on July 1 10 play the ¥ome travel over the ground twice, hence | appearance and. prospect of he | sugar beets which have been sowm in different pacts of this under the direction of the the Government and that he bes grea | ropes: that the results of the exper-| ments: here will be found must satis magnitude. Listen to its predic- factory: # a -- - : .- scribes 3 int of 2 half 2 m i or West of Hames's Cavmers be sp-| The closing portion of the pro- si - oeediggs reached this office too late Mr. Long with the penmitsion of | for thus wedk A sitefor the proposed the Council withdrew his motion | Bouse of Refuge has again been in amendment znd the motion of | sdlected--ghis time the west end of Mr. Chuistie was putt and Camitedl. || the town of Wihithy has the "call." Mr. Camegie, secomdled by Nir Edwards moves . | to assess the Coun | raise money to meet dh | tures of the Conmaiil fine the is | year be now read 2 second time amd || | of the Council go mte committiee of the whole thereon --Canviedl The Bylaw was read 2 second time and the Comvcill west mis committee of the whole them with || | Mir. Jobmston im the cei | The committer ose smd wept ed the By-law with the bikes filled w SUMMER RESORT... | ET FERRY, GNTARIO. This beautiful Town is situared an the banner maising County of the héing experts in trolling wih thorouglily posted.on the locations«f the moat prdiific Siting grounds, fully sa;plied with Toate the command of Lonrists--in fact fish, making Port Perry an mee for dontists. me well a8 5 grand ros The town looks out on the placid 1 itive Bougog and is the best shaded town | in the Moniinion. The streets are lined on either | silie with itil maples, while the lawns in { sennmreetion with many of 'the handsome residen: show dich fHaliage. inxuriant hedges, and Tare trapicd| giants sof flowers. The churches and milder very substantiil and of modern archi The: report was sensed | On motion af Mir Camegie, sec-|| esturve: Movs. ery mes meat of dearning ie noted onded by Mr. Smith, (nile No. gq aie: 0, dzatiuute fans] having Beem suspendied for th | ein Possess one «if the bes, driv purpose) the By-law Na. --to assess || ga $50, Desi eins gel the County of Ontusiv to mame] Gu Boro dng gad veaiiomae:af money fo meet the expendi: of tin a Swing ar the Council for the present year was || rate ttm read = thivd time passed signed by| The mails ave despatched from the Post the Warden and Acting Clik zmd || @five Hg Bw Sells: y a song North-- 9.30 a. m. fis Seal of dhe Corporation was | Going South 11.20 a mm 3 R sing North-- 5.15 p. m. Mir. Loug, seconded by Mr. Soni | . moved that the Comdil dio mow ad Journ for the purpese of viewmg the various sites available for 2 Hose of Refuge im or near the Town of Whitby. --Camriedl The Warden leit the cima. ORTH ONTARIO GRSERER FORT PERRY, JUNE 27, 1901, | Dominion Day in Port Perry. | Report of Special Committee =p pointed to prepare 2 Report pe-|| That Dfiminion Day will be specting the Agmonitmcall and |Ctidbrated in Port Perry with wim Manufacturing latesests of the (20d edt wonthy of the important County. event is a foregone conclusion, the To the Warden and "oumeil of the its mde wich. the celebra-- . | throm is 1s a sufficient guarantee Corpuration the Coty of On-loiy thi will Bs dott eee ie crown with success the rivers: ha litherality far ech at the) Font in that line. The public may atch a d treat, no expense That after discussion at diferent un, a Gal ean tive Dionmnion Day in Port Perry tlhe Cownodl| fas been the motto of the Asso. on Thorsdey eTmang, | ciation in change of the Celebration, and discussed the fillow- | and in ender to enliven the proceed- ug subjects: mgs ifhroyghout they have secured The growing of Sugar Beets fior (the Band of the 34th Regiment-- fie manufaciue of sugar and the |(Ushnidge)--the band that so dis-- the sul of his|tmpuished itself above all others at Niagara Camp last week. See amd tee || Oficial Program on first page of Pr ive Fy] A Rexx Trear.--On the morning (off tbe ast July the residents of the | willages of Epsom, Utica, Manch ester, Prince Albert and their sur roundings will be entertained to a A short memo as to the dnons-|| vase musical treat, Uxbridge's famous in all these places | grand nm The subject of forestry As to better protection of [ie and Be-- |suitallly decorated on Dominion Your committee ave pleased to) DEY- Ganmibiie of tive] The Gldbe of Saturday makes the camyimg on || cdidhration of Dominion Day :-- "The Marlboros journey to Port team. A lange crowd of fans signify hear avdention to accompany the 7 || boys an blue and white down." Again yesterday (Wednesday) The Globe intimates that the prow- ess of the Marlboros is of no smal Your committee recommend that | Piano,and has f|ed a Vocal Diploma the contipuation of Committee and the discussion. during their power to alleviate the of the unfortunate ones, tralia. work in June because the: been taught to strike while is hot ? acting in South Africa it | looks as if English officers ha successful in moulding they formidable unit. whitewashing tragedy should have gone step further and exoner: and man who threw the - into the cab. strated in Ottawa when men, encouraged by what a gi country did for her overw M.P's are asking an equally | ful company for a raise of office is supposed to seek But as there are already mf candidates for the Presidengy surprised that those with the if} wide canon supporting in India; her n Aligarh, In that 350 widows, 450 famine o boys, 53 babies, 300 famine o girls. Others are seeking adm At the recent Toronto Conser Miss Gertrude E. ed in the departm self the coveted ho |A.T.C. M. (Asso | servatory Music). 18 | successtully passed all | tests in the departmes taking Honors in Harn Point and Musical recent Examinations Normal Diploma in F which will be conferte the Conservatory mencement this (Thursd The Teachers' Norm Piano is peculiarly diffs ment since it involves Class Honors in Piano and thorough Course: training under Dr. Ed. Musical Director of tory. Well Done P All will be pleased to Albert friends coming to i section of « ~ The following officers were duly installed at a meeting of Fidelity Lodge A.F.&A.M., No. 428, held on e | Monday evening, June 24. 5 I. P. M\.--W. Bro. Jas. Swan, jr. Chap.--Bro. Jas. Carnegie. Treas.-- Bro. W. H. McCaw. Secy.--W. Bro. Wm. Spence. S. D.--Bro. J. H. Freeborn. . D.--Bro. D. F. Hagerman. . of C.-- Bro. C. C. Kellett. { I. G.--Bro. W. S. Short. |S. S.--Bro. C. H. Allison. . S.--Bro. A. F. Carnegie. Tyler--Bro. Jas. Nasmyth. 'W. Bro. F. E. Harrison of Fweed officiated in the installation cere- monies. During the evening he was presented with a handsome and valuable Past Master's Jewel in as W. Master and high esteem in pW Fidelity Lodge, No. 428. present occasion 1jbloe to their former instincts a \ for 'anc celebration as is worthy of he 4 with the important occasion and. # tory to all who may take gram in another column, a ing ac- . pro- A Lucky TurNur.~Dne day last week as a son of Mr. Chis. McLean, of Mariposa, while ploying a field "|that had been lately stumped on their farm turned up a prcket book -| containing over two thyusand dol- x | lars in bills; the book als¢ contained a promissory note for $7 but the date and signature coud mot be deciphered. SuooTING ACCIDENT AT CANNING ToN.--On Tu¢sday evening while Mr. Colby of Casnington was shootin blackbirds inhis garden a portion of a charge entered an open window in the resideice of Mr. S. Pettit, striking Miss Pettit. Itis not yet known whether the sad affair will Prove fatal. Miss H. L. Hostrawser, of Tor- onto, who has been visiting Port Perry for some time returned home this week. Daring her sojourn here she was the guest of Miss Carnegie. ExcursioN To SturcEON PoiNT-- The excursion to Sturgeon Point from Caesarea on Friday 'of last week under the auspices of St. John's Church Sunday 'School, Blackstock, proved a success finan- cially and an enjoyable outing. An unfortnnate occurrence took place at the Point however that kreated cousiderable alarm for 'f time. Three inexperienced lady and two gentlemen, [fesiding near Purple Hill, ventured out in to a canoe which was [by some means upset, neither of th a ing able to swim-- the two to the craft, Mf, saved a valuable life. two young men were afterwards® safely | landed and all were taken 0 board | the Crandella where they 'were sup- plied with clothing, the yo lady | being made as comfortable®as pos- sible under the circumstances. The authorities of the steamer dif all in erer- At last the despatches tel I William Mulock is doing : He's coming home, * Do the railway track From the way the Aust: The grand jury which in the The force of example is In the United" States pol widow's mission t e {| Auction Sales of Real Estate . . "| Greenbank, Lewis of Scugoeg, Sin- * | will be supplied free. at the rate ol a mullion and a halt a | by the advertise p of Mariposa is to be sold i his is the finest Homesteads in that town- ship and this is a rare chance to secure so valuable a property at Auction Price. The sale takes place at the Simpson House, Lind- say, on Saturday, 13th July, at two o'clock, sharp. Mr. Bowes is auc tioneer. ES. Parties wishing to secure a valuable farm will do well to attend the Auction Sale of the farm of the late Elizabeth Minty, at2 p.m, on the sth July, at the hotel, Raglan. This farm is situated on lot 13, in the 8th con., East Whitby. AvcrioN Sare of Farm.--The sotth-west quarter of lot 3, con. 8 Reach, will be sold atthe Mansion House, Uxbridge, on Friday June 28, atone o'clock. (See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. ------ Sonya. Dominion Day.--The Anniver. sary of the Presbyterian Church, Sonya, will be held on Monday, July 1. Chair will be taken at Two o'clock, when the following gentle- men (will deliver interesting and appropriate addresses: --Rev. Mr. Best, Beaverton; Rev. W. Cooper, and Rev. J.C. McFarlane, Port Perry; Rev. Mr. Dixon, Seagrave; Rev Mr, McMillan; Rev. A. Currie, Sonya; Rev. J. M. Cameron, Wick Tea served from 4 to 7 o'clock. The same talented Reverened Gentlemen will also deliver Addresses at the evening entertainment, Canning ton Presbyterian Choir will supply an abundance of Choice Music both afternoon and evening. Tea and Eutertainment, 25 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to all.--P. F. SINCLAIR, Pastor. A. STUART. Sec retary, x E x 4 Monster Picnic in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School, Seagrave, Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, July 7, 1901, when sermons will be 'preached at 10.30 am. and 7 p.m. by the Rev. H. T. Lewis, B.A. Special music by the Choir. A mass meeting will be held at 2 30 p.m., when addresses will be given with music by the children. Collection at each service. On Monday, July 8th, in the after noon, there will be a grand Pic-nic in the beautiful grove of Mr. James Leask, at z p.m., sharp, a platform meeting will begin when addresses are expected from Revs. Limbert of clair of Sonya, and Messrs, Jas. Munro, Allan Stuart and others. The Epsom Brass Band will be present to enliven the proceedings and varied entertainment will be given, by local talent and others. There will be a Confectionary Stand on the grounds. Hot and" cold water A collection wlll be taken to defray expenses. Come everybody with your baskets and hdve a good time. -- RosT. TrompsoN, Superintendent ; Joun Brown, Secretary; SF. Dixon, Pastor. God Save the King. ---------- ee. Cork weighs 15 1b. per cubic foot, gold 1,155 1b. / Victoria, Australia, has 1,051,246 acres of gold-bearing land. The revenue of European nations has multiplied 55 times since 1680. Russia's population is growing orses killed for food in orking hour in factories average per week in Russia, 64 in Hol- and 50 in the United King- gians use 87 ounces of tobacco e a year--a world's record.-- : nders use 70 ounces, Germans 3, and Britons 23 ounces. ut of every 1000 French people 93 are below five years old, t in England the number is is nd in Canada 183. olland has 700 acres under and exported £120,000 worth a year. London imports a a year for her own use. races whose aver: recognition of his valuable services which he is held by the brethren of one of |atre J. A. Warner, Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, De- puty Minister of railways, bas re- turned from inspecting the construc- tion works in connection with the Trent catal, and gives out the following statement as to the pre- sent position of the work :--On the Peterborough section ot the Trent Canal the contractors Messrs. Corry & Laverdue, are making very slow progress, but their work is substan- tial and good. Messrs. Brown, Love and Alymer have practically completed their job on the Lakefield section, theré only remaming a small quantity of rock on the Otan- abee River to be dredged, Mr. Onderdonk, contractor for No.2 section, Balsam Lake, has complet- ed the work with the exception of a few hundred dollars worth of clean- ing up. Messrs. Larkin and Sangs- ter, contractors No. 3 section, Bal sam Lake, have their contract well in hand. They shortly purpose commencing concrete work for the piers and abutments of some of the bridges over their section of the canal. Messrs. Brown & Alymer contractors for the Lake Simcoe section, have done a considerable quantity of earth excavation, and have made preparations for the delivery of sand and stone for con- 0 'Bowmanville, I= a few rods of the Wharf Roadcross ing on the G. T. R., where on Sun- day aftetnoon, January 27 last, three young people were killed by the Chicago flyer, another fatal accident occurred this afternoon, when the same train struck Henry Layton, killing him instantly. Thomas Lunny and Henry Layton, two farm hands who work for John A. Galbraith, east of Bowmanville Station, were walking homeward along the track. Seeing the flyer coming Lunny went to the south side and Layton to the north side of the track, When the train bad passed Layton was lying on the side of the track dead. The sup- position is that he did not step far enough from the track, and the suction of the rapidly-running train going at about a mile a minute down grade, drew him against the cars. His body was not mutilated but his shoulder, arm and ribs were broken and his head shows signs of a blow which no doubt killed him instantly Deceased's parents live near Orono Dr. A. S. Tilley and Chief Jarvis were summoned, but did not con- sider an inquest necessary. Interested in an Estate of 000. Mr. Wm. Fell recently received, from an unknown source, a copy of the New York Journal of May 28, with a blue pencil :-- "After one hundred and seven years of accumulation the estate of Mrs. Annie Fell, who at one time owned Fell's Point, now one of the most valuable business sections of Baltimore, and two Phiadelphians, may share in its millions. * They re former Council- man of Norwood, and Mrs. Sarah Jermon, mother of Magistrate Jer- mon. To each. it is said, there will come a fortune approximating $2. 500,000. When Mrs. Fell died all her old property was distributed to her heirs in this country and in Eng- land. and the ground rents on Fell's Point were overlooked. Ten 'years ago a firm of New York attorneys, who were investigating the records of Baltimore on another case, came across the old Fell leases. They have notified the fifteen descendants of Mrs. Fell that they are the owners of property worth 835,000,000 " It has been a tradition in Mr. Fell's family that there was a large amount of property belonging to them in Baltimore. His great- grandlather was a U. E. Loyalist from Baltimore to England, aban- doning all his property, * for King and country." His descendants ave never been able Jto find out what became of this jestate, though they have from time to time been approached by lawyers and others who declaredthat there was property in Baltimore to which they had a claim. His uncle was offered ¥500 for his share in the property by a lawyer who journeyed to England to meet him, but declined to accept, saying if there was anything, it might go to his sons. Mr. Fell himself and his brothers have taken some in- terest in the traditional family for- tune, and have carried on some in- vestigation into the family history, though without definate results, From theparagraph quoted it seems not unlikely that the mystery is to be cleared up, and that the tradi tions of Mr. Fells family may be well founded. We hope that they may, and that Mr. Fell may get a Mr. F. Y. Dunn, who has gone to the Beeton Home at his own charges, because of the infirmities of age, which necessitated care that could net be given him by members of his family y place pecially fitted up for the purpose, has written his daughter-in-1 Robert Dunn :--This is a beautiful lace; fine, open country, ouse, plenty to eat and drink. have made quite a pet of me and ive me my meals separate. Mr. right nurses me like a brother; couldn't be kinder; and be gives 23.-- With fn with the following interesting des | . i i .] | average for this season of the year | 75 links, thence south 74 degrees, west 4 patch from Philadelphia 'marked g The notorious. Dick | 22 tik 25 links, thence north 16 degrecs, and at the time of the revolution fled | SEE es EERE case of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, 2 well k lady who resides in the near vicinity 3 Orangeville, Ont. A reporter of the Sun hearing of Mrs. Harrison's wonderful cure called at her home to inquire into the facts of the case Mrs. Harrison said she was pleased to be able to testify to the great curative powers of the pills She said : "For some years I have been a constant sufferer. Just what to call my disease I do not know; even the doctors were unable to diagnose it. I was completely run down, I had racking pains in my head, back and imbs. I was unable to secure sound sleep, and on amnsing in the morning would feel as tired as be fore going to bed. My stomach was in a bad_ condition and the try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Think- ing that they might relieve me a little I procured a supply and began taking them according to directions. From the first 1 could see that they were helping me, and by the tie I bad taken half a dozen boxes 1 was free from the ailments that had made my life miserable. It is now several years since 1 took the pills and not the least sign of my old trouble has since shown itsell 1 would strongly urge the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills for any person who has a weak or run down system and I am siire they will not fail to be beneficial." To those who are weak, easily tired, nervous, of whose blood is out of condition, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills come as a blessing, curing when all other medicines fail and restoring those who give them a fair trial to a full measure of health and strength. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wilhams" Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. In its House of Refuge Notes, the Beetén World says :--There are about seventy-five inmates in the doctors have failed to be of benefit. |, Among them may be noted the|afterncon two never-failing wells. There are on the property the following build and all in good repair : a frame dwelling se, one and a half stories high with frame kitchen attached all on stone founda: tion and with cellar the whole ; a frame barm about 60x66 with ston. base. trator of Estate, 8:nya F.0., or ELIAS BOWES, Lindeay P.O. ADMNETRATORS SALE of Valuable Real Estate io East Whitby. The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions from William Smith, Ksq Admigistrator of the property of the lute MRS. ELIZABETH MINTY, deceased with the approbation of the Official Guar- dian, to offer for saie by Public Auction at the Hotel at Ragin, in the County of Ontario, at 2 o'clock p.m., on FRIDAY, the FIFTH DAY of JULY, 1901, the following valuable farm property, namely: Parcel 1. --Being composed of part of the middie of Lot No. 13, in the 8th Concession of the Township of Kast Whithy, and better known as follows ; Commencing ou the Eas- tern boundry of said Lot 13, at the distance of 40 chaice from the vorth-cast asigle and west of the aliowance for road between Lots 13 and 12, thence south 74 degress, west along the south side of the allowance for road leading across the said Lot20 chains to the western bouudry of said: Lot, then south 16 degrees, east 27 chains, thence north 74 degrees, east 20 chains to the allowance or road aforesaid called Simcoe Street, thea north 16 degrees, west 27 chains to the placefof beginning. Parcel 2 --Containing 7 acres more or less and being that part of Lot No, 14 in the Sth Concession of the said Township of East Jhitby more particularly described us fol- ws Commencing at the intersection of the east limit of the said road on the west side of said Lot with the southerly limit of the street laid out through the centre of the said | House at present. Ned went |out a few weeks ago, Dut re-comj | mitals and new arrivais keep the| | pretty high. | Goodwin, who has been committed |to the Refuge several times, and |basa longing to roam over the | highways and byways of Medonte, | was brought to the institution on Friday night, after an absence of about one month. His commital I called for two years in the ge. The authorities of Medonte [ evidently believe his earthly career will not exceed the period of com- mitment. | Wearing Dows tae Borss. The war news remains virtually unchanged. Dewet has apparently | been cripled, if not paralyzed, by the loss of his convoy, which it is | difficult for him to replace, and the | advantage gained by the Boers in | surprising isolated detachments has | been a temporary gain. Evidence| | that the British are gradually wear- ing down the resistance of the Boers is unmistakeable when the enormous | losses reported by General Kitchen er in men, ammunitionn and cattle are added up. There may be fresh surprises, but the fighting resources of the wonderful Dutch warriors are apparently well nigh exhausted. Here 1715 past the middle of June and still trade is active and pew goods coming in and going out of Joxes & Co's all the times. -- Already they are placing big orders for fall. Nothing iike keeping the ball rolling. E3. "A look in" then 2 "try on" and the result will be that you'll walk out well pleased with one of these Crown brand Derbies at $2.50 --A. F. Cazxecie. IT MATTERS NOT whether you are tall or short, slim or stout, it will pay you to see those wonderful cheap Suits for men and boys at Jones & Co's. E=" They fit. hold their shape. with'style. Our Collars possess all the ing repuisites A. F. Carnecie. EF Our spring and summer suits are "old relial in Qualdy but "up to-the-minute in style price are within the reach of --A. F CARNEGIE. Binder Twine SEASON 190L ined, Ca wih obey po I es ale offered Lot, then north 74 degrees, east 7 chains, thence south 16 degrees, east 10 chains, 59 links, thence south 55 degrees, west 3 chains, theuce south 16 degrees east | chain west along the east limit of said road 13 chains} more or less to the place of begin- ning. Parcel 3.--An equity of redemption in the north half of the south-half-of Lot Na. J2 in the 8th Concession of said Township of East Whit y. The soil of parcel is a fine clay loam, On 1 this there is a new storey dwelling house and kitchen ---- ample stable room ~ There is also a good young orchard of about 2 acres, and about 6 acres of good hardwood bush. Parcel 2 is weil watered by a creek, and has a considerable quantity of cedar on it. properties are conveniently situated between Columbus and Raglan aod afford an excellent opportunity to purchasers of agiuiring a very desirable property. y instruction of the owner, Miss Mar- garet Stevens Smith, the undersigued will aleo at the same time'and place offer for sale 16 acres adjoining parcel No. 1. describ- ed as follows : All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate," lying {and being in the Township of East Whitby in the County of Outario, © ntaining by admeasurement sixteen acres, be the same more or Jess, being composed of part of Lot No. 14 in the 8th Coucession of the suid Township of East Whitly, and may be more particalarly known and described as fol- lows, that is to say, commencing at the distance of 38 chains, 75 links from the south-cast angle of the said Lot No. 14. then south 74 degrees, west 15 chains, 75 links more or less, then north 16 degrees, west | chain, 75 links, more or less, then north 74 degrees, east thee chains, more or less, then north 16 degrees, west 10 chains, 50 links, more or less, north 74 degrees, east 13 chains more or les«. then south 16 degrees, east 12 chains, 25 links, more or less, to the place of beginning. The oil of this last mentioned parcel is similar to that of parcel. one, and the fences thereon are fairly gopd. Terms of Sale.--The sale is subject toa reserved bid on each parcel. The reserved bide on parcels 1, 2, and 3 will be fixed by the Official Guardian. Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale aud emough with such deposit to make one-third of the purchase money within thirty days thereafter. The cash payments on parcels 1, 2. and 3 to be paid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce to She Jolob credit of the Administrator and cial Guardian The balance (except in the case of parcel 3, which is to be paid in cush) may remain accured by mortgage of the premises for a term of five years with interest at five per cent. per annum, or at the option of the porchaser the whole purchase money may be paid in cash. The vendors shall not be Auction Sale. E South-west or of Lot Number Three, in the Eighth Concession of the Township of REACH the Covnty of Ontario, will be by for Public Auction At the Mansion House, Uxbridge, On Friday, June 28,1901 at Opepm. A £28 1901 and Barn on further see posters or apply to Masia Aun Votics, premises. For particulars and terms of sale Uxbridge, P.O. Baragon A AT Si Uxbridge.