-- For Over Fifty Years MRA, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 'hus bien used by milllons of mothdrs for their children while Loething. If Qistirbedl at night and broken of your rest by & sick €hilil suffering and orylag with pain of Cutting Pecth, send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winidow's Svothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It ill Felis the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend tipo it, mothers, there Is no mistake sbout It. Tt cures | Dinrthoss, Regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Cures | for MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. the floor above, a long drawn wall that geemed to have originated in a grave: yard, It was only a whistle of my in- vention, worked by a valve and & | | spring, but up went the hair of the | three doubting Thomases, The wail was followed by spirit rappings on the wall, and &s a finisher there was a | soft, sad music from ghostly lips. The Some sweet hope to fladness wed That will ig afresh and new en grier't winter shall have fled, Giving place to rain and dew-- sweet hope that breathes of spring Throbgh the weary, weary time, Budding for its blossoming In the spirits' glorious clime. | I So in hours of deepest gloom, Wind Colie, Softens the Gums, Reduges Inflammation, | When the springs ot gludness fail and gives Lone and evergy {0 the whole system. "Mrs. 'And the foses In bloom Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Tecthing Is Droop like maldend wan and pale; pleasant 10 the taste and is the prescription of one of the © Wp shall find some hope that 4 oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the Like a sftent gem apart, : United States. Price tweity-ive cents & bottle. Sold Biden fir from careless eyes by all druggists throughout the world. Besure and ask | TERMS. | ADVERTIS out 'North Ontario Observer, 'A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper FORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING | 18 PUBLISHED AT ONT. BY H. PARSONS wil bo charged than six $1 por annoim, if paid in advance ; if not $1.50 it. No subwoription taken for less months; and no paper discontin funtil arrears are paid up. ERS containing money, when nddressed to this | = Otic, propaid and registered will be at our risk. | { | ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nonpariol, py. charged according Lo the space they oon EMENTS received for specific instructions, will forbid and charged iblication, be inserted acoordingly. No adve ment will be taken out until paid for. LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or half yesr. Hunt Your Wheel Up; fo It undoubtedly heeds a tho cleaning and perhaps some re, before you can ride it. If so Ma Goodwin would like to give you estimate of what is will © You will find them very reasonab in their charges. With their complete repair shop and b expert workmen they turn out first class work withguaranty'back; 1 Let them call for your mous ast or take it to their place of busi | Blong Block. with until | oe ing 75 acres, being known |the Foy Farm, the South half of I "FARM FR SALE WB Bunday-- Mating, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunda HAT Valuable Farm compris CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, Some Homemade Spooks. EREREX BY... M. QUAD. copyriGiT, 1901, BY C. B, LEWIS. EEE ER ER ER EX into the g g CRIDCITRH TD 0 - was putting electric wires "his library, poured me out a glass of swine and then had a story to relate. | From his statements it appeared that { his mother, who was an old lady of 75, bad long been a member of a certain charitable organization, and certain members of it had secured an undue {nfiuence over her. She was being per- guaded to buy and deed the soclety a certain house and lot valued at about £3.000, aud the son's arguments and protestations had brought about strain. ed relations. The long and short of it was, 1 think, that the son did not want the money to go out of the family, and Lie had set his wits to work to invent gome scheme to defeat the old lady's jntentions. Ile had got the scheme and now desired my assistance to carry It ont. The house stood alone on a large plot of ground and had not been ten- { auted for several years. The mother | 0 sas a superstitious woman, who was 7 guided by dreams and omens and bad once seen a ghost, and the son proposed | to knock ber project in the bead by | producing a haunted house. He want- | ed ghosts and goblins made to order, and he belleved 1 w the man to put the job through suc sully. He was willing to pay a good price for a good thing. and after two or three meetings we came to a satisfactory un- derstanding. It was a two story brick house, with a cellar and an attic, and the grounds were surrounded by a stone wall. There were three or four old trees, limbs touching with and doors and windows were in a dllap- jdated state. 1 found the cellar divided by four partition walls, and the rooms were gloomy enopgh to look at. 1t was an ideal place for spooks. Down in one corner of the yard was a toolhouse, with a door in the wall opening upon a com- mon, and after spending a couple of tours about the place 1 reported to Mr, Kodriss that I could give him the _ fmuntedest haunted house ever known in England. That door opening on the commons and the high wall around the grounds gave me an opportunity to come and go and do my work without much risk of observation. The toolhouse had a garret to It, svhich was dark and damp, and en- trance to it was effected by a trapdoor and a ladder, and 1 took this attle for my headquarters. Thither 1 carried my electric batteries and other para. phernalia, and for a week I was busy running wires and locating spooks. [t tested my Ingenuity to run wires along the walls and up and down the trunks of trees and Into the house in such & manner that they should be safe from gll other eyes, but I carried this mat- ter out very successfully. 1 had to rip up the flooring and get into the parti tions bere and there, but my tools left no trace behind. I do pot know how Mr. Endriss worked it, but one day It was whis- pered about that the old Duff house was haunted. A tramp told a story of being driven out by strange noises, and in 24 hours it was all over the neigh borbood. A newspaper had something to say about it in a day or two, and be- fore the week was out two grocers clerks had decided to pass the night in the haunted house. 1 was kept posted and was on hand at a proper hour, The young fellows took up their station In the parlor, baving candles, cards, drink and a good deal of cour age, but they didn't remain all night. # Loder the floors of the upper and low- er balls 1 bad placed two flat pleces of svood In such a way that they would strike together when the electric but ton was pressed. As those spook de fiers sat smoking and bluffing they heard the sound of footsteps in the up per ball. They bad to fmagine that the footsteps descended the stairs, but they kindly did so. Then they caught then In the lower hall and imggined "that an invisible being passed the open parlor door, and the way those chaps that bouse and over the wall 9 y created steps to solve the mys #Fhree nights after the young "men ) d two : in the A search was first of the premises, and then the at down to wait for spooks. In the spooks came. There was wind outside, but shortly before there was a gusty wall from TTY & Bowncarp's hand-made There is ven out the owner n took up thelr quart is made to wear. to noticeably higher. oop PasTuraGE.--It will be Mr. Jonathan Blong's adver- repared to is ranch is ly located, being just that he is d ture, | | the svalls, and the roof was out of repair, ual it. Discountsany Re ynrams. and the price police only waited long enough for the | rugs worms will in all cases be striotly. adhered to owner to suggest that he owas sleepy and wanted to ge home and go to bed, and then the trio made a bolt for the street. The next day all London was talking about the Duff house, and peo- |p ple came in such crowds and stood { around so obstinately that it took two- { score policemen to keep the street open. | Phat tas the send off for the haunt ed house. Tha owner was literally overwhelmed with letters anc inter viewers. month 5,00 v eons te b £0 the hosts. no n Joo {rom a8" many more people to pass a night in the house afd solve the mystery. was sharp enough to turn all this to ! mccount. When he found that sight- | - - peers were coming from all parts of | London--aye, from towns 00 miles | away--to get 8 look at the house, he threw It open by day and charged a y 1¥ He | printed can have them printed to take | Lovdon, JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Postors, is rogrmis; Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check ce Letter Hoads, Wedding Invitations, No. 5, in the 5th concession of the Township of Mariposa, Terms $500 cash--balance to be. secured by mortgage bearing 5 per offered for sale by private tender, nt. per annum. For furthér particulars apply lank Forms, Receipt Books, Business Oard F M YARNOL D Solicitor Books, Clreulsrs, Assembly Cards, Perry orto Gr mint Visiting Cards; &6 JOHN A McGILLIVRAY RA A a 4 The Te e Building Jah. may ves RE , : ...Parties from a distance gelting hand bills, &c ome with them. H, PARSONS. 4 WANTED. FOR "STORY OF £OUTH CA" by John Clark Ridpath, LLD., Edward Cooper, Editor of the ears' travel'ing in A Sanadien Publishers who have ghilling admission and fairly coined | seh Ah a or nineteen, years, giving us an {nimense . : adv n procuring photographsand material. Our | money. Every night for six weeks | a letterpress und engravings are OE DOnO -- > parties of from two to ten paid money | Canadian Contlugents better illustrated than in any is or sure are we of this that will mail free for the privilege of hearing the SpOOkS. | for comparison our prospectus to anyone possamsing a | In one instance two young bloods pa £15 aplece to have the housg to them- selves for three hours, and 1 gave them their mopey's worth. In another instance a party of 25 was made up at £2 per head, and I routed the whole gang with two long drawn moans as 1 exhausted the air in an iron cylinder placed in one of the partitions, Na one left that haunted house disap- pointed. They got ghostly footsteps and sighs and walls and soft, sad mu- gle till they cared for no more, Sev- eral persons were frightened Into fits and several more Injured In the wild scramble for safety. The lord mayor of Londop wasn't in it compared with the Duff bouse, Mr. Endriss' mother weakened early in the game. She didn't propose to buy haunted houses for anybody, and in this case she felt that murder must have been committed and she might in some way be held as accessory after thé fact. In fact, she went right back | on her society and turned the money over to her son, and then we had no further use for the house, I was run- ning it as a sort of show, however, be- ing willing to help the owner out, when it took fire and burned to the ground, and the mystery died out in a day. Confucius Selects a Son-in law. Confucius was one of the most hu- man of sages, a sort of wiser, better Solomon, who, though he spoke more than "8,000 proverbs," found time to edit, If he did not compose, a great many charming canticles. As 8 musl- clan he must have enjoyed their harmo- nies of rhyme and rhythm, attractions which those ancient poems have entire- ly lost through changes which the lan- guage has undergone in the lapse of ages. Here Is a fragment that Las a history: A speck upon your ivory fan You soon may wipe away, But stains upon the heart or tongue Remain, alas, for aye. Hearing a young man repeat these lines from time to time, Confucius chose him for a sou-in-law. He show- od enough affection for his daughter to gelect an honest man for her husband. yet he admitted into his collection with- out note or comment a ballad which has done much to perpetuate among his people a barbarous contempt for wo- men: When & son is born--fn & lordly bed, Wrap him in raiment of purple and red; Jewels and gold for playthings bring Yor the noble boy who shall serve the king. When a girl 1s born--in coarse cloth wound, With a tile for & toy, let her lie on the gfound. In 'her bread and her beer be her praise or her blame And let her not sully her parents' good name. --North American Review. -------------- He Worked the Ditto. Tommy was much interested in hear- ing for the first time in hig language lesson the other day abotit a pair of little dots that the teacher sald meant "ditto." How bis soul, a curious mix- ture of laziness and thrift, thrilled at learning that if he were to write "a cat" or "five boys" or "$10" on one line and wanted to repeat the same words or figures on the next line all be bad to do, Instead of writing the words in full, was to put the ditto marks, and everybody would know it was "a cat" or "five boys" or "$10," as the case might be, that was meant. Some time after this Tommy, while away on a visit, bad occasion to write howe. He simplified the hated task by turning his latest knowledge to account. The letter looked like a literary polka iy would send me some money. "Your aflectionate son, Tow." --New York Sun. ---------- Finger Nails. Very pale nails indicate much infirns- ity of the flesh and liability to persecu- tions by neighbors and friends; pails growing into the flesh at the points or sides are indicative of A a white marks on tbe nalls . mis- fortune; pale or lead colored nalls be- token melancholy; broad nails belong to those of gentle, timid, bashful ps- tures; lovers of knowledge and liberal sentiments have round nails; people with narrow nafls are ambitious and ; small nails belong to save red and spotted pails. §&F When you put your foot inte a Carnegie shoe, Fa 'are ended --A. F. CARNEGIE. HE is} Ler Mav & GOODWIN Rail-{ Taxe Your rival Se tus. nd id | World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. your shoe troubles}, irculars and terns free Apply { LE the purchase of all or any of the ingto Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale, Sealed Tenders. {EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for arcels-- Farm Properties --belong | J. A. McGIELIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto or JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. | Nov. 30, 1899 MONEY TO LOAN. s REV: G. H. COPELAND, bi Sabah Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week 5 . Service, Thursday 7.30. Joome and conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, (PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week E Service, Thursday 7.30. BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. MFARLAN B, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10.50 7.00. 'Week Evening Service, Th 7.30. REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A, Incumbent. Bchool, 2.30 p.m. Wednesday--Evensong, 7.30 p.m. R. 0. CHURCH. REV. A. OMALLEY. Third Bunday at 10.30 a, m, OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1901." WHITBY -- Clerk, D. O. Macdonell, Whitby--Jsnn- ary 8, Februnry 4, March 4, April 3, May 6, June3, Jug. Sevtenitet by Ootobar 3, November 4, Dec- el 18%0 (11 AN--Clerk ak 'ember. 3 PORT PERRY--Olerk, J W. Burnham, Port Perry EE SE iE NERV We treat and cure SIONS, SYPHILIS, GLEET, STR BLADDER DISEASES, and men All TT Rone et Free sealed. No medicine sent confidential. Question rrr ET ever contracted Blood Disease : Bag been eradicated a the system. 112498 you ; hopes no 'will follow. throat, ulcers tchinese the skin, sores or on y, ey ; an smal; of the blotches o! the bod: es red and i stomach, ual weakness--indications of the iy your system with the old 8 thi a ramon: my on r ache sxpezimiont on ie Our NEW re ur teed to the disease 11 mever return. 8 cared by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 20 y the disease. No Sxperimanty no risk--not a "patch np," bt a BW MET! TREATMENT will Jomaud ao brain FMA a a lood become stro! clear, energy. rated; all drains ns me natural and manly. cannot bea failure. We inviteall t (ol Shares. Dont Jet Suck S10, pin Foo ou NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEXUAL WEAKNESS, J CTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDN. all diseases peculiar to men and women. Cures otirself a man afl 0 consult us cont of your hard Are youa victim? Have you lost hope? Are conte: a 7? Has your blood been d MAA Jos ness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. he Golden Monitor" [illustrated] on Dises: ages of Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and C. 0. D. No names envelopes. E list and Cost of Treatmen , tor Home Cure. on boxes or i, FREE, HloD HOD teen are backed of patientg ous DEBILITY make a map purified so that 3 the a e r the an sical and sex- 'waste the system. EMIS. EY and guaran. yo. write for an honest opinion Free of Ch Diseases of Gleet.! : : 4 returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended tome for over 36 years, I would respectful] intimate that( am, as usual, now ready for Lusinoss, and have oa - 3d Large & Assorted Stock. OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS = which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducenient to CAsH purchasers 4 Doenuad of 10 por ode will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan, lst next. All work 'ND: given Hy med, © --Januory 15, March 7, May 13, July$, Septemb 13, November 11. TY Sirs, Semmes 4 UXBRIDGR- Olerk, Jos. BE. Gould, Uxbridge-- January 16, Mirch 20, May 27, 'July 11, Septombe. 18, November 19. 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington-- January 17, March 21, May 28, July 10, September 19, November 20. 5, BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton Juuary 18, March 22, May 2, September 20, Nov- ember 21. 7. UPTERGROVE--Olerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove «March 23, Muy 30, September 21, November By order, J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Pesce. Dated at Whithy, Oct. 23nd, 1900. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THE OOUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement o We have add from rive Jotietor Invertment an another Auction Sale Season to re + | mortgage w PERL CENT. and those who wish to it ont A renew old' MoT bay mor Tay | OER thanks to his numerous patrons fen {7 | obtain money from us without ar 1 very | past favors. In"requesting their esteemed Le | moved farms nino there who who want to buy in | und continued patronige he desires fe -- * Pr es for the same. If you have farms or other pro- | State that ne effort or pains will be spared perties for commercial, mechanical, or business of | on fis part to make all sale entrusted to any kind, ploase send us price and description of same . : % ¥ Insurance effected, and a general financial him successes. His very extengive practice Central Livery PORT PERRY. | | EARTILY thanking the public for the iberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY to my former place of business Water Street: which Tam abont to largely extend in-|n rease facilities so that the public may be setter accommodated with safe and desir- able m Ti RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES |" R. VANSIOKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1000. Change of Base. [LV EAE \ THILE returning sincere thanks for the liberal patrona retofore ex- ended to them, the undersigned would beg | to aupounce that they have ' MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK on qu MemsER of Cong rapidly. ence and agents, Fire and Li and brokerage business transacted JUND & CO. 28 Victoria Street, TORONTO The Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grosvenor, £8s FOR NEARLY 20 YEAR: Contains twenty four large Photo-gravure Etching: rr 1 I V KE R Y | from the paintings indorsed by the families and nets 4d Jiv lL relatives of the Presidents: Printed on heavy plak ok ; r embossed. title page de hes printed i greatest worl A very In y Biographi ypen type in two colors 20th Century. So beautifulghat when President w it be subseribed imwedintely. Onc 300 copies in a small territory in Pe 'million copies will be sold quirk. For ing sylvania. A tunes will be made this Inaugural year. Iligh elas © n make s Territory is goin and night to fi wn or woman of good s ttle fortune in this territory. Presses running day rders. Wanted State Manager to look after correspond Addross to-day THE CONTINENTAL CorcoRAN BUILDING + Washington, Bb. * REMOVAL INDINGmy Liveryac com m dation on Perry St. curtailed, i1 yeing far too small to meet the re uirements of my rapidly increasing yusiness I have leased for a term © rs and taken possession of thi -ommodious Livery Offices ant Stables vhere they will be in a better position than | entrance adjoining the Canadia ,eretofere to meet the requirements of Bark of Commerce property----=whett I will constantly kéep for hire % complete variety of reliable' rigs: a Constant. at heir numerous patrons and they respect ally solinit-the patronage of all Mr. Hay- raft's former customers, Presh and Cured Meats Jf the best quality will always be found at heir Store, Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season, 3econd door East of Mr, Pardy's Grocery 8. I. CAWKER & SON 'ort Porry, May 21, 1900, CREST TE JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, he GEO. GARDNER ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, that \fter four years experience in prosecutin Jig business in some of the largest cities of the United States, he is better repared than ever to executo any of the Fotlowing branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering, Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure 'any weather. Concrete Cisterns without any weod in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and btain prices, All material required in my fine will be kept constantly on band, and for sale after the first of next April, 3 GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. NTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC active gentlemen or ladies to tarvel sble, ostablished house in Ontario en % nell | The ' Dominion - 0 & Jor res Month ady. as our ! d ness Hodis Alc Ny EE ue Taira . Enclose addressed s! 4 onvelope, bert E. Hee 3 "any of the i Y Pave, tion} moderate Charges. tendance night and day, so partie may rely on having their require ments met at all times. x Patotnage respectfully solicited. Conveyance to all trains. - Wu. JAMISON. Port Perry Sept 26, 1900. I= 2 $900 YEARLY to Christian man or woman to Jookafter our grow- ing business in thisand adjoining Countis to act as Manager and on can be done at your home. Enclose self addressed, staniped envelope for particu to A.M : Corcoran The Light of the Wor Our Saviour In Art cost pearly £100,000 to publis. Nearly 100 supe engravings of Christ and his wother by the gres Rie sel fll orders. 12 carl of paper for last editio Mrs. Waite, in Massachusetts has sold over £,0 worth of books.-- First experience. Mrs. Sackett New York has sold over £2,000 worth of books. First experience. Mr. Holwell took 14 orders tl first two days. Mrs. Lemwell took 81 orders first woek. Christian man or woman can make §1, i in this county quick. Territory is going repid] Write quick for terms. Wa .--State Manager to have charge of col pondence and all the agents. Address THE BRITISH ~ CoROOR. dh an E32. No matter how low we quo depend upon it that you will get th greatest intrinsic value that is p sible for you to receive.-- Diesfelds IMPORTANT TO FARMERS,--It Ww een Street Correspondent ; 2 Removal ¥ take this opportunity of thanking his pu- the liber | patronage received: sivot opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public from he Market building to the The undersigned would merous customers for that he has moved his business Store First doorEast of the Post Office where hit will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that Having new and increased fucilities for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that he cau give Letter satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to ae ify this state he solicits ull to give bim a call in his new cannot fail to please customers, premises. wa. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. Everthing © ss kep constantly on haud and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. House and Lot for Sale or to Rent. HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port Perry, for Sale or to Rent. The house contains five rooms. The lot contains ye acre on which there are a barn, a good Orchard and a'well. Immediate possession. Also for Sale'a General-Purpose Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be old cheap or will exchange for other live stock. Apply at the Office of this paper. Port Perry, April 5, 1809, Agricultural Machimes ---- AND in the past should be a sufficient recom mendution to his ability. All Sale given iuto his charge will be attended te with promptocss und dispatch. Sale list made out a d blank notes supplied free yn application. Parties wishing to engage hig service: may consult hie SALE REGISTER either af he Observer or Standard Offizes, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, ant make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. As usual, a choice lot of Plymouth Rocl Of both sexes for sale. Prices reasonable GEO. KSON, Sept. 6, 1509. Seugog P.G PAINTING Kalsomining; &c ndersigned would take this oppor | " tonity of thanking his fumerous pat ons for their liberal and still increasing satronage during the time he has carried ou the business of PAINTING and wonld state that he ir ed than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may ely or having it neatly and promptly exe ated, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when eon acting. A continuance of public patronage sol cited, n Port Per better pre WM. TREMEER, Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1893, 50 YEARS® EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DesiGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably ntable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. 'Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency fOr secur; nts. Patents take: Wf recelve n h Munn & special notice, without charge, in the (| Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eir- culation of an: Torme. 33 a " a newsd: year ; four aX seleaus ERP 361Broacway, [| York W§Loc ¥ By Washgion: PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting book: i * and " How you are swindle rough sketch or model of pout in- mprovement and we willtell nm as to her it is hari, catiofs have often re, :--Patent business of Manufac- 2 'Engineers. t MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. + [ New York Life Bd'g, i 1 _Atiantic Bidg, Washing IRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY OF SAL®I undersigned offers for sale at a gne bargain his fine rty on Loroe treet, Port Perry, tela commo- Dwelling House, containing six rooms, ; there is a food stone | oundation be seen by Mr. Purdy's new advel tisement that he is receiving st corn by the car load--a car of celebrated Ulriches' inspected corn just to hand: He is prepa d we to supply all with Southern Ensilage al Leaming corn at prices that canng fail Jo pase, Sugar Beet M seed in abundance, &c. (See adve tisement.) Improved Ear} -- In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embarked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than 1 sed in the past; having lately taken poss which will in future be known as the Sesert Housg, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to pone in the provinde. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hol and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the "Sebert House? may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accomniodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and shed aceomniodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler, 1 have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations 1 have provided. L. SEBERT IMPLEMENTS ree A en SUNDERLAND [BE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach- nes and Implements manufactured by the TOR HAMILTON MTR QQ. «OF PETERBORO: Bindors, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow (ang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, T, Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. so the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. figh class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Trivmph Engine. Tam prepared to supply everything the armer requires in way of Machines, Imple- fients, Repairs, &6: a A call solicited, McDonald's Hotel. One door West of R. K Sunderland, April 8, 1893. . BRYANT. 200-0000 OCOU THs id Websites Internationa] 80 writes lion, D. J Justice 1 re "106 Court. Our fee returned if we fail. Any any invention will pr ability of same. secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special no Taz PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by INTER aa one sending sketch and description of omptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- gent upon request. Patents «How to obtain a patent" Manufacturers and Investors. Evans Building, Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) tice, without charge, in| WASHINGTON, D. C. nen Peges L@ Send a Postal for Sp wv Dictionary ty 3 The One Great Sta d Authority, . etc, o Su. "Unabri my : THE BEST FOR EVERYEODY | BECAUSE to find the word wanted. 1 y to ascertai It is easy to trace ti It is easy to learn what a word means. 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