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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Jun 1904, p. 3

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[et oo casera 05005053 Er 1a 3990909000000093049499999999442 § JONES & 60. SLPEE000400000060060000000000¢ * @ * ® $ * " which include durabil variety, all new. Shirt Waist Vestings. COTTON HOSE Neck Ribbons. ity and style. The very latest is the Hemstitch Ribbon Applique. A AA A AN white. some of our Applique--a litt and you have saved money. JONKS sv Hermsporr Blacks are reliable. crock off. See our line at 12}c. with CALL AND SE % JONE S & 00. have just received a Choice Lot of Hot Weather FABRIC MATERIAL Shirt; Waist Prints, Shirts Waist Ducks, Ginghams and Scotch antes too, in large They never Princess Bow. Black narrow stripe of E IT BEFORE IT IS GONE, You can make a Pretty Collar, very cheap, by buying le work, a little time, SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Buy a Voile-- this material is particularly well suited for the hot weather. It is cool and at the came time graceful and neat 2 CO a ---- : . Boy. GA kn AEE I Prices af ------IN-- dy-to- Wear AND RESS HATS +6 Dlack and black-and- White Insertion, to >) a A few pieces Applique white; and a few pieces clear at greatly reduced . STOUFFER. : : rig BR ing No Place Like Port P 0 Place Like Bort Perry. A el at a a ES atten For many years, in fact ever since becoming acquainted with the good peopla of Port Perry and vicinity T have had a warm plaee in my heart for them, and circumstances permitting, have long since had a desire and determination to be with them and permanently remain in their midst, and in order to be of service to the community have purchased a suitable property embracing ome of the best busi ness stands in town, where I shall carry on the Bakery and Confectionery Business which for ex tent and efliciency will be second to none in the County, and would solicit the patronage of this en tire section of country. In thepast most of you have tested my productions and are aware of my capacity in catering for the pmblic. Returning thanks for past favors, soliciting still increased pat ronage and a renewal of support. of former patrous, 0D 0G 0 00 DS 0 0 0 0S 0S G0 0S 0S 0G 0 0 20S DS 0 0S 0S 0S 0500S Yours truly, «D550 MS Apl 13, 1904 PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Roms & Bon June 30; 1904 Fall Wheat ........ $0 go @ $0 go Spring Wheat...... o8s5@ o 8s Goose Wheat...... 075@ o 75 Barley .....0000000 0 40@ 0 40 Rye civessvasnssvs 0 50@& 0 50 Oats . «v. 028@ 0 30 Peas-- Black. eye ... o6o@ o bo Peas--Small o 6o@ o 6o Buckwheat. . . 0 46@ o 46 Beans \o.sicnsvssns 100@ 1 10] Alsike Clover...... 3 00@ 5 50 Red Clover 500@ 575 Grass Seed........ 1 00@® 1 25 Turkeys ...+.v ..0. 015@ 0 15 Geese. .......... otw@ o 10 Ducks .....v0000en oro@ o 10 Chickens. ......... oo8@ o 10 Butter «vs O0T3@ O X13 DD SR 013@ 013 NEW Merchant Tailor Shop D. PERKINS Begs to announce to the Citizens of Port Perry and surrounding country that he is opening a Merchant Tailoring Business in the Blong Block, with a fine collection of Suitings, Vestings and Pantings. Having had a large exper- ience [ am prepared to make Suits as good and as cheap and up-to-date as any in the trade. Suits made to order from $10 up. Port Perry, June 1, 1904. Public Notice. HE Building Committee repre- senting the Church of the As- cension, Port Perry, have decided to build a Rectory on Church lot and intend to proceed with the work at once. Therefore the Committee would be very grateful to all those who have subscribed if they will leave their subscriptions with the Bank of Commerce or the Western Bank as soon as possible. July 1st-4th Horse Ra Caledonian Games ; Base Ball Game ; Fire and Fire Works; Highlanders' Band Concert. ree Bands in Attendance Foot Ball Tournament ; Grand Procession of Societies and Memorial Services Old Boys' Cast Your Eye over the Following List of Attractions at the Old Boys' Reunion at Whitby. ces ; Aquatic throughont the Celebration. Events ; ; Camp and, Old Girls' Concert ; | Grand Lacrosse Match; Our Prices. CHAPTER ¥I Facts and 'Figures tell everything in Business these days. HERSONS in Port Perry, and vicinity, who shoudl mow what they are talking about I before making positive assertions have tiken great padns--we have the facts and proofs iu plain black and white, eo that we know wlint we are saying--iu the | aud to spread false reports, that because we have finest FUNERAL { seen in shis town, and turn out the best work, that We have overcharged those for whom Two orders that were very fine and expensive, were taken | as examples to make such statements. One or twe in particular where everything was ast to tell, | we furuished funeral orders TAILORING Gentlemen... BEFORE ORDERING YOUR Spring Suit MY NEW COME AND SEE FULL LINE OF SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS It is a pleasure for me to show them whether you buy from roe or not, and I would also like to opm your acquaintance. Please Call, Young and ad we would like very much to see CME LACELL P.S.--Suits pressed at reasonable rices. F M.F. L. Essrrs' Brock, Port Perry, April Shi 1904. Lo LIUh lA \'4 Domssuskens' 5 Day Batsosons 3 GEO. S€OTT, Ninnipey 3 ---- Regina 833.75 ncumbent, Deloraine Moose Jaw Chairman of Committee. | foandon f 5 | Back ge! Lyleton = | im pop | Seriom . 100 Acre Farm for Sale|... rd woe nsearth Macleou High state of cultivation. Good Moosumin | ej as i, Buildings. Very liberal terms. -- Estevan } 300 Door. 36.30 WESTERN BANK, Apply, Port Perry. No Oompetition. Golng JUNE 14th 28th and JULY 19th, | Returning untll Aug. 15th, 20th 'and Sept. 20th, respectively. - Tickets are not good on ** Imperial Limited." Pamphlets and tull ionlars from 303 Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. H. N pToronte, The uniform of Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure of, bowel complaints both in children and adults has brought into almost umversal use, so that it is practic-- ally without a rival, and as every one who has used it knows, is with- out equal. For sale by all drug- gists. WATER CART FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. SECOND HAND WATER CART--Speight manufacture --for Sale at a Bargain. once. W. JAMIESON. , Port Perry, May 4, 1904. FOR THE ENPRESS SEUS JOR LACES THE FINEST BOOTS IN CANADA. We have 15 lines of the Latest Styles at $2, $2.50, $3, $3 50 and $4. Be sure and see them---they MADE are beauties. A Special Line of Dinner Ses) --China Patterns, g7 pieces, $12 50. Special Prices on Sugar Best Granulated, by the Barrel. T. C. FORMAN & SON. Port Perry, Mar. 24, 1904. TRAYED OR STOLEN.-- On Sunday, June 12th, a Brack: answers to the anp-Tan Bitch, "iN CANADA, We have been Appointed AGENTS in 100 Ib Bags or | the bost of its class, we were reported by those whe kuew that they were circulating lies | that we had made such a high and ridiculous ch that to get our pay we had to make | a very large reduction on the Thu actual facts were that there never was an each bill was pad, and the friends intrested said they SKIED in every partlenlar, also said we were the ONLY ort Perry who Sr FURNISH A FIRST-CLASS OUTFIT order e dollar overcharge of eve This was proof positive that those telling such YARNS AND LIES had no foundation for their statatements ; those reports were told, not only in Port Perry, but | in the adjucent townships wherever it was thought the reports weuld de us the most Sor more proofs that we are lower and always were lower in prices than any ther Undert: k«r in this town or surrounding country { We asked $50 what was said could net be dono less than $ 75 { . $35 - " . . $ 50 | { " vw $36 " " " " $ 60 | " " 27 " " $ 40 | $80 " " " » §100 In the last three months we furnished several funeral orders that were from $13 to $20 tess on each order than was ever furnished Wy any other Undertaker in Port Perry, they were not only less in price, but the service was far better, and equipment far sup erior iu avery particular. We furnish a 'five Cloth Casket, complete, trimmed, and upholstered for $34 that others charge $45 and $50; we furnish a nice Cloth Coffin, trimmed, and complete, for §27 that othors charge $35 to $40 |E 7 The Lowest in Prices, and the Best Service EF E77 for the Least Money JESSOP FURNITURE C0. W.J. NOTT, Manager, 1904 Clothing and Isiness 'DEPARTMENTS , January 21, Shises, I have purchased and Having increased the dimensions of my pt 'Stock of opencd out an Extens AND READY-MADE CLOTHING tists or Men and Boys which for quality and 0% prices cannot be equaled in this district. 2 if BOOTS ano SHOES ever Bnd the prices are such as can- I have the largest and most veried Stod opened in this locality for your inspection not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quar? my customers in every particulr. My aim shall be to please 00d Styles . IRC IQUIPMENT ever | well | REMOVAL Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec. ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened wap, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks td fly numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and See me in my mew premises. A.J] DAVIS Port Perry, Sept 2, 1900. Guped To Stay Cured matter where located, are apt to involve th II neglected barbarous ly Frode and gine the loye rrors of surgery and Stet ly safe and harmless. The abnormal strigture tise sue is dissolved and leaves the channel free and clear. All un- natural discharges cease, any irritation or burning sensation disappears, the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate Gland and other ¥ surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood W returns, Our ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT will positively W cure you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. v v v v i v surrounding st Nh PRR TURES 7 . ng and are t! renting this di rict ed by us are free from the ho We Cure Varicooele, Biood and Skin Diseases, Nervous Debllity, Urinary Diseases. SONSULIATION FREER, Treatment Sent F. @trictures, Bladder, Kidney and DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dre Spinney & Co. DR. G44 E 4 E444 ad ded adtddd idee cannes n flesfeld's Question List For Home SPINNEY & CO. 2900 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. *e HH DIAM We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS n illed Cases in Dollar as a Quarter of arls, &c. great variety nicely Enameled and Set with Pe Prices to suit you all right, WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocks iu GREAT Variery VERY CHEAP some as smel Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tea Sets, &c., and some more to follow EZ Also Fancy Goods EVERYTHING G K&F Repairing as usual, oks Crear. "3 | Port Porry, 30, 1898. | = = : er JW Meharry i il it || REAL ESTATE BROKER. | Experience is Invariably hi | Il Essential to Success. bl I : ll TAVIS, bad considerable experience in esotiaing I ll et ar ame re Eten Eerie ny I whole attention to placed in my hands for sale { I it FARMS FOR SATH attention of parties requiring Farms to sted and for Sale: I would call specia | | | | lisposing ot all Real Estate that may be | | | Four fine properties now | | | Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. [ && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their ow terests by placing them with me for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed LOANS E# | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance | Companies. Prompt attention given to applications. Port Perry, Sept. 3, ee my --_------------ _---- in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low rates. Quick action. | without Commission on Real Estate security | 19OI. OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line WHICH FOR-- Durability and DND #ALL DIESFELD'S| 'Why Not Get R Full Stock = CHEAPNESS, STYLE! To [) pel = (A (0CET ers That Moye ees quickly from storé to hothd are the only kitd we deal in. The kind that's just a little lower than standard quality may be a little cheaper, bu thy are AE to our customers and j§ Ours ar The BEST GOODS | {and they stay sold. , None are returned, because there is no failure to please. And you will find after all that our prices are not a bit high. Rather low in fact. } E. H. PURDY. March 3, 1004. NO DOUBT ABOUT W.H.DOUBT'S CHAS PEARIN. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. 'Success in making & Complete Clearing Out of his Winter Stock at the prices he is quoting. Prices--Less than Cost in ma instances Special Values in $10 ard $12 Suits. EF Pressing and Repairing done' should beland at Shortest as it | = | Notice. | W.H.DOUBT:- Feb. 1, rqo4 the CHATHAM INCUBATOR ? Why Not Progress ? | Why pin your chances of success with chickens to hens which refuse to set when you want them ? Why have setting hens when they ought to be laying? Why not make some money out of your chickens ? | Why not adopt modern methods now ? | Our Incubators and Brooders will, | start you on the proper road. T hey. { have been tested and proved undef all kinds of conditions, Every test has increased our faith in them. Out of our eouvfidence in Chatham Incubators Brooders we will make the | mos§ liberal offer ever made in the El iness. Wx wrLL SHIP YOU AN IN- | cuBATOR AND BROODER AND PREPAY {tue Freiar. If it proves sa @ factory to 'you on examinaticm, accept it and we will arrange the payments (0 extend over one two ot three years. Our Catalogue is a mine of useful information to the Poultry nan. Ask for one--they aré fréé. EGGS FOR HATCHING the Buff Orpingtons, Barred Ply- | month Rocks, | dottes--at reasonable rates. ss to us. a irom the Celebrated Winter Layers and White Wyan-" Apply at of water and shade, in close proxim- name of "Beauty." Any one re- turning her will be liberally reward- ed ; or any one harboring or having her in their potsession after this date | will be prosecuted. JOHN IRVIN. Port Perry. Port Perry, ry, June 14,1904. 14, 1904. Pasturage. HE undersigned b: has an unlimit. ed Pasturage, with abundance ity to Port Perry. hogy tr D. J. ADAMS, Want your moustache or beard Port Perry, May 4, 1904. a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use b directly on the liver. By cure constipation, N. INGRAM & SONS, Port PrrkY, ONT. STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, a ee ---- 'A Snap Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks In Shingles INCB CEDAR A8 SHicEg at' same, figure as 16 ineh Cedar Shingles for A BEATTY |thirty days only. | Po t Perry, April 5, ie &o., Comparison of Prices Courted in ubandance. w ; L. VICKERY Perry Port

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