3 a RT aR A TR Ty LR EA ] hing must drive the pan "8nd wetves with Dr othe the nerve Etsell, * When I began using ams' Pink of my right leg were all drawn u and I could only limp along wit the aid of a stick. The pain I suff: ered was terrible. Only those wh have been afflicted with sciatica ca understand the misery I was in bot day and nights I took six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills before they helped me, but after that every day saw me improve, and by the time of the pain had disappeared. Every dose of Dr. Williams Pink get the name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fo Pale People," each box. Imitations are worthles --often dangerous. All dealers sell or six cokes for The Dr. Willams' Brockville, Ont. Medicine Co CE E-------- ee ---- -- -- HE OBSERVER HAs A Goon CIRCULATION. snd is con- stantly growing In favor, It is the BENT Advertising Medium in the Cotinty ; is the champion of the Agriculturists and more conservative and practical class of people in not a favorite of schemers, bomers and cliques; it is the Oldest snd Best Established --founded in 1857--the most original and best in its local and general news department and is printed entirely in the piace of pub. lication --Port Perry. te TxrMA--§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charg JOB PRINTING THE. MOST MODERN STYLES ND AT LOW PRICES North Ontario Observer. FOUNDED Nv 1857. Only Paper Printed and ruttistied in Port Perry PORT PERRY, JAN. 18, 1906. Although the elections in Great Britain, so far, are adverse to the 'late Government, the astute and greatest statesman that ever iived, Joseph Chamberlain, the man whe saved Great Britain from ignominy and obliteration, during the Boer war, does not in the least lose heart, owing to the ignorance of the elec- torate by being so tenaciously wedded to its rotten free trade doctrines and old foggy notions of what it deems constitutes civiliza- tion. Mr. Chamberlain describes Manchester as fickle and ungrateful. "We have as a party | been badly defeated," he said ; all, when the election is over you will find but, after that, although in a minority at the polls, we have carried with us nearly half of the electorate. The fact that things have gore ®zainet you should nerve you to further exertion, "You must fight to the end. We are on- | ly balf thcough the election. We cannot nlter the tendency which has exhibited it- self, but we can send back to Parliament a stalwart band. There ie no tide that flows so high that is not followed by an ebb. In my opinion in this case reaction will come sooner than in previous times. From the first I cpenly said I did not think this new policy would be carried in one election. We are prepared, we who be- lieve this policy, to go on to two elections, and if that is not enough we will go on to three, four or five. The Huntingdon Gleaner (Liber al) describes as hypocrites the Lib- erals who pretend to be horrified y the exposures of fraud and cor- a do do even better, @ they couquor Jie paiofel poison, en the muscles and banish very ache and pain. Mr. Thomas J Walkerton, Ont., says: Dr. Willi- ills I had been off work for three months. The cords had used fifteen boxes, every vest- Pills makes rich, pure, health-giving blood. That is why they cure head- aches and backaches, indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, anaemia, heart palpitation, and the ills that afflict women only. But be sure you enuine pills with the full on the wrapper around medicine these pills or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box $2 50 by writing -. | Italians, a Frenchman and a Chin- Joe Allan that grand and speedy young horse, who improved his po- sition in the last two heats in the 2.21 trot-or pace race on the ice at c | the Port Perry races last week and En property of Mr. S. "Sunderland, a gentleman e of the best judges of the Province, reluctantly Lindsay, being the lucky purchaser. This fast young animal will ere long make a mark for himself that will demonstrate that Mr. Hallet's exalt ed opinion of his capabilities were fully warranted. A farmer in speaking before an institute of bis profession recently said: "As a rule b the farmer knows no firmer friend than the Jountty press. The home ria that ported directly by the farmers, w o Ay back oe of the printer's sab- n | soription list and largely for what the mer- chant advertises. ow, brother, let us bf not forget our friends. Let us see that our burt on in paid vp and a year in ad- vance, if we can afford it. The Jas or the per s hts my battles shall have my Ds ts thie ; the merchants who advertise are the ones Jue make it possible for us $0 get a good local paper 1 | and the ofialye Bo who are too peguri- oun to advertiss ind ee supppt the. loeal s, : ive in return, If k | friends the oe io would soon Shui Care of business. --Exchange, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be held in St. John's Presbyter- ian Church on Sabbath next, Jan. 21st at 11 o'clock, Preparatory service will be held on the Fiiday evening previous at 7.30. A large | attendance of the membership is desired at these services. Baptist C Church. Tr . Mr. Ephriam Viens, of Toronto, Special services will be commenc- | ed in the above church on Monday tn 22, and every night except Saturday, conducted by A. R, Park. The services will commence at | eight o'clock. Everybody welcome. After his long sickness, Rev. T Hagen occupied his pulpit here last Sunday | - | That Beaverton, The Express [says, is becoming quite Cosmopoli- | tan in its population is now an ac- | cepted fact | domination appear to be passing. | One day last week in one of our [hardware stores there were an Irish man, a Swede, two Scotchmen, an | Englishman, a Russian Jew, two ese--quite a good showing for one occasion and a mixture that would do credit to a western mining town. A Tuscarora Reserve Indian wo- man, who is the mother of twenty children, was married agaiff last week. She is probably of i ion that the additional worry of taking care of a husband won't bother her much. Cc Canada's Future. b Every Canadian to think that in the future Canada will loom large in the eyes of the world, and stimulus for the growth of a robust | patriotism is found in two speech: | es made a few days ago. On the eve of his return to Great | Britain, Lord Strathcona predicted that by the end of the present cen- | likes ol | population twice as large as that o | 100,000,000 people living in this country. Mr. 'Wm. Simpson, LE a during the year. sent system, The days of Scottish{°f the lot for the caretaking of the lots of the whole Cemetery; tice sooner some other system was in- augurated the better [not alone for victimized ones but for the Company as a whole. Mr. S. Jeffrey said a more efficient and practical manner could easily be adopted than the one now in vogue; why pot have a list of the shareholders and debit apd credit them "annually for caretakiog ex. penses-incurred and not permit any | liable to escape their just propor- tion in maintaining properly the tury this Dominion would contain a ing f| purposes of private lots; the re- Great Britain and Ireland combin- | ceipts would soon be exhausted and ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual, Mee tario Pme Gr re C8 1 try, on Mo On motion of Mr. Christie, secon ed by Mr. losing during the past year one the Company's most active and strenuous supporters in the persch of Mr. John Heard, and their sym. pathy with Mrs. Heard in the Toss | of her husband. The Auditors' ment got up in every way in creditable manner to all concerned, shows that the financial affairs of the Company are solid, and a bal- ance on hand of $625.99. | RECEIPTS. © * a &e.... Seis evak $1282 ¢8 EXPENDITURE. Salaries. a Troan Sandries ... Balance $1282 ¢8 On motion the Auditors' Report was received and adopted. The Caretaker's Report was pre- sented and showed forty-one burials converted Roman Catholic, will | $851-60. : preach in the above church on Sun- The Report was received and day next Jan. arst, morning and |adopted. evening. Mr. S. Jeffrey, seconded by Mr. J. H. Brown, moved, that the Direct- ors of the Company be authorized {and empowered to pass a By-law to regulate, in perpetuity, a just and equitable tariff for the caretaking of lots in the Cemetery. A long discussion ensued on the motion in which many took part. Brown objected to the pre- for he is creditably informed that only about one-third paying Mr. owners are was palpable and are of their lots. Mr. Rolph claimed that he had een on the Board of Directors, as now constituted, longer than any ther member and he defied any one to say who were the proper owners of many of the lots; he would favor of paying for caretak- ing of private lots out of the gener- eral fund provided the fund would | permit of it. Mr. McCaw objected to consum- the general fund for caretaking ad. |interests of Company's property According to this prophecy, chil- | neglected. ren now living may see close to Mr. Christie said the matter was an important one and he preferred Moreover, should this forecast be | to leave it tothe Board of Directors | become the dominating state in the British Empire. The glorious traditions and high ideals of the Old Land would con- tinue to exert an Empire-wide in- fluence, but in the matter of mere population and wealth, her premier colony would surpass her; and in the event of anything like an Imper- ial Federal Parliament having by that time evolved, this country would possess the preponderating voice therein. The® other cheering prophecy which we have mentioned was made by Mr. B. E. Walker, to the effect that, richly endowed as she is with fisheries, timber, coal and water powers, Canada is bound to become the great industrial storehouse of the world. And if ith I hor agriculintal pro- The Family Herald and Weekly I Sear of Montreal during December. handled aver - thousand sub- scriptions, which: other paper in receives in a whole year. It an enormous figure the that paper et ever reach. ed, but reports. say te. Say that I pay ¥ "the Board of Directors for Penhall Heard) were re-elected. | realized, Canada would thereby be- | to legislate on. The motion was now put and carried unanimously. On motion of Rev. Mr. Bates, the 1905 (Mr. in lieu of the late Mr. Rev. Mr. Bates moves that this' meeting acquiese in the geod judg ment and fine taste displayed dur ing the year by Mr. taker, in maining and caring for the property of the Company.--Carried. Bond, Care- On motion of the Rev. Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. J. H. Brown, the By-law passed by the Board of Directors amounts as salaries of the Offcers.of : wits confirmed. in r1gos, 'fixing stated On- McKnight, the meeting gave expression to their regret at 'Report, a docu- a| Cotbpany's gro Total receipts the injus- the it would be Bon and withd of the Direct: "Hickey p $150, and to take acti Mr. Chri its earlies! resignation accepted. declaration chair. fedm Mr. T. Jas. Lucas, received. On motio struck : Allison: Waddell. Fire and Allison. and Band--M 1906. Clerk was i Mr. Allison pointed to rates. ried through ried th Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery hailing from | Cemetery prof on him, remar! verite) would giw | minutes in which '| Mr. ' | easily frightened there had not alr doneon hislot, sad therefor, than the Cemetery. a assin finally out puting hi On motion of Reuben Bondy taker -of the at an increass It seems thal tion to the Cemetery stands that this eléven acres and he is of th that it would be wise t at the earliest possible. of and he would make a m would give the commitfee ed to purchase lands, anop On motion of Mr, Hutcheson was called tot The resignation of Mr.' candidate for Reeve was re On motion of Mr. Wi Mr. W. L. Parrish the candidate for Reeve bei by acclamation, therefore Applications were re Clerk for the office of Finance --Messrs, Indigent--Mesers, rish and Waddell. Street--The wh On motion of Mi Hutcheson and Alli ed to arrange for - On motion of Mr. for the required q On motion of Rev. Dr. D, Archer, M Officer and Mr. R, itary Enspector, "Mr. Allison int d rep for rew fi ors te Jtown from va point tors, the schooled nnmb apincss ble pear ; also oar ale i ,000 leompany's weekly payroll. He ob | grat tained the money from the paying of the were ion in the mat stie moves th mittee authorized to nego increased lands to . be ang the Cemetery property, t convenience, * on the Still property. --Calrgi On motion the Board a of Mr. Purdy date for the Reeveship for of office and J- Wid e report of weigh scal, n of Mr, & lowing Standing ni Light--Mg Waddell essrs, nstri and th collect Mr. Waddell intro by. properts aie "Height dare under the iw System; the nverage has been: $1,533.63. *|in favor of the new system, and Mr. *| Whitney would do well to give fur- "Iwill be thoroughly appreciated by . | been already brought to this country. g, of Tiffany's, New York, is=6f the '| discovered in Canada, probably in n given a "satis actory carriage to us "Tht morning the stranger was driven out to to Mount Pleasant but seem- ed ean as to which house in the neighborhood he wanted to be taken'to. He informed the driver tliat He was looking for the home of a family named Sutcliffe, and be 'was driven to the house he was Hooking for. _ When W door was opened in r ack, : grey-haired Here is an apparent saving in one | county of over $13,000 in running expenses in eight years. It may be that this'saving was not all due to the change of system, but. some of it is properly attributable thereto. It willbe remembered also that Mr, | McKay of the Municipal World, was able to show at a municipal] convention at 'Guelph that a very considerable reduction in the total expenditure of all the counties of the Province has taken place since the change of system. During the seven years ending with 18g6 the average total expenditure of all counties was $3,000,000, whild dur- ing the seven years subsequent to 'g6 the total was only $2,365,000. So far the argument appears to'be The latter, it appears, was Mr. Herbert Sutcliffe, and the woman was his mother. Mr. Sutcliffe left home when he was twelve years of age, about twenty-eight years ago, and this was the first visit to his home in this long period. He has travelled extensively through the West both: in Canada and it United States, andhis friends' aft home heard fromhimonly at rare in- tervals. He was not even sure wheth- er the Mount Pleasant near Peter- ther consideration to the matter before committing himself to the old order. willl borough was the place where his Ten ected home was. It seems remarkable Wire BE PROUGHT To CANADA THROUGH THE AGENCY OF THE SALVATION ARMY, THE MAJORITY as FARM LABORERS. the strong full grown man as the little boy from whom she parted nearly thirty years ago. . 2 London, Jan. 8.--<A member of the deputation received on Friday, by Earl Carrington, ia speaking to the Canadian Associated Press, sa that Earl Carrington's reply was the most fauorable of any President of the Board of Agriculture since The efforts of the Salvation Army on the lines of immigration were s¢* successful last year that arrange- ments have been made for ten thou- sand people to leave the shores of Great Britain through the same feney. ine the "comiug season. ne be selected pestle on d.thou- {the f ova, osetls one Eabungied thoy enforcement © the'cattle embar- go, and, in view of 'the utterances of other members of the cabinet, the members of the deputation feel very hop:ful that their efforts for the re- moval of the restrictions will soon be brought to a successful issue. as that each case is thoroughiy investigated, and preference given only to those who are likely to make good settlers, the efforts of General Booth's worthy movement every Canadian. CHARTERED STEAMSHIPS. The entire accommodation of three steamers has been chartered for this season's - business, and the first organized party of 1 500 will embark on the SS. Kensington, March 1st, arriving in Halifax ten days later. Many of these people are from the agricultural districts of Ottawa, Jan. g.--The Exchequer Court to-day condemned Messrs. John and Samuel Spencer, ranch- ers, of the Milk River district, in Alberta, to pay £6,000 to the Dom- inion Government in settlement of the claim for customs duty on 507 Birtain; in = fact. the 'majority head of cattle which they are are coming to Canada intent on | charged with having smuggled over engaging 1n farm work, and will | the boundary from Montana some be distributed to farms in Ontario on arrival. Farmers who have not secured help for the coming season will do well to write immediately to Brigadier Thos. Howell, Secretary S. A. Immigration Department, James and Albert Sts., Toronto. Many splendid tributes have been paid to the Salvation my for they excellent class of men who have three years ago. The Powles' Coa io dent of the Lindsay Watcliman- Warder says :--* The old year is past and gone but we don't see the veformation in the New Year that we would like to: see amongst the people who have the same love for' money. In spring of 1905 quite a : "= |large quantity, of water soaked into Dr. George F. King, minetalogist| he basement of the school house. It was entirely beyond: the power of' the care-taker to keep the water out, and the sthicol was' 'closed dre day on account of the. wafer'in the fur- nace preventing the building of a fire in the furnace. The. caretaker was paid $1 for bailing 'the' | water opinion that diainonds will 'vet bel Ontario, They:have already been found in California, North Carolina, Georgina and Alahama, and 3re Cray terhavé been brought by action from a Borther source our and at'the school meeting the was joy, and Ea Feil that the mother should ro explosion of a ton of dynamite ques Be was oa ms and t ere | on an. 24, all his . a i ~ Mr. M ] : ! eck nesday, shelS Hci Yoftiol 43.bif Mriend horses, time buttoning.u "urned to) rented his his dissolution -of Russia. = The overthrow of Turkey. The assassination of the Czar ot Russia. rh The assassination of the Sultan | of Turkey. Hi The prevention of three wars by President Roosevelt. A protracted race war in the South." +: , Destructive spring floods inthe nited States. A destructive eruption of Mount Flr Vesuvius. fas The activity of Mont Pelee and Popacatapeti. Volcanic eruptions in all parts of the world. The eruption of many volcanoes now supposed to be extinct. Great loss of life at sea by that someone in the bask, who had | seen Dennis receive the _mopey and count it, waited until he turned bis back, and then walked hurriedly toward the door, taking the bag as he went. The empty bag was found this afternoon by a boy in the hall. way of a building in Market street. A Cool Customer: Winnipeg, Jan. 14 --A daring 61d- -up occurred here last might in the hardware stare of Weir & Co. A man walked in and asked to be shown some revolver" cartridges. He quietly filled the cylinder of his £= 771 Tr gun as though only trying them and Store then proceeded (0 hold up the clerk Destruction of twa western cities and a customer. He secured no by cyelones. money from either, but cooly put Earthquskesin all parts of the artridge box in his pocket and | world. isappeared Destructive earthquakes in Cali- 4 . fornia and Philippines, ee les. Rebellion in Spain. Great disturbances all over Eur- Chicago, Jan. 6.--Five men were instantly killed, four others fatally hurt, and seven seriously injured by ope. : Spangler says further that the summer of 1906 will be hot and sultry throughout the temperate zone, with extensive death rate." That Christ will .make his spirit felt amongthe peoples of the Tg ed States and Eugland, in hid 1% conntties there . are i10 be fervent religious and potent political move- ment which are to overcome in a great degree the present spirit of graft and commercialism. That the United States will con~ tinue as a world: power and the: leader of other vaticns. That Pennsylvania is to have en administration of the people and | that discoveries of corruption will be made which will drive some of guilty to su'cide. at quarries of the Dolese and Shep- ard Company, at Gary, IIL, to-day. AD of the victims were foreigners who were laboring in the quarries. | It is supposed thata box cootain. ing a hundred'pounds of: explosives fell from the top of another case while it was svarming,. ptior to use for blasting purposes, and that the explosion: of this amount set. off the] rest of the two thousand pounds. Vancouver, B (J Jan, 15. ~The simon unrecognizable remains of Grorge Alexiene were found near Fairview, Okanagan, after having been dragged around the country for eighteen hours by » horse. Alexiene, a middle-aged man, was on_ his way to Inca- meep, ao jan sottlement, at the time of his dreadful deadful death. He had rid: den four niles, and had that distance still to go when he stayed at a friends house for dinper. Atl p.m. he rode away, and that was the last seen of himalive. At the inves- ation it Was learned that the-saddie turn- of and his foot rnd teed in the er the torr man over ae country. The track -eould be Aras or three miles by. the bloodstaine. Then the | animal took to the mountains and wandered aoat all night, dragging his victim. Worked Game Elsewhere. Guelph, Jan. s--How extensive were the operations being conduct- ed by the man Carroll, arrested here on Thursday in conection with he cheap magazine game, is be- coming more apparent as 'the time 'goes'on. There are over one hun-- dred letters at the post-office now, = A young Indian, winjeb on his Jn tn and every day sees the pile grow. ; shark a Joan, se he bose WORE From communications received | steps. He caught it and saw the body of | the Chief believe he is the same Try malin oe Tying he man who operated in various places nearby ranch end the body waa cut lose. - | throughout the province, posing as Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 14.--TIsido-|® machine and tool agent at Lon- - Schweitzer, manager far a House. [don and Toronto Junction. Ad the | furnishing firm, 'committed 'suicide | former he was known asRobert Du- in the presence of a room full of |°a0. 'and Samuel J. Holmes at Tar- guests, invited to attend his fare-| Ontos suburb. Brantford will send up a man tosee if he is the 'man well bachelor dinner, , Schweitzer was to have been married next who cut Such a wide swath among. the deal mutes, obtaini week. (ARer the dinner, which was a merry afair. : Schweit | money at Elmvale, M bis friends into another room. | Sea joke) in' . ie ns poh sii io eerages who are