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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jul 1904, p. 3

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$ will be 9c the yard from July Sed ~The above price wa Pah The 10c and 11c and 12'c qualities, light grounds, s are for cash only. The Sale 21st to 28th. CC gm-- mm ee tee tend "| @Rea5e0S 0S 05D ses Sed 0S «DS 0S ad eds «dK dS DS SDT 0S 0 § $00000000009003000000000900000009 § $ "A 2 n x Ree $ : UU SHE : 3 $ $ 3 roer0000rssessirrreriesesesstel $ 8 -- $ yds Walt b I ty English $ 300 I ie alter Orame bost gual Ye Lo $ fine cloth and guaranteed--absolutely fast colors. These Prints are worth 13c¢ and 3 14c a yard, from July 21 to July 28. ~ You may have your choice at 114c a yard. $ eo X «Canadia : } Pri ; } ts: white; and a few pieces of § § clear at greatly reduced pric § 's § § $ ¢ 7 ceases' after July 28th. ' : Parasol Snaps % Half of the fatigue of hot Summer day may be 9 . c % avoided by using a Parascl. Weare offering a § % good discount for a week, ten cents off the § § dollar to cash purchasers. 5 § § $ s ; y \ RLY ol YY NVA ™ % JONES = CO } 2 ' SO 0p DSS 50 56 500 50 S00 560 50 SO Sm 50 560 (0 SO 50 500 500 5G SO SC» PORT PERRY MARKETS. | [Reraseee we 2 aly ar; 1904 A cup of fragrant, delicious coffee is one of life's greatest comforts Fall Wheat . . $0 go @ $o go | Spring Wheat. o8s5@ o 85 E.by-Blain's yoose Whea 075@ 0 75 =" | "GOLDMEDAL' Rye ..... o @ 0 5¢ Jats 0 0 3¢ Pear Black cys |. © 606 ob COFFEE + Peas Small . 5 u o 4 is a product of the finest Java, Mocha and Plantation berries, blended Beans .... 1 1 10 by experts in proper proportions. SOLD ONLY IN SEALED TINS Alsike Clover... 3 00 ® 5 50 of one pound and two pounds each, AT 40 CENTS A POUND. Red Clover... . 500@ 5 75 Use it only and you will never again be worried by poor coffee in Grass Seed. ..... 1 o0@ 1 25 your household. Turkeys Frases wre 2 59 o 15] For Sale by all Leading Grocers Ducks Eo o Io @ o 10 Chickens. . oo8@ o 10 Hutter clale alee 0o'3@ o 13 | tha Eggs 0 13 | WE _ SELL Woxx W | M S Merchant Tailor on' | RE nin I have just received a | D PERKINS? ing Selection) Begs to awnounce to the | F Citizens of Port Perry and] EANGY { surrounding country that he Nn SUITINGS VESTINGS is opening a Merchant Tailoring TROUSERINGS, Business 18 8 J in the Blong Block, with al AND fine collection of Suiting Vestings and Pantings. OVER GOATIRGS. Haviog bad a Jarge exper | ; . hich have marked at a ver ow ae as ot Re as a hews to any will call and up-to- 'date as any in the You run no risk here we guar- trade. | anttee satisfaction or money retura. | ed. from | | Remember--they | Fall Goods. M. F. LAGELL. EsBrLs' Brock, Port Perry, July 14, 1904. one who as Suits made to order $10 up. Port Perry, June 1, 1904. are Public Notice. mn Bu Id mi tee repre- rn EN ; [ senting the Eo of the As- = = - cension, Port Perry, have decided | m# os " to build a Rectory on Church lot LEN FAND RYAN and intend to proceed with the work AC * Therefére the Committce x Xs, at once. would be very grateful to all those who have subscribed if they will Jeave their subscriptions with the Bank of Commerce or the Western ER | | | | IN CANADA. | We have been Appointed AGENTS ENIRES SES TR LAJS THE FINEST BOOTS MADE IN CANADA. We have rs lines of the. Styles at $2, $2.50, $3, $3 50 an 84. Be sure and see them--they are beauties. --China Patterns, g7 pieces, §12.50. Special Prices on Sugar TO Bank as soon as possible. Best Granulated, in 100 lb Bags or innip Reg! $33. S ted, Jag GEO. SCOTT, t, ovis ) $90 ¥ y i Sapa by the Barrel. ncumben | orrine 31.50 0086 Jaw | : Souris ( | Kumcack 34.00 a Chalgminsf Commies fille. | |i | T.C. FORMAN & SON. Lenore | | Saskatoon - 35.25 | > M Miniota b 32.00 aan | Port*Perry, Mar. 24, 1904. El pr. Albert - 100 Acre Farm for Sale ¥ewe | | 12" | ee ey [aman ele NTRAYED OR STOLEN.-- High state of cultivation. Good Shia 32.30] Calgary On Sunday, June 12th, a Brack: Buildings. Very liberal terms -- yogi | 83.00 | simon. 40.50 | anp-Tan Biren, answers to the Apply, WESTERN BANK, | Golog JUNE 14th 25th and JULY 16th. name of * Beauty." Any one re. Port Perry. 3 Returuing until Aug. 16th, 20th and Sept. 20th, Fespectiv Eric we not gd on *tnsperint Limited. | + Pamphlets and full A, fo from any Canadian Pacific 'Agent, or A. Hl Notman, Toronto. .o No Competition. The uniform success of Cha ! is coe Cots od Dives, WATER GART FOR SALE Remedy in the relief and cure of AT A BARGAIN. bowel complaints both in children and adults has brought into almost A SECOND HAND WATER CART--Speight manufacture universal use, so that it is practic--| ally without a rival, and as every | for Sale at a Bargain, one who has used it knows, is with- once. out equal. For sale by all [drug- gists. W. JAMIESON. | Port Perry, May 4, 1904. Apply at | Per | turning her will be liberally reward- ed ; or any one harhoring or having her in their possession after this date will be prosecuted. JOHN IRVIN. Pott Perry, June 14, 1904. A few pieces Applique in blagk and black-and- hite Insertion, ito] L. 2d. STOUFFER. Perry. PATE ay [NBR TE RR A Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ially, I am satisfied I have Storesin the Province, and extensive premises, addition to my extensive st Goods, a full line of SCHO While returning thanks to my numerous patrons { would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew premises Port Perry, Sept 2, 1900. and have taken possession of my new now one of the best appointed Drug where 1 have opened ap, in ock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy OL BOOKS AND , SUPPLIES A.J DAVIS " CUR this complaint, as o without operation the Swelling, v vitalizes DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. Bpinney & Co. You eat its magic in For many years, in fact ever since becoming acquainted with the good people of Port Perry and vicinity I have bad a warm place in my heart for them, and circumstances permitting, have long since had a desire and determination to be with them and permanently remain in their midst, and in order to be of service to the community have purchased a suitable property embracing one of the best busi ness stands in town, where I shall carry on the Bakery and Confectionery Diisiness which for ex tent and efliciency will be second to none in the County, and would solicit the patronage of this en tire section of country In the past most of you have tested my productions and are aware of my capacity in catering for the public. Returning a thanks for past favors, soliciting still increase ronage and a renewal of support of foroci | pat Yours truly, Apl 13, 1904 CH AS. PEARIN | us ex Our Prices. PECE EEE FEE EEE FEEFEEEIECEEFEEEEEE Nervous Debility, Prostatio Trou and Bladder Diseases. The Oid Relisbl 290 WOODWARD AVE, Diestfeld's DIAMOND MALL Ve are prepared to give S great variety, icely Enam ARICOCELE Varicocele impairs vitality ard 4 destrors the elements of manhood. Surgical means should daily prove by success(ul results organs, our VITALIZED TREATME) removes ull pain or aching, restores the Aen is th ren Our treaty t is the 1t uence during the PAY WHEN CURED. We oure Blood and 8kin Diseases, Striotures, Varfoooele, Consultation Free. Booka Free. Question List Bent Bealed For Home Treatment. DR. SPINNEY & GO: 233333333 333333333 33D IBA FR DBI IBD BPD SI DPD DPD SDI eled and Set witl ED TO STAY CURED. oyed to treat perations alws A Ee parts, We Vi can be ew) Instead of maim and mutilating the strengthens the pa the circulation, eo blishes t C530 yong espeiancn. bles, Chronlo, Kidney, Urinary eo Specialists. DETROIT, MICH. (POCETEgswererest That Moye seeeee quickly. from store to home are the only kind we deal in. The kind that's just a little lower than standard quality "may be a little cheaper, buf they are unsatisfactory to our customers and useless to us. Ours are The BEST GOODS and they stay sold. None are. returned, because there is no failure to please. And you will find after all that our prices are not a bit high. Rather low in fact. E. H. PURDY. March 3, 1904 NO DOUBT ABOUT PECIAL BARGAINS n some as smell as a Quarter of Pearls, &c. as Two statements sted hy th al orders h fury d Fane to make we is seders thut were vary fine und expensive, were take nq One or twas in particular where eve wnt they we su ose who kuey sus charge tha we actual facts wer ill was paid, and particular, old FURNISH A FIRS ot our pay v at there r of eve ECTLY KERS re PERF NDERTA in Lor that statements whereve those telling such YAR those reports were told, not rit was thought the re nf } t for their s «cont townships wer it s than any wre lower and always w surrounding country fs that we we 850 what was said could not bi $ ¥ ree months wo furnished several faner ws ever furnished Ly any ot] ss in price, but the service was far! We furnish a fine Cloth Casket, comp thers charge $45 and $30; we boa $27 that others charge $35 to $10 r than w ular 34 that o plete istered foi 8 and con for gz The Lowest in Prices, and the Best Service A Special Lin of Dinner Sets Havios increased for the Least Money WwW. J. NOTT, Manager, January 21, 1904 othing and Boot & Shoe Bust ises, | have purchased and | Stock of the dire nsions of my pre AND READY- MADE OL HING 1 | or Men and Boys which for quality and Io} prices cannot be equaled 1» this district. SE BOOTS xp SHOES ever I have the largest and most veried Sto the prices are such as can opened in this locality for your inspectio: not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quar my customers in every particulr. i Port Perry. APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. NOTIOR is hereby given that Clara Bidwell McDermat {the Villago of Port Perry in the County of O: « tarion the Province of' Ontario, married. woman, wil apply to tha Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for 8 Bill of Divorce Er Boot. Cees Turion, Hetrarmio, formerly of the said Town of Port 0 resent. residing at or: near the Village of Be fn the ravine of British Columbia, Rauoher, | oir the ground of adultery, cruelty and desertion. Salicitor for Clara Bidwell MeDermot. Daved at the City of Toronto fn et Frovineent Ontario, 5 Second day of July A.D. TI HALL'SH A splendid tonic for the hain, Always restores colortogra } Stops falling hair, also. Sol for iff Renewer fori long and heavy. 2 ,rich color of youth. Tp pp aN My aim shall be to please | Ex Essential perience is Invari n every I ol FH isted ir f properties 1 UJ. Meharry: REAL ESTATE BROKER. to Success. onsiderable of the largest transactions in Real Estate instance giving perfect satis ave 'OR SATE ition of : hree Farms in Scugog. ine Farm in Reach uit borrowers, at unusually low k action n given to applications. gZr Parties de di will consult their owr erest sa Satisfaction guaranteed | LOANS in sais 10 & ra 7 I represent the 1 de Companies. Prompt attentior Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 Pp yO . \ Prices you all right, CHAPTER VL | Tee - oT 1 Diamonds, all fine and New Desens Crocks iu { REAT ARIE VERY CHEAP { \ ey n | Y q Facts and Figures tell everything in Business it Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tes L me more to follow EF A 1cy Goods EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. "E&Y th Se days. $F Repairing 2s vsoal y JERSONS in Port P 7, who should kegt what they DIESFELD'S i gaking dom Rh ey +t Torry ans proofs in plain blu had white we know what were sayin tel and to spread false reports, that beuause wt beg finest FUNER AL EQ I ME NY eve | geen in this town, 'and turn out the best work, that we i pvercharged those for whom | - --------., ably experience in negotiating concluded to [devote my Real Estate that all may be parties requiring Farms to and for Sale: ee ee ee posing of landed s by placing them with me for properties iission on Real Estate security rable I'ire and Life Insurance png A Full Stock 3 EVERYTHING or arness I.ine WHICH IN THE FOR CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o,, Comparison of Prices Courted in abundance. W. A. BEATTY Feb. 1, W.H.DOUBT'S GOLD AND QILVER WATCHES. Success in making a Complete Clearing Out of his Winter Stock at the prices he is quoting. Prices---Less than Cost in ma instances Special Values in $10 and $12 Suits EF Pressing it an 2 Repairing done should be and at Shortest Notice. W. H. DOUBT. 1g04. the CHATHAM Why Not Get INCUBATOR ? 'Why Not Progress ? pin your chances of success with chickens to hens which, refuse to set when you want them ? Why | Why have setting hens when they ought to be laying ? | Why not make some money out of your chickens ? [Ww hy not, adopt modern methods now ? Our Incubators and Brooders will start you on the proper road. They have been tested and proved under all kinds of conditions. Every fest has increased our faith in them. Out of our confidence in the Chatham Incubators and Brooders we will make the most liberal offer ever made in the bus-. iness. Wk wrrL Sip} You AN IN-- CUBATOR AND BROODER AND PREPAY rue FreicuT. If it proves satis- factory to 'you on examination, accept it and we will arrange the payments to extend over one two or three years. Our Catalogue is a mine of useful,' information to the Poultry man. Ask for one--they are free. EGGS FOR HATCHING from the Celebrated Winter Layers --Buff Orpingtons, Barred Ply- mouth Rocks, and White Wyan- dottes--at reasonable rates. N. INGRAM & SONS, Port PERRY, ONT. Pasturage. HE dndersigned: 48 an voll I ed Pasturage, wth abundat.cé,. of water and shade, in close proxim- ity to Fort Perry. a Apply to | D J]. ADAMS. Port Perry Port Perry, May 4, 190%

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