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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jul 1904, p. 1

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1 « and Evenings PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) 43TH YEAR, NO. 24) MISTAKES." [Tris $1 Prr Axsxva ON Avmpres) {WHOLE The Canadian Bank of Commerce ESTABLISHED 1867, Capital--p Reserve i Jugim Savings Department. -- or delay. Interest at Parmers' Business. ) © Port Perry Pranch Pu Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and aidup $8,700,000. . $38,000,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits of one dollar and upwards received in this department, subject to withdrawal al any time without notice the highest current raies, 5. Farmers' notes disoonnt slunk out-of-town neo aken for collection at lowest rates. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria DE nity ML. B. Toronto University, dem « College of Physicians and argeons. Out; Licoutiate of the Royal Sollee of Surgeons, Edinbarg; Licentiate lege of Physicians, Edin of the Royal Cc surg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians Late Resident ind Surgeons , Glasgow ; A Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, and Residence, second Office Davis' Office hours evenings for Women dror west of Queen Street and 2 to 3pm, I have taken as partner, R. Archer, M. D., C. M., eve of Physicians and Surgeons, Port Perry, June 9, 1897 NOTICH. Furniture Emporiam, Oto lla, ., i my brother, Dr Member of Col Ont. and mendation as to GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anvctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THE CQUATY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT WwW ISHES at this the commencement o another Auction Sale Season to re his numerous patrons for In requesting their esteemed patronage he desires to state that no effort or pains will be spared part to make all him successes in the turn thanks to past favors and continued on his sles entrusted te His very extensive practice past should be a sufficient. recom his ability All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with promptuoess and t out dispatch. Sale lis made 0d blank notes supplied free, on application Parties wishing to eugage his services may consult his Sarx RecisTer either at J SANGSTER, Physician, Sar the Observer or Standard Offizes, Port D" geon ho Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A. [Perry for dates claimed for & ales, an muke arrangements, or write to his address Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to day, be found in their new Surgical and Dental CHARGES MODERATE Offices over the Post Office, where they will GEO. JACKSON bo found as heretofore, prepared to attend | Nov. 1, 1901 Port Perry I. O to their respective professions in all their branches Port Perry Dec. 8, 15897 DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, , Port Pe.ry 1tod pm. |f Queen St Office and Residence, Office hours--S to 10 a.m ; open night connected V.8 Telephone in office and house, and day over the lines south, with the residence of G. L. Robson, Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894 WIL H HARRIS. BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and cceupant of the offices of the late F. M. Yarnold Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 7 1501 JNO. W ) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ) &c. Office at Reach mile west of CROZIER CONVEYANCER 6th Con Perty,) residence, (one Port Moxky To Loan N. F. PATERSON, K. (C Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &ec., Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor sud Richmond Streets, Toronto. Taronto, March 31, 189%, Bay E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B. J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol iter, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Yfioe--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. , County Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m Also open Saturday eveninga Fillings, Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. sr Gold Work a Specialty. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m. port Perry, April 9, 1902. © J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, fice over the Post Office. PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extiaction when required: 4% Prices to suit the times ™a MONEY TO LOAN. fYVHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND T any AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER OENT. ar Also on Village Property. && MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Wa HUBERT L. EBBKLS, Banister, Office next to Ontario Bank. WANTED SpeciAL. REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advcrtise an old established business house of sold financial standing. Salary 821 weekly, with expenes, paid each Monday by check direct from head- quarters. Expenses advanced ; position permanent. We furnish everyhing. Address, The Colum bia, 630 Mono Bldg., Chicago, IlL their AUCTIONEER. YHE undersigned takes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrconge he has received as Auctioneer in &o. the past. The increaxed experience and xtensive practice which I have had will be ironed to advantage of patrons, and parties avoring me with their sales may rely on fully protected. N interests being Port Perry :fort will he spared to make it-profitable | for parties placing their sales in my hands My Sale Register will be found at Leland House, Cmsarea, THOS SWAIR 'mua wnn Ana. 061806, JOS. = ATRD ED _ AUCTIONEER for the of Ontario. Register at Office solicited Jan. 19, Sule he OBsFRrvEE Mauchester, Patronage 1899 T H, McCAW, : ISSUER OF TARRTAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Out 'ort Perry, Dec. 19, 188, WM. SPENCE, Fownship Clerk, Commissioner, &c prepared to Loan any quantity of Money m improved Farm Security at 6 und 7 ent (Trust fands) All kinds of Conveyancing executed with weatness and dispatch. Office--One west of lanchester Manchester April 11, North Oztario Observer { Weekly Political, Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT door Town Hall, 1888 Agricultural and PORT PERRY, ONT. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS I'ERMS.-- $1 per annum, if paid in advance : if not $1.50 will be charged No subsoription taken f less than six months: and no paper disconlinned until arrears are paid up. . LETTERS containing money, when addressed to thie Oboe, prepaid and registered wil. be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured Ly Nonparie!, and harged according to the space they ocoupy ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication. with. out specific instructions, will be inserted unt! forbid and charged accordingly. No advertise ment will be taken ont until paid for. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merc Barks and other who advertise by the year or he CHESE terms will In all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Billa, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, "hecks Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Receip Books, Business Cards Books, Cire.lams, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. of every styla and color executed pr mptly and t as low rates as any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand bills. Lo printed can have them printed to take hou. with them H. PARSONS. "MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladies U that she has moved to her fine Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders | in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect.| -- Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. BOUTH AGENTS WANTED. FOR "8TORY O] ., Edw of John Olark Ridpath, LL. AFRICA lh, EE Dog Kets the | per | | London, Ont. who has returned thi 12 ears' fravellin in South Africa for na. Wea: are Aw eonly rs who have » branch in South Africa Tor nineteen years, giving us an inimense and material. autharshiy Tottorpross & nd engravings are superior, a futher loderpe ts better illustrated than in HE rival work. Soles are wa of this that will mail free for ariyone Tal pe tna Chrcafars and_ terms free. Apply | World Publishing Company, Gueipb, Ontario. acted. ations. tain. Savings Bank Department. Agency. Western Bak OF CANADA GENERAL Bankiug Business trans. pli attention peid to Deposits receivad at the highest current rates Interest calenlated and credited to each depositor semi-annually H. G. HUTCHESON, . MANAGER ort Perry, June 26, 1897 00, STERL 000 ING (British Capital) Io lend at 4% an Mortgage on good : App! y ds Security per cent DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, Jamieson's Liver ie undersigned opportunity of tk inhabitants of Port surrounding liberal and still incre ronage bestowed since Livery in Port Perr intimates that he is | ever prepared to requireme uts in hi country for takes this anking the Perry and the asing pat pon him commencing Carting and y and now r than AVI EX TES avery iigeaco my stock of horses ; conveyances of the | of construction for Lam ir requi 1 pleasure meet the af most fastidious as t as well ag atust type ym fort and ition tc ute of the desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private driving. wed dings, funerls, &c Parties wishing au afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and car ful drivers wil be sup} ed when required I possess a nun Spring and Dray W will, at al with the ut times Carting and promptness I wish further tc in future suitable eo will be at the Railv to convey passengers and gage to pri will also cor baggage te for departing trains, given notice WM. JA July 30, ey pass: the Depo Port Perry, ate reside er of good agons and attend to most care state that nveyances vay Depot bag neces, and engers and t in timc on being MIESON 1903. WANTED A man to represe GREATEST NURSERIES nt "CANADA'S in the townof PORT PERRY and surrounding country, orders for OUR HARDY SP Trees, Su Shru in Fruit Ornamentals, Viues, Stock true to name San Jose Scale ition for the right m salary or commission STONE & WEL Seed Potatoes, and A pe take and E CIALTIES wall Fruits, Roses, &c 1bs, free rmanent pos an on either LINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES OYER 800 ACRES ToroNTO, - - ONTARIO {Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies® Favorite, Is the onl regulator ol can depend and time of 1 Prepared strength. No. 1 y safe, reliable n which woman "in the hour need." In two degrees of and No. 2. 0. 1.--For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known. cases--10 degrees ree dollars per box. La sk your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Jmuations are di angerous. No. 1 and No, recommended by all | minfon of Ca M 2 Sie] alled to A rh tage are won and e Do- on recelpt of a and Jour 2-cent pos stamps. va No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Port Perry yo H. Allison and A. J. Davis, Druggists Threshing Machine for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about is none the worse for | requiring a good Sep Gur | see this machine. Apply to the owner. three years it that. Parties arator should JOHN COLLINS, Jr., {Jung 2, 1903. Scugog. from | tightly = Bald ? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff, If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured ° S83 the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to ir. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. "1 have used Ayers Hair Vigor for over 40 years. 1am now 9 years old and have a heavy growth of rich brown hair, due, I think, en- tirely to Afers Halr Vigor." Rs. M. A. KxITH, Belleville, IL $1.00 & bottle. J. 0. AYER 00., All druggists for Towell, Mass. Rat Good Hair MECHANICAL WONDERS. The Toys Louis XIV. Played With Im His Childhood An extraordinary piece of mechanism Days, was constructed for the amusement of Louis XIV. when a child It consist- ed of a small conch drawn by two horses in which was the figure of a lady, with a footman and page be hind. According to the account giy- en by M. Camus, the constructor, this coach being placed at the extremity of a table of a determinate size, the coachman smacked his whip, and the horses immediately set out, moving thelr legs in a natural manner. When the carriage reached the edge of the table it turned on a right angle and it arrly place where the king and the the door proceeded along that edge till ed opposite to the was seated. It page, getting down then stopped, opened upon which the lady alighted, having in her hand a petition, which she pre sented, with a courtesy. After waiting some time she again courtesied and re entered the carriage. I'he page then resumed his place, the coachman whip. ped up his horses, which began to move, and the footman, running after the carriage, jumped up behind it XIV. had automaton opera in five acts, with fresh scenes for each. It measured sixteen and a half inches in breadth, thirteen inches four lines in height and one inch three lines | chinery.-- Weston 'orking of t RESURRECTION PLANTS. Louis also an of Jericho and the | Ball The Curious Rose Mexican Fern The pose of Jericho is perhaps one of the most familiar of the curiosities of | plant life kn on plants. | It is said to be imported from the val IS esr wn ley of the river Jordan and is the resur- rection ant mentioned in the Bible. | The pl when received from its na- | tive home Is simply a bunch of leafless | nd 8 y lifeless sticks or branches clusteretl tightly together. When placed in a glass of water, how- | ever, the branches expand, seed buds | unfold, and soon the green follage | starts out, and the plant grows. | The Mexican resurrection plant is the fluffy, fernlike variety often no- in the florist's is a ticed in saucers of water When it is dormant it ndow shrunken, rounded ball of tightly fold- cd leaflets, dry and dead | It is dropped in a bowl of tepid wa- | ter, and soon onc froundlike tip curls | slowly outward, then another and an- | other, and in a short time there is float- fog in the dish a beautiful metallic | green plant, a great, loose, expanded rosette of tine fernlike leaves, odd and beautiful This experiment can be repeated many times, the plant curling together when dry and expanding into new life when soaked In water.-- Young People's Weekly VOLTAIRE AND ROUSSEAU. Pointed Jokes That Passcd Between the Two Authors. Voltaire and Rousseau, though om friendly terms, were in the habit of firing off pointed jokes at one another. One day Rousseau was dining with Voltaire, and oysters were brought on the table, for, as somebody has remark ed, no dinner could be complete with out them. The author of "Emile," aft er helping himself pretty freely, made the somewhat injudicious remark: "I am sure I could eat as many oOys- ters as Samson slew Philistines." "With the same weapon?" (the jaw- bone of an ass) slyly inquired Voltaire. Rousseau did not soon forget the lit tle joke at his expense and sought an opportunity for revenge. Not long aft- erward Voltaire called at his bouse during his absence. The door being open, he walked into the library, and, finding all the books thrown about in confusion and covered with dust, he traced on one of them the word "co- chon" (pig) with his finger. Next day he met Rousseau and said to him: "I called at your house yesterday, but did not find you in." "I know," replied the latter. "I found your card." For Over Bixty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been | used by millions of mothers for their children while | testhing. If disturbed at night and broken of you rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tocth, send at once and get a bottle of ** Mrs. | Winslow's Boothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake shout it. It cores Diarrhasm, Regulaiss the Stomach and Bowels, Cures Win Colle, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and eiiorgy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's 80 thing Syrup fur Children Teething 1s plessaut to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldoct and host femalo physicians and nurses in the Unitad States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold hy ull druggists throughotit the world. De sure and ask of "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." 'S HEROISM. Cou e to Make fhe ce She Did, $d ove day in the walting fice In Londou. She bad to an advertisement to beretary's post and was Inspection. She needed ind she waited anxiously. e was called Into the of- literview was satisfacto- asked to walt, as there Boplicant to be inter- . we A answerin; 'questions 'put to her, and could h 'the pitiful story of her' husband's death, the small children dependent upon her and her need of work. The woman was told, however, that her services could not be accepted, as another person had already applied and had just peceived a promise of the position, The girl Hstening In the next room had bardly wmderstood what was go ing on. but mt this point her heart bounded with Joy ns she realized that she was the maecepted person. The moment she saw written on next despair the face of the widow and perceived suddenly what this failure meant to her. "I can'tdo it; I can't take It fro her," she murmured And wit! t stopping a moment to consider she walked quickly back to the other room and sald quietly to the employer wish to tell you that on consideration 1 find the position you offer would not suit me Geod morning And she left the office without another word -- OIL PIPE LINES Ingenions Device by Which the Long Tubes Arc The loag pipes that carry troleum froin the oil wells to the re fineries many miles d Cleaned rude pe nt are « n ed by an fugenious device. A writer in the Omaba Daily Bee describes it As the ofl flows through these un derground eonduits some of the pa affin in the fluid Incrusts the sides of the pipes and serlous hin drance to the free passage of the cur rent of ofl, The device that is this evil is & knife proves na used to remedy about two feet length, with a sharp edge, constructed like the thread of a screw; Indeed, the knife resembles on huge headless screw It is, of course, slightly smaller than the pipe theough which it is When the thickness of the crust of paratfin renders a cleansing necessary this instrument is inserted in the pipe at jlie oll fields. The pressure of the f oll drives it forward, revoly- along and to pass 3 st Ta ew eu this mapner throughout fts whole | jomrney and finally drops from the pipe fn the midst of tho vast stream of petmoleum thut empties into the re ceiving tanks Its edges are duller than when It set out its journey but otherwise it Is in perfect ®ondition It is at once shipped back to the oll on wells, where it is sharpened and lald away until Its services are again needed. Mark Twain's Lock Mark Twain ot one time in his early career was a characteristically lmpe cunious ref er One day be had a t labored under a total Half distracted Francisco in a to tide note to meet, lack of funds rushing around San feverish hunt for enoug him over the trylng a little too quickly, was turning yrner he collided with a he was bh cash time. He rushed however, for as he little man a yverthrew him. The vic tm regained his feet nnd yelled, "You do that again and I'll knock you into the middle of next week "My dear apologetic humorist, "do sir," sald the it by all means. If I can get through till then without breaking safe The originality of this reply struck the I'm stranger, who, after some talk, band ed Mark a check for the muccessary amount. "ANT PECULIARITIES. Has = Distinct Odor Other Ants, Bach Species Discernible by Bach ant species appears to have its distinetive odor, discernible by other ants, Within each there also differences of odor dependent on the age of the colony and the age of the queen from whose egg Its Inmates are produced. The ant's organs of smell are its antennae, and the anten- sist, as it were, of a series of species are noses; each of which has a special task. | One e tells the gnt whether it is in | its owas nest or that of an enemy. An- other riminates between odors of ants same species, but of dif- ferent 8. The third serves the urpos | discerning the scent lald | down b ant's own feet, so that it | its own | may ge its steps along path. other rose smells the ant larvae pupae, and the fifth nose | detects, he presence of nan enemy ant be left with only the | it will live peaceably with but while it bas its fifth ake one another's ncquaint- g they are twelve hours old they thereafter live amicably to- gether, h of different species or subfan But in three days after hatch r criterion of correct ant tablished, and they refuse to th apts whose odor is not with their standard. OLN'S POETRY. t Were Brought te Light to Be Destroyed. ntimental habit of speech to | Yet regre ie "sougs never sung." the dispassionate critic knows there is quite Bough poetry unless It is of the very. He bas no tears for "mute, § Miltons." But there 1s no who would not pay a | jumped into the water | swim well, Gibson Willlam Harris, who was a law student In Lincoln & Herndon's office from 1845 to 1847, has written for the Woman's Home Companion some of his recollections of Abraham Lincoln. In putting the office in order one morning he came upon two or three quires of letter paper stitched to- gether Inside a desk, He turned the leaves and found that they were cov- ered with stanzas in Mr. Lincoln's neat running hand. When Mr. Lincoln enme in, the young man took the manuscript out of the desk again and held it up with the un- Jnicessiry and hy nent inquiry is. 4 Where did you Ane pat? Lincoln. He took the manuscript, rolled It up and stuffed it into his pocket. It was never seen again. The theory of the tells the story is that it was taken home and put into the fire, writer who THE BLACK PANTHER. fo Flerce That Even Liom Tralmers Dare Not Handle Him Of all the blg, dangerous cats, non fs more unapproachable snd more treacherous than the black panther Halling from the heart of the deepest African jungle, lithe and supple of body, alert and nervous, this stealthy marauder exceeds in ferocity even a Bengal tiger. He is the only big feline that the lion trailer does not venture to train, and he is the only cat so abso lutely distrustful that be shuns even the light of day Often he will lle all day long in a dusky corner of his cage, his yellow slit eyes shifting and gleam ing restlessly Even the feeding hour, when pande I n breaks loose among the big es, when hungry roars and squeals gle with impatient snarls and im meat from bones with white t pacts of heavy bodles against steel Lars, is apt to have no effect on him lle may lie eying his chunk of raw beef suspiciously and not veuture forth until day has waned and the last vis it eft to tear b gH. ly and vicious is this beast that frequently he turns on his own kind, and 1 many instances it is impossible to cage him, even with a mate Jurcd f Chronic Diarrhc After Le Year f fering [ y I ( A a Diarr ea Re ays Mrs. M e | € M insville, Va I fere f chronic dich ea for ten ye permanent red La 1 ¢ I f my w tal i er [ 1 pr [ i y tw 0 1 I I ¢ [ wa have ver bee t. O A PAPER BAG Used n4 n Life Preserver It Saved » Mon From Drowning A common flour sack--a paper bag and the use of hls wits saved Chrls Hansen, a hunter, from drowning at Sausalito, Ca The Quiver tells the story. Hansen had been accustomed to spend wm oroing 1 s shoot ing en the bay. One morning, while he was returning in a skiff from the hunt grounds, his wos the bottom of shotgun, which lying in the boat accidentally discharged. The full con tents of the barrel passed through the bottem ef the skiff and tore a large, jagged hole In a few Ing was minutes the boat began to settle, aud the most desperate efforts could not stop the Incoming He grasped the oars and, snatch man's water. ing a tough paper bag which he used for carrying his game, began to tle them together as & float te assist him to reach shore. When had finished his task he The boat sank later Hansen could not and he found the oars but little support. He was beginning to lose courage when he noticed that a portion of the sack used in tying the oars together had become filled with air. He snatched 'it up and held the open end toward the breeze until hu filled with wind. Harsen used this improvised life pre server to assist In keeping him afloat and easily remained on the surface of the water. The tide and the use of | his legs gradually propelled him toward the shore, and the drifting man soon got a foothold he a moment ka QOnamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be need d in almost every home before the ummer is over. It can always be lepended upon even in the mos It ae especially valuable for summer dis children. It is pleasant o fake and to give rompt relief. Why not buy it now? life. For sale by al severe and dangerous cases. yrders in never lails [tmay save lraggists. ro EZ Klondyke, British sh Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- itoba." Parties going to any of the sbove paris call on A. J. Davis, C.P.R. ticket agent, for information rates, &cC. | LasAL La Lion, No MMDCXXX MLE GOOD THINGS --r win® yupon their merits The International Dictionary has won a greater ¥ distinction upon its' merits and is in more general use than any other A. H, Bayce, LL.D., D.D,, of Oxford University, England, has recently said of it: It is indeed a marvelous work; it is difficult to conceive of a dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everything is in it--not only what we might expect to find in such a work, but also what few of us would ever have thought of looking for A supplement to the new edition has brought it fully up to date. I have been looking through the latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness, and the amount of labor that has been put iat it ly * LET US SEND YOU FREE ' " A Test in Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's enter nmen n erated pamphlet also free. | A) a C. MERRIAM CO,, Pubs., e Sprinafleld, Ma Safeguard the Children I that 1s done and char I the death rate 4 ) a n 1s very luring the tw er of the large not be Chamberla € Diaiarrhoe Re 38s, of Frank eaking four a ply of era a hand ha ard a while 1 mm 1 1t cheerfully and withou 2. Fon sade. all drug - - HER OPALS. They Were Not the Misfortunes jargely om Why Her A Re Cause of "I think Sir Walter Scott is responsible for the superstition as to opals," said the traveling salesman of jewelry Be that as it may, it is still widespread. There i8 a large jewelry house in one of the big cities which will not handle opals. his means a loss of thousands of dollars annually. The founder of the house put the bar on opals, and the third generation is keeping it up I had an amusing ex behind the A lady cam Ing me a breastpin set Mr. Jones, what wil for these They were loom in my husband's family they erlenes when counter of a house and, hand pals, sald: I was in the east u give me an helm but since stones? ossession my nothing but resk have come into my | and I have had misfortune, We lost our jence by fire, there has been sickness In the family all the time periencing business re get rid of the opals, so 1 fer. 'Madam,' I sald, 'arc you sure that your troubles are due to them? "Oh, perfectly sure have and he ls ex- must an of rses. | nke me "'You cannot think of any ethee cause? " 'No. Make me an offer, please." ""\adam," 1 replied deferentially hi egret to inform you that those stenés e imitations." How Celluloid Is Made, Celluloid, the chen | compound which bears so close a resemblance te fvory, Js a mixture of collodlon and invented in 1805 by Perkesine whose name for a time cess of manufacture is rette paper is sonked nitric mpbor, of Birmingham, It bore. The as follows: Ci in a mixture of acids until it After thorough washing, to free it from the aclds, this cellulose is dried. mixed with a certain quantity of camphor, and coloring matter if required, and then passed through a roller mill. It is next formed into thin sheets by hy draulic and afterward bro- ken up by rollers and soaked for some alcobol. A further pressure toothed hours in and sulphurie | becomes nitrocellulose. | pressure and a hot rolling process fin- | ish it, and half an inch thick Age nnd Respect, A writer in the results In ivory-like sheets | Ladies' Field states | vigorously that she Is.not a believer in | "respect due to age' "TWhy respect should be considered the sole preroga- | tive of nge is a thing I have never been able to understand displayed consistent foolishness or va- enity throughout their youth and middle 'When people have ige why should a younger and perhaps | wiser generation be expected to look up to them with reverence simply be- cause seventy venrs nave passed over heir heads? Respect, surely, should | | | Horse Routes. {OY AL KEIR (10881)10553. -- That choice ls bred, imported Clydwsdale stallion the property uf the Reuch, Port Pe snd Senugog Clydesdal « Syilhenter an ake the 1904, wx follows Monday, bis home stand, "hin. Manchester, for Thos Sengog, for niche at ad . Tuesddy, Sebert House ur for night. Wednesda Alex Jeu wsk's, Reach, tor night. Thuy gay R. I wells, Greenh nk for night. Fridoy, Win, Bowles', for noon ; Wily Hulthy's, for ight, Saturday, home stand till Monday, " Blanchard, Mgr, VRINCE OF Kinky R a You he 4 ath Trias thin seavon an Fol) wh Mun Monsc's, ni ht. Tuesday, Iwac % noon 3 R sCuson leave deennan faim," Gurhuwn's noon Perry frie-date 8 Swain'y, wight, Wednesd Thurston % moan: Lorenzo Davison's night. Thursday. Jonkin's Hotel, Little Britain, night. * Friday -- Vareoe Bros. ; night. Saturday, own stable till Mon day R. McDonald, Mana ger 8 IMON. YET That Grand Imported esdule 8 ( , tallion, Simon Yet [2390] property of the Brock Horse pa Sunderland, will rake thip : us follows --Tuesday, Vallen y lora, night. Wedunes skdale, night Thursday, . wm; Saintfield, ny y way of Wick) own y John Park, Myr JTHIAN LAIRD 2337] 8050--That ; s ! I t Cly sda stallion an the property of 8, A. wvtt, Ca will this season M day ne proce to the Temper House, Blackstock r night | Tues 3 a main till ; day Thursday. Rolt. Byers', undary line n ; Pontypool nig Friday. Frank Parton Yoo! vight noon ; then nstablo till Mouday ER NE STYLI ) eligible for trat nA St Book t ificent the property of John Hill, Layton, will k present scasor Monday N the Brock Hous ) nd there till Tuesday , desday afternoon proceed aiutt W esday woon AY Seagrave till Thars a ! to own till Monday I OF | HEAD (19 [2734] , ported Clydes stallion Pearl of Burnhead. the property of t y Syndicate, will € prose seasol Monday, J } y t Hy homestead --for t Tuesday rder's noou lope & Sons ht Wed sday. t A Furm" night, vy, S t Port Perry t Somervi Rea uwoon ; Hotel, Myrtle Station for t. Saturduy, Angle's Hot an, noon ; then to own sta 1 owing Mouda Geo. Mackie Myr HERCULES 1/56] ~That grand, young Clydesdsle stallion Hercules, the pro perty of Frank Kiag, Muriposa, will make thie snnson as follows ; Mouday, Isaac Beotle's noon; Caleb Hicks' Mats rent mmm Ee mhonte ai team Hotel. Little Britain, night. Thursday, Nath Rodman's noon ; Samuel Tree mer's ght. Friday, Wm. Rogers' no Scagrave night. Saturday, to wa stable till Monday. Johu Groves, Manage KENELLAR STAMP [3044] --That regis t ( lule stallion Kenellar the property of J. A. Rowa ( \, wiil made this season as fol I'hos. Syurs' for night Hobbs', Jane ¥ .le, night b Fergurou's, Lotus, Dix I vy. John Sand. reon's, 1 Tew e House, Blackstock t k wn stable till Mow Hurry N Muuager MUCKLE LKES I'hat Fashionable 1 ta \ kie Wilkes 924, the property of F. Ferguson and T. Shaw, I s, wil © this season ax follows y Carscadden's, noon 3 F wey's ht Tuesday, David Fergnson's Mr. Mackie's, Shir y, night. Wednesday, Sebert House, Port } y t 1 rsday, Black stock. * vo stable, night, Fri A y way of Yelverton, wn stable till Monday YOUNG ONTARIO CHIEF That Pure bred English ( Stallion Young Ontario ( f 32. the property of Jas Allan, Pete will make this season as follows--Monday, Fowler's Corners, noor Omen night Tuesday, Mount Horeb, noon ; Janstville, night. Wednesday M. Chapman's, noon ; Blackstock, © Thursday, Bally duff, noon y, night. Friday, Cavauville, nc to his own stable till Monday. Robt. McGill, Manager FRENCHMAN I'hat Grand, Young French Stallion, Frenchman, the pro perty of Jas. Gallagh Burketon, will make this season as follows--Monday, Enficld, home for night. Tuesday, F. Briggs noon ywn stable, night, Wednesday, east on townlive, home on con. 1 hursday. Jos. Byers', noon ; own stable, uight. Friday, Purple Hill, own stable night. Saturday, Royal Hotel, Blackstock, noon ; own stable till on LAKE SCUGOG.---The new and fast sailing Steamer Cora will leave the wharf, Port Perry, every Saturday, commencin May 28, 19o4, at 6.30 am. sharp, for Lindsay; calling at Hood's Landing at 8.30; Wash- burn Island at g; Ball's Land- ing at 9.30; Plum Point at 10; arriving at Lindsay at 11.30. Returning, leave Lindsay at 4 o'clock. Fare, round trip, from Port 75 cts; Hood's Landing, so cts; Washburn, 40 cts; Ball's Landing, 35 cts; Plum Point, 35 cis. J. BOWERMAN, Captain, Perry, Be Sb @ Mr. 0. Graham, V.S. h & made arrangements for free commu- nication, day or might, over the tele." phone systems of Dr. Mellow and': be a question of character and not of | Dr. Procter aga £2 The Firemens® Excursion is fixed fur. Tuesday, Aug. 2 ---Pori Perry Civic Holiday. g7 A fine and valuable yearling Ally, the property of Mr Wm, Thompson, Raglan, was killed by stipation, and a gool one, lightning one day last week. -- What Are They ? ¥ Chamberlain's Stomach and Live [ablets. A new remedy for stom- «ch troubles, biliousness, and con Price +5 cents. For sale by all druggists." AL -- That Fa AE § £ i i

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