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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jul 1905, p. 1

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"ONLY BANK a* - PORT PERRY BRANCH, » = : % Ra Upto$s .oe.n. © $5 to $ro...... $10t0$30..... .. o cel $30t0$50 .......... 15 cents. Payable without Otfarge CHAS. BALLARD, Manager. AND THE UNITED STATES. R. D. ARCH University ; M. Queen Street. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Pecry Uffice hours--8 to 10 a.m 3 and Evenings. Telephone in office and ho and day over the lines sou with the residence of G. Lu Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. OLA HARRIS, BA. LLB Successor to and occupa offices of the late F. M. Port Perry, A &en N. F. PATERSON, K. C.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., Nos. 310811, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Torouto. Toronto, March 31, 1898. M.D.C.M. Victoria . Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians an: Sargeous, Ont. ; College of Sury of the Royal Col burg ; Member of tha Facult and Surgeons, Pupil of the for: Women. lege of Physicians, Edin. Rolunda Hospital, Office and Residence, door west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, Office hours--9 to 11a, ., and 2t0 5 p.m, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- eye of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Puysworan, SuncEoN, &0. MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds at 4 per cent. Office at residenee, ench (oue mile west of Port Per:y,) E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., County J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol sitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jifice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. "W. A SANCSTER, Office Hours--9 to 12a. m., 2 to 6 p,m Also open Saturday evenings. er Gold Vork a Specixity. Office hours--8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Tort Perry, Apel 90,1902. J. A. MURRAY, Iiice over the Poat Office. All branches Crown and Bridge Work successfully Bridge and Crow: Dr F. D. McGrattan ¥ (DENTIST) 0.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Talso D.D,8. of Toronté University. flice in the Allison Block over Allison's Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alumioun 2 "or Rub { : _ Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement - Painless. ; CS AT ER &@r Also on Village Property. AF MORTGAGES BOUGHT. ' HUBERT L. EB| GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c ] FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSH}: OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement « another Auction Sale Svason tor Dublin, turn thanks to his numerous pa roms fc second past favors. In requesting their esteeme and continued patroouge he desires to state that nocffort or pains will be spared ea his part to make all sales entrusted t. him successes. His very exteusive practic in the: past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability." All Sale given into his charge will be attended t with promptness and dispateh, Sale list made ont aad blank notes supplied fice. on application. i~a wirhing to engage his services may consult hie SALE RXGISTYR either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dures claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address #a Phone at Residence, No. 31. va CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perr AUOTIONEER. FTYHE undersigned tukes this opportunity of returniug thauks for the very liberal patrcoage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have hud will be tarned to wdvantage of patrons, and parties invoring me with their sales may rely on their terents being fully protected. No Tort will he spared to make it profitable for partick placing their sales in my hands. | My Sule Register will be found at the THOS. SWAIN. | Leland House, Ciesarea. JOS. BATRD el ICEN 'ED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at he Onsrryxr Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1699, H. MoCA\Y, v ISSUER OF IARRTAGE LICIINS 'ort Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. prepared to Loan any quantity of Money in improved Farm Security at G and 7 per ent (Teast fands) All kinds 0° Conveyancing executed with eatiess ni dispatch. | Office--Oue door west of Town Hall! {anchester. Manchester April 11, 1888 North Ontario Observer { Weekly Political, Agricultural and Fandly Newspaper. 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, "VERY THURSDAY MORNING BY /ERMS.--$1 per annum. if paid in advance : if not $1.50 will be charged. No snbacription Laken for leas than six months; snd no paper discontinned until arrears are pi | [ETTERS containing money, whan addressed to thit Ottice, prepaid and registered wil be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured Ly Nonparie!, and charged according to the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for punlioatin, with- out fic In-tructions, will inserted antl No advertise y. mont will be taken out until paid for. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by (he year or half , ear. w= THESE terms will in all cases be stiic'ly adhered to | -JOB DEPARTMENT. : Pamphlet Hand Blls, Posters, 7 Han \X7ISHES to infor the | VV _ that she has moved Rooms in the Allison Ble she is prepared to execute all o a Maki: , Port Perry Ont. ! £100,000 | Rights and Wrongs of 8ir Edmund An- STERLING (British Capital) lo lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. Jamieson's Livery FIYHE undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the inhabitunts of Port Perry aud surrounding country for the liberal and sti'l increasing pat ronage bestowed vpn him since commencing Carting aed Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that he is better thun ely added to Having exte my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, Tum in a position to meet the requirements of the moxt fastidions as to style and desirable equippage in every respect--iu every y suit able for private driving, wed- dings, funerils, &c. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can' have their choico of suitable double or single rige and cara- ful drivers will also be suppli- ed when required. I possess a number of good Spriog and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and promptness. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag- gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and bagguge to the Depot in timo for departing trains, on being given notice, WAM, JAMIESON, Port Perry, July 30, 1903, WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST Nukrserigs" in the townol PORT PERRY and surrounding country, and tak orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruils, Ornainentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stack, true to name and free from San Jose Scale. ition for the righ A permanent pos HEADACHE Neuralgia and Nervousness curad ; HARMLESS. HEADAGHE AJAX AND. "NESRALSI CURE. CREAT BRITAIN | people, and that, moreover, the title of | Sir Edmund to the land on which | henge with a barbed wire fence it is mast shameful treatment it is {mpos sible to deny. Some of the glant stones were brought down to the ground through holes dug by gypsies. And, while =o many of the tourists contented' themselves with merely chipping tha stones In their anxiety to secure relics, there were others who actually at= tempted to blow them from their posi tion by means of gunpowder and dys namite, with a view of ascertaining ** wheather there were not any treasures concealed beneath i are held to be of no avail by the At torney-General, whoo laims that, fm asmuch as Stonehenge has lain open to all the world since English history. began, the public has acquired a 15 of way to every portion of the grounds, and, he adds, that anything in the shape of a modern enclosure tends ta dest the spell formerly created by the asa: pect of those immense stones, standin; alone, In strange circles, far from hue man habitations, in the midst of vast open, rolling plain--those stones which were regarded as prehistoric al: ready a thousand years ago, when Henry of Huntingdon wrote of them. Caxton, the inventor of printing, re= ferred to the mystery of thelr origin. :® Sir Phillp Sidney sang of them in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. King Charles © IL, beguiled a day after the disastrous | battle of Worcester, in endeavoring te - count the stones while hiding at Hele House, and Daniel Defoe, of Robinson Crusoe fame, likewise described his pilgrimage to the spot. for ingofthe hair, also. There' great satisfaction in knowing' you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? ! Re, B restore it tote {eid 'dark, rich po Your Be Beak Roeinghdm, NG $1.00 a bottle, J. 0. AYER 00. All druggists. for --SlL Mua Fading Hair STONEHENGE. trobus In His Wire-Fence Fight With the British Public. Stonehenge is to England what the pyramids are to Egypt, being indis- solubly bound up with the history of the nation. Its age, however, ante- dating the dawn thereof, since its or- igin has been ascribed by the most em- inent scientists of the day to an epoch * nearly 2,800 years before the birth of Christ. Under the circumstances the public has taken exception to the ac- tion of Sir Edmund Antrobus, the own- er of the ground upon which it is sit- uated, in surrounding the hoary ruins with a wire fence, and in charging an admission fee, People feel about it, indeed, in much the same way as they might feel if the Khedive of Egypt were to surround the approaches to the great pyramids near Cairo and of tho Sphinx with a fence and to debar the public from access thereto save on the | payment of a fee. The matter has now been brought to the fore by the lawsuits which have been brought against Sir Edmund An- | trobus by societies organized for the avowed purpose of protecting the rights of the public, says the Marquise de Fontenoy. And, finding that there was no means of either inducing the Gov- | ernment to purchase Etonehenge from | 8ir Edmund in the same way that it might buy a park for the use of the Stonehenge is located Is unassailable, they have brought suit against him tn » a of..Ch Jam 6 ples that the pub has a rig way to the monument, The Attorney-General and a big array _ of legal talent are conducting the case | against Sir Edmund, and it looks much as if he would be defeated, although he has made clear his position--name= ly: that if he has surrounded Stone- for the purpose of protecting the stones from the injurious treatment to which they formerly were subjected by peo= i ple without any reverence for theshoary past. Moreover, as some of the stones are In danger of falling: he fears: that in the event of anybody being injured thereby he might be held financially responsible. That the ruins have undergone the All these arguments of Sir Pdmimd aoe 5! art of rendering artificial aid, to priory by associating in the mind | x ERTO PLEASE. { GA REFUL Attestion given fo Business 4 2 | ESTERN BANK OF (3ANADA Eatristed 15 Our Ttping simple; ir first kills thé. germs' Cause ths erPd ion § then by ing away- the gongesti gio. it cures the "I 1 Ce SRT a remedy ciires Ii act ers, clients, patie magnets attr; Seefis to point their way, for on that the steel particles the magnet--because they are business magnets. es toward them even o not & parently make half prt to get it as the less sue ir friends call them "lucky if we analyze these mem [find that they have attrac There is usually some ality about them that ts.--8uccess. AG ICIAN'S THUMB, Hand Tricks. rf sort of magic the magician's bourg in Leslie's Weekly. if he d strike off that thumb and still Ba¥f its assistance when neces sary : | ould be a happy man. In hand the thumb usually d the palm in advance of In this way it many times the way, and practice is get a magician's thumb in isin, But when be has the school of magic for the thumb becomes so flexi Hit will bend nearly to the back & #re invariably the beginning fdétan's education. In handling a thumb is especlally In the this is the reason why thls ith the pasteboards fs se- e beginner. To change one nother in front of one's very | still to have made no percep- ement of the hand is a trick ners learn to perform before e beem in the school for any jen gth of time, This, as may be nt In, and here is just fl success. 8IDING THE MEMORY. : nic Systems Have Been Im Use from Time Immemorial. PRIREN difficult to remember with those re easy of recollection Is sald te originated with the Egyptians. pst person to reduce It to a system jecording to Cicero, the poet Si- es, who lived 5600 B. C. His plan n as the topical or lecality nd was in substance as follows: a large house with a number of ptly furnished apartments In it. upon the mind carefully all noticeable in the Louse so that pd can readily go ovgr the parts. 'place a series of jt in the he first in the hall, the next in ng room, and so en with the FE Now, when one wishes to recall {'ldeas In their proper succession, dnce going through the house, and 4 placed In each department will to readily recur to the mind on with it. lated that this mnemonic plan suggested to the poet by a urrence. Having been ealled af 'banquet just before the roof of BE fell and crushed all the rest pany, he found on returning bodies were so mutilated that fiyldual could be recognized, but a mbering the places which they byerally occupied at the table he to identify them. He was d to notice that the order of 'may by asseclation suggest the things, ' Crushed. d been caught red handed, "I'm you overheard what I said about Perhaps--er--I was a bit too se- 38 of land on which they stand to would have been If you knew what I Government or to any public or thinkief ou." private body was $750,000, and there ONTARIO ® has always been a dread lest Andrew Carnegie, J. Pierpont Morgan, or some other American multi-millionaire should | take advantage of this offer, purchase ¥ the whole property and ruin: the- latter off to America, | time subjecting their present site to know, an exhaustive exploration, by means of come excavations, which would probably re- veal wonderful interesting relics of the creators of. the temple, and, possibly, ; ie found, true to name, direct: from Grant Sartorls, ihe celebrated Scranton mines, so 'te Mer. Fre eDraee Horanion mip many years legation a ordering CoaL! Coat!--=The firm of Purdy or: hand ;in the Guards fn Egypt, and who since ~-- ; retiring. from the army has assumed ery! as. partner Pu representation of the ir Edmund is a distinguished sol- >» who served with much gallantry a niece of Mrs. Nellie and his uncle, the and ship car ld the same umb ith a ain man So- clety i, Count Bernstorff, first dericic Antrobus, was for Dl "of the British his, McBh fl 0 here, sir, I belleve ou're the 'man who on the crowded it deliberately stuck your eye! De Stuff--Do you pondering what had be- abrella. You've brought a? King. toast of "The King" at nts, as naturally as particles of steel. Ev- | orst Enemy In Sleight of d, is a difficult plece of work to FEE IITTHTION PIAYS & r"'-- stammered the gossip, Our long acquaintance with this district enables wn to make as liberal lomns to owr customer ax sound Amancing will per- mit, Undoultgl Security to Drpositors, No Dviay in Drawing Your Mowry Futervat Pad or Comspommded Don't Wait till you baye a large smm to deposit. $1 will Open an Acrsot. PBogim with we Now ! Small Sariwge form the Baw of Large Fertumwer. zome *--try it your next cold. Canada is. Hourdd by three= aorans: bo " Canada's sea coast line eninld { half the coast circumference of the Tupiee a Year. WE CASH SALE NOTES. oh Bn ee BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5..... = 38s) Over 85 up to $10... 6 cts. Over 10 upto 30..10cts Over 30 upto 50..15 cts. For sums over 850 use Baxk Drarrs. Best and cheapest way to send LarGe Asouxts. Special Rafer. PORT PERRY AGENCY. s worst enemy, says Nina | 1,400 miles deep. { . a | Canada 1s larger in area than the { United States, as large as 30 United Best way to send small amounts | Kingdoms and as large as 18 Ger- Cashed free at any Back. | manys. - - Not Sleeping Well. { Without sleep there can be bodily' {and metal vigor, 'consequently {1 eplessness is a dangerous condi- B f. HUTCHESON, Manager, | tion. Nothing so surely restores sleep as Feriozone; it's harmless Anxious Mothers. The sumn e months ar. a bad t me for little ones and an anxious ume for mothers. Stomach inl bowel troubles come quickly during the hot weather, and almost before the mother reaizes the danger the little one is beyond aid. Io every home at this season there shou'd be kept a box of Baby's Own Table s, and at the first symptoms of illness should be given I'hey promptly cu e che lera infantum, diarrhoe and stomach troubles, and are just the thing a mother nceds at this time to k ep her children we Mrs Frank Moore, Brookf N.S, sevs: "[ alwa s keep Baby's Ow Tablet" | . hand in case of emer gency. 1 do nor kaow of any other medicine that can eqial them im cases of stomach or bowel troubles. And this medicane is absolutely sho itis sold wader a Ee i contain no opiate or harmful drug. You can got the Tablets from yoar med c ne de ler or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil- hans, Medicive Co., Bio kyille Ont. THE ARTS OF PEACH, Home Industries to Be Begun For the Boer Women. The Manchester Guardian of April 25 contained an interesting account of an attempt which Is being made im Orange River Colony to teach certain home industries to members of Boer households impoverished by the war. The scheme ia directed by Miss Hob- house and supported by a comthittes in England. The first experiment has | been made in the small town of Philip- | polls, where there are now fourteen girls learning the whole process of weaving wool Into garments, carpets etc., in the first place for homg use, but afterwards, it is hoped, for sale. As the writer points out, home in- dustries have a beter chance of swec- cess in a country like Ovange River Colony, that Is almost destitute of manufactories, than in an industrial country like our own. The giria It is sald, astonish their teachers by the processes by which wool Is converted from the raw material into the finish- ed articles. It is proposed also to teach lace-making, for which there is said ' The creature. which wag 20Y man I ever met the power of mak- = J i i and covered with hair was em- 10 other men fall in love with him. rs in Clams with his hands | ™ean that he excited a passionate gaged Exing admiration and sfection, so much so just _a pourishivg, strengthening : tonic. Ferrozone vitalizes every Lake Temagami islands. | pant of the body, makes the fefved The Ontario Government will pot sell hardy, completely rebuilds the any more of the Lake Temagami ls- system. The cavse of sleeplessness. lands. Instead they will be leased fof jo removed health is restored --yofi Pe -- Te feation of which wil | an work; eat, sleep fecl like new result in the rancellation of the leasa 2171 using Ferrozone Don't put It is probable that a clause of the Jeasé ( ff =F rrozone costs soc. per box at will give the right to purchase at the _, yealers; get it to-day. end of the stipulated period If the les- ' see has ved up to the conditions. There - a we are over 1.396 islands in the lake which . i fx ome of tse most beautiful of Ontardo's Can rthern districts sam s, and very few of them og Mackenzie, Ungava and Frankhn ada's three have The last sale It 8 _.0 larger than China (proper) said, took place some tem Years ago. The building of the Temiskaming & Capada has a contiuous waters N arlo Rallway has had wy of 2,348 mile m the mouth ke quite emsy, and as _ RS to hale wy mers will ply on iis water of fhe Lawren to the head of sumer, touribs and campers will Lake Superior few difSculties in respect to trans- . : N The Ma River is wit s portation. There are a number of ap- plications om file for the purchase of tributaries, 2,500 miles eqnal lease of islands in the lake but these 1, the distance fr Liverpool to willl mot be considered, having been re- | py 0 eefved prior to the adoption of a policy - in regard to the islands. The wildest publicity will be given by advertisement | to the Governments nleations, apd the | ¥ "e new applications will be dealt with as a" i Er emer eat will retatn A Tribute to Robert Louls §4cbensor/ ineral and the usual Crown rights Andrew Lang the English critlo, - wr a presents In his Look of reminiscences Bhot the Wild Man. a view of Stevenson which will appeal to many who knsw the author only Capt. Owen dot, reported tn Vie orks B. C - tg Dh hag through the medium of his books. Says seen and shot mt the wild man pre- Mr Lang a viously reported to have been Seen neas Mr. Stevenson possessed more than when the Indians came, and thinking hing a bear, shot at him and wounded hima. The man ran away shrieking that I verily bejeve some men were Sealous of other men's pace i: his Mk The Indians returned to Union much 0% I t nger who, hav- frightened. and reported having wound. 108 become th him, spoke of him with a tou g fondness and ed the wild man Search parties sent to look for the creature have fallod Pride his fa ing, as it seems Residents of UnSon and that vicinity ed, in a fond coatemplation of so much firmly belleve fm the existence of the genius and charm What was so tak- wild man Some allege that he is a 08 in him? And how is one to ana- young mam whe Cissppeared twelve lyze that dazzling surface of pleasan< p try. that changeful, shining humor, wit, = wisdom, recklessness, beneath which The Early Rising Law. beat the most kind and tolerant of Bas Been hearts ™ - ie wv ig It is a common experience for read- authority that ear'y rising tends ... , «ps1 in love" with an author to promote fmsanity, and that our Yn- ging pis works and then meet With a disappointment on personal acquaint- ance. Stevenson has hosts of adorérs who never saw him His creations I> cught is Sti suficlent Seep, and y.ke hold upon the hearts.of his read Joss than SiS3t Sr Dine SNe eli ers. Evidently his art was not mere ough. %s xamcs too st Vo lterary jugglery, a frank interpre= SrEiupry Sites uc) too poh Tro tation of life as he knew {t or wished mental pow he task to 1° XDOW it and as he felt It or wished sufficient yest, Bisoy with to feel it. Bot much better than staying out for a lark Reason must be used and cer- | La) A Wonderful Memory. to be a good market, and to Tish all the industries on a basis of co- operation with co-operative credit for the purpose of buying machinery, tools, ete. The girls have takem to the schemas with much eagerness. Some of them come to Phi'ippolis from outlying farms a good distance away, and the work 1 it may 4 § i ; i ¥ iY be most happy to give any details com- Hobh 'e rm wn | M dertaking at Philippolis to these wh: lord of - may apply to her, or to receive amy sult. There eomtoiraiicns, [ajesty's qualities as a er of this powerful Em- 2 ceful and fitting re- | repeat word for word a book he had just read. On one occasion be made 8 four-year old girl while call went Sr ue Se a ing ou a peighbor was asked "Is Mr. . H * and In the evening gave a list of all thd arrv-| articles sold, the prices paid for them the names of the purchasers. The eagerly inquired, "Eva, is Mr. Huich occuracy of bis memory was In this cased attested by the auctioneer's clerk, who followed the recapitulation with bis book and'found that in no case had fhe man of wonderful memory made @' I 16 : § f bs i i and now and then. are what vex or soothe, cor~ rupt or purify, exalt or debase, barba- Fah rize or refine ms, by a constant, steady, & uniform, Insensible operation, like that * of the alr we breathe. They give thelr - | whole color to our lives. According to | thelr quality they aid morals, they supe ing his luggage opened, ib---------------- A Bad Recollection. = First Barber-- Whew! That barm~ ard is Incessently en- nations more close- Sata Nn years . #0 great his fear A as EE 118e siury get inte the news- stormer must be a bad actor! Second pve ays: "It is earnestly ta PEPE Ditto-- Why? First Barber--When F bo hoped that wa never shall be af war > ek ie | aed him A be wantad an erg shaun with our friends in the United States. | A ot poo he jumped right out ef 'he chair . but still it is only right for a mation: Arne. te siovies $3 O5 Bessmin sad made for the door! i i to cotisider aif Fi Er: hope never to ought lowing: The statesman was in love phere 00 : ivi © be prepared for war, THR 2 wide Ne Inia Levis Bad Either Ways there Iu little chance of ever having to Hing by the winfow, saw Mum ap- Mr guy--No, 1 don't want any; contend. Here we have a 6.000 and the to miles long to defend It is absciutsty ®2¥ hat she was not af home When necessary for the Empire that we should the maid reached the hall the states- have of the sea We Tam way Lansiw 52H - should be starved out if we fatled te NF LT 2" Td a we tor should be unable to defend our Em. Mrs. Lewis" was the caim. statesman. Te yin oes trope sores the Hike veply. "But I Soars know when she ocean. On the other hand, we must re- Will be ber tF at we may ther do that predominant power at sea, still it Facil "but certain Somes will not in any way nations from being able to make land attacks upon us, of which the United States might be one" _ 5 k { i) H { #

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