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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1901, p. 2

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Mint ti a oe nt i i init In Zachariah v. the prophet UnaBLR TO BE TurRE.--One who | SUMMER RESORT .. describes an ephahy in which is a| Was unable to be with the Rod and PORT FERRY, ONTARIO "Anis beantital Bd . : yhict ? Feared She Would | womar, which he says is "wicked: | Gun Club at the the grand openit Ay of Co ik 2: ain Her Health ness... "Nothing in history has |on June 15th, dedicated the follow roo the west shots of Foe Dive ; Y = ; & tan ever becured whichean be consider lines to "the boys": ; Cs De ) : os Attacked with Rhen- |ed a fulfillment of this prophecy. | ™"* ty id beguitin Sougoy, an: ; « : S -- WPeicn thous: an ata with 8t. Vitus | May it not, then, refer to the future Te 5 xmiliog--and the Breeze is Hass hbou ly ve chine : ng "protra Jo {ies oS True Lp those Was Unable to Helb| cgioration of the "Pontifex Max-| While favelter Tn the, i=, Buble, 0, or, pu: He . keg ER IO 3 E : 1 Mme She ; en a Had to be Cared for; Bablyon ? Possibly the Twond give 'my last loos dller tS bh: th p.m. he stepped into his barrel, that . . * re © , a : apostasy will first unite all sects and |x can see the flowsriets springing, wud I Ken th "woods " Rae |lay on the American shore a few ? 1 h . : i are " i x : : 3 a the much teSpected resi: | center them in Rome, with the Pope| wi "i sand o wee birds singing wi 8 Joy etal cknsion Tho town ou . . a TE Pus Parr Nh hundred feet above the cantilever : Orangeville is. Mrs. Maras their head, ad thea be Swill On te rea sk Boing can hear the [frogs tie Boric. To sarets ae fined on ' prea: 703 i Me, kin | bridge. Alter closing the trap at : who lives in a prety little moved fo rs i een FB maples while the law : : 3 " Mr. AM. the end of the barrel, which 1s about Be AE ia valle h 2 1 ere, over Lhere-- i fnut ho x p ancheater.... Mr. i on First street. For some : ¥.! bt 3 ur coveted i I'm the only boy that isn't over there. ro uE Bawern: a - h nine feet in lengt und with iron s her twelve year old daughter Cai In a 2 ort can see the eunlight fading and, my heart is full schools are very substantial wed of modern 86 3 Port. Perry A, hoops and heavily ballasted in one 5 i Ee ture : Port Perry as a seal 0 < "sn A a a . shad. been 'a' sufferer from | has endeavored to secure a port on} _ ofews jehing And the bitters far and wide: to gradunte at our edu A Perry... AM end with lead it was towed out to itism combined with that | the Hed Ses aud Briain Stoutly mag - r -- re of he mos h : i inkbam | about midstream by a row boat and i icti es. it. ertijany has a .con- a ug ve over. ka anywhere to be found---the elevated © S Rast 1 The barrel slowly glided vr terrible affliction--St. Vitus [opposes it er 3 ere. ; Plc oust per $5000, bosides. it containa : es : sin cut loose. e barrel slowly glide; nce. In conversation with a re. |Ccession fora railway. But in Sat. | Bat the golden sutums's voming when Ses from cro cent hibition balan grand, sand, 1 3 . ; <651.... Port Perry ... «Mr. A. M. down stream towards the American Her of 'the: Sun Mrs. Marchall]an's own time he will unite alll Asdahear brimfu' 0 gindors and 4 sprightly sotommodntion annot. be discounted outside MoM Cocbla |side, and after passing the large i ol h following story of her the nations in the unified commerce | 1 wit close my ledgers musty, Twill leave the city our very largest cities. * Mr A.M. R rock between the cantilever and A oo the following y his : dusty, RE ARR - ERR Bxseconsep iv His New . Rae 1 2 A ughér's suffering and subsequent which will centre in this rebuilt x wil fee po losger rusty, T1l be there--over = 0 a hal Tom the Si "Mr William ...Mr. A. M. Rae |steel arch bridges it was caught in © malls are despatohe ~ Lucas tion to health:--"At the City:... You can bet your botvom dolar Tl be there, Mr. M. Conklin | ap eddy and was thrown into the AG. Office Port Perry ax follows : i indefatigable and cugog . My. Clarke eight," says Mrs. Marshall, | * One thing more he must have, ---- Going North-- 9.30 a. m. ay : : American upcurrent, where it made i. tacked with rheurma. | and theteby he will overreach him- London, July 10.--There was a Going South--11.20 a, m. Clerk of the Township of the roands several times of the little tism from which she suffered very self and bring swift destruction.-- meeting held at the Guild Hall this Going North-- 5.15 p. m. t, bas taken possession of vi bay up and down the river for J much, and although she was treated He must have his Antichrist set up afternoon in support of the \Govern- eee RT] his new residence Hamel Mr. A. M. Rae [about twenty minutes, finally being wa y a clever doctor her health did|in the temple at Jerusalem as thef =o policy. It was a_great ------ Jt Bckstoc The completion of v Prospect... ... =i isn Beare caught in the current down stream, not improve. To make he condition God of the Jews, exalting himself} J /ocooc from the "jinge" point of NORTH ONTARIO (BSERVE {ED y ® Dam, Port Per -- Mr AM. It soon shot under the steel arch worse she was attacked with St. [above all that is called God, or that | © =" The idea originated on the a - On the same site destroy Beetve Real a . bridge, hugging the rapids towards Vitus' dance, and I really gave up|'S worshipped, so that he, jas god, stock exchange and was intended| FORT PERRY, JULY 18, 101) highly creditable 54 the American shore and was tossed hope of ever seeing her enjoy good sitteth in the temple of god, show-| (fet to the recent pro-Boer| ---- MA as and the on like a cork up high in the air, then health again. Her arms and limbs] '"% himself that he is god." gathering at Queen's Hall. The| 1 : cr oF hird ny Prank McCully the completely submerged under the would twitch and jerk spasmodic The Jews will rebel against the 1 ord Mayor and the other city NTENERARCY --Every oe y | for the carpen-- great breakers that tossed and tore ally, and she could scarcely hold a worship of any man, when Salan| ooo ates" did their utermost to at nox ER ux h act jeted his woken Melt 2 through the gorge. When it reach ish in her hand, and had to be|Will gather all nations against = a its success, and the result friends face to face with the effects [i manner and IN| Jowph A ~ - Mr. ed the turn in the river opposite ' after almost like an infant. uselam to utterly destroy it, but a that th t Guild Hall.+ have of the intenerent principle as it 4 C! on to himself Lanrs Beare ..oaas ans aaesen333 ie se Brandon | \elybs point it was shot * oat into. Jin Condition | when all hope seems lost to them Lion amyl so Rtas effects their change of pastors a d 3 v George Deny cava Perry p ABB 9 d a few seco her own family advised me | Antichrist withers, who, with the which Petesied an. oer Princip Tt gives a fair distribu: | pushis work with good re- es " a toa of to every 50 Dfried it clean acvoss the, : ry thein Mamie's case. I had |false prophet (Satan), shall be cast MA made. a demonstration tion of the preaching talent secur, cogratulate the worthy yay Demand for Good Horses Oon- gam. 5 | the pool to Thompson's RBoint, on ayself often heard these pills high- into the bottomless pit.--The Globe. { more prononnced charac. ing a freshness amongst ministers, i on obtaining so comfort _stantly on the Increase. The Pennsylvania anthract mines | {he Canadian shore where it was: lv spoken of, butt had fot occurr- ee > = Sven t Pl % Dickers Poy onts too great a familiarity bes desirable a residence and - have been worked without cessation | caught by a lot of boys and towed : y 5 ur : ter than that of the stock DIOKErS|iween pastor and people and. obvi: he and his good lady] We call the attenton of our|since 18320. h Ye Lion wos oheped acd ine ed to me before that they might| Boers Did Shoot Wounded. |within. Patriotic songs broke out] 4 d 1 tracted' coldness saiov. tl ders to the sale of Western] ; ashore. i pV pened a cure my little girl, but now I decid- ; ithi d without] 2S and ong Drolr aCe be spared to enjoy the | rea 0 Mr. Andrew Carnegie has com-|Graham, who was in a dazed and ; y girl, e at intervals both within and without | hetween pastor and flock which it affords. | Horses conducted by Mr. John i pleted his princely endowment of the Semi. coneions state Jor want of air { 2 i 5 po Scottish university education' by | was taken out and laid on a large -- ol x cot! erty ET a Port Panty, signing a deed of trust, placing the | rock and fanned rubbed and brought \ oelebrar ed 'the 2th off Mr hes ho engaged in|" mallion dollars at the disposal of | back te life again. He. claims he 3: manner becoming the | th 4 Horse OE aa all us hie, and those who are to administer it. The will make another trip during Aug- ortatbe of the occasion Nearly hie 13 handles the stock. His | Executive Committee at once made ust He said the man in She oat areal 4 NE he | Wwe i . arrangements for setting the scheme | did not tow him far enough out into "3 Cr Rn a a too Le in motion, Mr. Carnegie having the stream and that he was nearly pr AR at Washburn | on) en A od ind p04 the a promised that funds for the payment exhausted on account of being ' SL Comet--where am People who have archased of students' fees should be made caught in the eddy under the canti- a. done to the day these hoy speak in pa highest available when the next session |lever bridge. ed to give them to her. Before she London, July 11 --Official cor-|the building. bad completed the second box I|robration of the charges that the| The British Generals were cheer- could see a marked change for the | Boers murdered the British wound-|ed and the names of Henry better, and by the time she had|ed at Vlakfontein promises soon to | Labouchere and other Boer taken five hoxes all trace of both | be forthcoming. In the House of sympathizers were hissed and hoot- the rheumatism and St. Vitus dance | Commons to day, replying to ques-| ed. had vanished and she is now as|tions of Henry Norman (Liberal),| The Lord Mayor presided sur- bright, active and [healthy f@s any the War Secretary Mr. Broderick, | rounded by Conservative members girl of her age. Some time has | read the telegraphic correspon-|of the House of Commons, bankers elapsed since she discontinued - the | dence with Lord Kitchener onithe| and others. A resolution was pass- use of the pills, but not the slightest [ subject. The latter at first dedlar-|ed expressing complete confidence sometimes creep in almost unac countably and do a world of mis chief, but which in the absence of intenerance would be vastly more mischievous as it would have no other means of escape than through an open rupture tending only to aggrevate the evil. Still there are times when intenerancy appears to have its drawbacks, especially when through its influence a people are King, the great Kansas stockman, o au trace of the trouble has since made |ed that the reports were unfounded |in the South African policy of the < rio 3 talebrite Sy on 'dreds | 2Pens in October. In a letter to mp liens i itself manifest. /I think therefore, | but he subsequently telegraphed the | Government and ns against yn Se Joitbil and Rei Ferd ah vordis of heat. Ha hs Bunce: the committee Mr. Carnegie ex- A needle hachine Mii out I, 2 / that I am safe in sayifig that I be- statement of a wounded Yeomanry |the unpatriotic attacks of the Op- experience of this entire 'section of doing their utmost to the stock and their adaptability to fess the hope that the honest pride 500,000 needles a week. lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not |officer, corrobrating the reports, | position was adopted in the midst| of the country at the removal of | celebration a success, and | requirements of the people of this. which Scotchmen are distirgu-| Instantaneous fuse burns at 'a only restored my child to health, and finally Lord Kitchener, July|of wild scenes of enthusiasm. * the Rev. G. W. McColl the former eded to perfection. countey ished will prevent claims from those hundred feet in a second. but have worked a permanent |gth, informed Mr. Brodrick that he paslor ofthe Methodist church here: In conversation Mr. King said it not requiring assistance. Twenty different knots are used S N ng cure." he had the testimony of seven men| Vienna, July "10.--The public Rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance |to the effect that they saw Boers | Prosecutor has decided to abandon and all kindred diseases of the [shoot the wounded. Lord Kitch- the charge of murder brought blood and nerves speedily yield to|ener added that sworn testimony last spring against Albert Vogi, the Dr. Williams' Pink Kills and the |was being forwarded. Viennese banker, who was extradit- cures thus effected are permanent, Te ------ : ed from London under accusation because this medicine makes rich,| Married His Son's Widow. |of having poisoned George Taubin, red blood, strengthens the nerves, : -- La rich and eccentric Russian who and thus reaches the root of the| Windsor, July 10.--An odd family|had made a will by which Vogl ob- trouble. © These pills are sold by all relrtionship has been revealed in |tained a large sum of money. While dealers in medicine or will be sent | the case of McVety vs. Dunn in|the capital charge will be abandon- post paid at 50 cents a box or six which Margaret McVety is suing|ed, the public prosecutor will press boxes for $2.50 by addressing the her half brothers for a portion of |the charge of obtaining the legacy Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- the estate left by her mother. James | by means of fraud. Perey Gon Crus. --The| : " Bowmanville, July 11.-- Robert |in militiary engineering. S © we! » « Guan Club have completed all ee Do. ames Graham 3 YBelleville and| The Black Watch did not wear fly preparations In order but such is not the ease. 1 would Jims R. Fincle of Colborne pro- |the kilt in Ashanti (1874). that Rhe pantiituents of the advise the farmers and others| Pose to start an evaporator here for| In Europe, 2,537,000 people live h 3 I ED of Canada to go largely into horse | Preparing ¥arious kinds of vegetable | in countries not their own. Edbod account of elf, ave [TaSRE. Itisa sure, money maker fradugs an the flaw s grant The first military balloon ever BM be armed with the most | for not only will millions of army Rah , 3 i as 2 Roan 1c = used by the British was hired. fitary rifles--in fact the | hoses be required, but the opening| cludes Lie Must fa° and GOURCS | 5 geld battery in line has nearly military route for Port |and development of South Africa | 00 the corner of Queen and Divisi- a hundred yards frontage PRactice will hence in the Phillipwees, and of Cuba, will | on Streets, Was catvried, 442 lar and 0 8 y rsons in Gers when sh hooting of | Tequite an untold number of these|33 against.- The other by-law is to yer 5,000,000 : parson HjyS when sharp shooting olf 0 animals. . assist Christian Rehder to establish | many are insured against illness. diary magnitude may be ex- |" Mr. King extends a hearty invita- | the Bowmanville Foundry Company About 1,500,000 persons are em- ; | tation to the ladies to attend his Limited, to erect new buildings for ployed in the coal mines of the Mr. McColl has been three years on this station and the longer he has remained amongst us the more highly he has been appreciated as an intelligent, active citizen, an obliging neighbor and a faithful, | consistent, exemplary minister of the gospel. Aud while he has re. |* mained amongst us the full extent of the time prescribed by the church (three years) it appears too short and all regret his early departure. He leaves this esteemed and res- pected by all who know him and - ville, Ont. Dunn. jr., was killed by lightning,| "At the time of Vogol's arrest it To; J yr -- t J 1d. and his father Jas. Dunn, married | was asserted that he was an ac- his only give Siietanne the feelings ; 3 * | calle and witness the exhibition of the purpesslef sat ying an # foundry oition fi35. lowered: fatal : his widow, and became stepfather | plished ventriloquist and that while|O! 2% W1o know nim, When we Prince Albert. | lasoowng which will be given by his} and machine S, where the old| f cholera from 10 to 2. pet Satan's Overthrow. to five children. As the result of|supporting the dying Taubin in express the sincere wish that --- { cowboys. foundry formerly stood on Division | cases of choler o o p goodness and mercy may follow him, the estimable partner of his life and their interesting family. Mr. McColl goes to Odessa and the latter union more children were | his arms he uttered the testamen- eee born. Consequently the children tary words himself, deceiving the of James Dunn, sr., arehalf-brothers | witnesses into the belief that Taubin and at the same time uncles to the | was speaking. children of Jas. Dunn, jr., while Rev. Mr. Copeland, of Deseronto, their stepfather is also their grand- Some interesting speculations succeeds him here. father. have been set on foot in England by| Mr, John Patk, manager of th the bill for constructing a one-rail|fine young Clydesdale Stalliof st two or three years he has| Chicago, July 11.--The Supreme electric express. system between |< Erskine Warrior" reports. a.m engaged" in the work of the Lodge of the Knights of Pythias,| Manchester and Liverpool. = By|successtul season and wishes Alliance, and prior to that he was a|now in session in Chicago, investi- | this system it is propcszd to carry | return thanks to his many patrons) leader in the Conference of Believ- | gating the affairs of the Endowment | passengers--in cars slung pannier-| and admirers 'of the noble youn 7 ers held at Niagara-on-the-Lake. | Rank of the order, late last night| wise across the rail--at the speed of | Stallion which he, during the sea: on' Mr. Blackstone is a great student of | accepted the resignation of John H. | one hundred and ten miiles an hour, | has had the privelege of managing politics on the one hand and of|Hissey, ex-President of the Endow | and there are those who prophesy | he wishes also tojstate that on Satu prophecy and theology generally ment Rank, as a member of the|that if the service between Man: | day 20th and Saturday 27th of the on the other, believing that in the | Board of Control. Following this | chester and Liverpool is a succes,| present month "Erskine Warrior" |& prophecies the Bible refers distinct- | the Supreme Lodge adopted a re. |force of circunistances will, sooner | will be at the Sebert House, Port ly to many conditions which exist solution which instructed the |or later, compel the great railway | Perry. Erskine's popularity is sof to-day among : the nations of the|Supreme Chancellor and Board of | companies of the kingdom to erect | great throughout this entire districts earth. He has made the Jewish |Control to prosecute civilly and |similar railways for the carriage ot|that the owner has concluded tof anday next -- Anniversary | < 3 street. The vote was 43a for and cent. of our Sunday School | GF Jones & Co's rest mabing only 10 against the bylaw. o. W. Dewey, of Agnes |rooms will close oa Saturday. @ Loudon. ulv 15. Ged. Baden: ff Methodist Church, one of past season has shown woudexfal July 15 ; N | : A 3 Powell, The Times announces, is| Uxbridge, July 12.--The battle 'he p's most eloquent divines, | rogress in this, department Sud suffering from overwork and fever, |of the Boyne was celebrated here py the pulpit morning apd (M Ee acwus and his medical advisers have order-| to-day in right royal manner. The and Rev. Mr. Copeland of Ggss maker is building up a_splen: | ed him to take complete rest and to or ote Blut fom Orillia, Port y, will in the after L Sig proceed to England. : | Perry, and 'Scugog were in _ hl » Bg a xB. 4 Diseovaries ol sul aS a aa, "77 |evidence in large Fumpers = v excitemen mn discoveries 3 : The incomin trains ring= Colk ad children of the or iron, but are not as important. shave 2 1-This was 2 ing in "great ls from the north | Collection at the close of| The report of the uction of IL k i RY h 3 ne and South. 23 lodges beina repre- ce in aid of the school. | minerals in the Unit States gives | "25% ng the one Chosen BY 11€| ented. After dinner a monster = o g su employees of the McLaughlin Car- : y Tor--Allow me, on be | the following figures :--Coal, 268, riage Company of the town for their | Procession was formed -and the of the Methodist Church Sab. 31343, Short rons Xalua at the anual outing ard picnic at Osha- crowd proceeded to Bigin Park, th {School, Prince Albert, to | Nn 3Ege Fie: re oy 13 wa's popular lake resort, and when Where Snes hes os Fee y turn thanks for the liberal atron- | 333 ; a: 23 pe 6oo.. | Mr. Robert McLaughlin and his Mr. i Hoy i! ehor, av, ; owed on our Annual xewr. | 5 10 Sr FLA vo. sons and daughters and their famil- Mr. Bar er, ev. ie. ens . Rev. Tucsday last, more | coy protec, S0okgens koi 1s made, thie handsome Spread her was fine. and everything -- <0 nobly trod oot in| SISUSRO7: petraleum, $34.246.38e apon thé lawn they were surround. passed off very pleasantly and to One of the most striking figures at the conference of the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Munro Park is Mr. W. E. Blackstone, a Chicago lawyer, who has forsaken the practice of his profession to engage in Gospel work. During At Uxbridge. i ! EL Br : R t r or 400 of their : : : people a subject of special study. |crimnally all persons liable for |express traffic. From the passeng-| have him properly fitted so that he p he wheat fields, forests, water by some 375 or 4 A tisfaction of the committee. - As a speaker Mr. Blackstone |offences' committed against the|ers point of view the prospect is a|may make a mark at a number of large numbers 5 fo honor x powers, coal and iron mines of Car employees and their families and pos i is a long walk, our shoes is earnest and eloquent, in private | Endowment Rank. This vote, was | pleasing one. It is true that the| the leading fall exhibitions. nday School. The Excursion | Zo "0 to oe undations on which | friends, numbering between 2,500| . k 8 ; litt] conversation he is exceedingly in-| passed by a unanimous vote, as did | size of thé one-rail carriages willl 5 i M h a delightful ou 2 had | great industries will be built. and 3.000 people, and presented a will help to ye i re ie structive, holding decided views | another which instructed the Chan-| necessarily be small, but time is of ArLY HARVESTING. -- Mr. John able time and the days) as picturesque illustration of not only | SMoO her--we ha Lang of the first concession of Cartwright 4d cutti ings proved a financial sue-| yoo risten to the Band." | the thrift of this popular line of in- | part of the journey at least.--A. F. ar wrigh y commence: cu ng and being excptionall ell read,|cellor Commander and Board of|m count now-a-days than com- : g excptionally wi d More 2c w-a-cay 'cess. That the public appreciated | dustry but the enviable harmony | CARNEGIE. and as an author he has achieved | Control to proceed with a view to-|fort, and there are a few busy his. f Monday last x --- ' \ success. His work, "Jesus is Com-| wards expulsion against members [travelers who would prefer the eon 3 [AI on »onday wi the t efforts put forth to _ hel London, Joy 15--At 'a meeting | which exists between employers and "BIRTH ing," is now on its 126th edition, | of members of the order in their re-|luxury of a palace car to the speed | . +4 Trop Lr ans Ni an oe al excursion worthy the| + Limerick Corporation recently employees. The programme cOm-| yiNTy_ On Tuesduy, July 9th, at 33 and another work, "Satan, his |spective lodges who might be found |of a less ample coach, which travel- Je 1 Slit hs chich ar or of the LL a he | Councillor Whelan moved that the | prised a list of 28 games and sports, Gwynne avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kingdom, and its Overthrow," has | guilty of violating their obligations |ed no less smoothly and more than His ote ty. AR which the (arg ance patent. 1 he sat | Mayor ot any other official of the |and the successful competitors were Minty, a daughter. excited much comment. In that |in the handling of funds. twice as fast. ocated. the Sunday School is ot] tion who attended sports, |awarded valuable prizes. It was DIED. sbook Mr. Blackstone treats of Satan | After adjournment of the session : GranDp Excursion.--On Wednpes: t to all and worthy of ¢ | regattas or other amusements at ideal weather for the occasion; the | goop--In Reach--lot = 20, con. 9---on as an actual personality, with his |it was said that, if criminal prosecu- Kamloops is to have a public| gay July 31st, the attractive and countenance and support olf, hich an English military band [Take was beautifully calm for boat- July Mu, 1901, Jouph oy Sioa angels and demons, and pictures |tions are instituted, -which now park. 5 popular Excursion per steamer) well wisher of the | was present, did so without the ap- | 0g, and the games an sports, which Hood, (elise; sou of Raul and ox ia his finaloverthrow. When the time | seems to be almost certain, a num-| Woodstock's tax rate will be 22|Crandella from Port Perry to Fene= tion and the future of "S| proval ot the Council. He did not | were hotly contested, provid ily ged. 20 years, for that event arrives, as set forth | ber of medi who were formerly con- | mills. lon Falls and return, under thej® ry. . | see why the Mayor should listen to ed an excellent day's attraction for The deceased by. drowning has Revelations xii, Satan and his|ected with the Endowment Rank| A steel bridge will be erected at auspices of the Port Perry Fire ho D. L. Wituawms, God the King" or other airs the vast throng. The programme cast a gloom of sorrow and created angels, will Mr. Blackstone says, |and whom the supreme Lodge mem: | Kinmount. Brigade, will take place. That day Superintendent. played which would make their commenced at 8.30 and continued a feeling of heartfelt sympathy over be worsted in heaven by Michael, |bers consider responsible for the| Meaford is adding to its granoli- July 31, being Civic Holiday for the| blood boil. The encouragement | till dark. During the day excellent Be lcality=-sortow. for the Prince of Israel, and will be cast |present financial condition will be|thic walks this year. corporation of Port Perry,a large Miscampbell is evi | given to these wilitary bands would music was furnished by the Domin. Be of an active and obliging young k t out with his angels into the earth, | involved. Mitchell's population is 1,954, 2 proportion of the villagers may bel g known and esteem | have the effect of beguiling the |ion Organ & Piano Companys' band man: while yet in the morning of 4 Christ, the head, with the church--| The Supreme Lodge to.day decid- expected to take part in the excur- Marcie as he is § he body -- having at this time ed to raise the insurance rate to the sion. In fact large numbers from Sault Star saysi--| ascended into heaven, for a time | maximum perscribed by the Nation- this section of country may be ex- : ent of Andrew Mis. | he Devil will hold sway upon the |al Fraternal Congress to meet the pected to gladly enbrace so favorabi th rth, Israel are to be gathered |deficieney of $500,000. # A new wing will be added to the|an opportunity of enjoying so desir. ack to Palestine, but as predicted : Brockville General Hospital. able an outing at so reduced rates {3 1 Jeremiah xxxi, 10, the Jews The contingent from Lindsay and {38 other ports along the route will great- [3 decrease of almost 100. Nearly $7,000 license fees was collected in East Simcoe. ] country into the army |from Bowmanville, while in the |& ; " i Bag DS in plein evening the Oshawa orchestra fur- life, and sympathy, for fhe aflicted 4 he brave Boers. The Mayor said |nisbed music for dancing. The parents, Be Do an he would refuse to recogvize the|steamer Argyle ran two trips from 5 rola Aves ang yp : resolution if passed. As John Daly| Toronto to Oshawa on-the-Lake fri Se i Aum > ea faithful energetic | be was a nationalist, butas Mayor | during the day, aad Drought down, he were Baths in the ble: ¥ tative, Mr. | he would not enter inte this cob laste sHowds of isters. | Ik was a S a 0! osite the gth con. of 0 temptible sectarian split. Nine highly creditable and successful Cugog, OPP! 9 Mr. Wolverton, who is preparing : the on the fruits of Ontario for the| Oftheg,132 voters in North Essex t : unorgat ematurely gather there, and 3 ; tested t . 5 i the present Fini of the| Department of Agriculture, reportsi3,452 are of French descent. ly add to the attractions of the day. in gery a voted for the resolution and nine | affairs. Re ns De a Zionist Jews, which is avowedly upon. two Visits to the Pan-Ameri-| Dr, Barr, M.P.P,, laid the corner | See posters later. is | against it, and the Mayor's casting 8 Re I "here was. a. boat ot a religious but a national move- can during this month. New York | stone of a new Methodist church at oe ---- ol shown | vote defeated it. Candidate's Narrow Escape. wi : Mr. Blackstone sees the ful. | State is showing a great number of | Honeywood. ? Law Works Out as a One- Eo. BN, this prophecy. Anti | Varieties otfioe apples, but no state] xn her large furniture factory sided Farce. --W. J. Kester, e says, seize the reins oF Sounay = siowibgs Suet exhibit may be established at Wingham. § illaw agai for the Legisla flast years appes than Ontadio.| | s, uit 'Ste Marie Board of Trade} The sllcged low against p to: n B ies Compa v esterday ata barn | pont Gown he might reserve, ized iasm which the display until apples an Independent candidate aj | keep up Wr rts My 5 ; r | t S : A gh -- in. Mr. VanDeman,. the| MountBaker hotel, Victoria, B.C., Pl fails to expose or preve 0 Ta a heighbor. A resusitated, but © much confusion E | ibly Judas, to be Judge in Horticulture, compliments | will be fitted up as a residence for| .orryption on behalf of the candidate "La . height of 25 feet, and the shoulder, Were Jonge i eg. party TAS although the early Ontario very highly upon the ex- the Duke of York during his visit 10 | Jf the of the old parties. ¥ where the ton pike joins: the pole, that the exac! piace wi She Wen t Nero wonld return | cellent strawberry exhibit on exhibi- the British Columbia capital West Durham is the only con struck Mr. Kester on the head, gown Ye oe hoon ers the. bod Istiand otliers 'have don. ion. Mr. Bunting is putting pp| Hastings County is said to be in| stituency which the election courts | inflicting an ugly scalp wound, and te Ne alte y w 'Napoleon may be the samples of strawberries in formalin | the best financial condition of any | have so far opened in Ontario. The the pike buried itself in the fleshy was Jo ne. souk phic v Tres. ews. 'will "rebuild" order to preserve them for the | county in Ontario. It has also the|inference is that the West Durham ef his leg, just above the knee. d nd was one of the largest and Femple, Satan rest of the season. Horticultural the best system of county roads. | election was corrupt and that all wound in the leg is a very pain- aya a OO prophecy may be societies or individuals wishing to| There are 275 bridges in * the| the other elections were pure. ful one, but Mr. Kester is fortunate as Tocalit Being a' member' of ie oations tore make fruit exhibits under their own | county. At the 'end of June the|truth is that the scientific corrup.} dong | in that the pike did not penetrate|{}* 0%} ue Ee ts : hat the ancient |Dames, and secure a medal and dip-|Jast payment was made of its|tion in the other constituencies was trade through: his skull. © Dr. Armstrong was pre- the tried with the honors and iy be feestal: loma, should at amee, correspond | county "debentures amounting to] concealed by a saw off between ti were making sent and dressed the wounds, snd{ ua Bed I rant . oie sone with Mr. W. H. Bunting, Canadian| $30,700! old parties, 'and that one or tw meet it by Mr. Kester drove home, but he will I rine ee ang : Fruit Court Horticultural Building: irregularities were used to put C. their the house for some imposing sights one could imagine. uw I Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. Red sald 1 De he best, color 10 Thornton out of his seat in West ical | Whitby, July 13.--Miss Barclay, Miss be worn ie night ae | Durham. Bab- | Gilpin'and Miss Drew, driving ina Australia Daye £1 oy Des £7 Jones & Co. have had buggy, were struck by train last annum joan J am SRalice ©! magnificent season in millinery | evening while crossing the railway, | 4° auxiliary fleet: in her waters, Miss James will take her well 'he horse was killed and the b There is a land crab in Cuba that | od holidays after this week. Ifa | The as uggy € ; y J smashed, but the ladies escaped | can rival the ostrich in speed and| of her patrons have special ord CR i much faster than a horse. ~~ +2 | they should rush them in at once. = was on thie brethren cast into the grave the Irelgnd sends anoually Jom «Gong To Dinner.""--The fon ; : he lost his | ob 1ems of JamonEity they said in tons of eggs--somte 640,000, in i d written on a card : 1 -- a amped, effect that t nce is only tem-- cs sound nombers-to Eng Fons: ey the door of : : A large brawes ; be RY : ~ | porary and they hope yet to meet &@ For the next thirt sufficient H i cen a8 | | Night es usually their deceased brother in that Grand. may look for Bar| ins | | ] ade. 3 : HE ior go no: F ; i the knee joint is The ceremony ah he Frave was : .__.. | most impressive, the kindly, loving, miuutes afiee {his accident brotherly feeling was pleasant to op of the b vr Lit | Witness, proving as it did that even rds on" the ne in death the fraternal bonds are Ay the cell 'A | strong and that brotherly love does tt BE not cease with death. While the 7 £% 8 I 2 i fit i i: E - I Eis SR

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