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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Aug 1901, p. 4

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Bonded of ane > Wome ped thousands iv Camudic. to wiv || wie ae sabicen dod sm absolute Burden om ame ff almen $1 waynes. unceasing ache iv dhe buck, die flame goes Many, wo, ace suffering from Lidiney Dh. Zine $aoier Co, Toronto, Ont. seme Bt club or tes ar Baill or ply. Attraction: centered. where: sie: stl. A Tittle your or ss ago She swayed » certain mfl. Without ber fonctions: fiiled], But}, of, How quitkly we forges? The men who Socked' sroumd leer them Now fistter other girl, smd they That remd' hier name with envy wien She swayed ne'er think of her tidus. er something souail sme! frail sui seed. ¥ wonder if she: meums the: diye Whe all the worlili was at! Beer thet? --hitago Riecoui Heal. MARRIAGE AT THE SCAFFOLD hudba d > PPG P= PPG In the seaport of Chalnils, which flor myflently, "9 2m immecent. I swear it of By my etemml solvation?! Demand me the English, there once lived = Buel fn murvinge, Yor, Josse Dullart, who Bnl come dese 5 ™ ever 100 years was under tle power to carry om business. He wasa nce off Baile en Flumdve, welll quuilifid tose- eure for the London mevclinnts te wall of which the Flemish wemvers mule their various materfils amd ov def an honest profit fron excli. because of his commercial subtfleny snd | enn it, ont #7 eomlontn- Whe esamtioner dil mot cut the rape, because of the plessmnt aml Be life which came tw Bim ip eumss- | Gut ibe quence, our mam beerme exposed to ie Jealgusies and Wl willl of the erfher tradesmen, English for tie must gaol. He did not know it. since de Bype- erites allowed petiing te Berome end dent, but, en tie contrary, mie ewany endeavor to present am agreealile es terior to Bim, so as 0o€ fb COmPPETISE | wor fhe mmm from thet moment to fix the least the sicher sdvantges wiih acerued to them through his Eimilimess. Nevertheless tliey decided to oui dim and to that end eontrived 3 dievite s» biack and so wicked ting Sir Same Nimself fix his demonimexl mind emi not Bave imagined ® Better. Tn pomss- anee of the scheme one of tem seemat- Ty concealed in the Louse off Jasse DB Hart a leather bag conmfnfng sum off 100 Heres sterfing in golill crowns. Hew ing dove this; he went tw tie erin magistrate with two comrades as wilt nesses to sceuse lis collengne of Bow yet appeared ander the crupy of Hews en any of the impudent sfimrpens:, gg 4 and - || fpr fs tthe lose, and ithe case in gues- Swindlers who fn de curse | 50g bo he diudidated! Unwillingly i 8 } Lois, sill sway dhe burden of pain, Hand! we Theadlih, smength and energy. {| Woman, surely sake as tollowsz i A Wedldy Political, Agriculltral and 3 Famaly Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONY. (EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS --l por if paid in advance ; if not $1.60 will be charged. 0 subscription taken pL than six nuwmths; and no paper discontini until arveurs are paid up. rritubii. aitafifder and wrinary trinibiles, LETTERS containing . | Tin ail) hese deiduny and achcaioe gl 1 Onis, prepuid nud) uliey Wht dressed bo Shin (fees Dr. Binchers Back e Kidney | \pyepon . Tuiimts oume as 3 wetitsbic boon and | BE eared fp Roupatidly-sna {itmsiagr. Whew dem oar the clogged-ap | Eedhiws, one fhe backache and utinany | SEMENTS received tor publication, with out specific instructions, will is unt ly. No advertise forbid sad will be taken out wutdl paid for. ment, A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants whe advertise by the year or half year. mad ates DEHESE terms will in all cases be strictly, adhered so iss Ama Deiee, 2 young lady | | wittter altess is 355 King street west, JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations; Blauk Forms, Receipt Books, Business Card Books, Cireulars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. wf every style and color "executed promptly and 8 ny 1 have had | "ign a nuaniber of years , 50 bad Yhat new wenilile amd rack «, and 1 had mp || Prosraus, d from severe nedking down sesik Had, i nw idne Thiers, How pun sow and «nergy Wm me selleseng ite off hat awh pain and | samen portly ahd 1 aoperirmnd to ge deetior, {unt Your Wheel Up, It undoubted] cleaning and perha fore you can ride it. Goodwin would like to estimate of what i You will find them ver in their charges. Wi complete repair shop expert workmen they t first class work withguaral it. Let them call for yo ; lor take it to their placed Blong Block. ; FARM fiR 8 HAT Valuable Farm ing 75 acres, being kné the Foy Farm, the South ha No. 5, in the sth concessio is offered for sale by private tend Terms $3500 cash--balance to secured by mortgage bearing cent. per annum. For further particulars F. M. Yamnorp, Solicit Perry; or to 5 JOHN A MecILLL veel) The ple at as low Backache Kidney Tablets | r ENTE WANTED, ROT "STORY OF SOUTH thox at all druggists. The | A AFRICA by John Clark Ridpath, LL.D., Edward 8. Klis, BLA. J. A. Cooper, Mannging Editor of the Conading 1 Magazine, H. L he Sekt nh Meee of The Mithy mischief years, giving us an immense | hotogrephs and material. Our d engravings ure lishen for nineteen ri of we Sutil Gaffer, having the cord font ils medi, that below the sdldiers Event! avemmd the hase of the gibbet, ee grein the evowd and recognized smwmg them a fair young woman for wither fin titer days the had concely- fl 2 nentler and widlewt possion. Sat he sige of her he experienced 8 | geet mame gaint sorrow at leaving so sum mnil se peinhilly 2m existence Sven weiiich the 'nfl expected to derive seh delicate Solivities. And them, im- petliedl By ® spdden we Iimiscence and iy 2 motel inscine Tor preservation. v «int with all dis miglt: soyee, by God the Fataer. ' dhe Sm andl fhe Holy Ghost, T afjure f Bowe my life, «laim me fn mar ly Central Livery PORT PERRY. 1 EARTILY thanking the public for the 11 liberal patronage received during the nany years I have kept a Livery Establish mentin Port Perry, I have much-pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business The «if stood there tremiiling with Enwtian aanong her companions. Hear- fing Nwnsdll has addressed by name by guiisoner, she became convulsed with agitation; almost unconsciously, Rell muewedl Ly git, half incited by Heer mesigfiihars, she approached the gib- Bug wittheart fhe pdlice darting to pre- went ther. "Gf, Legse" vepexted the prisoner 2 anil yon will have saved Rie dill met know one word to say, ste Amd sv Jost her senses, but she ex- tiemflefl hor hand, which the poor devil seimall with avidity. Seding this, the he ion began te rear: a marriage! Hhe has Cant the cord, hangman; «hich Tam about to largely extend in- reuse facilities so that the public. may be able IGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICEKLER., fest if dimop, mndediGed as to what wens muest expedient Tor fim to de, dnd ms fhe ereowd continned go bellow and emen hesome threntening the officer of tthe gemestslip, J ig it an oppor- tune ifime Tor a ded led the condemn- fl men hadk inte tis eel in order to sufimiit iis pecdlinr case to the law. Ami fhe pugile dispersed content, be- fee scone. Bat fhe stesifhy cnxts did not so eas- lly fet gro came whom they held in their dlpsee. They hdl 2 man to be hanged, = pmatty fitfle man, 2 man over whose honging they Hidkedl their lips, and hewe how pecgile pretended that he wens tidhen out of their grasp! And wily, I mek you? Under the most fool fisfh) off gusskescts, fin fhe mame of some xi diraflons ensttom, seme illegal pretense | | wilfich grated] grace, full, free and im- | meine, to any confemned man whom | woman dediared in pulilic to desire fin Bowtdl wellodk. Whe ever had Change of Base. W THILE returning sincere thanks for ¥ the liberal patronage heretofore ex- ended to them, the undersigned would beg to aunounce that they have VIOVED INTO URDY'S BLOCK where they will be in a better position than \eretafore to meet the requirements of heir nuinerous patrons and they respect. ully solicit the patronage of a'l Mr. Hay wait's former customers. Fresh and Cured Meats # the best guality will always fie found at heir Stove, Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season, Second door Bast of Mr, Pordy's Grocery 8. T. CAWKER & SUN Bast, af, traditions] or written, the Water Street); wetter accommodated with safé and desir- I t EALED TENDERS received by the undersign [the purchase of all or any & rior, and | u ad than in auy of this thet will mail tree OMPULSOn OUr Prospectus Lo ANYODE PASSEESH tus. C mn and terms fre. App g Company, Guelph, Onl | Parcels-- Farm Properties --bi ing to Mr. John Adams, advert to be sold by auction on th November, and withdrawn 1 sale. J. A. MeGILLIVR! Temjle Building, Toront or JOHN ADAMS, ! Port Perry. | Nov. 30, 1899. { 0 LOAN. parties'for" investment o and thoss who! wish buy more land or bulk oe without uy delay, (ab stomers who waut to o thie who would exchanges farms or other. hanical, or bu MONEY We have funds from priva mortgage at 4) PER ¢ '| w ease send Fire and Lifo Insuran: A wud brokerage business transacted. LUND & COS & 28 Victoria Strect, TORONTO; |The Portraits of ur Presicen With Biographical Sketches ] BY oe General Charles H. Grosvenor, MEMBER oF CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20.¥EA ty our large Photo-gravure Btabing] Contains twent i he famnili fn two The greatest io beautifulthat when Pi amedigtalfs 20th C: y saw it he subscribed ir elling 600 copies in a sina) nsylvanja. A million copies will be tunes will be made this Ina I ordar Wanted --State Manager to 1 ence and ag Address to-day T LIVERY REMOVAL INDINGmy Liveryac com dation on Perry St. curtailed, i being far too small to meet the re quirements of my rapidly mcreasin: business I have leased fora term « years and taken possession of th: commodious Livery ' Offices an Stables On Queen Stree! entrance adjoining the Canadif Bank of Commerce ptoperty=--=wh I will constantly: keepyfo re complete variety of reliable rigs ai moderate Charges. . Constant at tendance night apd days' may rely lon" having the memts met at all times" Conveyance to all trains, © Wu. Jam Port Perry Sept 26, 1900: Port Perry, May 21, 1900, @ver B @OULTOVersy ihe life of a mun made in the ge of Gof. Subfesiy that are ©, come to me and tly on hand, and of next April, USTWORTHY AND vel slituin prices, All material required in my u me will be constan first two first week "this con Write quic Wanted. | make arrangements, or write to "} cons' for their liberal and still iv 1 OF THE ASOENSION, v. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A., Tncumbent. y- Mating, 10.30 a.m. Ev 7pm, Sunda x + Behool, 2.50 {7 Yo Clerk, D. 0. Mi mber nedongll, Whithy-~Janu- ERIE CBRIBOP- Clark, Tou SF. Gould, Vebrid "Jan 2 16, Maroy Nay 27, Sot, Sopteubo: 18, November 19, » OQANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo. Smith, Caonington-- Samanry 17, March 21, May 28, July 10, September 9, November 20. VPRTON~Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton-- May 29, September 20, Nov- UPTYRGROYE Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove arch 15. Muy 80. September 21, November £2. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, 2 Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitby, Oct. 22nd, 1900. GEO. JACKSON, \ | Licensed Avctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR TUE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, 2 ISHES at this the commencement o another Auction Sale Scason tq re: ugh thuvks to his numerous patrovs fo past favors. In requesting their esteemed ul contiuned" patronage he desires to po that sie effort-or pains will be spared i] part, to make all sales entrusted tc His very exteneive practice ni the past should be a sufficient recom mendation az to his ability. All Sale iven into his charge will be attended tc Cth proinptocss andl dispatch. © Sale list 1 blank votes supplied free atidh. ¢ withing to engage his services way con-ult his Sane REGISTER either at We Observer or Standard Offi Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, ane his address CHARGES MODERATE. 4 nsunl, a choice lot of Plymouth Racl J both sexes for sale. Prices reasonable GEO. JACKSON, ept. 6, 1509. Scugog P.C PAINTIN Kalsomining, &c J "PYHE wudersicued would take this oppor "1 tonity of thauking his numerons pat easing aatronage during the time he has carried ou the business of F PAINTING # Port Perry, and would state that he i sekter prepared than ever to execute al orders for dgiiiting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may dly-or: having it neatly and promptly exe ated, My charges are moderate. "1 am also prepuved to supply jane, &e, vhen contracting. A continuance of public patronage sol sted. WM. TREMEER. Zort Perry, Mar. 23, 1893. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Anyone sending a sketch and description may Gaickly asoariatly our opinion free wi an invention 1s probably 01 A handsomely illustrated weekly. © oulati y oleae ona lr RRO TN eh Tots dnoralizizi 1h and Atha Hn Een an eld GUARANTEED. 80 CORE, Wo PAT. 75No Names Used Without Written Consent. . A. Muir, of Lima, O., says:i--"1 Bn 2% ently moet TIES oneof years of 'tem. For ten yea ¢ electric belts and tent madi es. me, none cured. 1 was giving up in fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad- vised me last to. years ago--am married and happy. I «3 ily recommend Drs. K. & Fy at aril reo £5. K 10 tay sdtcted 2 Be trent and cure ee Ee EE hg h Diseases, and all diseases of Mea and Woes od N retiichinis tha | pattonage extended to me for over years, I would respectfully intimate thatl oss, and | am, as usual, now ready for busin Large & Assorted Stock which Tam determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casi purchaser <b Dont of U0 per tle Jan, 1st next. All wor] MADE BY and ne factory work will be allowed on all Sules from now unti Re Foy £20, NAMESS : SEN The undersigned would take this 'opportunity of thanking Kis nu- merous custemers for the liber:l patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from che Market building to the Store ; First doorEast of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he ean give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new premises, wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. 'EJ. WHEELER. THE SEBERT HOUSE ----r-- In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since I embaiked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious aud far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than I ever possessed in the past ; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SeserT House, and have spared netther skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to note in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor avill be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that thejr gond opinion of the ** Sebert louse" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In arder to provide ample yard, stable and shed accommodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at'their service an attentive and obliging hostler. I have every confidence that my enterprise will be fuliy appreciated .by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of . the superior accommodations I have provided. L. SEBERT Our foe returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of game. How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tag Patent REcoRD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., f (Patent Attorneys,) uper arity of my goods P] & 7 tly on d on A tou JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. 3 Houseand Lot for Sale or to Rent. HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port Perry, for Sule or to Reut. The house contains five rooms, The lot containg one acre on which there are a barn, a 'good Orchard and a well. Tmmediate possession. Also for Sale a General-Purpose Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness--<will be wold cheap or will exchange for ofher live stock. Apply at the Office of this paper, Port Perry, April 5, 1899, Agricultural Machmes ~----AND IMPLEMENTS ----AT---- SUNDERLAND F{YHE undersigned keeps om hand and for _ sales the following Agricultural Mach- ines and Implements manufactured by the MUR HAMILTON WTR G0. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Fuirow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 1. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. ilso the following, tho munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto High 'class Threshing ontfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine, Tam prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Tmple: ments, Repairs, &e. #7 A call solicited, McDonald's Hotel. One door West of R.K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893. Webster's International} Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, 80 writes Hon. 1). J. Lrewer, nstics Us 8. Supréme Court. p@r-Send a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Successor of the "Unabridged." Standard { of the E) jh Goxss n BEST FOR EVERYBODY 9 BECAUSE ; to find the word wanted, easy to mscertah the prénunclatios It is easy to trace ti , growth of a word. it is easy to learn what a rd word means. TER THE STANDARD. , be sa, 8m : ming reco ze nd dietionary pA un ot tal + Evans Building, =~ WASHINGTON, D. C. ; & §TVLISH, RELIABLE & ARTISTIC z Presmmuians byl saina 3 5 to the public for the

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