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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Feb 1905, p. 3

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4 Beg, Fumsce, Grate $6 Plymouth bed rand we are confident lead HURRAH. for a. Goud Sutnmer Suit at' M.F.LAGELL'S that is where you can get a good Up-to-Date Suit at a|e Reasonable Price. -7. Call in and Soe and you will be convinced NEW 600DS 3% Cow For Sale. . HREE (JUARTER , I Mik Cow, sell Clieap. Brep Jrrsgy Must sell aud will Apply to T. J. ASH, At Mr. McCaw's ANY PERSON Wishing to in vest $2,600 00 In a mortgage on first-class security cn farm property ih tus naghborhood yielding about 5% per cen'. and payable in yearly instalments over a long period | years <hould at once consult W. | H. HARRIS, Barrister, etc., Port | Prey, Unt. Notice to Creditors of Isaac Wells, late of the Township of Reach, | Yeoman, deceased. PURSUANT to Revised Statutes of On- is ha 1 tario 1897, Cap. 129, notice ely given that all erediiors and others haviog claims against the state of the above named Tac Wells, who died on the 11th day of January, 1005 are reqidred on be- fore the 4th day of Murch A.D. 1903, to send hy post prepaid or deliver to Hubert ve 104 pairs of boys ado Ap for the whole- Ne Sleers hic we are going to offer tc our Ts ta at 0 iD 'orth 85c for 65 13 of No. worth 85c for 65 44 of No, 208 worth $1 for 75 Ladies' Silk Blouses, regular $5.25 for $4.00 Black Sateen Underskirts, regular $1.25 for $1.00 regular $1.50 for $1.25 regular $1.35 for $1.10 y Yo p31 W Watch BE Full Stock # OF EVERYTHING IN THE 7 L. Eblels of the Village of lot Perry, Barrister, their Christian and Surnames, addresses und descriptions, to ether with | full particulars of their claims x statement | of their account, and the natare of the sccarity, if any held by them | And note in further given that after kuch lant mentioned date, the Adininistra trix of the Kstute of the said decensed will proceed to distribute the ussets of the Fs | tate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard ouly to the claims of which notice shall, at the time of distribation!in: been given ; and the Administratiix wiil | not he liable for the Assets or any purt théreaf 10 any peroi or persons of whose claim <he shall not have had notice. Dated at Put Perry, February 16th, | 1605. MARY ANN WELLS, Administiatrix 'Notics to Creditors. Notice to Creditors of David] Wakefield Hope, late of the | Towship of Scugog, Yeoman | Deceased. | YURSUANT Statutes o Ontario 1897, Cup. 128, Notice is here- | by given that all creditors and others having | claims against the Ketule of the above! maned David Wakefield Hope, who died on | the 20th day of Joly, 1904, are required on or before the 4th day of March A.D. 1905, | to send by Post prepaid or deliver to Hubert Lo Bihols of the Village of "bo it Perry, Barrister, their Christian surnames; addresses aiid desariptions. to- | gether with [nlp rtiualars uf thelt claims | & statam ut of their necount, and the na: | ture of the security, if any. held by them Aud notice is Furhor given thar, after | the luet mentioned date, the Administrat rix of the Estate of the sail decease d| will proceed to dstiilute the of the Estate among the persons entivled | thereto, having regaed only to the Claims | of which Notice shal' , it the time of distri- | bution, have been given ; aud the Adminis tratrix will not he liable for the AEseta" or uny part thereo® tony person or persons | of whose ¢luim she shall not have had notice. i Date at Port Perry, February 10th, 1005. EMMA ADA HOLE A DMINISTRATRIX. to Revised f at | ures | | | X -- TO --nwr LOAN On first-class Improved Farm Property. AT 5 Prompt attention given to ull cpileations. Piymoith Cod Sold by Jones & Orhard This i is one of the Best. Coals mined in the United States and they guar- #ntee it to give ent re satatislaction to their eustamgrs. "$67 aoa Nut and Stove al A reditction of 50 fs' per' 3650 those who take delivery, at their Coal Shed. 1f vou have not trier: "let us have a tria' it wi to further ode 18 IFarness Line STRENGTH, | | ----e WHICH FOR ee CHEAPNESS STLYR Durability and YJaunot be (urpaxsed in the County. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Tks ko., in abandauce. Jomparison of Prices Oouttea W. A. BEATTY. SQUTH ONTARIO Farmers' |nstit The Seath Onterto Farmers' In- | stitute. will hold metings as loilows: COLUMBUS FEB 2 GREENBANK, FEB. | Will leave Toronto every Thursday | DURING MARCH aNxp APRIL AT Q.00 P.M., F MANITOBA and no NORTH-WEST KINSALE, FEB. 28 WHITBY, MARCH Tr, atid fun via Toronto, Grand Trunk, WIHITEVALE, MARCH 2. North Bay avd Canadian Pacific. A Colonist Slezper will be attached MR. NASH, MR.'S. RENNIE (toeach train. Passengers travel AND MISS GRAY | ing wight Jive stock show 5 27 Will attend these meetings. Mr the train leaving Toronto at 1.4 Nah will speak along lites of |. "Train leaving' Torthito ag Growth of Piants and Insects. Mr. y0 p.m, is for passengers travels Rennie on Cultivation ofthe Soil ling wy stack, i and Sugar B e's. Miss Gray on| For patdegiars and; (eo of Dcmstic Sc ence subjects "AVe tatn ada," free @wydCan- adian Pacific Rahway Agent or (4 B Foster, D PAL, Togonto. dda agit puke DECIDE. NOW Td take a * Caurse. in' our Coilege SESS ONS OF WOMANS' INSTITUTE Will be held at Co Itt abus, | ¢b 25th and are cxpected to be held at ea. h {of the other places. The Woman's | Institute will entertain '(he gentle men at Columbus. Afternoon Sessions at 2. Even ing dt 730° Music for j joi atmveni Fe meeting, 2% land prepare to fill a gEponsible avd remuncrative position, Out W. F WEIR, ELMER LICK. als ie, Ou perester than w we can supply. a ES 4 om, giving co 2 Bae] id 2 i ¢ Pa nl wipe jugwds tlinizet ab Hquirements of a. modern bus: Hey SU NRA : i " Bookkeeping: Cone Acith a tic, Business W Penmanshp ; Correspondeneps i Spelling, © orthand and Touch T; doht a 1 y hed \ i | MARMALADE ORANGES FINEST NAVAL - SEEDLESS ORANGES CHOICE LEMONS MEX1CAN' ORANGES * SPANISH ONIONS HOME-MADE, MAPLE SYRUP a CE aren) SOMETHING NEW FOR MAKING-PIES. Try: ia package: of 'oui Chocolate: Pie Bol ® oH i § : FOR 'SPRING ( i ' IL. & J ou REATIONS STONFFER. {ite SETTLERS' TRAIN Coal! | Coal! We have out Coal Sheds io wi all sizes of the BEST| GOLD AND SILVER: WATCHES. ; ont a Ae be e in the ' nty, and woul solicit the. ge of this en- tire section of country. In: st most, of soi.. "1 have Apt , my productions aware of my in, catering Eo th : Returning ici whi « = 'onkigen voy 1s Apl 13 1904u. i : "a a eT mr AAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAAAAAAAARAAAAMAAAAMAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAIAIOPOPIPIININIII . NERVOUS CURED TO STAY CURED WARNING BIONALS Nervousness, baihfuluess, poor mem. ory, pimples on the fuce, aching back, cold feet and hands, no ambliion or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, Sympathetic dreams at night, fits of depression, morose apd sullem temper, restless and suspicious, specks Lefore the ey tude, inability ta fix the attention, ete, DItBILATY. Dolt't neglect it. It is daly a até fo paralysis or complete Joss of hiknhood. No matter the estgse--whether indis- Sh crectness in youll, n imagheod ners worries-- OUR VITALIZID EREATMENT WILL a BR. SPINNEY, You'oAN PAY WHEN'GURED. Dr. Spinney & Co. Ws Cure Yaricocels, Strictures, les, Urinary, Kidney and Bisadar Consultation Free. Question List 290 WOODWARD GRE DR. SPINNEY & GO. DEBILITY , desire for soll VE NERVOUS DETROIT, MICH. 8 Fain md the comniodious Store in the Carrie Block fitted ip Spee: ially, I am satisfied I have now one ofthe best appointel Brug | Be; Stores in (lie Province; aiid Eve taken 'possession of my new and extensive premises, wheté I have : up, addition to my extensive stock of Drilgs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerot§ patrons I would extend be opened ir an invitation to all to call and sec me thany new premises A] DAVIR Pert Perry, Sept 2 1900. x ee ee th ree oe rt | = A. ESCAPE, PY Iie ihe os Legon legal bat- tie ot Fite an gn Qed begged him to tell it. Ye oe Was: going on; for the pos- skssion of a fortune," costinued be, while thé others settled themselves for the story. "A wayward sor wad contesting the will of hid father; and the case abounded in dramatic fed tures. Charge and counter charge were frequent. The young man was explo sive, hot tempered and without char acter. How much bis family bad suf- fered through him no one ever knew. Spring is Coming { And you will need that Spring tather's vast fortune, and pow be saw the case going agafnit him and the | money slipping through his Bogers. The last lnk a. the was all tbat needed, and that would be i by the testimony of his sister. Her name was called; ati | [Suit or Qveroat, call in {and see our complete stock [Yall the newest designs and 50 [patterns in Suitings and as she foe up--sh¥ was 4 Prautirul | Trouserin y "We have some creature--there arose a buzz of admira- | a Wi , tion such #3 sometimes comes from ax | [snaps in. last year's Stock gudience. Khe .fustered at that and | hesitated, then started. for the wituess stand. | got up as she was passing me, intending to reassure her, and ac- which we will clear out at le 'ost- and less than Cost YWe have the largest range [of Blue and Black Twill Worsteds and Scrges (pnr chased -before the advance in price) and are prepared to ffer some Snaps in the same "See our ends and odd lengths [We make Buttons, Repair- bad a slight train in those days. My awkwardness saved her life." He paused for a moment to note the éftect of his wocdd. - "The admiratiof df {host ir thé bourtroom was the find | touch to that worthless brother. {0 don't get the money you pever will' | and fired at ber as she came toward FPYHE Sonth half of Lot"Number 13 io Cough Remedy the 14th concession of the Township of Reach. Possession to ple low at & = SI ly | ALWAYS CURES to Cla Oct. 10; 1904 "And is Pleasant and Safe. Ky ity. Chamberlain' Ss Cough Remedy QO EVEN MILE ISLAND Lake ALWAYS CURES [WD Scugog--s0 Acres. Excellent Awd is Pleasant and Safe. {latd. Apply H. BEES] Scucoc P For many years, in fact ited with the good tila Shiiy T I Have had a warm stanees pel hd dire o, of service to the co ery nda Yew of 81 iwy Te and' determina] permaneitly remain in th since. becoming Port Perry and C in: my heart for 2, have long since 'be with them dst, and in. order Ry linge based ® st busi- earsy on the which for ox I increased pat ho | rcs to suit you al right. in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, | | Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets I's o Also Fancy Goods, Diesfeld's so DIAMOND MALL We are, prepared te give SPECIAL BARGAINS n [rose 1 Cases in grédl Vitlety, isoni€ as ssmiell' as a Quarter of | Dollar, nicely Enameled ang Set with Peatls; &c WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS all fine aml New De signs GRrEAT VarierY Very CHEAP, Crocks iu , Tea Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EVERYTHING Gors CHerr. § § DIESFELD'S BO Repairing as tstial, Experierice is [nvariably Essential to Success. : , J : AVING had considerable 'experience "in* hegotiating "TMNT Sales-of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and im, every instance giving perfect satis- faction to all gencerned, I have concluded to 'devote my whale attention to disposing placed in my hands for, sale. of all Real Estate that may be | Ns tty FARMS FOR SALE I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties mow listed and for Sale Three Farms in S8cugog. £ne Farm in Reach. ' §@ Partiés' desirous of, Jit posing of fanded propetties li rye -augul their owy interests by plcing them with me for [jill PH ace gudtanterd. 'ommission on Real E: i i or mgonm fe at 22 is | + rates: Quick action.' . . i <4 1 represent the most desirghle Fire and 'Lite Contpanies. Prompt attention given to applications P rt erry, Y, Sept, 3. gon ! ¥ With "in The young fnscal hed hoped to get his | chain of evidence | cidentally stepped on her gown. Gownd | He | sprang up and, drawing a revolver | from his pocket, exclaimed, 'Well, if I | : to Announces. bs Hf Port surtbiinding country iy he is opening a Merchant Tailoring Business in the Blong Block, with a fine collection of Suifings; Vestings and Pantings. Having had a large exper', icnce [am prepared to make Suits as good and as cheap and up-to-date as any in thd tings | rade, Suits made to order from 5 up: Port Perry, June I, 1904. tout FOR SALE That Magnificent} Imported (Glydesdale Stalliod SIMON-YET [2390] 6895 TMHE undersigned offer for sale that {1 famous Imported Clydesdale Stallion [ "Sirvon Yet " He stands ansurpasred ax a while his progeny are unequaled in sire the Dominion and are prize-getters wher- | ever exhibited. Full particulars may be shtvined from the Company | THE BROCK HORSE CUADANY,; | 4 Sunderland, Or from JOEN PAEK, Manchester, where Simon Yet may be seen, | : | Rag Carpet Weaving, The undbtsighed, htvihg had large experiefict at the business, is | prepared todo Rag Carpet Weaving as it +hould bé. He may be found |at all times at his room up stairs | adjoining the Public Library | Charges moderate. All work first | class ard guaranteed to give satis faction As an inducement get parties to bring in their W caving at once, I | w Il weave 6 yards free for the paity | bringing in the greatest nnmber of ingand I' ressing dome on short him, My checking ber by treading of | yards between now and jst Match [notice. We guarantee our | ber gown made ber step backward, and | 5, 4 yards to the party {eine ing i work | the bullet missed her by an {nch= | ho next latge t huriber of yards | i Hamer ies ROBERT PORTEOUS. WwW. EH. DOUBT. | | Port Perry, Nov. 1904 | Port Perry, Feb 13. 1905 a oe 2 | «3 | To Rent Chamberlain's | oe * > Taking Homa Good Things to eat 1s an casy matter if you make your iW here We have everything in FanordSt taple Groceries QUALIT LITY lis the $9990 ° our business, we iever let that deteriorate. We buy forcash and make the best deals pos- sible, and ¢ customers benefits of "all advantages ob- tained | E. H. PURDY. i 1904. selection give our Sept: 7 x Business Men Know THAT THE WORK CF THE FAMOUS RONTO, ONT. . he of the Highest Gidde and that is he 4 [reason our graduates are stepping intol; rokitions as fast as they can get them read Wit Four College is open the entire year. Mag: nificent catalogue free, W.J. ELLIOTT, To the Public, : Corner Yeuge and Alexander Kis As U'mesan sea:ons chang $9 it becomes necessary for busi 3 men occasionally to change their wdvertisements. The Fall is hera and Winter is coming and [am still here with a large and first cla#2 Stock of Furniture suitable for tiie furnishing aj house reasonable #s anyother, | solicita fair share of trade. My Motto is * Equal fights to all, BUT NO MONOPOLY, of Selfisli Motive." My Undertaking Department' ig complete with a fall line of Cask: ts and Coffins. I can furnish fires class Hearse without éxtra eharge. Warerooms next dddY to Ste Charles Hotel. i Jo OFN NOTE. Port Perry, Oct Zo, 1904: . Se ERE SR i

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