i Trouble is Caused by an "Acid in the Blood, and oan Oni be Cured Through the Blood, Rheumatism is caused by an acid in the blood. That is a medical trnth every suflerer from this trouble should bear in mind. Liniments and outward applications cannot cure what is rooted in the blood--the dis- ease must be cured through the blood. That 1s the reason rheuma- tism yields almost like magic to Dr. Williams Pink Pills. This new blood conquers the painful poison, sweeps out the aching acid, soothes the ferves, loosens the muscles and ban- ishes r ieumatism. Mr. Robert Mor- rison, one of the best known and fost esteemed residents of Guelph, Out., gives striking testimony to the truth of the statements made above. He says :--* My trouble came gradu- ally and was pronounced muscular rheumatism, and was located chiefly in my neck 'and shoulders. I can hardly tell you how much I suffered 1 was confined to my bed for fifteen months. A great many friends came to see me during that time and I think I am safe in saying that most of them had very few hopes that I would get better. 1 tried a great many remedies without any lasting benenit. Then I tried Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills, and I am thankful to say hat through the use of iT po : indefatigable n k my till somen) y I am now in my 79th year is gone. and I feel that I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." These pills have cured thousands of the very worst case of neuralgia, rheumatim, sciatica, lumbago and and they can do the same for you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail 50 cent a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. backaches, THE OBSERVER #as A Goon CIRCULATION. and ja con | tantly growing in favor. It is the BEST Advertising Medium in the County; le the thampion of the Agrioulturists and more conservative and practical class of people is not a favorite of schemers, boomers and tliques: it is the Oldest and Best Established founded in 1857 tn ita Jooal and general news department and is printed entirely in the piace of pub the most original sad best lication--Port Perry rv. Trrxs--&1 per annum in advance, $1.50 will be charged rm JOB PRINTING IN THE MOST MODERN STYLES AND AT LOW PRICES NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER Only Paper Printed amd Published in Port Perry. PUN FORT PERRY, MAY 26, 1904 tee Whitby District. The annual Meeting of Whitby | District of the Mcthodist Church | Scotland nearly all stoc k is sold in| was held in Port Perry on the 1gth inst of the District, presiding. E. A. Tonkin was elected Secre- tary of the Ministerial Session, and the Rev. Geo. McConnell was elect. | ed secretary of the {full (ministers | and layman) sessions of Whitby, Secretary was chosen assistant The several Circuit Re Tolikin and Mr. J. H. Brown. Rev.| Mr. Limbert was elected to repre- | Outario, and unfolded a systematic | sent, with the Chairman, the Die Stationing Committee. trict on the The following laymen were appoint | ed to attend the Annnal Conference | fairs 'which received government which meets in Peterboro the first | grants were intended to be educa | The cough racks and tears the | tender tissues of the throat. In- week in June J L Smith, A. Rich- | tional seemed to be almost forgot | fammation supervenes and then | ardson, and W H. Wilcox, Whitby; | ten, and the proposal to arrange the | serious bronchial or lung trouble is | J. 11. Bown, Wm. Brock and Sam. | the falrs into convenient circuits | established. The important time | Jeffery, Port Perry; John Lee, land send them expert judges who [15 at the beginding. Stay the pro: Kedron ; John Martin, Raglan ; L. | : it oy -- Rev. A. C. Wilson, chairman | The Rev. | advantage to the seller and conven-| are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Ross. BPT. OF AGRICULTURE, CousssipNar 5 BRANCH, OTTAWA, MAY 1, 1904. The Dominion Fairat Winnipeg Advance sheets of the Winnipeg Fair prize list for tgo4 show that the prizes offered for the principal classes of live stock are about as follown :--Shorthorns $2565, Hare- fords g1125, Polled Angus and Gal: loways ubout $600 each, Ayrshires, Holsteins and Jerseys about $500 each. Clydesdales, $993, Shires $456, draft and general purpose horses $350 aud $450 each, light harness horses and thoroughbreds nearly $500 each, hunters and sad- dle fhorses $700 and $8oo, Speed classes $18,000. Sheep--the differ- ent breeds will average about $175 each. Swine--Yorkshires, Tam- worths and Berkshires, $300 each, the American breeds about $200 each. Good prizes are also offered in bacon classes. Prizes of $100, $60 and $40 are offcred for carload lots of cattle. 'Arrangements have been made' so that freight from Ontario and the East will be paid on all exhibits that are return- ed the original point of shipment. AUCTI LER SYSTEM : 3 a a R me i : The auction n of marketing live stock advocated by jthe Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa, seems to be gaining ground steadily and surely. This month at Calgary nearly four hundred head of pure- bred cattle have gone under the hammer at the sale conducted by Breeders' Associa- rates the Territorial | tions, and several district sales are 1 in Ontario. The Society and | being establishe | Scugog tural | the Port Perry Board of Trade are r an important sale Agricu | now arranging f {to be held at Port Perry un June 16th, will held at if sufficient encouragement is extended to them These sales be and 1904 intervals. they will probably be held monthly to sell by auction of all kinds of farm animals, including stockers, | fat {stock, dairy cows, pigs, etc. advance, i net paid in | Several very prominent breeders of | | purebred stock are consigning excel- lent animals to the first sale, and persons desiring to contribute either purebred, stocks, milch cows or pigs may obtain particulars from the Secretary, Mr. J. H. Brown, Port | Perry. A number of buyers from the Toronto Stock Yards will be on hand. This will be a great conven- ence to the farmers and stock rais ers of the district, bringing the buy- ers and sellers together for disposing of surplus stock. In England and this way the Market towns on stated days, which proves a great in ience to the buyer. MAKING THE FAIRS EDUCATIONAL Three years ago-when Mr. F. W. pointed out to the annual meeting | of the Association of Fairs and Ex-| ports were sudited by Rev E. A. | hibitions the utter inefficiency of | to hold in many of the agricultural societies of plan of improvemant, he was looked upon by many of the delegates as a dangerous iconoclast. The fact that would give educational addresses in ¢ A. P. Westervelt, Secretary Live Stock Associations, was in town yesterday on official business in connection with business ar- rangements for the coming Great | Auction Sale of Live Stock to take | place on Thursday, June 16, under the auspices of the Port Perry Board of Trade and the Scugog Agricultural Society. Already Mr. J. H. Brown the indefatigable and obliging secretary, is in receipt of numerons applications for informa- tion, and the prospects are that great success will attend the sale from every point of view. Tue Ricar Kino oF Stock.-- Mr, 'Jos. Kilpatrick, con. 2, Reach, sold on the 18th inst., a three-year- old steer that carried off the laurels [at the 'Myrtle Station the present season, it weighed 1730 lbs., and had been running at the straw stack all winter, Sap AccipeNT.--Near Enfield, on Monday last, Frederick Harri: son, met death accidently by shoot ing. He was in the employ of Mr J. J. Ormiston, Darlington, and was found dead fn a barn with a dis- charged shot gun by his side. He was a bright and cheerful young gad event. Deceased was a nephew of our townsman, Mr. Nm. Harri- son, Big Shipments of Live Stock. Last week there were a number of gala days at the Port Perry railway | depot occasioned by the great rush |and departure by train of magnifi- | cent fat animals--cattle and sheep-- market, On one less five | for the export day (Friday) on thousand dollars was paid out for Our enterprising deal- of live stock, than cattle alone. |ers and | Messrs. Bongard, Boe and Jack are noted for their liberality in their they are always exporters | purchases and i warrant They are market will | reliable and and possess the requisite knowledge to place a glance" value of any animal that may come | experienced dealers 'tat to their notice. « Tue Moper CourLe" will fbe subject of the pulpit of the Meth- odist Church, Sunday evening, May 29 | The Annual Conference of the { Bay of Quinte, will meet in the George Street Church, Peterboro, on Wednesday, June 1st. The Rev. Dr. Dyer of Albert College, Belleville, and Rev | of Peterboro, are candidates for the President's chair. Mrs. (Dr.) John Ross, Toronto; | Miss Hazel Laing, New York city, {and Miss Clara Strong, Bradford, Hugh D. Sinclair, Esq., Barris- ter, Toronto, spent Sunday in town with friends. At a meeting convened at the law Mr. Denyes | Hodson, Live Stock Commissioner, | office of Mr, Harris on Wednesday of last week it was unanimously | resolved to make final arrangements the town hall on the evening of Friday, June 17, a Popu- lar Concert under the auspices of [the Reading Room. | Oonsumption Begins With a Oough. | gress of the cough by using fragrant, | healing Catarrhozone which reaches Hobbs, Pickering ; W. Philip, Bal | the ring was considered impractic |every part of the bronchial tubes, sam ; R. P. Hooper, Claremont ; T. Do ison and R. M. Ho'tby Man- | | chester; J. McCullough, Green bank ; John Crosier, Scugog ; and | Robt. Thompson, Seagrave. Rev, J. Harris of Prince Albert, | having labored for forty-one years | in the active ministry, and feeling | to meet all the claims of | Circuit work, asked the District Meeting for recommendation for a superannuated relationship. Rev. Messrs. Kenner, Copeland, Tonkin and others spoke of the very long and efficient service rendered to the Church by Mr. Harris. His re- quest was granted. A resolution passed by the Official Board of the Port Perry church on the subject of chUnion was introduced by Mr. unable Ch mecting was held, Mr, Sinclair of Sonya, and the Rev. Dr, Burwash Victoria University spoke on the pubject of Church Union. The addresses were optimistic relative to the organic Union of the Metho- : Presbyterian and Congrega- 'tional Churches in the near future. "The congregation by a unanimous ste declared in favor of the union "advocated by the speakers. The t annual meeting will be heid in 'own. of Whitby. Mr. O. Graham, V. S. has arrangements for free commu-| on, day or night, over the tele Dr. Mellow and be interested and with the summer suit "s. The and the | remedy is half so catisfactory as Dr. able by many. Still the project was taken up in an experimental way and the results have been so satis- factory that this year lit is expected in Ontario will arrange with the Provincial Department of Agricul ture for the servicesof expert judges. Last year 152 societies in this pro- vince were supplied with judges. while in the other provinces and the Territories many of the fairs had expert judges furnished by theLocal and Dominion Departments of Ag- riculture. etl £7 NO NECESSITY for delay ip securing Chop now at C. L. Vickery's ; his new, large chopper is in full operation and has a oapacity of 25 bags every 60 minutes and the work in every. respect is: first-class. otedHo an'sExperience Mr. Antonie Wendling, owner of Deveras 2 11}, and proprietor of the Clifton House, Brockville, says no liniment compares with Nerviline for general use around the stable. For strains, sprains swellings, in- ternal pains and especially for affec tions of the whirl bone Nerviline is indispensable as a horse linament ; it has strength, penetrating power aud works thoroughly. Every horse and stock owner should use Nerv- iline. Sold in large 25¢. bottles. Klondyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- itoba. Parties going te any of the above parts call on . Davis, C.P.R. ticket agent, for information rates, &c. When You Need Physic Get a box of the old reliable Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and witout causing gtiping pains. No i to agreement. Butternut, which loosens th- bowels | sons are placed in each room, each | throat and lungs, Catarrliozone | destroys disease germs, stops the {cough, heals sore spots, clears the nose and throat of discharge Catar-| | rhozone irritates sooths, never The | that about 170 agricultural societies | Gy aranteed for every form of cat- arrh, For lasting cure use Catar - rohozone. Two months' treatment $1.00 ; trial size 25¢, At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid lately held the following were unan- imously selected to entertain [at a Tea at the strikingly beautiful resi. dence of Mr. J. H. Brown, on the evening of Friday, May 27th, viz: Mrs. C. L. Vickery, Mrs. W. H. Harris and Miss Brown. Choice delicacies and abundance of sub- stantials will be served as they they should. An appropriate pro- gram for the occasion will be ren- WANTED--A SKIFF--on the Scugog. Apply at the office of this Paper. Every Lady Should Know That Ferrozone removes the causes that interfere with the proper dis- charge of all womanly functions ; it corrects irregularities and is especi- ally good for women who are nerv- ous and subject to headache, lame back, bearing down | ains, dipon- dency and tirednes. Fsrrozone is u blood builder and purifier and can't be excelled for the ' complexion. For your good looks and health use Ferrozone. Price soc per box at druggist. Mr, William Hutchison, Canad- ian Commissioner at St. Louis, re- ports that the hotels in that city have advanced their prices, contrary Three or four per- of whom has_te pay the full advanc- man of 1g ygars. All deplore the ready to pay the highest price the| the full] Hymeneal.-- e wedding took place en 24th May, at the re and [Mrs. George Lani street, when their adop! Miss Florence Edith united in holy wedlock liam Robert Wilson of The ceremony was p Rev. G. H. Copeland pastor, in presence of a guests. The bride - loo sweet gowned in white © The bride was attended Kate Banner of Toronto groom by Mr. Bruce Wilso the young couple were h one the guests sat do! elaboraje wedding break presents to the bride wer and useful. The young make their home at Green The by-law in aid of the | beet sugar factory at Petes was defeated which is pie a good thing for all concern Orders have been issu Washington to postm neighbouring cities to shows ence to married clerks when tions are being made. n thefe Ha If they want some up-to-date n tlers they ought to apply to - tleman named Togo. It is reported that the Russian soldiers drink an enormous quantit] of tea and vodka - Under the cumstances vodka and tea may be | the latest trainiing diet for long dis- tance runners. 1d One of the ruasons given by a Rhode Island woman in applying for a divorce is that her husband wanted her to vear a $20 hat{the season, thus causing her This 'is indeed second great humilatiorn. sad. During the year ending on the 3oth of June lasi there was imported into the Canada from the United States $50,296 worth of cheese, $145,221 in butter, $76,607 in bar- | relled beef, $411,008 in bacon and | hams, and over $857,000 worth of other meats and poultry, The Grand Trunk Railway's new lumber tariff, comes into | force next week, makes no change The new tariff is merely a revision and sim- plification of [the present tariff, which has been in force since 1899, | and which has become rather coms which |in the rates of shipment. J. P. Wilson of | plicated owing to the many addi~ | tions, amendments and exceptions which have been made to it. eee | A Hint to Mothers. If you have a child that is sickl fretful, nervous, restless at mig or suffers from any stoma bowel troubles of any sort, Baby's Own Tablets. Dol afraid of this medicine--it |anteed to contain | harmful drug. Give the Table | the sick child and watch the relief and rapid restoration to he | and strength. Thousands of # ers are using this medicine forthei | little ones, and they all prai >| succeeded in accumlating valuable LAKEY--In Utica, on Saturday, May 21, 1904, Mr. Thos. Lakey, aged 68 years and 8 months. Deceased was a worthy son of the British Isles, England being his native clime, but he found it profitable to leave it early in life.-- Leaving his home in 1854, he came straight to Canada and settled at Utica, in this County, and joined his brother James who had preceeded him by three years, where he resided up to the time of his demise. He was a pioneer in the best accepta- tion of the term, an early settler he came to the country possessed of precious little of this world's wealth, but rich in that which is infinitely better and of more value, a strong arm, a clear conscience, established habits of industry with a firm Ceter- mination to follow an honorable and upright course and to grapple fear lessly and manfully with whatever difficulties might beset his path, and leave the result to te Disposer of all good. - He adhered strictly to his purpose and unquali- ed suecess crowned his efforts, he property and rearing in comfort and 'truthtul, trustful and generous dis position, he secured the respect of all acquainted with him, and for many vears he has been one of the solid men of Reach. He was an exemplary and consistent member of the Church of England and astaunch conservative and had the courage of | his convictions. He was a loving | and devoted husband, a kind ar d| indulgent father, a reliable friend | and a generous neighbor. Heleaves a gentle and amiable widow, three | active and intelligent sons and seven | daughters to mourn the loss of one every way worthy of their love -- They are all doing their uttermost to rapidly and judiciously propel the | car of enlightenment and progress Messrs. Thomas and Charles Lakey, remain on the homestead, and Mr. | William Lakey resides in New York | city. Mrs. John Dalton, Quaker | Hill; Mrs. J. Henderson, Toronto; | Mts. A. Claughton, Epsom ; Mrs. | John Southworth, New York city ;| Mrs, Henry Davis, Ashburn; Miss| Edith Lakey, Toronto; Miss Ella | Lakey on the homestead. Three] brothers also survive deceased Mr. James Lakey, Utica ; Mr. Geo. Lakey, London, Eng. and MT' Henry Lakey, Toronto. The re mains were interred in theKendal cemetery, near Utica, 23rd inst. Large numbers of rela- tives, friends and neighbors turning out to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of deccased. ' CQOK~--In Port Hope, on Sunday, 3 22, 1904, Mr. Joscph Cook, of Port Perry, aged 77 years, 9 months and 22 days. Deceased was a worthy son of Merry England and never failed on to his native land while he was an Canada, and ever ready to defend | what stronger evidence d her against all encroachments from want? Mrs. D. A. McD any source. He came to Canada Sanderingham, Ont , says : S| while a boy and spent many years Own Tablets certainly fill claim you make for them Be re s0 af as my experience goes. I er them a perfect mediciue for children | ank always keep them in the house se." 'ou can get the Tablets from any dealer in medicine, or if yon Write The Dr. Williams Medicine : | Brockville, Ont , they will send | a box by mail post paid lor 25 et ou Found a Cure for Indig n. | 1 use Chamberlain's Stoma h Liver Tablets for indigestion #&nd find that they suit my case er than any dyspepsia remedy 1 | ever tried and 1 have used | different remedies, I am | fifty-one years of age and ha fered a great deal from indi I can eat almost anything 3 now.--GEo. W. Emory, Rock Ala. For sale by All Druggist LAKE SCUGOG.--The n fast sailing Steamer Cot leave the wharf, Port every Saturday, comn May 28, 1904, at 630 sharp, for Lindsay ; calli Hood's Landing at 8.30; . burn Island at g; Ball's ing at 9.30; Plum Point 2 arriving at Lindsay at | Returning, leave ; "Pa E erry, j i Landing, 50 cts; Was 40 cts.; Ball's Landing, 3 Plum Point, 35 cts. J. BOWERMAN, ¢ Captais PORT PERRY MARKE (Quotations by A. Rows & Son. May 26, 19 Fall Wheat ........ $0 90 @ $0 Spring Wheat...... 085@ Goose Wheat. Barley ..... 0) Oats... Peas--Black eye MT Peas--Small....... Buckwheat. . «..... 6 «d rates. Hamulten's Pills, Price 258 DRAPPARAE® ®e6 x ©0000 O0ONNWHOO0O00D0O0O S33 $5358888%82%8ET Quinte district for after life he had in the Bay of which locality in fond memories and pleasant recol lections. He cameto Port Perry about thirty-five years ago, since ,| which time he has been a perman- ent and desirable citizen. For many years he had a mail contract the duties of which he discharged to the advantage of all concerned ; in fact, matter what Mr, Cook undertook to do when serving the motio was always no public, his "promptness and moderate charges,' and he was universally esteemed for "| his many good qualities' as a town benefactor and citizen, and possess- ed a happy faculty of pleasing his patrons on all occasions and under all circumstances. Mr. Cook was loyal to the core to the flag that has ,| braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze, and woe betide the ingrate who would dare to insult the authorities of his King and buntry and he had the courage of his convictions. As an entertainer his liberality was prodigious and unbounded and his popularity as a - was as wide as it was fam- va istent member oved Z he Church of gland, ania staunch and un- nistng Conservative. He ed rare traits of character in 'marked degree, obliging, generous, rageous and sympathetic, he was equipped for the duties of his calling. He was real in all things, never seemed, and while less pol- and conventional than some heart was in the right place ; he onged no man and met his obli. tions like a hero. He was a d husband, affectionate father ind a kind neighbor and true friend. 'was a long, honest and industri- life. Helived at peace with all Il say Resquiescot in paco.-- s a disconsqlate widow, four and three daughters survive Mr. Joseph Cook, ; Messrs. Thomas and , Cook," Port Perry, and Mr. Cook, Ogdensburg, N.Y.; omas McConnell, Lindsay; ough EA by'wieatly thirty years. Two sons | Monday, leave his home stand, | Garham's, Scugog, noon ; on Monday, | every available occasion to do honor | ardent lover of his adopted country, | Mrs. G. Deshane, Brownsville, and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, Port Hope.-- The funeral took place yesterday ec and was largely attended the Sons of England taking a leading partin the funeral services. The minis- terial services were conducted by the Rev. Geo. Scott, incumbent of the Church of Ascension. BROAD--At Kearney, Muskoka, on Monday, 1€th May, 1904, Mr. James Broad ag J 75 years and 2 months. Deceased was English by par- entage and birth and loved his fatherland but a Canadian from choice, sympathy and adoption and was a credit to both. He came together with his family to Canada nearly forty years ago, and for a number of years resided in Port Perry and did much to make our town better than he found it; he was one, of our leading business m>n ard during his residence here erected one of finest and most com- modious dwellings in town. For many years he conducted with credit to himself and the locality the "Ocean House", Seagrave, and was widely and favorably known as ¢ Dad" Broad. Mrs. Broad pre- deceased the subject of this sketch and two daughters survive: Mr Harry Broad, Midland; Mr Ted Broad, Toronto ; Mrs. A. J. Wells, Coldwater, and Mrs. Harry Ben- netts, Kearney. The remains of deceased were brought here on the 18th inst., by train, and interred in the family plot in the Pine Grove Cemetery. - Horse Routes. ROYAL KEIR (10881)105563. --That choice- ly-bred, imported Clydesdale stallion, the property of the Reach, Port Perry aud Scugog Clydesdale Syndicate, will make the season 1904, as follows :-- "Dun dreonan farm," Manchester, for Thos. for night at Jae. Jackson's. Tuesday,Sebert House, Port Perry for night. Wednesday, Alex. Leask's, Roach, for night. Thurs day, R, Flewell's, Greenbank for night. Friday, Wm. Bowles', for noon ; Wm Holthy's, for night Saturday, home stand till Monday. C. Blanchard, Agr PRINCE OF KINELLAR II Grand, Young, Clydesdale Prince of Kinellar II. [3236], perty of James Innes, Sonya, this season as follows--Monday, Moase's, night. Tneaday, Isaac Beetles, noon ; R. Swain's, night, Wednesday, Thurston's, noon; Lorenzo Davison's, That Stallion Ladysmith medal can, however, get only a few pence. The pawnshops are offered large numbers of medals, but in most cases refuse to take them, as the dealer who happens to lend money on a medal belonging to a man still in his regiment is liable to be prosecuted by the commanding officer. One man who recently visited one of these es- tablishments said: 'If you don't give me something for it I shall give it away. It took me twenty-nine months to win, but I won't keep anything that will remind me of the worst time in my life." He got four shillings.--London Daily Mail. Oldest Love Letter in the World. In the British Museum is an an- cient love letter, supposed to be the oldest in the world. It is a pro- posal of marriage, inscribed on a brick, to an Egyptain Princess, and made thirty-five hundred years ago. A brick doubtless was the correct form for polite correspondence in those days, but how heavy the post- age bills must have been! Only a prince could afford to send a billet doux! MRS. [A A ased by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and brokem of you rest by a sick child suffering and erying with pain of Ontting Tecth, send at once and get s bottle of " Mm. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend apon it, mothers, there is ne mistake alout it. It cures Win. Colic, Softens the Gams, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole sysbes. "Mrs Winslow's So thing Syrup fer Children Teething pleasant to the taste and is the pre-cription of nue of the oldest and best fimale physicians and nurses in the United States. Pr ce tweoty-five cents a bottle. Sold by sll druggists throvgh mt the world. Be sure and ask | for MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP." OUNTY COUNCIL-- County oF OnTArRIO.--The next meet ing of Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario for the year 19o4, will be held pursuant to ad journment at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Monday the Sixth day of June, next, at the hour of One o'clock in the after noon. All accounts to be laid be- fore the Council must be forwarded to the Clerk at least three days be- fore the meeting of Council, properly certified Dated at Whitby, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1904 JNO. E. FAREWELL, County Clerk, Co. Ontario. | WANTFED--FAITHFUL PERSON TO | TRAVEL tor well established house ina | night. Thursday, Jeukin's Hotel, Little Britain, night. Friday--Varcoe Bros., Saturday, own stable till Mon R. McDonald, Manager+ night | day SIMON YET.--That Grand Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Simon Yet [2390] | 6893, the property of the Brock Horse | Company, Sunderland, will make this as follows--Tuesdny, Vallen- tyne, noon; Udora, night, Wednes- { day -- Leaskdale, night. Thursday, | Victoria Saintfield, night stable till Tuesday LOTHIAN LAIRD [2337] 8050--That famous imported Clydesdale stallion Lothian Laird, the rty of 3. A. "Pavitt, Cadmus, will this ey -- Monday, proceed to the Temperance House, Blackstock for night. Tues- duy, to own stable and remain till Thorsday Thursday. Robt. Byers, boundary line, noon ; Pontypool night Friday, Frank Porters, Ballyduff, noon ; ERSKINE STYLE, [2121], eligible for registration in American Stud Book That magnificent Clydesdale stallion, the property of John Hill, Layton, will make the present season: --Mapday, proceed to the Brock Hours, Sunder land and remain there till Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon proceed to Saintfield till Wednesdny unon Wednesday noon toSeagrave till Thurs day afternoon, then to own till Monday PEARL OF BURNHEAD (19830) [2734] That grand, young imported Clydes dale stallion Pearl of Burohead, the property of the Shirley Syndicate, will make the present season : Monday, J Heory's--the Hyland bomestead---for night. Tuesday. John Forder's noon ; Hope & Sons, Scugog, night. Wed nesday. to '* Ambleside Farm" wight Thursday, Sehert House, Port Perry for night, Friday, Wel. Somerville, Reaoh. noon ; Hotel, Myrtle Station for vight. Saturday, Angle's Hotel, Rag lan, noov ; then to own stable till fol lowing Monday. Geo. Mackie, Mgr season Corners, noon ; John Pack, Mgr. HERCULES [4786] -That grand, young Clydesdzle stallion Hercules, the pro pecty of Frank King, Mariposa, will make thie snnson as follows ; Mouday, Isaac Beetle's noon; Caleb Hicks' night. Tuesday, Hugh Ray's noon ; Jacob North's night. Weanesday, Malcolm McMillan's, noon ; Jenkins' Hotel, Little Britain, night. Thursday, Nathan Rodman's noon ; Samuel Tree mer's, night. Friday, Wm. Rogers' noon ; Seagrave night. Saturday, to own stable till Side, John Groves, Manager, KENELLAR STAMP [3044] That regis- tered Clydesdale stallion Kenellar Stamp, the property of J. A. Rowan, Cemsarea, wiil made this season as fol- lows :--Moundny, Thos. Syurs' for night. Tuesday, J, Hobbs', Janetville, night. Wednesday, F. Ferguson's, Lotus, night, Thursday. John Sandcrsou's, noon , Temperauce House, Blackstock night. Friday, own stable till Mou: day. Harry Morrish, Munager. AVILKES --That Fashiouable Bred Stallion, Muckie Wilkes 924, the roperty of F. Ferguson and T. Shaw, Pe will make this scason as follows --Monday, Jcho Carscadden's, noon ; R. Davey's, night. Tuesda David Ferguson's, noon ; Mr. Mackie's, Shir- ley, night. Wednesday, S8ebert House, Port Perry, night. Thursday, Black- stuck, 'noon ; own stable, night, Fri- day, Janotville, by way of Yelverton, own stable till Monday. YOUNG ONTARIO CHIEF.--That Pare- bred Evglish Coach Stallion Young Ontario Chiaf 9332, the property of Jas Allan. Peterboro, will make this season as follows--Monday, Fowler's Corners, noon; Omemee, night. Tuesday, Mount Horeb, noon ; Junstville, night. Wedaesday, M. Chapman's, noon : Blackstock, night. Thursday, Bally- duff, voon, Bethany, night. Friday, Cavanville, noon ; to his own stable till Monday. Robt. McGill, Manager. FRENCHMAN -- That Grand, Youug French Stallion, Frenchman, the pro- perty of Jas. Gallagher, Burketon, will make this season as followa--Monday, Enfiold, home for night. Tuesday, F, Briggs', noon; own stable, night. Wednesday, east on townline, home on em. 1. tedey: Jos. Byers', noon ; own stable, night. Friday, Purple Hill, own stable night, Saturday, Roval Hotel, Bhuokstock, noon ; own stable till Monday, Friday, (by way of Wick) own | then to own stable till Mooday. | few counties, calling on retail merchants | and agents Local territory Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19 70 | week incash an expenses advanced. Posi- | tion permanent. Business successful and | rushing. Standard House, 334 Dearborne | St., Chicago. |The Aupual High School Entrance! Examination. | ; | Will be held at Port Perry, Can- nington and Uptergrove,on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1904 begin ning each day at 8 45a.m. Appli- cations may be sent to J. MeBrien, Esq., Indpector of Schools, Prince Albert; The Principal of the Hizh School, Port Perry; The Priucipal of the Public School. Cannington ; The Principal of the Public School, Uptergrove, { O. GRAHAM, | Chairman Board of Education | May 14, 1904. FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale at a bargaina LARGE DRIVING MARE and aNEW DUCK BOAT Apply at Irvin's Pump Works. JOHN IRVIN. Port Perry, May 9, 1904 WATER CART -FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A CART--Speight manufacture SECOND HAND for Sale at a Bargain. Apply at once i W. JAMIESON. Port Perry, May 4, 1904. Farm to Rent OR SELL The Lumsden Farm N. E. } of lot 5, 2nd con., REACH--j50 acres Apply immedietely to JOHN SMITH, Stone Mason, April 12, 1904. Whitby. House and Lot For Sale FYHE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale her House and Lot situated .on Cassimar street, Port Perry. The house is in good repair and the premises possess all neces- sary conveniences. Apply at once. ort Perty, March 24, 1904. 100 Acre Farm for Sale Good High state of cultivation. Buildings. Very liberal terms -- Apply, WESTERN BANK, Port Perry. WANTED SpEciAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise and old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with Expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary ; position manent. Address Blew Bros. & Co. Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ==4 Diarrhees, Regulaies the Stomach and Bowel, Cures | $4 AGENTS FOR THE THE FINEST BOOT! MADE IN CANADA. We have 15 lines of the Latest Styles at $2, $2.50, $3, $3 50 and Be sure and see them--they are beauties A Special Line of Dinner Sets --China Patterns, g7 pieces, $12 50. Special Prices on Sugar Best Granulated, in 100 lb Bags or by the Barrel. T. G. FORMAN & SON. Port Perry, Mar. 24, 1904. Pasturage. Te undersigned has an unlimit. o ed Pasturage, with abundance water and shade, in close proxim- ity to Port Perry. Apply to D J. ADAMS. Port Perry, May 4, 1904 FOR SALE OR TO RENT |QooTs part of lot 23 gth con- LY) cession Township of Reach. For particulars appiy lo H. LAKEY, 559 Landsdowne Ave., Toronto. May 2, 1904 rR Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is Pleasant and Safe. { - COURT OF REVISION. - N OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Towkssuip oF Reacu for the year 1904, will be held in the Town Hall, MANCHESTER, on MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1904, at Two o'clock p.m., of which all persons interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk. CrLerk's OFFICE, Manchester, May g, 1904. } 'COURT OF REVISION. N O1ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN LN that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township oF ScucoG for the year 1904, will be held in the Town Hall, Scugog, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th 1904, at 1.30 o'clock p.m, of which all prsons interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN FOY, Township Clerk. Scugog, May 6, 1904. TAILORING Gentlemen... BEFORE ORDERING YOUR COME AND SEE MY FULL LINE OF NEW SUITINGS TROUSERINGS It is a pleasure for me to show them whether you buy from me or not, and I would also like to form your acquaintance. Please Call, Young and (Md. we would like very much to see you. M. F. LAGELL. P.S.--Suits pressed at reasonable prices. X . M.F.L. Essrrs' Brock, Diarrhoea Remedy Never fails and is pleasant to take. Port Perry, April 26, 1904,