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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1901, p. 4

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Eta Ee ememesear 58s 7 orpticd a Por Over Billy Yeas Butidon Revolver Waw wus WINNGOWST 360 TRINNG SHIT jw fo ne used yr sillier off otters fhe (Hite tition: wiles tomtliing. TE distirtod. oF sigh. sll ani off ge thie | Ov Dy wel Torth Ontario Observer, A Bwdily Pokitacal, Agricultural and Family Nowspager a PUBLESHAD AY FOE FERRE, ONL. CHI fir et ousting wait: ken A. expectedly in an argument. "The arm that was most geversily cxr= | "vied by that class was a squat, ugly 45 | caliber 'bulldog' revolver made some where in Eagland and imported express for the western trade. [ don't remem ever secing one anywhere else. It bad five chambers and an inch sud' x liel€ barrel, and, while it was jodeseribably d : was really a very handy and formidable machine. The barrel was so short it could be carried almost anywhere with. larys out attracting attention, and ® favorite trick was to slip it into the coat sleeve, ething that bled a noted gw estfall to kill a rival rut Det celiome was to stoff the | Try ab ATT Tiron lie wot for WILE. WINGGAWE SHOOTING SOE Phe Sonstis Wikiuts They Sor | way or H PARSONS vpn ni. TSENNE. 45% poe vores, 1 guid ie aicaior - 3 met $1.50 at. a Laken for dese BE ETE ATES auishtiug money. wiv sdressed Antive. sud aed snpmsbeond wil: deo at our risk SOCKREEPERS TROUPES. Cindi vo Gell Sets. Fos. "hie fellow wie Hue te fenfle 2 OW GOEEETIIMENTE sods tor griilication. with dilerable snout of momey disc Selb ; avec, wi Ge tor i 3 i e suid sw old divenusing revent dettemtlome, "wml = awn experiemes in sur Stirs oe cans od me te uve © world of eprpatis Te the mmp who gets ints tadite:. ie mas who hus to loop femelle of die etic oT nt 4oBen thonts and other your talliommet wr Tine per or nad! F0E DEPARTMENT. Fosters, wens ite wey Welding Tovitations, | "Wie times Bee found im RICH demtomed sero mud will maith ithe ile ® corr me 3 . a Aasemiily inst Wisitiag Cnatie, fez. wonder iis to we Winey... hing sm few (Eetiareons of tid and .. Tinetins Soom » dasiamee getting hend bills, into the fob pocket of the When the bad man wanted fo bring it Into action, he would fumble cavelessly | with his waistband, and his vissvis gen | erally woke up to the situation with = | chunk of hot lead fu Lis vitals | "The plan of cutting « liole iv the peek | ot of an alpaca coat waw the inventiom of | an Arizona 'killer' named Nortom. The | loose, light garment would show plainly that therw 1 no weapon concen gbont it, and when Norton had his heads in the pockets he was supposed to Ber harmless, but the Hole enabled Him at | any time to reach down inte lis trousers | sad quietly 'dig vp" w 'balldog" which fe carried with his loose cfiange. This mw peuver enabled him to send several of Ris enemies to the happy Bunting gronods but the secret finaly leaked out, mud sft er that the alpaca cont was regarded 55 ® sign of war. s, the 'bulldog' was of mo val- ,. for the thing shot seven ways for dwy, Bot sive tenths of the fights in that conuiry we band to hand affairs, aud then the quic ness with whi could Be drawn was ® | great point in its favor Ft was gext to fmpossible. also, to wrenecl it out of ®! strong man's grasp, for there was not Ing to take hold of. [I remember wittess ing an effray between = couple off dies | wopadoes at the once well known campy of Carbonville. % One of them--o fellow | Hill--drew s 'bulifog" i it by its stompy Barred st it out of Ris Bundi. HELV | merely pulled the trigger, awd Eis sutago- | pist was minus three Sugers. Thar end- | ed the fight" || Berm reeimed ond so meth foe Bserrss (pti ------------ A Good Dox Lawyer, When Benjamin Harison woe iv the senate, be often went Bunting with Hows | ard Case, who was for many years asso | ciated with him in the northern port of Indiana and stopped with sw off farmer who for some time hod beew oe controversy with @ nef a dog whose sheen ki prop had often caused the old mmy consi ble worry. The maimal's depredations at last bronght his owner info @ lawsuit, and the trial was set down for Hearing while General Harrison was in the neighbor "hood, and the farmer, nnderstanding dat his visitor was one of the best lawyers in the country. begged him fo take up the ease. General Harrison cousented aud drove over to the nearest town the gext day with the farmer. His eloquence caught the jury, which retwrued o verdict for the farmer without leaving the court room, The farmer was greatly pleased st (fe result of the suit. pretty good dog lawyer." Be Bept repeal ing to General Harrison all the way Bock to the farm, "and if ever thar dog gets me into trouble again Fn gob for you. "cause I don't Believe yow cam ber beat on dog © i General He n enjoyed the fvefileny fmmensely and never tived of telling the story. A Frugal Judge sod = Joe. The unpardonable sin which biighted the character of any Sco saving on the cirenit allowance. circuit dinners were x sort of swtornalis, where dignity doffed rs pride as tie bot- tle circulated swiftly. Lord Kames ud a high reputation for culture, sod His countrymen were proud of his proficiency fn the belles lettres. But he looked tow closely to the liquor bills, aud it wow darkly whispered that be counted the "marines" after each of hiv cirenit dine pers. He gave port, which was thie cheaper lignor, in place of claret. Henry Erskine, wih face of man, wittily espressed the feel ngs of bis brethren when Bin Tordilifpy asked if thers weve news of D'Esaing | wot gull dices (7 § even offer tho fussy few and his fleet. Jord, as we az and bis lordship laughed. ofived to port. my * was the ready suse A pawky Svot, Be liked the humor of the retort sud wis not to be joked out of economy. Bottled Tenr Cure. Last A physician who has recently returned | oye. from Persia says that the oatives still believe that human tears ave « remedy . | of exsilly svoused sugiefom He flail tia "7 thought yow wie @ | to semd | sti Jide: was | Thies | like Koox, feared not tie | to a found mom fie mes wie sy pent, ect Rune Senn: panied Lo Lake: home with them. thief lve fv Holling mgr some of money that: Belong to artes gropie "The dremd whicth cmtanly Tame € Pooklieoper iw someting Mr es HR very digfitest mite will tire fn em ont of Balmyew,. sf in more oe thie seromtint dows mov enipy dias sm tom of clivctis wife eatiie iim to Gail sores Bi Boolkiss ms he goes dmg. Fanti TstTtitfoms ofoxe left soos oe er gv along. and tlie ayers wii words fio tiene fastitutions ew tlie dings. te cwdins aod thie Bulinvers gomeraily of tie end sf euch diey's work. (Hoult tty (lie spe or daily demwoees. Tlie mds tiie wort of tHe Honest: mune iw le Hark mtorr "War the Todt be fills do mie ss of gevountastis wii awe Greed 0 fmile lrg some off mosey dally. me white revives mowey iB domes ames of verfoms denomimmioms sod thr wet ouw pregoses oud wil levee Go grey owed ftp thie sore wry, mvere wile ie die mgmiiiar come of tings Hove to tile dne Bills fiom stockificlilers mf empires ani why fms many offer sede growls to deal! with. These difings gv to lee wey vitals of fifis profissiond «fvfemsy awl His personal integrity. onl Heme ke - amstaotly Teoma Gy tie dod die gore small error thom me fall of ibe : gC z x willl creep forte lie moon fe pods ip ower way or merlin I * ATES WANTED. FOE STORY OF BOUTH Bo pmea0a hy Save Cleric Badgutiv, LAD, Edward - we Ediver of the Alen, a ra hove Tell & Seanch dn i. NE BD AMDOUSE , od 1 free Anyone POSSLANS B » ay. Ghewtigi, nlatio Him "Phe poi iw dar die Soni aor sullen protected]. fhe amos my i «lip itp fione sills Tes By orerfontiing ® i i miiwpliced dive Gill or someting: wf het sorte. Om tie olier anil, soo meds Res tine pubic for the ied during the ¢ 2 Livery Establish e much pleasure i» | | out itp tlie regime comme off Bustin, wn | the employer will tulle tlhe Sutirene a [| for ® covet ney off tlhe counpary's | Brwitmesse. Thee fineomes snl te omnipis muse Balinese. Bor tie gos soot froprently Fudie Hitmell toilimg far fate te night itp me «fore to Brig aon dif Happy result. He wove din dere muse oot bee the differen of ® Huis Hominy Agmrmtively spealiing. wien [is esple sms thie Buln sheet, the fie die ape MY so my Sormer Place of business ¥ Water Street Iam dbout fo langely extend that the public may be with safe and desir- | fnciiities so | fifie personal! ivegiiy is foodind fie de | mcd | muttenc. Comet Bulls fip Set owily | ela ROOIRIRILE | memenre tie grofistinnd' effete of the aeconntent,. ine dey aise fone ® ged | | morn!' worth of fie ane 4 "These rfvotions Gull my ows apt | | ence stremgriien Hier sme 0 Save er | | the wr Horde off fidlomwss wip ane oy fog dinfly tah an fie vorlis Guin footing wy tie geofits andl les as ming the Gules for one wy se thie the otfier of tie sing of eed | dey' smn" Fonts Prerny, Sume 21, 1900. 1 Bowe Cliverven. | "Te woos wiiem J wos mew om fe Tow || Foret" sill ap offi Hraibors. "unl 1 woes wewly mmrriied). to. (ar 1 fodinigpd iv ae | sevaionnll fier hr phe mee Tine mornfug § sew 2 cine to guise ® geil fur om Bide. nd § pring, etree The | dingy ww overs § lad tinned op | Te won fille Sniffing Where § mesdtiod | Bom. T mdied my with te cme dows | tw with me (lie west tories SWE PR | ctimwe a» Hendieme & Semornd Soot os my FI5000 woudl Gry Sie wedi thet surle ® prrctizse world Ge eimmRgan | mod! tlie sti resell dlifirl cme or ens Wh weaning €ivoere thanks Jor thor Tilbenal patronage heretofore ex semi] Aten, the undersigned would beg 10 Amsecgmos that they have |e zm IOVED INTO | mot comin fer intl iv ws wise fe Dey | the meclilie. The sexs mnie wis | thee exchiwrgs oped tine STO Heth | ood ove. T plunged sii, sor an wy | gdgment,, But Secguse § Teeremed 0 ove that moms, anil ffl dime § me | outy Tout ofl. Gott Hdl me meth means. 1 fis meverr tilt Minti omen dist thet time tv ffulige fe domed oii Wy wite Raw alvvoers wil diet HS a aad siinzme Tie willl for iin # better position than wereiione ho meet dhe veguirements of intr prsmmerons pairone and they mespect wity silat dhe patronage of a8 Mr Hay rts Termes oustomens Fresh and Cured Meals | tie met guality will always be found at | thir Boer Cheon will megfive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season. Secon door Bast of Wr. Pardy's Groovers IT CAWEER & SUN eliry for er geai ste willl soon? ems # we liwve vo Bread iin die Some" Jb Tetufooenst's Serato. mtorr iog Clentiney," the ently got of of ditows of Bartemy | fait, "where thy sys we oid we 1 | for certain chronic diseases. AC every | 30) minutes = trrgedly with ® gor asf 8 funeral the bottling of mogrmers' teas panto, oF # dle dom. or Wont is one of the chief features of the core" | welll menwge te, or thr Gatint wan. mony. Each of the mourners is present | diy tllest gwar snd rr--------------1 ed with a sponge with which fo mop bis | & fives face and eyes, and after the burial diese Fit Prey, Way 21,1990. 1 JOHN WOTT. TNDERTAKER, ithe Foy Butivons Cel 7. M. ee #_ PARSONS. S led Tender TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for jase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties---belon Adams, advertised on the 231¢ ---- | November, and withdrawn at te J , of hea Sou 33 yEaLED a muierial. Our the purc ! { Nov. 30, { - - MONEY TO LOAN. N73. and those who wish io have funfs from private pu o a CENT LIVERY ! [=== elativor of the Presi a Hunt Your Wheel Up, 1t undoubtedly needs a th cleaning and perhaps some re before you can nde it, 1f sod Goodwin would like to give fesimate of what EVERY THUESDAY MORNING You will find them very (in their charges. complete repair s expert workmen they turn © {first classwork withguaranty'ba Let them call for your or take it to their place of bus {Blong Block. as [EAR TR is With th jing to Mr. John dune Sree. Aa3 |go besold by auction J. A T"HAT Valuable Farm co ing 75 acres, being ki Farm, the South | No. 5, in the sth concession TTEUSME remus wil] inoslll cases lee sifictiy shered to To hip of A : pa is offered for sale by private # Terms $500 cash--balance: secured by mortgage bearinf cent. per annum. For further particulars a Y ARNOLD, Perry, or to JOHN A McGIL ~The Tem McGILLIVRA Tem le Building, 1899 a JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. ges, buy more land ie The Port General Charles HF. Grosvenor, = drmsER oF CoxGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 INDING my Liv dation on Perry St. being far too small to m quirements of my rapidly business 1 have leased for years and taken posses i commodious sponges are presented fo the priest, win | squeezes the tears into bottles, which be | Family Doetor. i f Li i } I Hi tir i Conveyance to all Port Perry Sept. 26, 190 we without suy delay, ve customers whe watt 0 would ye farms Of . merc anical, or busines please send us price and description af und Life Insurance «fected, ands | snd brokerage lmsiness transacted. LUND & 28 Victoria Btreet, aits of or Presiden With Biographical Sketch BY twenty tour large Photo gravure ndorsed by the families Printed on heavy ents little fortune in this territory. | sugidtiy. orders Livery tables PURDY'S BLOCK on Queen SE -- entrance adjoining the Bank of Commerce prop 1 will constantly keep complete variety of reli moderate Charges. > tendance night and day, may rely on" having th ments met at all times. Patornage respectful Ww. YEARLY toO or womantolo 3saRilg i 3 i i it i i I | | fl | i I | I q fx | 0 Sut OF Sv Where does McCaw, | where 5 cme ditties aw fo msue fi i il t ie) 4 f &4 hop and Solicitor Ly y large book § FY the Toroutod ae 1d Stranger welcome and conducted to seats. | Sabbath ISitings of {he Division Court l6. BEAVERTON - Clerk, Geo. F. Brice, Beaverton-- 7. UPTYRGROYY or to exchan co., T title 'REV. G. W. McOOLL, B.A, B.D., Pastor. Bervices, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Evenin Bervice, Thursday 7.30. BT. JOHN'S CHURCH. * (PRESBYTERIAX.) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor, Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week Evemin Bervice, Thursday 7.30. BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PAsToX. Sabbath Bervices, 10.30 and 7.00. 'Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7.30. R. 0. CHURCH. REV. A. OMALLEY. Third Sunday st 10.30 8. m, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1901. WHITBY Clerk, D.C. Macdonell, Whitoy --Janu- ary 8, February 4, March 4, April 3, May6, June 3, J J Sewmnibers, October 3, November 4, Deo- {a oho: Gran] Tlton, Srareacd Se OTE The New Method pain--no 'su ffering--no detention from busisess. sexual organs. The stricture Don your kiduers. Your aching back tells the tale, Dent Set Doctors a eo. Drs. a ue youil you are met beyond Lamas aid. They guarantes to Cure or No Pay. CURES cure NO PAY. Consultation PE pe eat diz, Omori mine BS Treatment. \ )Y +1) erk, J. W. Burnbam, Port Perry h7, May 13, July 9, September rk, Jos. TF. Gould, Uxbridge-- h 20, May 27, July 11, Beptewbe. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington-- January 17, March 21, May 28, July 10, September 19, November 20 Jaguary 18, Ma May 29, Beptember 20, Nov- ember 21. k, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove --~March 23, M Sep.ember 21, November 22. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Pence. Dated at Whithy, Oct. 22nd, 1900. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COU STY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI OF CARTWRIGHT, 7, fed at this the commencement another Anction Sale Season tore turn thanks to his numerons pa:rons for past favors. In requesting their esteemed ind contioned patronage he desires to Atate that ne effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His ve eusive practice Sa the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale y "given into his charge will be attended to with promptness and dispatch. Sale list Trade out od blak notes supplied free, nn application. Parties wirhing to engage hie services may consult hiz SALE REGISTER either at 'fhe Observer or Standard Offizes, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. As usual, a choice lot of Plymouth Roel of both sexes for sule. Prices reasonable GEO. JACKSON, Sept. 6, 1590. Scugog P.G PAIN TING Kalsomining, &c /FYHE nudersigned would take this oppor _ tonity of thanking his numerous pat rons for their herman still increasing patronage during the timo he has carried ou the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is setter prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may rely or: having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges ave moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when eovtracting. ; A continuance of public patronage soli cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trae MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Oldest agency for securing patents, en throu rece Pi special notice, without charge, In the Scientific Fmerican, A handsomely fllustrated weekly. Largest cir- culatio! n of any scientific journal. 'Terms, $3 a il four months, $1. 801d by all newsd, M8 toma fork ¥ Bt. Washington, our interesting books " Inven dor's Help" and * How you are swindled.' Beud us a rough sketch or model of your in- dvention orimprovement and we willtell you( fros our opinion as to wether it J1 probabil, ) Rejected spp! ve > ® {i successfully prosecuted 24 us. Wed ] toond ily d offices in Montreal 5 f¢urnished, ; "a special in Be Dominion Tre si i Specialty Patent business of Manufac- 1 Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. 7 : { New York Life B'id'g, Montreal Atlantic Bldg, W D.C. ) DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SALE]! HE undersigned offers for sale at a bargain his fine property on Lerne Port Perry, consisting of a comma- Dwelling Bouse, containing six rooms, and three closets ; there is 2 rol ste ouadation state of 0 upder the main part and pder the kitchen, allin a . There are three lots" which have p converted into a splendid Garden, in | whic are a large number of choice, thriv- fruit trees--Apple, Cherry and Plum-- rape Vi small Removal ¥ years, am, as the yean Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1892. returning thanks to the public for the extended to me for over 38 1 would respectfully intimate thatl now ready for business, and bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determi A 1 will be allowed on all Sales from now unti ned to sell very CHEAP, an inducement to Casu purchasers Bissouad of 10 por onl Jan. 1st next. All work bein MADE BY HAND, work kept in stock, the and nc super ority of my goods will at once become ent. fatending pu giving rchasers will find that by call before looking elsewhert be suited in quality and price, my experience in the trade ing au indis. The undersigned would take this opportunity of thasking his pu- merous custemers for the liber: patronage received sinee opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from be Market building to the Store First doorEast of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in 8 manper that cannot fail to please customers, Having vew and inereased frcilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he ean give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in ordes to seify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his pew remises. p wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. 1. J. WHEELER. THE SEBERT HOUSE In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embarked in the botel business, 1 beg to announce that I now bave more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than 1 ever possessed in the past ; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SEBERT House, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to none in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the **Sebert House" may be heralded - throughout the entire. Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and shed accommodation for all, especially on market days 1 have purchased the lot fo the north of my already spacious premises and have bad erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. 1 have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations I have provided. L. SEBERT ETN EEE Our fee returned if we fail Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tae Parest Recor, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, 'VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Houseand Lot for Sale orto Rent. HOUSE AND LOT on Simeoe Street, Port Perry, for Sule or to Rent, The / fouse contains five rooms, The lot contains one acre on which there are a barn, a good Orchard and a well, ITmmediute possession. Also for Sale n Geveral- Purpose Horse, Baggy and a Set of Si Harness --will be sold cheap or will exchange for other live stock. Apply at the Office of this paper. Port Perry, April 5, 1899, Agricultural Machmes ee AR De IMPLEMENTS re Nf SUNDERLAND HE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach- ines and Iwplements mauafactured by the MUA DAMILTOR MPG GO OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T Cultivator, Harrow, Land Roller, Ste ame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Jso the following, the manufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfitd, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Haller, Portable Triumph Engine, 1 am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, 12 8, &e. a Jl solicited. One door West of Mebonald's Hotel, R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1593. jeoeeednane FOGOOO0O0 : Webster's Jimtesrnational Dictionary The One Creat Standard Authority, Bo writes Hon. 1). J. lirewer, ' "Lf. Supréme C Send a Postal for Specimen P; , ete. O Successor of the "Unabridged." Standard and of newly ail bd Schoolbooks. 5: without number. 2 x 0 THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY | BECAUSE it is easy to find the word wanted. ° it is easy to mscertal. the pronsncietioa. it is easy to trace ti growth of & word. itis to learn what a word meaas. BSTER THE STANDARD: © SAYS ~~ oming recognized A ary + nbilipied & (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. Publishers, & U.5.4. 4 ONE GIVES RELIEF. Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. Sis sort Is pus wp chasply So Eratify the xbvenssl proses demand for 6 low pelos If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At ist's J14 TYLISH, RELIABLE ARTISTIC Recommended by Leading Dressmulcers. They Always Plea 4, ft's a strong Statement but 2 straight fat, when we ra tht live ¥ help Conant 3

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