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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1903, p. 1

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Tatsaty taken receive special in THE PATENT RECORD, ap and widely circulated journal, \ pds Manufact: and Investors. ho 0 Eh patent Rvans Building, (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) 47 YEAR, NO. 34} m-------- ---- {WHOLE No Western Bank| OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. GENERAL Bankiug Business trans- asted. Special attention paid to , Drafts issued availal a all Deposits received at the highest current rates. Interest calculated and credited to each depositor semi annually. H. G. HUTOHESON, MAvaGER. HEAD OFFICE, ONT. Capital (Paid Up) - - ~ Rest | - 2 we - ESTABLISHED 1867. TORONTO, Port Perry, June 26, 1897. "£100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 45 and § per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, | Port Perry, Ont. | | November -- | The Depositor is subject to no MONEY 0 LOAN. | whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit No Charge is made on withdrawing or T]HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security depositing money, AT 5 PER OENT. A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex tending from one to nine monthw for feed cattle and other farm purposes. Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col lected at the most favorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, | Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interest allowed at current ratos. | Interest is added to the deposit Twice | Port Perry Branch |W H. DUNSFORD, Manager| #¥ Also on Village Property | R, D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria | £4" MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WY | University ; M.B. Toronto University, | HUBERT L. EBBRLS, | Member or the College of Physicians and Bari ister, | Surge ns, Ont.; Licentinte of the Royal Office next #0 Ontario Bank College of Surgeons, Edinburg; L icentinte | _-- ------ | of the Royal College of Physiriuns, Edin. | J A. MURRAY | burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians ' . ) | and Surgeons , Glasgow ; Late Kesident DENTIST, | Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, | for' Women. Office and Residence, second Rooms in the Leonard Block over Mr. J. | door West of Davis' Furniture Emporiom, H. Brown's Office.] Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 1] a. PORT PERRY | snd 2 to 5 p.m,, and evenings. | Ihave taken as partner, my brother, Dr All branches of Dentistry, including] g. Archer, M, D., C. M., Momber of Col Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Tecth on Gold, Silver, or Rubber Plates Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. NOTICH. A R. J. H. SANGSTER, geon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective rs iu all their branches. Port Perry Aluminum Painless extraction when required: ar Prices to suit the times€3 WA SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Physician, Sur fice over the Post Office. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, Dee, 8, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, &o. Fillings, Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. Uffice in the Allison Block over Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m. Vort Perry, April 9, 1902. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Omsxrver Office Patronage solicited. Mauchester, Jaa. 19, 1699, AUOTIONEER. pee undersigned taki tukes this opportuaity of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he has received as Aactioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be tarped to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring 'me with their sales may rely on fully protected. No #r Gold York a Specialty, PHYs101AN, SURGEON, Office and Residence, Office hours ind Evenings Queen St., §to 10 am; 1to3 pm, Port Pesry Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected | with the residence of GG. L. Robson, V.8, Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894 Allison's \WM.H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Buccessor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, ~ Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. Privato Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 7 1901 JN 0. w. Cc R 0 z1 E RB SovriciTor, CONVEYANCER, Brey flice at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey 10 LOAN, y. £ PATERSON, K. C., : iat Bolicitor, Notary y ty $0.y Nos. 310-311, Temple - Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 81, 1868. THOS. SWAIN, Aug. 26, 1896. 'WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator de. R the Townships of of Brock, Uxbrid| att; oh ies: Sats Metre and Ba Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. . WM, GORDON, Sunderland. PROF. 8. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and P Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto will visit Port Perry once in six month.-- All orders entrusted to him warranted t ve satisfaction. REFERENCES --Mr, W, Gill, Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. John Nott, Port Perry Ml i E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B., Count; Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol. or, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, Int. H. McCAW, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Soouriry at 6 and 7 per cent Crrast funds). All kinds of Conveyancing executed with aeatness and dispatch. Office--Ove door west of Town Hall, Marichester April 11, 1888, H GRAHAM ace ud' of H t tak f tl pommtly n ceive Sur opinion free concerning as just taken pessession of the rhage SLES EY SHOE SHOP one door South of the St. Charles Hotel, where he intends to make all kinds of Boots and Shoes, and do all kinds of repairing. All comers strictly attended to. He wants to to please all who come his way, 1f possible. sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Attorneys,) WASHINGTON, D. C. W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Thire ~ fo MMERCE $8,700,000 | 3,000,000 in each year, at the end of Muy and | F. SMITH, General Carter Takes pleasure in" returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE be very shortest notice and at s that cannot fail 4 fo 9 picass the at site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH. Port Perry, Avg i901, Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. 1. WHITBY Macdonell, Whitby --Janu ary 6, { Clerk, | | 3's Reptembet & October | D.C Novem' ember 4. Jan OBHAWA-Clerk, I. C. Macdonell, Whithy--Janu ary 7, February 5, March 5 April 3, May 7, June 4, | July, September 5, October 1 | embers, Jan.7, 1004 BROUGHAM---Olerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant March 7, May 8, July 7, Bsptember 8, Nov Jan. 9, 1904 » 3 {--Olerk, JW. Burnham, Port Perry | March §, May 13 July 9, Beptewber 12, November 11, Jan. 11, 100 &. UXBRIDGE- Clerk, Jos. ¥. Gould, Uxbridge | January 16, March 20, May #9, July 15, Septembe. | 25, November 20, Jan. 14, 1904 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington January 15, March 19, May 28, July 14, Seplember | 24, November 19, Jun. 13, 1004 ¢. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. ¥. Bruce, Beaverton. January 14, March 18, May 27, September 23 ember 18, Jan. 12, 1904 7. UPTERGROV E--Clerk, Thos. P March 17, Muy 2, September 22, Novem | By order, | J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk Dated[at Whithy, Nov. 25th, 1002 of the Peace. delay | Located in Our New Premises N.T.Cawker&Son ys I'O ANNOUNCE that that they are now cemfort {ably ensconsed in their new pre { mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of (GHOIGE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All orders attention. S. T.CAWKER & SON will receive prompt March §, rgo2. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WogrLp.--Mr. W. H., McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a position (0 issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatien to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his | numerous Ticket Ag ganties far Rail road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their | own interests by Mr McCaw before embarking on a trip consulting | TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering | for several years with a very severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consump tion, is anxious to make known to his fel low sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, ho will send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Qonsumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronohitis and ail throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalu- able. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York Goop SHOE Varues. Women's shoes, adapted for-short skirts, new manish shape--hand sewed and welted in box enamel-- patent leather and vici kid lace or button ; the new Louis XV. heels in all leathers for dress wear--high arch--hand turn flexible soles. See my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is not to be found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside, A. F. CARNEGIE. WANTED--FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house ina few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salilary $1024 a year and expenats, payable $19.70 weck in cash an vxpenses vanced. Posi. tion permanent. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, (334 Dearborne 8t., Chicago. Grand Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. PorT PERRY. GOING SOUTIL GOING NORTH, 7.25 a.m, 9.51 a.m. - 11.35 a.m. 5.40 p.m. 1.33 p.m. 7-33 p.m. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in cach state to travel for house sstautinhed Slaven years and with a large capital, to om) u ants and agents for 'nccessful an Pp table. line. Permanentengugenent. Weekly nda 418 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced fn cash each week, Experience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. TE Psot Office Din Sout Sel Pe 2 Port Perry, June 10, 1903. lock, Port Porvy. X ATIONAL, 331 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. February 4, March 4, April 3, May6, June 3, | or 4, Deo November 5, Dec | Hart, 1 plergrove | F Jamieson' Livery HE nndersigned takes thiy opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry ands sncrounding country for th liberal and still in bn bestow upon Li ery in Port Perry tae intimates that he or th Foes IN WINTER North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT POKT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS TERMS, 81 gor wnnum, if paid in advance ; not $1.50 will be Se arged. No suhseription taken for less { than six months; snd no peper discoutinned until arrears are paid up. LETTERS containing money, wl prepaid snd rela Ayer. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Pectoral addressed to Qubice, en tame elephants aro humoring their secured they go away and leave him, Then the men bring him nice cocoa-, nuts and . course, a great rage, and struggling. to be frec. . All the time this is going on the, deluded victim, but as soon as he i" leaves to eat, which, of! he refuses, as he is again in But hunger subdues even the fierc- est, and at last his wild trumpet-_ ings ceuso to resound through thd' woods, and he is forced to eat. Frony, that time the taming process | is coms, paratively easy. Again and again he is fed, , as he requires it, by and the elephant, an my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the Intest type | of construction for comfort and | pleasnre, Lam in n position ts | meet the requirements of the = most fastidious ns te style and { desirable equippage in every d respect--in every way suit | | | able for private driving, wed dings, faner.ls, &o. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of snitable double or single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli- ed when required, I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and promptoess I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time ins, on being WM. JAMIESON Port Perry, July 30, 1903 { v- | Important t Noti tice. 'Gi AS MANY AS IN SPRING YOU CAN GET THEM FROM INGRAM'S Prolific Laying Strains BUFF ORPINGTONS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS WHITE WYANDOTTES Some excellent Tr and Up-t Date Cocker r 25 One year-old Barred Plymouth { Rock Hens, t room | for young stocl N. INGI [ & SONS ( rane St Port Perry IMYHE REPORT Sureedt that 1 £7 ow, have disposed of my business ERICANY to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S,, it is NAO gy almost needless to state, is untrue : the fact is, finding that it was im | possible to attend to all the nun | TORONTO, ONT. ous calls with which [ have of lG Ix been patronized I concluded IVES INSTRUCT bain assistance, and in order tof Gregg St horthand | meet the rcquiremerts of my nu | Touch Typewriting erous patrons I have entered into} 1 s - ARN with. Mr. MacMillan, | Bookkeeping the name and style of the new i n | Penmanship | being ELrioT & MacMiLLan, Vet | Expert Instructors erinary Surgeons, so the new firm| Complete Equipme nt wm be prepared at all ne night | 5 dents assisted to positions |and day cater to all requitilg|a,jja0e Re-Opens Sept. 1st {our pre SION&l Services in | Oat logue free % | manner it cannot fail bo meet 2Laiog di 8 their apj on : ¥ ] WWE "ERVELT a ELLIOT. | Chartered Accountant, rt Perry, April 6, 1903. | Principal ar = | WANTED a | tm gad Lob fon Salo or bo Bb no coerced Trove eure [m a yetent cook and one FYHE undersigned offers for Sale orto [in capable of taking | Rent his House and Lot on the corner | cl 1 pertaining to of Arrow a worne Strects, Port Perry. | 4 Liberal wages will De I'he Dwelling is comfortable, in good repair | 1§ story. The lot contains 1facres first: | © § class land on whi h there are a number of | W. H. PARK, hoice bearing fruit trees ; there ure also | Commercial Hotel 1 well and new pump. For particulars | 4 Manilla apply at Tuk Osskrvir office, or to the ' pr | JOSEPH BRYANT. vente | WW ANTED May 14, 1903 | A represent (CANADA S SERI n the townof Threshing Machine for Sal, © this machine Apply SS | The undersigned offers for sale | his Challenge Threshing Machive | at a Bargan. Although the machine | has been in use about three yearsit | is.none the worse for that. Parties | requiring a good Separator should | to the owner JOHN COLLIN June 2, 1903 S, Jr dees rl Wood's FPhosphodine, = Before and After, gives universal satisfaction. perumbently cures all forms of Mer vous. ness, Emissions, Spermatorrhaa, Imp and all effects of abuse or excesses | use of Tobacco, Opium or Stim ulan and Brain Worry, all of which lead to In Insanity, Consumption and an r Price $1 per package or six for please, siz will cure. Mai 1 oeipt of price. fiend tons && Wools Phospliodine is sold air Perry by A. J. Davis and C. H. Allison, Druggists. ASE WANTED. FOR "STORY OF sour AFRIC A" Juhn Clark Ridpath, LL.D. J. A. Cooper, Managing Ed Ediions of fo n Metamin: Toronto, and iken, Ont. who has returued this week from 33 Wo sro thonaly branch un London, years' travelling in South Africa for us, Canadian Publishers who have hi Bouth Africa for nineteen years, giving Hy an as advantage in procuring photographs and mates authorship, lettyrpress wnd engravings sre superior, and Caundian Contingents better ilhistrated than in any rival work. So.suro are wo of this that will usd! fren for comparison our prospectus to. anyone ee Chroniar. ana foomn 1108: "Apply World Publishing Dompany, Guelph, Ontario. To Rent or for Sale, Mrs. Jane Wheeler's beautiful Brick Residence on the Nonquon Road, south of Port Perry. There is a splendid Fruit Garden attached, with Outbuildings, etc. A large quantity of ranching or pasture land may be rented or purchased in con- nection with or separately from the Apply to W. H. HARRIS, Barrister, Port Perry. Aug. 18, 1903. above. State if patent THE PATENT i} Baltimore, "on of the PATENT RECORD Subscrip ERRY take PORT PE OUR HAR DY § an [ALTIES Small Fruits, and Orcamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c Stock to name and free from San Jose Scale A permanent pos ition lor I man on either salary or nMmission STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES 800 ACR®S Toronto, ONTARIO Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. | No. 1.--For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar | medicine known. No. 2 For special cases--10 degrees r--three dollars per box. k your druggist for Cook's | Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations a erous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold an recommended ov all aroggists in the Do- | inion of Canada. Mailed to aly address on receipt of price and four 2-cen postage | stamp, Cook Company, Windsor, Ont No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Port Perry by C. H. Allison and A. J. Davis, Druggists corvmicHT SPRING IS THE TIME FOR HOUSE GLEANINC. I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Papcr and Paint required. furnished if WwW. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 doors north of Mr, Widden's store. recov ad dont - instructions, will inserted until | $ pur aocto ovardingly." No" advertise. | bi this to you. He Bows for nd charged mont will ba taken out until paid for, | all about this cough Medicine. "We have used Ayer's Cherry our family for 2 years for rest EF troubles. and we think no medicine squale i. | es A. POMEROY, et A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the yeur or half year | THESE terms will in all cases be striotly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. 25c., 80. §1.00. 00. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Postees, Al Jrugpats: for Lone Nao Programs Dodgers, Bill Heads, Checks Latter Heads, Wedding Invitatic Weak Throats Ayer's Pills greatly ald recovery. Purely vegetable, gently laxative, Books, Business Cards Blank Forms, Books Cireulars, Assembly Ourds, Visiting Cards, & WOMEN AT SALOON BARS. Common is English Hetels--Mere Women Than Men Not Usasual-Ohfldren of » Parties from a distance getting hand bills printed oan have them printed ta take home with them Are Net Excluded. I, PARSONS The closer the investigations into the diinking habits of women the more startling are the revel ns which they bring says an h Important Auction Sale --ir.| exchange ) John Bright, Myrtle, having leascd Che | ling to one farm f a term ol year publican an ho rmined to sell by Auction e ' I for ir Ground the town « f ring whe Wednesd October | 41 1 to save 1 pe do mmenc at one o ck, | nig I 2 i ymense d and it is raining I 1 s-bred, h and| "the saloon bars are full of ng h toppe onsist- | men, and women, Who stay a the ics in On Saturday night I hay . . the freq uy, seen mor w wen than w t [hu t is side « a I ( josdale A The working is not I es, t ber of t r | the Ww ti hil 1 a Grade Catt ( i ; UY I | | In «¢ S¢ a r a 1 en Ww neep, Fig Im ¢ Hay ssed chi who sit a th a and Roots will be sold at his | it ip" t roor re sidence My € Some concepti 1 i »W coj 1 Ww f sity a portance of | men a f the mid ass ty t Je nu b od and I ed that, begi ly | A | st ¢ y night 1 three of t most 1 a . } N for ¢ eb I th 1 i more than fM I 1 the «¢ € 1 up at th st va pure- 1 1 1 anim r eae . ymers do not lil \ it, but I 1 thir mah in the De 1 1 allk v v Shameful Sight ing that gentleman are well aware{ po the sity Show that ib that every a al he pos es a for ng prize o for he will ha e factory her L'he v e « ucted € Io s t A Messrs Jack Le Fair- public } 1 t 3 n banks and Capt. T. E I Stand he Let the attendance e in keer tase 1x ! vn i with the importance of the ASIC home by . g ; See the advertisement elsewhere The « K for i f in this issue.) sidious a r that t --- _ gine that f f g they co s hat a ulant is needed They grow CURIOUS MARKS. look upc ! pana -- all the s I heir Speculation as to birange Rock Ferma Medical , tions at Leumy"s Lake. the that 1rinking | On the grounds of the Internation- of I~ @ 1 rth of fee al Cement Compa near lLeamy"s pla I } rth ry | Lake, is to be scen somothing odd {(,wng th fant jcath rat $s ter and inexplicable tc linary pas- | riple. DE"Grecnwood, of Blackburn ser-by,but which a geologist could no recently i th town doubt explain as a paragraph of our (hat 224 abies born in planet's earlier his written In the borough d t ar stone old From Browery creek the surface on More than { the ths in Dar the mainland side riscs in an easy y.gton are tt f dren who have slope towards rightville and the pot reached t ag In I old golf grour Near the creek the cester, out of sixty limestone croj ely. A few [eo deaths ea Wo tw are those er up it appears Towards of children In 1 head 1 t the centre of grounds th of every 1.000 child n dic be some six feet Cf I'he excay fore they are a year o now being made show that t Offspring of Drink, of limestone runs a co lerable dis- Po tance, that it riscs from the water The offsprings of drink are insan ' om ity. peuperism, epilepsy, and fecble level at the same gentle slope as the 0 fy 0 yndon there are soil on top But while the surface 2,000 epile; and about 100,000 has apparently never been disturbed paupers an { all ovor the ountry for centuries, as witness the even lay 5) Onn To 00 0 of the soil, the underlying rock i8 | "pe chairman of a school board at scammed and scored everywhere by the tendance « suburbs force of rushing water The rock tiforthed ' an oe ntative surface looks much as would the .j orid RH CEPTS FERTEEEESESE | channels around the Chaudiere where on (7 PO0 FE OF caused the current is most furious; were it through the drunken habits of the possible to drain off the water and mothers > of whom appear be soe the rock bottom. Enormous "pot fore the cow. ittee in a cryin state holcs" are scen everywhere, the ono. 8 or seams in the rock bed, everywhere 'No one," he says, "knows better parallel and running in a general 0" oT 00) attindance officer, | northorn, direction, being In most oy ¢ havoc the drinking habits of | places about a foot wide and the 4, mothorg play with the children, | same depth. The stone being ex- "ve quirived of food, boots and | tremely hard, one would say from p,.¢.p4) cuie--which includes clean- the depth of these scams that this i... chil, mothers have carousals | { | spet had been for ages the bed of a t h other' S08. furious torrent of great width, though >t cach Others hoyses "The € Megsengo: to-day its bottom lies high above he Child Messenger Act did a | th or level d I the depth Boat good, but it has not stopped he. Water invel, and. Hom 18 oI the drinking among women. Their of soil covering it it must bave been in its present state a very long time Where did this immense body of take the form of a drink- tewards the expenses of | at homes' ing bout, which they ali contribute, cach tak- | water come from? What became of nh r IS tel 3 tv Some think that at some far-off ing a turn in fctching the liquor.' time the Great Rakes found their outlet bi She Dltava: then In the Island of Ceylon the people | much wider and deeper tham now; g.4 very fond of elephant hunting. | perhaps stretching from the Chelsca They begin by cleari space | AS the 3 B by caring an open space hills to the Ottawa cliffs near a forest, part of which fs lake waters gradually wore a Pas- gi. nuly fenced in with trunks of | sage through the gorge of Niagara, {ra.s 'with open places for doors. the volume of water coming down the Ottawa may have gradually les- scned. Anether theory. Is that, as the earth's surface is known to be con- tinuously and regularly rising in ene place and falling in another, like a glant breathing, this slow change of altitude may have aflocted the flow of the Ottawa, the surface of the entire valley slowly rising while the St. Lawrence region slowly subsided. rr . This is called a corral. When so much of the work is done, natives got behind and around the elephants with blazing torches, shak- ing spears and rattling all kinds of noisy instruments, in order to frigh- | ten the huge animals, while all the | time driving them toward the open | doors of the corral. At last, with a rush, the great herd enters, the en- trauces are barred, and the poor gian's of tha woods find themselves Lopclessly imprisoned. An elephant's rage is dreadful to witne. 8, but the ingenuity of man has found a w of subduing it. Ono by one each prisoner is freed again, | | ier | CARTWRIGHT Fair.--At a meeting of the authorities of the Cartwright Agricultural Society latel held it and tame elephants, remarkable for was unanimously resolved to hold their sagacity, come up to him, stroke him with their trunks, and the coming Fall Exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29 and 30. Many special attractions tiv creep up behind, and in a min- are to oe features of the coming ute a rope with a running knot is show so that it will be worth goit ga round the ed hant's lg and fusten- long way toto witness them. EOS otherwise cajole him, until they lead him on to a strong tree. The na- : wall | Tk ii In a public park at Calcutt several birds of the adjutant specics. They are the storks of the East In-/ dies, and average about 6 feet in' height. These birds parade in a stately way, and at a distance look so much like soldiers "that strangers often mistake them for Grenadiers. Make Baby Feel Good: A baby's-temper depends on how If alling Le will be cross noy every:" feeling "well happy. our baby feeling good by profit by the experience rs who give the r Little ones' Baby's Own Tablets, One of thesa Mis. C. W Shore, Castles says "Our child, eight always bie: jtroubl- We had wedi doctors and tried' benefit. I aby's Own 1st "what® all he feels. worry the mother anc body in th he will be right active and of moth mothers, ton. Ont months old, ie e from two ed with estion ther remedies without xof I 1 e child 1s now well loing constipation, all ones 'are' oea, simple fevers, in fact r ailments of little Own Tablets cured by Baby's good and cannot pc always do do harm and may be given to ungest infant with perfect safety. 1 by druggists or direct by mail, t a box, by addressing the Dr¥ Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Unt British Mission to Thibet. * or Francis Edward Younghus= I.E the leader of the Brits iission now on ils way to Thi liscuss with the Chinese and ibet authorities the question of nproved comercial relations bes tween India and Thibet, is a membon® a us Anglo-Indian family," says ndon Star. Major Young I wed the Dragoons in 1882; AY has been connected with tha nt of the Government 1889. 1 2 ha was the stall of the Dritish and went to 1 officer a year lat." panied ef I 1 as ndent for is at he present at the Court of tha r Major Younghus4 1] know of the' I ples north of the Himalayas Embarrassment of Riches. In a preliminary debate over the question f a museum grant for Wales much f the discussion, says I'l London Chronicl turned on the act that Wales is without a capital, I'his, however did not daunt a certain Welsh member, who got ony his feet and, addressing the minis- ters 1 the treasury bench, said ; If only you will give us the moti cy we will find the capital." Things Worth Fighting Fer. farmers ord g lands up a big over the possession of worth of useless Two Western Ontario have run adjol law bill apicce seventeen cents land There {8 no particular principle in volved The land is close beside a& fence #d can not be cultivated. But each man is determined to have it, and so the merry war goes on Of course the ultimate outcome will be that the lawyers in the case will own the seventeen cents worth of land--and the two adjoining farms Those two farmers represent a wo frequent modern type. There is nothing in the world so pleasant as having one's own way i everything But when a few thous+ sand people, or a few million, live: together, and two individuals desire. the Siri thing, on hus to he big-natured maa in the of life gives away to tle other low. A fight that costs more than the object fought for, is a mistake. It is only in the large things of life, the matters of principle, that" the big men fight, fight to the very end The worth of of a few cents property is not worth a momentary feeling of anger, and when the sale notice is tacked to their front gate post the two Westd. ern Ontario farmers will Yoatize thidgg --Ottawa Journal, possession == Strange Test of In' ccenoe. "A strange way of testing the fms - SS nocence of an accused person is em ployed in India,"' said a traveler who lately returned from Madras, "They haul the man up and give bing a mouthful of dry rice to chew. Dry rice takes a deal of chewing to get masticated into a glutinous m like gum, and that is Lhe condi that the accused is required to it into within ten minutes. If are calm and not afraid, you ceed, but if you are nervous and: ed you fail. For it seems has a strong effect upon the & glands. It prevents them creting saliva. The 'mouth badly-frightened person is always. as a bone. It requires a therefore the scared ably fails in this test.'*

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