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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1901, p. 3

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Invigo is who ¥ W e for-the most deli » "NATURAL LEAF a GREEN THA 1s free from Any Particle of Coloring Matter; is Dainty and ting; is the only tea that suits fastidious palates and "IT IS ALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT. cate digestions, Cey! "SALADA" * Mixed or uncolored Ceylon Green. 4 SALADA," Toronto. packets only, never ifi bulk. Blacks,| lon Teas are sold in sealed lead Sample on application. Address Gm London, July 15--Lord Kitch- ener is reported to have advised the withdrawal of a large number infan- try regiments from South Africa 'and requests to be supplied instead with a large number of mounted 'men. The idea appears to be con- centrate forces on the Natal rail- way between Durban, Pietermaritz- 'burg, Johannesburg and Pretoria, thus feeding the garrisons in the Transvaal and carrying gold from the mines, by a much shorter route than from Cape Town. In that - -case it would be no longer neces. = entire length of pe to Pre. iprac m an armed police force for the whole country. It 'might be necessary to hold the line .as far as Bloemfontein, but the piece between Bloemfontein and Johannes burg would not have to be held in strength. Such is the plan by which the Government hope to continue the war with some allevia- tion of the present great financial .and military strain, but no definate decision has yet been sriveg at. epee New Orleans, July 14.--Six thou- sand horses and mules purchased by the British agents here are about to be shipped for the British army in South Africa. As yet no move has.been made by the Boer agents ito stop their departure. rst ------------------ A PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & Son.) THURSDAY, Ju . Pall Wheat .... {Spring Wheat. 065 LC] 063 o 6 40 # 045 4 A 028 3 Pe rs--Mummy Phas--Small Buckwheat 045 Beas ......o.0 oo 1% 1 Alsike Clover 500 1 a Red Clover .. 635 7 Grass Seed ... 17 2 Apples--per barrel . 075 Dried Apples . i Potatoes--per bushel 0.20 * "Corn--selling . 045 ? Shespsking 025 Wool 'Hides S885 555858888855 9585888588888 58°F VOTERS' LIST, "1801. Municipality of the Township of Scugog, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatI \ transmitted or delivered to the Per- 'sons mentioned in sections'8 and 9 of the Qatario Voters' List Act, the copies requir- wd by-said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality bo be entitled do vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members «of the Legislative Asecuibly and at Munici- pal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Sougog, on the 17th day of July, 1901, aud »emains there for inspection. Electors are called npon to examine the said list and if any ommissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, JOHN FOY, Clerk of Scugog, Dated, Scugog, July 17, 1961. T0 SCHOOL TRUSTEES. HE SCHOOL TRUSTEES ef the are hereby notifie to have their School Assessment placed on the Collector's Roll for the pre- sent year must be made the Clerk not later than the FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST now next. WM. LUCAS. Township Clerk, Clerk's Office, July 13, 1901. zie Livery Barn and Apply to. 3 : T. J. ASH. Port Perry, July 10, 1901. EACHER Wanted for § EL Section No. 17, Reach an HN H. s JASON STONE. CHARLES X N. SCHOOL TRUSTEES, oh are hereby notified that lications to have their ER 2LELEERBRESREASSIRERE Township of Cartwright d that their applications promises ort Perry. livery] terms to geod ~ School Teacher Wanted. rave Schoo 2 Mariposa. GAR poroelly and at once to the un- ei * London, July 15.-- The Cape Town correspondent of The Daily | Mail states that the mail papers dated London, Junefist, contained a tremendous surprise for the people of Cape Town. They learned for the first time that a big battle took place at Vlakfontein at the end of May, and that the British casual- ties numbered no fewer than 174. Many times--hundreds of times in fact--says the correspondent, the people of this country have learned their news ot big happenings at the theatre of war from English sources but that so big an event as this should have bappepel and have it! official information. Matters were bad enough under Lord Roberts' rule, but since the new order began they are much worse. The regula- tions issued to the censors have been strengthened to an almost ridiculous degreee. The rural death rate of England is 16 in every 1000; in towns it is 18. The G.P.O. pays £1,256.000 a year for the carriage of English mails. CANADIAN DACIFIC RY. | 20,000 Harvesters Ganadian Wanted North-West | FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS | Will be Run ~T0-- FOR In Manitoba and WINNIPEG And a]l statins North: west, West and South: west Lo YORKTON MOOSEJAW ESTEVAN From stations in Ontario West of Toronto. South of Main Line to Sarnia, On complying with conditions, of certifi- cates which will be given purchascrs of one- 6 W sun CHEAPER, CHEAPEST! papering your home. to produce colors suitable fo dividual taste. tion. A PERFECT BEAUTY. The new wall papers are making buyers happy. The variety of the figures and the excelence of the colors used will iusure the very best results in the way of] The designer has been careful We are sure you will be abundant] pleased with the designs, and only want your insp 3 ¢ ve just réceived & Car of Ulriches' Inspected Seed Corn. thern Sweet Ensilage and Impreved Early Leaming which will Be sold at Reasonable Prices. ot, Mangel, Sugar Beet Mangel a Specialty. {Garden Seeds of all kinds in packet or in bulk. ERIES AND PROVISIONS FRESH AND RELIABLE made Clothing DE | be in the New Styles. Fit Guaranteed. r any room or for the i ER Le Trade is booming, and no wonder when you buy brand New Furniture at Cost Prices. Bedroom Suits, were $12 for $9.65. Oak Sideboards, were $17 for $11. Iron Bedsteads, were $4.50 for $3.40. Fancy Flower Tables at 65c¢, 55¢, 50¢c, 40¢, 35¢, 30¢, 25¢. Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, spring seat, spring edges, Silk banded--was $45 for $3 Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, was $55 for $42. Everything else in proportion during our Sacrifice Sale. JESSOP FURNITURE (0. Taving had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- i ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug 'Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my .new 'and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy "Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. A. J. DAVIS. Port Perry, Sept.2, 1900. 1.50, W. J. NOTT, Manager: way $10 tickets. passengers will be returned 10 arding poink by sane route on or before Nov. 10uh, 1901, on payment of of §18. te A---------------- Apply for pamphlet givinp full particulars to your nearest Agent or to A. HW. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. Boys - The Great Illustrated Weekly Paper of Canada is. ., TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT and you and other enterprising people may positively EARN MONEY handling it. Over 6oo boys and agents at work. The terms are very favorable and the paper is popular. Just now running a series of articles on Egypt, Palentine and Italy, and readers are greatly interested. If you wish to Make Money in this respectable way write for our pamphlet telling all about it. Ad- dress-- Circuration Dept, Toronto SATURDAY NIGHT, ToronTO, Cheapside TOP ROUND OF THE LADDER. Have you seen our "Top Round" Boots for Ladies, in Finest Brack Kips. Our Gentlemen's "Top Round n : | Chocola part of Canada. ~~ EZ" Just See Them, EZr Examine Them, EZ Try Them and EZ" Buy Them EZ They Are No, 1. Also our Immense Stock of ALL KINDS of Boots and Shoes for Spring and Summer Wear. Orly 0n0 P THEN FOR GROGERIES Try our new, uncolored Ceylon Tea at 25c, cheap at 3oc. Qur Japans and Ceylon Blacks at same prices. And now for Granulated See our...... | Extra Gilt Dinner Sets at $10.00 they would be cheap at $12, and they are going off like hot cakes. 1. C. FORMAN & SON. f ir Straw Sailors At25cts. Misses L. &d. Stouffer. Grand Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. Binder Twine SEASON 1901. 802 am 11.45 a.m. 1.20 pm. 5:40 p.m. 7.30 p.m. Fame Only at fo per bin ovo grain bags, bound with two ra Ing 60 Ibe. 6ach, length over 500. foot Address Prison, Toronto. address NoxoN, Inspector, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, ' J. R. STRATTON, Toronto, June 8th, 1901. STEAMER CRANDELLA. 1 I 1 3 wien 6--Prince Albert 8. 8. to to Washburn Island. 1---Firemen, Pert Perry. to Fenelon Falls, CAPT. GEO. CRANDELL, ProPrIETOR. hold their shape. They fai Prices Oourted W No. 5. Seugon. person ith st Le Jair : ' [me Corin fh Sod Boi" Si sls. Ou: Colla BONGARD a | 8oogog, June CRSON: Seairsian, Chnnecie. eT iy po) hy Hotel Property at Epsol " FARMERS" SPECIAL" binder twine supplied bushel, cotton, 160s aiers uni per poun ity and length guaran! Cash with ST rn Fay, FAruateed, with adem, pn: orders J. T. GILMOUR, Warden Central JAMES Provincial Secretary Fenelon Falls to Lindsay. Me hoding 3. B., Port Perry, to'Sturgeon Point. 3 of to Washburn Island. School Teacher Wanted ANTED a Teacher for School Seation "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS SG increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and ~~ opened out an Extensive Stock of AND DY-MADE CLOTHING Turtshings and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in rict. West End @ Grocery & Provision Emporium, Flour--No. 1 (warranted) $1.90 per bag. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rolled Oats, Graham Flour, Rolled Wheat, Rolled Peas, Swiss Food, Flaked Rice, Flaked Barley Quaker Oats. AT LOWEST PRICES. STOCK OF GROCERIES Choice, Fresh, and Cheap. e the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- fail to ploase. and see us in our enlarged quarters. tomers in every particulr, A. F. CARNEGIE My aim shall be to please Canned Peas THREE = -- Canned Tomatoes CANS Canned Corn 25 CTS|q Dried Peaches, Prunes, Figs, Dates, &c., &c. EZ"C FCcCKERY AT Cost ©3 FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS IN ENDLESS VARIETY-- FRESH AND PURE. PATENT MEDICINES The BEST and CHEAPEST Stock in the County, KS" Wanted--Butter and Eggs for which the highest Cash price will be paid. W. TUMMONDS, e handling the most superior line of Vheels in Canada ect Model 40 - $60 50 fect Model 30 - minion 40 pspective purchasers are cordially invited pect our stock. p* General repairing attended to. Lawn 'repaired as they should be. & GOODWIN. ee fIOVAL zoosoe HE undersigned offers for sale Rent the Whitney Hotel Esta Epsom. The buildings are in first-class repair and thero are two acres of f Orchard. Ii di 7 i For further particulars apply to ! NORMAN STUART, Jan, 14, 1901. Epso xtensive premises jot vacated by Mr. B. F. AcxErmaN, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our enstomers and the public with everything in the "VW ARTED -- TRUSTWORTHY A active gentlemen or ladies to tra for responsible, established house in On Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Posi steady. Reference. Encloseself-add stamped envelope. The Dominion any, Dept. Y Chicago. 'WHICH FOR KE. "A look in" then a "try o and the result will be that yo walk out well pleased with one these Crown brand Derbies at --A. F. CARNEGIE, . teil i IT MATTERS NoT 3 whether you are tall or sho slim or stout, it will pay. to see those wonderful Suits for men Jones & Co's. ; KZ" They fit. They wea d in the County, Bells, Trunks =| Gris d our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the rness Line ng Ww 4 ry st LF MD-SUMMER Furniture S 1 Control my business in my own name--neither am I asséciated with any trust or Combine. In my Undeftaking Department every branch is complete--such as Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. Havitig purchased my Funeral Goods before the adyance in price I am prepared to give my customers thi benefit. I furnish one of the best Hearses in the County. Prices low as any. My motto is--fair dealing to all. Wood takeh in exchange. No Fake by advertising : "Ging Up Business I" K=" 1 am AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. JOHN INOTT, Warerooms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. v John A. Rodman HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE ) (8 [ ~ A A) 4 . A " A i g. Glazing Peper Hanging, Kalgomining and Sign Writing Executed in first class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build- ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention. Paper Hanging and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and shades. I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF CANADIAN AND AMERICAN Wall Paper ever shown in Port Perry, comprising all the leading New York styles and colorings, such as the New Tapestrys, Colonials. Moorish, Silk Damask, Pressed Damark, Brocades, Fabric Effects; Varnished Tiles, Stained Grounds, Plain Flock; Lincrusta Waltons, and Ingrains. A variety of over 1500 Patterns from the Cheapest 2c Papers up: All of which are 1gor Patterns, and no back numbers, Parties requiring Wall Paper this season could not spend a few leisure moments to better advantage than to look through my Sample Books at your own homes, and match the papers with particular room and its surroundings. @rainin v In future I shall be located one door north of Mr. Widden's Grocery. Diesfeld's x DIAMOND HALL: # 'We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Great VarieTy VERY CHEAP. Crocks IN Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, T Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EF Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOs CHEAP. "€J ®&" Repairing as usual, DIESFELD"S Port Perry, Nov, 30, 1808, Carnegie's. ROLLER MILLS IN FULL BLAST ! LVL LLY DLA AN OVAVAN The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincer thanks for the large measurs of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mod approved and most modern machinery theluding the ROLLER PROCESS @& for the masufacturs of Flour, and is prepared to do. ng and Choppin Euxpeditiously and in a manner thai cannot fail to give sutisfaction to my customers TRADE | THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber; Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Nenel Posts £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY: All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice JAMES CARNEGIE Nv Supplied with Flour of the FINEST BRANDZ ) RS Port Perry, Oot. 1, 1891. <i OO WAIST STAT EN ALTA ¥a0() YEARLY to Christian mand, Lor woman to look after ou gcowing business in this and adjoining Counties; to act as Manager and | % ndent ; work cn be done at yourh' ome. Enclose welf-adiresmed envelo Jor particulars to H. A. Sher- anager, Corcoran Bul Pasturage: A)

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