NOW is the time. to buy a Seasonable Remnant at a very) low figure and Thee FAVE MO oNEY. its of Prints, Fr hams, etc. : : All Remnants must be cleared out on Thurs- . day June 18th, and we have marked them down € so low that they are sure to go. Come early: § and get first choice as they will positively be § sold without reserve. ¥ ONE DAY ONLY! _ THURSDAY, a ~~ JUNE 18this the day. os i [~The Hi hest Price paid for Prodiice---either cash or trade. ¢ JONES = GO. LL S000 000m 0 50 50 S050 505505505500 5m 0m S00 S0m S00 50500 oe CHANGE OF CANADA PERMANENT BUSI \ F S S © westenn canana § DUC : MORTEARE CORPORATION . Having. taketi oter the business of R.T. Stillman 1 am STREEY, TORII prepared to fill all orders taken either by Mr. Tang or by y SE Mt. Stillman for McCormick and Peter Hamilton Machinery SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and Implements, Cockshutt and Wilkinson Plows, Brantford $ and upwards received on de- § Windmills, Gasoline Engines, David Maxwell & Son' Hay posi fitere: aid or ; Soppounded balk-yearly at 84 %: Tedders and Loaders. ] $100 'anf upwards received for fi A full Nie of repairs always in stock, which debentures are is- Brockville amd Simpson Vehicles, Walker ville and Wood: sued with half-yearly coupons attached for interest ato dbo, & stock, Wagons and Sleighs. Machine and Cream Separator Oil, Binder Padue, Plough 1,600,000.00 Points, ete. Mr. 'Archie Black will always be found at the show room in the "Market Block" This wayezer | = + CHAS. 'A. BUNDLE y Nob bySping Suitings Milliner Y of . IN ALL THE LATEST COLORS anp DESIGNS 4) i & Come iu and see our Large Stock of New Goods which' are arriving almost daily and make an early : Belegtion. : w We. are conversant with some of of the Best Methods of Cutting and " a endeavor to do First-Class Work. a to ov bt oe yo i Are Clearing Qut Twa n an yley Tr ' Prices are Moderate! | All Last Season's Shapes EB See our line of Water-Proofs. | And Flowers; "We do all kinds of Cleaning, Re | paiting and Pressing on the Short. 3 est Notice, Hi Hats for 25¢ and 50c. We make Ladies' Jackets and A ibies en sak Flowers 10¢ and 25¢ a bunch. RD 0550505 Eo Joy 0 begi $5. choice FIN Hota "Tmperia gent, or is non requir lot 21, (near good HE of 8th col of past own in af this water, "will give #2 4p e J. STOUFFER, and 18 n he The easy way to cho is toeome where the variety of Styles ahe that place is here. particnlar you are ab 0 Clothes the more yor vince you that we are a house to do business with, splerdid Tweed Suit and' you lots of chances for suit satisfaction before we quit at) HE uuderslgned offers for 4 Rent his Houso and Lot on corner Zi : fof Arrow and Lorne Streets, Port Perry § : The Dwellivg is comfortable, in good repair 0 lot contains 1} acres first- class land an whisMghere tre a number of bearing fruit trees; there are also n. good well and new pump. For particulars. apply at Tre Onskrver office, or to the iBropiietor, ly story, T May 14, 1908, Romani' SC TO THE CANADIAN NORTH=WE HTRVAN (all Going JULY 4th, returniv (sll rail orB 8. Manitoba). full particulars, upply to your nearest Threshing Machine for. Sale; The undersigned offers for his Challenge Threshing Mac at a Bargan. Although the ma has been in use about three years see this machine. Apply to the owner. June 2, 1go3. Scug acres ; stream. Fot patticulars appl the proprietor on the premises address May 26, 1903. and there is an abundance of looking at tl ur prices will at once n the work at $8.25 JOSEPH BRYAN. TIE PACIFIC HY. WILL RUN sr AT RETURN FARES : ro REGINA® RE I FATARER. EHD) §BHKL JAMES CARNEGIE § GRAND VIEW A } $40 S Port Perry, Det. 1902. > BWAN RIVER CONA.. hs J : a z 2 I (ior JUNE, th, retsrning anti] ) ov AH $3 ME p BGIORIH SRE {NSP raitor 8.8 A Athabasca). Gol ' PE Pi ustil AUGUST 1 jokets a : I Limited." For tickets nd pamphlet gi ns to A. I. NOTMA Assistant General Pa Agent, 71 Songe St., To e the worse for that. Part ing a good Separator sh JOHN COLLINS, Ji Farm to Rent The undersigned offers to 8 ib in the "13th con. REA H Seagrave), comprising go acres plowable, balance pasture land, with a runni JOHN H. BROWN Sea, Pas turage andersignedy has 200 Ad first. class Pasturage in ge Reach. Parties de: uring stock will consult terests by taking adv offer. The pasture i JONATHAN BI : Fa Buil Duke or is large for his age. ge: by all o rovince, The ani may be seen ont : e ptaptietor lot 24, Manchester. | € esursong sales the first week wero very large Why 1 Bu good bargains when they saw the low a vy offering first-class, new furniture for. prices redtietiv uine and covers the whole stock. Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 Parlor Suit at 21 00j wis 29, Parlor Suit at 55 oo, was Parlor Suit at 69 00, was 85 gm Lounge at 3 75, was §5 od* Couch at 4 50, was 6 50. Couch at 6 oo, was 7 §0 Sideboard "at 8 so, was 8 50 Sideboard 'at 8 so, was 10 50 Sclid Qalt' Yat EY 0, es 2200 Sh Oak do? ut vg 'Jo 00 + UseChaire 3 paid 3 2. Ir at § od Pame-and secnre some of the big batgains, cheaper this nth than any other time in the year, al JESSOP FURNITURE (0. v. J. NOTT, Manager, IN FULL BLAST 1 lake great pleasure in announcing that my New Mills are now completed and in full oper- atton and that I am better than ever prepared { to meet the requirements of my friemds and the ¢ general public in every line pertaining lo my already extensive and rapialy increasing busi- 4 ness. Correct business principles, prompitude £ > $ Ue and courteous treatment may be rélied on. * | | | | pr RAGGA RFT AAU The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nus merous custowers for the liber.. patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he hua moved his busivess from he Market Luilding to the Store | h | i rst doorEast of | | | | e Post Office whete he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that [© cantot full to please customers. Having new and increased fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises, GAME AND FISH IN SEABON. LJ. WHEBIDR. Sale antity of Wool delivered at tliese Mills. JAMES MAXWELL. 3 ap ans Give me a call. oA Qian wn ai t a lo it ~=IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS SoH HHS Stores in he Pro and bate taken possession 7 ir tefisi Shedd Parlor Suit at $13 go © was $20 od ene pre Premises, hers, 1 hate NS me Barer Suit at 16 75, was 24 addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Che; og rlor Suit at: 19 oo, was 28 En 19 oo ue Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AN '80 Py Parlot Suit at 2200, was 30| + While fetiirdiig thatiks to m ufefous . Parlo it at 2 8 ye E Pare Shi an oa - 2 ; an invitation to all to call and see me in my new Premios Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 65 port Petry, Sept 1, gob, Si i MusicCabp't at 8 00, -- i o IF, ess Line MusicCabn'tat 3 95, was 5 oo al TI JW Meharry REAL ESTATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably | Essential to Success, FARMS FOR SAT I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale: Three Farms in Scugog. One Farm in Reach. i && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties i e will consult their own interests by placing them with me for | sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. : diss ih OANS without Commission on Real Estate security Mil in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low I Ser fil EF" | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1go1. A GREAT SACRIFICE > Wool Mill n full blast y " pen nT GES TERT CE or 'and DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The sadersigndd will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, co, Perry, May 12, 1602. ~~ |parlor, Dining Room. Bad Room Sets, &a, . Said S80 on ese SHAT 806d 5 & Fine lot of Picture Frames and cig a fat ea Wood Wanted. €3 [ & Shoe Business Se 5 ie or Ret A] DAVIS. ----witict for. CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH; Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blakes Bells, Trunks &c., in abandance, Comparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY f Port Perry Com AVING had considerable experienth in flegotiating Sales of some of the largest esseerioy in Real Est Estate on To all con whole attention to npn of ah Real placed in my hands fot sdle: | rates. Quick action, Prompt attention given to applications. = 5 te IN THR ®t of Furniture | sisting of Cash or Approved Credit. | = igs nk Ae ry {IND ALL opened out an Extensive Stock 8 ie ae fue {2 does uy aim lf 04 tot Kaives, Forks, Sets, ed the dimensions of my premises, Lave Piashated and We até prepared. to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in = COLD AND SILVER Wah YMADE CLOTHING tg oom ct VER, NATCHE oys which for qttality and low prices cannot be equaled Prices to Sh you all right. is EL el WEDDING AND ENGAGEMERT | Pearl, Opal and Dianlon , all fine and New De in Peat dhs Van Vi Cufiae, . F. CARNEGIE," 5 os, Fruit Dishes, Butter Diss, , and some more to