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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Sep 1903, p. 1

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Pama nt 4 (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) 47™ YEAR, NO. 35} PORT PERRY, ONTART Port Perry Agency. Savings Bank Department, Deposits received at the highest current Interest caloulated and credited to wach depositor semi-annually. H. GQ. HUTOHESOR, MANAGER: Port Parry, June 26, 1897. FYHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seciitity AT 6 PER OENT. #7 Also on Village Property. £44 MORTUAGES BOUGHT. FA Offles next 46 Ontarlo Bank J. A, MURRAY, Rooms ites Leonhard Block over-Mr, J, 28 intluding Crown and Bridge Work successfully Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aliinindm Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: 2 Prices to suit the times® CW. A SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON. Mice over the Post Office. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 8 pin. Also open Hagurday evenings, Jridge and Crown Oo: F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) 0.8. of Royal College of Detital Sorgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. fice in the Allison Block over Allison's 1 Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.80 p.in, Port Perry, April 9, 1902. JOS. BATRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for thy County of Ontario. Sale Register at « OBsrRVER Yitee oii solicited: AUCTIONEER. HH undersigned tukes thls opportiialty of returning thanks for the very Iiberal atrcnuge Be has recelved as Auctioneer in The increased experience and axtensive practice which I have had will be darned to advantage of patrons, and parties Fr) me wis aie sales may rely on fully raieetel, No to take it rofitable | 7V heir gales itt ny hahde. My Sale Heit ill § be found at -the . GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. hips of "Brock, eh L ara, Rama, Mariposa Parties entrusting thelr Sales to me Jay rely on the utmsot attention being given to " PROF. 8. J. COHN RAgmosl OPTICIAN and E; Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, ort Perry once in six month.-- All orders entrusted to him Waraned t e and oronto Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. Joba Western Bank OF CANADA £100,000 (British Capital) To lend at 4, 45 and B per cent on good Mortgages security. DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Per, Ont. MONEY 0 LOAN. F. SMITH, General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks ublic for the esteemed pat- estowed on him i com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully Reside ence--Bric! site the Methodist oe " Commerc Port Perry, Aug. 1g90t, Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. Oapital Pat © uw ESTABLISHED 1887. A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for tending from ona to nine mont cattle and other farm purposes. wiirny. tery D. L IL Whitty Jkt BROUGHAN. ~Clerk, a, Cle, Greenwood roh 7, May 9, July aor Fan § iif ] fers PERRY. fas, IW J draham, ' Sales Notes discotinted or tol lected at the most favorable rates. Marth July 15, Beptembe, JANN INGTON Oletk; oo SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interest allowed at current nigh h Miy 77, Btbombbr 7, orgpiciog "ot Thea P. to the deposit Twice , at the end of May and 2 Dated!at Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1902. The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole | of any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or Located | in Our New Premises DF Port Perry Branch Ww. HB DUNSFORD, Manager weer § T, CawkereSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE they date now cottifort ably ensconsed in their new pre Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of f CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut i to please the most fastidious. aera M.B. Toronto U | Member « or the > Gollege of P ree and Licentiate of the Royal being Shihe i Collage of Physicians, Edin burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians Pidpllof the Rolunda Office and es He door west of Davis' Office hours--9 to 11a and 2 to 5 p.m. and evenings. I have taken as partner, ny brother, Dr manner that datihot fait their approbation. Port Perry, April 6; 1903, ege of Physiclans and Surgeohs, Ont; Port ¥ Ferryy June 9, 1897: NOTICH. R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physizlan Sur geon and Acconchalit, ahd Sangster, Dentist, may on abd after 10. a be found iu their new Sifgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be FPVHE vodersigned offers Rent his House atid Lot oh the "Boruer of Arrow and Lorie Streets, Port Perry I'he Dwelling is comfortable, in good pepair The lot contiite 1} acren first, class land on whish there Are a purfibér of choice bearing fruit troea! tiiére are iso a good well and new pitmp. For pa apply at Tue Opskiiver office, proprietor, S. T. CAWKER & SON 14 story Tickers To ALL WorrLb.--Mr, W. Perry, is now in a position to isstie tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary infortatien to parties ds to the cheapest and to their respective professions in all their Port Perry. Dec, 8; 1897. BR. 8. J. MELLOW, May 14, 1903, t Agencies for Rail road and Steamship lines; been re appointed Ticket Agerit for the Grahd Trunk Railway intending to travel will constilt their Office atid Residence, Queen St., ; Qe hours--8to 10 am; 1to8 pn, phan ini office and hones, open hight and day over the lines south, connectad with the residence of GG. WM. H. HARRIS oT BARRISTER, &c., Bticcéfgor to and occupant eof the offices of the late F. J | at a Bargan McCaw before ethbarking on a trip T0 OONBUMPTIVES: The undersigned having been restored to health by & sithple means, after siiffering for several years with a very severe lung affection, and that dread disease Codsump , is aoxiotis to meke known to his fel low sufferers the means of cure. who desire it; he will send (free of charg¥) a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Jonsumption: Asthma, Oatarrh, Bronohitis and all throat and loog Maladies. sufftstets will try his retired jute, 4, 1903 Private Fadds &t 4 ped cofits "JNO. W. OROEZIER Sotitttor, COKVEYANCER, . Office at residence, Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- which will cost hon nothing, ahd may prove a blessing, will please dddress, Rev. EDWARD A. FILsoN, Jamie 0 Livery HE undersigned ba pry my stock of horses ; st Well ga conveyances of the latest type of construction for cortifort and pleastire, Tam in a position to theet the requirements of the most fastidious as te style and desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private driving, wed- dings, funerls, &e. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care: ul drivers will also be suppli- ed when required. sess «number of good © Si and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and promptness. I wish further to btate that In futlire suitable conveyahcss will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag- gage to private rexidences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1003. Important Notice, fe i REPORT <¢urretit that I have disposed of my biisiness [to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S5. it is Jaton needless to state, is fact is, finding that it was im | possible to attend-to all the numer | ous calls with which I have of Jate patronized I concluded to | | obtain assistance, and in ordet to meet th 1e requirements of my num- erons patrons | have entered partnership with Mr. MacMil the natfie and style of the new firm Erctor & MacMirrLan, Vet erinary Surgeons, so the new firm will be prepared at all times--night and day--to cater to all re professional services' JOHN COLLINS, 1 d that di Fives univefeal antiglist 1t promi permanently cufes all forms of N sid ue oois Of apie or sxcetseas 8 N. F. PATERSON, KX. C., int hi Partister. Solicitor, Notary 5 Tons Puliding, Cor, Bay oi Matoli 81, 1808. Noman & shoes, adapted for short manish shape--hand nih and welted in box enarfiel-- atent leather and viei kid lice or utton ; the new Louis XV. heels in dress wear--high "| arch--band turn flexible soles. i It affords a view of stylish footwear that is hot to be found any place else. shown, every price hamed can be duplicated in your sife inside, Salo prion. £2 Wood's Phosphodine is sold jn! Perry by A. J. Dacis and C. H. Al Druggists. an E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL. B., Cou jon Attorney, Barrister, Soni yanpiany LICENSES, "Port Petry Ont. , 1883, 8 und Sona fgets better ill + al work. Te ra are wo of this that will WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. 8 prepared to Loan any qnantity of Money on improved Yarn Security at 6 and 7 per cent WANTED-- FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house ina few counties, calling on retail and agents. Local territory. $1024 a year and expehses, usibess stomewful and reyanving executed with sup shing Studer gg {334 Dearbothe Chicago: oeatness aud di 0 O01 ye Olle door. wah of Town Hal, Brick Residence on the No Haron J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attoracys,) WASHINGTON, D, GC. W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Di Co Office in Psot Office Grand "Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. Road, south of Port Perry. is a splendid Fruit Garden att. with Outbuildings, etc. A quantity of ranching or pastur may be rented or purchased i nection with or separately ebove. Apply to Manchester April 11, 1888, H .GRAHAM Has just' taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP one door South of the St. Charles Hotel, where he intends to make all kinds of Boots and Shoes, and do all kinds of repairing." strictly attended to. to please all who come his way, 1f| Pe possible. Aug. 18, i903. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS : 2 arty nt anelagents yh successful a t engagement. Weel salary of $18 penses and hotel bills advanced fn ! ntial, Mention and as self-addressed envelope. THE > ference Port Perry, June 10; 1903. NATIONAL; 834 Dearbortr Sti, Ch ar ewpariton Sur Br us ie anyone g tus roulars And terms frees ishiibg Company, Guelph, Oatarlo. W. H. HAR Barrister, Port | RIGHTS THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." rai i - onto SHURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1903. (WHOLE No, ECCS IN WINTER North Ontario Obserser vertise © ear 0 0 advertise by the year or half year. druff disappears. | titise térms will 1d all chaol bE striotly adhered " "My hatr was coming ont terribly. I sas almont afraid to somb it. But Ayers Hair JOB DEPARTMENT. Vigor proraptly stopped the falling, and also Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters, | § restored he pagaral Color { | Ms. WARD, Laudesg, N.J Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, "hacks battle. C. ATER Libtket Fonds Wedding Invitations | Cis ngriee__ for lll Haan Blank Forms fiwowip Books, Business Oards AS MANY AS IN SPRING YOU CAN GET THEM FROM | INGRAM"S Prolifi¢ Laying Strains BUFF ORPINGTONS BARRED PLYMOU 3 WYANDOTTES Date Cockerels for Sale, ld Batted Plyiotith INGRAM & SONS, Bil TORONTO, ONT | Scotch toppe 1, Short-horns, cor Is untrue ; Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting Bookkeeping Penmanship Expert Instructors Complete Equipment Students assisted to positions College Re-Opefis Bept. 1st. Catalogue free. WESTERVELT, Chartered Acconntant, | bred animals ever possessed by one | WANTED outa and Lob for Salo on blu! ni for Sale jor to or fo the JOSEPH "i Threshing Machine for Sale. The WANTED undersigned offers for sale 1 si inding count ne < his Challenge Threshing Machi Although the machine has been in use about three yoare i it is none the worse for that. requiring a good Separator see this machine Apply to the ownet UR HARDY SPECIALTIE | eslonial birth whose husbands either | wonderful | Vines, Seed Potatoes, A permanent pos | | duritg the reign of Charlés I.; went ook' Cotton Root Compound. can depend. "in he hour | Histihguished orator and statésman; o. 3. | teenth lentury. He was Attorney 2 are sold in Port Perry by C. Allison and A. J, Davis, Dra SPRING 8 THE TIME FOR HOUSE CLEANING. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint (Successor to J. A Rodman.) 2 doors north of Mr, Widden's store: A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHKD AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING |§ Sometimes the hair is not BY properly nourished. [tsuffers H. PARSONS for food, starves. Then it TERMS. 81 por annum, i paid in advance; It nox $1.50 du ot, turns prematurely ae paeripcion wefen for ioe . Ayer's Hair Vigor is a oun when adiirestbd to this Thins our risk. AY Co apes tascam wi jo phd wir § hair food. It feeds, nourishes. forbid and charged 000) vay advertise: | § The hair stops falling, grows ment will be taken out until paid | | long and heavy, and all dan- A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and ether wh Visiting Cards, &e of every style and color executed promptly and AL AR LOW rates as Any Other establishment in OCI D800e iiarten trom odin A MIDAIR ROMANCE ¢ * § § Q By MARIAN GRANT + golting hand bills, & ake home with them H, PARSONS Impottafit Auction Sale --Mr ohn Bright, Myrtle, h yo leased John Brigh ttle, having lease Copyright, 158. by T. 0. MeClare his fine fart for a term of years has determined to sell by Auction | O*0#0e080e0eO0eO+OsO*04Oe on the Fair Grour ih the town « f They both worked in the clouds, she Whitby, on Wedn#asday, October | bn the top floor of a great factory | 14th, commencing at one o'clock, | buildiiig, he atid thé iron framework his immense herd of imported and | of a huge skyscraper ch and| He did not know of her existence, yme-bred, straight but she felt quite sure that she should ing of the most famous far recognize him if ever they mot in the their class ever fuced ir he | street, whose noisy, busy life swept on worl foll fav (Thur far below their feet. Bhe could always Clydesdale Stallions and | #ingle him out among the mechanics the 'ber of 16. t working there in No other with all his Grade Cattle tsw Wworkm trod the iron beams with sheep, Pig Implements Ha such a »d poise or squared his shoul | Grain and Roots will be sold at | ders just as he did to the day's work ) He did everything with an air of abso PE lute confidence which thrilled and mas residence Myrtle, Some nce pt t 1 tered her the ny this sale may be had + t He was too far away for her to scru known that it will take two day tinize his features, but she was quite and three of the most noted au Bure that he had hotest, cleat blue eyes ticnee the Domin to dispose | and brown curly halr, and his éyes of Mr ¢ right \goregatior yf the | could twinkle merrily I'his she knew | most valuable and desirable pure-| by the jovial way in which be signiléd his fellow workmen Not that she bad much time to stedy man in the Dominion, and all know- | for Ellen Mulvihill | ing that gentlem in are we Il aware Wit 2 d er 10 the factery of John. that every animal he possesses 1S a |g, ¢ (0 makers of ladles' shirt walsts prize ons for he w 2 ave hong and neckwear and a very busy wo ther 1 € be conducted | man. Perhaps it was tvell for the firm, {by Messrs. Geo. Jackson, Levi Fair- | powever, that while she designed banks and Capt: T. E Robsor stocks and fancy boas she wove in the Let the attendance be in kee thread of her romance, for this stra | with the importance of the occasion. | ly one side affair seemed to u | (See the advertisement elsewhere | tify the whole world for her n this ue while her heart sang her fingers work - ed deftly, and the firm reaped the profit CANADIANS IN LONDON If she had not been so absorbed just -- at this juncture s ght have noticed Lidy Xing and the Viscountess Avenmore that she wns 1 g In the favor of her Are Roth Canadians. employers; but she was quite amazed Lady King is a Canadiati, the | one day then they voluntarily raised daughter Jenkins, at one timaq | her sdlary. Quite naturally they did the leading lergyman ol Montreal not offer t nation that they Ier brother is Edward Jenkins, who | fegred t tors and gave the was one of the pioneers in imperial increase a precautionary measure ism. When it was the fashion to | pyen gp 1it us a part of the rose profess Littls Englandism, he and & | ool which had suddenly enveloped ew other enthusiastic spirits preaches t tire life scheme. The extra sa} ed a nobler ideal, one result of which | 2oF * He ' un was the founding of the Royal Col- | AY bad come just in time, she argued, onial Institute. In addition to his | for Trixle, the idol of her heart or political essays, Mr. Jenkins has Father, the one person who divided written that delightful book, "Ginx's | heart space with the hero of bor mid Baby air dreams wanting to go to two months--to a e childred dll in Therg are in all eight peeresscs of | dancing scl hoki an Irish title or possess estates | white frocks and velvet Faiintleroy in Ireland One of them Vis- | guits tripped to fairy music countess Avonmore, is a Canadlan. Ellen lived with her married brother, Her grandfather, the Rev. George Evans, a descendant of a Welsh eap- | tein of herse who settled in Ireland and knowing ones would say that she paid a high price for the privilege Mulvihill's wife was something of a to Oakada tn 1851: Hors he mare | shrew, while Ellen was of more gentle Hed; and it was not tint Bis eldest | birth and breeding. The sister-in-law | #6n succedded to thd estates on (ho | loved melghborhood gossip end was not | death of an uricle i 1889 thed the above a quarrel with the other dwellers tamily returned to Ireland in the fiat house. Ellen enjoyed her The following yedr Viscountess Ave | hooks, the hall bedroom, furnished and onmore was fridrried from the anfes- | decorated with the dainty simplicity tral home; @ortmerron House; Coutl= | pio marked her designs at the fac ty Tyrons: Her husband is the sixth | tory, and the champlonship of Trixie of hia Hug, The first peer Was a The girls at the factory were kind to her, too, and then there was the qulet, shadowy church midway 'twixt home General and afterward Lord Chief and work where she stopped each day Baron of the Exchequer When there to say inditherable "all hails" to the was a Parliament in Dublih, and | Blessed Mother, who must have inter was rewarded for his political wnd | ceded to secufe for her so much happl fudicial services with a peerage: betel who lived at the end of the eigh- fess. It wad gbott & month after the hem- PES Sleepless Babies. | supper table. Ellen knew instinctively When a little otie is sleepless and ity Somes Dries pedi is cross it is the stitest sign in the | At last Johii Mulvihill fished back world that it is suffering from some | his empty teacup and lighted his pipe. derangement of dhe stomach and | "Ellen, the Shamrock association are bowels--the seat of nine-tenths of | after givin' their annual ball a week all baby ailments: In cases of this | this Tuesday night, an' the wife an' kind Baby's Own Tablets act like | tesllf think you'd best be goin' along" -- magic. They sweeten the sour little| ¥llen raised startled eyes to het stomech, relax the distended little | brothers face. in bowels; cool the parched, fevered | 7 I'm no dancet, ds you well know, mouth, and bring natural health |} © Go "jd rather atop t home with giving 'sleep. An experienced moth- | Trixie er, Mrs. Ed. Godin, Griffith, Ont, | = gonn Melvthilrs face darkened. says: "I have used Baby's Own| «you're aiways stoppin' at home with Tablets for many ailments peculiar | the child, an' it is time you ¥ent out to babyhood, such as fefers, indi-| an' met the boys an' had steady com- gestion, dizrrhoea, cte,, and I have | PANY. You're the first Mulvihill girl found them the most effective medi-| that ever passed twenty-five without cine I have ever tried. I can only | havin' her offers to marry. You'll Be add I would not be without them in . ary 2 you stay cooped 2 ih the house, so much do I think of ght aftef night an' pot even vy i) our friends of a Bunday afternoon. them. Going to the Shamrock association's Othet mothers who wish health | ball in search of a husband! Ellen's for their little ones cannot do better | face flamed, then turned pale. But, than follow Mrs. Godin's example | then, they did not know about him. You can get the Tablets from all The very thought seemed like treason medicine dealers or they will be | to the strong, erect figure which never sent by mail at 25 cents a box by Passed uty his ents Histen: ek writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Pt ie) AE ot am, oh Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. An 1 Sor BY Coa | in the confusion one fagt stood forth | | and eyes full of happy tears she looked: | Many Sorrows and murmured: | happiness? Am I good eiough foi Srable advance in saliry that ano oml- | nous silence fell upon the Mulvihill | ohn; an' érowds like that give me the I I'm thinkin' Trixie wo miss ber old auntle sorely." And drew the child close as If to ward with ber {nnocent childhood some pending disaster. Mrs. Malvilifll blazed forth on the. stant. ud "Yes, an' that's what the neighbors. are all sayin'--that I use you as nurse; girl for the child an' dance an' go 18 the theater with John an' my child would suffer if it-wasn't for you talk like you was a sort of 'Cin #0' it's tired 1 am of their fon Did § ever i own clothes? Did I ever ask you td stay home with the child? It's an ums: grateful lot. that's what you are, te: bring me in disreplite with me neigh bors just because you're that up) our friends ain't good enoligh for you. And that was how Ellen happened to go to the ball of the Shamrock asses elation. She gave ber sister-in-law' carte blanche in the inatter of a new dress, and that personage, restored te good humot, reveled in thie purchass; hod making of a real white satin frock: But the day of the ball Ellen coud hardly keep her mind on her work. Hef! glance would wander toward the skyz scraper where he was working. Sbe' felt that be was whistling, his move- ments were so brisk. And John wad: § trying, with the best intentions, t0'd tarry her off solely to maintain the: honor of the Mulvihill family. Shé fiad thought of a day when she should: marry, when the skyscraper was done perhaps and he become a coutractor: Bhe would not wear those nasty bigh stocks which she designed for othef § women, but dresses turned In at thd neck and edged with soft luce, and hd: would tell ber that she had the throat of a lily. Young husbands in noveld always sald that At night Jobn led het the length of] the hall with pride stamped on his face 4 and his walk. Men were introduced te her and asked her to dance, but she be | came possessed of a strange terror and slipped back among the wallflowers.' Mrs. Mulvihill watched ber with rising: anger. What was the use of worrying over a real satin dress for a stupid girl | like Ellen? id Ellen was thinking of Trixie and; how late they would reach home and' how loud the music was when she heard a hearty volce at her elbow: Sure, I'd be glad to meet the sistet of John Mulvihill, an' {t's odd I neves knew you had che." She swung around, and suddenly the fights {no thé Foom leaped into bewilder ing flames, the dancers mingled 1 strangely as in a broken kaleldoscope. clearly. There wus just one man $i the world who could stand like that | btie man who had such a pair of shoul ders, and he was the man who wrought' every day In the skeleton of the sky< J scraper 8 She heiifd her brother shy it was § Deiinls Gallaghér, president of the Shamrock association That wae guite real to Her. Of course he would | be the president. Then John drifted, § away, and Gallagher sat beside ber It tvas quite awhile before she glanced up Into his face. Bhe was trying tc realize the beautiful triith--that they 3 were no longer parted {o midair, but sitting side by side in & volsy, heated ballroom. Bhe was glad it was nolsy btherwise hé might hear her heart beating When £he looked (nto his eyes she started, and the color came and went prettily in her cheeks. Dennis Galla gher smiled. He had seen girls look Mke this before. But Ellen was utterly is genuous {n spite of her twenty-five birthdays. He did not speak, and final iy she sald almost breathlessly: "1 thought they would be blu, af they are browii--Ho, hazel," 80 af course {f came out. She didn't inexn he should know all, and be didn know all--just enough to make him lids | ger through two dances and set John | Mulvihill's heart swelling with pride . . . . . . 4 A month later Ellen dropped {nto thé 4ilét, shadowy church on her way te Work. There were so many "all hails™ J to say thls moruing, and the churel' § was quite empty, so with clasped hands into the benign face of the Womadt oi. "Blessed Mother, do 1 deserve so much him? He is comin' every Wednesday an' Sunday night to see ine, au bh an' by it will be every night. He so. Every day an' every night we wilf be together so long as we live. You | who have suffered much, teach me be strong an' brave for him." And all that diy « man above the din of the mighty olty 100! across the gap to the great factory building where he knew she bent ovel: ber work. His heart sang within himk and his blows fell fll and clear, for wonderful Mght and happiness 3 come into his life. 3 -- . 5 Modern Athletic Training. & The traluer of a generation would simply have stood aghast at t) sweets and other savory food : eaten by your modern rowing er runs ning collegians. Yet it may be do if the physique either of the ind athlete or of the natiod ever stood n higher general standard of "fity One pertinent fact with fegaid to tn fig 1s that both past tradition did p ciit practied condemn with emp volce the tise of tobaccs and and other indulgences to which man--wonderful animal that unhappily prone. So long as principles of temperance, plain and abundant exercise are ¢s : piled to the man {raining b will the results bo Ifkely fo succes Rvery human being li¥ing under N sohably good conditions ment ought to be, like: schooiboy, always in & stats init." --Medical Prog Strength and vigor co tood, duly digested. ready-to-serve wheat' ood, adds no Lutdep, but nourishes, invig eraless

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