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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jan 1906, p. 1

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------ y est current rates. to out-of-town accounts, taken for collection at lowest rates. PORT PERRY BRANCH, : = RANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA ENGLAND gs Department --Deposits ofone dollar and upwards received in this department subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. mers' Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and og Dealers, and Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes QOashed ol Blank forms free on application. CHAS. BALLARD, Manacer. gy ND THE UNITED STATES. Interest at high- University ; M.B; Toronto University, GEO. . JACKSON, . Membr 01 the College of Phys _sdrgeons, Ont.; Liceutinte of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the: Royal College of Physicians, Edin- * arg; Member of the Casals. of Physicians ad 3 irgeons, Glasgow; Late ident Pupilof tas R)olunda Hospital, Dubin, far Women. Oifice and Residence, second past favors. door west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, {and continued patronage he de: Queen Street. Office honrs--9 to 11a. and 2 to 5 p.m., and evenings. 1 have taken @s pactoer, my brother, Dr R. Archer, 3M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuvsiciaN, SURGEON, &C. Office and Residerce, Queen 8t., Port Pesry foe hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1 to3 pm. "sud Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night snd day over the lines south, counec with the residence of G. L. Robson, v.8. DY D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria OF CARTWRIGHT, on his part to make him successes. with promptoeas and dispatch. on application. the Observer or Standard Offices, CHARGES MODERATE. Nov. 1, 1901. isfuns and Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI) ISHES at this the commencement ef another Auction Sale Season to re turo thanks to bis numerous pa rons fer In requesting their esteemed s to state that no effort oF pains will be spared | sales entrusted to His very extensive practice in the past should Le a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into hix charge will be attended & Sale list made out aad blank notes supplied free, Parties wirhing to engage his services may consult hie SaLz RrcIsTEw either at Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address & Phone at Residence, No. 31. = GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. O. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894, AUOTIONEER. T BARRISTER, &c. me favoring Cesares, Aung. 26, 1806. Sotaarror, Con HE undersigned takes this opportaaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnnge he has recel as Auctioneer in and guonpent of the fp, The increased experience and to F. M. arnold: lo tensive practice which I have had will he =. Ont ta) to advantage of patrons, and parties with their sales may rely on y No THOS. SWAIN. £100,000 STERLING (British Oapital) To lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent. on good Mortgage Security. | Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. Jamieson's Livery FPHE undersigned takes th opportonity of thanking the Inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding country for the liberal and still increasing i bestowed upon Lin Lh u Por 0d ho futimdtes that Lie is better than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. Having extensively added to VEYANCER, at residence, 6th Co (one mile west of Port Perty, Monk To Loax. BL MoR _N. F. PATERSON, K. C. ICEN-ED AUCTIONEER for _4 County of Ontario, Manchester, Jun. 19, 1899. JOS. BATRD the Sale Register at the OpsrrvER Office Patronage solicited. my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage in overy H. McCAW, ISSUER OF Paudister, Solicitor, Notary blic, Sc. Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. . Toronto, March 31, 1898. E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B, Count J Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer / Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1 WM. SPENCE, \IARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. 883. Township Olerk, Commissioner, &c. respeet--in every way suit. able for private driving. wed. dings, funerils, &c. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or slugle rigs and care- ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required. or Gold. Fillings, Rridge and Crown Pork a Specialty. Vitalised Air. Dr FD. McQGrattan > (DENTIST) ; al College of Dental § Dons. of T uid I ge u in the Allison Block over Allison's fee - Ding Store. Family Newspaper 1S PUBLISHKD AT PORT PERRY, ONT. H. PARSONS 'Office hours--8§ a.m. 106.30 p.m. Port Perry, April 9, 1902 J. A. MURRAY, TERMS. -81 annum, if Ea paid up. untdi arrears ure ADVERTISEMENTS measured charged according to 4 LIBERAL by the yest or half year. fi TR Had North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and EVERY THURSDAY MORNING paid io: dvanoce ; if nox $1.50 en for less ny ed best routes, &c. LETTRES , when sddressed REG! o shpiint (4 pin AR pag gerbe ng ADVERTISEMENTS received [ogres iti intending to travel will consult their rh ! i © "verte: own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. ile Sa bal rebate aint oth: | THESE terms will in all cases be striotly adbiared to '3y . JOB DEPARTMENT. Camada's Greatest Nurseries le colin Eveits and EERE grt NOW at tho Best Selling Season [Rr "H, PARSONS. th wing Court House, hitby, I possess a number of good Out. = prepared to Loan any quantity of Money Spring and Dray Wagons and on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per will, at all times, attend to cent (Trust funds) Carting with the utmost care W. A SANGSTER, All kinds of Sonveyanciung executed with and promptuess neatness aud dispatch. I wish further to sta DENTAL SURGEON. Office--One it west of Town Hall, in future suitable ola yhat ee Manchester. will be ut the Railway Depot Office Honrs--9to 12am, 2te 6 p,m. Mauchestor April 11, 1888, to convey passengers and bag: Also open Saturday evenings. gage to private residences, and | ie will also canvey passengers and haggage to the Depot in time for departing traios, on being given notice - WAL JAMIRSON. | Port Perry, Ju'y 39, 1903. | Tickers To ALL FARTS OF THE| Worn. --Mr. W. H. McCaw, Pert | Perry. is now in a position to issue | tickets to all parts of the world and | to supply all necessary informatisn to parties asto the cheapest and! In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Bicket Agent for! the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties | Por it Cares for Bvery Bex cine 1a Outarfo whuse Pareuts Cuunot Afford to Pay For Treatment. a8 2 3 The Hospital for Sick Children, College streep, Torunto, appeals to fathers aml mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nur-e within its walls every year. The Hospital is not a local institution -- but Proviucial, The aick child trom any place in On tario who can't afford to pay hac the same privileges as the child living in Toronto and wtrouded free. The Hos- pi tal had ast yee in ita betls and cots 8¥1 pa tients -- 316 of those wore from 217 places sutside of Toronto. The cost iy 1.14 cents pst patient per day, and there we e 13: sick little ones a day in the Hospital, Bince its RR XE foundation the Hospital NURAE READING A STORY. 8,000 of | were | " unable to pay and were treat- od free. MASSAGE. Your money can put goldet hinges on the door of the Hospital's mercy. Everybody's dollar may be the Friend in Need va Somebody's child. Your dollar may be a door of hope to somebody's child. The Hospital pays oat dividends of hoalth and ov suffering childhood on every dollar ~h of little chil THE CONVALERCRNTS awiNoING TCR. DUMB BELLS. If you know of any child in your neighborhood who ts sick or crippled or has club feet send the parent's name to the Hospital See what can be done for club-foot chil Iren. There were 33 like cases last year and hundreds in 30 years. " BEFORE Tr. AFTER Please send contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas Duvid son, Sec. Treas, of the Hospital for Bick Children, Collcge Street, Toronto. When Sugar Rove Copyright, 1905, by C. H. Sutcliffe "Don't forget that the matinee is at 2 o'clock--not 2:30. Are you sure you happiness to "Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronghitis, and all throat and lng troubles. "J have found is the best med, ehitis, telaeurs Correct any tefidency to ci tl tion with email lo Yof Ayers Phis. hey get ther It slowly to the sta that next train.' At quarter to 12 Tomas Blake, jun- for partner in the firm of Matthison & Co., sugar brokers, Wall street, con- sulted his watch, then closed his desk with a brisk little snap. "1 think I'll go mbw, Matthison" he said, glancing in #¢ the door of the ad- joining room. "Omly fifteen minutes more. Besides, T due to meet Mrs. Blake and the ki@s at the Hippodrome at 2 o'clock." 4 Mr. Matthison, & ealm, quiet looking man, looked up signing. "Might plied. "Business i§ as dead as a door- nail. We will alk get off by 12." "Mr, Starbuckle wants to see one of the firm," interrupted an office boy la- conically. Blake godded and efitered the tele phone booth. In & moment he shot out of the booth and into his partner's of- fice, clever, alaft, transformed by the and walk on fon. We must make whirl of al life that pulsed through hii at the sudden de- mand upon ft. |. "Starbuckle bas put up the price of fier tn points," he anngunced brief- Metthison whirled 'around In his chair, * "The dence he has!" he ejacn- ged condition of the phones were ringing, ed slips of paper or to desk, and a half boys tumbled up the the door. "queried Matthison. Iie balked at that three car d fof Mercer & Bwift's. Have to go n with them, I sup- o." | "Go ahead. | tend to the tele grams." g | Every sugar broker in Wall street to Starbuckle's office. my boy; get 'em all in!" shouted a jovl A man with a friend- ly whack at "Blake's back. "What keeps you down bere, anyway? Sup- posed you were at the Hippodrome by this time." - | Blake laughed, "Thought I'd Accept your invitation to sail down the bay instead." : The fat one chuckled. Once Inside Starbuckle's office the little crowd offense, earnest men paid scant at on to anything but the business iam few words of mem- orandum y jotted down on a bave your ticket?' queried little Mrs. scrap-of pape, then out again, hurry- Blake anxiously. Bhe stood at the top of the porch office, to the. i ing along the Busy street; back to the e tense absorption, the steps bidding her husband goodby, and same impatientyingle of the telephones, her éyes traveled complacently over the the m: in the steps. well groomed figure standing, hat band, on the walk below. "The = and black In that suit match yoW hair so welll" she said approvingly. "According to that, I shall soon have to adopt white flannels," he laughed. "00M. "Yes, here is the ticket, 'Left Center, G 48, Orch oo ame in Fru "ever offered. Big Inducements, Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Ouifit, Territory Reserved. Write for Terms and T [Caalogire and send 25¢ for our tadics trimming trees (culs iro 'Aluminum Pocket Microscope {mogmfies 4} Gimes) and Soc lov: our Handy , just the thing for | tals. Larg- SPECIALTIES t "What? Thought I kissed yon good: ! ," as two children rushed pellmell - 4 from the house and threw. themselves with a sigh Here's another, bis s still scrambling up Blake placed fhe slips on Matthison's desk. "All e said briefly. "Good," d the older man, and agnin the 'silence. gef upon the ly by the whir of the ticker Finally telegram The growing Financial Strength and Careful Management of this Bank * Warrant Your Confidence. | LOANS SAVINGS | Our long acquaintance icith this district enablex us to make us Libered lonns to ody Customers as sound Anancing will per- Interest Undoubted Secnrity to Depositors No Dela, Don't Wait till you have a large sum to deposit, in Drawing Your Money aid or Compounded Twice a Year, the letters he was | t 48 well," he re- | | Baby's Own For sums over $50 use BANk DRAFTS. Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS PORT PERRY AGENCY. ry 81 10ill Open an Account. Begin with ws Now ! Smedt Savings form the Dave of Large Fortuness. | TIN 1 Qt Al T SAR AIS WE CASH SALE NOTES BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5..5..., 5s . 3s) Over $5 up to #10... 6 cts. { Best way to send small amounts Over 10 up to 30..10 cts f Cashed free at any Dank. Over 30 up to 150..15 Cts. Special Rates. | B. 6. HUTCHESON, Manager. | Dangers of a Oold and How to | Avoid Them | their ong More fatalities have fo or résult from a cold than from iny other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as here is no danger whatever from a old when itis psoperly treated in he beginning. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has een recognized as the most prompt ind effectual medicine in use for his disease. It acts on natnre's plan, loosen's the cough, relieves he lungs, opens the secretions and ids nature in restoring the system oa healthy condition? Sold by ail Iruggists. a him. "Blake, what do you say to let- ting the boys go home and entering up the rest of these contracts ourselves?' Blake nodded. It was nearly 4 o'clock Sunday morn- ing when little Mrs. Blake jumped sud- denly to her feet and gazed at the fa- miliar library with sleepy, startled eyes. Yes, she remembered how. Tom had telephoned dt 8 o'clock and again at 11, and through the telephone she had caught the buzz of voices and thrilled in sympathy with that irre- sistible force that sends men forth to grapple with the world As the little clock struck 4 the first faint twitter of a bird's call mingled with a man's firm tread swingiog briskly up the walk. Bhe flew to the door--to the porch-- down the steps--to be caught and held tight in eager, infolding arms. "There is no doubt about that new dining room rug now," he laughed softly. 8he glanced apprehensively across the street. What would Cousin Marga- ret say to a home coming at this un- seemly hour? Then she drew herself up proudly and regarded her husband with happy, tender eyes. He was mag nificent, she thought--transformed with the exultation of the conqueror. Cous- in Margaret could have her hand wav- ing, "Patience" playing, home staying husband. Thank heaven, she had mar. ried a man!" OHILDHOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is mare common in child 100d than indigestion. Nothing is nore dangerous to proper growth, more we. k ning to the constitution ir more hkely to pave the way to langercus disease. Nothing is mure easy to keep under control, for pro- yer food and Baby's Own Tablets will cover the whele ground Here is strong proof. Mrs. G. G. Irving, Trout Brock, Que, says: "My baby \ay was troibled with chronic indi- gion and was a constant sufferer. "Nothing helpcd him until I tried Tablets, bt these promptly cured him and he is now as healthy a litte Jad as you would care to see. 1 always keep the Fablets In the house and they quickly cure allthe troubles of 'hildhood." Every mother should keep these Tablets on hand. They cure all the minor ailments of ¢hild- ~en, and their prompt administra tion'when trsuble comes may save a precious little life. They are g raranteed to contain no opiate or narmfaol drug. You can gel Baby's Own Teblets from any druzgist or by mail at 35 cents a box by writ- 1ag 'the Dr. Willianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ---------- Family United at Christmas. A happy family reunion occurre i sn Christmas Day at the home of Mrs. Fish, wite of the late Rv. C United Empire Loyalist, and ore sided at ber own diner table ar da extended the season's greetings to six sons and three daughters, the Fish, at Parkdale, and danghter of 5 ; earliest settlers in York county | On Cheistmas, Day. Mes. Fish pre-| Branswick Shingles just aruved at snybody. first time in twenty-four years | [hose present were Mrs. Frederick | Fursman, Chicago; Mrs. (Rev.) F. | B Stacey, Boland, Man; Mrs J.| W. W. Stewart, peg; Mr Fred. Fish and De. Wesley F. Fish | Chicago; Dr. W. Ambrose Fish | Queen street east, Toronto; Mr. | Alfred C. Fish, Dunn avenue, To-| ronto; Dr. James G. Fish, Pierre, | | South Dakota, and Dr. G. N. Fish | Brougham, Oat., a nephew of the late Rev Rev, Henry A. | Fish, Kleinburg, Ont., with his wife Charles. and two daughters, were 'the only invited guests outside of the imme « Nr to ve of 4 . ed room, where a large Christmas tre provided entertainment for the six | children. Each guest was present | ed with a beautifully engraved] souvenir of the occasion, for the | grown-up a silver bon-bon dish, | and for the children a Toront souvenir spoon.-- The Globe The Grip. "Before we can sympathize wil suffered others we must have elves." No one can realize suffering attendant upon an atta of the grip unless he has had actual experience. There is p ably no disease tl at causes so mucl physical and mental agony which so successfully defies me 11 aid. All danger from the g owever may be avoided by tl rompt use of Chan berlain's ( Remedy. Among the tens of tf ands who have used this not one case has ever been reporie that has resulted in pneumonia hat has not recovered. by all druggists. remedy For sa -- -- Prince Albert. The Anniversary Services ol the Methodist Church will be held on | Sunday and Monday, Jan. 14 & 15, igo6 On Sunday, Rev. D. O Crossley, of Whitby, Chairman o the district preach at 10.30 a m. and 7 p.m. Special collection at each service. On Monday from 5 to 8 o'clock a Festal Supper will be serv- ed in the Parlors of the Church by ladies of the congregation. After which a Platform Meeting will be held when Addresses will be dcliv- ered by Rev's. D. O. Crossley, Whitby ; W. Cooper, B. A, aud B. Greatrix, of Port Perry. Port Perry Quartette and Miss Alice Weir will discourse Choice Music. J. MeBrien Esq. our popular School Inspector will occupy the Chair. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. By Order of Committee J. A. JEWELL, B.A, Pastor. Sell Your Cold tor $1 ? You surcly won't stop at a doollar bill to cure that horrid, sniffeling cold? Goto any druggist and. gel | *Catarrhozone' and your cold will be a thing of the past. There is almost witcher in the swift way mn which Catarrhozove kills colds. | But when you consider the pene-| (rating, bealing &nd antiseptic qual. | ities of Catarrhozcne perhaps id's not so wonderful. Certainly there] is no remedy hall so prompt tor olds and catarrh as Cararrhozove Refuse a substitute and insist on | ibe late Abraham Jolinston, son of} having ouly "Catarrhozone" -- en i §&r Large quantities of New Vickery's. A | gx Drv Pardvo.d $56 a cord at Vickery's i | other stones. we | ed by - Casmbesiain's Oou MresMichae! Hart, uperinteodent of Cart Servic Kinzstén Jumaica, West lodia lands says ont has years 'used Chsgiberlain n ough, 'ct S, without' iv her home, all drugglsts. loin mr Women and Mirrors. German statisticfans with no great burden of serlous work on their shoul- ders have been calculating what part of a woman's life is spent in looking at herself In a mirror. She begins, as a fule, at six years. From six to ten she has a daily average of seven min- utes, From ten to fifteen she devotes a quarter of an hour to her glass. At twenty she certainly spends thirty, minutes dally admiring hersélf and when past twenty a whole hour. The statisticians are tactful enough not ta #ay when 2 woman begins to take less interest in her personal appearance, but women more than sixty years gid do not, they say, spend more than ten minutes daily at their mirrors. All this time reckoned up--it Is a simple sum {nh muoltiplication--makes 7,000 hours, or about ten menths, at the mir- ror. They then proceed to compare the time which a man--a German man --devotes to this occupation and comé | to the conclusion that his average la seven months, The Breeding Stone, ' There was a curious superstition | which prevailed in Essex half a cen- tury ago. It was believed that certain stones possessed the power of breeding I remember belng taken by a man of the upper laboring class to see a well known breeding stone | which lay on the sward by the side of a lane In the parish of South Weald, near Brentwood, It was seemingly a water worn block of sandstone or poss sibly, I have since thought, of pudding stone, which would explain a great dedl It was larger thah a mat's hes with a cup shaped cavity the size of a small orange, in which lay a pebble about as big as an acorn. I was told that this pebble continually grew lar- ger and that if it were removed the breeding stone would begin to breed another. «It was evident that the man firmly believed what he told me, and he got guite angry when A Diiring Deed. - While the mutinous sepoys were at: tacking General Wheeler's intrench- ments at Cawnpur a shot from their batteries blew up the contents of = two wheeled cart loaded with car: tridges, It also set fire to the wood- work of the cart, which was standing in the place where the English ainmu nition was stored. Both the mutineers and the English saw that If the fire was not extinguished there would soon, be a most disastrous explosion. The sepoy batteries therefore poured in a deadly stream of round shot to prevent the English from putting out the flames, A young lleutenant, Delaforse, unmov- the concentrated fire of shot, threw himself under the blazing car- riage, tore away the burning wood with his hands and, throwing earth up- on the blazing brands, stified the fire before It could spread to the ammuni- tion. How he escaped the rain of buk lets is incomprehensible, Necessities of a Happy Life. There are two fundamental Recensi} ties for a happy life---namely, a useful secupation for mind and body and ad outlet for unselfish affection. The firs® requisite for enduring happiness is i» having work to do in which one be- lieves. Buch work always alms at the accomplishment of something useful. While this work must be done with fair efficiency, it should not be accom panied with too much drudgery or ex- haustion. The simpler the plan on which one's: living is modeled the less will be the! complications and disturbances caused | by an overelaborate scale of existence and the more time will be left for thé real duties and pleasures of life.--From "Vital Questions," by Dr. Henry Di Chapin. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolute.y Harmless Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1s petle ty safe for children to take. as it contains nothing harmful; Foe sale by all druggists. A Nataral Gonclusios. p A little New York girl, whose briet experience of life was confined to ex- istence in an apartment house, was visiting in Philadelphia not long ago, One afternoon, to amuse the child, vet cousin showed her a number of pho- tographs and views, meanwhile ex- plalning and answering questions con- cerning them. One of them was a pie- ture of Windsor castle, which, she we told, was the residence of the late' Queen Victoria. After looking at it & moment she {nJocently inquired, "What floor did she live on?" Laid His Fortune at Her Peet, "He done tol' me," said Miss Daphne. Dalrymple, "dat if I would marry him he'd lay his fortune at my feet." y "An' did he do it?" asked Miss Mi' ami Brown. a "Yas, he sho' did. It took his Jus' cent to pay fob fohteen yalhids of fms gruln cyarpet." TL SUI Free. . Miss Gaussip--I undesstand fre as good as married to Miss : Mi. Bacheller--Just as good and better. I'm net going to be m: ie miei twice his Worth. --Gracian ot "fo equal a predecessor ste Hust hve'

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