id (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) [Terns :--$1 Pri Axsuxm in ADVAN mp ---- -- ee ---- ------------ 4 YEAR, NO. 32! PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, (WHOLE No. MMDLXXXV Western Bank OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. - GENERAL Banking Business trans: Special attention paid: to Prafts issued avail rir £3 -- Savings Bank Deparment. Deposits received at the highest carrent rates, Interest calculated and eredited to each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, MANAGER. | Port Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 4% and § per cen on good Mortgage security. | | | | Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Breker, Port Perry, Out, MONEY TO LOAM. Subs AMOUNT AT 5 PER #2 Also on Village Pre Rar MORTGAC HUB to LEND m Farm Security CENT perty rPHE ANY prepared 2 EBBIELS, Bariister. Office next to Ontario Bank J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, Rooms in the | IH. B arn pd Hock 1 onar 3 1 t y i ice on Gold or Rubber PI s of Gold, ilver, Aluminum ites Filling Silver or Cement { #47 Prices to suit the times® W. A SAHGSTER, DENTAL SURGECN Pulnless extraction when required: | Vice over the Post Office Office Hours --9 to 12 a.m, Also open Saturday evenings 2 and Afr #2 Gold Fillings, Vork a Specialty Bridge Vitalised Crown | Dr F. D. McGrattan | (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal Cc also D.D.S. of Toronto University fice in the Allison Block Drag Store Offico hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, | vort Perry, April 0, 1902, ! f TOHs. BATRD ICENSED AU R for the | 4 County of Ontacio. Sale Register at the Opskrvir Office Patronage solicited Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899, AUCTIONEER. HE undersigned tukes this opportuaity _ of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcange he has veceived as Auctioneer in the past. The incrensed experience and } extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring we with their sales may rely on _ their interests being fully protected. No rt will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands. My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Cwxsarea, e of Dental Surgeons, | over Allison's 10 THOS. SWAIN. Caesarea, Aug. 26, 1896. WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &e. NOR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, FE Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. 4 WM. GORDON, Sunderland, PROF. 8. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and x P Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto 5 will visit Port Perry once in six month.-- All orders entrusted to him: warranted t fh satisfaction. REFKRENCES--Mr. W. : 0Gill, Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. John Nott, Port Perry PATENTS. GUA x |} : Patents secu; nse, en out Luougn. us receive special * Patent™ sent hon 1equest. Lh ae a als ¥ notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, and widely circulated journal, y Manufacturers and Investors. sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. : tons Atioracy 5») WA ON, D. C. AW. BUR HAM, Clevk of the Thirc - to 6 p,m. | Nor Commerce TOROKTO, ONT. | $8,700,000 | 3,000,000 | HEAD OFFICE Capital (Paid Up) Rest . ESTABLISHED 1867, x | A Genoral Banking | Business Transacted | BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex tending from one to nine months for feed cattle and other farm purposes. Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col lected av the most favorable rates. Private Funds st 4 per cent. Feb. 7 1901 JNO. W. CROZIER ) ARLISTER, Sonicitor, CONVEKYANCER, J) &e. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To LoAp: ad PATERSON, KC, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Strects, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, 1898. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Count; +) . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol. sitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Sore Snnih wing Court House, Whitby, nt. A/ H McCAW, 3 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. WM. SPENCE, Townehip Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds). All kinds of Conveyancing executed with watness and dispatch. Office--0One door west of Town Hall, vlanchester. Manchester April 11, 1888 H GRAHAM las just taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP ne door South of the St. Charles "1 tel, where he intends to make all bone Boots and Stoes, and da Is uf remaiing All comin fie wants te sion Courts Olive in Psot Office FeO aN Hi 2) a h 2 i; peruancnt apenient 3 Fo ey Tpit who come lis way, if nda train expreca and bate bill advanced n fully recommend this medicine 40! "bad headache and decided I'd bettey ever think of looking there for sha * Sy cash A dence essential. 'Mentio) LAY ss w¥icted. ; . »" . 2 . 2 a Sd aiclona. mel addraued envelope, TIE those similarly afilicted. Sold by. not travel. WII the hotel be open?" , anything." -- SARE ; | | Port Perry, June 10, 1903. NATIONAL, 534 Dearborn Sta, Chicago. A. ] Duvis. 5 0, I 2 i ¥ 5 - * yok SOME ES T oy T - T trom ~ | F. SMITH, | Important Not jat the very bo 0 #: Railway Depot Specialty. , SAFEGUARD FoR CHILDREN CUT- TING Tretu 1N Hor WEATHER. HE REPORT current t have disposed of my busi to Mr. Alex. MacMillan, V.S¢ almost needless to state, is unt the fact is. finding that itv possible to attend to all the ous calls with which I hav been patronized I conclu obtain assistance, and in. meet the requirements The time when children are cut- ng tecth is always an anxious one r mothers and when this occurs uring the hot weather solicitude ten deepens into alarm. So many lls that often result fatally are lixble 8 eisure that every mother will be! terested in a medical discovery bss hi iod of many dang | General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE shortest notice and at the yame and style Of the fives her experierice for the benefit being Ertior & MdcMiLL other mothers. She says: "My | erinary Surgeons, so the new fimipaby has always been small and will be prepared at all times --niglit delicate, and suffered so much from Residence--Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parsonage. F SMITH: |dnd day--to cater to all requiringlhis tecth that I did not think he Port Perry, Aug. got. |otir professional services in alwould live 1 Bo the the - SE = Imenrer that cannot fail to meet! doctor ordered lor him did not their approbation {him much good. Then he Sittings of the Division Courts LY ELLIOT. [tacked with dysentry OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. [Port Perry, April 6, 1903. [hot skin and I scot f 1903 Baby s Own Tab | they i Ti him a wonderful ar t of good ren THE CHATHAM | thc icn ahi of Bo L WHITBY Clerk, D.C. Macdonell, Whitby --Janu ! AY ary 6, Frhraary 4, March 4, April § Mny 6 June 3, Baby's Own Ta s 1 by Juyd September d. Octobe 6, Novewber 4, Dec lall dealers or will bh ( d. at twentys ¢ t OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whithy--Janu sent post paid, enty-five ts a ary 7, February 5, March 5 April 3, May 7, June 4 box, by the Dr Wiiliat Medicine ly 8, September 5, October 7, Noveniber, Dec : Company, Br le, Ont ember 5, Jan. 7, 1904 Glos 2 BROUGHAM---Olerk, M y 8 oh 7, May 9, Jun. 8, 1904 ember 7 Clerk, J W January arch 4, M 12, November 11, Jan. 11 Burnham, Port Perry July §, Septensber 3. PORT PERRY ON THE SPECIAL wy 13 1804 4 UXBRIDGE ( nary 16 November 2 20 20, May 29 Ju. 14, 16.4 Jan 25, 5 CANNINGTON ork, Ce Smith, Cannington - Tnnuary 15, March 19, May 28, July 14, September 4 {, 24, November 19, Jan. 13, ih A 24 es By F. B. ¥right SAVINGE BANE SER Er rete DEPARTMENT. Jamuary 3, Basch U8 May 21, Soptei qed Bird fncubator Copyright, 1905, by 7. 0. MeCl Deposits of One Dollar and upwards | 7. UPTERGROVE Hart, Uptergrove received and interest allowed at current Maroh 17, May November 17 h Grade in v P 11a reaety \ a rren SH High Grade in Every Particular "Late! Oh, no t the Interest is added to the deposit TWICE J. B. FARE. WELL Manufactured by one of Canada's train! It can't be Are you 8 uaaoh year, at Use endif May 308 | Duredat Whithy, Nov. sufi top of the Pou Leading Agricultural Firms There was a ring in the ce that oD, oath bject t fel I Red | to do the CEUENE Hugh M : e Depositor is subject to no delay ° 1" is guurantecd to © € a whatever in the withdrawal of the whole L i . 0 N P . work med for it Jape up. The girl of any portion of the deposit. 11 Uremic tomatic Heat Regnlation nterested him wl No Cha is made on withdrawing or ocate 10 ur 0H TEMISes J wv. baneath the J Tray waiting room three depositing money . i! iv to. Fon at the ticket window g Port Perry Branch It gives uniformly large hatches was explaining that the night train W. f. DUNSFORD, Manager n& It boables you to get Chicks when you; due af Belmar Junction at 10:30 wa 1] [] want th two hours late Morton tf was OH TER , 3 ,, | waiting for that t R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria . a | Good, Honest Ma s at Reasonable | ¥& D niversity ; M. B. Toronto University, | \AA/ 15H TO ANNOUNCE that p y Motto "Yes, miss, I'm un. Just received Membr or the Coll f Physicians and | that they are now mfort : y i word. Twelve thirty anyway, and it Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal|ably ensconscd in their new pre Our C talogue ¢ y illustrat {may be later." College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate | njices in the 1 wit i whate story "But the train from Parkerville on of the Royal College of Physicians, Hdin | 1 1 Ask 1 | the other road gets in at 11:20, doesn't burg ; Member of the Facalty of Physicians | JP Blo a peas {167 Isn't there some train out of here ahd Surgeons , (lasgow ; Late Resident | urdy 10 Cik WE KEEI THI IHRER GREAT { y a ome 2 out of li e Pupil of the Robunda Hospital: Dubli WINTER LAYERS before it comes? Anything--a freight! bil of the Rolunda C al ublin, | 1. " ty TCI ied { oe ER En a " oie SH and Rowden, seopud | where the Public will always fn | orp \WWYANDOTTES ns Nei; nothing until the fifty-three, loor west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, an ampie' supply =o . : : i © pg a tle'mat ina surprised tone. yaean Btroc hours. to 1} - lee, : Ul ORE TONS "I He leaned forward to see the girl more Ju t rs--9 to 11a HAA f | RAT vd 2 ties Ain CHOICE FR il BD JUTH ROCKS] plainly, and she drew aside In confu- vr Sey ft 1 1 i I | my brother, Dr sion tA 1. D.. C. M.. Member of Col- | 2! } es s "Thank yc I'll have to walt, then full supply \ I shortest notices t It doesn't matter at all," she sald in a of Phy nd Surgeons, Ont. | Pi best grade NY iy voice whose t ing showed that it Part Peri¥ys B18 le N. INGRAM, mattered y much. Then she went [to please the AT a ered ve y ben she wen u a { 2 i ) rane Stay out on the p leaving Morton NOTICH. All ofders will promg Port Perry. I | attention. le? 1 ; 5 | | e so pale? Why was she R. J. fH. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur q Ww Ri } DY i nT Acovoierss ant Pe WW. A. | S. T. CAWKER & SON # FI PIT (1) Pp 5y impatient to got away Wi © Sungster, Dentist, may on and after 0-day, | March 5, rgoz 1018 Ax 4 an AL hy hi ti anxious to leave before the train from be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Lay Bin EUV EL I V8 pari e arrived? He puzzled over Offices over the Post Office, where they will | ho the question for awhile and went out o found as heretofore, prepared to attend | 1 ICKETS TO ALL FARTS HE | rm] lorslghed offers for Sale or toy side for a [hen he beard a sob {hoir respective professions in all their | WorLb.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Pert | } s li ! ton the corer from a dar The girl was seat Aches ae | Perry, is now in a positic Farrow Lorne St Port Perry] ying so bitterly that o! erry ec, 8, 1897 ' 1 I g nforta in good repair x tickets to all parts of the Morton as he approche 1 tains. 13 dere 2 : | to supply all nece i re ciia ren eet ed, generous impulse DR. § J. MELLOW, ie ries ad to ednedt iit teen 'there are. alan] "You are in some trouble? Can't I PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &O. | best routes, &« In addition to hi laud new pump F or purtioulars r Mero t Aancies for Rall \t Tuk Ouskivir office, or to the girl raised her head with a start FOMece arid Residence, Quoen St: Port Peary | LU IeTOUS Ticket Agencies for Rail Fol aly wiping away the tears Ylroad and Steamship lines, he ha JOSEPH BRYAN a N Office hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 pm, J 2 ht BN: ow 1 help--I mean {t's nothing ind Evenings been re appointed Ticket Agent for Manchester "There's nothing t 1 help, Won't and Liven ing he Grand Trtink Railway May 14, 1903 a BO A as Telephone in office and house, open night | {Ne S12 RR o the trouble? You don't and day over the lines south, so d | intending to Jeayel will cons ry "Ta of course, but I hope you can with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. |own interests by consulting I thraching Maphi Sal gentleman." Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1504 M Caw before embarking on a trip Threshing Machine for Sale. seemed to shrink from him i WE ng -- mere nervousiiess It Wid H HARRIS B A LL B The und d offers for sale i in you to ask, though, and I « hho it y Wale «J. TO CONSUMPTIVES his Challeng I'hreshing Machine I would accept if it could BARRISTER, &c. The undersigned having been restored to | at a Bargan ough the machine " : id health by a simple means, after suffering | hag been in use al t three years it a for his Intrusion Successor to and occupant of the |for several years with a very severe lung . tl Cone bat. Parti Morton moved away. He tramped the HO oacof the late F. M. Yarnold. | affection, aud that dread disease Consump- | 1S NODE the WOTsE of 13 HEHE} Platform for awhile and then stopped Port Pert ont tion, is Anxious to make known to bis fel- | requiring a ,d Separator should platform for awhile and {hen sIoDp® ¥ Ya : Jow sufferers the means of cure. To those | see this machine Bilin the shadew by the station window. rere who desire it; he will send (fice of charge) | Anply to the owner E5| Ho bad learned telography years be- MONEY TO LOAN. a copy of the pr iption used. which they | 3s JOHN COLLINS fore, and him to read the : : LINS, JR, t There was the best clicking of the part of a message coming in now. Click- ~------ | click, click click-click-click -- "dress-- | glender--brown halr--twenty-two; sher- Wood's Phosphodin glender rown halr--twenty-two; sher cure for Consumption. | Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all June 2, 1903 throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all] sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalo- | able. Those desiring the prescription, | which will cost them nothing, and owy | prove a blessing, will please address, | Rey. EDWARD A. WILSON, | | will find a sur Scugog | {ff up on 12 if there." Then the mes sage ended the agent glanced out on the platform toward wliere the girl was seated Then he telegraphed back, "@irl here; can't leave; 50 late." So this was the reason of the girl's agitation, thought Morton. She had committed some crime, poor thing, and the law was on her track; the law, so powerful and relentless; she so helpless and alone. Morton had an instant vi- fon of the slight, graceful figure and | the pale face and fn that instant made up his mind. He went toward her and Brooklyn, New York Goop SHOE VALUES. 'g ' | gives uffiversal satisfaction. > Women's shoes, adapted for short | ves rive Seal) forms of Ne skirts, new manish shape--hand hats, Fratazions, Spermatorrhira, Tmpol cesses ; the exc sewed and welted in box enamel-- | gq of a ol a Or Sr ris. patent leather and vici kid lace or and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infl button ; the new Louis XV heels in sanity, Consumption and an Barly Grav Price $1 per package or six for $5. One wlll please, siz will cure. Mailed prompty on price. all leathers for dress wear--high Ths aT Phin spoke in an undertone: arch--hand turn flexible soles See The Wood Company, "I've accidentaily learned something 'Windsor, Ont, Canad, i unt, which concerns you very much. I don't know what the trouble is, but they are coming here after you, and I felt I must warn you." my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is not to be found any place else. Every shoe #2 Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Purt Perry by A.J. Davis and O. H. Allison, Druggists, shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside. Al ---- FON EC POTEET | The elrl started up with clasped F. CARNEGIE AGENTS WANTED FOR "story oF sourh] bands. "Oh, ¥'ve been afraid of this! s Ra LX AFRICA ty J hn Clark Ridpath, 1 LD. Edward What can I do, what can I do?" ar SA ERNEST Fils, M.A. J. A. Cooper, Managing Tiditor % A min Magazine, Toronto, and J, H. Alken, of "There's no time to lose. The sheriff will be here in fifteen minutes. Youn Louden, fmt, who has returned Las vars' travelling in South Africu for us. WANTED--FAITHFUL PERSON TO 5 A i : Wo are chon : RAVEL for well extuliishod, foiese, in a gees travelling ho have had a branch i must get away." ew counties, callin on retail merchants | 8 uth Africa for mineteey y ng us An inUNCDRE "og y and agents. HS territory Salary | deantige in procuring photographs and material vor] "How? There's no chance. Ob, if ¥ | authorship, letterpress smd engraving: ire superior AM only my train had been on time!" Fhe better illustrated than in Any | rival work. Rosas are we of hie that will mailed for compRrison OWF prospec to anyone possessing tival prospe tus Cirow'nrs and terms free. Apply Worla Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. Canadian Cuntingents $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 weck in cash an expenses advanced Posts] tion permanent Business successful and rushing. Staudard House, 334 Dearborme St., Chicago. Grand Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. Port PERRY. girl broke down and sobbed. "Here! Don't do that. You must keep your nerve, you know.' Morton's brain was working quickly. "Listen. If the sheriff doesn't find you here when he arrives he'll think you are in the wmelghBorhood surely, and he'll stop to search the village. That will take him until morning. The next station north is Newboro -- fifteen miles. We have over an hour in which to make it. Will ie cp see A Well Kiown Albany Man. Recommeuds Chamberlain's Colje, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. - Alout eighteen months ago Mr W. S. Manning, of Albany, N.Y. GOING BOUTH. GOING NORTH, on 7-25 20, 9:51 a.m. widely known 1n trade circles as the| you take the chance?" 3 1I-35-2.m. 5.40 p.m representative of the Albany Chemr=| "Yes--any chance. I haven't really ical Co., was suflering from a pro- done anything wrong--and If I can és- 1.33 p.m. 7.33: p:m tracted attack of diarrhoea. 1 tried |' Chamberlan's Colic, Cholera ad | Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained immediate relief. 1 che "Quick, then! Go over to that shed én the other tracks and walt." The girt disappeared, and Morton 'sauntered into the walting room. "I've WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in each state to tre) for house established eleven Viars and with a larce enpital; to call upon werch. stn and agents for successful and profitable line { Weekly carh salary of &IS " "Open "Much gbliged. Good night." Morton picked up his satchel and started doubled girl was waiting. "Hurry! There's not much time tc some criticisms to make on lacrosse lose," he said. He had noticed that as it is played nowadays, Colonel my scalp free from dandruff and 5 . bss prevented ny hair from {uin- afternoon a hand car on a siding near Sam Hughes has somcthing more gray.) -- Mrs. F. A. Scule, » . F. A. Sculey the strect and went to it. "Help "Rasy, bear." to the station. "Now," he cried, "we to see them play nowadays,' said must push ahead Their noise will ho. I'm too busy And 1 m't drown ours." think they played as well as we did They jumped aboard and, grasping Look at the pt g we used to dc : 02s $s the levers, started off and In a moment We'd throw that ball from man to | B dark cole were swinging northward under the man |] 1 as we could sling a h 3 A : stars, with the station lights growgng UT > lobbing mn those | The hair pd fainter In the distance is for body-checking, | § ; Tlie pumping was bard, for the grade 1" hy . HoYe: § I | Erg was uphill, and for half an hour noth- i. a datit E ing was heard but the clanking stroke can pet could th N We I o | HY levers, the pounding of the lot of fellows on t i and the labored breathing of tl t nw x + ~ 1 the man and woman. The girl looked } TS --t LJ exhausted, and Morton felt as though . BECAME WEALTHY ON TIPS there was a glow furnace In his had Domestics in the Old Country Often Leave chest. How long could he last out? he gij I Large Foituncs wondered I'he he f » car run zi It W p Hina easier, and the .d reached the wl " y ichman, erest of t} d started down- and Lord Ra Y x : died ward. Mort it his watch, It kr en Ra lorwune of . oyey was 12 « k 8 oY ; an exgepe : tion "We make it now," he said. "You to An i lad v 1 somd¢ time rest th ago had beer r y The girl sank w | keeper a no tral resident s le J s tw 8 of rock i I i r Ky he | | , ] 1g up, ber face c I t You have thanked me y times a AJ t But I mean word I don't know sively at I t A ! Jered whose what I would ed { 1 had not 1 ow red An) helped me. May I tell you why I am | M° § have rnothed uel I six weeks 1 y , . ' ¥ having Y t s8 1 I I x : he Clay, know you've d Wr You | } ( 1 ! ! 128 could I , 1 com- t to vou I n't ber , : y 'he I make at nv ty under d gS As ats It w {w I don't think | 1 t1 a commissions you'll say a You see, my ) get | smep and yt A. . on M Relig , a ridi 1s custom loved her s 1 a ! I r t I | a. ! oh v i } Go nn me. He w i€ did not Us Io ol I i ips' last ar--and then take her 1 # the 1 After. she was ground be toi tl we We all an hotel or a boarding house. buried he was worse than ever, and | Orangemen, which we weren't. And I Phete is a ; of Patlinment yesterday be told me I must leaye bis | am free to say that we had no over who was once or. Having sav+ house. ; k was glad to go---ouly tooiglad. | powg: Jug deve fok the Shamrocks, id some money, he borrowed ny I asked him for my mother's little trin- | WheF.we went to Montreal to play | ya an JHetclatom rent add kets, things she had had 8s a girl, & | them, Wo were always ready for war, 200 a year. In 15 years, having tew little bis of jewelry my own fa-| and sowmeti Wor ot it Ir don't made a large profit, he sold the es- ) ! tablishment and retired -- London ther had given her and her picture an to = hat t ham 8! Daily M She told 1 her deathbed they were | 1 tt t us To eepeimmimami-------------- to be mine. But when I asked for them ae r Destructive Genius. he refused me; sald the law gave them [1 cnough, but , | One day a | pale-faced to him. I told him I would take them, | (& Too HO UNS ! Spectators | gentler wit [ tl cye- and he thre I the Jail 1f | i © he Shar fi ! s red a t The I did; t el el rag ' , t ta or- ged through the stre a common n ! ! ! 3 ght him of criminal i. and at t} I of 3 "Today he left the house for a mo N d. We had | 0) 2 He ! ment, and 1 broke open his desk and \ggy Sticks | for Lahile ! took them dnd ran awa thought I I'he ) . \ could reacl ty before he could k catch me, and, once there, he the never find me, and I 1 live t ! alone t "You are " no plan ) C , V he asked then sl 1 uleter hat w | i "I can be lost from | players Ww June him I ean f 1 ot lumsier hpi afraid." ere aa He returned no answer, but the ale 8 i wh thought of this friendle ent, un. | A (Of |! a n as protected girl exp t Roos th i t seem gers of a great city was more than though ti 1 just pleasant my time w s t pit The car was sl 1 now, | players, ¥ thinkin' and far up the road were the lighted | I was about fourt v 8 5 ea ave windows of a station. Morton brought | mocassiz I'hes J t the car to a standstill tory They gave t tect "Ye must ditch it," he seid. And to- | for the foot he g 1 L Major Pond and BIL Nye. gether they lifted and tugged until the | PO BO SI th in t e days. Some success?" machine was down the bank. Then in | 8%NIUS 1 wearing r Pond silence they went to the station dinary ! not 1 x and Morton bought tickets from & | roca or sores y were worn on | infrequently sought out sleepy clerk frott the ) Lie SIF | upon the lecture platform an obscure "Wonld you mind telling me your | course, t . « both , and |B who n r Lt to sea him< name?' he asked as they walked to- | uncomfo I thoy 1 8 the f ts. Such a wr in the darkness them tF ft Loft £ Nye. When the major ldred Clarke. I feel as .thongh | light and durabl I for him 1 3 postmaster you knew it, } vi so good, so | to-day It di t long r a nd editing t I Boor kind--as kind as a friend could be, if I mant turer to think the plan | over a livery stable. ("Walk dx had one." f making all but the sole and i | alley, twist the gr mule"s ta Far down the track sounded the row edging f 1s. For a | the elevator immediately!™) whistle of 53. | long time the or ly roug ng of the | Pond persuaded him to try lecturing, "Mildred, 1 want to be more shan a | 0° VAs he 'aint retjeviation that | and as there proved to be both money friend. You put your trust in me to ns Y yt bot me of. tie. Ory and useful publicity in it, Nye was, help you tonight. Won't you trust me | Lue got eirgrer ed inhi -- grateful and used for years to re. longer? Let me help you for all my | yypher spikes of to member the major with characteristic life?" But this is not being a states. | Notes: one of which had the following The light of the engine fell full upon | man," said the Colonel, as he arose exhaustive signature: the upturned face of the girl. and stretched the might Yours with a heart full of gratitude and "Yes," she sald softly, used to hurl the ball act a sig tem full of drugs, pajuts, ofl, turpen= Then the night express bore them | strect Those days aie yrs Fam, a ix averyining venaligh forward "to that new world which fs | must be gone, too--to the Hodse to A aa TE LL NYE the old." | earn my indemnity." | P.8--Open all night. Twain's Suggestion. Halghts of Birds' Flight, | --Toston Transcriot. Mark Twain In his youthful days Some interesting particulars con Ontario's Wonderful Soll was a reporter in Carson Clty. It was | cerning the flight of different birds | id 5 his duty one evening to report a meet- | "°° published by a contemporary. An Tho: host Drop. stories of recon eagle was observed by lergessel, of | Years ar placed in the shade by & ing of the city council, whose president Was a sounding words and intellectual confu- slon. A motion was made to expunge from the records a certain matter gus 4,200 feet from the earth. These, = which the presiding officer Was ex- however, are exceptional altitudes | cd from 27 acres, or an average of g tremely anxious should not become for birds to attain. As a rule, 1~| 52 bushels. In somo portions of CHISHEH part of local history. The motion, hav- 800 feet seems to be the limit. The | arca the yield was 64 hushels. ht ing been seconded, was eagerly passed, German Ornithological Socioty has | Brain is described as being of ex "The matter has been ordered ex- been conducting experiments with lent quality, sowe of it weighing punged," declired the presiding coun- Pigeons, and finds that when liberat- to 65 pounds to tho bushel. cilman proceed--to expunge. fectual totally the effect of his sentence of annihila- tion. ance i "will you have the expunged matter ---------------------- i -- | dated 1862, made £1186, deposited and placed?" H 68,000 Specimens Added: | ten-dollar piece of the. same. Mark the councilman nearest him. expunged matter be worn under the chairman's hat," he suggested. "No one would sheriff's train. . Morton waited untll it thundered up until 55 comes In" |. STRENUOUS OLD DAYS. Gray Ha Cel. Sem Hughes Tolls of the Lacrosse Gomes That Used to Be Played in This Prevince. toward the hotel, Then he » Rem. | "1 have used Aver's Hrit Vigor i for over thirty years. [It has kept ° Colonel Otte across the tracks to where the Wh, or playing in lacrosse, Day im Toronto is down on rough says Day by News. If he has Bh i There is this peculiar J thing about fers sid } Vigap---it iscah nétady2. Your h: { ty. turn He has on tap a stock of something like deganciation Not long ago Colonel Sam and a couple of friends sat on the terrace down at Ottawa, and watdbed the. pages of the House of Cg ns playing the national - and proceeded tq debate on the ngs, Mont. me to push it" he directed. though. The agent must not her they shoved the car gently tg 2.3 histle of tI ovents of the game as played in the 'I middle seventies don't often go a 1d report of a yield of red winter wheat = farm in Norfolk County, On< tario Well-authenticated informs tion from that district is that a pro< ction of 1,410 bushels was obtains to fly at a height of nine thousand fect A lark was detected at an altitude of 1,000 feet. Aeron auts have encountered crows as high Strasburg ponderous statesman given to sn a ed at a height of 9,000 feet down to as little as 2,700 feet, they drop rapidly to a much lower region of | the atmosphere. Autiquities In the Colonies. Some of the British Colonies sufficiently old for an antiqu | value to attach to their coinage. Irreverence is the Lrand of ignom- the Murdoch sale recently a twent) | dollar gold pirce of British €oluinbi "and the clerk will It should be ef- ly wiped out, obliterated and destroyed." He paused to notice gravely, "Where, gentlemen," he asked, realized £33. It is believed t specimen of those two coins before been offtied for sale by mp auction: in fact, the only of cimens known are in the Brit! Twain caught the attention of Tr. A magnificent collection of 68,000 specimens of insects, plants, reptiles, batrachians and shells has recently been added to the Ontario Govern ment museum. .