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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Jun 1905, p. 1

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"JUNE 1, 0s Aix venertg FERTUR Gnd plishment. The use made by t rods of glass enclosing threads of white opaque material disposed in jose designs has striking f{llustratio 1, such manner the artists Produs nefr mateo. Js {Tape ot og en on a Eo TECH. his lips. Wh drink this at once!" she g loudly. "And then you he house if you wish, - mm its stem & ip In the attic' and lle ssse Molisso, a Doge, » goes there." Her touch, ; ; a : x Or lof t Undoubled Security to Depositors. ONLY BANK 2 ANDTHE saree gas s a grang ns fo Fess iq had fled back to the house. NE , acpuintanes it this No Delay in JAA Your Money generally observed holidays of the ne $30t0 $50 ..........15 cents. ZS Sace] ©. HokT, Wost iin So When § rned she carried a roll | likral loans to our customers | Interest Paid or Componded Twice a Year. Dutch In the Mohawk valley, Paus Fi # UNITED STATES T 8 go avenco. § of lin En tn ot pa Don't, Wait till you ha eam, to deposit DE te And Pvter wo Whit! : . rucpiste. Jowell, Masi. vgs a 81 will Open an Accownt. Begin with ws Now ! 5 iu : : . | Payakhle without Charge Ae for "You t let me bandage your hea, | 7% Small Ss form the Bast-of Large Fortwes sunday. Pinkster was particularly - WwW k N : she sald "Then, if you thiuk ypu 3 4 gala day, when young and old gav PORT PERRY BRANCH, = - - CHAS. BALLARD, Manacer. ea erves rT ca TT race themselves up to Jollity and boisterous N° would be &ifer, yon may go. into the W K ( : AS H ~S A LE \ { ) | £S fun, The joys of the day began in the -- EE Err Koop the Noe regular with Ayar's barn." 2s % 2 a morning with sports, outdoor games R. D. ARCHER, M, D.C. M. Vietoria GEO. JACKSON, Pit Just one oi each night, "Safer)' be repeated blankly and contests and ended late at night D University ; M.B. Toronto University, Rass "Yos, [Blt still, please," It took oll BANK MONEY ORDERS. with indoor games and dancing. There, Membr or the lege of Chyeisnr, aud Licensed Anuctionaer, Valuator, &c her tender memories of Charlie and the U * were "ogg butting" and "riding at the Surgeons, Out.; jcentiate of the Royal Loo. 0 0 rv or oxTARIO AND persistent thought that | Taw ape | Jpto $5 3 cts. "The latter sport was probabl > } ND TOWNSHI! , . gh at If be were in | f ring 1e latter sport was probably le Seen abe, Jim OF CARTWRIGHT, 5 AOAOROROROROCAROATROADRIAON trouble he would wish ever strangers | Over $5 up to $10 0 cts. B = v ay to se nd small i gid a rural adaptation of the tournaments burg ; Meinbsr of the Faculty of Physicians ISHES ut this the commencement ¢ STERLING | x ' % to be kipd to him that made hier force | ver 10 up to 30 cts f ash at any Dan of the days of chivalry. The feces: and Surgeons Glasgow ; Late Resident another Auction Sale Season tore aT + ESSIE 5 % herself, phrinking with repulsion the | Over 30 upto 50..15 cls sary arrangement was a cord tied, Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Jublin, turd thanks to Lis numerous pa rone fo ta : lo % while, td wind the white material over | . ; across the road just above the heads of for Women, Office aud Residence, second past favors. Iu requesting their efteenie. (British Capital) i x BA ® the jaggy cut. "There!" She put a | For sums over $5 use BANk Drarts. men on horseback. From this cord wad door west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, | and continued patrounge he desires tof nop g0 oy 3 and ain * 3% final pin pnd stepped back. "They will | Best and cheapest way to send LARGE A Special Rates. suspended by a short string a finger Queen Stree + Offios hours--9 to 11a. ot stale tas no effort or pains will be spared 44 5; per cent.' o O be comipg back this way, and I'm ring. Bach horseman wns provided and 2 to 5 p. ad evenings. £0 bls: part So a on good Mortgage Security. o By KATE M. CLEARY 2 afraid--] know-- they will see you from PORT PERRY AGE fl C1 iu TCHR SON Mz with a short, sharp pointed stick about tice | | f I have taken as 'partuer, my brother, Dr | 070, 0 past shonld be a Roar Braun Sraleiite x -- % ther A GEN L {UT y anager. the size of a meat skewer, which was R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Cdl- | mendation as to. his ability. All Sale pply x Copyright, 1905, by Kato M. Cleary % He ros) and stood looking down os] held between the first finger and eve of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, given into his charge will he attended t | ¥OXoXoXoXO¥O¥KOXO¥O¥OXOXO her in flderment. - ~ thumb. The competitors were obliged Port Perr supe 9, 1897. with promptucss and dispatch. Sale list "Who will sce me?" he asked. "Why | | to ride at full gallop under the cord ori bel ny mide vat and blank notes supplied five, ¥i¢ "Oh, good gracious!" cried Bessie. should I ind?" HOW THE KING READS PAPERS, DlackIiars »n, our natiorial poet's and attempt to thrust thelr "lances" * on upplication. ~ " She had jumped up from her seat un- "Oh," sti cried suddenly and clas; "signature being affixed, also the casket through the ring and carry it off three DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Carties wishing to engage his services ,"* slp cries y and clasped : . Eg! . gh tl g y & & may consult hie SALE REGIsreR either at Rite and Broker, der the great oak, her eyes large and her handd in distress, "they are com- Has Resort to Press Cutting Agencies garved © 7 A mals TY times, When one of the contestants Puvsician, SURGEON, &0. the Obsar cir. bf -Sintnlird.- Uilizesy Port | dark with terror. "This must be he ing this way now! They must have For Assistance Te 04 proper To : Re 1t bad accomplished this he was chased by ' y . i . ow many of the © oeitles deposits oi og 3 Offices aud Residence, Quenn St.. Fort trny Perry, for dutes claimed for Sales and Pp t " now coming up the Avenue! And no traced youhere She pointed away to Rie Bawa ales : ok or 4 ) Bo curios HO all the other contesfants. If he suc- Ee hoare tf Lo 10-8 5 10 8 pon. make arrangements, or write to his address oT! Perry, (Ont, one at home but me!' where maty figures were visible, ap- | 08 OF ard a nays 5 es 30 me ke Soa thy 3 TE Walnote and Steed in reaching the goal without be- o one 3 2%: er oerte 0 eve ssing seeing any- f a 3 Wi of and Evenings, £2 Phone at Residence, No. 31. '#1 Involuntarily her swift glance meas- proaclfig through a vast blur of dust | {ying in the papers which he thinks Set him lor to have had them at 10g caught he was the winner, The en night » Bred: the distance along 'the ountry road. "They are | he ought to see, either about himself Strawberry There are many hel- Drize was the payment by the other, Telephone in office and Linen, red CHARGES MODERATE he distance to the gabled frame terribly angyy! You must go gome- | or ab at Any oF the A don es mets, begi with bascinets of the contestants of the bill for himself and aul ay ti he Fars nV Ss. : GRO. JAD SON, » 3 | house, then her frightened look went whore at ond! You must get away-- and movements in which he is Interest 14th cen .strolabe made for a his best girl at the dance and supper to wih, - ne ist. ' Nov. 1, 1001. Port Perry P. 0 allieson g back to the man limping up the path quick!" \ ed, such as different charities, the vis- Sultan of I cus in 1 and a he given in the evening. however, ' \ from the gate, No, she could not reach « " its to him of his forelgn friends and so Clock In th 1 of a ship, fabricated po yyy ught he was ig red to foot hd {i pa AUCTIONEER. y My dear hilar he or Why is gn s and so © Re a . o died "he was cough 8 ¢ the house before he was bes a roy ? th, or th mj Rudolph Wall 4 11 for his cap s bes 1 1 A LLB - we! the Boy ? ol e ae was beside her. should they Ip angry at me? What Hs it 'would be fifcuit for either Paintings the" enclont | St. Ste- he bill for h SAINOE £30 ht di gia 5 y DLA, DL {rp HE undersigned fukn this opportunity And of all things she despised cow- have 'lidone?" \ him his secretaries to make a suffi. bhen's Chapel, Westminster, dating as For a. week before Finkster tue i EE RTOR. Lo. of returning (hanks for the very. Hbe:al ] ['ardice, So she hastily picked up the "Ob, you knoy what you've done!" ciently close examination of the whole far back as 1 candlesticks of Eng- habitants, black and white, began to B A ' patrinage he has received as Auctioncer in | magazine she had dropped in her first She cried in pitégus passion. "You've of all ti rs every day to insure lish ename { the 17th century, have make ready forthe festival by erecting Successor to and occupant of the [the past. The increased experience and shock of alarm and gripped it very rowbedithe bank' at the county seat | this b with degree of Aan impr historic savour. You booths of boughs from the thickly offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Sietaive practice Which Ihave hay will he ITYHE undersigned takes th | tightly to keep her hands from trem and shot the banker, and--and he shot ' thoroughness, His Majesty many years can then survey quaint personal relics, leaved trees and shrubs on a place in rarved to advantage of pated « {ies ' SEN UL ho 88 yu BE, Jinn 4 Fm 4 33 Ivy ' - t > silver snuffers whie longed '8 a N we chose: oe: x © Port Perry, - Ont. favoring ot Sv SLR Ro Ligh - Sl purtu a) y of thanking the | bling. He was near--quite near ber ola figs why Sow're wound: 3% : hy He » bp oe ay dinal ride » Ambassador . n it pid A mir t = ot o ei heir on eine i inhabitants of Port Plrey and y ed--and"-- or assistance e subscribes to two . 0 > te convenience and beauty n theso MONEY TO LOAN. Hort itt i Eo gully projected No surioanding cosutry FA now. He stood still, and their eyes ga broke off fn mmozement. For, | Of Nem and they nd hits in the be ha Iv nn = h. booths the tables were set with good 5 ; RS . rofitable a 2 nazement, » | usual y eact ever " orir veth's at; an he massive Loch Privige Faads nt 4 per cent. "or parties phicing their salgs in or a Tihoral and still inercasing pot [et » although the mounted men Were | ug matter that has appeos line of print- LE EO here Is a rare relic for things to eat and drink Besides the FLT 10 ly Sale Register will be found at the Tags bestowed upon him | She saw a muscular looking young steadily drawing nearer, this reckless = Waipoiy 2 at he o r od : ) I sympathy, no other than | "¢88 butting" and "riding at the ring," : Leland Hoase, Casaiea, ; A BS ne yh Hag wid fellow, with wavy blond hair, a good, young man sank agoin to the bench or article b ing i agtadt upon P sepe hé | hbowl of Burns there were impromptu horse races, JN 0. tw CROZIER "wsnren, A 26. 1506 THOS. SWAIN. intimates that be is Detter Th | square chin and dark blue eyes, direct and burst into laughter so gay, so | sheet of paper, with the nam of the Inclu he Waddesdon bequest Wrestimg matches occasional bi wanver, (Aug, 20, 1600, ever prepared to supp! i and intelligent of glance, Tie held his amused, so ringlug, that she began to journal from which it was taken and "¢ W I curfosities having the "scraps." The music for dancing was AR Genk Sotzarsony CONVEY ba bs 3 4% ¥ Pek \ ply ail nandierchiet aoult his it 8 the date of publication added attracti f fascinating artistic ided by the fiddie and jew harp. a AR = requirements in his line iandkerchief to a wound on his - sanity. Of pub ication, ot erin. Eh ea una C provided by the fiddle and Jews da ies Er | TOBSEIAIR eet A ry Die mono othe the mre a tuntosion Coie Bl Tora cuttings" gre "glances | rostmant_ Such wOtcariis, Sond Punkster was a ghost ocetsion or he y : v YI ~ " . 0 v os ate on s secretaries, the less im- o Moxey To Loan. { ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for the mysstock af horses ses, wold an | linen was crimson. Is appearance het looked toward the gate. HOF [oan weeded out, and those which it [8 St- George dig Ou the Aragyn, Taves. On this guyithey had unusual Loe Rolin 4 County of Ontario, Sale Register at onveyances of the litest type | was singularly disheveled. His clotliés § 'had stopped his horse, but the fs considered His Majesty ought to see and piercing it with his spear; another liberty to enjoy themselves according XN. I p ITER SON, x C he Onsriever Office Patronnge solicited. ak congbuceiin or comfort and | were muddy, as though he had waded were jogging along. Like one | gre duly shown to him. The King keeps Femarkable work (boxwood) fs the cir to thelr own ideas. One way of doing < \ Manchester, Jan. 19, 1509, PASH re hm In a pusithi to through creeks. His hat was battered. alli: in a dream she went down at ' many large cutting albums and when. 'Suwlar medallion portralt of . John, of BO Way a dance, which was no doubt a meet the requirements of the | Barrister, Bolicitor, Notary ' rH. MCA, TT most fastidio ik as to styl a And the halting way in which he drag- bia un mons ever he desires to preserve any of , Munster representing the Anabaptist relic of one of the many religions Public, &e ER ISSUER OF desivable equippage ino A ged his leg indicated injury v landed the bandit safe in jail | these extracts orders are given . for Jad r n_proni hat : round his dances brought from Africa by the age ino : A ' eck. v orb ¢ Foe 'cross ] A New. 810 3015 Temple Building, Cor. Bay | {ARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont respect--in every 'way suit | Te saw a young and very pretty betore We reached there, so we turied | them to bo pasted up In one of them. | iq; sav eupturel slaves, The mule Wis oo and Richmond Streets, Toronto. 'ort, Perry, Doc. 19, 1885. y r able for privigg driving. wed | girl dressed In a soft woolen gown of bael That young fellow," indicating he, thiy way = praciically certain | [SSUnG: BE 8 POF Of ab man tained from mn huge dgimlike instru' Toronto, March 81, 1445. Sr A by Sings. funer Is, ®c. Parties | crimson cashmere. Iler eyes were! the than under the tree, "ouglit to be | printed about 8 'King - i ad can be.: Baron; A ie Rothsehila ment four or five feet long and a foot . CRLL a i B.. Count WM. SPENCE Tricking an aflerinn drive can | gray, but just now so dilated were the in bed. lic got a pretty bad fall when | way to one of the Royal palaces, ang Obtained the last-mentioned works from in diameter, covered at either end by a& E. FPAREIE iL LIK LL Con Cog % : double or single rig 4 ita He | pupils they appeared to be black. The Bag Joblle ren into the ditch. I | there has been on at least one-ogcasion : the father of the late Sir Edgar Bochm, tightly stretched sheepskin. This wos' Tr | a KH {8 and ¢ f - aly ¥ 7 3 A Wg " g o + rl 7 3 v t A ings 0 0 | WW Ce] ory oe Ge tury Public apd Conviyicor Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. ful drivers will also be Saris | wind bad ruttled her dusky halr about | i him this was the nearest house, | an instance of the King very effective- the Sculptor All I rvings 3 ticed held between the legs of the largest Sttice. "South wing Court House Whith ed when required. | her forehead. There was no color in and fo come on here so your aunt ly expressing his opinion concerning |, e Lerman, and Ider Boehm = and oldest slave in community. ---South wing , Y: |. prepared \o Loan any quantity of Mone | the piquant, frightened face. look after him. What are you | One item. His Majesty does not In the bought the busts In Prague at the trifl- This drum he would beat with palm Ont. i ; y 1 3 Vig oO hilt J - i n improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per 3 Ema Rptebed of go od | "I beg your pardon!" the man said, | g so for? I've got to go on into le mind the personal paragraphs ii east of four shi ngs. Likewise In 414 fingers, and all the time he sang & Te pro pring ) Axl al are ed abo " | the same collectio )e seen pC : fu (ian ands) SAIN WAC | ana tok oR be Wo "1 four ave SMR Ts & cit man. fino Youn | Eek tT, A IOTER MA | Sangh Horton, tke ur ON S00 hoe ei amd All kinde 0" Conveyancing executed with Ci row atten: to | startled you, I've had quite an--an fellow. 1 foed to know his father, iy realising that the pubs fous e: y rene. Went increased would become wild and Fe ro ANY ating with iat re | lic curfosity in regard to these matters and beautifully ar A Vene Offi Fa Fonte . fr Hall and promptness, | experience and an accident. Iaye you His pame is Frederic Lyle. His friend | ig t and that it has some claim to | tian curio of the 16th century--a table weird and was accompanied by mus- DENTAL SURGEON. FareheRre Bifapa tito I wish further to state that | any objection if 1 go Into the house? ha to town for Dr. Fox, They'll | be Satisfied: but ft is an Instance of his | €10¢k In gilt copper, in the form of a cular contortions, ageing and twist- rrp Manchester April 11, 1888 inf future suitable conveyinces | I should like a drink of water--and to here pre ty goon, Tell your aunt | keen scrutiny of the papers that on one square tower having a med top Ing of the head and volling of the eyes. Office Hours--9 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 pm ala aT ' will be ut the Rnilway Depot rest for a little while." to get a fine dinner, We'll keep the | occasion two or three years ago, when crowned by the lon of St. Mark--is One after another of the slaves would Also open Saturday eveninge. to capvey passengers and bay- Bessle Hammersly strove to speak, BE at if they'll stay." a paragraph was going the round of slking, at nd t . join in the dance as the spirit moved -- gige To private r i g. a the daily papers which he did not con- a 8 5 er of curios: j r he i y sieig ox Goll Ficlings, Bridge and Crows. North Ontario Observer, RR nem hee Sikh A106 Jo her lips oe re- Sie hing hii yPosste ent Sa Sapsr vata: he dia. not oon ities {a-the Britioh Museum baffle any im or her i 20 50 til ie Sse Vork a Specialty, Vitalised Air, haya ge 4 called what ber uncle had told ber a; 8l0Wly bac to where young Lyle | go inwiin sed a reques attemptiat: elagsification, having, the . Vas surrotinded by a ring o black and { guge to the Dopot in time few hours before when he bad in- | stood. | caused a request to sent aving rellow twisting, wriggling, hysterical es { Weekly Political, Agricultural ad for departing trains, on being ore when he had gone In- | round to the offices that in future they | Yoriety and quaintn f Thackeray's J ig, galing, hysterica Kamil Notre rey given notice to the house for his revolver, mounted | "Oh!" she said brokenly | "What a | would refrain from the publication ot | knick-knacks, commemorated in his Degroes, who for the time were thou- Dr F. D. McGrattan 6 NY i WAL JAMIESON. his gray horse and had drawn rein ta | dreadful dreadful mistake! | such matters verses the "Cane Bottom'd Chair" sands of miles away in the heart of NTIST x Port Try July 30, 1903. explain before he joined the posse of | @¥ou must have thought" he de- ---- | Like the humorist's uvenir In his superstitious Africa. One by one they - (DE ) FORT FERRY, ONT. -- i determined looking farmers and towns. -claped quizzically, "that tle banker as- | HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY smug liule kinsd no oy Tour pal of would fall to the ground exhausted, . nv . v 1 | 3 8 nks at Jloomsbury, | > _D.S. of Royal College of Deutal Surgeons, | KVERY THURSDAY MORNING people at the gate. gsaulted me with a rock! A bullet : with remote hi eit. 1 Jen tal places Would. ba, 13ksn HY also D.1.%. of Toronto University. WANTED Bs up the bank at the county seat doesn't leave this kind of a mark." The healthychiid is a happy child Belin) Re story at sel se others who were just beginning to feel (fica in the Allison Block over Allison's a all by himself and got away with a | She broke down and laughed help- | ra 2 8. happy eh | tancy. It Is 80 in the watches and sun- the moving" of the spirit. It was not Diag Store. ARSONS n cool thousand. This isn't his first ex- | lessly. Il its troubles vanish when it it | 3iqi¢ ranging from the early part of the unusual for this wild dance to coutiuue' 4 Office honre--8 av. 08.30 p.m. TERMS. $1 sna aid nada if not #1. man to represent "CANADA'S | pole He's a nervy rufian. The bank- | "Come In," she said, and held out | BeS!'ME 13 food well and is fre. | 16th to the beginning of the 19th cen- through two days f will be cha: a I An en ra (GREATEST NURSERIES in the { { fro.n childish ailments. The greater | tury, the elab 1 ' port Perry, April 9, 1902. TE x Hnihe: and mo per discontinued etowno fs dangerously wounded -- shot her band. "I wonder if you will ever |' Widisn aliments he greater | , the elaborate keys worn as badges rmrte------ y port Jerry Opn Xe SRL until mires wre paid up. oN the shoulder. He thinks--in forgive me." | part of these ailments arise froa 2 amos by chamberlains to various { Eeveral True Billa, J. A, MURRAY, |"risiemsnscs ose RT PERRY oe boions orci metal EE ma. roaped der the linger. | tomach and bawel roubles. fever |B on pete, 1020 o'Romm ma | remtntee ie woatbosudh of & Sot oF os . . ' he 3% ot 4 fired by the blood that marked his es- | ing glu: ice that met her own hness,teetl zandw rms Bal da I ; rel » "| reticglly, is composed of a set of wn : Q 1 i ga 2 llions, and boxes representing note- i DENTIST, ADYEUTISENENTS Bearued by, Sues' ana. and surrounding country, and take | cape. It Isn't likely he'll have got far | "I am protty sure I shall--some (Own Tablets act like magic in these. | worthy persons and events, and Pics prejudiced men, with open minds; still Office over the Post Office, ADVERTISEMENTS received for public» orders for | before we strike his trail. And when day=on one condition," he sald sig ses, and when chidrcn ar rings Of Considerable size, with the | there may be occasions when a slight o Sorial peciflo inutructs 1 be thseried pid 0 we do"-- nificantly. | t night thevalways zive soi n | hemes and emblems of popes;--sdme- personal feeling invades thelr ranks. PORT PERRY. fort? oda ong No wivertise- UR HARDY SPECIALT IES | | IIe had nodded grimly thero and gal- | 5 4 eee | ey Me ArT el times called "Papal rings," frequently | Such was evidently the thought borne All branches of Dentistry, ineluding A LIRERAT ¥ ™ F T | loped off. {A Clever Pair of Dwarfs. t i 7.9 RS. 4 B E "rings of investiture in upon the tallor who, rising to state (" o 3 ' 1S | I 2.y SAVE 4 y ro a r ne Tr A or 3 CAR 1 "3 Crown and ioe rk successfully BENAL Tier alowed in Morons sud then in ruit : Jose Sruall Fruits, And now here was a travel stained, Richard Gibson and his wife, who |) 50 RO, 4 ti ; ; Lo m he wae ranging 2h fg 2x his case and having declined the serv- racticed: amentals, & Y " . oi ( y Tablets had marvellous re amples ery, the work of genius ve val gv Hr 2 THESE sora will Youll outer be stiicily 'sderedto Vi So 3 rubs, Roses, injured, grimy Individual confronting flourished in the seventeenth century, | Fe cave of myitwo micnths. A from IRanyiianes, meluding "Bollar ices of a lawyer for reasons best known' Artifical Teet! a Hi uminum JOB DEPARTMENT 3 ieVines, Sob Potatoes, &c. her and asking aid. If only the sery- ; Weré a remarkable pair quite apart [1 he H at lle | mines" or "greybeards," imported into to himself, Jooked over ihe: jurymen LY Pamphlet Hund Bils, Posters, Stock fruz to name and. free [rom |:"B bad not gone in by special permis. from. their luches, which, combined, [Daby. He was nervous troubled | pgland under the name of "Cologne 224 theft purned fo the Judne: Fillings of Gold, Silver er Cemen er ert "rads Bari Jose Scale FA 3 mM | gion to the annual fair in the nearest bapely reached seven feet. Both were (With colic and badly constipated. | pots to'the: Spanisk specimens, prob- | ,. 1S 10 use for me to tell you about Palolors oxtustiul wher required Toster Heads, x Ih ition for the right hg bie ho town! If only her aunt had not gone clever miniature painters, and Gibson {but alter giving the Tablets be be | ably Introduced by the Arabs, refer- this case, your honor," he said deject- «4a Priges to suit the times® ¥ Wedding Invitations, i an Son either | to spend the morning with a neighbor! | We drawing master to the d \ughters | gan to improve at once and now i | ence must be made to our own Wedg- edly, "not unless you dismiss that jury Blank Forns, Recelp Dooks, Biisiness Oa a y S2lary of commission. oN "I'm afraid," the man said, with & ! of James IL, both future queens of a good health. [ also gave the woot ware. It includes granite, basalt, | and get in o new lot. There isn't a man 8 3 ~ er k having cameo decora- | among 'em but mi h¢{ smile, surprised evidently at her si- 'England. At "thelr wedding, which was | Tablcts to my three year old boy ad Jasper yor! 8 ut owes me something for $ tion. A vase presenting the subject of | je agitation, = arranged Lo Beuriertn Maria, Charles'! who was troubled with worms and | the Apotheosis of Homer was ise BlOTHEBS mai Hit' yo to a £3 gave the bride away, the queen cy cured him as well Both chil-| ed by a work in the British Museum. | Badly Brousht Up Soldtevs. ocd + " an individual to admit to your home!" valuable diamond ring on her | jr. are now the picture of health [Five medallion portraits; representing | During an official massacre At os em sifu! ny He glanced down deprecatingly at his ey Edmund Waller, the court aid 1 am always praising the Tab Joseph Priestly, Sir Isaac Newton, SIr | (11000 of Kouklish the Turkish . sere 3 a "4 golled and WQlsordered attire. "If you Poh a poem, which opened | | ays wy, William Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, a t i ii Studio hours--g to 12 am. ; 1.30 10} pies fiom a distance geiting hand Lille f have objections," 'he sald, with what thus:y is, tony Hens: OR' Can Helland Bir Joverh Teakes, ave lvested | DAndait-a fat major--slept and smoks 15.430 Pillars iis riod cam Have hos ined t take Boe vith them, H BE AD AC H Ji, | sounded like an inflection of offense, "I | Design or chance makes others wives, Baby's Own Tablcts from any drug- | with special intorest--indicating the tn- | 1 10 the shade obs teée wens the scene se, , -- i J But Matare 4id this match contrive; | | gists or by mail at 25-centssa box by | tellectual tastes of the celebrated pot- | Of carnage. e trumpet sounded for Studio over Ww. H MoCaws H, PARSONS. | Neuralgia and Nervousness cured quickly by Sail yale hore it yon will be good | em hie matoh contr writing the Br. an Medicine | tor: The greater part of the English | the assault, and the soldiers proceeded store, Port Perry, AJAX HARMLESS HEADACHE ough to bring me the water. an concluded: C Br hville: Ont Delft was made at Lambeth tn the 17th | to rob, kill, burn and violate, The 3 AND NEURALGIA CURE | He sank down on the seat, and as he Ah, Chloris, that kind Nature thus On DIOCRYIE Es 428 and 16th centuries. Among the plates | trumpet next sounded the retrent, but M ISS HA R R | SON bieiihiony ion, ves EE ey did so a groan burst from his lips. She | all the world hath sovered us HAS are sets with the limes, "(1) What 1s a | the troop refused to obey, and the fat' | Roe & Ca, ocandssc. | Alldeolerserdicgetfrom | gaw- drops of sweat start out around | Si'lowseian we for only your YO BE SEEN IN LONDON. merry man? (2) Let him do all he can. | poo" e0 tinued to sieap and smoke. Dress and Mantle Maker NAEBOe 7 TL rem usw. | his handsome mouth, | ba ¥ yO (3) To entertain his guests. (4) With 4 ) % rs | | r---- wine and merry joats!. (3) But if his | 'yien spoken to about the' excesses of "Oh, I will!" ele cried compassion- 8 * Curious World Treasures in the British YAN ra ut 5 | ni 3, bi eplied: **W 3 ISHES to inform the ladies WN ately. "You are suffering. I am SOITY A Story of Queen Victoria. ; wife do frown. (8) All merriment goes 4 Dis men, he replied: 'What can ong that shie has moved to her fine CoaL ! Cear!--The firm of Purdy | Just wait a moment." | Queen Victoria was very fond of chil- Museum--The Tapling Collection down." do? They are so badly brought upl" niin the Allison Block where | Archer, coal dealers, have to hatd| Ang pity was the dren, and one day she invited three lit- of Postage Stamps. In the glass collection, diversified and | in their. Coal Sheds-- Water St.-- Rouen pore : pay ber a visit. The mother | From the Tapit Hectl Deaytiful, ere maniggpecimens of rors | £455 she is prepared to execute all orders Ente of Col of .-- | mount in Te mind of Bessie Ham- Tio wont. too, to take 2s Si h¥ collection of post- and curious Interest. From anclent | Novel Oyster Parties. ! Dress. and. Mantle Making io 'a imi a qu » oal of every id as she sped across the tawny e id y age stamps in the British Museum, the Egypt----for its people, if not Inventors | Qyster parties are the gre: vi g variety know to coal miners. Their grass, looking: like a flash of flame In o the party. During the visit | most complete in existence, selections Of glass making, were notable workers | of LH Sanish rhe ea version large stock of genuine Scranton willl her vivid gown. [28 a Bo Te lhe 8IrlS | aro constantly placed on exhibition. In the matoriab-are a couple of gen rupily visits to Vigo. The party goes | whe vi "Near eley's," | The t te: uine rarities. One a charming ves- ST : > fe : Ahn Sheen! from et Eres Cg twenty | ,nswemed the child, and the mother or Bs. Som dated at 86 In the form of @ papyrus Sa Top | Outin 8 large fist Rottomed boat, Thea the celebrated Scranton mines, so Te EE er of Shar. | was 'exactly pleased because she | Runnymede June 15, 1216, one haying the purpose of holding antimony for the oysters are fished up, opened and that parties ordering Scranton Coal pt ABAD | oo liked the queen to think | & fragment of the Great Seal. Students painting the eyebrows, and an amulet = caten on the spot, and a prize goes to of them will obtain just what the « Som was twiys kept upstalrs In a : "| of church history will ponder over the assoclated with Nut-antef, a monarch | the guest who can show most shells at Y | 'the 'medicine "chest £ they somewhere else. After say t the 11 wder. The firm intend to cater for | g; Se est for Stdrpecios ing 4 hiteley eo the child looked | Original Bull of Pope Leo X. conferring of the 11th dynasty between B. C. 2423 the end of the day. In excuse it may, he tall reqal satsof thi i up 'stairs' she on Henry VIL the title of "Defender ®Rd 2380. Two Sidonlan vessels retain | pe said that the Vigo oyster is small, 2 quirements his entire' quantity of the liquor into the ee 22 the queen and asked, of (ne Faith' from Rome, October, the names of their makers, Eugenes | :ommunity and their prices will be ghe held and, adding water at the kitch- Y ou lve? "Oh, I live near 1521. The manifesto hag the signa. 4nd Ennion. There are fragments with | BE SOmHines Saw 'ound consistent with the value of en sink, sped outagain into the autumn es: : nid Be yoo on ture of thejpontly nd Savers) of Norm serten------ it g smile, an e his cardinals. overs of e rama glass, A Waste of B nn Heh yor miyhtios ve he article: they sell 8 en to the ground il she saw. tat, trong odor-of the liquor, He opened his eyes, sat the glass with a slight ent £ a a swift CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 18TH YEAR IN A growing Financial Strength and Carefn Warrant Your iin PORT P f manufacture. --Lloyd's W er ------------_ The death is Acthur. Pe lst year. from cester, England, of the Hon. aria Elizabeth Rice, & kinswoman of King deceased lady was ig Ld : PAUS AND PINKST A e to the dancing leaves, will have attention arrested by inscrib- brilliantly enamelled, probably had Per rs d Pinkster were the more yer | ioe » | girl B that the yueon's house " ¢ i Jere 8 $3 Seren y this -- i "ne ra 3 ed stones from the great theatre at Sian origin. The group of mosque You can always tell an Englishe xa | af Quek wi I92 Fas Engen foal th Wpnowus; a deed in which "William. lamps, most llkely Damascus work, man," began the Britisher eB re Window Screens T5¢ He was deadly pals. His head, eis a 20 3. Shakespeare, of Stratford-upon-Avon, kindles momories' of the old Moslem | "But it would only be a waste rrangements for fr "Sereen Doors = 6uc. _eyes closed, rested against the brown shop sh me fo, Gentleman." and others, mortgage & SY Ine 3t ne sUTiostties Saving on breath," interrupted the Yankee, "bes. - the - £0. - Ae clog es of 'the r . wh Factory. tree trunk. His handkerebiet had fall house within. tide preciocts of we Bart ate whi 00, wo cause. he thinks be {Enows It afie¥

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