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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Mar 1905, p. 3

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HURRAH! FOR G00D OLD Summer Time HURRAH for a Good Sumner Suit at M.F.LAGELL'S that is where you can get a good Up-to-Date Suit at a Reasonable Price. Cdl in and see and you will be convinced. Agricultural So Mercoant TatLor. 'Provincial Auction Sale ! PURE-BRED CATTLE, Resto Males and Females of Beef Breeds wiLL®Be HELD IN Port Perry On Tuesday, March 14, 1895 Under the auspices of the Live"Stock Association of Ontario, Scugog and the Board of Trad when the following animals Sefected with great tate from he Best Breeders of Stock ROR pis el in the Province: Cow For Sale. EZ Tor Catalogites dard full particulars apply to A. P. WesTErRVELT; Ts 5 ' je Associations. Parliament Buildings, Toronto YI"uree QUarTER DRED Jersey Secretary of Live Stock 3 Lo | Mick Cow. Must sell and wilt | °F J. 11. Brown, Scctetdry, Port Perry: sell Cheap. Apply to rye J. ASH, SALE TO COMMENCE AT TWO OCLOCK, P.M. At Mr McCaw's| ANY PERSON wishing to in | THOS. GRAHAM, President: Vest $2.60000 in a mortgage on | 3 -- he. = first-class security an farm proparty | -- eT in this neighborhood yielding about | 5% (vr cent, and payable in yearly | tistalments over a long pedo | years <honld at once consult \V H. HARRIS, Barrister, etc., Port Pir t | | N Notice to Creditors of] . Isaac Welis, late of the| Township of Reach,| oV2 ies Yeoman, deceased. URSUANT to Revised Statutes of On- | <r Pio ison, « Futon 7s Fares We have sofifé new and very attractive Belts, fiten thal gro ors aid ig sions Collars and Corsets which have just arrived. liims #gninst the Kstute of the above 1s ? : . Naimed Teac Wells, wim diced on he 11th I'he ladies will find them good value diy of January, 1903. are regaired on bes fore the 4t vy of March AD os to : ged by post pr paid or deliver » Hubert 1. hs of the: Village of Pe bert be weir Chiistian and Surnames, addresses wud descriptions, together with | full pas ticolars of 1 claims a statement | of their account, aud tl ature of the | ; . ve Secnrity, If aay held By them [ We have a large range of Flannelette Ni:ht Awl yotipe 18 futher given t after (owns which we are offering very Cheep kuch last m med date, the Administra | . ee : '= tre of che amite eon ot Regmilar 81 for 7c; regular 85c¢ for 6de, aad Jeneved to; dif Is of tha Be Children's regular 60¢ for 50¢ | here are fi.s0 ate among the itlod thereto, ! : ) Baring resin ule 1 s of whi a few of the White Gowns left notices hall, at tl fist 1 m e been given xn the Administratrix wil - Dat te Yale for the A y part 0 VO "31 1 mn thei eof to wny Perna or pagsons: of whose | Big \ 24 ining she abd agsdnve Bodt aontoe D 0 h ji 0 Dated stort Perry, February 16th, | : y 1905. Shane A Remembar the bargains wo off ed in these ST Jast week. Oad-line worth §1 for 73c, and Notices to Creditors | three lines worth -85¢ for ac Notice to Creditors of David| {fe!d Hope, late of the| ip of Scugog, Yeoman, | jo ceased. { JONES & SON. Salada Watch ul Wait has been giv at the St. FOR OUR SPRING CREATIONS IL. J. ST ODEFER. | | | | | | | { | PEPER IERIE IPI I RRR EF POR FIISY oC Dr. SARBBODRBIPU ISO IPBIOPRLR Yn as STRICT FUR GuredTo § pe =8 Etey Cured 3 fetures, 1 where located sare tk d harbar tly modern and ¢ ' aj ely « om Hie horrors c w nr armless. The abnor - 5 s the channel free anc @ na An aa A or bur 3 y ¢ @ § - r 2 cure you, YOU CAN I AY WHE "N URED. Wo Cura V2 gang hing Jiseanpa. ¥ Meryous Debi hg SEL "tadlUet; Kidiiey and © n. BPINKEY, Founder of Spinney & Co. DR. CREEANEALAIAEIL OGL ERLAQAYC U/inary Digoaseds CONSULTATION FREE. Duecti Treatment Sent Fre. ¥ SPIFINEY & 200 WOODWARD AVI, DETROIT, © te on List For Home ay Lp arn £ (6A HEHASDEGAK JURSUANT to Revised Statutes of 1 Qutario 1897, Cup. 129, Notice is here Tiy given the e sand others having claims inst ste of the above hand Dn tid Wakefield Hope, who tied on! RA OC © 29th day of Joly, 1914, are required on br in ore the 4th day of March A. D. 1905; | 10 send by P wi ov defiver. in] OF EVERYTHING IN THE Hubert | itlage « 3 "u Perry ir" Chrintiart wr » have our Coal Sheds filled with all sizes of thB 1¢71 gnrnames. ahiresses and descriptions, to id ~ Retro ith foil particainre uf Chile cine, Ca i 3 65 ine : a statement of their account, and the na ture of the security, if any, held hy them EB . Awl tice is fusther given that, after -- ----WHICH FOR Es the jnet mentioned date, the Adininistrat fix of the Dstate of the said deceased 8 5 will proec ligtrilnte the assets aa «a " # A of the It the parsons entitled = Weretn hs at the claims CA 2A PNESS STLYE of which N at the time of distri- | i bution, hay 0; and the Adminis og i11t | -- = Bnd tratrix will wot by Je for the Assets or! Dur ability and | NE pT any part thereol ta any person or persons | | of whoss claim she shall not have had notice. TH Date at Port Petry, February 10th, 1005, 5 I RE NG I'F- --- EMMA ADA HOPE ADMINISTRATRIX. | 5,001 be furpassed in the County, -- | &e., in a%undance, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Tran Oo>mparisdn of Frices Coufted W, A'BEATTY. Prompt tacit given to all £8plieati nr. Aye CC LH BROWN, POLIT PERRY =X tii Toren FORMAL JONES & CO. Take Orders at their Store for Plymouth Coal Sold by Jones & Orchard "This is one of the best Coals mined in the United States and they guar- autee it'to give entire satatisfaction to their custonmgrs. They quote Hut and Stove at - $6.75 Reg, Furnace, Grate $6.50 A reduction of 50 cts per ton tc those who take .delivery at their Coal Shed. If vou have not tried Plymouth Coal "let us have a trial ord.r and we are confident it will had to further orders. JONES & CO FINEST - ORANGES CHOICE LEMONS MEXICAN ORANGES SPANISH ONIONS pac Port Perry, Feb: 11, 190%. MARMALADE ORANGES NAVAL SEEDLESS HOME-MADE MAPLE SYRUP SOMETHING NEW FOR MAKING PIES. Try a packige of éur Lemon or Chooalzte Pic Filing, To cts. per "T" . FORMAN & SON. Bla NUT, FURNACE, STOVE Also the very best J. Steam Coal for threshing. 3 losburg Coal. call. | cksmithing Coal, A No. 1. Prices right. Give PURDY & ARCHER. To take a course in cr Coilege and prepate to fill a responsibl yard remunerative poc<itior. Om jase for skilled office help are greater than we ean supply. ~geTOR! igs SMIRICAL HAL OA, A Atv Shae Y. M. GC: A. Bidg,, TORONTS, ONT. bas the reputation for giving the BmWMST n both Commercial and Shorthand Education. Our courses are com plete, and arranged to meet th: refuirements of a modern busines: office. Bookkeeping, Commercial Arith- metic, Business Law Penmanshp. Correspondence, Spelling, Gregg Shorthand and Touch Tj pewriting thoroughly taught by eXptiences teachers. 4 Enter any tines Individual Instruction, Huandsome Catalogue Free. WM. BROOKS, Principal ar a h: Apl 13, Ld LStop No Place Like Pos acquainted with the good people of vicinity I have had a warm ple the 'm, and circumstances per nitti had a desire and f to be of service to the communit ness stands Bakery and Confectionery Duis ent and efticiency will be secon County, and would solicit the pat tire section of country. capacity in catering for the pt thanks for past favors, soliciting § ronage and a renewal of Support 0 Asp endid tonic for the hair, makes the 18 tree a Perry 1} i¢6 Lecoming ort Perry and my heart for we long since e with them it, and in order e purchased e best busi- carry on the which for ex- none in the of this en- Host of yom Lawdre of my : Returning increased pat- er ptrows, Fort many. yemrs, in fact ev determination ul permanently remain in their ny sititablo property embracing one in town, where I b In tl ve tested my productions and Yours truly, 1904. CHA HARN. tr lls rel, Corn. ys restores color to gray hair, all the d bs falling hair, also. Sold for fifty year | Renan ot yo Seen Ta -. Ee ---- wa ne Williams. HEE lishing house of Hodder Re ha at Toronto the otheY day. epi ent rates form a heavy and unfair han | | dicap on English journals and - | zines, as a result of which the Canadian | public is becoming Americanized by: getting its news and reading through New York | | "This story has been'told often, but ft must be repeated until its lesson is learned," went on Mr. Williams. "Ev- ery Canadian publisher who comes to Europe ca Postmaster-Gener- al to urge reform, and as a pub- lisher, I am at judge of Its neces: sity Mr. Williams' present mission to Canada is for the purpose of securing Dring is Coming Girade ta tox the ySrom of sesuring e. H as made arrangements th Ralph Cor N And yon will need that Spring A. Batt anor, » kv IR Suit or Overoat, so call in, Knox cc the production of their for rks. and see our complete stock "The tf Canadian . authors § All the newest desiohs and | take England," sald Mr { ) Wi wonder to me is patterns mn Suitings and that v wafiy more of them Trouserihe, YWe have some| 'T f the Sea' Norman Dun , t short stories, re snaps In last yea stock t enthusiastic reviews, which we will clear out at 2nd Ralph Connor's 'Prospector' had a . 1 tetmarkable sa Cost and legs than Cost "There g fleld for authors of "We have the larcest ranve some at and knowledge of thelr 1 subject u 1 history of the of Ble and lack Iwill | m1 I 2 he pioneer days A Worsteds and Serges (pur great we { material can be gath | ' red fron ling of the Scotch chased before the advance ir' and 1rist There are more price) and are prey ared to | Bist nd n Canada than thers . . are in Scotland now, and I can assure offer some Snaps in the same. | you that there is room in Kugland for Secourendsand odd lenuths,' many adlan books 'alorig the lined . ) I have indics We make Buttons Repair of rse tted Mr. Williams ing and Pre r done on short! 9 i. f this country Is = at have talked Canada and notice W uarantee our! pr ada In The British Week work 1 afraid I have become a rs are improving now anada are increasin H. DouUBT ' I belleve there. ars Port Perry, Sept 2 1900. Remova Having had the commodious Store in the Currit Block fitted up, etpec- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, and have takin possesion of my new up, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend and extensive premises, where 1 have opened in an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew premises, A.] DAVIS, - CANADIAN ArHoni. ww Well-Known English Publisher Says They Are Popular in Mother | staan en i | Can- ang a theta art ie Mg gis 1g Canada from 1 0 lay than ever dence In Canadian credit, rudely shas SOUTH ONTA RIO ken some years ago, i# being restored hrm or 8 "As British publishers, we are make fitn stitute in L Ing a great effort' to 'capture and re- taln the Canadian market. We are pre pared to fight the American publishers The © Ontario Farmers' In-| to the death. It is a Matter of senti. stitute etings as lollow ent and business combined, and we i. won't be beaten easily." Cl ~ FEB J GRI BANK. FEI I - I 1 t B Ko Partisnlar Grief MARCH fuddy=Jilson {s & tharried man, 1 MARCH 2 suppose? . ) , ) Duddy--Oh, no It is natural for H, MR. S. RENNIE | nim to look the way he does. Hb tas AND MISS GRAY always of a melancholy disposition. Ww t meetings, Mr. | ~ ---- Na h speak along lines of Growth of Pints and Insects: aie | Chamberlain's Ren ( ion of the Soil Se Ses ds ff Cough Remedy Domes e subjects ALWAYS CURES oF MA STITUTE Aud is Pieasant and Safe. \ held at Columbus, Feb. 25th Are e c { a eacl -------------------------------------------- fl ther places I'he Woman's ston eet SETTLERS TRAIN mer at Colt { - | After n Se t 2. Even | ¢ " Bite A ! Wilk leave Toronto every Thursday ng a { t joint eve | meet DURING MARCH APRII WwW. I EIR I {ER LI Qupr AT Q.00 P.M - MANITOBA and the NORTH WEST I'o Rent run via Toronto, G I k '1 E ISLAND N 1 Bay and Canadian Pacif nD A . J A ( onist Slecper w be attache \ CTE XCelle each train. Pass avel \ pj : pl g withot \ } i take 11. BEESLEY on live sto k . P. ¢ rain leaving Tc at 45 ' I'rain leaving Torchto at p.m, 18 fot passengers trav To Rent. with stock, YHE South half of Lot Number 13 Por particulars a py of l the 14th concession of the Townrhip tern Canada," fr y Car | Réach. Possession to plow nt once, Apply in Pacific. Railway Agent or ( to D. McKAY | B. Foster, D P.A., Toronto Oct. 10, 1904 Whithy, | E E I in this district, faction to whole attention to disposing of all Réal' Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale. Four fine properties now listed and for Sale will consult their own mtefests by placing them with me for sale. LOANS Companies. xperience is Invariably ; ssential to Success. AVING had considerable Sales of some of the larges and in every instance giv all concerned, I have con¢h expericnce in negotiating Real Estate fit | perfect satis- | | t transactions i i fo 'devete my FARMS FOR SA TH I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Three Farms itt Scugos. fine Farm in Reach. &&F Parties desirons 6f disposing of landed properties Satisfaction gaafanteed. without Commission on Real Estate securit fir sums to snit borrowers at unusually lod rates. Quick action. EZ | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Prompt attention given to applications, 7. Sept. 3, 1961, | 4 Vestings and Pantings. T+ Suits ads to order | and Alexander Kis | nien land Winter is coming and T ath sfif here with a large and first clas¥ Stock of Furniture suitable for thé furnishing a" house reasonable as any other. solicit a fair share of trade. My Motto is 'Equal nghts [toall, BUT NO MONOPOLY, or NEW Merchant Tailor Shop 0. PERKINS Begs to .announce. to the Citizens. «of Port Perry, ind surrounding country that ha is.opening a Merchant Tailoring Business . A in the Blong Block, with a fine collection of Suitings, Having had a large, exper-. ience [ am preparad {o make, Suits as good and as.ch and up-to-date as any iu Hate ? w $10 up. | Port Perry, Juve 1, 1604: FOR SALE That Magafficent,} Imported Clydesdale Stallion SIMON YET T [2390] 6895 for sale' thas ydesdale Stallion er ted © tar surpassed as a sire peny unequaled in the Dor l a prize-getters whers ever exhil I pa ars may be obtrein ¥ ( I y THE BROCK HORS}H COMPANY decland Or from JOH w may be seet, Raz Carpet Weaving, Ihe undersigned, having had arge experience at the busihess, i$ prepared t Rag ( Weaving as it sl H iv be found at a nes at his room up stairs adjoin the Pul Library Charges moderate Al work first class i ed to give sali factio ' A nd nent get parties to g he at once, I v Weave r for the party t gi reate nnmber of ards betweer w ar 1st March, and 4 yards to the party bringing in the next largest number of yards ROBERT PORTEOUS. Taking Home Good Thin Ings to eat is an y matter if you make your secteetton here,.-- We h thing in Fanc ASH taple Groceries UALITY POSS ® is the mainstay of our busine we never let that deteriorate We buy fares ash' and make the best dedld pos- sible, and give our customerd benefits of all advantages ob- tained E. H. PURDY. Hept. 7, 1904 Business Men Know THAT THE WORK OF THE FAMOUS el TORONTO, vA 1s of the Highest Grade and that | rerson our graduates are stepping int | positions as fast us they can get them ready- | | Our College is open the entire year. niticent catalogue fice, | corner yorge W. J. ELLIOTT, Frinripat To the Public, Astimesan teens ons chang 48" t | becomes necessary for busi « 8 to change theirc, The Fall #5 hers occasionally advertisements, Selfish Motive." My Undertaking Departent i% complete with a full line of Caskets and Coffins. I can furnish a' firsts class Hearse without extra charge, Warcrooms next door to St; Charles Hotels JOHN NOFY. Port Port Perry, Oct 2 36, oF 190d Neuralgia and Nervousness cured AJAX SES Tie No hearfdepres ian; Greatest chro ever discovered 1 Take no other, roc aad 25c. Kildeer oe drtoomy Apso & Ca, Simeosy Out. 34 wausbel i nein Sk oh et meted

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