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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Jul 1902, p. 2

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° th faculties were created ?| about whether we should keep the | began the teaching of that Divinely organ- | Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday, |ized Society which is "the pillar and | and whether baptism shoul be by 1 ground of the truth," and. which |dipping or sprinkling, and about | Sige tie best {makes the wisdom of God to befa few other things."--'And how |to some other sn known even ih Heaven? "To the|many have you left?" Just| ve Happiness of heal Shannan unto the principali- | Jock and mniyself; and I'm not | Piok Pills, which act as ach. i so sure that Jock Is sound on pre- er J e up this - assumption | destination and repiobation."--*"And | anaemia, *'decline," o }all be said about it ; | manifold wisdom of God." Further, | what's become of those who left?" Jentalgia & he is foolish enough is it true, as Charity informs us, that | --*O, each one just set up a new |eclatica, t. Vitus',d to it, he is hereby |thel writers of the Scriptures appeal | church for himself." i uatitutes Sh nd defied to solve the diffi- to those faculties to decide upon the | Charity says he will "leave it to |name "Dr. Williams® Pinles surrounding it, and which {truth or falsity. of the Christian | Nemo to answer the qaestion, "Why People® ivan ever box mentioned in my. last article. Faith? All in vain would it be to|call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not |six boxes tor 8250 by that thereis any pleasure in| make such an appeal, for what hat| he things which 1 say?'" But William' Medicine Gay us daring and defying him, but | reason to say to such Mysteries as |why leave this question for Nemo to the sake of truth. the Adorable Trinity, the Incarpa- |answer? Let us see if Charity him- With his well known modesty he | tion of the Father's co=eternal Son, | .elf does not represent the very class declares 'that Nemo--or any one His Death, and His Resurrection | of persons to whom it is addressed. |, else--has no right to refer to those Sukh profound and awful Mysteries | Christ says, "Before Abrahath was, FORT PERRY, days. . . . Good Friday and Easter | Ur reason can never comprehend Sunday, as Chistian holy days"; |°f enable us to believe. But faith LBver since the pi and this, too, because his own transcends reason ; and we believe] is the eternal existence." Through | he Port Perry Crea statement, that. these days and these Mysteries simply upon the St Paul Christ teaches that y others like them were 'the invention | testimony berne to their truth. by of others than Jesus or His the Church of Christ--both by her body "; but Charity says, "Every increasing until in jes," was not denied in my |living voice and by the Book which| man is dual" Through St. John June its output was ving cextain of her mem-| Christ says, "The rest of the dead put fea and 48 known as the New lived in unti Kenosha, ial [tinder the auspices of the Methodist | io Sunday School, wi take place on p y Friday, July 11th. The active com: | 81 mittee can be relied on to have 8 angements. complete so tha x1. a cursionists may have an enjoyable {time. The fare has been reduced to a figure so low as to be within the reach of all and all are cordially in- vited, i a Sing than to what Prince : On Monday evening, June 30th, a%ycen Bf hel : : y ? J" Messrs. McBrien, McCal | E=. During the erection of bis Be a lough, and McLean, here came in New Mills Mr. Carnegie has made met in the church basement to say for » \stie plsasanicy W hile empl 4 special arrangements for a fall supply 2 kindly aocd Bye to Rev. M. E. and oa her. Doone ery : n of Flour, Shorts, Bran, &c.,, so there Ye [ri McBrien P.S.I. con. |and Mearing. Nr. Wilson wished will be no need of parties EOE | ented to act as chairman. After |them to know it was nct his fault elsewhere to obtain these cémmodi:{a hymn had been sung, Rev. Mr. that he was leaving them, and beg- ties. The new buildings will be|Mearing lead in prayer. | ged to say that he would carry away rushed to completion. The chairman's speech was next |the deepest feelings of love and T. in ordet ahd a good one it proved. |esteem lor, not only those within FARMS FoR SALE.-- Parties wish-| Mr. McBrien told éis that a man | the church who dad labored with ling to purchase good farms either | without convictions was no good, him; but also for His many friends to work them or for speculation will |and a man withut the coutage of|in the community with whom he Eid toiiiling interestiog. Tt our his convictions of but little account. had always found it a pleasure to : omhetiung Ing. It requires courage to rise above the | associate as a man and a citizen. advertising columns of this issue.-- | difficulties sure to be met with by! The chairdian called on Rev. Mr. Mr. 8. Bruce, Port Perry, offers for |any man who tries. people out | Kennér, who said that,in Mr. Wilsoa je at a Bargain; two choice farms {of : : e fit for. : fam"; but Charity says, No, for in Abraham as "in every man, there RAPIDLY INCREASI 2 te mal | ession of that now pe; " . . . % 3 consists of "spirit, and soul and} (ion its business has:] ng: of first testirrection;" but Charity) ep 7 i . 3 @ areas AR . Ary re is certainly no humility which our Lord has set|assures us that the 'recognition ategorical account of their appoint ment to be found in the New Testament ; but it no more follows before us when He washed His diciples' feet, Chgrity asks, "Do they do that in Neme's church?" What from this that thev. were not of] can the man mean? Nemo's church! Divine or of Apostélic appointment than (as was poidted out before) it God. forbid that there should be any such thing! There are man of the Fatherhood of God and our eternal soulship is the first resurrec- tion." "It was to teach this great truth that Jesus came," says Charity but the words of Jesus Himself are, "The Son of Man came not to be out nothing but article, hence it ri is assured. He is one the very highest figure. Mr. Si or} -- Mr. Maxwell having purchaed the Port nd\ | Perry Woolen Mills has at consid- erable expense had them thoroughly movated and equipped up-to-date = they are now in full blast, and in &rder to keep them running full time he requires all the wobl to be ilson a man having courage of his convictions" and the ability to do good and successful work when swimming against the tide. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson having been the circuit : ancially, numerically (It: an when he had taken it in charge. Mr. Kenner's regret at the coming separation was great, yet he would give the right hand of fellowship to esteemed ande isi men: | obtained in this district, and is pre- invited forward, Mr. W. Webster | the new pastor as he would to jany DE dar PE pared to pay the very highest price read the following address : minister sent here. Tying Sn 31 €1in Cash for all that may be deliver-| To Rev. M. E. AND Mis WiLson, Mr. Cash thought it unnecessary creamery in a highly ed at His Mills. Parties having| we the members of the Epworth | tO 58 anything further than that he manner he also representd Wool to dispose of will find it to League Cafnot allow the Twn was in sympthy with all Mr. Kenner Laval Separator Co, and is smccess- | their interest to ascertain prices Mr} 10° ave existed between us to ad spoken. S : fulin selling the famous; Se Maxwell is prepared to pay Petore be broken without conveying to you |, Mr: Mearing said he wished to manufactured by that Sas going elsewhere. (See his adver | our gratitude and our esteenr. say bit, ote thing, viz:--A minister : trsement in this issue.) During the +i b ftom Toronto had said that Mr. and reliable Company. uring the time you have spent {yy 1 1 ircuit bet Otir Firemen have concluded toon this Circuit your readifiess at all| YY son always 'eaves a cucu 4 | i ter thar be finds it. He once denounced certain people, hold theit Annual Excursion the first } times to help in, any good cause, : . . : : tl 1 and i Sandwiches, cakes and coffee were direct New Testament authority for | Church Nemo, unworthy though he|saying, "Woe unto you ... ye de Albert, ever on the alerfy improve Weck n 3 gis > Sm te Diayed an a served by thre ladies. ¢ such good things as Bible classes, |be, is in full communion. But|vour widows' houses, and for a pre- his herd of cattle, whileon an ex- oc. fof Ne : have made you highly valued mem- Music brightened the evening. family prayers, and for any other | Charity is particularly unfortunate | tence make long prayer . . . ye blind | 451°" the other day td the: Model - ¢ i e : bers of the community, and endear- Miss Higcos dg nt Sous Soe act of public worship besides the in referring to the incident which | guides . ... ye fools and blind . . . ye Farm at Guelph, obtained informa- 86 Mr. C. L. Vickery has con=|ed you, not only to the Epworth |¥& understana." jones in Holy Communion--which English- took place on Maundy Thursday'; for : : wl ti o fr in order to accommodate the | LL , but 1 k «God Save the King" and soon after serpents, ye generation of vipers Hon fat > tiers bred, veg Sow cluded, in THis locality: owing to the | De EO bat Xho wes of and dispersed. speaking people long ago commonly | any one who takes "the Bible and |On Mount Sinai He whom St. John |S0UIc be obtained ia that locality | i ction of Mr. Carnegie's Mills, | neighborhood. As evidence of Mr. Wilson's called theMass. One has only to ex=| the Bible alone" as a sufficient rule | calls the Word, and "by whom all although at a big figure : Mr. Me: | to run his Chopper, day and night,| In the Epworth League you have | public spirit we may mention that amine the customs of those Christian | of faith ought, if he be consistent, |things were made," said "Remember Culloch at once started {in order | until further notice. always manifested a high' interest. | he was the prime mover in origidat- tins oly ors ost he Tr onto ih Supt Dy hep hy (20 Us Conall wes gr pe he chon, ht ad 163 hun UU Baran for th tpn of ie . 1 a" UJ wy " N « . i orthodox to see that they practise a | cieed; the article, ¥ believe in the but of the Lord's Pay and other holy pigased, anc ih 8 No ge cheapest Seasonable Fruits, Forman | standing of the Scriptures, and the | Morley Campbell on Fis return fiom great many things--some of them | diciples washing each ofhet's feet | days Charity tells us that they are ! and ordets | & Son have them in abun ance. | non practical lessons and Christian South Africa. Healso deserves the very good things--for which there|for what command of our Eord|no more holy than any other days. ed the animal shipped f his farm. | 9f¢ties you have impressed upon us| ¢reditof the improved state 'of our Jf fof a sled uf explicit Bible) seems to tr mse ONEEIRY Gharity 255 that I is poi vany. pan ashlee a | Ee eH a a aime TE , > take Shari § piv "tl 1, Be. i : . Sty he Presbyterian and, Bap-| Christian life will ever De remem y the gutharity. In fact, they ake the) Af last Chatty has Br ig te 8 son's particular work to explain the that a meeting for eledting officers i. Awd in this place | bered. qT | would 'have remained in its former Bible itsef as the inspired Word of {doctrines Jesus did teach," and ¢| Scriptures to another ;" but of the of Port Perry Citizens' Band will |, ~~ y "| You are leaving many warm |dilapilated condition, if, indeed, it God on the authority of the Church, | gives them to usin a very brief'and | yisen Lord we read, "Beginning at|pe held 'at the St. Chatles Hotel A | friends, we assure you, and, no had not ere this become a complete his | Moses and all the prophéts ke ex«| this (Thursday) evening, commenc- 16, to hold their Grand: Annual | matter what friends you may make ruin, ba. (Pardon the bit of | pounded unto them in all the Scrip- ing at 8 o'clock. 3 Union Excursion to Washburn. --| in your new home, they will not be gate all the evidences, external and | Latin, Charity; it means here yovr| tures the things concerning Himsel(" : bh The Excursion Committee are mak- foes thas those you are leaving intermal, in favour of its Divine in-|own very words themselves): 'Jesus | which exposition, being a part of 82 The incessant raigibf late has | ing all necessary preliminary ar ® As 8 slight token of our apprecia«| 4. Paitive Cure for Hot Weather spiration. Perhaps Charity is one) andHisteachings; with whichalsothe | Christ's teaching, is to be found, of raised the Scugog to high-water rangements $0.88 to ensure an en-| on of your labor on our behalf Ailments. of these favoured few ; but even so, Apostle Paul came in direct contact | course, in. Charity's Bible; Then, mark. On Monday the'® ter rose joyable outing. For particulars see most of us, it is likely, would prefer |in the memorable words, "Saul, | too, St. Philip the Deacon, when fully nine inches. i : posters. to trust to the testimony of the|Saul,, why persecutest thou me?' "| Candace's treasurer desired -an ex-| The Rev. Mr. Creighton of Black- Church of God. Listen to that, all ye poor unlettered planotion of a certain passage in | stock, will conduct Di "He asks why all that rhodomon-|souls who cannot read! Here you |ica «hegan at the same Scripture | wreh de of bis shop reading the wrie| have *th ings Jesus did teach"| and preached unto Hifi: administer_the s of the prophets and others and | contain: a Question' : follows, for the'same reason, that the made churches enough already | ministered unto, but to minister, transference of the Lord's Day from | without Nemo being guilty of the|and to give his life a ransom for thie seventh to the first day of the deadly sin of atttempting to add|many." Charity maintains that "to week was not of Divine or Apostolic | to their number. There is indeed a {the Christian all things and all appointment, or the admission of Church which, under its present | people are sacred;" 'but Christ women to the Sacrament of the phase, can point to ber long lists of | speaks of "the temple that sancti- Body and Blood of Christ, or, for saints and martyrs, and with which | fieth the gold" and of "the altar that that matter, the baptism of infants. | her Divine Master has promised to|sanctifieth the gift ; " and, moreover One would like to know, too, the|be present forever ; and with this We i il tl 1 I ji IRE i H tl i Inspect their stock before making a selection, L 1H p&~ We are requested to state have fixed on Wednesday, July] for how few people have the leisure | convenient form. Here are | --e or the learning necessary to investi. | 1psssima ver Baby's Own Tablets, tthe oR re Tift Advertising in the faithful is -l : ; iy the hot weather t ifthe ones | to the merchant whese trade doll, »e ak Be 2 Accept these Iin% suffer from bowel troubles, are ner- Xho Seviies 13 Serva ay Suvinets - as adver to you any fond bs vons, weak, sleepless and irritable. A - 3 The Loyal True Blues of Port Be if we never meet or mingle as a | Their vitality is lower now than at Perry aad Scugogrhave the floor for , any other season. Prompt action he foi andthe ney are isesdy) Socket ln 131 at this time often saves a valuable maki : : ; Little life. 's Own Tablets is g aL oy. May a kind Providence crawa snd le. abys Tara chase unto" oi SH Excursion on S oh ae bless Sein your new field thes hig in the warld for of halla] gharity been in St. Philip's place he next Sunday mb "| that day. Lindsay will be the centre |; "ly have been blessed here is little ones at thiS<e They speed thus "finding out exactly what they | dozen words; and 'in these memor | would doubtless have said to the Mr. Locke, M.A of attraction for the entire Midland | prayer of this Society, ily relieve, promptly gud give| Part of lot No 13, in each and all taught" was character: | able words the {Apostle Paul came inquiring soul something {like this : evening service, 7 District. Hundreds of Lodges will| "gjo1cd on behalf of the League, sound, refreshing sleep. ab-|sion of the TOWNSHIP OF It's nobody's "insinuated that hell was the proper | trines when as yet there was no|pyusiness to 'explain the Scriptures ie it A } il I rr il En t wi ake i i lebrati 3 lets should be in every home w ized as clap trap and why it was | in direct contact" with those doc-|«Don't bother me! take part in the coming celebration R.Errox, Pres. ¥ CARTWRIGHT, consisting of 78 i : { oe i d - 3 her months. Mrs P. Ferguson = o On Frid ht 1 f will centre there in order to demon ; weal ~azntity of valdable yl i ast Bie bare | strate their strength as to numbers| Mr. Wilson replied, acknowledg-|105 Mansfield street, Montreal,| a gap apap' : them." The answers are, respec earth | Just remember the question, | (hat's (he only wav to get at the| sq) ida Ey ek En | 20d importance. hg for Mrs. Wilson gad hisselt says es:} Nave Sound Baby? Pw Th show Et Timber. : 2 an ; 5 the on 3 | Ash 1, was s ning | tr aid their great appreciation of the ex~| lable e best medicine above property sold by ively, that it was called clap-trap "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou truth. Don't you know that by |and burned together wi 0 cattle | Wedding at High Point. pression of esteem and love so kind- | ever used for children. my baby| Tender, the lowest or aby because that is just what it is ; and|me?" and you havea complete con-| having any one explain them to you | which were in the buil at the 3 ly conveyed. in the address and pre- | was attacked with dysentry and was | not necessaril "that hell (from an old Saxon verb |fession of the true Faith; repeat|you would be dethroning YOUT | time The loss willibe avy one| A lirge company of relatives ard friends sents. Fre said they had always ot and feverish I gave Fi ie Information may be sernifyving to hele or ¢ 1 oans | ; 1 the! i i N g # : : assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. | taken a deep interest in the lifé¢ and | tablets an ey promptly cure: Baxto® a ela or eonces ) means | them Whee fn. danger: 2d 4 | seasoning facile Feit a foolish | --over $1000 in excess the insur- | Martyn, of High Point on Tuesday, July well-being 5 the yolivg people and. hing. Before this he had beén rather ] P ' y 2 jangels will | protec you ; mn ur man you must be, to besure ! ance. i i=, fo witness Jo artis g of thelr dun: hoped esérto dor so. He referred 'delicate but since using the Tablets, g hidden place, "and not the news-| them when dying and your salvation Let us take one more example. The fie barns of $ hg The reMIOBY as performed hy [tO a presentation made to him by | he has been much better in every, paper, is the right place for anyone | will be sure! How immeasurably | Those who have read Charity must] ¢ Pickering, struck by ning on | Rev. R McCulloch, uncle of the bride, The the young men in his native village | way. I can sincerely recommend who would write and publish--clap-| greater, too, would be the know: have noticed the contethptuous way | Monday evening last a tre utters] bride was beautifully aries] Bn Sm ot when leaving his father's home as a | the Tablets to all mothers with ail trap. ledge of the truth if that Bite in which he regards the Church;|ly destroyed. he a a sash of white Satin Shudet Henly Be ears bY He 0 hig Tablets are garan- y 2 ap 4k his ; 5 5 carrie i h of d A : "There arc" says Charity, a great | Society of which Charity speaks {yet of that same Church the Lord | On Monday last, the 1 aud carried a beautiful witar an wan | of the class of young men since and | teed to be absohitel free from opi- many people who believe what 1|would, instead of selling copies of Jesus said to the Prince of the guns, hialf 'nile east of "| bridesmaid and was imilarly attired. | expecled he never . would. He ates and harmful drugs. Children have written," i e., who believe that | the Holy Scriptures, just scatter| Apostles, "Thou art Peter, and ridge, was struck' by Jobn W. Reddick ably acted as groomaman, | oreqi]y regretted leaving the League. | take them readily, and crushed to a L y y P 3 ; | Pp! chimuey was utserly den; The wedding supper consisted of all the f : g der be given to the ; reading the Bible is "today the broadcast countless little slips off upon this rock I will build My damage however was do wo Lhe wedding Ape cason and. Mr.| After some music, Mr. McLean, | powder may g young only way to get at the doctrines bearing the legend, *Saul.{ Church; and the mates of hell shall and Mrs. Martyn made their namerous| at the fitting moment, handed Mr. | est infant with periect safety. They y. way 8 3 paper beating gents ' urch; andthe gates o Ba &ZF Mr. Carnegie guests feel at home. The happy couple! Wilson a purse, while Mr. McCul-|are sold at all drug stores or will be Jesus did teach." Well, let us pray | Saul, why persecutest thou me? "| not prevail against it." Other words | ie Low near] took the 6 o'clock train for Torontd and ||qyoh read the following: sent postpaid at 25 cents a box by that this "great many people" may | What an amount of money would |of His are, "Tell it it unto the} \ Grinder i ApEn amid shoer'of wise, old. boots P A writing direct to the Dr, Williams' soon see their mistake ; and, as St. | be thus set free to be devoted to|Church ; but if he neglect to hear cunning ina few day BE: | The followin is a partial list of the valu: gi hg Medicine Go. Brockville; Ont, or Paulin the New Testament prays|some other philanthropic purpose!|the Church, let him be unto thee as|;,, i in fall' bla able presents given §= she Ee To Rev. M. E, WiLson, BA. chenectady, Nok for the dead, let us pray that mercy | The man, actually seems to have|an heathen man and a publican" | po ; gatlor lamp ; Emerson Usstaworth, ME. As you have been removed from | A Dondon paper says that American fash. A may be shown to all those Christians | a genius for writing--clap-trap. Other examples might readily be : ; Tote re ead dy po: 6 this Carcuit contrary to the express: ionable women are wsriagbelts orn ted who died before the New Testament | ~ And, so, "these members of the|given "to shew how diametrically ORT PERRY'S Cry J. B. Martyn, china Sou got; Me. ed wish of the Quarterly Official coman was chagrived to learn was written, to the still greater | early Christian Church have long | Charity's teaching is opposed to that Our Fire Brigade ha : Et wk Vicker ial icin rips Board and the Senigrsl desire of the _ numbers who died before it was|since passed to their labors," have|of the Master ; but enough has been ful in their negotiatis ot a fruit holders Mr. and Mra. D. McCulloch, people, we cannot -but express our ut 4 . § 8 4 ; very "low rates for! ; silver biscuit bagrel ; Mr. and Mra. Alex. disappointment and regret, as we translated into their own languages, | they? So says Charity, but St.|adduced to shew his acumen as a J - VeCulloch, silver battor dish; Mrs. Wa. | believe it would have been in the in- to the greater numbers yet who! John tells us that they 'rest from |.critic and al¢o to make it plain that Gilbers, half-doz ive es spsane; Dri terest of the church fer you to have passed away before the art of print-| their labours" "Why take others|he, if any one, is just the person up- va ge pinelortenidy Miss Mine : / FOY--In Port Perry, on Monda ing reduced the price of the Scrip: |word for what they taught when we|on whom rests the onus of answering : sdilet set ; Messrs. L. & G. Smith, carving | ON the work to which you have so =n por AS s oi ; . : By : ! Morning. of - (hat Oe a eee. & Mra, Wadge, linen | earnestly devoted your time 'and| July7,1902, Henry William Foy, low that a'man of ordinary | have their own word... Itis be-|the question, "Why call ye me, Rg a , > aged 68 years, 4 months, 21 days. , : Sloth Lena Louis Tremeer, fancy) you. ministry has been a benedic- nd to the tens of thousands the great differences of to-day occur." | which ¥ say 2" stations, inch pr 8 Ne EF ree tion to many. Your expositi 3 have never learned to read,!| We take the word of others, i.e, : virtually assures us that |the word of the Church, for the BARN STRUCK BY | there, The Protestant fraternities E Witeren RecaSec. there are little ones during the hot ae... more or less, and contaiming place for any one who could utter | Apostle Paul upon the face of the {to you ; read them for yourself, for "ilber fruit spoon ; Miss Pound, remained another year and carried : o cloth ; Mrs. (Rev.) McCulloch, Jinen | attention during the past two years. could afford to purchase a|cause so many have done so that| Lord, Lord, and do not the things Falls calling at ail Due Y i Feige : i 4 NEMO. | good for two days... n toilet set fra .|of the Scriptures in e can ever have learned {teaching of the Apostles which is just as we take her word for that [> i: taf cling whick: fs 5 be | mendation. 1 {found Testament, In|"h : 08 4 ; arenes x Bathe od Thoth cases 'This. is the| Prien as Golag. sts will have fully J ants barmst so] AOE. Soo YOU Sve 2 ching « 3 and : : ! ; 3 D: Ar -lis a standing. suid | zeal and untir the cz

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