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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jul 1904, p. 3

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waar ore atatatatmsatatas 3. ai ar: Sores eee i Great Clothing: 9360000¢90080009090000060000000060 CLEAN OUT 1 0 000000000000000000000000000000 values must be right. ment, dor, i VS DDD; DS DT 00 ~ VSD 0S PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quetations by A. Roms & Bon June 30; 1904 ones & Go's Big Clothing Sale is now on in full swing, and judging from the amount of purchases the We have reduced the ices in this depart- '2 WEEKS ONLY 2 Mens, Shirts, Neck Wear, Collars, Cuffs, Braces and Summer Under wear--all subject to a liberal discount which means lively selling, See cur Boys' Suits in the Window at $2.50. Also our Men's Suits at $3.75, $6.00, $7.00 and upwards. every Suit is guaranteed to wear well and fit perfectly. Our MR. DUNK will be pleased to see you § and show you through. SO50m 50m #5500 505 500 500 0» 500 50m 560 500 505 500 50 50 503 500 500 00 05 Sm Sm | oF J Remember Qf 8S Lo A hs ST» DY HF OC OD A cup of fragrant, delicious coffee is one of life's greatest comforts "GOLD MEDAL" is a product of the finest Java, Mocha and Plantation berries, blended SOLD ONLY IN SEALED TINS of one pound and two pounds each, AT 40 CENTS A POUND. Use it only and you will never again be worried by poor coffee in For Sale by all Leading Grocers Fall Wheat ........ $0 go @ $0 go | H Spring Wheat. ..... 085@ o 8s | 3 Eby-Blain's Goose Wheat...... 0 75@ o 75 | E Barley ............ 040@ o 40 Rye .....covinnen 050@ o 50] [8 Oats. ... .e 028@ o 30 3 Peas Black eye o6o@ o Gol COFFEE Peas--Small...... o6o@ o 60 Buckwheat... ...... 046@ o 46 Beans... caiien. 1o0@ 1 10] M by experts in proper proportions. Alsike Clover... .. 3 00@ 5 50 Red Clover... 500@ § 7% Grass Seed... 1 00@ 1 25|@ your household. Turkeys 015@ 0 15 | jd Geese, ...... orm@ o 10 Pucks .. ..... 010@ 0 10] Chickens. ... oo08@ o 10] Butrer ...... 0'3@ 0 13 . Eggs... 013@ 013 3 ® Merchant Tailor Shop D. PERKINS Begs to announce to the Citizens of Port Perry and surrounding country that he is opening a | Merchant Tailoring Business in the Blong Block, with a fine collection of Suitings Vestings and Pantings. | Having had a large exper- ience I am prepared to make | Suits as good and as cheap . and up-to-date as any in the! trade. Suits made to order from $10 up. Port Perry, June 1, 1904. Public Notice. ding Com mittee repre- ceasion, Port Perry, have decided to build a Rectory on Church lot and intend to proceed with the work at once. Therefore the Commitice | would be very grateful to all those who have subscribed if they wll! leave their subscriptions with the Bank of Commerce or the Western Bank as soon as possible. GEO. SCOTT, "of the As-{ ~ -Incumbent, Chairman of Committee. 100 Acre Farm for Sale High state of cultivation; Good Buildings. Very liberal terms -- Apply, WESTERN BANK, Port Perry. No Competition. The uniform success of Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure of bowel complaints both in children | and adults has brought into almost] universal use, so that it is practic~ ally without a rival, and as every one who has used it knows, is with- out equal. For sale by all [drug- gists. i I have just received a Fine Selection FANGY SUITINGS VESTINGS TROUSERINGS AND "OVER GCOATINGS. which I have marked at a very low price. I will be pleased to show them to any one who will call.-- You run no risk here as we goats) 3 |anttee satisfaction or money retur.. ed. Remember--they are Fall Goods. M. F. LAGELL. Espers' Brock, Port Perry, July 14, 1904. Bomoseen' 5 Day HE Winnipeg - $30.00 | Regina $33.75 Pot dibs oA 1 M ! rwloruine Moose Jaw Souris 3180 | Kumsack ! 34.00 | Brandon Swan River Lyjston Lenore | Saskatoon - 35.25 Miniota 32. Elgin Pr. Albert - ; i Wavaiesm Sisto oo acl . 38. Homi { 33.25 i 32.50 | Calgary - 38.50 fora } 33.00 | Red Deer 39.50 | Yorkton Strathoona - 40.50 Going JUNE 14th 28th and JULY 10th. Returing until Aug. 16th, 20th and Sept. 20th, respectively. Tiekets are not good on ** Imperial Limited," IN CANADA. We have been Appointed AGENTS FOR THE EMPRESS SE0LS FOR LADS THE FINEST BOOTS MADE IN CANADA. '| We have 15 lines of the Latest| Styles at $2, $2.50, $3, $3 50 and 84. Be sure and see them--they are beauties. A Special Line of Dinner Sets --China Patterns, g7 pieces, £12 50 Special Prices on Sugar Best Granulated, mn 100 Ib Bags or (by the Barrel. T. C FORMAN & SON. Port Perry, Mar. 24, 1904. {TRAYED - OR STOLEN.-- On Sunday, June 12th, a Brack: | anp-TaN BiTcH, answers to the name of "Beauty." Any one re- | turning her will be liberally reward- | ed ; or any one harboring or having Pamphlets and full perticolurs from ay Canadian her i in their possession after this date Notman, Toronto, -- will be prosecuted. JOHN IRVIN. WATER GART FOR SALE ooo jo i AT A BARGAIN. SECOND HAND WATER CART-- Speight manufacture --for Sale at a Bargain, Apply at once. W. JAMIESON. Pert Perry, May 4, 1904. Pasturage. HE undersigned has an unlimit- ed Pasturage, with abundance of water and shade, in close proxim- ity to Port Perry. Apply to BBS DSBS) DS DS DS DS DD BS DSB 03 0S 50505050505 «Dads | seen in this town, Port Perry. D. J. ADAMS. Port Perry, May 4, 1904. { * Low Prices A few pieces Applique Ww La J. STOUFFER. Ll Ti "No Place Like For many years, in fact acquainted with the good people of 1 vicinity I have had a warm them, and circumstances permitting, have long since had a desire and determination to be with them and permanently remain in theipmidst to be of service to the community have a suitable property embracing ome of the best busi I shall carry on the ness stands in town, where Bakery and Confectionery tent and efficiency will be second to County, and would solicit the patronage of this en In the past most of you and are aware of my tire section of country have tested my productions capacity in catering for the public thanks for past favors, soliciting still incre: ronage and a renewal of support of fornier patrous, Yours truly, Good § les JRESS HATS "black and black-and-| of White Insertion, to] hite; and a few pieces |clear at greatly reduced Port hn place in my heart for CHAS. Our Prices. CHAPI eet eet t Facts and Figures tell everything these days. )ERSONS in Port Perry, and vicinity, who shouldirow what they are talking about | before miking positive assertions have tuken proofs in plain black and white, ko that we know w. | and to spread false reports, that hecunse we have and turn out the best work, th ders. Two orders that were very fine and expensive, were taken | uch statements. One or twe in particular whore everything was | that they were circulating lies we furiiished funeral or su 8, we were reported by those whe knew ha high and ridiculous ch n srder. The actual i of ce PERFECTLY SATISFIED fn every partion DERTAKERS in Pu e more proofs that we are lower and ther Undertaker-iu this town or surrounding country Ve asked £50 what was raid eould met $35 " £36 » £30 w £2 The Lowest in Prices, and the Best Service | <a <a JESSOP FURNITURE (0. W.J. NOTT, Manager, January 21, 1904 A have the facts and ng FUNERAL EQUIPMENT ever | 2 have overcharged those for whom | at to get our pay we had to make wr. each bill was paid, and riy who could FURNISH A FIRST-CL ASS OL Pell oof positive that those telling such YARNS AND LIES hac r their statatements ; those reports were t it townships wherever it was thought tho : months we furnished several fune but the service was e furnish a fine Cloth ( : I hers charge $45 und $503 we Lcomplete, for $27 that others charge $35 to $40 the Least Money Clothing ad Boot & dhoe B TIN ALL Ae Having increased the dimensions of my pri opened out an Extensi or Men and Boys which for quality and lo y this district. ) I have the largest and most veried Stoc opened in this locality for your inspection, 8 not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarter my customers in every particulr, s, | have purchased and ices cannot be it in BOOTS anp SHOES ever the prices are such as can y aim shall be to please Want your moustache or beard beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCK GEAS OYE REmovaL and extensive premises, where I an invitation to all to call and see me in my wew premises Port Perry, Sept 2, 1g900. Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new have opened addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend A.] DAVIS ! | | Diseased Men Cured ee Rl eT ue Nervous Debility, Blood 'Weakness, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all di to inheritance, habits, excesses, or the results of specific dis- Stricture, Varicocele, cases. that our special treatment far men ful ad successful services. DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. DR.SPINNEY & CO NSULTATION FrEx SPEC The many years of our successful practice in Detroit is safe and certain. You do not want to be mutilated atid maimed for life in trying to be cured of Varicocele, Stricture and kindred troubles b procedures. We Guaranté€ a SA¥e AND POSITIVE CURK in the shortest possible time without injurious after-effects charges will be as low as possible for couscientious, ¥or Patients Who Cannot Call. Ques Oonsultation Free. Cures Guaranteed. 290 Wood- ward Ave. "9 petroit, Mich. Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. Diesfeld's DIAMOND MALL SPECIAL 1 GOLD AND SILVER Filled Cases in variety Dollar, nice VI ameled ar Prices to suit you all right. We are prepared t tw RGAINS n Diseases, iseases due roves y surgical skill I, HOMER TREATMENT tion Blank Sent Free (POC ES -wromsrenst That Moye sseeeess quickly from store to home are the only kind we deal in. The kind that's just a little lower than standard quality [may be a little cheaper, but they are unsatisfactory to our ust smers and Rien to us' The 'BEST C00DS [and they stay sold. None are returned, because there is no' failure to please. And you will find after alf that our prices are not a bit high, Rather low in fact. E. H. PURDY. March 3, 1904 NO DOUBT ABOUT W.H.DOUBT'S WATCHES. Success in making a as a ouarier of COMplete Clearing Out Is, &c. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine an Designs. Croc GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP ves. Fork spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Set Se 1d some more to follow EZ Also Fancy Good EVERYTH ;0ES CHEAP. "6.3 B&F Repairing as usual Port Parry, 30, 1898 Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. F'ARMS Four fine propert w listed and for Sal Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach &&Y Parties desir will con their i ng sposing of ests by placing sale satisfaction guaran Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1go1 borrowers, at unusua LOANS "" rates. Quick actior EZ | represent the most desirable Fire a Companies. Prompt attention given to ap | | AVING considerable experience in negotiating Sales of e of the largest transactions in Real Estate | n s district in every instance giving perfect satis- | faction to al ncerned, I have concluded to vote my I|{{I| i g ot all Real Estate that may be FOR S ATH I wou a a ntion of parties requiring I e: landed properties them with me for | | mmission on Real Estate security |||} nd Life Insurance | plicatior Why Not Get INCUBATOR ? 'Why Not Progress ? Why have setting Harness WHICH FOR Dur Port Pe CHEAPNESS, STYLE" ability and STRENGTH, Canuot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Courted W. A, BEATTY rey of his Winter Stock at the prices he is quoting. Prices--Less than Cost In ma instances Special Values in $10 and $12 Suits EZ" Pressing and Repairing done |as it should be and at Shortest - | Notice W. H DOUBT. Feb. 1, 1904 the C ATHAM Why pin your chances of success with chickens to hens which refuse to set when you want then hens when' they ought to be laying Why not make some money out of your chickens Why not adopt modern methods now Our Incubators and Brooders will | start you on the proper road. They {have been tested and proved under R Full Stock #% OF EVERYTHING IN THE Line all kinds of conditions Every test has increased our faith in them. Out of our confidence in the, Chatham Incubators and' 3 Brooders we will m i liberal offer ever made in the hos. iness. Wg wrrr Sup! you an IN? CUBATOR AND BROODER AND PREPAY tHE Freigar. If it proves satis- | factory to "you on examination, accept it and we will arrange the payments to extend over one two 6r three years. Our Catalogue is a mine of useful information to the Poultry nian? | Ask for one--they are free, EGGS FOR HATCHING Irom the Celebrated Winter Layers Buff Orpingtons, Barred Ply-- | mouth Rocks, and White Wyan- dottes--at reasonable rates. N. INGRAM & SONS, Port PERRY, ONT." In Shingles O INCR CEDAR SHINGLES at same 1 figure as 16 inch Cedar Shingles for thirty days only. L. VICKERY Pott Perry, April 3, ow

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