ax you th wre ors sores ave fast?" Her eyes were opencd to thelr utmost limit, and she kept a furtive on the seat. / Crawford guided the automobile over "fhe last cobblestone street that fed to the country road. "Just poking," he sald, staccato. What 'ste dala In indignant woman would want £3 Ty @ brats capable of starving and her to death?' "My child, those are cultivated char- 6s, cultivated merely to wh. four admiration and undying regard. My. real disposition Is so gentle as to make a lamb seem stern and unrelent- ing. But I couldn't afford to follow thé dictates of my tender heart. You would say I was lacking in will power. I am ruling you with an Iron rod, Oh, ladye fale, and you sit right there until you promise to me." An hour later he wondered if she were asleep. The bundle of rugs had remained a silent heap while he tramped the road, He took out his watch and struck & ~ "But this is my first trip in one. My! match, €ouutry blood is feeling congealed," she gasped as the machine leaped from the last layers of cobblestones and here all night. I wept whizzing along the dirt road, { Se put on more speed, and they rushed on madly, Crawford gazing in- tently before him. She remembered stories of people who had suddenly been struck with in- sanity, and little cold chills crept up and down her spine. "Aren't we running away?' quayered. i "That's exactly what we're doing," he said ealmly. "In fact, we're elop- lamation | that precedes a have refused me twelve times, and I have my own superstitions about try- fag the thirteenth." She looked at him somewhat hopetul- ly. At least his memory was not en- firely gone. « * geard you last week at the Rich- fey's dinner party," he continued, "say. Ing that you liked the strength of pur- pose of the men of the middle ages; - that men of today were apathetic crea- Sares without a. propér supply of back- Bone. You went 0 far as to say you would prefer being kidnaped by a man of that type to belug begged and teased sand lmplored by the men of today. Now, my child"--he turned toward her, smiling broadly--"you will have the goodness to behold your fairy god- mother," patting his chest that she might locate the said godmother. "I am giving you your wish. You are be- ing abducted In the style of the middle ages." } "You're a brute!" she sald conclu- sively. "Ob, not quite so bad as that!" ew tenuatingly. "Of course 1 could not furnish the absolutely proper stage set- tings. You will observe that I bad to omit the white palfrey. I dida't plan this in time to advertise for a white palfrey, and I thought I might not be able to handle you ds tenderly, charg- ing along upon one, I'll admit that the up-to-dateness of tluls machine in- troduces a false chronological note'-- porrowfully--" but won't - you admit that you are more cemfortable?" "I hate you," she responded icily. + *That's no obs aclé to a determined Bulght ot the widdle ages." He was exceedingly cheerful, "lp fact, diffi- culty lends charm to an adventure." "You'll take me home this very mis- utg]" she commanded imperiously. : | "Not so were the Babine women : obeyed." He was tragically firm. A . "I'll get out and walk." "You might if I slowed up the ma- chine" He put on more speed dellb- erately, "But jumping out just at this btage of the game would be a some what dangerous feat" She dropped Into her seat resentful . ly. "I have heard of a proverb, Mr John Crawford"--the sarcasm fo ber voice was Intense--"that has probably never been entertained by your be nighted mind. Possibly you have heard that there is a difficulty In getting a ; borse to drink, even after you have led him to water?" i + "My dear girl, your positive and : strenuous knight of the middle ages i would have staked that horse right there until he got so thirsty he would Bave neighed for water." She sat in silence for the next half hour. 2 . "I'm almost frosen," she said petu- ¢ lantly. "Perhaps it's part of your plan that I get my fingers and nose Crostbitten." J . "It's too bad," politely, "but when- i @ver you are ready te marry me we : will head this machine for the nearest minister." "Then we will wear this automobile $0 a frarzle. I hope you have a per- p petual motion motive power and dou't | depend entirely upon gasoline." "id Crawford gave her a startled glance ; from the corner ef his eye, surprised 7 that she knew the machine would net keep on indefinitely. "Qh, that's all right," cheerfully. She relapsed into ber sulky silence, and for the next hour Crawford went steadily ahead, whistling occasionally to relieve the monotony. He turned the machine Inte a lonely road branching eff from the main road. They passed over a swampy spot that fhe nutomobile almost refused to take. He drove farther into the meglected wildness, and the automobile suddenly stopped with a snort. "Suffering saints," he exclaimed dis- you would only consent to be ohn Crawford tonight we would 'find 8 house somewhere where [ "Eight o'clock," he said in surprise. "It's really not proper for you to stay on't think Craw- ford is a particulas undesirable name to bear." "I'll-I'll m-marry you," came in | quavering ones from the bundle of ! rugs. "At the very first opportunity?' he asked eagerly. Yes, Better get a disagreeable she thing ever with as soon as possible," dejectedly. ' Xs jumped quickly into the automo- 't touch me," she sald. "I hate you. hte you, bath ou. 4nd Tm. ging take for 80 ake IO% dn isers e as I my He put his band on the lever, and the machine shot forward energetical- ly. He drove forward,a quarter of a mile and, turning suddenly, came in| sight of a house brilliantly lighted. "The minister lives there," he ex- plained composedly. "I found him yes- terday and told bim to expect us any time until 10 o'clock. I have a license in my pocket," he added. When they came out of the mints. | ter's study and Crawford helped her into the maching she sat rigid, giving him gs puch of (he seat as she could possibly leave vacant, "I forgot to Lring any rice and old shees, but perhaps they were not used | in ye olden times, Nevertheless this | is a lovely wedding journey, isn't it?" persuasively. "Mr. Crawford," she sald stiffly, "I would bave you understand one thing right now. Uncle Tom bought an au- tomobile three months ago and taught me how to run it. I could have left you all alone to tramp .that country road if 1 had wanted to." He heard a suppressed giggle. "You unmitigated fraud!" he ex- claimed, pulling her toward him joy- fully. "By George, I'm glad it only run this - eloping Gadzooks!™ takes one arm to steed--I am e'en so Followed the Fashions. The little daughter of a fashionable mother Is accustomed to bear a great deal about the things that have "come fn" or "gone out" of style. After a visit to Sundny school she attempted to repeat to her younger brother some of the miracles performed by our Lord. He was a most attentive listener, and when she had finished sald: "Do you believe that, sister?" "YWhy, of course I belleve it, Jacky. It is trie." "I didn't know things could really happen like that." "Oh, they don't now," she replied in a superior tone. "All that sort of thing was years ago and has gone entirely out of style." Upon one occasion she had visited geveral stores with her mother during the autumn millinery openings. As they were returning home they passed a market, with its wares displayed in the window, "Oh, mamma!" she cried, "look, quick! Turkeys are coming in style again. The windows are full of them." --New Yerk Times. One of His Linbilities. During a recent financial panic a cer- tain city magnate, like many others, found one night that his real estate was unsalable, his firm bankrupt and his money locked up In a suspended bank. In deepest despondency he walk- ed slowly bome and greeted the com- panion of his joys and sorrows. "Mary," be said, "I'm ruined. So's the bank. So's the firm. I've lost my money and my house and everything-- everything." "No, no, John," erled the loving wife as she cast herself upon his breast, "pot everything. You haven't lost me." "That's 80, Mary," replied the unfeel- ing brute; "that's 8a." I never supposed that amy of the liabilities would disap- pear."--Lendon Times. Hew Disraeli Dissembled. Here is a story of Disraeli, the au- thority quoted for it in the diary of Bir M. E. Grant Duff being 8ir Thomas Banderson: A famous @iplomatist once went to -see Lord Beaconsfield, conversed with him and found bim very agreeable. $oon after the waiter who had shown him up came and asked him for a present. "But why?' "Don't you remember?' was the an- swer. "I showsffiun up te Lord Bea- consfleld." oS p-- CONTINUE i Bann un uld Seater' ts the treat ent away wit high is fs attached to f' ucts during the * Send for free sample, SCOTT & BOWN! T KE, Chiamiues, Sr. and $103 all dragging, A LOVER OF SNUFF. The Queer Will and Funeral of a Queer Englishwoman. The will of Mrs. Margaret Thompson, which is preserved as a curiosity at Somerset House, England, is a tribute to the delights and consolations of snuff. The testatrix directed that in her coffin should be buried with her all ber handkerchiefs and sufficient of the best Scotch snuff to cover her body. This she preferred to flowers, as "noth- ing could be more fragrant and so re- freshing to me as that precious pow- der." Further, the six greatest snuff takers In the parish of St. James, West- minster, were to be her bearers. Six old maids, each bearing in her hand a box ly with the best Scotch snuff to iment as they uff. Ate ty yards 8 ful of snuff was to be delivered to the bystanders, and at the door of the tes- tatrix's house were to be placed twe | bushels of the same quality of snuff for | gratuitous distribution. In order tosn- | sure the carrying out of her wishes the testatrix made the legacies given by | the will dependent upon an exact and literal fulfillment of the conditions above named. In closing she bade all | concerned to regard snuff as the grand cordial ef nature. He Tried to Follow Directions. | Dr. Willlam Osler, formerly of Johns Hopkins, now reglus professor of medi- | etne at Oxford, was talking, during his recent Canadian tour, about the im- | portance of precision in the writing of prescriptions. "Wherever a sentence may have two meanings," sald Dr. Osler, "rest as- pured that the wrong meaning will be taken. Hence, it is important in pre- scription writing and in directions to patients that the greatest clarity and precision be obtained. "A young foreigner one day visited a physician and described a common malady that had befallen him. "Phe thing for you to do" the physician sald, 'Is to drink hot water an hour before breakfast every morn- ing! "Write {t down, doctor, so I won't forget it said the patient "Accordingly the physician wrote the directions down -- namely, that the young man was to drink hot water an hour before breakfast every morning. "The patient took his leave, and in & week he returned "Well, how are you feeling? the physician asked. ® "Worse, doctor, worse, if anything,' was the reply "'Ahem. DId you follow my advice and drink hot water an hour before breakfast? "I did my best, sir, sald the young man, "but I couldn't keep It up more than ten minutes at a stretch. Great Britain controls twenty-one out of every hundred square miles of the earth's surface. into gZr H. H. Stone will make your Spring Suit to suit you, and fit both your person and your pocket. Order arly and be assured of the best atisfaction, - ee et TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THF WoORLI Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issut ickets to all parts of the world anc o supply all necessary informatie! to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to hi jumerous Ticket Agencies for Rail oad and Steamship lines, he ha: seen re-appointed Ticket Agent for he Grand Trunk Railway. Partie: tending to travel will consult thei wn interests by consulting Mr McCaw before embarking on a trip Farm for Sale. QIOUTH-HALF lot g and South Ny west quarter of lot 10, con 3 Township of Brock, consisting »{ about 80 acres good Farm Lanc vith house and barn; also 20 acre: Hardwood, and 50 acres Pine Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac. Apply to owner. H. B. CLEMES, Port: Pern Dec. dec. 8, 1902. MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from private riies for investment oy nortgage ! rdf FER CENT and those who wish t renew old mortgages, bu; more land or td, Jbtain money from us withont auy doiny, (and v iuletly). e have Slutomiere who waut to b: farm' also those. who would exchange bus esses for the same. If yon have farms or pro erties for sale, commercial, meck chanical. or business o oy kind, Dioase sen d_ description of save re and Life ee iT» Feral Sua LUND & CO., 28 Victoria Stree , ToRoNTO A ary of EN RE 7s ography oth The New and Enlarged . Edition Contains New Gazetteer ot: the he World 25,000' titles, bused on the F YOU WOULD H IN HATCHING | OR TURKEYS, you sh purchase "The Chath all Incubators, # Let ue lista li of the most effective hatch built, It has double walls, whic| packed with Mineral absolutely fireproof, and non-conductor that conld It has Automatic, Thermo lator, Selfventilated made for a Canadian Peo) Canadian Firm that hus a maintain, THE CHATHAM will hat 4 robust chicks, from stron eggs. than any other mac FUEL CHATHAM will pay you y . Shan any other Tnvestunat mide the ! Sr. Ueorge Lee, Greenbank, Ont, wiley as follows ;-- N. Isoram, Porr PErkY, ONT. Dear Sik. --1 am more than doligh with the ha a to Vent at this tins of yo year al 50% better than hatching with heb can "cheerfully recommend The Chat every persop coutemplating buying [ncubator, as you cannot make a m hy so doing. i THE CHATHAM is sold on tines in one, two or three payments, required until next October. When purchasing eggs for bath t «ure you are receiving 'them rom heathy stock, \We can su the very best, and agive to raf clear eyy returned, free of cl have the Burr Oxrixaros, thi Winter Layers; the Burr Li Ladies' Idol; and the old ln BarkeD PLYMouTn Rocks. Cal COCHRANE ST, Port PERRY. OQ merits. The Internatio: greater = distinction upon its merits and 13 in mare general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. TI. Bayce. LL.D., D.Ds, or Ox! University, England, Las re it: It is indeed a marvelous dificult to conceive of a dictio exhaustive and complete. B in it -- not only what we might' find in such & work, but also wh us would ever have thought of A supplement to the now brought it fully up to date, 1 looking through tho latter with. of astonighment dt its complete the amount of labor that hag into it. . Xi LET US SEND YOU "A Test in Pronunciation" whiclt easunt and instructive over mment. Illustrated pamphlet leo } G.6 C.'MERRIAM CO. Springfield, years, I would rgspectfull ny have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to CE Ven asels AS returning th: ; patronage ge ton am, as usual, no XL 1 take great pleasure in announcing that my New Mills are now completed and in full oper- ation and that I am betler than ever prepared to the requirements of my friemds and the general public in every line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- - mess. Correct business. principles, prompitude uy courteous treatment may be relied on. JAMes © CARN BOI marous customers for the Store cannot fail to please customers. he can give botter = premises, un. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. RR SICK 7 Po The anders gned won d take this opportunity-of Shanking his nu- liber:. patromage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public Sw that he haa moved his business from .he Market building to the where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that Having new and increased I. J. WHEELER. fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that isfaction than heretofore, and in erder to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new Dictionary has won ab] otory work. kept in stoc of my goods w 1} at nes b Intending purchasers will find. thi giving ne a call hefore lookin, can be suited in quality Be xperience in the trade putavle guarantee that pertectan will be given by any article Everthing in m fv Tbe q constantly on han promptly attended to. JO Port Perry, Dec. 1, 18f 2: Hotel, where he kinds of Boots. vw STHE THIEF OF TIME / is also the robber that teals from many a buei- ness man the opportunity lo become wealthy... .... IT IS°NT A BIT TOO EARLY Papering, ting, Paper and Paint fucaisbed i Yequired {Sucesosor to) A. Rodman, ) z doors north of Mr, Widden PORT PERRY. 'EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received 'during the many years [ have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announeing that I have removed MY . LIVERY to my former place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend in- creasc facilities #0 that the public may he better accommodated with=safe and desir- p. able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER, Port Perry, June 21, 190 1900. Located in Our New Premises| > S.T.CawkeraSon A7 ISH TO ANNOUNCE that W that they are now comfort ably ensconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always find an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please. | A full supply of Meatsof the very best grades, and cut in dimension: to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive promp! attention. S. T. CAWKER & SON March 3, 1902. Sealed Tenders SEALED TENDERS will BC received by the undersigned fos the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties -- belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auctign on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale, J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto Nov. 30, 1899. B80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE ~ ficrican, hag foes a Jiarvens, oir Bats ier 37 "Scienific Hs Agrouitural Machmes | store | 'OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. F 1906. 1. WHITBY D. C. Maodonell, Whitby ~J sow- ry March 2, April 5, May Fon Ab riber 6." Uosber November 1, Dee- Jer 5. AWA - Clerk, D.C. Macdonell, Wily dune 3 iy Februs: y 3, March 3 } Ap £, Ma: Tope) her 7, Octobe! Novem\eer 8, Dec: Inert, Tae 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood -- Jane - ry 11, March 6, May 8 July 10, September 11, Nov. ember 8, Joo 11, 19%. 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J Burnham, Port Perry g uouary 13, March 8, Mo 9, July 11, Bsplember ovember 10, Jun. 13, 05. 4. UXBRIDGE Clerk. Gould, Usbrdge--. January 12, March 17, PS. Pe July 14, Beptewbes , Novewber 2, Jun, 12, 5, CANNINGTON Clerk, (eo. Smith, Canminglon. January 11, March 16, May 18, July 13, Septem! 1, be 25, Jan. 11, 106. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bric rion -- January 10, March ls May 17, an Nov- ember 42, Jun. 10, UPTERGROVE- Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Tltrgiove --Murch 14, May 16, 8eplember 12, Novem 1, By order, - cd J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whithr, } Nov. Len, 1 1904. Qeneral Blacksmit hing _ The undersigned Tiwiner opened business in the: Step alley couged by Me. Bal Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, is prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas- onable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. + S. W. SWITZER. Port Perry, | Sept. 16, 16, 1902. © PAINTING Kalsomining, &c "HE undersigned wonld take this oppor _ tonity of thankiug his nunierous pat- rons for their liberal and still in ring patronage during the time he has carried the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. Parties entrusting their work to me may ely or. haviug it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &¢,, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage sol cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593, ~ JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director Patronage Solicited." pl ANE * x