2 -- soLuTRLY Nickssany To Hearn Srasvaris is Conor Gow : Baxisugs Disease. with rich red blood do not 'feel the cold of winter. When your bx are cold. your fingers numb and = face blue and pinched, it is a ain sign that your blood is thin and r circulation weak. Your Eta aeeds building up with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They make new blood ; they stimulate circulas- tion. The new biood they make races through your veins to every part of your body from finger tips 0 toes, and makes you warm, Be and healthy. Mr. Alphonse Lacoussiere, St. Leon. Que., says: "About a year ago my blood be- tame impoverished and I was badly sun down. My hands and feet were always cold and I could not stand the lcast exertion. My trouble was further aggravated by pains in my kidneys and bladder, and often I could not go about withont aid. consulted doctors, but they did not help me, and I was almost in dis ir when 1 was advised to use Dr. illiams' Pink Pills. I got six boxes and before they were all gone I knew I had found a medicine to cure me. I took the pills for about a month longer and every symptom C trouble | one, and 1 have Se ro MR © Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure after doctors and common medicine have failed because they actually make new rich blood, and sof Hiou Starring ~ CoMMUNITY. -- Quite a large percentage of the citizens of Port Petry have already become noted for their somewhat high stepping proclivities, more especially those Jiving in the western portion of the town. The frequent climbing of the. snow lad- der has so affected their pedestrian propensities as to entirely change their gait so it will soon be difficult to class them as (side) walkers. Layton Brass Bano has just is- sued a neat business card announc- ing their preparation to "supply choice and appropriate Band Music at Festivals, Entertainments, Ex- cursions, &c., and the rapid pro- gress towards proficiency lately made by this popular band is a re- markable example of what may be accomplished by wotiring applica- tion and energy. They ss all the up-to date selections of Band Music and discourse them in a man ner that would do credit to the best band in the Dominion. Their new uniform is unique "and highly ap- propriate. x: EF One of our most estimable and prosperous townsmép made the he other day, at of Jat visitors in town. - ing for the accuracy of the remark, may it not be possible that the scarcity complained of is owing in BusinessCuaNGe.--The St.Charles | hands, the new proprietor, Mr. Niles Searls has for many years been a prominent and respected citizens of Wellington, Prince Ed- ward County, and comes highly commended. The St. Charles holds an enviable reputation as a hotel that meets in every respect the re- quirements of the public, and that it will continue to cater in a manner that cannot fail to make it, under its new supervision, a still greater favorite, there can be no doubt. All wish the energetic and enter- prising gentleman success in assaming the title of mine host of the St. Charles. && H. H. Stone will make your Spring Suit to suit you, and fit both your person and your pocket. Order etrly and be assured of the best satisfaction, Dr. D. S. Hoig of Oshawa has been appointed associate coroner for Ontario County. It has been the Hon, - V Ross, the Hon. Richard Harcourt and the Hon. John Dryden so long Pont Pager, March 4, Hotel, in this place, has changed Editor Osszrver. i The Provincial A Pure-bred Short-Hora held in Port Perry, March ji will include some grand speci of the breed such as young bull breeding age and up to twa y old, thick fleshy fellows, .of 'go size and rich colors, well come. tha would make herd headers, great syndicate bulls. The fe are from one to four years those of breeding age are in ¢ calf at foot, Among them are 8 young cows and heifers that make grand foundation any person wishing to start of pure-bred Short Horns they ing been bred and contribu sale by such noted John Davidson, Ashburn; Co Dros. Newcastle; Wm. Ormini Columbus; W.E. Dyer, Co bus; J. W. Disney, Greenwood C. McAvoy, Balsam; Sam John Ashburn ; Joha Duft, Myrtle; Jackson, Scugog; Thomas Red: 3 Leask, Greenb Wes S 3 eflery. Jobn McKenzie, Columbus; whom are up-to-date in breeding of Short-Horns as the stock will show on day of sale. Mr, G. Jackson alo! matron who appears to be sincerely ln deavoring to give efficient service n o NicHoLasInGram, Esq. ks Port Paxry, ONT. ecretary Loyal True Blue Ore 'phanage. cer in charge of the Loyal True Orphanage at tion of that Institution. | 1 made an official visit of inspec- ome on January 26th, when, I found 22 male and 3 female child- in the residence. This Home re- ceives children over two years and under twelve years and unless 'otherwise provided for they are pe1- pitted to remain until the age of een. . This Institution belongs to and lis managed by the Loyal True Blue Association and is pleasantly ocated on the shores of the Bay of vinte about a mile from the Town Picton. It is in charge of a caring fos the children oh patate cottage of the caretalke tge grounds, otherwise 1 found everything in order. I was inform- ed that the cottage would be re- the entire herd Scotch and Se \ horn. cattle, 'a lot of C Dear Sin:--By request of the mares and fillies and the an, Ont, I|gil d you berewith a copy of thejer is 'official report of my recent inspec | dation best dual-purpose class, of milk and meat go a hig . and the good-milkin, ualities of ion to this Orphanage and Rescue |. .jes have been ai to Sh while the general character of the herd has by the use of high-class Scotch bulls been moulded to con- form tothe approved modern type of low-set, thick fleshed, early-ma- turing cattle, and it is safe to say that for the general farmer this is decidedly the most useful cattle. A cow thatis not a good railker is seldom a goed bre-der, and and the best milkers are . generally the best rs. A glance through the herdbooks re- a long list of produce, the cows be-| ety degree, class. of and surest breeders. veals that the families represented in this herd have been exceedingly prolific, the pedigrees of the cows being in most instances followed by ers and long livers n g and in- representing most of | the best Scotch families known The young stock is mostly sired by the imported herd bull now in ser- Mr. w.Q. Howden wae: 's Sale. T On March 235d, = advertised, wane 7 ny 4 ey ist 3 it 7) g . ib li i McConn 3 '% i li : fifi ili il i i £ ; i i FY pe Perry, te Saturda Cm . bb Z v. SM arc 1908, Samuel McCon aged 85 years. How very few of the many mil- strengthen all the organs and brace ' A up the 'nerves. That is the way part to the snow blockade of SOME | that we find it hard to get back to] will be auctioneer. built very soon. vice and included in the sale. li \ od life with d 3 they cure indigestion, kidbey and of our sidewalks; to be lost in the plain Mr. Ross and Mr. Harcourt "1103. "GRAHAN I made an examination of the| Meadow Lord =36067=, of the liens who start ife wit eceas justly celebrated Kilblean Beaunty|!P 1820 are now alive! few indeed. liver troubles, rheumatism, nervous- ness, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart St Vitus dance, partial paraly sis and secret ailments that fill the snowdrifts on the Port Perry walks as at present constituted would not be a surprise to some of our town fathers. and Mr. Dryden. John F. Spencer, of Grand Junc- tion, Colo., is said at last to have produced a seedless apple. One of Port Perry Council The March meeting of the above Books and found the records were neatly and correctly kept. The amount received in accordance with the Charity Aid act by this family, from which came the three. times 'champion of the English Royal show, Mr. Willis' great cow, White Heather, his sire, Sergius, Deceased was born in County Down, Ireland, in March, 1820, He remained in his native land till 1846 when he and his brothers and sist- STYLE ud MERIT pret. pus 1S T&FORBID GIVING credit to any one on wy ac: count as I will nct be responsible for debts contracted without my written order oN JOHNSTON. Port Perry, March 6, 1905. House and Lot for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale a Frame Dwelling House and one- half acre of land on Union Avenue. For particulars apply on the pre- mises. D. BOOTHBY, Feb. 7, 1908. a Perry. THE FIRST OF THE NEW lives of s0 many women with mis- . ery. Do not take any pills without Provincial Avcrtion Sark ar |the striking peculiarities of the new | Council was held on Monday last. |igstitution from the Government |Deing bred hy Mr. Bruce, of 3 3 ) . Pe the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink | Poxt Prey. -- It will be seen by trees is the absence of blossoms. In| All members present HR Mr during the past year was $421 Heatherwick, from his favorite May. | €F® moved to Canada taking up their Pills for Pale People," on the wrap-| 1. advertisement and poster cards place of these, three or four small| Jackson who was unavoidably ab Th di Y 423.3% | Bower tribe. residence on the property just north Ill il 1M N ¥ green leaves grow from the twig |sent. e expenditure for the mainten-| Meadow Lord is a massive roan of Port Perry where deceased re { & per around each box. Sold by all that a Provincial Auction Sale of around the young apple to shelter it Minutes of previous meeting read ance of this Orphanage have ap- five-year old bull that was imported and Trimmings are always to be medicine dealers or sent by mail at | : : y ¢ 0 cents a box or six boxes for 82 so | Pure-Bred Cattle, registered, is to [This makes it impossible for a moth | and approved. : parently been economically and |by Mr. Arthur Johnston, whose tained tilithe line of bis decease |, 10 We search for the writing the Dr. Williams' Medi- | take plcce in Port Perry, on Tues [© deposit the eggs; and insures| Mr. Frice presented {the Weigh prudently made. The total cost of judgment may be trusted. to bring and is only survived by one brother, | KEST and select goods of undoubt- _-- cice., Co, Brockville, Ont. [day, March 14, commencing at two what is practically a wormless | Scales report showing receipts for maintenance for {he 1 only such as area credit to their | Thomas, who still resides on the |ed style and merit. | o'clock, when, 24 choice a 1 apple February of $35.00 §/% pan year. was breeding, and the progeny of this|family homestead. Deceased was| {ve h i a ! + 24 choice ammals E# It isa good thing to order Mr. igelow came before the| Was $4.02643. The records show | bull proves the potency of the blood i : : e have greatly increased onr will be sold. This Sale isunder the | your Spring Suit early, before the | Council requesting a grant to the that there have been no deaths [that courses through his veins. A longer 5 the best acceptation. of [shelving space and still have nct ' K auspices of the Provincial Livelrush. H. H. Stone is desirous of | Agricultural Association's Stock | among the inmates during the past The character of the sires of the Thay perm avis doeaiod bate yen toom for out immense stock of - Stock Associations, Scugog Agricul- | showing you Spring Goods which Fair. : year a fact which is a testi | ows and heifers in the herd may; ap) a oT t ay h. - NEW SPRING GOODS THE OBSERVER tural Society and Fort Perry Board will take your fancy. On motion of Mr. Allison, the re- 15.the hygenic : estimony be judged from the mention of the | Vac: ie clays of siiely 18 wu glee Has A Goon CimcuraTiox. snd Is sen 5 : . port of the Weigh Scale Manager ) YE requirements of the brooding of a few such as Russel 8y : and to clear out our Winter Lines, of Trade. This will be a grand op- The amount to be paid out dur- child § : : debted for what it pow is, he was stantly growing in favor. It le the BENT P was accepted. ren, bred Crown Prince, by their prize- f the A 3 I we are- offering many medium & Advarching Wediem In ihe Couniy ie the portunity to secure the best the|ing the coming year by the United] On motion of Mr. Waddell, the| 1 made a complete inspection of | winning Prince Royal, and of the ore 3! oe great Drodnaine Fi weights in Suits and Overcoats at nay Cheapo of o at a poonte the country affords in Registered | States in pensions is $138,250,100, | the request of Mr. Bigelow was ac-|the building and premises and saw famous Miss Ramsden tribe; Lav-| 4 im on ing way as 5a cost, and some less than cost. Ta) is oot 3 terovk of svar, bowers aud | Cattle, Don't fail to be present-- the smallest sum to be paid since quiesed in and a grantof $15 was all the children who were that day Shder Ripe ned By Joba. Mitier & goes along and takes care of the NOW Jor cliques nd Cota | ) : . . A A o e , l r-toupded iy 1 py eriion and best | the opportunity is a rare one-- | 1891. It begins to look as if full On motion of Mr. Allison, $1,900 enrolled as inmates. I found all{same noted family as Langford Bal anes. He made vo noise and 35 YOUR riue Lk re wo |e J partmeal every animal will be sold. tide in the nation's gratitude had| gas ordered to be paid to the|the rooms in good order aad the |Eclipse, sold at their dispersio attempted vo display but in matters FOR A SNAP. - Ba pr yb pines of pub : Ps pe "| of industry and economy was a con 1 Beation-- Port Perry ¥=" H. H. Stone has had to add | been reached, and that the ebb had | Treasurer of the Board of Educa-|domestic work was evidently done Bien Javuary last for $1,525; theo 0 I and ern He H. H STONF. of i ---- | « . . : " . . » x 3 ok: rng keen, 1 wat guid fn ee ay Jory ay hine has been i ted b on motion of Mr Hutcheson, $20,|'" 2 satisfactory manner. . The beds (imp) y kira Pip ini was much respectedand was regu-| Port Perry, Ma-. & 1007, N ee ~-------- / « m machine has been invented by : ATL "land bedding were neat, clean and | Valier 3 aa] i1jar and eXemplary 'in his habits" TTT TTT TTT > TINO | mense New Stock of Spring Goods, | balance due on printing contract, ' Valiant, by tne Kinellar Rosebud Y td : JOB PRIN I ING [and to still further gi So or which deaf people in the congrega-| _c paid to Mr. S. M. Newton. well kept. The closets, bathe, | bull, Kipling, and on his dam's side Wis a conkisiart Presbyterian 20d ns mo TO AF Low rriCES further Spring importations, he is tion can be made to hear the ser Mr. Allison introduced and car-|drainage and ventilation have been of the Cruickshank Countess Clan; lst De " im eee Pe nh : . | sacrificing medium weight goods, | MOB H. D. Carmon of the Toron ried through a By-Law fixing the [well looked after. The. water sup and Revenue a Toronto winner, from a ho Hie dee io. he yw %, 3 ' ------------ which he will convert into Suits [to Star says: What is needed now amount to be paid by the Corpora-{ 10% used with fine results in the herd of SILRIIS0Y where he an ) , t ply is pumped on the premises and : had been confined for two years, nog NORTH ONTARIO 0BSERYER and Overcoats; in fact, he is offer- | js something to fix the chaps whose tiontothe WaterCommission foreach |, f . Hon. John Dryden, his progeny i 4 hi if ) : hee ing. snaps that cannot fail to rush | . [hydrant at $50 per annum ; also was ound satisfaciory. The qual-|selling for high" -prices.-- Farmers' Sresse himself and was conveyed hot -- ee -- | them of. | TesiEht is sO reak ! ey Dever CAN | lducing the salary of the Engineer |ity of the food suppliedis wholesome, | Advocate. 1 be polls apd *oied Jov Mr 3 get the @nly Paper Printed and Published in seu the collection plate. | of the "Brigade to $a5 , increasing | putritious and the kitch rou pr yi all nistie the successiul, card date ! clai Pert Perry. Our county town is having a| . . "hief' lary d chen acces or-| Concentrating Britain's Naval Ferces.| A large cortege followed the re- we T rs ; costly and somewhat aftioyiog ox] Mr. Robert Sellar, editor of the Re Ce ert He the es are about what are needed in| With Sir John Fisher at the Admir- | mains to the family plot in the Pine = 1% PORT PERRY, MAR. og, 1905. | perience with its Water Works | Huntingdon Gleaner, whose *282C| Op motion the Council adjourn: such an institdtion. er Rr ey paysy Grove Cemetery. Dispersion Auction Sale i: a ~ | System. The portion of the pipes) 2 and foresight in political mat-| eg, "| Isaw each child and none were | 4 far<reaching in its results as the | py, cx In Scugog, 'on Tuesday pe ' rrogress ot the Campaign lad acent to the lake for a rt jress have often been proved, says, | Ma : fon the sick list on the diy of my ey ann Le Bag ri 9] March 7, 1905. Edith Fralick el oF . J ' pa °F speaking of the bill creating the Cor. McGiILLIVRAY'S a a in Th ; er different, ing dest and beloved daughter of i BN A report received in London © p! ie Bre frozen ROA 2a | two new provinces in the North. | John A A a Jay for ertably de hikes ore our progress towards the realization Solomon and Mary Fralick aged Staleh ad H No : ! ready three weeks have' been con " | successful sale las +1! "lothed anl seemed | of our Imperial jdeal. The disappear- J a ! J 4 Early ais pris fated that {en | sumed at the rate one hundred do'- | "<3" It may seem an improbable | noon at his farm on the Centre generally bright and happy. 1 was| ance of warships from Colonial waters 2 yeate§ Frynihs ang 2 days. . ] el uropatkin had i1etreated from | forecast, yet time will bear it out, road. There were 63 Shorthorn will not move Colonials to agonized de- | Deceascd'was a young lady of Mukden and gone to Fushun, and | lars a day and still there is no flow : | pleased with the absence of any | pair, the disappearance of the red- : 00 ~ 0 ly nid I that the former place had been set of water. Some contend the pipes that this bill forshadows the end of | cattle sold including 13 bulls aud Uiscontent. T found that the aiatron | cost one the Jem They Know that It fa | SUPErior intelligence, of amiable 5 - . + + n | bull calves and 6 calves at foot o 3 i . le di i i am on fire by the Japanese shells. The were not sunk ow ep the Laurier adm:nistrarion. | ; d . 2 necessary measure; that it is in har- | gentle disposition, a loving and af | d a ) ' i ough, while . their mothers. The average for[8P her small fl of assistants had | mony with Nelson's main principle of ' 8 ares and Fillies and byl forces of Marsal ora however, an expert in Port Perry is of the There is 2 movement in Toronto | the females including calves was{apparently the Tespect and affcc. | naval defence; that it is carried out ectionate daughter, a kind friend ] § k : the west Te r. south \f M kde he [opinion that the route for laying |'C Secure better pay for the police. | $96 per head, and for the bulls $87. Ition of the children who look upon | mn ue reEar to I A oriony and 'Was Hos SRemplary jn hes arm loc and Implements, most ed fehting -- te the pipes was not the most ese] Itis accompanied by a complaint The Bale sincinted to Spada of this as their home. The a Eo a ey Solon walk through life. She was deser- THE POPRRTY OF bi ported. There 50,000 Japanese, one | that the standard of the men on the Rao, ees" raid 4 hi arsured me that a record is kept of I ale nny Ty Nora ely ssiesmed by all who hag the Ww G HOWDEN 7 io : with 200 pieces of artillery, made : force is falling off. If this i Te 7 pleasure of her acquaintance, and . . : hu ! Marcel . g oft. is is true, had been good, the barn yard would [each chid so that in after years the | strength. This was inevitable owing to Tos er repeated attacks, but they were arcli bas come io gold, although | is an unanswerable argument in|not have dn ople. | whereabout ¥ the growth of the United States. With | er many good qualities endeared Columbus P.O, Ont., ~ ure successfully repulsed. The losses | not exactly like a *'roaring lion, . g people iw bouts and welfare of each| tne tncreased mobility conferred on the her to all Careful training and th les f eu on both sides were enormous. At|the temperature on Woediresday | 27 of the increase. The cheap- ere wer people Bete hom Porg former inmate may be known. | mavy by modern science, the defence Eo ena pin o ang he 3 miles from Myrtle Station, on the ut a ° Mn - uron, Michigan, an s far . of British interests in the western hein- of devoted parents y : Whur id a ; Seneral Tseapitsky | morning having gone 12° below | st policeman a town of or City Can | y iawa on the East. The cattle have had 10 complain of neglect of | jy here ta best i oT the | manifested themselves throughout ° r 2 \' 3 istinguished himself, charging on | zero. During the last twe weeks of have is a good one. The price pec-| gq spread throughout the Povince, this not being done in some orphan- | maintenance of a relatively small force it hole d f On Wednesday, March iy) 1906 ihe horseback, at ihe hea of his troops, | February, 1904. it was below zero [essary to secure him a secondary [some going to Glengarry and some ages, and | was pleased to find that in the North Atlantic, but by powerful (1¢ whole deportment of deceased. 5 ) rix upon a position that had t ' ht t . th ° : ar 4 . fleets within a X's steam. Not that Th i 1 ludi y wil in and ca torin edly besow ge ve oa hejog It [ consideratian. going to Michigan. The majority fwhat I consider an important rule | the flag is to pore : from Colonial Y . bloowing flawe 15:0 fethale am aden fp! he Ire slock ; m Wi The t ' I g ! % . Pr | Before the Agricultural Com.|Wept to the Townships of Uxbridge, |. : i waters, for these will be visited by fiy- | 3 1lity intertwined with the early : Hhiean hey The troops on both sides are said | month it went below zero four times, & 4 -Om- | peach, Brock, Scott and Pickering is well kept in the Picton Home | yng squadrons of battleships and cruts- | fruits of genuine piety formed in Beauty family iy to be nearly exhausted with their [the average being 8° below. The |mittee of the House of Commons, --~ Uxbridge Times "| I visited the school which is con.| ers. But, seeing that the centre of po- h k r Y:! ! Trains will be met at Myrtle ub eleven days of continuous fighting. | highest temperature last month was | Dr. Saunders, head of the experi -- os ducted in a separate building, and litical gravity fa in Europe. the policy "°* character a combination of | station on the C.P R. evening be- Ek Marshal Oyama's strategy. it is 37° above, on the gth. | mental farms, gave the average pro The Small-Pox Question. Boor the same by ehvares Ore oe -t Hainiaiving Jota Jorsien sitions mu 'h promise ; but the former must fore and morning of sale. Trains i evident, proved too much for Gen AvcTion SALE--Tt will be seen | duction of wheat in Manitoba at| APY intelligent physician will ad-{ 0, legall lified teach concentration," not dispersion, of our DI'0m and the latter must ripen in fat Brooklin, G T.R., will also be " § oti eral Kuropatkin in the early days of | by 1 ters that Mr. R. G. Brad- | ) mit that you don't catch small pox [pe gally, quan cacher. | ;uval strength is te be the order of the that land where ro blast can wither {et similarly. Catalogues mailed D the movement. When the Japan | born. dota a A Man - ne 16.52 bushels on acre, while in the pec, ge someone else has it, but be-[ The hours are the same as for o:-| @ay.--Brosd Arrow. the one or blight the other. Th ¢n application. ; 1 bain, ' * Vers, has Territorios it is 18 bushels. In iti 4 di . : ese made their energetic advance tt ed Mr. S t N ) cause your condition favors it. Low dinary rural schools, and tbe ; WwW. WDE upon Tsinkhetchen, on the Russian wi 0 Lis WAI £0 3ell on the | ihe North Dakota the production | vitality always encourages sickness! County School Inspector makes atiramesit of ie Eveivn Wosds. Phe Ne n Tave Sille 'sym 5 HOWDEN + |-- left, General Kuropatkin withdrew | cattle, swine farm implements, on |i% given as 11 80 bushels, in Minne. and a1 1his Season Specially, pd Hs ular visits. The desks supplied | ment from the southern line SL of pamny of all Wm their soHOW, nt men his fest corps from his right, occu- Friduy, March 10. AHN advertised [sota 12.80 bushels, and in South ure one whit are neat and modern in design. Fiela Marsha) ur am Wood, V. C., 5 TE Western Bank of C d i or art et oe i | will positively be sold. Dakota 9.60 bushels. These figures |}, rs $0 po and healthy The teacher called my attention to French, Bir To PORT PERRY MARKETS. anada | General Kuroki. He thus weaken.| One of the greatest blessings a account for the rush which even| that sicknesscant exist. Ferrozoneftke need of a Map of the World careet in {he Davy, entering that he (Quotations 3y A. Kom & 8:u, Yet his right, and the Japanese, taking modest man can wish for is a good, | United States farmers ars making |'s a vitalizing tonie that makes rich, land I hope hia requent can be bo ulin te y Mar, 9, 1905 Dividend No. 45. advantage of this, threw nine divi. | reliable set of bowels." If you are into the Canadian West. red blood, builds up the nerves, nied at once for school rooms jn | A%ault on the Redan on June 13, 1855, | Fall Wheat .. ...... $0 95@ $1 00| NT OTICE I$ HEREBY GIVEN : sions against the Russian right, not the happy possessor of such an ; cures nervousness and drives away 3 : S10 | while carrying one of the scaling lad- | Spring Wheat....... ogo@ ogo that a Dividend of Tiree and turned it back and put the riflemen | Outfit you can greatly improve the| The Bracebridge Gazette. says | tired languid feelings. To get connection with an orphanage| ders, he was severely wounded. He Goose Wheat...... 075 @ © 85) One-half per cent. has been declar- ; to rout with great loss Oyama |cfficiency of those you have by the that the present state of the roads|strong and keep strong use Ferro. should have all the usual facilitics| ™* Heated with praise » Lond Barley ....... © 40@ © 45|ed upon the Paid-up Capital Stock thus was able to extend his left [judicious use of Chamberlain's throughout Muskoka is simply ter- | zone: it assures health and costs but | for ins'ruction. awarded the Crimean medal with twe Rye ... © 70@ © 75|0f the Bank, being at the rate of northward and to the rear of Muk.| Stomach and Liver Tablets. They |riblc and business has suffered sev-| soc. at all drugpists. +R. W. Bruce Suits, M D. clasps, the fifth class of the Order of J2iS. © 30@ 0 4|Seven per cent. per annum, and den, and still holds most of the posi |are pleasant to take and agreeable | crely. --_-- y . the Medfidieh and the Turkish medal, Peas-- Blac! 0 60@ © 75/and that the same will be doe and tions gained. in effect. For sale by all druggists. Iaiak Aoi The Beaverton Express says:-- | nspeetor. | and was also made a Knight of the Le- | Peas-- Small . 06o@ o bl da 4 ' A knife aimed at a Pennsylvania A Stan feature the general a #lon of Honor. In 1888 Wood joined the | Buckwheat 154. 0 payable on and alter It is reported in St. Petershurg| yygpsnvrn Averiox Sav. Mr. man's heart struck a coin in his| aa fatitier he : oT ; army as a cornet in the 13th Light Dra- | pono = 77 Yoo@ 1 SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1905 that General Kuropatkin's centre is | Williamson, lot 22, son. &, Cartw .|pocket and was broken. Always| 4 villages. The retired Examination in Arithmetic in Sr. ming Six later we find Grass S i al the ( the Ba ing leased hin splendid farm, has have coins in your pockets, broken and that thirteen heavy has lately become a very desir andrin 106 ms : "hea Shor amcor In AT hintics Tv.) 204A fas Miny cases an undefis is . oy en that : orth west of Mukden. and a .y| V. Max 108.--Percy Rodman 106, | life. This NATE The ana at el : ; 61. Osea ° 3 Twenty-cecond Annval Meeting of inter-attack there by one division Harold Lucas 104, "Joseph Ashton | time when the farmer is by dong 1, Edoa Emmerson 54, Gar- S10 of the Shareholders of ihe Bank the Rutsiang Neieh Jon guns 10% Ausbert Rose 102, Isaac Mc-| odds the most ous map ig R Wes 30 Ra aa ©. 08 10 will be held on WEDNESDAY, THE 'were repulsed. e Japanese are o Millan 93. Russell McGill 92, Gor- i Bonk © Whee tf 3; 10 shton 25th Day oF ApriL NEXT, at Head EF It will be seen by the adver- 93 9 the country is a ewtions instance y Woodley 33. Marguerite Sa Office of the Bank, Oshawa, Ont, don Ingram, 92, Norman Palmer' 8s, Laura Moase 85. Minnie Collins #5, Vera Pyke 83, Orr Browne 81, Oliver Bradley 80, Roy Goode 80, Kathleen McCaw 78, May McLean of the untest which appears to form a part of the atmosphere of the American continent. Small perties in Beaverton, Cannington msing seige gnns from Port Arthar th 4 range of eight miles which e doing terrible execution. Russia's financial eupplies are at the honr of Two o'clock, pn., for the election of Diiectors and such other business as may legally come before the Board. 30, lvan Nott 30 Hilda 26, Harlan Graham 1g, Oldfield 10, George Ray- mes 10} Hazel Oke o. Those pre. tisement in another coluran that Mr. Boothby is offering to sell his fine residental property on Union Avenue, Port Perry. APRIL 8rd. likely to be cut off, accordin ete , and Woodville, have the past few a retort shat ies fons Parr Danger of Living With [7% Eva McGill 74, Luella Brent 73. [years been much sought o by this ae da r= Guarge Naywes. By order of the Board. is said that the French banking Consumptives arlie Sollitt, 72, Hatry Carnegie | class of citizens, and those who eph O . Roy Woodley R and e T H. MeMILLAN, - : asiver, 71, Nora Raymes 63, Ada McClin- ONT, tock 65, Aileen McCaw 57, Ethel . Henders 56, Ewart Stonehouse 56, Theresa Cassid Albert Mec- have settled in these towns have not so far shown themselves the unprogressive and penutious class Oshawa, Feb. 15, 1905 FOR SALE have reduced the loan which desires to make from efght d to five hundred million Bongaed, Edna Emmerson, Maggic| = op Co g : 5 Is real danger because the sput- um of affected persons diffuses it- self through the air and finds ~ ep ame and has notified the Rus- ; a 45 C-| they are credited with being else. Saran Minister of Finance that Rus. I el fl Laughlin 42, Willie Oke 16, Jessie where, secking to block every effort | Is Jour Doctor Bill Large? x Canno oat any further loans in | rant, healing Catarrhozone, or Duff 5. to advance which means a cent of 'way to keep it small is not that produces That Magnifcent, Imported for several years yet to come. t efficient ie known. N " ' - |increased taxation, yet demanding to eR the but use Nerviline : he principal source for | ios sficient germicide known. No| Death of Thos. H. Donoaster. ul the conveniences and comiort | inaeads For mifior aiments. like Glydesdale Stallion hin Russia's treasure | orrhozone which cures this loath-| Thomas H. Doncaster, propristor that ROE es Welcome good chills, eramps, head- 3 + this intimation may have an | some disease thoroughly. Cold in| of the Daly House, Toronto, died | fr nrs rtiest' good will, erviline SIMON YET [23901 6395 upon the prolongation of the (he head is cured in a few minutes, suddenly of heart failure on Satur. but have no gad aad 104 such as It Prine. : 7 and brenchitis, asthma and lung|day evening. He had worked until are causing 30, much cisgust dn 3 tre ble od : Western towns h their cheap. HE undersigned offer for sale thet Cause of Piles trou are cured to stay cured sf 10 o'clock, and walked out from be- | nor Houe meanness and lack of famous Imported Clydesdale Stallion Catarrozone is employed. "I dont | hind the counter to get some fresh | POpioots : EE constipation which know sny remedy so good for eat-|air. Without a word he fell to the [°° *PT™" : 4 sire --while kis progeny ars unequaled in yemedied by Dr. Hamil. |arrh and bronchitis as Catarrbo- | floor and expired in about five min.| 3 Klondyke, British a es of Mandrake and Butter. | zone," writes N 1. Eaton of Knowl-| utes Deceased was s2 years of North-West Terri abtvined from the Company. 'relief. and no gripmg[ton. *Itcured me after years of , and formerly resided in Orono |itoba. Parties going to | THR BROCK HORSE COMPANY. : dv that pever| -vifering and saved me from con- agg of Canmington [above parts call on A 1 Days, tr Cr RE Sunderland, mitton's Pills. Price | sm.iption." Two mouths treatment | Lodge of Masons and is survived | C.B\R. ticket agent, for information 2 ow IONE PARK. Nyheter, - | $1.00; tril-size 25c. by a widow and four children, | rates; &e.