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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jan 1905, p. 2

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, er TEUEOT Consumption. "the politicians of Ontario and the . * cry is for a man' HiTis, PNEUMONLE OFTEN FoLLow =tEp CoLD-- AVERT THE ANGhLE DY Keepive THE Broop 3 uke ARD Warat Heavy -caken the chest, banish the app=- te, cause melancholy. Pale weak "enle, whose hands and feet are it d for waut ofrich, red blood, ways catch cold. Their lungs » soft the heart cannot send out wl enough to make them sound Then comes the cold | coegh, racking the frame and og the tender lungs. The cold B twin into pueamonia, influenza Cmption or bronchiljs--a h- Keg nlness or a swifter death Mveak people should use Dr 'ams' Pink Pills. The rich, renloed they make strengthens theart, and it sends this warm Feag blood to the lungs, and once #.aithe patient is a strong-lunged wartblooded man or woman Mrs Jane A. Kennedy Douglastown Que pears the strongest testimony ™ thevalue of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pilisi cases of this kind. She says +My sister, 2a delicate girl tock a severe cold when about teventen years old We tried many nedicines for her but she i strong. appeared to be constantly growing A Worse and was go had a bad night with a racking cough I would get up to see if she had spit any blood. At this stage a friend stronuly urged me ta give a liams' P > Tith | ] } ; her Dr Williams' Pink Pills *W it governiiont | characteristic and striking buildings, | po ht the doctar's chic! excelletice in a mouth of the time she began which the bank has been carrying | 24 ve dog EC De to take the pills she had almost re Toronto News :--Mr. Ross said |out in recent years, Hidn upils_ wah the cl his 01 covered her usual health. Under a | 3+ Mount Brydges that the Liberals | . el hi a ich var hi, further use of the pills she 1s now hich id Crone he [ "can recom-| "ver condoned ~ corruption. In| gON. 8. H. BLAKE AR-|ofa wan on - mend the pills with confidence to | his connection it is to be noted RAIGNS ROSS. ~Sirjet but ju-t 'wis the: estimate every weak persor ' that Mr. C. N: Smith, who profited | ee Lei hy Dr Wa ition Re 7 i i 1. ICs. asa su Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a|by the trip of the Minnie M , is again | Hi8 Speeches are Deceitful hy I< % s Sh ert Il blood and nerve - and Blasphemous. who had the power'toattrat certain cure for all blood an ey he candidate of the Ross Govern-| Vet even towards those with whom troubles such 2 AMA, lity | anh 3 Te 2 1 : Inag complaints mize neu-| m=" | CENTRE OF CORRUPT be was intimate, he showed a digni- R St Vitus ds S| inthe wordeo the pe: Lowell, "The RING. fied courtesy ralgia, St tas dance, par ial " | Se iv 1ipe sud rotten ripe for change: | tN Licut-Col. Farewell spoke of the alysis, and t troubles that make ome." { fhe lives of co many women miser-| fet tt con Dury or Decent Citizens oF debt Ontario owed w the Toronto wble. Be sure vou pet the genuine | 'The people are with Ross," we are as-| OxvARIO 1s 70 Puniss Tuose Normal School. In his own opin- pills with the full name "Dr Wil. | sured Do with oro make the] \Vuo mave Depavchep. TE [lon it had, done more towards mak- 3 | } 3 | atatewent quite sceurate, . ' Jiams' Pink Pills for Pale Peoplé™on | x h - rh | Province. ing ean or That he Dope 1 i No Grit need sneer at Gamey in the pre- | - . h the wrapper around each box. Sold | C0 Cr hg heard his magnif Mitchell, Ont.; Jam .a5--At a any of the colleges. Of Dr. Kirtk- | medicine dealers or sent by | ¢ nceeh in the opera house last Saturday crowded and enthusiastic meeting || 5,7 Cli Wash strict discip- <0 cents a box or six bOXes|evenfng. He ix more than a match for the | held in the town hall here on Satur- Tir arn bat 3a. imatlinet; "He be ) ' . Dr Brockville by writing the Medicine Co, NF THE OBSERVER Has tantly growing in favor A Goop Advertising Medium in the County; i the | making champ founded in 1857 fo its local and geveral news department and is printed eosizely in the piace of pub- | lieation--Port Ferry. ~r. Txask--$1 per annnm in advance, $1.50 will be charged JOB PRINTING IN THE MOST MODERX ST YL A KS D AT LOW PRICES he ---------------------------- MADTI AMTAD Port Perry. FORT PERRY, JAN. 19, 1905 A Irresponsible Government. Owing no doubt tothe long ten Liberal Party and ure of office the Ontario have enjoyed, {ten after she ee CrrouLaTion. snd is com | 1 is the BEST | profile an 1 practical class of people | 14 not a favorite of schemers, boomers sod cliques; it is the Oldost and Best Established the most original and best Hn aDcUDUED | in warned of the not « policeman' 'We caupot set Me Ross had bee wanting {therefore to turn {ment and to den colds strain the Jungs, ew Government may 11the highest possible n.ea | spousibility. Does the record of Mr. Premier indicate sense of personal other term ? EF The musi numbers of the Library. has arri ed of a rare and j the credit for wh to the Chapman, lot 16, com 14, Auction al' his valua of hGrses, gattle, This sale Will be one High Grade Milch C number of the horses YASIR > should hardly be We | ~ | County Surveyor learn { tions from the | made a survey of a drain 74 miles in posa and one in | Views entitled Chr It is our imperative not ouglit he to be elected for an- ee en {or the coming Concert to be give under the auspices of our Public inimitable INPORTANT AUCTION SALE Reach, fine farm, has concluded to dspace of by portance im that loaality arge one ald includes 14 Regintered and Yeon cattle in the same class, aff Brat clase and the imple: - The Sale is fixed for ustjohecs.; , o Referring to the f tics of Ontario, Goldwin Smith says "If -wé cbuld put Wp with such things as we have done of late, we rn rr > «Minnie M" #1 am Oanadian Bg | the standard of responsible Government too Ligh. n tried and found duty out this Govern- sand of whatever be formed | sure of re-' Ross as that he has this responsibility, if ¢ for the Chorus excellent program ved and is COMPOS: udicious selection, ich is attributable taste of Prof. Mr. S. Baird having leased his ble and desirable stock farin implements, &c. wnsurpassed for im- The list is a ows, besides a large Mr J. Baird will be of than that distnibute poli] 'ot Qemmerce. Qoe'of the most remarkable bank Wt bio temarka banking year.is that of The Canadian Bank | of Gommerce, submitted at the ann meeting and appearing to- day in our columns.- The total net profits of the bavnk have been $1,125,000, or nearly thirteen per cent. on the invested capital, and this after a considerable part of the profits h.d been divérted to the pur- poses of the extensive campaign of office binlding in which the bank is sible an addition to the rest account of half a. million dollars out of pro: fits, an amount only £109,000 less J in dividends. Io ten years The Bank of "Com merce has doubled its combined capital-and rest accounts, doubled its stafl, almost trebled its funds and more than trebled the tunds it con- trols. Its prosperity is not a reflec- tion of local conditions, but an in- dex of the prevailing expansion all over Canada, lor while ten years ago it was confined to Ontario, to- day it reaches from the Atlantic to its business on the far western coast, and in the newest farming districts of the Territories. now indptging.~ "This hasmade pos-{ (ce the Pacific, and finds a large part of of Name of th v late In Bras His NaME SHALL Expuke Forever. ever before their posterity of tho in the order in wi x. The exceptional success of this year scems to be due to the improved 'sta The private loaning business relatively declined somewhat, em- phasizing the necessity of that policy of getting near to the customer by worthy of a free Wil- | best of his oppo en's. --Oriltia Packet that Mr. Yarnold , has under instruc Medonte Council Thorah, | #2 A Lecruge illustrated by Limelight x ig {| looking back at our leaders as they stood filty years ago, when I first istia's Old Organ, wil be given by Rev. Cannon Dixon, of Toren | Collection at door. Id on appointed Assassor =] OC he cannot poss of the election advance, if mot pald In | 1, § o'clock, at tne Church of the Ascension | on Tuesday Jam 24th, Ata special meeting of Reach Council | nesday last Mr. Wm. Stovin® was | for the present year. ibly evade. They are the disfranchisement of North | Renfrew for more than a year and a | hf, and the calling of | lature a year ago on the day before t 1e courts were to take up the trial These the | w_ re deliberate attempts to prevent the Legis protests. deadening effect consequent thereon | the people and the courts from pass the Ross Administration scem to have lost all proper sense of responsibility. Now, in tle best interests of the [the ire of the Liberals country this should not be: Canada stands to-day as one of democratic peoples on the It highest importance that we snould develop in our people a high sense earth firstly of personal responsibility, and secohdly of responsibility assumed by those placed in positions of trust or elected to office by the suffrages of the people. The Government of our Province through its legisleture can only be carried on in any sense satisfactory by a strict acceptance of responsibi- lity. This entails for the member of the legfslature the carrying out of his definite pledges to his consti- tuents. lt entails lor the Govern- ment an even greater responsibility to fulfil every definite pledge to the conntry or 10 any representative body in the country. It entails the resignation of the Government when it finds itself in the minority. No, a new appeal to the Electorate with its own agents in charge of the bal Jot boxes. It entails the respoasi- bilit ane iy Fh whole ae actions of each member of the Cabinet, and also we submit tor all agents of the party whose acts the Government ratify by taking and using fruits of their labors. We ask the electors of Ontario. Has the Ross Government lived up to this standard of responsibility ? Read what the Ottawa "Free Press" the Liberal Organ at the Capital recently said : -- "In the provincial sfairs in Ont- "ario the big gnestiou at issue will "be the purity of the ballot" xxx *Clean elections we must have." " A verbal deprecation of corrup- »tion is not sufficient for the o* routle are losing faith in who will act.. The in at the head of a business { machine. They | defensible and double shuffle, | Ross will himself employ such tricks | | y the most | tO retain office, it is not to be won- | the face of is therefore of the | dered at that he will condone crime | |in others, when benefit, Of all the argu strongest is that that the electors political fraud office is to mark t Mr. Ross apd his Tue Main Etc student of. fact has persons in' the total vote to Toronto, with thé matter of fact the; stand in very littl will be foupd.in | of The Toronto Mail and Ewmpite. be received up tof vary 24th. change at Toronto, could not fail to give the im There could be no other conclusion. Since the Government has failed to punish Sullivan, Southerland, Vanee, and all others whose crimes have made Orrasip a political, byword, the only possible method by which the people can show their disapproval of such methods of maintaining regret, How Many Ballots Will Be _.Polled? AND knowledge of the th { proba. nowledge of the theory ol - bilities. . There is money in it. This 3 Wide late, agin shows by the hundreds of ery who have sent their predictions of Ontario Elections on January asth to. The Mail and Empire Office, the first prize of $100 in cash for the closest guess, or one of the 86 other cash prizes. These predictions vary widely, and the perplexiy of the present contest all of them equally probable. the casual estimator. * The details of this competition would | ing judgment on the rasclities of the wer far more In unfair than the which once roused When Mr. committed for his ments in favor of a perhaps the a victory for Ross ession erent to chicanery.-- were indi and heir ballots against candidates. Empire OFrERs nizes WorTH with some rent of part of Canada be polled at the hope of obtaining features almost Asa ientific politician advantage over current issues aly and Weekly . Predictions wiil midnight of Jan- Admission, Silver class) means of numerous branches in day afternoon in the interest of Mr ! South Wilson, Perth, Presidznt Mr, ] diate for Lockie | Blake wrote : "1 must say that it depresses me the platform stating of the carrying on the | to be deeply regretted. wé deplore has revolved, and with out whom it could not have been N elson Monteith, Conservative can- of the Ontario Farmers' Association, read, took an interest in politics, and then | see the centre figure in Ontario, the head centre for years of all manner of unrighteousness, now boldly on that he had Mir. Ross seis. 'up the clait ha Eig whatever todo with allthat} Mr. S sels up the claim U1 {hak a0. nf = = is adopted by the machine to | "The towering i whole fone only Paper Prinied and Published tn | maintain his Government in power. | | There are two pieces of sharp prac- tice used in his fight for office which he politics of our country ; the presenting this to young men as the means by which our land is to be governed is When the | man round whom for years all that carried, blasphemously calls Hea: | Mé this es recalle latteg controlled his classes. tion 'that could not disturb. brilliant, but +| prudence. pedagogues. He commen ded develop 1pils. by W. J. Principal Scott, jve of the the Normal | tiesto that insti- Teeld sway ¥ :-- Thomas ohn i Ly fceremony he tablets ald of the gn a Mr. J. i. Brown moved, seconded Mr. John J. that the Au il.ors" Report be ad pred. Cunt i be_ref --Carriod. a be lieved in a concentration of atten- the noise ol the school John Millar, Deputy Minister of Education, summed up the striking | length for the purpose of draining a Fini tumolinons Spplasse) Seale characteristics of each of the late | swamp of about 4000 acres in ex rr xa Hike er ih y principles. Mr. Robertson held tent, and is now completing plans, |'9¢ Hon. ake lg "an oftcer philosophic views regarding educa- | i estimates of the costs of of the Souh Perth Conservative tion, and excelled in kindness to his the same, and also the | Association. After thanking the fellows. Dr. Sangster possessed a of the Agriculturisca and more | 2 ccrcement of the lands that will be | Association for an invitation ex. powerful personality, while Dr. benefited. He has also two drains tended to him to address a Conserv- Davies was noted for his courtesy. to-survey in the Township of Mari ative meeting in South' Perth, Mr. Dr. Kirkland was not exceptionally was a man of great Prof. Hune, of Toronte Univers ity also paid a_ tribute to the four the manwer in which the schaol through its principals has always striven to the individuality of its 'he ceremony was directed by of the committee occupied the chair. Letters of regret were read from many prominent persons who «ere prevented (rom attending were read Hendry, the secretary who carried the purse, announced that more money had been donated tham was neces | sary for the erection of the tablets. | The surplus would be used, he said ven to witness that he has nothing [to provide tablets or portraits in to do with it, one reaches a Jower | memory of the twe vice-principals | 1:vel of villiany than I think can be| who had not 'become directors of found in any other land. | governed, 1 do not know that there [1s much choice between the man living in the centre of such seething corruption, he quietly says he is ignonant of such improprieties, and has had nothing to do with them. What a low conception he must have of the ordinary inhabitant of our land, when he thinks he is so blind and stupid as to accept such a lie as truth! At the present junc ture, it is not a question of how much better may be the men that we wish introduced into the public arena for the government of our land, bat it is'a question of punish- ing those who have been tested and tried and found deliberately at work debauching and degrading our land I trust that you may be successful in aiding in this work" A Boon to Ohildren. A medicine that will keep infants and young children plump and good natured, with a clear eye and a rosy skin, is a boon not only to mothers but to humanity. minor, ones, and makes slee ailments of little n them eat well and p well. You can safely take the words of thous- ands of mothers who have proved the value of these Tablets, for in- stance. Mrs, J. R. Standon, Wey- burn, N. W. T. says:--*I have proved the great value of Baby's Own Tablets in cases of diarrhoea, constipation, hives, and when teeth- ing, and I would not be without them." The Tablets are equally good for the tenderest little baby or the well grown child, and they are fustatieed free from opiates and armless. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail at 25 cents a box, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvil le, Ont. There aré indisstions of & glowing tend. ency among the clectora pot $0 vote slavishly Ee ~ Tory Toronto hes » . Seiad Leal who brings into existence the vill-| ainyofwhich we complain,orthe man | and date of birth, periods of office who is such a downright idiot that, | and the date of death of the princi Each is placed below the portrait of the man it comme h a 1 t From the | the school. s andpoint of citizens who desire lo | have the country well and truly |flags which covered the At the close of the ceremony presented to the gem! performed the unveiling. pals. rates, eo mr Sons of England Deputy, and Rev. Bro. Wii ve officers elect for I ressrs were given by Officers and visiting Lrethren; reme of bis Mother Lodge oa bis a the high and ho orable in office in the Grand Lodge this. Dominion and is, that under his certain and secure, abd v When he wakes with a ach, clear away the dull. k feeling and create a little a Just get'a tumbler of sugar, ann pour in a stiff Nr or or ately tip-top in utes. Nerviline hasn't a coadition of this kind. hearty desire of every of this Todge Ingime. welfare snd advancement of our bel Order, my be t . that be riay be dir! the Grand |. ver," | the hiets were men who Thetablets state the names, place Old England Lodge No. 8, 8. 0. E. were highly favored on Tuesday evening of this week by a fraternal and officlal visit from Bro. Boxall, Supreme ie siden of Lindsay ; Bre. TW. an, District of Whitby, "were duly in- sisiled by Bro. Beteman, District Deputy. ighly interesting aud priate ad. Grand Ledge It was moved by the Sepretary, seconded by Bro. Roberts, and §-- "That we extend to Bre. Boxall, Sup. Vice-President, the eeagratulations ncement to d > A very p ig [af the home of water, some | Pale of The Late Miss Campbell On Wednesday morning the eleventh of January died, at the home of Mrs. Scott, Cochrane Street, Margaret NM. Campbell. The briet obituary words, tho! burdened with tense meaning, are not burdened with grief alone; they are rather a song ol joy than a moan of pain, for their object in this case was one to whom, in every way death was gain Miss Campbell's sweet and com- plete life deserves more than the were words recording its end ; and to those not intimate with it a short sketch may be of interest. Miss Campell's girlhood and early school days were passed with her parents in Port Perry. After the death of her father, her mother re- moved to Toronto, where, after the death of her mother, the home being broken up, Miss Campbell adopted the profession of a trained nurse. Those who remember the mother, a woman of unbounded clarity as well as wisdom, would expect that, if the daughter inherited and imbibed the mother-nature, Miss | Campbell was eminently | fit- [ted for this profession with all its demands of wisdom and firm- ness, patience and gentleness; nor would they be disappointed, for the mother relived in the daughter. Very soon after the completion of of her professional course she was selected to take charge of the Vic- toria Hospital then being opened in Barrie. Her duties in the equipment and management of a new hospital were naturally arduous, and in their d.scharge she was unsparing, her ambition being to see the hospital, 15 ihe Sileting. Her wisdom, her geatleness and kindness, and her unceasing and unselfish devotion won for her there the esteem and love of everyone, and are still there, as they are here, a fragrant memory to all who were blessed with her acquaintance. But this unwearied zeal and self-sacrifice in her chosen sphere continued too long, and Miss | Campbell realized too late that she had exceeded the bounds of her phy- ical strength--she had become the | victim of her self-devotion. The | physicians of the hospital, with re- {luctance warned MissCampbell that she must discontinue her hospital | work, at all events for a time, and |seck restored health in a warmer | climate. * For three years, during {which her sister, Mrs. Scott, with more than a sister's fidelity, was her constant companion, in California, at Gravenhurst, in Alberta this | quest was in vain; and in Apirl last, hope extinguished, Miss Camp- bell returned with her sister to her sister's home. During the long months of suffer- ing, worn. out and weary, she yet waited with Christian uhmurmuring resignation and patience; and even with "cheetfulness, for her hour of deliverance so long in coming." Her funeral tho' private, was at- tended by many friends from a dis- tance, and among them Rev. Dr. Mcleod 'of Barrie, who assisted Rev, Mr. Cooperiin the service,and spoke ia highest ewlogy, but without cxag- geration, of Her characte and wort. Her surviving brothers and sisters are. H. S. Campbell of Red Deer, Alta, D. S. Campbell, Chicago, Nrs. Jessie Paxton, Oratge, Cal, and Mrs. Scott. A rr. red | is Lamb on Dec. 21, 1904, when thei daughter, Annie Martha, was mar-| ried to Mr. J. W. Horne, of Saint fi *" Ifield. The wedding march was and bad taste in the mouth, -Same:, thing is needed t6 settle the stom= heavy played by Mrs. Jude, and the : blue crepe de chene over white with chiflon trimming and blue -me-nots in her hair. - She ten her cousin, Miss af {oF modern " r was conducted by Rev. i J Spare Sunderland. The{ 90 bride iven away by her father. | ¥ She was very daintily gowned in nte, &e. {Foss he. excellency of his} : ape sll Bhorthorvs pt awine are of the 1 ments are all struction, the best obtuii- able. The sale Wilt'take place ou Thursday feb. 23, all will be disposed of. Mr. . Jackson, will be Auctioneer: _ Mr. James Munro, Seagrace, 'will kindly accept the unanimous thanks QOpskrvER stafl for a fine Yavket of apples of the Spy variety: For size and delicious flaver they would be hard to dis :ouut. €&F Tue FirsT PRACTICE FOR THE Choruages rto be rendered at the Gand: Concert in aid of the Public Library will be held in the base" eveningy Ja th, at 8 o'clock. shatp. ol en Ne sey A. Chapmap, A. T.CM.; nod the Musical Committee cordially invite all singers to assist in the Chorus. Reports from North Outario indicates that Mr. Hoyle will be re-clected by a good majority. § Of R- R. Gamey's speech at Oshawa, the evening before he appeared in Oriliin, the Toronto Telegram say: Tt was & grest speech aud x great meting, The attend: alice was the tifumph ol eothusiasm over the elements. for outside it wus blow nic and snowing in a high degree. Mr. Game eliverance was a triumph of J gic n | as physical eudul a What events have occurred since Gamey made his charge? Stratton has resigned and Mr. Ross has dis- solved the house and gone to the country without him--and Stratton is silent. The man whom Mr. Ross defends and whose able admin- stration he described 1s not to be found on the Liberal platform, Why is this? Mr. Ross says he declines to discuss corruption any longer and contends. that his pre- sent Government is free from any taint of improper dealings. And Le denounces Mr. Jackson as a bad man. He assumes the attitude of a leader wno has no wicked partners. In short he cuts loose from corruption and shakes off these who in the past have hampered him. He does not refer to the Royal Commissions findings. That |is part of the chapter he has finish led with | But Gamey is not satisfied with the sacrifice of Stratton, He wants 110 get rid of Mr. Ross as well and | he boldly assails him as a party to the corruption of which Stratton has been made the scapegoat. He | denounces the Premier from every plattorm and challenges him to | prosecute or stop hin, | Well has he not the right to de so? Who has ever been placed in his position before ? He made a | charg= against membersof the Ross | Government and he pointed to the first-class ; his. of Tui Fafent of the ; Town "Hall. Tuesday. xr Tu ay, 1 The thirty-eighth annual meeting of oc vi of Commerce was held in the b frouse on Tuesday, 10th January, 1903, at 12 o'clock. Among those present were: William Cook, Carville; Thomas Gil- mour, Bev; Wesley Casson, Robert Kil- gour, J. L Blaikie, Hou. Goo. A. Coz, P. Freyseng, Wm. B. Hamilton, W. Caoke, Licut.-Colonel Mason, J. W. Fla velle, C. 8. Gzowski, W. Prendergast, |" John Hoskin, K.C, LL.D. H. D. War. ren, William Glenney, Oshaws; J. Short McMaster, Hop. L. Melvin Jones, LA, W. Anglin, R. Cassels, R. Harmer, A. 'Kingman, Montreal; J. O. Thorn, W. W. 'Tamblyn, Bowmanville; Robert Gill, Ottawa; Joha Catto, A. V, Delaporte, *..09 Smith, oe; John Pugsley, Chas.Powel HH. Morris, Vancouver; Wm. Davies, Jas. Hedley, L. IL Dampier, Strathroy; Thos. Walmsley, John Taylor, N. Silverthorn, E. Cronyn, Cawthra Muloek, H Lo Watt, E. W. Cox, Chas. Bonnick, Wm. Garside, Douglas Mason; Alex. Bruce, Hamilton; W. T. White, Henry Beatty, Thos, West; John A. Bruce, Hamilton; R. Mulholland, Rev. Armstrong Black, D.D., Frank Everist, W. Harland Smith, J. L. Watt, W. T. Boyd, Hon. Mr. Jus- tice Maclaren, J. K. Macdonald, E. R. Wood, T. A. Staunton, G. A. Mor- row, Guy R. Warwick, W. H. Lock- hart Gordon, George ¥. Little, L. J. Cosgrave, William Craig, 8. R. Wick- ett, H. P. Dwight; F. C. Malpas, Cranbrook; Henry Johnsom, Hastings; William Ross, Johm A. Morton, F. H. Mathewson, Montreal; Rev. Dr. War: den, Lieut.-Col. H. M. Pellatt, 8. J. Moore, John A. Walker; G. W. McKee, Woodstock; J. T. Parker, Richard Brown; C. M. Gripton, St. Catharines; | George J. Foy; William Gray, New "tive Shareholders of the Canadian Bank Saskatchewan. Directors Yecording their duties. Notes of the culation. . . Deposits not bearing In. terest .. Deposits bear. lug interest, including in. tries Dividends Jnpeld Res Bal a Profit and Loss Account carried for. ward . . . | York; John Carrick, John Northway, F. | Wyld, II. C. Hammoad; R. G. W. Coa: olly, St. Catharines; Dr. Andrew Smith, George D. Scott, A. W. Smith; H. N. Wallace, Halifax; 'D. MacGillivray, Windsor; D. Hughes Charles, Peter borough. The President, on. George A. Cox, | fact that a letter was prepared, signed and handed over to him and that he thereafter dispensed the Gov- ernment patronage. Those he ac- cused were in a narrow majority, so narrow that their own votes were necessary to save them. They prepared the charge to suit udges fo try the case Med Abt called, in Mr. Aylsworth to" advise them as to what is necessary to be done to make the Court ' effective Gamey protested. But! they stood up and the votes which carried the proposals included those of Mr. | Stratton and of Mr. Ross, Thus {they turned the tables with a ven- geance and tried Gamey instead of themselves. Why should Gamey accept such a trial. Every accused person in this Province has the right by law to refuse to be tried by a Judge and can demand a jury. And Gamey demands a jury of his countrymen. And the Couser- vatives afford him the use of their platforms to make his appeal. And while he makes it, Mr Strat- tod, deposed from his office, re- mains a silent witness of the campaign. et It You Don't Sleep Well It's because your nerves are in a weak irritable condition. - Ferro- zone will make them strong and correct the trouble causing your insomnia. "I fell 'into a state of nervous exhaustion last fall" writes Mrs. J. Stroud, of* Dexter, "I was run down, couldn't sleep and felt perfectly miserable,--tried Ferro- zone and was quickly benefitted. I can recommend Ferrozone to anyone suffering from over-wrought nerves and sleeplessness." No tonic is better, try Ferrozone. Price soc at druggists. ER - rort Perry Ice Races. The Apnual Races were held on tha] Scugogon the 11th" and 12th inst. The main event, the Free-for-All, was not very satisfactory. from a public point of view. Summary i td Bla , Willoughby, Sut. - ork wi bie Sim XC. Bn . Wiser, Ww. J. Come sis. Wi Fa Be wired Po Lasry, Niagara Time2.364, 2.474, 2.95}. ol ~ Bile 0, ou 5 Peputhors, e T. Son, Port a a. nw PO baving takes the chair, Mr. F. G. Jem- | mett was appointed to act as Seerelary, and Messrs. R. H. Temple and E. Cronyn | were appointed scrutineers. | The Presideat called upon the Secre- | tary to read the Annual Report of the | Directors, ua follows: TEIVURT.T = The Directors beg to present to the Shareholders the thirty-eighta Annual Report eovering the year ending 30th November, 1904, together with the usual Statement of Assets and Liabilities: pm The balance at credit of Profit and Loss Aecount brought forward from last year, was ......... $ 165559 14 Net profits for the year ending 30th November, after providing for all bad and doubtful Jebts, amounted to ... ...... 1,124,973 08 $1,290,532 so ivi Bas been appropristed as fol- we: Dividends Nos. 74 and 75, at seven per cent. per an- BREE LLL La a # 609,000 00 Written off Bank Pre- SIRO vl i pee 127,306 41 Transferred to Pension Fund (smanual eontribu- flom)i ii 0S ea aan £5,000 00 Transferred to Rest Ae- Balance carried forward... 28,726 30 $1,200.532 80 The entire assets of the Bank have been, as usual, carefully re-valued, and a7l bad and doubtful debts amply pro- vided for. The earnings for the past year have been even more satisfactory than usual, and sfter writing off for Bank Premises $127,808.41, and making a contribution to the Pension Fund of $25,000, we Bave boem able to add $500,000 to the Rest. During the year the Bank has opened Cetin and Bul- ORL Yiu. Dominion Notes Depoxit with » Great Britain the ank trie: cipal and other Ba Curren _ Discou Overdue provided for) .. Real Estate (oth Mortgages . Mr. Kingman: ager. erie Nicholls. At a meeting 'Saw brsaches ss follows: = In the city Penk Premises .. oo oo 1 Other Assets ., .. «+ «+ «= Your Directors have concluded that the time has come when the balance of the ancy and zeal with which the officers of the Bank have performed their respective GEO. A. COX, Toronto, 10th January, 1905. GENERAL STATEMENT. 30th November, 1904. LIABILITIES. Bank in cir- Cee ee owe oo T,600,947.68 ..318,003,420.00 terest ac. Sued 18 52,456,931.37 2 t . v y . - oate 10,459,381.48 Balances due to other Banks in Canada ...... 138,758.50 Balances due to other Banks in foreign 28,726.29 ASSETS. 3 21900.326.19 5.301.692 Dominton Government fer security of Note circulation ...- of and Chegnes 7 Balances due by Agents and Banks in foreign Government Bonds, Muni- Becuri- UO oi. fiein gars Call and Short Loans .... t Loans and bts (loss fully er B. E. WALKER, General Manager. The motion for the adoption ef the _ report was then put and carried. An increase of $10,000 in the Bank's annual contribution to the Fund was authorized, and the usual reso- lutions, expressing the thanks shareholders to the President, Vice-Presi- dent and Directors, and also to the Gen- eral Manager, Assistant General Man- ager, and other officers of the Bank, were unanimously carried. Moved by Mr. Kilgour, seconded bx That the meeting do now proceed to elect directors for the eoming year, and that for this purpose the ballot-box be opened and remain open till 3 o'clogk ' this day, the poll te be closed, hew- ever, whenever five minutes shall have elapsed without a vote being tendered. the result of the election to be reported by the scrutineers to the general mam- The meeting then adjourned. The scrutineers subsequently reported the following gentlemen to be elected as Directors for the ensuing year: Hom- Geo. A. Cox, Robert Kilgosr, W. B. Ham- ilton, M. Leggat, Jas. Crathern, Johm Hoskin, K.C, LLD., J. W, Flavella, A. Kingman, Hon. L. Melvin Jones, Fred- of the newly-elected Board of Directors, hell subsequently, Hon. Geo. A. Cox was re-elected Presi dent and Robert Kilgour, Vieo-President coun- 700,000.00 $00,000.00 other Banks in Canada ..... Balances due by Agents other coun- "than Bank Premises) .. .. .. of the President. 342.631.36 882.43 304,500.00 11.328,726.89 em. $91.065,798.31 -- da £.102,018.18: 400,000.00 on 4 $.635,085.30 10,692.50 3 5,894,865.43 of in 2,103,666.34 7,313.648.34 10.460.092.59 rrp $37,919,967.6T non 0 - 306.29: t 63,217.18 220,626.36 1.600.000.00 $8.610.09 J $91,066.798.31 eee Pension of the Resalt, of an examination in Arithmetic V. Max. 100 2RBRIIPIA3 asruRseng DIED. StiLiuan--Ju Lindsay, on January Oth Walter Andrew Siiflman, infant son of Mr and Mrs Martin Stillman, aged 'months, 18 days. : :. Bvery Physician Knows. | About the great- merit of Dr. Butt 'which cleanse the system | mii ot hPa WY bd 'Dr, - Hamilton Cus ey Qats.....: Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and |G Cures Oulds in One Hour. cures are di Many cold LOI PS rhozone d ah cures colds in o is both harmless and' oi | use. Even the worst col ing colds with running at the are stopped very quickly when balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone is , sniff "The inhaled. Catarrhozone acts likes chat evénts ter. zone. size 25¢C. at | Rye .....- Peas-- Black eye Peas--Small Buckwheat colds, kills them outright teturn a few hours ; colds, catarrh. and throat frouble use only Cat druggists. 5 archo- teial 8B » oo *%5558588 ~ - oe 000000000000 ©009000~0000

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