a for the esteemed pa stowed on him since co nero the Business Id 5 "that. oppo he SgeDd Parson Lo one Port Perry, Aug. 1901. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO est current 1 eredited to 2 rors : pong Bhi By iifkint H.G. HUTOHESON, |ueso orsicr. + TORONTO, ONT. 3 Mivaces. - Port Perry; dune 26; 1897. Capital (Paid Le ER Ho 1903s a ; . - Ta © TELOMERES Lo i A General Banking pci ne Clerk, D. O. Macdonell, Whithy--Jana- #1)" Business Transacted pn EB a pl usu ansaebod Sir ge . 8 T ERLIN G gm 2 ri og, M. Gleason, Greenwood--Ja: : | BUSINESS WITH FARMERS |" "2st sex pgm emt (British Capital) fio lond al'4, 45 dnd B per cont | "on 'good Mortgage security. Apply to. Loans nmde to farmers for periods ex- tending from ons to nine mouths for feed- cattle und other firm purposes. Farmers' ye Notes discounted or col lected at the most favorable rates. 3 FOBT oR ros sv. Bural rabam, Port Pony ~J ann 13, 9, Septembel 12, November 11, Ja Jan. 11, Toot. uy 4 UXBRIDGE Ef Jos Gould, Uxbridge-- January 1 Hays, . July 15, Septewbe. or 3) uf , Novem! 5. CN RE: Aig Cannington -- ntinary arch ly 14, 3, November 16; dun 10. Toca, 11% September 6. PEAYPRIO Clerk, Geo. SAVINGS BANK s plissier in a thanks | Manufactured by one of C ns Leading Agricultural Firms. The 'Red Bird" is guarantecd to do the work claimed for it. ¥ t has perfect Automatic Heat Regulation, It has a Nursery beueath the Egg Tray. It is so simple and easy to run. It gives uniform]y large hatches. 1t enables you to get Chicks when yo want ti LPrices-- Our Motto. Our Catalogae and Guide, fully illustrat ed with half-toues, tell the whole story.-- Ask for one, WE KEEP THE THREE GREAT 'WINTER LAYERS WHITE WYANDOT®ES BUFF ORPINGTONS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS #7 Kggs ard Stock in Season, Yat Ti Janta arch 4 Ma a Russ be N amber To, Jam 1a 100 mie Ror 1. UPTERGROVE-- Clerk, Thos. P. ~--March 17, May 26, September 22, Myr: Urge xe By order, DEPARTMENT, Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interedt allowed at oursent rates. Intorest is added to the deposit Twick in each yeas, at the end of May and Novembe Thé Depositor is subject fo no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit, No Charge is thade on withdrawing or . depositing money. Port Perry Branch W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perr, Ont. MONEY TO 'LOAN. pee Sebastes ia regen to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER OENT. 4a Also on Village Propéfty. 4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT.®} HUBERT L. EBBELS, A Baruister, Office next $o Ontatio Bank. J. E. FAREWELL, 2 Clerk of the Péarh. Dated'at Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1902. Located in Our New Premises 8. T.CawkeraSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort- ably ensconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M. B. Toronto University, Member or the 'College of Physicians and fargeons. Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal llege of Surgeons, Edinburg ; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians Lt J. A. AY: pL Sigsine Rohan i 1 i Boddent ¢ Di NTIS apilef a Fobpital whete the Public will always fin for. Women, d Resid econd y hon tu"the Leonard Block aver Mr. J. | nor weet. fee od ee vec aniample supply: of H. Brown's Office.] i PORT, PERRY. % All branches , of Dentistry, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a and 2 to 5 pim., and eveniligs. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr CHOICE, FRESH MEATS including rices Dat cannot fail to please, C nd Brid R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Momber of Col. a a omens | i silo ers or 1 vr Artifical Teeth OT, St, Aluminum Port Petry, June 9, 1807. to please the most fastidious. Fillings of Gold, Sil i, All ordefs will receive prompt il old, Silver or Cement NOTLLIOB. awn P D% J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur eon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A: relly Dentist, may on after to-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental S. T. CAWKER & SON. i! extraction when required: Prices to suit the times® N March s, rgoa. WA SANGSTER, Offiges over the Post Office, where th ill ya Mar LH DENTAL SUR ing icone, pr re ge tend Ticker 40 ALL raRTs or THE iL SUe ir respective prol ns in all their | WORLD.--Mr. W, H. McCaw, Port : fies {vob the 'Post Office. *| branches, Perty, is now in a position to issue 3 ce fc open firing wits m., 4106 m.| Port Péiry Dec. 8, 1897. tickets to all parts of the world and i 150 open Saturday evenings. to supply all necessary informatien or Gold. FTIR: Bridge and Crowith. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, to parties as to {he cheapest and Nork a Spegialty, Vitalised Air, Prysiciax, Surazox, We. utes, #¢ In addition to his yumerous t A ¢ Di od os Gy Office and Residence, Queen 8%, Port Pet road on No i 5 D. McGrattah Office hours--8 1510 £5 ; 1to3 pm.,|been re appointed 'Ticket Agent for . (DENTIST) pod Evenings. the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties Telephone in office aud-honse, open night and day over the lines 'south, conn with o the residence of G. L.+ Robson, Vd ort Rory Bos 16, 1894. intending to travel will consult their 'own interests by consulting Bf. Mlew Tole embarking on a.grip. TO CONSUMPIIVES. The undersigned having been resto! _ { health by a simple means, after sul od the {for several years with a very severe Ip "% . ; and that dread disease Constmiip- is noxious to make known to his fel su the means of cure. To those sire it, he will send (free df charge) of the prascriphiod used, which they a sure cure for Consumption, Catarrh, Bronohitia and all nd luvg Mi es. He hopes all will try his remedy, as it is invala- Those desiring the prescription, will cost 'them nothing, and may. 8 blessing, will please address, § EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Nev York. .D. S: of Royal College of Dental Surge also D.D.8, of Toronto attereite, si Gffice in the A Bok over Allison's I 1 on the shortest notice. N. INGRAM, Gosiyane St. ort Perry, MYRTLE STATION S. J. BEACOCK of Myrtle Station, wishes to inform the public that he has puchabed the Stock of G. A. Beacock and has opened out a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods "ARR BRAND" Houseu:Carriage Paints Hardware Seeds of all kinds. EZ Butter, Eggs 2d Chickens wanted for whic ht ighest Prici will be paid in Fis or Trade. 3 sUpR 5 March 30, 1903. Important *Notice. | YHE REPORT current that . have disposed of my business] to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S., itis: almost needless to state, is untrue the fact is, finding that it was possible to attend to all the numie ous calls with which [ have of been patronized 1 concluded obtain assistance, and in or meet the requirements of m erous patrons I have setid, pastuership with Mr. MacMill jhe nae and style of the new. eing Error & MacMiLLaw, erinary Surgeons, so the new will be prepared at all timés--nig an, day--to cater to all requir otf" professional sersices in. manner that cannot fail to their approbation. TELL Port re April 6, 1903. Good, Honest Machines at Reasonable) 3 S.J. BEACOCK(S or the Present Beason. om Foi. Brana Kio lo lives ul ous, Fed Sake 8 Patronage. ! no, ve prope rea, will ma Jos. : 3 : can get it, Time and distance cannot sever, man or eagle from his Home. -- Fortune's favors, or disasters, weary toil, or battle's shock, 5 he. t That icely bred, AINTS ! 0333, 'y 1 i . > . AY v ood wtallon, Bert perty rty of Only makes the wanderer's longing more {ntense to view the rock Shows the quality. | Fresh paint try aad Scugog Clydesdale EIA y ' y make the veason of 0 ay fo Where was bred his bones and sinews, where his kindred still brings out the good and covers leaves 5 hore stand, *'Dun r : " nest Manchester, for Wr. remain, | the bad points of old buildings. n; for night a I. Flewell's i oe ar Alex. Teask's, lot 16, | fl Where the pole-star of affection beckons Old Boys Home again. Its wise to use plenty of Paint to Re if for House, Por make your old house bright. Try by - . or n " a ge, for night F There's no word which has the magic to enthrall an exile's heart, McCaw's stock of the *Ramsey Like the name of HOME, which Heaven wrote upon our earthly brand | chart WaLr ParEr-- i H alin] if 1 oe the propert; v . ft I" Reliable "and bealbtifuly «= Wa will ba ow Far and tide our Boys have wandered, heroes they have proved | oN the luck punt his wars Hi il fl | Paper with beauty and good Bix farther sery Monday, | o be, | bod hold to the' d I quality. ~The body to hold to 7 nk gn te They have measured every country, they bave furrowed every sea; wall. colors that will not fade; and hi for ight And they never lost their honor, sever lost their pride of race, designs that do not tire, at WiFi Ys on niahe_Tiumar, Janet But remembered that Port Perry never bore a son's disgrace ; NoTT's. on, ToF noo; ; hiht, Saturday to his howe | fl Noble son's of worthy parents! come ! the Homestead door is wide; PE ro PiiehiColarbing: : Klondyke, Dritish Columbia, AE 182961 That grand, Plenty calls you to her table--Beguty lures you to her side. [ North-West Territory and Mane jon, the propertd ¢ Sonya, will nike' phd Mi ) : Bi {itoba. Parties going to any of the, ] Thoda alison Like a queen before her mirror, fair Port Perry sees her face-- {above parts call on A ] Davis' ,. Glendine, 1 v § > > P.R ket ag yr information y I, Lie Br ar; sight. | In Kawartha's pearl, the Scugog--lovely, dearest, sweetest place; ( ! I % ticket agent, for arcoe B lem, for night. | y rates, ¢ Et t0 his homie stand pg rex gt 1 Wealthy cities boast of commerce, and may have a wide renown, | onda : : Ef Il But the Mecea of the Qld Boys ib their own, their native town ; EN - of Ba al ad, |B ge I'ensions us rm frien en I Sram | There they loved, and were beloved, there upon Borelia hill OM Age'Y'ensioris in Au ral i; K Ee cate, th ro ; , 4 } | paym the Australian & alow is | They were given learning's weapons, theré the Worthy Master still e | unt to 5 per ae and on ne farm of & 3 vor New Eo i Jory; Henry Fa night y, Jas | Sends young champions to the warfare, and is much rejoiced to see ; J Rie oe i hite i ort noon ; Blackstock a» # and \ ATIC 0 ewart's, Scugog, That the world has markedshis Old Boys on the roll of Victory! | 3} per and Victoria to 4 | | per cent. In New South Wales this | illy's, Reach J CPA : | gear the payments will amount to [4 fh A Station, tor | w Hark | The gallinf Colonel orders that the Clerk shall read the roll, | 82,750,000. "The Colonial Treasurer | al, agian, noon; : | is last statement said that th thé rome El Monday I And the bugle notes are calling frum the teginiental goal} | in hi Jast i mney ny Pai! | res as little less § : hh bg sore). t popular and veteran « Forward, march |" is on their bamner, and our veteran Major's eye While t1 pension Hst is steadily n--imported. Clyde ff ' ' J y | MEW. J. Oris. | is "we ' mounting higher, and the cost of ad- p In YW. g. Oru [ Looking back may see his Old Boys of the *'Sixties" marching by ; | ministration increasing proportion- | Fi En al Reeve and Cofincil, and the people, with their hearts®and hands ately, the saving on subsidized in A . | stitutions is almost nil and the Gov= Ee Fei for night | will show, « ernment asylums have not been af' js home staud til ; . } ues Yeas offs Y Wing XM Monday, "HM "Phat they prize the Old Boys fostered by our Father Bigelow ; | fected in tho least. -In effect the laws, . ; has @reated a new class of State i wtom Willie. That noble, young And "five hundred thousand welcomes," which Port Perry shouts dependents at an enormous addition. stallion, the property of Mr, John | enditure oon. 3, Reach, will take the | fi with joy=~ al expenditure. nt of 3 A § 1s thie Old QBsERVER. st. Bjertie Boy. vil sd en an oT RE a a 0 Lo Cpr CANS § "| have all admitted that the witness[so that it is difficalt to * precisely | ii ' af Smith, before any money or other|giate (he extent of the corruption, | g4¥ 10,000 rolls of new and up ohm gi i could accrue to Lim orl yee and' admitted. It is said | to-date wall papersto choose {rom a vill Je. Preseng: yomppe | ed to the Oshawa Company, made the low I X % [at W. H. McCaw's er® oon. 4, Brock, md remain till Fri | matter right, and that no money or ROWEVET) that the United 'Stales 4 Dfuthe, then return to his home stand | 1} er benefit was obtained by the |Government has been defrauded' of | A GRAND CHANCE MMomscy 25001. That noble, vou | $814 witness Smith or the Oshawa millions of dollars, that hundreds| |; will be seen by the advertise- ale stallion, the proper 5. A. | Canning C ompany as a result of | of elerks have bribed tlicir supcriots 3 8 AR M i FeV season ae 01 | such error in said declaration. p | i | ment in anotber columi tat Mr. J. bis home stand for Ja ala creas hat tende dre gin Tuostay, Wine Stason, | This paper is glad to be able to ox 82 ary Jocrease that tenders | if, Brown, Seagrave, is offering to i s ue ' i yblie ho va Bad Junnabs, Lifford, for night: | oive the above statement to the | for Post-office stipplies have paid | rent for a term of years his fine farm Janetyil ght, Thasday, public, in justice to the man wie, for being awarded the contracts, | in the 13th cou., Reach This a . 1 ous a c or a | mn x F Jobl's, for | Up tO the time of his erroneo d-1and for secnring private informa good opportunity to rent a desirable a ing Monday. | mission of perjury, had held a high |B sing, 3 ung Clydesdale perty of during the of mares. i--also the pre D ovitt, wi pon for a 1iuite ario Clilef 8332 1, the That pure-bred property of Mr. JAS ot mares at a 1g places of the above know about where to | Vo Hair? hair was falling out very d I was greatly alarmed. 1 Btried Ayer's Hair Vigor and . A. McVay, Alexandria, o. ®Fhe trouble is your hair bs not have life enough. 8 promptly. Save your , Feed it with Ayer's igor. If the gray -- idence oo the trial of iHigh Court of Jus gitness, Mr. Fo d, in mak- ation, commit- admitting under been guilty of lains that he that any in- 'digde ander oath 1 inadvertently , perjury. The incorrect de- Amount of the ning Com- ( relying for on'an_ employee, d over the -and found 'the dedlara-- the actual interested in 4 into te so that parties | ay stantly in the house--They say they fair stopped falli ng atonce." | come just when they are not 1 p:cted and are feast welcome. Fy minute cure for Cramps:is you want. Nerviline simply ac instantanepusly. Its anodyne po is uniue--~for us eon 0 ira presses the highest medic of the age. Nervilipe W comfort in y the family, for i rangements of the stout than any other "preparatio Nerviline. Your druggist sells it or | place in the estimation of his fellow townsmen, --- Baby's Weltare. | Hotel, Black- | eason stand at | Every mother is anxious for. the | health] "and welfare of her little ones, and Baby's Own Fablets is the best medicine td make baby Thousands [ well and keep it well. Tablets con- of mothers keep the would notsbe without them. As a proof of this Mrs. Geo. Kilgore, Wellwood, Man, says:--"Having used Baby's Own Tablets for some time, I can truthfully say that they are the best medicive 1 have ever used for little ones. I think so highly of the Tablets that I always keep them in the house" A naedicine like Baby's Own Tab- lets, which so many mothers praise, is the right one for your little ones, They are guaranteed to contain neither opiate nor other harmful {drogg, and can be given to the [youngest infant with perfect safety. good for teething troubles, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, simple fevers, worms and all the minor ailments of child- er, 3 Sold by druggists, or may be J mail at Arcee a thox, by w hat. illiams," Medicina Co., Brockville, Ont. Enormous s Frau at Washing- President © will come home from his Western tour to face the only serious scandal which has bestirched his administration. Charges of fraud, forgery, "bribery, and corruptiol ve been made against the Post-office Department at Washington, Some of them have been practically proved. The whale American nation is aroused, and will demand 'that the investigation which is now in 'progress shall pursued regardless of the rank 'and|" influence of those whom it touches, Already high official heads have fale] len. Penitentiaries yawn for somé 'of them, for arrests have beer made, and the press of the United States law provides should be visitéd on the guilty. All eyes turn toward ure. % WHAT HAS BERN REVEALED! insists that the severest penalty the Washington at the present fitict- » tion as to estimates of their busi farm in a desirable location. ness rivals. The whole vast Post | |office system of the United States a a Wa |= indicted. As regards results the [tore nghly 3 pred Wid I he des | case sums up as follows ;-- wand for fowls has no limit. See James N. Tyner, Assistant Attor-| Mr. Ingram's advertisement else- ney-General for the department, | where in this issue summarily dismissed. | £3 It will be seen by ihe advers George A. C. Christiancy, Assis-|(iserpent in another column that tant Attorney-General, suspended | zr, \W. I, Marshall is offering for from duty. sale his fine residence in this placed Duniel V. Miller, assistant attor- [tis in every respect desirable pro- ney, dismissed and arrested on] perty. Every day brings a [fresh chdrge}" of Catarr from Polsom & Co, GINGER Beer. --A summer plea charges of bribery in connection with the get-rich-quick concern of EZ" Mr. Purdy's stock of Field Jobu J. Ryan and Co {and Garden Seeds is now replete-- Joseph M. Johns, of Rockville, | Pure; and true to name. Don t fail Ind., arrested on charges of con [to inspect it, the prices are right t and no fear of disappointment as to- spiracy in the above case : A important con- August W. Machen, superinten- | dent of {te€ delivery, dismissed and | sideration. arrested on charges of bribery in connection with a patent mail box fastening device supplied to the Government by Groff Brothers, of Washington, Diller B. Groff, arrested on charges of offering bribes in the above case, and conspiracy. Samuel A. Groff; arrested on similar charges. quality of seed--an y=~ Mr Henry Graham hasgent- ed and taken possession of the Boot and Shoe Shop formerly occupied, by the late Mr. H. Foy, on Water Street. Mr. Graham's long experi ence and superior skill in making and repairing boots and shoes will doubtless ensure him a large patron age. Parties Teqiiting * anything line may depend oir 6btdining what they require, Why Catarrhozone Cures | Oatarrb.--It goes to 'every part tl Ice CRrEAM-- Rich and Wholesome. that has the best you can A des and kills the germiithat keep up the | Sort into it. The very highest deceased condition. Catarrhozone | ality of milk, cream and flavor. never irritates, but stimulates the ing mixed in the most attractive' mucous lining of the nse, throat and way and served as it should bey lungs to normal action, and keeps} .; Poppy's. PIR WY the nasal passages free from offen i --__.s: a 33 sive discharges. Catarrhozone con- tains no dangerous drugs ot opiates and is delightfully ju and simple to use. Catarrhozone is an absolutely certain cre for any form and sells for a ddilar at druggists, small size 25t By mail ton, Ont. METHODIST CHURCH. Hettnin Service, 11 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday 7.30. Siraagers welcome and conducted to seats. © BT. JOEN'S CHURCH, isuré, A beer that refr hes you but does not injure the tion, Makes perfect sleep. possible and perfect health is assured. A beer all like, It is manufactured by Mr, Joseph Cook, Port Perry, who for the past forty. has sole. receipt for A Reh free fo any part. vue ress orders attended to ne tw ost punctuality. : KPV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. = i & 1