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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Sep 1903, p. 4

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ET ES IMPORTANT JOHN BRIGHT, Myrtle. %, Fol ne tram FINE WOOL. : LEVI FAIRBANKS, Whitby, ) GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry, ) CAPT. T. E. ROBSON, Ilderton, ) -- AUCTIONEERS, Evaporators Pay Big Prices for Apples. | 51, Aged Ram od $2 52, Shearling Ram . 2 Ram Lamk 'es : , Pair Aged E wes that have raised lambs | this season . 2 . Pair Shearling Ewes 2 -- | 56, Pair Ewe Lambs 2 Olass D.-- Swine. Orex ro THE TowNsHIP oF CARTWRIGHT ONLY. (Director in charge, James Coates.) - BERKS : A glance at these figures speak for themselves. For instance take an {57 Boar BERESHBE. $2 Orchard of 300 barrels, all varities, 25 per cent Sow that has raised pigs this season ,. which is 75 barrels. Allow a margin and say he packs 100 a 30 59, Boar, under seven months old per cent. only are No. 1 quality and his prices are the best when he offers | #0» Sow, under seven months od ....... # $1 for No. 1 and 75 cts for No. 2 | LARGE BREED ; | 61, Boar $2 30 barrels No. 1 quality at $1 . $10 00 62, Sow that has raised pigs this season .... 2 od . No. 2 hill ) 63, Boar, under seven months old 3 Jo 0.2 at 75C.... 52 50 | 64, Sow, under seven months old . 2 TAM WORTHS, #82 50 65, Boar $2 Now we draw your attention {o the great profit derived in selling the | 80, Sow that has raised pigs this season .... 2 same apples to the Evaporators, viz 67, Boar, under soven months old 2 | ! ) 68, Sow, under seven months old 2 ! 300 barrels in orchard and 8o to go per cent. are used in Evaporat- Class BE Poultry. ing for the best quality (Director in charge, Wesley Mountjoy.) 85 per cent. of Orchard =2 arrels or 3414 30C 3 per cent, of Orchard = 255 barrels o 3 } cwt. at 30c..5102 45 70, Pair Brahmas, light 15.4. " ~- 45 0 bo} 15¢ 9 04 71, Pair Brahmas, dark ---- 72, Pair Minorcas, black . Price paid by Evaporators .$111 49 Price paid by Packers...... 82 50 Difference in tavor of Evaporators... $28 99 3, Pair Wyandottes, silver , Pair Spanish, black » Pair Hambnrgs Pair Turkey Pair Geese Hays and the @. T. 1 When Hays of Wabash" became neral manager of the Grand Trunk ilway he found himself confronted with a difficult problem in the shape of younger sons, nephews, cousins, ete., of certain English stockholders, who held nice fat positions on the stem. Mr, Hays began to weed Bem out, There was much perturba- \Farm for Sale or toRent. | ses there are a good stone house, | 85 Collection of Canned Fruits . | stone stable, well watered, most 86, Collection of Jellies on and much curiosity. A good | Joe expected to ses Hays oF ose out before long. Noth > ppened. A friend of Mr. Hays ¥ hot Dp ons night and began to talk about the matter *How do you like it, Hays?" he 7 yikou, "Do you fire thera first and investigate their family, or do pou investigate first?" An haps that's the reason oot is paying more divi- os ever in its historye The Jeb He Preferred. Just after the fall of Ploemionteln soldiers were called upon, owing 2 the scarcity of civilians, to work the railway. 0 weary meén were lying fn camp one night after a hard day's work, when a sergeant falied out: "Any of you men want to pus. names a a as railway porters, ers, stokers, or for any other ap- potnigene in connection with the way?" "me silence wag broken oly bY Then one Tommy slowly es 'bis head and drowsily mutters OE But we Cows as a deepers™ s Sabena, The Proper Treatment for a Sprained Ankle. Asarule a man will feel well satisfied if he can hobble around on crutches two or three weeks after spraining his avkle, and it is usual: Jy two or three months before he has fully recovered. This is un- necesrary loss of time, for in many cases which Chamberlain's Pain Balm has been prymptly and freely applied, a complete cure has been , in Jess than one week's . time; and in some cases within three days. For sale by A. J. Davis. . Perry, will give a -home a hs David | | be ladies of the Presbyteri- | 80, Twenty Ibs, Batter in pail or erock For Sale or to Rent, lot 31 and 32 | 81, Ten pounds Butter in prints ' con. 10, Darlington cBnt:z aining 165 | | 82, Five pounds Butter in prints | acres more or less. On the premi- | | 83, Loaf of Bread, home-made plowing done. For further particu- Honey in Comb lars, apply to the proprietor, J. GALLAGHER, 3, 4 75, Pair Leghorns . 6 5, 9, ; Pair Plymouth Rocks. | | 17 |i Pair Ducks Clags F.--Dairy Produc (Director in charge, Jas. Coates.) 84 Dozen Buns, home-made ih 85, Honey Strained Class Gg. -- Implements. Burketon. (Direotor in charge, N. Marlow.) Burketon, Mar. 24, 1903. . Music Hath Charme. . Ygnas Pleyel, a musician held tn high | 94 V Hays smiled. "Just fire,"' he sald. | repute in his day and a Viennese by 95, Turnip Pulper ... birth, was appointed kapellmeister at | Btrassburg in 1783. During the trou- bled times of the French revolution he | o7' lost his post, and bis life was in grave da nger. He cscaped death and satisfied his ao- cusers that be was pot ah aristocrat by writing music to some most revolution ary stanzas, which were placed before him for the purpose, while beside stood ' 'gendirmes with fixed Another instance, proving that "mu- 89, Double Wagon Double Carriage . 91, Single Car iage 92, Single Cutter 93, Faoning Mill... Sowing Machine ht (Director in charge, Robert Philp.) Set Harness, double, heavy team .. ... $2 Sot Harness, single, collar and hame and breast collar and tugs with it ..... suis 2 Set Bedroom Furniture . 's Boots, home-mad Boots. home-made, sewed.. | Set Horse Shoes, home-made ........ «i X Rag So not leas than ten yards.. Rag Vooten gic bath charms to soothe the savage Ten yards Woolen Carpet breast," is that of Alessandro Stradel , Yarn Mat 1a, an Italian composer of the sevep- toenth century, who carried off a lady named Ortensia from the home of a no- bleman of high renk. Two assassing who were hired to kill him followed them to Rome. Entering a chureh air Woolen Blankets Ten yerde Planvel, all wool . Ten yards Flannel, mixed . Pair Woolen Gloves vas Pair Woolen Stockings ... ... . Pair Cotton SOX 7. ilu, Vv ianiie Jones where an oratorio of his was being per (Director io charge, Anson Taylor.) formed, they were 80 moved by the mb- | 115, One bushel Fall Wheat, red, 1003 .....§2 sic that they warned Stradella of his | 116, One bushel Fall Wheat, white, 1903 .. 2 Ganger and allowed him to 8scape. 117, One bushel Spring Wheat, hard, 1903.. 2 Canadian Beauties, 190%: vias 120, One hushel Peas, small. . ross? |mEtHia Poor man! He can't help it.| 125, One bushel Bare ix vowed. & bilious. He needs a 124. One eck White good liver EP Ager Pills. Ulass J. Vegorables. ey act directly on the liver,| .. ,. . . (lei in chee. Assen Tapio) cure RS SAE | 1 26, Half bashel Potatoes: a a £2 The Regal Packing Co., 97, salt id Funtis / Port Perry, require all the apples | 138, Three Water Mclous.. grown in this entire district suitable 12 Three Citrons, ...... ... for evaporating purposes. Cashon 40, One dozen Bars Indian Corn . /- delivery. 118, One bushel Spring Wheat, soft, 1903 .. 2 119, One bushel Peas--Michigan Whites or Lg dozen Turnips ...... alf dozen Carrots, white . 12 Half doen Carrota, table...... 130, Three Heads Cubluge, winter . 131, Two Table Squash 132, Two Pumpkins .... 1% h Pt aren Beets, Table .. i White . 155 Half eo Onions, or 141, Collection of Vegetables--lar, best--unot less than twelve varieties - Class H.-- Domestic Manufactures 50 Class I.--Grain and Seeds. iT Olass K.-- Fruits. (Director fu charge, Anson Taylor.) Half dosen Winter Apples . jan Cartwright only, that have not previous to the first day of September, 1903, won monoy in a trotting race, being the. bona fido property of the exhibitor, $1 50 80 50 Style, speed and valae to be considered. Three 150 50 times round the track ; beat 2 in 3; not less than four 150 50 to enter and three to start. lst $10; 2od 86 ; 8rd $4 150 50 No. 3.--Open to all. Best aud best appeai ing Tornout, includ Iso 8 ing Horse, Carriage, occupant or occupants of the 1 50 50 latter, Harness and General Outfit. (Stallions barred.) lat $8; 2nd 85; 3rd $3; 4th §2, RULES. gipree from winners in No. 1 : 1. Only members oan enter any of the contests. Entrance 5 per cent. of purse, 5 per cent. additional to be retained out of ; Wiss 1 Inform. the: adie 00! |8he is prepared to execute all orders | Correctness of Style PORT inl . Horses competing in No. 1 to be barred in Class A as S rth Drivers. w---------- 1 00 50 3. Quality and value of horse to be eonsidered in judging: EARTILY thanking the public for the 100 50 Judges have power to rule out any horse or disqualify any I liberal patronage received during the driver that they may think iv not acting in the interest of the | many years I have kept a Livery Extaklish $1 00 $0 50 | Society or the Fair. ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in 100 50 JAMES PARR, SkCRETARY. announcing that I have removed 1 00 50 -- re ---------------- Tr 100 50 MY LIVERY 100 50 Anbther Whisfler STety. to my former place of business 100 50 The Whistler story is a curiously, 100 50 characteristic thing that excites dis. WwW a t e Ir S t Ir e e t 100 50 senslon and compels imitation (there A are many of them about just now), which Tam about to largely extend in- much as his painting does. The best, crease facilities so that the public may be 50 $0 25 1 think, are the most perverse, like better accommodated with safe and desir- 50 25 the famous Romeike and Curtis af- able Bo 28 air. Hore is ous 82 cigracterisuic, RIGS AT MODERATE OHARGES but not so we nown. 6 Ameri- 2 AF re % 23 can Commissioner of Fine Art at a R. VANSICKLER. Ro Paris Exposition, wishing to be brisk Port Perry, June 21, 1900. 50 25 and businesslike, wrote before he ar Srp etter tein 4 rived at Paris to several artists, 2 % stating that he would be there on a Chamberlain's S 50 25 certain day and at a certain hotel, 4 and naming the hour at which he 8. 4 hoped each man would call on him. eme ies, = Whistler was one of the artists, and 00 $2 00 §1 00 he was asked to call at 4.80 pre 00 100 78 cisely This is Whistler's answer: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 50 100 50° "Dear Sir,--I have received your let- For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- 50 ter announcing that you will be in ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size Joc. £0 3 Parise on the --th. I congratulate -- 50 ; you anal ve. able, NR Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera x ver sha able, 50 A Te '4.80 procisely.' Yours most faith. and Diarrhoea Remedy. 50 fully, J. McN. Whistler." --~Manches- For Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents. 2 ter Guardian. wd 5 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. ou i % 2 Be Quick. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- 00 100 ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Kheuma- 00 100 Not a minute should be lost after a tism. Price 2§ cents; ents; large s cents. 00 100 child shows symptomsof cholera in. 00 50 fantum. The first unusual looseness of Chamberlain's Sto s Stomach and 00 50 the bowels should be sufficient warn- Liver Tablets. ing. If immediateand proper treat- ment is given serious consequences will be averted. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy is the sole reliance of thousands of mothers and by its aid they have often saved their children's lives. Every household should have a bottle at hand. * Get it today Cedar and pine trees are rapidly _ .being consumed for the purpose of supplying trolley and telegraph poles, and at the present rate of consump- tion it will not be a great whils be- fore the visible supply will be ex- = hausted. The foresters look to ca- talpa to fill the place pf pine and 00 $1 50 $1 00 cedar in this particular. The catalps 00 150 100 flourishes in a great many places in 00 150 1 America, and has the advantage of 00 150 1 'growing very straight, and attains the size in from sixteen to 00 150 1 ;~ eighteon years. The time required 00 150 1 . gor cedar and pine is more 0 75 - double this. 00 75 A statistician studying the ques. 00 75 tion of the use of wood pulp in the 76 80 . manufacture of paper has lately es ' timated the amount of material used They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect ex- Jesienced by all who use Chamber- sr and Liver Tablets, the healthy condition of the 222832833833333 75 aod and ny which they create 7 ; dies one feel joyful For, sale by 50 100 'A. J. Davis. and Bowels. Price ____Tomomma. ® Washiagton, D 8 ol of about 8o acres Hardwood, and Dec. 8, 1902. "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for & sample copy and be d. 2 -- The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] ok SOV SAAT STAT 4 Aaa ¥49() YEARLY to Christian m: Lor woman to look after ug rowing Vusiness in this and adj ining Counties; to act as Manager and Corres- § ndent ; work cen be dome at yo ome, Enclose Fig oni stamped Beuvelope for particnlare to Hi A. Sher- ae General Manager, Corcoran Build! ¥g, opposite Suita States Treasury i cvveeenss 80.75 $0 60 80 25 Half dozen Fall Apples ........ "naa - Half dozen Russet Apples 7 50 25 Half dozen Snow Appi 5 50 25 Half dosen Northern Spies 7% 50 25 = , Half dozen Fall Pears .... iA 50 25 J) | , Half gozer ~ utes Pease v8 50 25 y pO , Half dosen Bun rapes. . 5 50 25 The Canads Permanent : Collation of Fruits (oamed) which may Cotporatioh include different varieties of apples and Toronto other fruits when noice Ant Sum € " W Soin 35 plate......... Varna xs in tia Y BO President : ABSOLUT LIST OF PRIZES to be awarded at lass L--Ladies' Pepin. % 1] Guonar Gooormix |SECURITY Exhibition of the Cartwright Agricultu! Gorte Shivt sn Ein shares, Rube Phin) IY Jon Prelent) a. Havin Minow Society to be held at BLACKSTOCK, @ Suit Ladies' Underclothing rar R"E Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29 and 8 Susoy Pia Cushing ® do 20d VieoPrutamnt | . 1: Baatyy rimm ef . Olass A.--Horses. i Fancy Stitches on = > We fuvile your cosas, aid fre OF DRAUGHT, , Bedroom Slippers .. 60 40 28 the $ Sumit safety of the deponit. (Director in charge, John Wright.) Titer weuri--whuie linen. «60 40 2 Lg ra - or be § OW, Ldn vir ces i a 1, Team to double wagon ...... ERI LE 8 $2°00 k Toilet Set, Embroidered : 8 » 3 5 Tide by al - ows sede 9, Brood Mare, foal by her side ..; 2 100 , Toilet Set, Painted .... © 80 40 25 $0 sot fre oa receipt of your address. 3, Two year old Colt, gelding or filly RHE , Whisk Holder « 60 40 25 4, Ove year old Colt, ge'ding or Bly. 2 Teh , Silk Embroidery . 60 40 25 5, Foal by the side of its mother. . we 150. , Set Table Mats.... 60 40 25 e in 8, oxo year oid Entire Coit. EE 150 Table Doyles... .... 60 40 25 7, One year old Entire Colt -.............. g 100 Pillow Shams 60 $0 40 $0725 : ' : ACILITY AGRICULTURAL. Tea Cony! . 60 » 40 oo MILI 8, Team to doiible wagon «................ 3 00 7, Table Cloth, Embroidored - 60 40 25 =p 9, Dn Mero, Toms ne Ber.ide 2 " 50 Fanoy Lamp Shade . .. . 60 40 25 80 YEARS 10, Two year old Gelding or Filly.. . 2 150 Fancy Tidy........ . 60 40 25 EXPERIENCE 11, Gne year old Gelding or Filly 2 150 Quine: Work on Silk . 60 40 25 : 12, Foal by side of its mother. .......... . 2 180 71, Outline Work on Linen or Cotton. 60 5. 40 1 25 Imported and Home-bred, straight ; GENERAL 1 Sere | Crazy Patch Work .... 60 40 92 13, Team to democrat ... . Guipmre Work. . g0 40 2 Scotch and Scotch topped Shorthorns 14, Brood Mare, foal by he £ Nk Draws Tpead Work 5 ey 20 15, Two year old Gelding o PANY. 2 160 Datolng or Netting +: 0d. 2 Trace. Manss 2 4 4 : ; 16, 0 a wikia Le sin iid 'RADE MA consisting of such world famous families as Miss Ramsden, Clementine, | 7 Foal by side rr bat EIA 2 10 Five Q'alock Tea Cloth in Silk . 60 40 25 Demons Duchess of Gloster, Strawberry, Village Girl, Stamford, Crimson Fower, CARRIAGE. 2 Centre Piece a0 Miss Lyme, etc. will be held in the Drill Shed, (Dirotor fn ¢harge, J. H. Devitt.) > 2 340. 18, Team to carriage, 15} hands and over ....$3 $2 00 19, Team to carriage, under 154 hands... . 3 2 00 1 * 9 . Ld 20, Brood Mare, foal by her side eg 1 50 1 % 49 1 y alr rounas 21, Two year old Gelding or Filly 82 $160 $I Fancy Knitting with Cotton , 50. 40 22, Ong year old Gelding or Filly 2 Pie 200 Faucy Rnisting with Wool, S080 23, FoMl'by side of its mother. ............ 2 160 1 Ogeliet Rusk wal Cotton mee * 0 seme Ih oe weekly. 2, Si 1 che' ork wi "eu ON WEDNESDAY. OCT. 14. 1903" mim £1 BERRIES | ££ J ete 25, Single D Ho Collection of Crochet Patterns .. Si 0 oar 5 L J 9 mle Driving pre (not entire) nndor 134 3 2 00 1 Patch Qullt, any material or Pattern. 60 A Co, ¥ Bt. Wash New : ; 26, Single Driving Horse under four yearsoldi. 3 200 I Log Cabin Quite 5 50 me thins ep Sem Commencing at One o'clock sharp: ER. Lunch will be provided at the Class B--Oattle. 3 a Qiks .. vee 60 Hotels in Whitby from 11.30 to 12.30 o'clock DURHAMS--(Tor0-BRED AND REGISTERED.) Rotts (NE % {Director In charge, Jas. Costes.) Chair Scarf .... 80 : ON THE FOLLOWING DAY 27, Bull two years old and upwards $3 8200 $1 [i Baby's Dress .. 60 tied ~ i 28, Bull one year old and upwards .3. 200 1 | 195 Handkerchief Satchet . 60 29, Cow, giving milk or ln calf 3 200 1 198, Collection of House Pls 60 E Helfer, two years old 2 15 1 8 Every Exhibit in this D £ 'must have been mad ERaMPT Lv SECURED) Thursday, October 15th Bn ripen £18 | HlptiEeey munis si Dresucsi st ave sees make | {PROMPTLY SERUR ' ' Calf, Heifer, under one year 2 150 1 Eanclsctared ins M. ie Arts, Wiite Tor our Intercating books "Invent; " . Hel, " tp Calf, Bull, un errs your... ii 2 180 1'§ ony ars Help? ans = How Jou ura sw your io- f Place of Residence, M YR TL E, There will be . oy y Soadts ing of one male and three . 197, Painting in {ot 44 e $0 fo $0 4G $0 28 yention Or An Ne wiiel ty sold emales . - 3 200 1 I )98, Painting in Water Colors ..... .. 40 25 WEA Lh AIR ke i GRADE 199, Pencil Drawing dives 8 40 2 n successfully prosecuted by us. We, 35. Cow, giving milk or in vali $2 $150 $1 | 200, Crayon Drawing ... rvae 60 "40 | gh Jeominet Tally equipped oe ia 16 CLYDESDALE STALLIONS AN D Fl LLI ES 36, Helfer, two years old 2 ¥en 1 01, Monochromatic Drawing.............. 60 40 25 ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents 7. Reiter ons oar old 2 15 1 ° as broad as the invention, Highest references 38, Calf, Heifer, under one year 2 15 1 KPEOTALS. rr a provnred thiough Mation & Ma. TORRTHER "WITH ALL - OF 48 Class O.--Sheep The Shirley Syndicate offers $12 in prizes (equal shares) to | fron recelve special notice trithout charge in {OPEN 70 1k Towssiie oF CARTWRIGHT ONLY. the Foals sired by "The Pearl of Burnhead" placed upon exbi- | {Qi ho minion, (Direotor in charge, Wesley Mott joy.) bition at this Fair--the exhibitors being members of the Sosiety. ty: ;--Patent business of Manufae- ; Charge, W Grade Cattle, Cotswold Sheep, Pigs, B. Rock Hens |, Aged Ram COTENAY, © #5080 50 Mr. William Ormiston, Enfield (owner of "Purin") offers | {Sry SIC" tr ARION ! 10 Shearling Ram ren 2 a $10, in prizes of $5, $3, and $2, for the best three foals, sired by Implements, Hay, Grain and Roots. 3 Shearing A 3 150 50 | the'same Heavy Stallion, Foals to be owned by residents of | ¢ Patent Nel ork ia ay Tomer 42, Pair Aged Ewes that have raised Iambe Cats yIRRE, Aud Dk Josh Shan five the st ob ons, rallion to be once: | Miler blag Watnbigen 6 K=" Lunch will be provided at Eleven o'clock. Sale to commence at lea pos eae rin . oe 3 ] % = or . ? a a : -- YY Twelve o'clock, sharp. Having rented my farm, everything will be sold fa, Pair Ewe Lambe a aa 180 50 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. without the slightest reserve | LEICESTER. SPEEDING-IN-RING i Bea Ra ain . ¥ } 2 ® 2 No. 1.--Open to all Horses--in harness ; four times round the Terms oF SaLe.--Hay, Grain Roots, and all sums of Ten Dollars and | Ram Lamb aw 1 0 50 track, sald to be' a wnlleyibont 31118 7 not less than under cash; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given | i Pair Aged Ewes that bave raised lambs Sokaier and shee to stars Jee $20; ud $13; to parties furnishing approved notes with interest at five per cent fio. Pn ives req ] So = No. 2.--Open to horses owned by residents of the Township o Central Livers PERRY. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver 25 cents, Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat. isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. - BORTREAL, Vi RX Nv BAVA LOLI "Farm : for Sale. © JUTH- HALF lot lot g and South. | west quarter of lot 70, Soh 3: | yor Township of Brock, good Porn with house and barn; also 20 acres |' acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlock of Taare. 'Apply to owner, H. B. CLEMES, \ : Post Perry that she has moved to her fine ms in the Allison Block where in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. retgrning thanks to the p years, I would EEL General Blacksmithing ~~ The undersigned having opened) ROLE a in DOUBLE AND 8 $ bosiagse ia the aio us avn sore wan Al Jo mark Th Ten Office, is prepared to do all kinds of | will be iowed on all Sales from now | . All ok oe of General Blacksmithing at Reas- 1st next onable Charges. &F MADE BY JAD HORSE-SHOEING |r fie me shies 5 jishstion sw nny ill he given by any article pu Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. ay J ne promptly attended to. u JOHN ROLP! GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry, Dec, 1, 1892. Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. rou wee ae en | A grfonltural Machimes ISHES at this the commencement o V another Auction Sale Season to re: --A NP taro thatiks to his ntimerons patrons for past favors. In requesting their esteemed ] and continued patronage he desires to state that no effort or pains will be spared r 3 on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice wore A in tho past should be a sufficlent recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale ND D- given into his charge will be attended to with promptuess and dispatch. Sale list made out and blank notes supplied free, HE undersigned keeps on hand and' on application. T sales the following Agricultural Ma Parties withing to engage his services | ines and Implements manufactured bythe may consult hie SaLk RErdtsrrn either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port 111] Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and A 3 make arrangements, or write to his address ~ CHARGES MODERATE. OF PETERBORO! - GEO. JACKSON, |Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry 1. 0. | Seeder, Tiger Huy Rake, Two FurroW Plow, Three Fitrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. ation ett mits Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Apples Ww anted. Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. ; he following, 4 The well known, reliable house of ass the following, the mansisctureief Edward Jacobs & Sons of London,| JOHN ABEL, Toronto. Eng, and Hamburg, | Gefnenls High class Threshing outfits, Tractios want Consignments of Canadian | Engines and Machi Victor Clover Apples. Highest prices to be ob- Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. tained assured. Reasonable ad-{ Tam prepared to supply every ig ¢ vance against B/L allowed. Com- fatiner requires in way of Machines, Imm municate with E. P. Brackrorp, |" Repairs, 45. ny oane ks "| gm A call solicited. One door West of Nurseryman, Toronto. It will pay | Mepomald's Hotel. you to ship to the fith of Edward R. K. BRYAKT. Jacobs & Sons. Sunderland, Avril 8, 1893: PAINTING Sealed Tende Kalsomining, &CC|QEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned {@ Ee undersignod 3 would taks this oppor | the purchase of all ot any of tonity of thanking his numerous pat rcels-- Farm = rons for their liberal and still increaring Pa Propetiics: belo patronage during the timo he has carried ou ing to Mr. John Adams, advert tho btisiness of to be sold 'by auction on the 23rd PAINTING November, and withdrawn at th& sale, in Port Perry, and would state that he is J. A. McGILLIVRAY, : better prepared than ever to execute all Temple Building, orders for Nov. 39, 1899. Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging EE ibs MONEY TO LOAN. cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 "a Td Sh TELS i 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c,, renew old more land or build, when contracting. a ue "Vluen Say Jala, 4 {snd A continuance of public patronage soli » ed. AE ig og he citod. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1693. LUND & £2. 28 Victor Street, Tonofife. oF The Portraits of ot oar Proidens | f JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, With Biographical Sketches and Funeral Director, BY PORT PERRY. General Charles H. Grosvenor, MEMBER oF CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS Contains twenty four large Photo-gravure Etehf from the paintings indorsed by the Iomilios and relatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy embossed. A very Jarge Sitle 3 book ; signed by Tiffany Bice cal shetches prh GEO. GARDNER |i sarin ion of 20th Cent: Amp Liiuithat wha ISHES to inform the public of Port Hel A opie mal wr Perry and sxirognding country, that | nayl A million copies will be after four years experience in Distesuting ne wil be ade iis Toaugursl his business in some of the largest cities of sand the United States, he is better prepared Te i Serr int ight than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Vented, State Manager to look after: e Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and [ Address to-day THE CONTINENTAL Oroamental Plastering, Also Artificial Concorsf BoOmLDING Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Concrete Cisterns without any woed in their con struction to decay or Sve out. Ifyou are a 4h) come to me and METHODIST CHURCH. in need of any of the obtain prices, All material required in ny live will be kept' constantly on hand, and sale alter tor th first of mext April, ANTED --T USTWORTEY ANE active gentlemen or ladied to tarvel for responsble, established house in Ontario | Monthly $85.00 and e3penges; Posi teady. Y Ranie. Enoclosesell- tam ped envelo p oy, Dept. Y "ieago, 0 YEARLY to Christian man or wows loghafbes our prow. I Fetes, We D0. The Light of m orl 7, ation Our Saviour oar Tor art HE undersi offers for that grand. young he ull Dukeor York = 44841 JOHN cote 1 Scugog, May 3 9% *

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