Formerly The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation Toronto Street, Toronto RESOLUTE] | | SECURITY J. HERBERT MASON President : GEORGE GOODERHAM 1st amg | (A jiu Vice President: W, II. BEATTY We Inve yur dep sit accoun!, prapar 4 o gr wi the bast frm i tho 1b oicte seleiy of tbe d posit. 5 Bo klet c ataming tall exp anton of our systema by whi deposit. may be made by meil as conven'ently as if our Jie wee iny ur own Post 0'fice, will De seat free on receipt of your addr ss. sistent a | YOUR Paid up Capital § 6.000.000 00 SAVING Reserve Fund 1,600.000.00 SAFE Invested Funds 23,600,000.00 EVERY FACILITY "LLovD' Ss PATRIOTIC FUND. British Naval and Military Fund Which | Was Founded nn 1803. It is just 100 years ago that the | Patriotic Fund, the oldest naval and military fund of the kind in existence in Great Britain, now known as Lloyd's Patriotic Fund, was founded by the subscribers to Lloyd's On July 20, 1808, a meeting was held of the merchants and underwriters for the purpose of raising a fund for the benefit of the sufferers by the war which was then raging between this country i Napoleon parte. The meeting was presided ov- er hy Mr. Brook Watson the intention of the founders is plained by the which was passed on that "'Resolved, that t ar forts_ol our defer land, .it is exp patribtismn - of the large a suitable fort and rc assuaging the wounds, or palliating gree the more weighty mis the loss of limbs; of allevi distresses of the of soothing the the fall of props of unhs or less age; the granting of pecu rewards or honorable badges of tinction for successful exertions valor or merit In an interesting little the fund published by Lloy recorded that by March £158,843 had been bed by 1825, when the subs tically c '£4380,5( management ir ment, by the opera I I Jong ities, and sale « ly enhanced prices, was ve increased in to £883,602 list was headed by Ll £20,000 consols, to be supplemented later by £15,000, while the rib. ers to Lloyd's contribut 000 within a fortnight Mayor and Corporatio the Bank of land Bona and ex- lollowing resolution r GOI 08e of their in * sou de- of ating the yriune widow and orphan, brow of sorrow for relatives the help- | niary dis dearest \ppy indigence riptions prac I ted to ous es at great ntually I'he with x rit value 1 yyd's subse Engl Company, the City Compe bankers and the Arch] ops, Judges, ministers lic men sul berless humble contributors half-crowns and shillin scribed, as did Quaker gave thirty bla kets. It will be noticed that the fund H was not only for the relief of those in distress, but also for the granting of rewards; and the first occasion on which the fund was used was when, February, 1804, a sguadran of ships of war was r@uiscd by some East India merchantmen. Swords of honor were presentsd to the commodore and his captains, while the families of those who had fallen were granted assistance After Trafalgar a vase with £500 was pre sented to Lady Nelson and £61,000 consols were r t al Nav al Asylum £ still on their books for reli red ladies whose fathers der Nelson at Trafalgar Wellington in Spair I't tinued its patriotic w wars which took struggle with Napol ed, and particulars little history, but it be fent to say here that the work of the fund was throughout the rema the last century In the the committee decided to balance of the capital f £78,000, under the Char Commis sioners, in whose name they are now invested, ant under a proved by whom the elected and the funds In recent years, by a one officer{from the a and from the nkvy has been clected to the satisfaction of (heir ues. But it should not be imagined that there is no more need for help on the part of the public. The payerts from the fund are very large, and the resources extremely limited, so that the trustees will always welcome fur- ther spbacriptions to this excellent and "patriotic institution. --London Globe. or relatives fought un must general continued of about | scheme trustees are administered new departure me much colleag- Only One Wellington. That was a graceful compliment which Was paid to the Duke of Wel- : lington by Queen Victoria Not every one recalls the fact that a cer tain style of high boots, monly worn nowadays, name of Wellington. When the Duke was Prime Minister, "he once visited Windsor Castle to 'consult with the Queen on an im- an state matter. The day was , following a heavy rain, and as ke left the castle Her Majesty ked, '1 hope Your Grace is well "Oh,"' said the Duke, ir of Welling ons, Rgainst danpnoess." fe Qucen retorted, "Your Grace be mistaken. There could not of Wellingtons." not com- bore the "I have on a and am proof +%* Way Be Archbishop. The Rev. Francis Aidan Gasquet, 0S¢ name stands first of the terna names forwards to Rome by the ster Chapter, is likely to be ed by the Roman authorities as new Archbishop of Westminster, London Star. Dr. Gasquet hman and the Abbot of Benedictines at Down- . He is probably the of English Catholic Tie Sas written on "Henry Wr English Monastries, ther historical sub- High Rents in London. Some parts of London are the most highly rented places in the world, far exceeding the most expensive locali- ties of Paris or New York. Corn- hill is absolutely the dearest rented district in the world. One room near the Exchange was let a short time ago at £2,500 per annum. Six rooms on the first floor of a house at Throg- morton street were advertised recent- | ly to be let at a rent of £2,000 per annum. Bond street is the dearest neighborhood in London for a nian to start business in. A small shop in Bond street will cost its tenant £1,000 per annum, and be it obscry ed the word shop has strict limita tions, and only includes the shop an basement; the rest of the house | ing let separately. The rents in tl Strand have intreased hugely duriy | the last twenty-five years and | lease of a shop renewed lately cost the tenant an increase of £200 per anoum qn his rent. i Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea 'About six years ago for the first time in my life I had a sudden and severe attack of diarrhoea," says srs. Alice Miller, of Moigan, Texas I got temporary relief but it came ack again and again, and for six ong years 1 have suffered mor misery and agony than I cao tell. It| was worse than death. My hus and spent hundreds for physicians prescriptions and treatment with- out avaik =~ Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home ind one day I happened (0 sce an «dvertisement of 1 Chamberlain's "olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem dy with a testimonial of | who had been cured by ew so similar to my own Tr ed to try t remedy. The ¢ tw ful. IT coul realize it I was well acair icv be after Yere hat one bottle fr h ¢ it a few cent red For sale by A. ] Great stock of Paints and Paper McCaw's, It will dc to see f you have any| ng or Papering to do I 00 I f new and uj »-date wall pay to choose from ait W. H. McCa Cholera Infantum I'l t 30) f r 1 A 1 Z ct, 1 wever, wh proper All that is nece ve ( rlait 1 1D Reme tor as d € ith each bot le, ar el in For sal oy A. J. Da [ac Cream Rich and Wholesome A rt that hast best you put t I Very jualily k I ar 1g i th attractive way a erved it hould De at Pur Stre and vigor come of goo food, duly digested "Force", a ready-to-serve wheat and barley EZ" Klondyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man itoba. Parties goin any of the above parts call on A. J. Davis, | C.P.R. ticket agent, for information | rates, &c. Camping Tents t to Rent APPLY TO I'. J. ASH Port Perry, July 30,1903 W TED--A good M: one is ough in work le tc vait on table. Apply at th hoy Bethune College, Oshawa WANTED An experienced House Keeper nust be a competent k and one n every way capable of taking of the duties pertaining tc I Liberal wages will be paid. W. H. PARK, Commercial Hotel Aug. 12, 1903. Manilla. Bini TORONTO, ONT. Gives INSTRUCTION IN :-- Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting Bookkeeping Penmanship. Expert Instructors. Complete Equipment. Students assisted to positions. College Re-Opens Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. J W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For ds, ing iy Se, cents args -- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents, Lhanbetlaivs | Pain Balm, ble of Cate Brae, Spe Spe ai tism, Price 25 cents; DE | Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver | and Bowels.. Price 25 cents. Every one of these preparations + Jamieson's Livery FPYHE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding coontry for the liberal and still increasing pat- ronage bestowed upon him since commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; ng well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasnre, Iam in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style and equippage in every in every way suit desirable in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag: grge to privite residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being \H ESON 1903 HE THAT LOVES A ROSY CHEEK. He that ek, Or a ' Or fro € Fuel to maintain his A$ oid Time 1 t $0 his flames must wast But » th # able for private driving, wed dings, funerils, &. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable | double or single rigs and care fu vers w be supp ed when req I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to i Carting with the utmost care and promptness. I wish further to state that | Where Lovely TO THE POLE IN A BALLOON. English Aeronaut May Follow 111-Fated Major Andre's Example T'h ncipal r f M IR I Eng M al 3p s a family of 1 ts ning the pa fact Eng hs be t I an had fed ir g jerable i f the k g d his ) M r gated Ss a ght ACrOss Lond | Mi I I t balloon ascent with } 1 when he was nce the he I 1 the er air n all j and has Eng Char lin a ba 1 nc} fate M I sl con eaching the H dea is whole 1 be at empt 1 but that the latter st be attached to an ex pedition which would h on as fast | toward the pole a ble estab | lish k 8 at most north- | ern point for the winter and then set off with the first wind blowing from the south in the following spring or summer. Such a balloon, in Mr. Spencer's judgment, should be of sufficient size' [to carry the weight of a complete dging exy tion of two men, with ne ALY 1 S inition, | food and ictual | With this load m could | set forth and the le would be | reached, according to Mr. Spencer, in about thirty-five hours I'he aero- nauts would then descend to the | earth or ice and abandon their bal- loon, making the return journey on | | the sledges taken with them | | Valuable Time Saved 8 injuries often disable a mar Pome iis to oss of time and when blood poison develops | sometimes result in the loss of a and or limb. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic nent | When applied to cats, br and burns it causes them to heal quick and without r ration, and pre vents any danger of blood poison For Sale by A. J. Davis. A GRrAND CHANCE It will be seen by th lvertise ment in another column that Mr. J H. Brown, Seagrave, is offering to rent for a term of years his fine farm in the 13th con., Reach. This a good opportunity to rent a desirable farm in a desirable location. PAINTS -- ual ity. Fresh paint ood of old buildings. of Paint to Try » Shows the q %brings out the g and covers bad Its wise to use plenty the points make your old house bright. McCaw's stock of the "Ramsey brand. n all d minion of OE Mier 1 on receipt Oa ans and four 2-cent pos stamps, Company, . 'Windsor, Onts wa No. 1 and No. 2 are old in Port Perry by C. H. Allison and A J. vis WANTED A man to fepresent "CANADA'S GreATEST Nurseries' in the townof PORT PERRY and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES, in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent pos: ition for the right man on either salary or commission. STONE & WELLIN}TON FONTHILL NURSERIE OvER 800 ACRES ToroxTO, - - ONTARIO | per cent. only are No. 1 quality and his prices are the best when he offers 'Farm for Sale or toRent Evaporators Pay Big Prices for Apples. A glance at these figures speak for themselves. For instance take an Orchard of 300 barrels, all varities, 25 per cent are packed by buyers, which is 75 barrels. Allow a margin and say he packs 100 barrels. 30 $1 for No 1 and 75 cts for No. 2. 30 barrels No. 1 quality at $1 ......... $30 oo 70 0.3 at 75c.. 52 50 $82 50 Now we draw your attention to the great profit deoia in selling the same apples to the Evaporators, viz: 300 barrels in orchard and Bo to 90 per cent. are used in Evaporat- ing for the best quality. 85 per cent. of Orchard = 255 barrels or 341d cwt. at 3oc. -§io2 45 15 wu " " = 45 0" 60} nw Isc. 9 04 Price paid by Evaporators $111 49 Price paid by Packers...... 82 50 # Difference in tavor of Evaporators.. $28 99 L& J STOUR? UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF satis- on business at the old stand and in the same fac tory manner which has won them so many patrons and friends, [will carry AS USUAL we close our store for the Taonth of August to enable us to | secure all the best ideas and practical experience from the | work-rooms of the best millinery houses, | display of Fall & Winter Goods in September. f=. Millinery Apprentice wanted for September. FORT STHETH it is also the robber that steals from many a. business man the opportunity to become wealthy. . IT ISNT ABITTOO EARLY to plan for something 'good in si for fall and a large space in Tue OB Circular, or something @ and it is always better to H-HALF lot g and int ng quarter of lot 10, con 3, hip of Brock, consisting t 80 acres good Farm Land ouse snd by barn; also 20 acres 50 acres Pine, ion and Tamarac. ly to owner. + "H«B, CLEMES, Post Bs For Sale or to > Rett, lot 31 and 3; con. 10, Darlington cBhtaining 16 acres more orless. On the prem! ses there are a good stone hou stone stable, well watered, mos plowing done. For further particu Jars, apply to the proprietor, . GALLAGHER, Burket Burketon, Mar, 24, 1903. Watch for our! J. STOUFFER.| ~ | fdr 50 YEARS® EXPERIENCE bi 'TRADE MARKS The an dsomely illustrated weal of any eclentific | ii NN months, $1. 80) NN Co 0,36 1 Broadway, New) + 625 © Bt. Washingt Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fire Rooms in the; Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style : and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our, interesting books RED) or's Help" a ' How you are swindled.' Send us a on sketch or model of your in- vention or improvement and we willtell you, free our opinion as to whether it is probably. have often been successfully prosecuted by us. We Jconduct fully Sippad offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualifies us to prom pt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents, as broad as the invention. Highest references) furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion recelve special notice without charge in over 100 newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion, afty :--Patent business of Manufac- turers and Engineers. "MARION & MARION Patent | Experts and Solicitors. ew York Life B'ld'g, Montreal Offices : Aitenric Bld: Rep 3 a Central Livery | PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry LL AVE easure iu apnounci t have removed MY 1 IVER Y to my forr e of business W ater Str eet which Ta ut to largely®extend in creasc fa that t public may be | better accommodated with safe and desir [RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES [ R. VANSICKLER. | Port Porry Tune 21, 1900 iri v 1 North Ontario Observer |, 4 Week tural anc Fa \ y HED AT} ORY FERRY, O57. EVERY MORNING THURSDAY | | | TERMS tha unt | LETTERS One ADVERT! NTS e charged a ing t hey oceupy ADVERTISEMENTS 1 out fio ir ru rted un forbid and cha 3 y aiverth ment will be taken one w A LIBERAI i v a who advertise by th THESE terms will in all cases be y adhered JOB DEPARTH mphlet Ha 1 ns Dadgers, Bill Heads "heck Letter Head Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Receip Books, Business Card Books, rs, Assembly Cards, Cards, &e the County artier from a printed can have them golfing band bills, I, PARSONS DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SALBEI] rPYHE sadorstghed offers for sale at a bargain his fine property on Lorne Street, Port Perry, cosisting of a commo dious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, hall and three closets ; there is a good stone cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, all in a good state of repair. There are three lots which have been converted into a splendid Garden, in which are a large number of choice, thriv- ing fruit trees-- Apple, Cherry and Sa Grape hi Berry y bushes sad ether un good | bricked Well and Caters and ns Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Strect--all ready for crop. For particulars apply to GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1896. for acceptable Ideas. State if patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Bu Pscription price of the Patent RECORD per annum. Samples (ree, t's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to fhe live grocar and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shep [ekley eomunid by Mo, 8. all Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas onable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. W. SWITZER Port argPors, Sept. 6, 08, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. UNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, FOR THE 00 TISHES at this the commencement o y another Auction Sale Season to re turn thanks to his numerous patrons for past favors. In requesting their esteemed and continned patronage he desires to state that no effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes, His very extensive practice in tho past should be n sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with promptness and dispatch, Sale list made ont and blank notes supplied free on application, Parties wishing to engage his services may consult his SaLe REGIsTyR either at the Observer or Standard Port Perry, for dates claimed and make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nov: 1, 1901 Port Perry P. O i Wanted. house of London Germany Canadiar be ol ble ad allowed. Con E. P. BLACKFORI Toronto. It firm of The Edwa Eng want Apples tained well known, reliable rd Jacobs & Sons of and Hamburg, Consignments of est prices Reason to will pay Edwar: ryman, hip to the & Sons | Jacob PAINTING Rolouns &c re wodersigned would take this oppor tn g his numerous pt ons for their liberal and still increaxin atronage during the time he has carried ¢ [ad Rs PAIN TIN G | in Port Perry, and would state thut he i better prepared than ever to execute al | orders for | Paint ing, Kalsominizg and Paper Hanging Parties.entrusting their work to me may rely or having it neatly snd promptly exe uted, My charges are moderate 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c, when contracting A continuance of public patronage sol ited WM. TREMEER | Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1893. * JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, FORT LY GEO. GARDNER Wi ISHES to inform the public' of Port >erry and surrounding country, thai ster Pili years experience in prosecuting his business in some of the largest cities ol the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Orpam Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Concrete Clsterns without any wood in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in it Jine will Ye kept constantly ou h: | ror sale afi eT first of next A i GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. V L ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladics to tarve! for responsble, established house in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position teady. Reference, Encloseself-nddressed tam ped envelope, The Dominion Com p ny, Dept. Y Chicago, $900 YEARLY to Christian "man or woman tolookafter our grow: ing business in thisand adjoining Counties to act as Manager and Correspondent ; work can be done at your home. Enclose self- addressed, staniped envelope for partioulars prs MH. SHERMAN, General Manager, nl Corcoran Building, Spits. United States Treasury Takin > a You cannot read it without getting s some valuable information. * Spend a The Ligh of the World cent for a post card and send for a sample copy and be convinced. oR pm-- Our Saviour In Art The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] cost nearly 4100000 to publls. Nearly 100 super 2. t Christ and mother by "the great SHO ANAT AN NN, %49()(), YEARLY to Christian man 3 or woman to look after ed growing business in this and adj Auing Counties; to act as Manager and 2 ndent ; work cun be done at on 0 Enclose self-addressed stamped an, General Manager, Corcoran Build poppusits ge States Treasury, 3 =e iangton, I me. . anveiops for particalare to H. A, ne po inters. Chiid's stories for each picture. So Deanti 1 it sells itself. Presses runding day and t tr parr fr tor. rt tion: 'THE ERIE. AMERICAN co, CORAN BUILDING MISS HARRISON || he © ashingion; » 0] Scugog, May 18 1903. 1 riding thanks to the public for patronage extended to me for over years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, 20%, ready for business, and ave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP. As an inducement to Casn purchasers 4 Disound of U0 por omadee will be allowed on all Sales from now unit Jan. 1st next. All work being 627 MADE BY HAND &3 and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at once Lecome appa' ent, tending purchasers will find that by giving ne a call before looking elsewhere long experience in the trade being an taule Li be is by any article purchas Everthing in my line o business. kep constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec, 1, 1892. Agricultural Machmes AND ---- IMPLEMENTS AT ---- SUNDERLAND FYHE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach ines and Iieplements manufactured by the NUR EAMILTON MTG QD. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Che vm pion Plows, 8S. T. Cultivator, S. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. so the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Kngines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine I am prepared to supply cverything the armer requires in way of Machines, Imple: nents, Repairs, &c gar A call solicited One door West of MeDonuld's Hotel R. K. BRYANT Sunderland, April 8, 1893, Sealed Tenders {EALED TENDERS wil be Na received by the undersigned for he purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Pr belong to Mr. Jol i ven be ile. J. A. McGILLiVI Tem: le Buildii g, Lorontc Nov. 30, 1809 MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from private parties for investment on nortgage at 45 PER CENT. and (bose who wich to enew old mortgages, buy more land or bud, may Ltain money from ur without auy delay, (aud very mietly). We have customers who want to buy im voce who would exchange busi- me ed, and a general financink and brokerage business transacted LUND & CO, 28 Victoria treet, TokeNTO, The Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grosvenor, MEMBER 0F CONGRESS FOR NEAKLY 20 YEARS Contains twenty Fh large Photo-gravu trom the paint! ndorsed by the familie relatives of the residents. inted on paper cinbossed. A very large book ; title PEL signed by Tiffany. Biographical sketches printed in large. open type in two colors The greatest work Jf the 20th Century. So beautifulfthat when President SeKinley saw it he subscribed immediately, Of agent selling 600 copies in a small territory in Pe neylvania. A million copies will be sold quick. For tunes will be made this Inauguial year, Iigh eolass man or woman of good social standing can make & little fortune in this tenitory. Territory fs going rapidly. Presses running day and night to &I} orders. Wanted -- State Manager to look after correspond- ence and axen Address te- day THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, CorcoraN Bumpine Washington, D. €. ohings on METHODIST CHURCH. and eek Service, Thursday 7.30. Btrangers welc me and conducted Lo seats. 8ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. Babbath Services, 11.00 ind 7.00. Week Evenim Bervice, Thursday 7.30. BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. 'Woek Evening Service, Thursday, 7,30. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) REV. G. W. LOOKE M. A., Incnmbent. y--Matins, 10.30 a.m. ug, 7 p.m. Bundag School, 2.30 p.m. Tharesday-- Evensong, 7.0 p.m. R. 0. CHURCH. REV --. RICHARDSON. Third Sunday at 10:30 a: m, Short-Horn Bull for Sale HE 'undersigned offers for Sale that grand young Short-Horn ull Duke or York = 44641 = be is is large for his age. color red roan in the Province. The animal and pedigre e may be seen on the premi-- ces of the proprietor. lot 24, con Scugog, "% jonn coLLINs, In the ycan be suited in qoality and puis, iy guarantee that perfect fetisfassion 1 el and 1s pronounced by all one of bess