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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Jun 1905, p. 3

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Stock to r to s Sale 'y Thos. Graham, George ackson or J. H. Brown as soon as to advertise it thoroughly. THOS GRA an, SECRETARY. GEO. JACKSON, Auctioneer. ers Pi Tl Act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, | biliousness, sick- : che or beard p | Veter meee rit BUGHINGHAMS DYE ! Shorthorn for Sale. Noti ce ~The undersigned offers for Sale two one-year-old Shorthorn Heifers; also two Bull Calves of the same breed. The males are only a few ways old. All are choice young ani- mals, CALEB CRANDELL. Port Perry, May 10, 1905 Stray Cattle. Came into the premises of the subscriber, lct 17, con 3, Reach, about May 1st, 1go5--Three Year- lings --two heifers and a steer. The owner is requested to dome, prove property, pay expenses and take 'them away, otherwise they will be d lie law directs. OH We have on hand a large range of Summer Suitings which we offer at a Very Reasonable Price and guarantee entire satisfac- tion in every respect. | Kindly give us a call before . purchasing elsewhere and you will be convinucad. T MF. LAGELL Miles From Edmonton. 1 A New Button Maker The Great Slave Lake correspondent on hand will make your of The Edmonton Bulletin in a letter | gives some miteresting details of winter | life on the confines of civilization. The | tter was wriiten on February 6, at | Resolution, on the south shore of | Great Slave Lake, and was sent south | by dog train. The distance is nearly Port Perr six hundred miles. The letter follows: . GREAT SLAVE LAKE. buttons on short notice. M. F. LACELT, ~ Ebbels' Block. y, March 28, 1905. contribute to|" possible so as|" _ Further particulars as to date and terms will be given later. : BNA 1 AHA M, J. H BROWN, = ToGiooaDressers, Up-to-date Spring and Xr this séasin. op * shipment wag %head of the first, and will sell much faster ' 25¢--35¢ per yd IN GINGHAMS a very com- plete range of very popu- ar patterns 10c-15¢ WASH GOODS suitable for Shirt Waist Suitings, we have a most up-to- date Stock of very pretty patterns 186-40 5 T A P IL, I. S OUR STAPLE Department is in full swing, and our Stock of Shirtings, Cottonades, Sheetings, Towelings, Ducks, Denims, Cretons and Lawns is the best to Le found in Port Perry or surrounding country. WE BOUGHT =another half dozen pieces of that pure linen for Shirt Waist Suits. Very Special at 50c per yd IN Come to the People's Store and get Goods at Right Prices ! JONES & SON, PORTH PERRY. We Want Your Trane We offer you Values. Fine AND GOLD ME Salada Tea Go _ "Since I wrote you last.our weather _ has simply been beautiful, our coldest | being 30 below, and even:when 30 de "grees, it was mostly sunshiny weather, with frequent north whids. Snow is " about six inches in the woods. Rab- | | tet ig ri Ro 1 Rr butcher has been compelfed to close | Pa, . "Wolves ar¢ more numerous this winter than they have been for years, Important to Farmers of Reach, : 1 bold. 3 Een oe mus wbons moni wet | DI0CK 0d Mariposa. "@lone. They are playing smash with I wish to intimate to the farmers of this district that I have becn ap 'the buffalo, one very large bull buffalo "he found not far from Fort Smith, pointed Sore AGENT for the Sale of the Famous d. by wolves. When they kill full- Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence n bull I think it high time the rmment would do "something in to save the remaining buffalo. A um set on the capture of each Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Litd., avd am prepared to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can- not fail to satisfy purchasers. The DiLron Fence is without a peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible; it is a square mesh ; itis a | it is impossible to Ile pan iins Before purchasing ence, FENCE, J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMELE MENTS AND MACHINERY. perfect hinge stay fence, therefore don't fail to inspect the DiLrox| SEAGRAYE at the St. Louis ~ Exposition. Coal! Coal! We have our Coal Sheds filled with all sizes of the BEST SCRANTON COAL po Also the very best Lump Joal for threshing. Blacksmithing Coal, A No. 1 Blosb 'Prices right. Give us a call. g Coal. ADE ORANGES AVAL SEEDL ES | EMoNS f ORANGES ONIONS DE MAPLE SYRUP ESS 3 FTHING NEW BAKING PIES. of our Lemon 'or illing, 10 éts. per FORMAN & SON b, 11, 1905. Ie Port Perry, THE HIGHEST AWARD srg has been given to the | | room lor o o NEW ° flents admitted ati | choo] is net * he going a / | | On first-alass Improved Farm Property. AT 5) Prompt attention elven to sil applications Apiiy to £1] H. BROWN, PORT PERRY | | BE BT OF THEGNEW Suiting Cannot be surpassed in the County, are always to be search for the goods of undoubt h Mankate Palle Trnnk : Ee Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks We featly increased our |ke., in abundance. shelving and still have not | tmense stock of | and to clea we are weights in cost, and s@ our Winter Lines, many medium s and Overcoats at less than cost. IS YOUR FOR 4 SNAP "HH. STONE. Port Perry, Mar. 8, 1905 TIME NOUNTY €OUNCII COUNTY OF ONTARIO I'he next meeting of the Council of the Copori n of the County of| Outario fort year, 1905, will be held pursua#if ito adjournment at the Court Hotise Town of Whitby, on Men: THE 5th DAY oF Jung nextiat the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon. Ail accounts fo be laid before the Council must | % forwarded to the Clerk at least ghree days before the meeting of t Council, properly certified. ARR Dated at Whitby, this 15th day of May, AD, : JNO it, in the AY -E FAREWELL, ..of Ontario. N OTICE IS AN that the fi Court of Revis essmenut 1oll of Reach for the held in the Town on MONDAY, J L Lwo o'clock p.m suns interested af notice and gover cordingly. (Sitting of the revise the ass- #- Township of : will be Manchester WH Manchester, May of our 'graduates = backmg up," head." W.3] No one article of woman's apparel adds so much to her attractiveness as a stylish becoming hat. The hats were never prettier, nor more becom- ing than the Spring hats we are now showing. A great variety of Ready- to-Wear Hats. CALL AND SEE THEM. | . x * la. & J. Stouffer, Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew premises. A LCAVIS, Port Perry, Sept 2 1900. y OE] ) R Full Stock? ITarness WHICH FOR CHEAPNESS STLYE Durability and STRENGTH, Comparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY. '| Frame Dwelling "fmises. > -- E03 REAL ETSATE BROKER. | na ZY | Experience is Invariably t Essential to Success. i H AVING had considerable experience in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis faction to all concerned, I have concluded to jdevote my whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale, FARMS FOR SALR I would call special attention of parties requiring"Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with me for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. In sunis to suit borrowers, at unusually low. LOANS rates. Quick action. EZ I represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Prompt attention given to applications, | | | | | without Commission on Real Estate security, ; Rag Carpet Weaving. Caution. --_-- FYHIS IS TO FORBID GINING credit to any one on my ac count as I will not be responsible for debts contracted without my The undersigned, having had large experience at the business, is prepared to do Rag Carpet Weaving as it should be. He mav be found at all times at his room up stairs Line '[any other. Begs to announcéd- to the Citizens of Port Perry and, surrounding country 'that he ar ig opening a Merchant Tailoring Business in the Blong" Block, with . fine collection of Suitings; Vestings and Pahtings: ; Having had a large exper- ience I am prepared to make, Suits as good and as cheap. and up-to-date as any in the trade. Suite fnade'to order from = $10 up. Port Perry, June 1, 1904. I . NS IN v | % { Taking Good Things {to eat is an casy matter if you | make your selection here.-- | We have everything in { | | | | Fancy&Staple Groceries' UALITY | 060606 [ x {is the mainstay of our | business, we never let that deteriorate. We buy forcash land make the best deals pos- sible, and give our customers | benefits of all advantages ob-< fo [ tained. E. H. PURDY. | Sept. 7, 1904. Spring is Coming And you will need that Spring' Suit Overoat, call in and see our complete stock.: TAIl the newest designs and patterns in Suitings and I'rousering. TWe have some or SO |snaps in last year's stock | whic h we will clear out at [ Cost and less than Cost. |YWe have the largest range lof Blue and Black TwilF Worsteds and Serges (pur- chased before the advance in price) and are prepared to offer some Snaps in the same. See our ends and odd lengths. We make Button Maguire tingand Pré&sing done on short , notice. We guarantee our work. WL EH. DhoUOBYs Port Perry, Feb: 13, 1903. 4 To the Public. As timesand seasons change soit becomes necessary for business men occasionally to change their advertisements. The Fall is hers and Winter is coming and I am still here with a large and first class Stock of Furniture suitable for the furnishing alhouse reasonable as 1 solicit a fair share trade. My Motto is ' Equal rights to all, BUT NO MONOPOLY, or Selfish Motive." ; My Undertaking Department, is' complete with a full line of Caskets + and Coffins. I can furnlsh a firsta class Hearse without extra eharge, itten ord sc adjoining , the Public Library. Warerooms next door to St i JOHN JOHNSTON | Charges fioderate. All work first | Charles Hotel, ~ Port Perry, March 6, 1905: ss and guaranteed to give satis JOHN NOTT action. 4 Se House and Lot for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale a Hounse and one- hall acre of land on Union Avenue. 'For particulars apply on the pre- As an indicément get parties bring in their Weaving at once, will weave 6 vards free for the par bringing in the greatest number the next largest number of yards. D. BOOTHBY, ROBERT PORTEOL Port Perry. | Port Perry, Nov. gost y | Ecb. 7, 1905. yards between now and 1st March! and 4 yards to the party. bringing ia | Port Perry, Oct. Zo, 1904. Toronto Chi, Jr. : The undersigned offers for 8 t promising yvonne Toattine 5 tion TorONTO Critr, JR. 3 be seen al the st. b es of the own. T. EDWARD

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