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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jul 1904, p. 1

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| PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) "IT IS EASIER RIGHT OUR MIS TAKES." imi Reserve Savings Department. -- 3 delay. Tuterest Farmers' Business. ed Port Perry Branch. ESTABLISHED 1867, Capital--paid up $8,700,000. Depasits of one dollar and upwfids received this department, su ut [Ness ie ~Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Denlers, and to out-of-town socounts Sale notes cashed or taken for collection st lowest rates. formu froe on application. CHAS. BALLARD, Manager. 43TH YEAR, NO. 25} $3,000,000. he weted. to withdrawal at any time without notice ighest ourrent rues, Farmers' notes discount Blank R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ] D University ; M.B. Toronto University, 4 Member or tae College of Physicians and Sargeons, Out.; Liceutiate of the Roya 1 FoR GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anvctioneer, Valuator, &c THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII Western Bank PORT PERRY, Y, JULY 21, 1904. {WHOLE [Trams :--$1 Pir ANNUNM IN ADVANCE ] No. MMiOXXX1: : OFTIMisM, ° Ce § him who 0 sings ver divers tones, TT 13 {ng-stoned 0 0 arpa ata in 9 OF CANADA 4 Lyers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and Port Perry Agency. GENERAL acted, on Bankiug Busivess trans- ey Aleut wid fo Dry d gall ih i Loh fi ? promptly stop the falling? a hoaterer tefan: A i Your hair will begin to grow, have loved and lost Savings Bank Department too, and all dandruff will dis- haa geves a Deposits receivad at the highest current rates. Interest caloulated and credited to each depositor semi-annually appear. Could you reason- ably expect anything better? " Ayers Halr Vigor is a great success with GIRLS? NEW PROFESSION | H.G. HUTOHESON me. My hair was falling out very badly, but " . ) if 3 the Hair Vigor stopped (t and now my hair is Empl do one 10 Wear MANAGER all right." -- WW. C. LousboX, Lindsay, Cal mployed ia Loudon Shops to Wear Pretty Vort Perry, June 26, 1897 ) £1.00 a bottle, 3.0. AYER 00, Dresses. y All druggists for well, Mass What can @& woman do to carn her She can a living? draper's del, is the suggestion of or au ¥ Thin Hair} i Unquestfonably a great deal of the troublef concerning employment is y caused by 'the women themselves said to an Express the other day. become representative College of Surgeous, Edinburg; Licentiate OF CARTWRIGHT, STERLING THE PRIMITIVE STAGE. of the Royal Coll ve of Physicians, Edin WwW ISHES xt this the commencement o All domestic duties nowadays are burg ; Member of the Faculty o 1ysicians another Auction Sale Season to re tia : How the Drama Flourished Im the >CO'T¢d asibeing beneath their dig and Surgeons , Glasgow ; Lee Beiidens turn thanks to his numerous patrons for (British Capital) Time of Kiinateth nity Wo cannot get domestic ser Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, | bust favors Iu requesting their esteemed y lend at ne Co n oo . . tis ale va boca the girls want to be far Women. Office and Rosidence, second | aud continued uate i £ esleure . 4, 4% and 5 per cent The great plays of Marlowe, Shake. (oo "= clerks. Good cooks are be. door west of Davis' Furniture Emporiom, | state that no effort or pains will be spared on go Mortgage Security speare and Jonson were performed by (o, ing as tinct as the Great Auk Queen Street. Olfice hours--9 to LI a. ., lon his part to make all sales entrusted t actors in Elizabethan dress In front of and the only housemaid"s place for : and 2t0 5 p.m, and evenings him successes. His very extensive practice ® curtain, usually in daylight, on a lit which there{is any competition is a ? I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr [ii the past whould be a sufficient recom tle stage partly occupied by the gal- housemaid's place on the stage ? RR. Archer, M. D.,C. M Member of Col | mendation as to his ability All Sale . lants of the period, with their pages Yet we 'are overburdened with tas anil Bovraroan, Out given into his charge will be attended to R . i and tobacco pipes. There was no fagh- governesse=half treined, as a rule "= ey ys vas gad Sur with pr mpi and dispatch. Sale list fonable actress, no orehestra, no lime- hospital Fan typists, and clerks >ort Perry. June 9, 1897 made oat aod blank votes supplied free ho. ) A who cannotiget employment on application PF r Bank | yy ap light, yet the drama was more popu- A new profession has beer Bug - er Parties withing to eugage bis servi angel STOKE, lar than churchgoing and held its own = io," RERZSS C0 ARS boon me NOTIC may consult his SALY Rka1sTer either at , oven with such gentle sports as bull goocial trajning for any business or R. J. fl. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur | p10 Observer or Standard Offices, Port Port Perry, ()pf, puting and "wiping of the blind professional Work. All that it requir D soon and Accoucheur. and Dr WA erry or dates claimed for Sales. ane beare. Ihe little that we know of ed is a good figure, and the carriage Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 10-day, make arrangements, or write to his address the actors shows them, with the excep- necessary to | show ff beautiful be found in their now Surgical and Dental CHARGES MODERATE ' y tion of Burbage and Nathaniel Field, to gowns Offices aver the Post Office, where they will GEO. JACKSON | \ have been very ordinary workaday Che professidn is that of man be found as herezofore, prepared to attend | Nov. 1, 1901 Port Perry I, O 1 Ul people, with empty pockets and domes. "Quin, or draper's iar These girls to their respective professions iv all their tic affections and other modern charac- ©7® emp gy by all large shops vod she ym IT are selec ire o Bra hes Dec. S 1807 AUCTIONEETF teristics. Yet the 'protests of the Purl pi" poouty ami shapeliness ort Perry Dec. 8, 1807 8 Dr ' ' re eline THE undersigned tukes this opportuaity luery tans, the erio0e records of the "Their duties consist solely of - ! u rtnait nsor and the continual erection o alking nd down the show LL of tar + tha s for the vers liber censor an e cor ua € wa ing up a R DR. 8. J. MELLOW, A lrcr Te p hing . ox or hy 3 ibera new theaters in spite of the solemn rooms clad in all the most exquisite f ge he has received as Auctioneer i 1 PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &O. the pust The increased experier b Ta HE unde this threats of the city fathers are evidence models which the shops can produce Sort P sx tensive Pp actice which I have had will be T. pportur fe « enough of the marvelous popularity to for the bemefit [of the ladies who wish Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Peury |, 047 00 nvage of patrons, and parties inhabitants ¢ rt Perry a which the art attained in that "spa- to purchase them Uffice honrs--S8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, avoring me with their sales may rely or surrounding country for . cious time of playhouses most re "Those «who have tried it state and Evenings ir interests being fully. protected. N iberal and sti sing pa markable for lack of space.--London that they find the life most profitable Telephoue in office and house, open night [effort will be spared to make it pr le ronage bestowed n him vorld oon and comfortable, and they have not and day over the lines south, connected {for parties placing their sales in my hands since commencing ( and the slightest wish to change their with the reside f (3. L. Robson, V.8 ly Sale Register will be found at the Livery in Port 1 Ww i position for that of a governess or a Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894 Leland House, Ciesarca intimates that ) ON THE WATER. clerk, THOS, SWAIN ever prepare Pi all re Unfortungtely the demand for = wsarea, Aug. 26, 1806 requirements in his line Its Soothing Effect Was Known as such yepenpis not large. But, after WM H'HARRIS B A LL B Having extensively added to Early as the Sixth Century, mH is nearly as large as «AE ' y Way, wkd. JOS BAT®R oD my stock of hurses ; as well as A few gallons of ofl cast upon stormy "the su { mero, how very few 3 5nisven. se. a aE ey) mveyanecs of pe seas moflerates their violence and pre- omen, are perfectly formed nowa- t d t of th lL. County of On Fa R 3 | cone nd vents the waves from breaking with ays Buccessar to and occupant o f We 1a Sale Register at pieasuy hin i posit force. That this is the case has long offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold he Oink 4 ER OF e Patronage solicited meet th t I ber . Kk Jat The ohy a ton the Foi | Mow Londen Grows. auchester, Jun. 19, 1899 most fastidious ' ee he aeoapny fac 2 1 gp ple of the id + Port Perry, Ont. desirab I rantine historian of the sixth century, A striking cxample of Tap lesirable equipp way in which what is known as the { H. MoCAW, resp J propounded the question, "Why does ol SURCr © 0 ren is ever ex MONEY TO LOAN, | WwW 190 oF able for private d V oil calm the sea?' and answered it to Ly . | y . tending i8 furnished in a return which | Private Funds at 4 per cont. | TARRIAG LICEN ES, Port Perry Ont or 8 net us, 4 s the effect that as the wind is & subtle pag oe been issued in relation to Fob, 1 1901 ort Perry Dec 19, 1883. Jrishing ab alarnoon drive cur and delicate thing and oil is adhesive Kast Ham. But a few years ago -- Juve Shepp . end unctuous the wind glides over the 15 or 20 at the most--it was little JNO. W. CROZIER WM. SPENCE | ful drivers 56 be suppli surface of the water on which oil has more than a fairly large village w " 3 k cen spread a anno rise tior 1 a few thousands ) ARRISTKR., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER . | ed when req 1 been spread and cannot raise waves. a populati 8 or , usunae 1 A rr i recider 6th Cor Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. | y The wind, in fact, slips ever the water ; only. It had no electr ams 1C ¢ ce a esidence A on | possess a number ) , in , h municipal buildings worthy the name Reach (one mile west of Port Per:y,) s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money | pring a Yay V s { without being able to obtain a grip. d Pal irht Er gay it had very M 10 LOAN mn improved Farm Security at . Il times ¢ In the gulf of Mexico there is a re. ARC ORS WERE * Moxey To Lo i arm Security at 6 and 7 per . : little alse to distinguish itself as a - ent (Trust funds) 1 with the 8 « markable stretch of water about two e munity apart rom anywhere clse or i » 4 TERSON. K. C.| All kinds of Conveyancing executed w th | and prow ptuess miles long three-quarters of a mile paki turn Just issued, how MN. F PA SOY, «LC | vextiens and dispatch I wish further t A at broad to which the name of "oil #pot" ' gygr ft appears that the population i J Otbce--One doo est of own Hall, | in future suitable s has been given because in the worst of exces 115 k Barrister, Solicitor, Notary | dar ater T. Wes Yow: "1 will be at the Railwa t storms he Rar i. or y a now 9 ds 11 ono vile pice Public, &o. | 3 Chester \ 111. 1988 | | ) ) arine nds i ater did municipal electric ram d ' ' A chester April § 0 convey passengers g ore. 1 rk r omple e ) Nes. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay | F ' gage to private residences, and there | is in full working, a ¢ mplete set o and Richmond: Streets, Toronto | ill ale oon ot Its character as a safe harbor of ref- municipal build at oe poen erect Toronto Mare 3, 1508, | baggage to the Den i uge is said to be due to an oily proper- ed, and, in short, it boasts all th ha North 03 tario Obser ver. for departing traius, on being ty of the mud stirred up by the storm, | @djuncts for which one looka on E. FARKWELL, K.C., LL.B., County a | given notice | up-to-date modern community hen ] , FJ ILL, , LL.B, Y | SA TA a | one comes to look at the fact that +}, Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- | 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural and | ; ' sl ! Peru's Whistling Jars | its population grows at the rate of sitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Family N Port Perry ily 30, 19 Among the ruined cities of Peru popu it i H Whitby, | amy iewspaper thousands per annum is not sur )fice--South wing Court House, thy, IS PUBLISHED 4T | nearly fifty different kinds of musical prising to find that no less than 4 Ont, PORT REY. ox% | instruments have been found. Unique 871 pen living there are engaged in e! , . | mf among these are many double whis- the building trade, while there are GSTER EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ANTED ting jars ; . z bore W S u | EVE SD. . INING ing J or musical water bottles. | also 2,578 general laborers to be : . 1 BY | Near the top of the first or front jar, found within its area DENTAL SURGEON. | H. PARSON { A man to represent A's which is usually surmounted by a hu- | Another significant sct of figures { t b | GREATEST N1IRSERI KS the man or animal figure, is the opening of Are, that while last year's births Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. | TERMS 81 per annum, if paid in advance HE the whistle. When the jars have been Numbered 3805, there are 747 per ce 5--9 tc ' . will bo charged o subscription taken for less 16 Stile 4 1e Js ; he furniture trade arian Bn ERE PORT PERRY Fi Bie onto ong Dickman Se nn LT i Fill Brid nd Crown | LETTERS cont n hi and forward a number of whisthng goChgther the furniture trade and 1 " dge anc own ETTERS con ney, when addressed to thie | ' AZ Gold Filings, Bridg ee. prep a Tso hen aqdresecd to thit | and surrourding country, and take | sounds are produced. As the vessel rate are synonymous. It Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. swings forward and upward the water the fr rate & dded that Fast _ | ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nooparie!, and | 7 orwarc an Arc ta only s to be added that Rast | Stree - Sr charged according to the space they ocoupy | is lowered in the first jar and rises In Ham' "evidently bolieve in looking Dr F D. McGrattan |aovermsesesns ecived tor puicnion. wits OUR HARD y 9) ECIALTIES toe other. In the backward motion it after whe inner man, as under the NTIST) En i tagtiona, will be. | arted wish | F 1 r rushes back into the first, forcing the heading 'food supply" the very re DEI ST went will be tuken out until paid for. © in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits air out througl stle. mber of 1,820 persons ba taken out un % A ' t ough the whistle. spe oe nu ' } S ses .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, | A LIBY RAL discount allowed to Marchants nd other Or namental 5, Shr ubs, Roses, ores ~ are oyed ~ also D.D.S. of Toronto University. WHO WdVertite by the your OF Kull year | Vines, Seed Potatoes, &« | Colored Clothes and Health. Mrs. Ward, the Painter. _(ffice in the Allison Block over Allison's | THESE terms agi soy adheredto | Stock true to name and free from | The health value of colored clothes | ondon Star says Mrs. BE. M Drug Store. os Jo ARTMENT. San Jose Scale. A permanent pos is infinitely superior to that of sable e painter, is a figure in the Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, Pamphlet Hand Bills, Postors, ftfonifor ithe . right. man. on either fabrics, You will find more microbes gd art life of London, fami- Port Perry, April 9, 1002. Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Checks salary or commission to the square inch on dark than om lia large circle of friends, ad- | by " ir pe Wedding Invitations, | light garments. Black arrests the mi the ublic, and popular | STONE _& WELLINGTON | : en noha Bustnols Garde . L & LLING N health giving rays of the sun. It is Wi §. The granddaughter of ar : FONTHILL NURSERIES strange that Mme. la Mode should turn daughter of an R. A., the DENTIST, fice over the Post Office. PORT PERRY. All branclies of Dentistry, including Crewn and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: AF Prices to suit the timeswa MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER CENT. #3 Also on Village Property. £3" MORTOAGRS BOUGHT, EA HUBERT L. EBBELS, . Banister, Office next to Ontario Bank, WANTED in this Roo she i Books, Part printed can have them printed to Laks ho Correctness of Style Circulars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. executed promptly and a as low rates as any other establishment in the County of every style and color | rties from a distance getting hand bills, &c » with them H, PARSONS, MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker | ISHES to inform the ladies | that she bas moved to her fine ms inthe Allison Block where | s prepared to execute all orders | in Dress ard Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for | | and Charming Lect. | Our charges are consistent with | the value given. ovER BX) AcKEs | out to be only the high priestess of Wife of &8R. A., the mother of ar-| ToronTO, ONTARIO! health In disguise and that the mi- tists Biided from a line of ane | EAR 2 kL crobes of Mayfair and the bacilli of Bel- bog uaz Razle in ub ang] gravia should be more afraid of a but- bodying ch. of the art emotions Cook's Cotton Root Compound. hindi] of fashion than of a sable coated of our p . Mrs. Ward has been Ladies' Favorite, octor of medicine.--Chic. | the frig d instructor of royalty, | establishment | fav- in the Among her Is the only safe, reliable regulator cn which woman The Way of Servants, bey ee neg fhe hous Subbubs--I see Cashman has an- | orite py as the popular Princess Prepared in two degrees of nounced himself as a candidate for Alice of . , now I'rincess Alex- | sengin. po 1 and No. 2. governor. Citiman--Yes; he declares it ander of , and at one time the - n ages oo 1B " { 1s by far the best dollar 18 his "great ambition to Le the sery- | Duchess Albany herself Tho | r % medicine dened ant of the people." Suhbubs--Serv- popular | Nara ( 5 of Yau: | 0. 2--For special cases egrees 7 What! . Es ity F Mrs. ard's son er | stronger--three dollars per box. ant? What! Doesn t he mean to keep husband the late E M Ward, | Ladies--ask your druggist for Cook'as the place if he gets it? | RA: lifot i Quest Vi od Cotton Root Compound, Take no other Ch | \., e lifetime Quecn c- | as all pills, mixtures apd Jmitations are 8 | toria a Prince Consort were angerous. No. 1 an 0. 2 are sold an o he § t studi recommended by all druggists in the Do- | Whist, | frocie: 8 to i e Join mu 2 | minlon of Canada. Malled to any address ot 5! and wife. rs. ard | on receipt he Cp and four 2-cent postage She--Do you really enjoy whist, Mr. nt time at Windsor doing stamps, Company, Finesse? He--Do I enjoy it? Not at al the royal children Windsor, Ont' all, madam; not at all. I play a dis- | R y a No. I and No. 2 are sold in Port Perry | tnt scientific. game. | | by C. H. Allison and A. J. Davis, re re! | Sir Young is the grand | ) old ma When Queen For Over Sixty Years Victord 'Just beginning her ro- ens WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been | cord Ire used by millions of mothers for their children while | Fdwart tesihing. If disturbod at night and broken of you | onizatiol | reat by a sick child mmfTering und crying with pain of | was associated with | Wakefield in the col- | ralia and New Zea- | Threshing Machine for Sale SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in Port Perry, March 27, 1902. land, since he has heen county and adjoining territories to | _ The undersigne 1 offers for sale | Cutting Teeth, ze nd at once and get & bottle of "Mrs. | {dani every Imperial move Cut oe fa ET o a | Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethi It represent and advertise an old | 4 orvrs waNTED FOR "STORY OF ROUTH | [bis Challenge Threshing Machine | alan So ue Tex ot | CD n. He was the energot- | established business house of solid |" AKRIOA™ Ly John Clark Blam, 11D Edward | at a Bargan Although the maching | oo mistakn alot it, Tt cores ic and' tic secretary of the « financial standing Salary $21 | Contin Nish ronto, and J. Hy Alken, of | {bas been in use about three years it | viarrhus, Regutniss the Stomach and Bowels, Cures | COlORH ute during the early on, 0 haa retu om' 1 So A o ears 1 > weekly, with expenes, paid each years iravelling |#South Africa for un. pete is none the worse for that. Parties | Wind Culig, Softens the Guns, Reduces Lnfmpiation, | YEATs gle over a hosicr's Canadian Publishers who have bad a brand I 1d Dandgi one and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Shop and, and in spite of | Monday by check direct from head- south Africa for ninctaon years, giving us 'an immense | [€qUITING @ good Separator should | Gy LICE EEE 8 Co teething 1a | his 8 continues to take an 'quarters. Expenses advanced; oyna in proc lr foes op ar rir our: see this machine. | plea-aiit 10 the taste sod in the pro-eription of one of the active I interest in its wel- | sition manent, We furnish Cnoadian Contingents better ilk many | Apply to the owner. | Mest nud Lest female physicians and numes in the fare iff; palatial premises in position permanc fi rival work. Borure are we of this that will mail free vo | PP Fiat INS | United States. Price two. ty-five conta a bottle. Sold Northy Prem | veryhing Address, The Colum for comparison our prospeotus to. anyon JOHN COLLIX Tr. : avenue. - : Yai mroeertus. Oirculars And terme feo a poly . g Ly wll druggiets throughout the world. Re sure and ae : , Chicago, Hl World Publishing Com puny, Guelph, Ontario. 1903. cugog. or MES. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. | ia, 630 Mono Bldg Bho 2, | depended | severe and | especially valuable for summer dis | BABY'S OWN TABLES For Weak Sickly Ohildren During the Hot Weather | Months. | Thousands ofinfants and children | die through the hot weather months, because summer' complaints and stomach troubles come suddenly, | and mothers do not have the means | on hand to promptly check and cure | them. In homes where Baby's Own | § Tablets are used: little lives an be saved; an me in the ALL GOOD THINGS merits, {Dictionary has won work, of its jpg in the inglich language. ls without promptly cure all ablets. oy stomach and Inventive Genius. who have solved the question of "Women have no originality, no in- f ventive genius." "Nonsense; I have geen my stenogra- pher make a memorandum with a hat- pin on a cake of soap when she had no paper handy." whit tea to use in their homes. Eby-Blain's 'KOLONA thousands It is a good thing to remember when accepting favors that the time is liable to come when they will be thrown up te you. Ceylon tea has of friends--the friends of years. It never varies in quality. Modesty should be the virtue of those who possess no other,--Lichten- berg. = Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be need Sold only in sealed lead packets Black, Mixed, and Green (for Japan tea users), 25¢., 30c., 40c., 50c., 60c. or 80c. per Ib. ed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can always le] even in the most It is upon dangerous cases. Eby-Blain's orders in children. to take and prompt relief. Why not buy it now? | It may save life. For sale by all] druggists. It is pleasant never fails to give | KO LO NA Is for sale by all Leading | Grocers EZ Klondyke, o Britis sh Co lumbia, | North-West Territory and Man- litoba. Parties going to any of the | above parts call on A. ] Davis, | C.P.R. ticket agent, for information rates, &c. Excursion Aug. 2 EZ" The Firemens' | fixed for Tuesday, [1 erry Civic Holiday. must win upon their} The International greater distinction upon its merits and is in more} general use than any otherg -Por t Horse Routes. ROYAL KEIR (10881)10553. -- That ohoice- | ly-bred, imported Clydesdale stallion, the property of the Reach, Port Per y and Scugog Clydesdale Syndicate, wil make the scuson 1904, as follows ; Mouday, leaye his home stand, *" Dun- drennan farm," Manchester, for Thos. Garhaw's, Sougog, uoon ; for night ut ! Jue. Jackson's, Tuesday, Sebert Houses Port Perry for night Wednesdny, Alex. Leask's, Reach, for night. Thurs, day, R, Flewell's, Witoettsion £0) mihi Friday, Wm. Bowles', for moon ; Wm. Holthy's, for hight. Saturday, homs stand till Monday. C. Blanchard, Mgr, PRINCE OF KINELLAR II. -- That Riveinr 1 Fos a Fo Prat : i perty of James Tines, Sonya, will er be) this season as follows- Monday, Thos, bowel trouble 3 2 ubles and give relief to A. I. Snyco. LL.D., D.D., of Oxford! Monse's, night. Tnesday Isnac Bootle s, teething children, and the mother | § University, England, hos recenily sai ork noon ; R. Swain s, night, Wednesday, has a guarantee that they contain no 81: Tt 13 fudood u al Is f Thurston's, on; Lorenzo Davigon's, opiate or harm(ul/drug. Youcan crush | §diTicult to conce \ ore § ni Thur, ty, Jenkin' Hotel Littld 3 ritain, night day -- Varcoe Bre the Tablets to a powder and give st e riiain, 0 Fr tay wreoe Bros, | ; E Dig it ay, own stable till Mon them with perfect safety to a new | } Ly R. McDona lanage bern babe s.S. M. Bla St, t IMON : ; ¢ Mrs M. Black { £1 IMON YET wt Grand Imported Pcters, N.S say [ bave used| | A v Clydesda mon Yet [2300] Baby's Own Tablets for most of the | 4 1 hv 6595, the y of the Brock Hore roubles from which little ones suf. | } ! Comp Sunderland, will make thid fer, and 1 find them the best medi=| 4 ro . fytio, noon; Udora,® wgeds Fallen y ue A Wedness i have ever tried i e I have ever tr A sk ight Thursday, 1e dealer ell these Tablets or " JF toria e » 5 Saintfield, u can get then by mail at 25 cts t. ¥ Ay way of Wick) own a box by writing Tle Dr. Williams stabi ho Park, Mgr. Medicine ( Brockville, ( sc THIAN LAIRD 8050-- That I sdale stallion Put Lothian I prope f A Ruined Wis Stemsoh For Sclence. ) Yo I perat One of the most singular things H » about the great nervous specialist, Dr 4 ' } Brown-Sequard, was the way in which Stray For Hats a Century Axo } } I Ss he saved his nerves for science, but in In the early p: tf the last century § v OF Pe gut jured his stomach for the same cause. hore were fewer factories in this coun I I'hroughout his life he was opposed to (ry than now, a any things were |... 5 YL . a the use of tobaccc I never smoke made by hand whi today are the revistrat \ : ' he once sald, "because I have seen the ork of machinery his was especial . , . most evident proofs of the injurious |y true of the br for straw hats ty ho | will effects of tobacco on the nervous sys Rye straw was monly used, a k T t '] i ter Dut bis desire to investigate the though wheat was also in demand. But contents of his own stomach by swa the rye straw had nger stems and t I ny 1 lowing sponges to which a thread was was more eas led proces tied and pulling them up to examine In dri t untry roads, in ' the gastric juice which they had ab- | Afassacl arly, late in the sorbed brought on a rare t summer one ¥ see great ndles known as merycisn r rur f the straw )n the fences to 4 which compelled him to masticate his dry. When the and had ) . food a second time lone their share of the work, it was placed in a 8 W e sulphur wns k -- burning v eached t ale Cured of Chror I hopa | Yellow Ther " split int widths suitab ding. --St » After Ten Year Suffering vidths " ding ) olas pra A er Qn f 3 f waleguard Children ( a 1 ATT a | avs Mrs. M B w and 1 {a i ile. V by t 1 6] --That grand, young ; eal 1 Hercules, the pro | chronic diarrhoea for ten years a I Fravk } Mariposa, wiil | : among small children is very high make thie sunson as s follows Mouday ng that time have tried various ong i ; + | during that rave. tried-va [during he Tot uae ut pe t Isha Bectle's noon; Caleb Hicks' medicines without obtaining any £ I 1 y. Hugh Ray's noon; ner nt 1 the arge Jacob N ib resda permanent re icf. Last summer one g Nor oa} bal e cas m M kins I my Hdre was V a : I L t t gE 1 sda ( cra I l P e a N ! ¢ . e of this ren ( y tw v that u ' Agr g to ¢ of am be 8 v Jose ca ¢ ire relief y the ! [th ecide t e medicin | ! ' q , Ad , 3044]--Tha myself i 1 one a ( st Kenellar ) 1 I was we ol | i. Rowan, € y A na : ee : and e bee t I v t int. One |} ! ! ' 1 t I AV OT f ' sou's , a Ren Is nedy t i - i la M ( F k k I a | £ in a A ! . | i, th The Making ef Character ! | : AW, 1 1 adu w s # ws The orde f the v I In { I a 8 r every fiber M 1 hey H cerlu 8 david please within c¢ ; rva For . s cause they d at th I 8 H seems to be in a state of ! but every word and deed reacts in : stantly on the man, and this RL n ys' Letters. . \ is so inevitable t since € Ir 3 not one violation of law of life has | boy i on tha ever escaped the penalty. He has paid X $ ! EN the price of his word or his deed on 8 C this season the Instant in its reactior his emanat from hc 1 a vi--M F Corner character. God does not punish men. School. In the fol Rex Tuesday They punish themselves in their own n fro moe ed 8 ess ( t H 0; Janstville, night nes the teac \ natures and in the work of their hands. ° plainly. ung or Chapman's, noon § es as plainly appear she her ; Hamilton Wright Mable , 31% onl Blacksioa) I ry, Bally self ha lided the ct 7 I, r Bet ight." Friday We ld always k os Cavanville, nc to | wn stable till Te Keep Roses Fresh clean in case of an ax t 10 Monday. F McGill, Manager Fill the vase or pitcher with very street. If you was ru r i ! | FRENCHM AN Thiet "y RENCHMAN 1 Grand oun warm water, and as each rose is in- |} your leg badly 1 be Fre: t r nan, th es serted cut off the tip of the stem with und "t by the {de « = u perty of a Burketon will scissors under the water so that no air © be disgraced a n the make this sea A llows--Monday, may reach the freshly cut stem. Do S"¢ if you was unclean. I ou wos Enfield for x t. Tuesday, F. t ver and co har 3 tal this every morning, leaving the flowers and eut y the Briggs v wn stable, night. 1st ng is to wash yc hand well, Wednesday, east tow } | to cool in the same water until the ,.; get all the bits of dirt t 1. Thurs JoWniing home on next day, when repeat the process. All aa -- a ' urscay os. Byers', noon ; own stable, night. Friday, Purple Hill, hard stemmed flowers can be kept w tabl \ y ' > own stable night Saturday, Royal fresh in the same way.--Ladies' Home Hotel, Blackstock, noon ; own stable Journal. All over Canada there are people { till Monday -- cei. - igh + sar ------------------------ LAKE SCUGOG.--The new and fast leave Steamer Cora wilt Port Perry, commencing sailing the wharf, Saturday, 28, 1904, for Lindsay; calling at Hood's Landin 8.30; Wash- Ball's Land- every May sharp, at am., burn Island at g; Plum Point at 10; Li leave Lindsay at 4 ing at 9.30; arriving at ndsay'at 11.30. Returning o'clock Fort Landing, 50 cts; 42 cts; B .anding, Plum Point, 35 cts. J. BOWERMAN, Captain. Fare, round trip, from 75 cts; Hood's Washburn, 35 cts.y Perry, all's r--age ga Mr. O. Graham, V. S. has' made arrangements for free commu- nication, day or night, over the tele- phone systems of Dr. Mellow and' Dr. Procter. hm What Are They ? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver lablets. A vew remedy for stom- ach troubles, biliousness, and con stipation, and a good one. Price' For sale by all druggists, rg 8 l'25 cents,

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