. [eth alene Brings Instant Relief and Perm ge Cure in All Cases. anent an LUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write Your Name and Address Plaluly. SENT ABSO There is nothing like Asthmalene It brings instant telief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. 0. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, Tl, says 3" Your trlal bottle of Asthma- lene received in good condition. 1 canuot tell how thauklul 1 feel for the good derived | from it. I wasu slave chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. despaired of ever being curved, I saw your advertisement for the care of this dreadful aod tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought that you hud overspoken your- selves, but "resolved to give ita trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm, Seud me a full-size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Buai Israel, New York, Jan, 3, 1901, Drs. Tarr Bros'. Mepicisk Co, Gentlemen,--Your Asthmalene is an ex- cellent remedy for Asthmaas which sombine y hiua., is astonishing and wonderful, * After having it carefully analyzed, we ean state that Asthmalene contains no opium, | tioned In a newspaper article and feels aorphine, chloroform or ether, Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Avox Serixas, N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1001. Dr. Tarr Bros. Meproiye Co, | Gentlemen 5; I write thi onial from a sense of duty, having tested the won. | derful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted | with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 #8 many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street, New| York, I at once nbtained a bottle af Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it the first:| of November, I very soon noticed a radical improvement. Asthma hus dissppenred and she is entively free from all symptoms, I feel that I can Consistently recommend the medicine to all whoare afflictedwith this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, 0. D, PHELPS, M. D. Feb 5, 1901. 1 have trie Dr. Tarr Bros. Mentone Co, Gentlemen ; I was troubled with Asthma for remedies, but have all failed." I ran across your adv bottle, - I found relief at once, ¢ wver grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was ui able to work, Tah vow in the best of health and am doing business every day. Thi' testimony you cur make such ns on see fit. Home addres Rivington strect. 2 years. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 120th st., New York City. Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal, Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS." MEDICINE CO., ¥9 East 130th 8t., N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggist. THE SEBERT HOUSE in returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since I embaiked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that 1 now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than I ever possessed in the past; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known .as the SeserT Housg, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to none in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so'that their good opinion of the «"Sebert House" may be heralded throughout: the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and sk »d accommodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. I have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations I have provided. L. SEBERT Re \ 2 = The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu merous customers for the opening business in Port P that he has moved his business from the Store First door Eastof the Post Office where he will be pleased to filk all crders for Mea cannot fail to please customers. fucilities for the transaction o premises. wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. Having exhausted my own kill as well After usiag one bottle her liber patronage received since erry, and would inform the public Market building to the ts in a manner that Having new and increased f business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction thin heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new 3 a pep 1 THE MEXICAN EDITOR. | It Is Very Enxy For Him to Get Into » Serious Trouble, % A A - The newspaper laws of Mexico are If yon ever contracted any Blood oF 8 or has been | very stringent. If any person is men- "patch up' by seme offended about it, he can easily send the editor of the paper and the writer of the article to prison. The state ments may haye been far within the limits of truth and justice, but that makes no difference. The editor in- communicado has a chance to think about the law, and the aggrieved per- son smiles pleasantly. After awhile the law gets in its work, the case is in- vestigated, and the editor is punished, for even the truth is libelous, and libel is one of the offenses most severely condemned. According to the theory of the Mexi- can law, every person has a right to go about entirely free from annoyance by other persons. If the person violates the law, the newspaper bas no right to say so. It can lay information before the courts if it wants to, but it must not say in its columns that it has done £0. Then the law will step in and take charge of the offender, but the repre- sentatives of the paper will not be al- lowed to attend the trial, and only the bare result, after weeks of waiting, can be told to the pgblic. ¥ 1f the offense charged against the ed- itor is regarded by the first magistrate | 'to whom the complaint is made a be- 113 p 1 co been recelved and passed upon. Then a squad of police descends upon the printing office. Sometimes all the em- ployees are arrested, sometimes only the editor. Then the doors of the building are closed, official seals are placed upon them, and a guard is sta- tioned to see that no one fries to en- ter. For three days the editor can do nothing. The laws under which he is arrested are modeled after those of the code Napoleon, and for three days he is held incommunicado, while the au- thorities hunt up evidence. Then he | is given a hearing. In the meantime his paper has been suppressed, and in many cases it never comes to life again, nunierous| even though the editor may eventually rtisement and starter with a trinl | clear himself of all blame. I have since purchased your full-size bot le.and I am | What makes you Despondent? ~--Haus the stomach gone wrong ? Have the nerve centres grown tired and listless? Are you threat- | ened with nervous prostration? South American | Nervine is nature's corrector, makes the stomach | right, gives a world of nerve force, keeps the ¢ culation perfect. = A regular constitution builder for rundown people. One lady says: *1 owe wy life to it." --84 Sold by A J. David The Fur Mart. In the Aiaskan fur market London yuotations govern. These are fixed twice a year--in March and August--by | a board of principal dealers in that city, and prices are gauged according to that scale in all parts of the world except Russia. Fresh Water Sharks. Lake Nicaragua is the only fresh wa- | ter lake which holds a species of shark, Refuge Huts, In the higher region of the Cordil- leras are refuge huts for the postmen who have to make their rounds until | late in the winter. Even thus some of | these men perish every winter if overs taken by a storm lasting several days, Have You a Skin Disease? Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Prurigo, Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the skin-- what Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for others it can do for you--cure you. One ap- plication gives relief.--35 cents.--87 Sold by A. J. Davis. Dense. Wigg--The population in London is | very dense, Isn't it? Wagg--Dense is no name for it. They, couldn't understand my jokes at all-- | Philadelphia Record. Some people go abroad to complete | their education and some to begin it, Anthracite Coal 'A_Philadelphia firm has calculated | that there still remain unmined 5,073, | 775,000 tons of coal in the anthracite | regions. What's the Trouble ?7--Isit Sick Headache? Is it Biliousness? Is it Slug- gish Liver ? Is your skin sallow? Do you feel more dead than alive? Your system needs tonlng--Your Liver isn't doing its work--Don't resort to strong drugs--Dr. Agnew's Little Pills, 10 cents for 40 doses, will work wonders for you.--85 Sold hy A. J. Davis. Quite Proper. "pm thinking of sending my little girl to the conservatory," said the wo+ man pext door. "All those tunes you bear her playing she picked up by ear." "Then she bught to be," replied Mrs. Kostique. ohn A. Rod Graining, Glaizing Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Sign Writing n first-class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build- will receive Prompt attention. Paper Hanging ing or Repairing and Decorative THE LARGEST VARIETY OF \NADIAN AND AMERICAN Tinting in all the modern forms and shades. al "Ought to be sent, you mean?" "No; picked up by the ear)'--KHxs change, A i y yo fled?" "Because then she'd The Pall of Rheumatic --~When a sufferer finds t such a meritorious can Rheumatic Cure, how C.W.Mayhew, of Thamesv: ,Ont.,couldn' or food himself for TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF TH WorLp.--Mr, W. Perry, is now in a tickets to all parts to parties '| best routes, | numerous Ticket A &c. In addition toh lown McCaw before Cure vr Bo Pay. Y sore, pain, ulcer or E43 28 Yourn tn Detroit. 250,000 Gared. Hl We treat and curs Vi Impotency, Secret Dralns, Kidney Consultation Free. Question A arms cir eats he feo me ton lut by our new inventioti. EDJATELY. Ys EAM BALTHAOR E SA $. (hanks to yout HEAD MOISES GEASE F. A. WERMAN, © Gentlemen : -- Being entirely cured of deafnes # full history of my case, to be used at your discre 8 it eaf begun to4 ber of physicians, only an operation then cease, but the h vin. according to vour ¢ seased car lias been more, Md. I occupation. papnr sta nominal c cost. HICAGD, ILL Our treatment does not interfere with y Examination and # sess" YOU GAN CURE YOURSELF AT INTERHATICRAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE & mythlca fact upon which most of these mar- yvelous stories rest. Many travelers have described the famous "rain tree" of Padradoca, Isle of Ferro. John Cockburn in 1735 described a tree at | Vera Pas, Central America, from | svhich pure water continually dripped from every leaf and branch. | The Old Man's Advantages. A man past fifty can do with less sleep than younger men. He can en= dure greater ste. y and prolonged strain. He can bear his burden day after day with less need of recreation. The young man can "sprint," but be cannot "stay" like the man with brain grown iron and nerves steel by many. yefirs of training. | Grief and Thrift. Elderly men are less temptable. They fhomas Bailey Aldrich once tved | are of fixed moral habit. Appetite and a pathetic letter in a feminine band an~ | passion are under control. For better nouncing the death of a little daughter | or for worse they are a calculable and asking if he would not send in his | quantity, with slight variations to be own handwriting a verse or two from | taken into account. "Babie Bell" to assuage the grief of | Elderly men are more loyal as {he household. 1 friends if they are friends. Their ats Aldrich sent the whole poem and not tachment to a cause or a commercial Jong after saw it displayed in the shop | house is less changeable. They have, o¢ an autograph dealer, with a a | moreover, given Bonds for good beha- round price attached thereto. yvior in the persons of grown families whose respect is to them dearer than life. They know the difficulty of re pairing mistakes. Elderly men actually have experi- ence. The older man best reads char- acter. He is the wisest to select agents. i | He Meant All Right. Miss Smith (to Mr. Dearborn, about to sing)--Miss Jones will play your ae- companiments, Mr. Dearborn. Miss Jones (coyly)--Oh, Mr. Dear- born plays his own accompaniments so beautifully I couldn't murder them for (Central Liv Water Street and nc factory work ape 26ity of say govde will at anes becuttie && JADE uY HANDS} kept in stock, the ery, PORT PIR3Y | ! ! a f oR i JEARTILY thanking the pubic for the | liberal patronage received during the | I | many years [ have kept a Livery Establish | ment in Port Perry, Ihave mmol please i | I have removed LIVERY ! f hosiness anmoTmein. MY to my f which I am a gely extend fn- r £ - public may be setier e kb safe awd desis able RIGS AT MODERATE CEAREES Pct Perry, Jame 3, FSCO North Ontario Observer Song acd Maic a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright = Agricultural Machmes IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND r --h Ry VHE undersigned keeps on hand avd for sles the following Agficultural Mach ines and Iuwplements mansfactmed by the IR ET NTE 0. OF PETERBORO: Compositions by Pinders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seder. Tiger Hay Bake, Two Forrow Fhe soot popular authors. Pion, Thore Foros Gang. Combs 5 o thom Plows, Cin 5 5. T. Pars rm Posie Cultivator, $ Harrow, Land Et Vocal, Ba ete Boller, Sires Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, ke. In one year you get neady 800 Pages of Blasi, congwisieg 252 Complete Pieces | for toe Plane. yon willl med a fhe Wome and Addeemol | FIVE Fane aud Orgas Pleven. we will scad | wo a coy of Se Magaioe Free. 3 Publisher, Eighth & Locust Sta, Philatcipbia, Pa. ewe ET Pains. relief in as South Ameri- lad he isto tell it. H. McCaw, Port position to issue of the world and to supply all necessary information as to the cheapest and cies for Rail-| road and Steamship lines, he has been rea pointed Ticket Agent for tes Gren) runk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their [interests by consulting Mr.| embarking on a trip. 'An 01a Superstition. Superstition connected with the sev- enth child of a seventh child is com- memorated by a tombstone in a village churchyard near Bridgewater, Somer- get. This inscription runs: "Sacred to the memory of Doctress Anne Pouns- berry, who departed this life Dee. 11, 1813, aged seventy-three years. Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God." Doctress was not merely an epithet, but a baptismal name, for she was a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter and 'was therefore credited with powers of healing. She practiced in herbs and charms. For king's evil this was her prescription: "Take the legs of a toad. Bake and grind them to powder with pestle and mortar. Place the powder in a bag around the neck of the sufferer."--London Chronicle. Antiquity of Glass, Bo far as research has been able to determine glass was in use 2,000 years before the birth of Christ and was even then not in its infancy by any manner of means. In the Slade collec tion at the British museum there is the head of a lion molded in glass, bearing the name of an Egyptian king of the eleventh dynasty. This is the oldest specimen of pure glass bearing any- thing like a date now known to exist. The invention now known as "bleez ing," the mode of varnishing pottery with a thin film of glass, is believed to date back to the first Egyptian dynas- ty. Proof of this is found in the pot- | tery beads, glass glazed, found in the tombs of the age above referred to. 'Weeping Trees. The literature of "weeping ti enormous, much of it being pm, Mr. Dearborn (gallantly)--Oh, yes, you could.--Judge. What He Did. Casgidy--O1 hear Flanagan called ye a lolar. Casey--He did so. Cassidy--An' phwat did ye do? Casey--I did Flanagan. \F The Volee of Experience. "Papa," said the small boy, looking up from his book, "what is a curio?" "A curio," replied the father thought- fully, "is something that costs ten times what it's worth." Catarrh. People who are subject to catarrhal ailments have special need to be partic- ular in regard to their feet covering They should see to it that their feet are comfortably clad, their shoes should have substantial soles and should come well up the ankles and not be laced or buttoned tight. Light merino stockings or half hose may be sufficient for warmth, but whenever by reason of much exercise the feet have become damp, and especially if the leather has absorbed wet, it Is wise for a change to be made in both stockings and shoes. The Hardworking Farmer. "] used to think tbat all farmers were overworked until 1 went to the county fair." "And what did you see there?" IS PUBLISEND &¥ FORT FERZE, OT. 'PAIRTIN( EVERY THURSDAY MOENING 'Kalsomining &e BY > H. PARSCRES E sndeniguol wold take this oppor towity of Thanking lis vuwerons pat rums for their feral and will iscressng the Tomeilasens of TERMS. --$1 pe Pe ------ wil e # pent irc selsommes ~ 2 max. FL oe bechwgel So mbseripos takes for oe Jat than six moots. sod me gages dwcontmmed | amt: arrears ace pais Tk LETTERS coutminbry mosey. when sdfp=med to @i | Oren, prepaid sol re etemed wil Deak oer mek. | y lim Part Perry, and would state that be & ADVERTISEMENTS messed by Fonpese, sod 2 . 4 Charged sconnding Gs (he spac Say SARE | Gutser prepaced Sham ever to execute al i orders Jor ADVERTISEMENTS rereivnd for pufificadion. wi | ous specitic sctioms, wil te inserted wed | Sorbie and charge! accorfingly Fo sumer | sient willl bes tiem ons aul pad fue -s | Parties entrusting fhwir werk To me Say A ERA ttt emtosermtote | ty ring 8 ly smd pranptly cae THESE terms willl in all cues be soil sleds] | any gl prepared to dy Pai Bec, wis cevtoaeting A somtimnaace of public patroage sd ei JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlens 5 WN. TREMEER Part Peory, Mar. Z3%, 1853 Hand Bills, Pomters, JOEN NOTT. UNDERTAKER, and Fuperal Director, PORY PEREY. rt H. PARSONS. "They had chairs covered with old postage stamps and lace crosses cut out of perforated cardboard, and one woman had a quilt with 5,000 pieces in it. Needn't tell me people like that are overworked unless it is from choice!" E is DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY rien 108, 168, 110 - Ella Strees--all isp the following. the manufacture of JOEN ABEL, Toronto The outfits, T: and Machives, Victor (1 . Portalde Tiinmph Engive. bing the way of Machines, Imple- Hu 1 am prepared to supply everyt farmer requires we Lepai EF A call » Mebowald's Te One door West of ® 15e3. . BRYAXT. Londerland, April 8 Sealed Tenders. GLa TENDERS will be a) recend by the undersigned for be purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties - lelong vg to Mr. John Adams. advertised © be sold by auction on the 23rC November, and withdrawn at the sale. J A McGILLIVRAY, Tem le Builling, Toento. x JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. Xow: 30, 1899 MCEEY TO LOAN. We howe funds from prive'e parties for jm on mortage & 8 FEE CEN, and those whe wi ho renew «id morigages, buy more land or build. may ay, {and very 0 erties for cde. commercis a buivos of sory Hm Lp cave send us price 21d. description of same Fir. un Lite Ineurance - fiecod anda s ay = tusmees 3 LOAD & {be Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY