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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 May 1903, p. 1

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po LX Juba an Ante receivad at the highest current Interest caloulated and eredited to - deponltor gemi- aunually, H. §. HUTOHESON, 3 MANAGER. Port Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at & 45 and § per cent on good Mortgage secarity. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, MONEY TO LOAN. TIVHI Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT oii Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. £7 Also om Village Property. £4" MORTGAGES BOUGHT, ©) HUBERT L. EBBELS, Bariister, Office next to Ontario Bank J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, ge PORT gs All branches of Dentistry, including Crow and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Ateifical Teethoon Gold, Silver, or Rubber Plates Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: BF Prices to suit the times® W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL \L. SURGEON. Mol over the Pont Office Office. Office Honrs--9t0 12 a.m., 2 to's p,m. Also open Saturday evenings. Aluminum &7 Gold Fillings, Vork York & Spe ty. yy Dr, pr ¥ D. McGrattan (DENTIST) -D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University, toe in the Allison Blogk over Allison's Drag Store. Office hours--8 a.m. 0 830 p. ru. Port bors Poff, April 9, 1902. Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. TOs. BAIRD 1 SRE AUCTIONERD for the County of Dun Sate Register at the Opsxnvir Office atronage solicited. Mayébégter, Jan. 19, 1899. AUCTIONEER. HE unde signed tuk tukes this opportuait; TF Fa ing thanks for the 14 rade patrcnuge he has received as Auctioneer in the, phat. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned to advafitage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on sn ro being fully protected. * No buaparn to make it profitable placing their Salve in my hands. be found at the Scott, sud Eldon , Partiesoutrdsting their Sales to me sy fel, the Dino sttention being 'given to WM. GORDON, OAL OPTIIR and Eye.and| list, 176 Wilton Ave, Foronto ort. Perry once in six' Mmonth.-- A orders e SRA hin: warranted t- REFERENCES W, An and "Uonmence HEAD OFFICE. Oapital {Paid up Rest TORONTO, ONT. $8,000,000 2,600,000 ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS | Loans made to farmers for periods ex- tending from ove to cattle and other farm purposes. Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col lected dv the most favorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and futerest allowed at current rates Interest is added to the deposit rivior in each year, at the end of May and | November The Depositor, is subject to no delay | whatever in the withdrawal of the whole | or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing money Port Perry Branch I H. DUNSFORD, Manager | R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. ictoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Liseutiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin. burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians ad Surgeons . Glasgow ; Late Resident Pupilof the Rolinda Hospital, Dublin, for Women. Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furpiture feds eg ee Steoehs Office hour to 11 wn to 5 p.m. and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. M.D,C NM, of Col ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. NOTICH. R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician. geon and Accouchear, and Dr, ster, Dentist, may on and after 10. Whig be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as herétofote, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches. Port Perry Dec. Archer, Member Sur A. 8, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuysiciaN, SURGEON, &6, Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Pesry Office hours--8§to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, wd Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, cennected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port {pork Perrys Nov. 15, 1894. WM. H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of the officés of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Petry, Ont. TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cont, Feb. 7 1901 JNO. W. CROZIER ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To Loan, nine months for feed i | Match { 3 i ee 19, Jan. 13, 1 TS THAN RIGHTOUR MISTAKES." {URSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. irr ite, ------- SMITH General Ire Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the ronage bestowed on lim since com mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is jully equipped todo CARTING AS IT SHOUL Reeres Bri site the Methodist Parsonage. Port Perry, Atg. 1901. Sittings of the Division Con Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. b.0 Mécdonall, Whitty --Janu- March 4 May6, June 3, 4 October rd, I I. WHITBY- Clock} 3 Bena Ju EG an. ember 4, Novem! USHAWA-- Clerk, D. O. Macdonell, Whitby --Janu- ard 6 Regier March hia rid: May 7, June 4, uly 6, Heptembe: 5, ember 5, Jan, Tool vomit 5: eee] 2 BROUGHAM Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood. - ary 8, March 7, May 9, July 7, September 9, ane ember 7, Jon. 9, 1908 13 PORT PERRY Clerk, J W, Burnham, Port Perry | ary 9, M oh 9, $ Huy ih July §, Sepusaiie | | November | 4 UXBRIDGE- Clerk, Jos Goud, {rahridge-- January 16, March 20, Bape. July 13, Beptaoive: | , November 20, Janu. | CANNINGTON - -Gletk, Gao, saith, Cannington 19, 'May 33, July 14, Beptember &. BEAVERTON--Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Resverion | Juuary 14, March I& May 21, Beptembsr Zi, Nov ember 18, Jon, 12, [7 UPIRRGROYE Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, ul frergtore ~March 17, Muy 26, September 23, November 17. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace, Datod'at Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1902. Locat ol | in Our Now Premises §.T.CawkereSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they date now comfort ably ensconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will aluays fin an Lope Supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail fo please. A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut Y to please fhe most fastidious All ordefs Will attention. S51. March 5 1902, receive prompt CAWKER & SON TICKETS TO ALL TARTS OF WorrLp.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Perry, 1S now In a position tO issue to supply all necessary informatien to parties asto the cheapest and | best routes, &c. In addition to his| numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trink Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before smbarking on a trip. TO OONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering for several years with a very severs lung affection, and that dread disease Consump tion, is anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Oatarrh, Bronchitis avd all throat and Jdng Maladies. He hopes all spferers will try his remedy, ms it is invalu- able. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York, N. F. PATERSON, K. Cy Barrister, Solicitor, Notary County ays cube, Whitby, MARRIAGE uc port Pves. Deo 15, Port. Perry Ont. Goop SHor Vavrugs. Hones s shoes, adapted for short h | patent le 2 Biche em dress arch--hafid turn file s soles hE my window. It affords a view of stylish footweat that is not to be fadnd any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can le duplicated in your size inside A. F. CARNEGIE. WM. SPENCE, Township Cierk, Commissioner, &c. nyse Soy an Any quantity of Maney improved Farin Secu! ity at 6 and vent (Trust funds) : y.8t and 7, pe All kiudcof Convoyancing executed with neatoess and dispatch. Go, Ti door hdi of Town Hall, WANTED--FAITHFUL PERSOR f( TRAVEL for well establikhed house in a few counties; calling on rotail merchants agents. Locu' territory Salilary $1024 a year and expenses, week in cash an expenses advanced. Posi. | tion srinapest Business successful and | uk D Lander] House, 334 Deatborseh RO. "Grand Trak -- TIME fa BLE. Port eA ; GOING SOUTH. "GOING NORTH. 9.51 4 mh. S40 pam. 733 pm: public for the esteemed pat | 'House, oppo-| F. SMITH. | in dimensions THE | Port | tickets to all parts of the world and | nd | of about 80 acres good Farm Lan 20 'pryable $1970 : ses there are a good stone house, . ® fo Routes for the Present Season. Tes [3196]. That grand, young Clydesdale ion, the property of 'Mr. Pronk K King, lot 2, con. 1, Mariposa, will make the nat his howe stand. There wi | rit to his patronage. f lar Stamp [3044]. That grand, you fo: r E Clydesdale stallion, Hm of Mir. J. re wan, Crmsures, will make the proses Jos. Campbell's for noon ; bli, Janetville, for nicht Tuesday, Thos uss for night. JYedneutar, J. MF ti ene Th THE HATHA] resent I be a . Forruson i, John Sanderson's, Cadmus, fornoon; tel, Blackstock, for might, Friddy, ide étand oud remain till Monday. That Hambletonfon Trot- t) bi Mr. Vi nk for night.= tallowlng Mon. 0881) 10533. --That choicely-bred, id dona stallion, the property of | Perry and Scugog Clydesdale { He Mage gi make the season of 1008 as fol- | | ws i--Monday, leaves his home stand, 'Dun i iy farm near Manchester, for Wm Bowles', for om for night a R. Flewell's Greenbank. A Lenask's, con, 11, for hy tn J lot 28, con. 11, for noon Perry, fo Thursdah. J Friday, Thos. , then to his h Ai Bay Ce J - : High Grade ih Every Partioulat, | Manufactured by one of Canada's Leading Agricultural Firms: | The "Red Bird" ix guaranteed to do the | work claimed for it. | te has perfect Automdtic Heat Regulation. | It hes a Nutdery Gonoath the Egg Tray. | It is so simple and casy to run, It gives uniformly large hatches, It enables you to get Chicks when you want them, Good, Honest Machines at Reasonalile Prices-- Our Motto Our Cutalogae and Guide, fu ed with half-toues, tell the whol Ask for one, Ridea LT. R, d, Kentucky n, the prop ry of Mr. J. W will not deviate from his route ng to the fact that h gle Bird 29523 Vol. xiv, Jashionably and Stiridurd Stal Crozier, So cue last - © _bis further service his home sta Vi Sebert House, Port re ck ersiu's Temperance Nico night. Tuesday, Little Brita Wednesday, Oakwood, for noon Hotel, Lindsay, for night wile, for night. Friday, WE KEEP THE THREE GREAT lagkutock, for night. | WINTER LAYERS stand tll Monday; [WHITE WYA} BUFF ORI BARRED #af Bg Seagrave, for n for night Maunder's Thursday, Janet Nestleton, for noon Saturday to his home at story yil Prinee of Kenellar II. [3236] --That grand, ung Clydesdale stallion, the propertd of Mr Sonya, will make the present pnso ~Monday, leave for Thos Moses, 0 yrboatd, toe night. Tuesday, Valentin, for night. «Wednesday, Glending, for night. | Thursday, Jenk Hotel, Liftlo Britaifl, for ay, Varcoe Bros', Salem tor wig | to his home stand and rewain till | VM u TH ROCKS | 4s and Stock in Season, : fers. Incubators supplied on the shortest notice. Monda, NINGRAM, | Aa wet of Buran nd (10830) | am 34]. ~That grand >0C S fmported) Clydesdale Sta Cochrane St. | the Shirley Syndic Port Perry; | season as follows staid on the fine Wednesday, Mr. Stewart's ight. 1 A MYRTLE STATION J am 5 poo Ser or noon ; Rirnie's night. Saturday then home stand till fol S: J. BEAGOCK of Myrtle Station, wishes to inform the public that he has puchased the Stock of G. A. Beacock and has opened out a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, "ARK BRAND! Pubitan (6906) [2610].--Th pi pular the stud In this sect) ) dal Stallion, tho property field, will make this seas 8, Alexender's, noo Tuesday Wednesday, John Bars, for noon ; Angles' Hotel Thursday, to his home sta. the following Monday t | | J | niskilen, for night. | night. } | | | Burple for. Young Dunbarton Willie. That r a v ey, lot 18, oor © the following route the present season :-- Monday Geo Howsan's, con. 4, for noon ; Epsom, for night. Tuesday, Greenbank, for noon ; Sebert House, Port Perry, for night. Wednesday, , "home stand for night. Thursday, M, Crozier's, oon. A Uxbridge, for | i y home stand for to H. Corner's, for noon ; eh till fonda' shine Riyle [2821] That grand, young Clydes dale ® Hardware alllon, the property of Mr. John Hill | { onyn, will make the present season :--Wed : proceed through Pinedale to J Seeds of all kinds. on. 4, Brock, and remain till F then return to his home stand | EZ Butter, Egus and Chickens wafited for which the Highest Price till the follow ng Wodnes lay Devitt paid fn Cash or Trade. vd; | 5 1. Samells', Nes- | | March 30, 1903. [ hs eo 4h fo low Ronny [¢830] will be Tuesddy,~ Wm. Sisson's BEACOCK EI x Monday Important Notice rHE RE PORT ewrrent that 1 | have disposed of my business . 2 adhe Bang iba [to Mr. Alex. MacMillan, V.S.; i is ance | almost needless to state, is untrue ; | the fact 1s. finding that it was im | possible to attend to all the numer | ous calls with which I have of late been patronized I concluded to 4btain assistance, and in order to meet the requiremerts of my num- erous patrons I have entered into partnership with Mr MacMillan, | the name and style of the new firma} | being Errror & MacMinran, Vet: erinary Surgeons, so the new firm | will be prepared at all times--nighi gt] ¢ acd day-- to cater to all requiring our prolessional services mn a manrer that cannot fail to meet their approbation. J.T. ELLIOT Port Perry, April 6, 1903. Yydesdale ve property of 8 " yme" during the mbor of mares. | Bord Hoberts That purebred property of Mr. Jns 1 Hotel, Black- | tand nt Young Ontario Clhilel 9 i ' g places of the above ute so that parties will know about where tc The Prince's Hour A By S. S. TITSWORTH Copyright, 1902, by MeClure's Newspaper Syndicate ee fh He had been pushing through the | iebnder green underbrush of the forest 'for some time, follow hg the curves of 'the saucy little brook, when suddenly "| 'fle rounded a great oak and saw her Farm for Sale "gitting on the opposite side of the tiny 'stream, her hands clasped on her g and her feet drawn up under k her sober brown skirt. . "I beg your pardon," he sald, pulling his hat. "I hope I am not tres- everybody trespasses here!" ate "These are the palace véry distaiit from (OUTH-HALF lot and Soa west quarter of lot 10, Township of Brock, house and barn; also 20 acre SH Hakavont: Hand 50" acres Phy Cedat Temlock and Tamara © Apply to owner. H. B. CLEMES, * yoturned the girl; "quite near, Fort Perry Pig they never come out here." SL And the man raised his brows inquiringly. court," said the girl, "the--the prince and and her ladles and gentle- Dida. 8. 1902. Fii-Gla Fim bo Rot I ur ean understand the ladles not ACRES, © being lot 2] Taree perhaps, but the men"-- He cob 8; REACH,' with a shake of his head and | lease for a term of years. Brick, a | "house and good outbuildings. Im-! smiled. "Do I look as if I ine trom the court?" our gown doesn't," responded the mediate possesion. Apply on the J remises , + Pp i , or address the owner. Thi, he wasn't looking at it 48 be h E -WILDMAN, borrowed one," corifessed with a laugh. "You have and apparently know some- courts." & Or 10), Wa MEnarky Dor Feb/ 20, 1903 PE Tie admitted. "I am a friend Farm for Sale or toRent. in waiting of the Prince 3 i urt." Sa is expecting Bd she Jeaned toward her. hd asked, "is the princess ou know--alluring?" of her mouth twitched. 'have me commit high 'she asked in return. He vu gob 3? much enthu-. 6¢'10 Reot. lot 31 and 32 cin arlington containing 165 On the prema For Sa 'fo, "acre: more or less stable, well watered, Nessidel the' girl, with a satisfied alr. ned do | her pretty face, * | aw | passion, | a moment." | to where her stockings and ghoes lay at the | Indignant or amused | was very grave, kn; ~onty yod toust neve, never say, I said so!" "Oh, never!" he repeated impressive: ly. "And if I should be tempted to, you know, I don't really see how I could, for I don't yet know your name." very safe," sald the "And when t1 think the prince will come?" . "He comes tomorrow probably," he "That makes it ' returned. "He is making an easy jour ney of it." "Possibly he isn't very enthusiastic about the princess either," said th¢ girl, vs a matter of state, Fou know," the 'mar ---- confidenc "1 geo," sald the girl. "How ad | ful to be a prince and have to cansider the state before one's own prefer- ences!" "Yes," sald the man, "A private geri- tleman"-- "Tike yourself?' interrupted the girl, . "fixactly," he answered--'has so many privileges. For instance, he may steal off and perchance have a sam- ple of paradise in the woods." "So might a prince," objected the girl, meeting his eyes. "A prince!" said the man Hanationt ly. "To a prince it remains a sample. He must go on and find the princess, you know. But the private gentleman steps across the brook, so, that paradise may last a lifetime." The girl drew away with a Mttle laugh oe and hoped | -------- tigtiai--1 am Dboth--and so you must not come to Lubeck." She had listened with lowered eyes, and her under lip caught between her teeth. "Kiss me goodby," he said hoarsely, "and go. I kissed you yesterday once. 1 don't even kmow your name, but I want you to kiss me once again and then go--for Meaven's sake, go!" She raised her lps to his, and for a mo- ment be held her in his arms, hig cheek agatde} hers; then he put her away it .aud his glance traveled sim bungrily over fer. stepped. back with a sudden ex- taotaered a town? and 'there were crowns on the gold buttons that fas- tened the straps of her habit. "If it please your higliness" -- she began, courtesying before him. He caught her hands and drew her up and toward him. "How could you?' he sald. my love, my love!" "And I may come to Lubeck?' she teased him, letting herself be drawn slowly into his arms. "Is this the princess' hour?" "No," he triumphed over her, his lips against her eat. "fils 1s the prince's hour! And it is going to last a life time!" "On, 3 | ia Thouands of Mothers as he sat down beside her on the moss | | and pulled her skirt still farther over | her feet. "Paradise will Inst just as long for the private gentleman as for the prince this time," she said. "It is pearly over. I must get back to the palace. I shall be missed." "Well," he said, laughing openly Into "why don't you go?" "You know perfectly well," said the girl (indignantly, and fhen she, too; laughed. "Pleage go away," "But I thought y," he returned "Not till you are quite gone" fhe affirmed. "That will be some time hence," announced Bhe rested her chin her hands and looked off across the brook In silence, "I will go on one condition," he sald at last. "Name it," said the girl "A kiss," sald the man, with a quick and as she flushed he put his arm about and laid his cheek against hers for an Instant. The girl was passive. As he turned his face and kissed her lips she put him away gently, but firmly. "That," she sald as he stood beside her, "was done like ft Prince and not like a private gentleman." He looked down at, her with a sud, | den "gravity. "Like the princé, I must be shut out of paradise," he sald. "But at least I have had paradise for And he crossed the brook The girl crept over buckled foot of a big tree, plain in sight, and put them on. It was the next afternoon, and was wandering listlessly about one of the magnificent dreary audience rooms of the palace undecided whether to be at the unusual delay In his reception, for he had been waiting fifteen minutes, Suddenly through one, of the great doors at the end of the room came the court lady. Today she was In riding dress. She stopped at sight of him "You?" she sald. "And alone?" "Not now," he returned, coming to- ward her. "In paradise, you know, one has the best of company I'hen he stopped, for she was courtesying low before him, with demure eyes. "I beg your pardon," said blankly ; "It is for me to beg ness' pardon," she sald, day." "How did you know?' he demanded. "I didn't know at first," she evaded, pulling off one gauntlet. He caught the hand thus bared, she sald. you were going he on her and disappeared. he he high- yester your "for as your highnes 8 seen the prin: | cess?' ghe asked. He let her hand go. "I was told that the princess had not yet come in," he returned stiffty. He but Le took her hand again and lifted it to his lips. "TI like | you better as a private gentleman," she added mischievously. Then as he bent toward her lips she evaded him, courtesying low again. "Don't," he sald sharply, "don't boyy, to me. Why should you deny fhe kigs to the prince that you granted to the gentleman?" "Your highness knows that," she an- swered simply. "We were mad yes- terday." "Then I am mad today," he fetyrwed. Let me be g She "I feel that it is chronic. rivate gentleman for awhile." k her head. "Noy fie gala, "fiot €o soon. I Hike feel that I am talking to a prince, sually they talk to the princess, you gee. This Is my hour of triumph, yout highness. Perhaps when the princess has transferred her court to Lubeck- Malvoisie, perhaps some day-- Al there woods fear your place, your high- ness? For you might be yandering in them. Once a year now--I can imagine that once a year it might be interest- ing ie play at being merely a gentle ma Wait" He said. "If the princess honors my sult"-- But she interrupted him. "Do not be afraid," she said. "There dre reasons of state, you know." "Then," he went on, regardless of her ralllery, "you néed not come with ber to Lubeck-Malvolsie." "Your highness does not want me?" the girl said, with a sudden catch in her breath. "Want you!" he repeated, with a groan. window and stood before her. "One advantage a private gentleman has over his prince is that his love and his honor may go hand jn hand. Mine honor 18 the princess'-- "Listen." He drew her to the. Recommend Baby's Own Tablets, "] would not be without them." is a very familiar sentence in their letters to us I'he Tablets get this praise simply because no other medicine has ever done so mach in relieving and curing the minor ills of infants and young childfen, Mrs. Levi Perry, Roseway, N.S., says: "I take great pleasure in re ling Baby's Own Tablets and Costipation. I have ind anything to equal the 1b Jesides cu nstipation and lets expel worms, comme for Cpl never fo m { for th es. indigestion Ov Lal y colds, at'on of teeth, prom revent croup alay e cut accompanying t sweeten the stomacl health-giving sleep cc neither opi- Sold and Guranteed tes nor oth it 25 cents a bax by all dru may » had by writing \ ' Medicine Co, B le to r ain mful dr rockville, sanron. The particular species of crocus that bas from time immemorial biceti cult fiited for its dried stigmas, a product known. pndar.the of galteon, Js | Crocus 'sativps, which fs wil Italy to Kurdistan. Saffron may be | reckoned among the very oldest of | vegetable products, being alluded to in the Song of Solomon among other gplces of Lebanon. The name crocus is Chaldean or Greek and was first used by Theophrastus of Eresus about 850 B. C., and that it was a well knowg and admired flower In Greece san | afterward is shown by Sophocles, who | mentions the "crocus of golden beam" in his "CEdlpus at Colonos,", The word paffron seems to be a cor- ! ruption of the Arabic name "al zahafa. ran," and the product itself was first ! Imported into En spice or ondiment, being or dye for silks and other fabrics of the eastern looms At a later date, ¢ tly known, the plant itself was cultivated in gland, in Essex, In which county of Saffron Walden remain evidence of the Again, in London Saf tron hill, which formerly was a site In. cluded In the bishop of Ely"s garden at Holborn, once famous for its saffron beds. as well as for its strawberries. Today, however, saffron is but little used. land as a also used as a color xa when Is not more especially the in name s we have Live Spiders Food Fer Young Wasps, The young of some wasps can lite only on live spiders, and the mother wasp therefore renders the, spider pow- erless by her sting, after which it can live a month, and then deposits it in the cocoon where she has laid her egg. On hatching out the wasp grubs feed on the bodies of the living spiders. An- other wasp deposits her egg in the body of the spider, which is then buried glive and is fed upon by the wasp Weak? «1 suffered terribly and was ex- tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water, At last I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon fesling all right again.' Mrs. J. W Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Avyer's Sarsaparilla is t! c best medicine you can take for pudhyin and en- riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole frust.in it, throw away everything else. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. Be whas he thinks of EZ Mr. Purdy's stock of Field and Garden Seeds is now replete-- pure, and true to name. Don't fail to inspect it, the prices are right gén- sideration. . | and no fear of disappointment 2 as to] .| quality of seed--ali'. important « con: I BIRD , ARCHITEETURE. Titmouse Earliest "Pullder in Everything Goes Inte Their Nests. | With the exception perhaps of missel thrush, the raven, and an or two, the long-tailed. titmouge, bottle-tit, is, I believe, about otrliest of English nesting. birds. * watched two, pairs, of Jang-tail titmice building off rch 15 an 16. Once you know the ways oO these little creatures and | punts, it is casy to find a nest wo befare, leaf is qut; ua #ign that is is a tient gt is vociferousness. Su; rr ae TE a whi the ground; tha other. in a fir, at abotit: the same 138 a sori low. {d* the species (at pie The nest in the spruce fir is prac tically pendent; like a gold crest's, It rests on fio stable basis, and Is simply, kept in place when the wind roughly rocks the bough to and fro by the perfectly skillful way in which the birds have attached it to tha drooping fir twigs It is glued, as ft wera to these twigs and there all round, at the top, bots tom, and the sides Unfortunately 1 was not able to por near enough to watch the birds at- taching this nest to the twigs Du 1 was lucky in seeing a good deal po the way in which the nest in the whitethorfsi bush at the edge of the coppice was built And first let me say of all the long-tailed titmice recollect at this moment have always had entrances facing south or south- west or west--but 1 think a souther- ly aspect is much more common thad a westerly. I cannot recall finding a nest facing north or though Xk do not want for a moment ' to lay down a general rule and say that these birds never build nests facing either of those quarters here the that the nests I cam east Bird Sharers of Libor, i The whitetho when first I noticed it about a quarter built, and resembled "& chaflinch's in material, and A bird-nesting boy with me Chaffinch Dut I felt sure i¥ titmouse's, and lying flat three yards off, IT watch- arrived, fsurd full of nest, was it «closely position shape said was a about ed and waited Presently the tits enough. One had its beak | Yichens. It chattered all the while, saw me, and flew a little way off: The other did likewise. I waited quite still, and was rewarded. One of the the hen, I believe, flew into the bush and entered the st At first its movements witfiia nest seemed fo me delicate and gerly, as if much act would = dof harm to the structure But upen the next visit of the bird I noticed & | display of considerable vigor. Tha littig Sreatura rummaged 3 {WHICH Wi ward, of course), body an going hard While the beak bufit up te sides" the body, unless. I am very much mistaken, was all the while molding and the of the nest. It was curious to notice the way in which the builder * worked its way round and round the touching up 'mow ong side, now another Once, to my I saw it scrap of material off the one side of the nest and elsewhere As a thod of building quite level I near that I could sce pushing and the buildir intense Both t tailed titmouse d tend the the cock creeper does himself Is it b such & long and difficult that he shares the labors long and difficult nest result merely of this energy part of both hen and cock? J A minute inventory of the nest, €6 far as it had gone, showed that ths following materials were in use: Moist moss, small tree lichens, flat- tish green-gray on the upper). and dark, boot-leather brown on the wa-s der side; 'silk from the of some cobwehs feather (worke of feathers laid in till over), birch grasses . As the birds flew about their homes they looked like scraps of wind-borno fluff word with %hich to describe them It, makes one,tingle with pleasure to, watch. --Correspondence of London | Express eT down presently birds the gin, ou pressing inside nest drag a edge of place this of this me the sides grow up y delightfully the ting Beak and ing gether with joy result was 1 k Th s pot and encourage the coc long~' at asi tree merely hen her 1innet I cock 11 vorks with a wilt the nest. ise undertaking is the ause or the on the cocoons one side; the great mas: lining are no has bee domed thinnest, fine dried insects, »d into the used for the nest tiny strips of some very some bark; Exquisite' is« a poor Origin of "Budget." kd It is dificult to realize that the term "budget," now so often jn eve crd 'one's anouth, is a term less th 200 years old, the earliest fricnt of the word dating mo farther" than 1738. We borrowed if. from, the old French language--hougette,' | jpeaning a small bag, in which in | for times it was the custom to | put the estimates of receipts and ex | penditures when presented to Parfig-% | ment Hence the Chancellor of the. | Exchequer, in making his annual, | statement, was formerly said to o len his budget. In time the term passed from the receptacle fo tho, contents, and, curiously, thigs new, signification was returned from this country to France, where it wa: first used in an official manner in the er'y part of the nineteenth century. -- London Chronicle. 2 Against the Law. | Missis--Bridget, why did you that policeman I saw in the kite Iast night? Dridget--Well, mum, it against the law to resist the police: --World's Comic. Cupboard, ox ~Doliy you oan to love better, than you do me!' * Oh, ma, I don't méh to, but p know, legs. has his WM. Whe. he ami stop smoking Aigywo, far fin

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