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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Jan 1903, p. 3

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Tw cots, Christmas Past New Year's Day bone und Goma... Cheapside Would now ask their many friends and customers to accept ther sincere thanks for the large amount of patronage accorded to them not only duting the Holiday Season but throughout the past year.-- And at the same time would cay they will stil use their utmost endeavors to supply them with the Best of Goods at Lowest Living Prices. Just purchased another lot of that Splendid Ram Lal Tea wi hich has given such satisfaction. Some of our best* customers say that itis the best they ever had, and only 30¢ per 1b. Fruits of all kinds Tne Very Pest. 31bs,, 4 Crown Selected Raisins for 25¢. a & 'California Raisins, Apri- Dates, Plums and Peaches. TILLSONS' ROLL'D OATS-- (the best)--and all other kinds of Cereals (ur Boot, Shoe and 0 Rubber Stok and complete is still large EZ Also our Clit 1.0. Lia SON. OFFICE. | 7, 1903 J a and Glassware. Meats Ge Lic South ontario Farmers IN STITUTE SEAGRAVI The South Ont stitute will hold a Hall, Scagrave, oi At the afternoo: Mr. ] E. Orr, of the meeting Fr rio Farmers' In dress and Care of Guardhou to Select a >and Mr on "How At th Evening Iresses gentlemen will iver the forme off-years i latter People r on "Can we Overcome r Orchard Millar wi peak or WwW ork in General.' Tan. 20th Att n Mr 5. Orr w 1ieeting on Cu Erui I'rees" and Mr "Raising Feed for Li the eve the same er address tl forr it latter or ow to Improve Present Furm Conditions. Miss Bella Millar takes "LEmergencies" for her subject, Mrs, S. L. Browh and Miss Millar representi ! AN INSTI TUTE" in ¢ eS 0 F. I., will he after noon meetings at both. place and | will speak on subjects alloted to] them, principally Dairying Let the attendance be in keeping with the intelligence of the localities and the importance of the meetings: All are cordially 1 ted, J, BRIGHT, ELMER LICK President Secretary. County Council} County of Ontario. | In Suitings and Overcoatings and Trowserings New Fall Fabrics are now awaiting your selec- tion to be made into the most Stylishly Cut and Artistic-- ally Fitted Garments. Every: thing we make 1s faultlessly tailored and trimmed mn You have the widest choice of exclusive patterns if you come now. Ww. H. DOUBT Oct. 23, 1602 FOR SALE. PLEVEN, Acres first class Gar Rn Jon lm all underdrained and n a high-state of cult vation, Solid be k hou ten rooms, summer hed and woodshe 1 » barn, stone basement; pig nd ch house, all in first Lit About 150 apple from railw le this prop and o1 and barr on the corner of COOK'S RESTAURANT ! I Prices t al Se all Ee INS my | I would beg to intimate to many friends & ang fhe pub Jicin gen- eral that I have ope a Restaur |" ant in the Hiscox B just east of the 'B ink of Commerce. where I Il be delighted, at all times, to to all callers the proper and st nutritious Food for the | inner man The first meeting 1e Council | of the Corporation of the Cs inty of | Ontario for the year 19 will be held pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, at the Court House in the| Town of Whitby, on Tus THE 27th Dav or January, A. D., 1903 at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon laid i be fore the All accounts to be Council must be forwarded properly | certifie 1, to the Clerk. at least three days before mecting of the Council. JNO. E. the FAREWELL, County Clerk, County of Ontario. COMPANY Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Share- holders of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Company, will be held in the Town all, PORT PERRY, oN Monday, Jan. 19, 1808, at Two o'clock p.m., for the Elec. tion of Officers, receiving the An: nual Report and the trans: stion of other business that may be brought hefore the meeting. J. € CAMPBELL, President. JOHN ROLPH, Secretary. Port Perry, Jan, 5, 1903. Farm for Sale. ous HALF lot 9g and South west quarter of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting ot about 80 acres good Farm Land with house ang hath ; ; also 20 acres Hardwood, and 50 acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlcck and Tamarac, Apply to owner. H. B. CLEMES, Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1902. QYSTERS | the deep sea variety Siesot. froth Baltimore (daily)--always in stock, ind served as they she be, or sold | by the pint, quart or in larger quanti ties ; special quotations for Church and Society Entertainments and private parties Sandwiches, made from a recipe |' supplied by the Earl of Sandwich Pork Pies, &c. Fresh Fish in the pr Yours truly, JOSEPH COCK. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1902; Stray Calf. TRAYED into the | EAE "of the undersigned, lot 19, con. 12, Reach, about the sth of November, a Spring Calf. Tue owner is re- quested to come, prove property, pay expenses, and take it away, otherwise it will be sold as the law directs. per season, ARTHUR SLEEP, Seagrave, Dec. 3, 1902. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. I. WIITRY. Clerk, DC. Masdonall, Whity --any ary ry 6, Felrary 3 pi rel 4, A ril 9, May 6, June 3, wy, her 4 October 6, Noveuber 4, Dec RY iad OSHAWA Clerk, D. ©. Maconell, Whitby -- Janu ary 7, February 5, Ap3 May 7, June 4, Jub eptanher § im Noveuber 5, Dec 2. BROUGHAM Olerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant- ary 8, March 7, Yd 9, July 7, September 8, Nov. ember 7, Jan. 9, 1 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J W. Surcham, Pe Perry ~ January 9, March 9, Ma Be Ta, Seay 12, November 11, Jur. 11, 1004, -- 7 1» Sesteuber UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos ¥ Gould, Uxbridge Jamey 16, March 20 May 59. J November 20, Jun, 14, 10.4, "7 Septesbe. 5. CANNINGTON. Clerk, Geo Smith, Cannington - Junaery 1, Mach 18, May 2,5 Bn 5, tage ibe Murch ais 14 septeraber 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. z SCSI IN FULL & to meet the requirements NIN ness. and courteous treatment Port Perry, Dec. RICK N sr Port Perrys. Roller Mill ation and that I am better than ever prepare general public in every line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing busts Correct business principles, promprtude : JAMES CARNEGIE. , £1902. isi BLAST of my [riemds and & may be relied on, Ph BISIH JANUARY SALE WE INTEND CLEA Amas China Regardless I ly | for $4 CO 2 » for 2.75 1 only Marmalade Jars worth $2.00 50 1 only Fan Jardineire worth $7 50 for 6.00 4 Cup | Saucer lar $2 1 for 100 1 only Pitcher h$ 225 Balance of Trimmed Millinery at your own prices. Hats worl] $6.00 for $3.00 Hats worth f $4 oo for 2.00 Hats worth 1.00 H rth $1 0.76 £1 for the month of I 4; & J RING OUT OUR of Cost. Dies TDHAA NL (0) TN sfeld's Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- REMOVAL ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive where I have opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend premises, an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises.. A.J DAVIS. G SOUTH Port Perry, Sept 2, goo. El FOR Alsike, Red Clove FRESH RELIABLE Provisions, Flour and Feed--Grockery. Also, Bread and Confectionery cf dl kinds. Wedding Cakes, ornamented and trimmed in Is now prepared to buy any quantity of and Timothy Seed At the Iighest Market Price. GROCERIES AND All kinds always on hand, © WINTER. eo If you are contcm | and 1903 you can get valu nformat John T. Patrick, Pin i rates ; can dir 1 t best direct you wher REMOVAL IFoimess CHEAPNESS sed (ALL [1D are prepare AND ollar, COLD amcl ARGAINS in q ILVER | WATCHES a Quarter of WEDDING ARD ENGAGEMENT RIKGS 1 Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fi GREAT VARIETY VERY ( Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fru is e d son nore EZ" Also Fancy Jes 1 ne Designs. CrLocks n 1 y Butter Diss, Cake Baskets Tea | HING GOES CHEAP. J Annual Meeting The Annual Meectiag of the SCUGG AGRICULTURAL SOCITT | wilt be held in the Town Hall, PORT PERRY, | On Wednesday, Jan'y 14, 1003] at One o'clock, p.m., to receive the Annual Report of the Society; Election of Officers and Directors for the ensuing year, and o.her business that may come before the meeting. ES. It is particularly requested that a full representation from all interested in Agriculture from the Townships of Reach and Scugog be present to take into consideration the AMALGAMATING of these Town- ships with Port Perry for Agricul- tural and Horticultural purposes. THOS. GRAHAM. President. J. H.. BROWN, Secretary. Bruee, Jay nunry 14, M Min le, 18, Sa Beptember 23, Nov- 7. UPTERGROVE--- Clerk, Thos. P. H; U --Maroh 17, May 26, September 22, SM EZ" Farmers and others desirous of improving their stock of fowls will find it to their advantage to in | Rooms in the Allison Block w BZ rhs >ort Parry, Nov. 38, 1898 em ------ WANTED_FAITHFUL PERSON TO| JNO. W OROZIBR. | TRAVEL for well est 1 house in ¢ ) AT ¥ LICITO Cones and agents. Local 1 Reach (one mi st "of Port Pat 3 $1024 a year and ex e $ ! : week in cash an expenses advanced fOXLY Tu LOANg tion permanent Business sn ssful rushing. Standard House, 334 Dear pay 5 " Apples Wan - : known, reliable h Tue Easy Foop Ed | Jacobs & Sons of Cast your eye on our pie. Easy'p, and Hamburg, Gen to eat, easy to digest, easy to buy. want Consignments of Cam Cook's pie. If you are vot satisfied Ap st prices to with the pies you are eating try tained @ - Reasonabl A Vance against B/L allowed Cook's. They just fit the appetite bnicats with E. Pit Big i ind arg deep and thick, His Pork Nurseryman, Toray, 3 qr jes. Cook's name is Cook's fanie. you to ship to the Jacobs & Sons. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Mak Wie S i inform the she has moved to her she is prepared to execute all ord in Dress acd Mantle Making in manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Eflé Our charges are consistent wit the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902 Annual Meeting OTICE is hereby given t pursuant to Sec. 10 of Agricultural and Arts Actecf O tario, the Annual Meeting of Gerbmigh A gran Sig will be held in the Secretary's O: BLACKSTOCK On Wednesday, Jan'y 14, 1§ at One o'clock, pm. A ey att dance of members i is desirable. By order, spect the young birds advertised fo IE ewe sale by Mr. Ingram in auothe Dated!st Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1902) column, T-- JAMES PARR, Secr STYLE nstantly arriving anc irchasin JESSOP FU 1.0i@ are thel, sading Fi | --{_ \ { 1 Durability and RA STRENGTH, \ NY he o mmm (4) ff Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks |---- 7 0 u Comparison of Prices Courted )JNGARD I'TY & B( eharry ESTATE BROKER. One Farm in Reach. g& Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with me for i , ih ence Is Invariably ill Essential to Success Ii Hi VI ra exj 1 x, | [Hl i | . trar wh t mL pry tan i rs 1 wh 1 to di ay b 1 plac fc | FARM FOR SATE | | Three Farms in Scugog. "sale. Satisfaction guaranteed, LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low rate Quick action £2" 1 represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Prompt attention given to applications | Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901. Sale of DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON] Fhe landersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, con sisting of ve me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, To JOHN NOTT. and Undertakers in Port Perry. OUR 1 Dl ind of the I | " co owned JESSOP FURNITURE €O. W. J. NOTT, Manager } Mi JUL | ANTED ANIE [he | W M 1 1 full blast and ( [1] I' 1 C1 for any qua \ M JAMES MAXWELL. Por M Removal ¥ First doorEast of 'the Post Office Hecing ety a end it for t b f s he feels confideut that 1 & ¢ t I L etc and iv order Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business arlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Bets, &e,| * A Fine lot of Picture Frames and 'Gilt Mouldings suitable to the ta GAME up-to-date style. READY-MADE CLOTHING=> AND GENTS UNDERWEAR 1 1 Give rT a call betor E. H. PURDY. at pr i = RII I in his uew SEASON. 1. J. WHEELER. AND FISH IN y 4 0 Great S Sacrifice, wy Furniture ! READY-MADE CLOTHING reiki for Men and Boys which for quality and | this district. | I have the largest and most v1 { opened in this locality for your insp not fail to ploase. | | | | | | | Come and see us in our en'arged quarters. my customers in every particualr, j Port Perry. ry NY IN ALL 175 DEPARTMENTS we purchased and the dimensions of emises, 11 opened AND low prices cannot be equaled ried Stock of BOOTS axn SHOES ever ction, and the prices are such as can. My aim shall be topl A. F. CARNEGIE:

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