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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1901, p. 4

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rigid rule had imbittered the child's Sedat, 'when Mary Hamerton nce in a few words, On 0 "come over to care for Gilbert Blair and his home. No: the old man was not, as Mary had feared. in failing health. He was feeble, it was true, and kept to his chbalr and his reagling more, but he was not ill. Yes, he was in the sitting room now in the old rocker by the fireplace. The young woman had just fixed the lamp for him, and he had taken up his . book. Would Mary go to him now? No, Mary would walt a little. As she looked about the famillar room memories rushed upon her that | filled her eyes with tears--the gentle | mother who had passed away when she needed a mother most; the aunt whose Tife: the father whose iron will bad | found in ber a will fully as strong and | whose harsh words had driven her from his door and into the great world beyond. Perhaps she had been wrong {to brave him as she did. but her soul "rebelled against the narrow limits of | her life in the dull little hamlet. She wanted knowledge; she wanted soclety. "There had been a wordy strife; and she had gone forth, Later on, when she had established herself in the city by the lake and the cruel days of the early struggle seemed passed, she bad written to him, but be had not answered. She wrote again. Tier letter was returned. He was very hard and very unforgiving. Occasion- ally she beard of him in Indirect ways. Once she met a man from the neigh- borhood, and he told her that her fa- 'ther never spoke of her and never per- mitted her name to be mentioned In bis hearing. And so the years passed, 15 of them, and then a great longing to see ber fa- "ther came to her. It came to ber after the death of her child. And so she was here. Mary put a huge apron over her trav- eling dress and went to work. She not forgotten ber cunning. The "abiding places of the dishes came back 'to her; the recipes of long ago were swiftly recalled. The young woman swatched ber quick movements with fascinated eyes. Mary wanted to pre- pare the evening meal alone, and she bad her way. Presently she glanced a little anx- fously at the clock. Then she smoothed down ber apron and went forward to the sitting room door. The old man did not hear her approach. She looked at him a moment before she spoke. No; he was not greatly changed--grayer and thinner; that was all "Father," she said. He looked around. "Why, it's Mary." he said. "T was asleep. So you have come back?' Mary did not move from the door supper tonight, father?" 'pot wait for him to speak. Very well," gbe said and vanished. as it satisfied with ber reception. © "It Is the right way," she said. looking at her. in a querulous tone. Dinrrhoes, Begulates Wind Colic, Softens the Gum, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone sud energy to the whole system, 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is 'pleasant to the taste and §s the proscription of ono of the oldest and best feinale physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents & bottle. "Sold hy ll druggists throghont the world. Be sure and ask for MBS, WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. rt eaid again, as if he loved the sound of the words. "Yes, father." ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nonparel, and F AR M FOR S | + "I knew you would," cried the old charged according to the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, with ul man, "I knew you would! I told you n, new y ¥ specific instructions, will pe inserted untt | FTMHAT Valuable Farm © | you'd be glad to come Back." x growing chill in the faction. make it, father." widened. Son ave come back, ag T gal re Li x you have come to the husks and the humiliation. Then you thought of the dear old home, the one place where you | and spurred me on. The great city Just dreaming of you. I bad fallen y- "Yes," ghe said, "I have come back." A whimsical smile fluttered across her | gong org" face. "Do you want wheat cakes for Mary smiled. 2 "The same name and the same man, The old man stared a little. Then "he nodded and turned and looked closer | mpg old man started up. fi; 'at his prodigal daughter. But she did | «your husband!" "8 She laughed as she came back to the There was a suspicion of sad- | who may be president!" ss Jn her merriment, but she nodded tion. She turned and saw her samed just now «that you came and sald you had come back" | pe here." The old man clutched the arms of his chair and stared at his child. The geales were dropping from his eyes. The blindness of prejudice was gone. He saw that she was a beautiful wom- an, straight and supple of figure, clear of eye, with dignity and character ex- pressed by every movement. A warm s, 1 have come back" returned she bent again over her "I am glad to come back, father." The old man nodded as if with satis- | A LIBERAL discount alowed to Merchants and other Who avertias by the Your or half year, No. 5, in the 5th concession "It's a bitter world, Mary--a bitter THESE terms will in all ¢ases be strictly, adhered to world for those that disobey and rise against their elders and flaunt their foolish pride." "The world 1s very much what we d your day of pride and folly, and would find a welcome and a shelter, and you have come back. 1 knew it; 1 knew it all these years. I knew the punishment of 'the prodigal would break your baughty spirit. I knew you would come back." His voice had risen as his vehemence increased, but it dropped at the closing words, and he sank back in the chair. Then Mary went around the little ta~ ble and faced her father. "Father," she said, and her voice was clear and calm, "you are quite wrong. Your dream has been a false one. Look at me, my father." And she drew her- self up before him, and his smile faded as he gazed up at her with troubled eyes. "Do I look like the prodigal sup- plicant? Do I look like one whom the world has cast off? No, my father; I am an honest woman and a good wom- an, and there is naught in my-past of which I should be ashamed. It is not the story of a prodigal that I am about to tell you. It is the story of a woman who went out Into the world and fought her way upward and kept herself un- smirched through the struggle. Your dream was all untrue, my father." She paused and leaned her hand upon the table. "When 1 went from you," she resumed, "1 was determined that I would not return until I had shown my independence. You called it a wicked pride, but it was that that kept me up seemed cold and forbidding, but I did not despair. 1 found a place where honest work was honestly rewarded. I was faithful and loyal, and my serv- ices were appreciated. 1 made friends as I rose, one of them a young man in whose ambitious hopes I became deep- ly Interested. Perhaps it seemed fool- ish, but we fancied we could be of greater help to each other If we were married. Now we know that we were right" She pansed again. Your dream was all. aa The old man's smile had quite faded, and there was no tenderness in his volee, "Your pride is still your master," he sald. "But you are a married woman?' "Yes, father." "You have a home?" 4 "Yes; a beautiful home." 3 "Children?" "I had two, but God took one from me. It was that, I think, that turned my thoughts to you. We have a boy, a sturdy fellow of 12. Do you care to know his name? It is Gilbert Blair Hamerton. Some day you shall see bim." The old man winced a little. ton?' "Yes, father; Philip Hamerton." The old man nodded his head. father." "Your son-in-law, father." 'North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Famaly Newspaper before you can rue it, Goodwin would like to gi estimate EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AX 8. anadian of London, Ont, who has returned this week from 12 " vel Vi ars' travel outh Africa for us. We are the only anadian Publis] 0 dl a branch in| South Africa for ninetees advantage in procurin ei I EARTILY thanking the public for the many years I Water Street: which Tam about to largely extend in- | crease facilities so that the public may be | better accommodated with safe and desir- RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES Snr: June 21, 1900. ; 5 4 Change of Bas. "Your husband's pame is Hamer y HILE returning sincere thanks for tended to them, the undersigned would beg «] ghall not forget the name," he muttered. "It Is the same as the new MOVED INTO ; PURDY'S BLOCK On Queen Stree where they will be in a better position than entrance adjoining the 'Canad Bank of Commerce property--w wave surged across his old heart. caught her glance a "Your husband," the old man mur mured; "the idol of the public, the man "Yes, father," sald Mary. "And when he comes he will tell you that in all he 4 bas accomplished 1 have been his ad- he was busy with her cakes when 8 | viger and his faithful helper." bt nose in the doorway drew her | «Coming here?" eried the old man. "Yes, father. I left him behind at Judge Northmore's, with Instructions to follow me in an hour. He will soon | the United States, he is better Digpared IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. Ed d, No subsaription unt Your heel Up, It undoubtedly needs a cleaning and perbaps some in their charges. complete repair shop and H. PARSONS expert hee they a out o first classwork withguarant RMS. 81 per anim f paid in advance f not $150 | 1+ Let them call for your | wil ve chard, Ko simoriiion when for lest | or take it to their place of b until arrears are paid up. LETTERS | Blong Block, money, when to this Ottice, prepaid and registered will be at our risk. forbid and charged accordingly. No advertise ment will be taken ont until paid for, ing 75 acres, being kno the Foy Farm, the South halfo «And what have you made of it, Ma- Letter Heads, 'Wedding Invitations, 7? Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Business Card "T have tried to make the best of it, i a ay into the kitchen. There father." Books, Cireulars, Assembly Cards, ¢ woman there, & YOUNE | «And you have come back? Visiting Cords, fie, r Shia looked up 'with startled |: wyss, rather % of rer ilo nd color Mary entered. But Mary | ne stile of triumph deepened and plea an other establishment in oe County... Em GENTS WANTED, --FOR "STORY OF £OUTH FRIO a rd A" by John Clark Ridpath, LL.D., Edwa: J. A. Oooper, Managing Editor of the zine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, { ' ng us an inimense | oto; 1 engruvings are superior, and erated than wn any | Parcels-- Farm Properties--- belongs, of this that will mail free is to. anyone possessing & | ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised' tree. Awly | to be sold "by auction on the 23r@iC8 November, and withdrawn. at thei% sale, ; rio. PORT PERRY. | d during the liberal patron: 2 CH ve kept a Livery Establish announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY ! [hm tomy former place of business able R. VANSICKLER, - the liberal patronage heretofore ex- heretofore to meet the requirements of their numerous patrons and they respect- fully solicit the patronage of all Mr. Hay- I will constantly keep for h craft's former customers, complete variety of reliable F h \ d 0 d MN f moderate Charges, 16S an re ed 5 tendance night and day, so pas may rely on having their requ of the best quality will always be found at | nets met at all times. % Patornage respectfully soli their Store. Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season, 8. T. CAWKER & SON Port Perry, May 21, 1800. 0 JOHN NOTT, ll and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. Wis to public | Perry and surrounding country, that after four years experience in prosecu {iis business in some of the largest cities than ever to execute any of the following 'branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamen Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent amd will endure Jany weather. Doucrete Cisterns without any weod in their con ve out. If you are come to me and am, as usual, vow ready Ie treatment. Drs, K. & oS . 4 i or Large & Assorted St COCEL! & OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS t which I am determined to sell very CHEAP hy the 2 Sexual MALY The Bir] Township of Maripo JOB DEPARTMENT, is offered for sale by private tei Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Terms $500 cash--balance ft Programs, © Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check secured by mortgage bearing cent, per annum. 3 For further particu F. M. YARNoLD, Perry, or to JOHN A. McGILLIVR The Temple Build Tol igeases safely and surely. K. ness. tisk operation EO Dd ad can Raver return' & Bladder ' -4 Dieounk will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan. Ist next All work RE K. can cure you if you are ni MADE They guarautes to Cure or No Pay, CURES GUARANTEI Books sent i Dane Aeris, Mags 4, October 1 Rovonber Y--Clerk, J. W. Burnha March 7, Muy 13, Tavs, Mirch 20, May 87, July 11, Septembe. tly on h "| promptly attended to. Removal 7 The undersigned would $ake this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous custemers for the liber | patronage received since ness in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from he M First doorEast of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all 'to give him a call in his new EALED TENDERS will bel P received by the undersigned for Hn g | N~COlerk, Geo. Smith, Oaonington-- and material. Our | the purchase of all or any of. the March 21, May 28, July 10, September Clerk, Geo, F. Bruce, Beaverton-- h 22, May 29, September 20, Nov- arket building to the J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, or JOHN ADAMS, LE GEO. JACKSON, ed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII pier Nov. 30, 1899 Having new and increased MONEY TO LOAN. iit: 'We have funds from private pa mortgage at 4} CENT renew old mortgag SHES at this the commencement o wa. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. ou falthianks to his numerous pairoos for ie Iv requesting their esteemed proved farms: nesses for the same. porties for sale, com! any kind, 1 Ge I { I al Liv or} Fa he Portraits of our Presidents} With Biographical Sketches i + a ne effort or pains' will be spared pict to make all sales entrusted to J His very extensive practice ¢* past should be a sufficient recom 28 Victoria Strect, TORONTO: panto his charge will be attended to proinptuces and dispatch. a d blank notes supplied free. THE SEBERT HOUSE | In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embarked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter: taining the public than I ever possessed in the past; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SeBerT Hous, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to Having introduced the most modern water works system, every roo will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The. comfort of guests will be the first. consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their approbation, so that " w wishing to engage his services General Charles H. Grosvenor, in Port Perr , "Bb vic i 5 mentin Port Perry, Thave much pleasure in | \ypympr or ConGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS ngements, or write to his address HARGES MODERATE. naial, a choice lot of Plymouth Roct INTINGC Lalsomining, &c end world ak this oppor | sur large Photo-gravure Etchings sdorsed by the families and nesy naylvani none in the province. tunes will be made this Inaugural man or woman of good social standing can. make & little fortune in this territory. rapidly. quirements and win h ugho he a g public 'thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- none elsewhere to be found, charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for In order to provide ample yard, stable and shed accommodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging I have every confidence that my enterprise will be 'fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations I have provided. PAINTING jp Port Perry, and would state that he is biter prepared thun ever to execute all Te Parties entrusting their work to me may g it neatly and promptly exe £1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, A continuance of public patronage sol INDINGm y Liveryaccon dation on Perry St. curtai eh being far too small to meet the 1 sunounce hat; tiey have quirements of my rapidly incre 2ort Perry, Mar. 23, 1893, havea "As an inducement to Casu purchaser NT BY HAN 'and ne factory work kept in stock. the per ority of my goods will at ence become sent. : " tending purchasers will find that by pew iving ne a call before look Re an suited in qualit h JOHN ROLPH. Houseand Lot for Sale or to Rent. HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port Perry, for Sale or to Rent. The house contains five rooms, ~The lot contains one acre on which there are a barn, a good Orchard and a well. Immediate don. Also for Sale a General-Por; Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be sold sheap or will exchange for other live stoe Apply at the Office of this paper. Port Perry, April 5, 1899, Agricultural Machines -- AND MPLEMENTS berm > Sug omect SUNDERLAND uk undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach? ines and Ircplements manufactured by the MIR EATON NPG G0. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 8S. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. ' also the following, tho munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto High class Threshing outfits, Traction Eogines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Tiinmph Engine. 1 am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, Repairs, &e. 2a A call solicited, = One door West of McDonald's Hotel. R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1803. Dictionary} ' ICLIonary The Pu 'Great dard Aathorityy wetted Heo t: 8 Supine Covi p@r=Send a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Auopessor of the " Unabridged." Standard business 1 have leased for a term years and taken possession 0 Livery Offices 3 commodious Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of | any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Taz Parest Recorn, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) WASHINGTON, D. C. taken unn fific American. (mo lw Yr Broadway, ew Conveyance to all trains. Bt Waaiington, Jo Evans Building, Second door East of Mr. Purdy's Grocery | Port Perry Sept. 26, 1900. YEARLY to Christian lookafter: 10 h 0 ing business in thisand adjoining UNDERTAKER, i to act as Manager snd Co ONE GIVES RELIEF. ired in my in| 8 of the Iogih rox in FOR EVERYBODY TH BECAUSE It is easy to find the word wanted. EE rE rir A wore itis hat a word means. ©. MERRIAM CO., Publis Springfield, Mass., U.S.A RHA OREN en g TYLISH, RELIABLE : ARTISTIC=™ a E Recommended by Leading x % Dressmakers. * ; Always Please,

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